Kike Flu

Anyone in any other states seeing a REALLY bad flu season? Anyone notice this years flu is Actually Targeting 65+ Community? Imo this shot is the "ChemTrail Flu" and (((They))) are targeting the demographic that receives the most Social Security and Medicaid payouts… Hmmm. convenient.

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Since yesterday, there has been 200 more people admitted to the hospital. 32 people are dead. How many are dead in your town/city/state Holla Forums

Its happening in the UK as well.

Haven't seen anything. I live rurally though. Not sure how i would find out beside bugging the hospital for numbers

We have more subhumans and 80 IQers acting as caring home staff or nurses.

I've been thinking it was weird why I haven't caught the flu from my mother yet, it seems to be a really bad one too. Brow liquid coming out of her noise is one symptom.

only on the news


I live in florida in one of the areas that have a huge geriatric population.

I have seen no evidence of a flu.

Never had a flu shot and only had influenza twice in my life, both times it was quite mild comparatively to those around me.

Haven't seen or heard shit about this particular flu season being bad but then again I don't consume kike media whatsoever and I live a rather isolated rural lifestyle.

I noticed a few Jewish TV reporters in San Francisco pushing Flu shot hysteria last night while reading about Oakland's Mayor refusing ICE raids.

It was noticeably weird and the timing a little off. You know how kikes operate when they're pushing something on the goyim.

Basically, avoid the outdoors.

< chem trails
Yeah, maybe. But there are lots of things that pollute. Way more than they tell you about. Filterman is right. Filter goddamn near everything!

I caught the flu a week before Christmas. Holy shit was it bad this year. The worst part about it was the body aches and pains. Those were the most severe I've ever had. I ended up at the hospital running a 103F temperature, and all they did was give me an advil and sent me home. It wouldn't surprise me that the elderly are dying from it.

I have not seen a single chem trail since onigger left office

Can confirm, My kike Newscaters are and we're pushing flushots like crazy, WHILE, telling people they're 10% effective. Ha, I never had a flu shot, I eat organic grassfed beef, organic chicken , Vegs, and I NEVER had the flu… I can come in contact and not get it… im superior.. kek
Really tho, turn on local 5oclock news. Can almost guarantee you'll hear something, my local hospitals are telling people stay home..


Cuz that would imply we're still being poisoned by the military industrial complex, which would in turn ruin yer Q is Trump and he Savin muh REPUBLIK meme.. haha taken 1 week ago Pic related

Thanks, user.

You can filter the water that comes into your home, using this cheap filter. Get one for before your water heater, and one for before your whole house's cold side.


Jerry brown is threatening buisness owners, gov employees and Civilians if they're COMPLICIT in ice raids or give 411 about illegals.. Imagine my shock when he said "We respect EVERYONES privacy"! haha


The side affects from Tamiflu are more interesting.

Well that's unsettling.

What the shit

I have noticed more grid like patterns of chemtrails in the sky, at least once a week. This is in a heavily populated city that's at least 40mi away from an airport.

The other theory is that it's the flu shots that have released this super flu to the general population. It seems to be pushed more than usual this year, so who knows. Just make sure your elderly relatives stay inside and don't get the shot, and check their air filter.

A thread died for this.


There's already a sticky for the memo. This thread is interesting, because it pertains to the question of relative safety. This is similar to the thread on the meteorite, which triggered a 2.0 earthquake, but wasn't deemed newsworthy. Literal plague and fire and brimstone, but no need to be alarmed, anons.

My libshit father in law was hospitalized cause of this flu. It’s no joke

These will help you get over your Kike Flu more quickly.

If it was an important thread it wouldn't be on page 24. Eat a bullet.

Imagine my shock. That being said, my elderly co-worker who got the flu did say that it was one of the worst flu's he'd ever had.

Fucking (((Pharma))).

Just getting over the worst flu of my life. And I was just sick last month, though that wasn't the flu.
It hit me Friday evening, and progressively got worse for 4 days. Only now am I feeling better.
Lots of people I know have been super sick this season, compared to many past ones. Even they are bitching about it.

Australian Shitposter Flu. It's fucking terrible. Worst flu I've had.

One woman in her mid 30s died of the flu in my New York village a few days ago

are they white people with minimal to no interaction with non whites?

OP, ask your grandparents, look to the past and you'll see, there never was such a thing as, 'flu season'.

I rarely get sick and had the flu something fierce this year. I'm mostly better, but still coughing out shit when I wake up.

The nursing home I work at in Tampa was on flu lockdown the past week. Nobody allowed to leave their rooms or their "floor". Nobody allowed in the gym. All staff needed to wear masks and gloves.


(((they))) realized older people are more conservative and simply deployed the strategy that they think will work best for midterms, killing off the boomers

I have seen a slight spike in sickness this year but they overblow it every fucking year. That being said my anecdotal evidence is that my grandmother's husband died from a combination of the flu and bad health this season. It was the morning of Christmas Eve too and happened in his sleep, everyone in the family had the same sickness and I brought it back with me, lost 8 pounds in a week and was still hoarse until last week. This was an extreme example because he had been struggling for years. He was pretty Holla Forums tier too, hated leftists, Muslims, pro-southern, and in his last few years he was calling out Soros and just about to the point of naming the Jew.