What do you expect of this game? I don't really know what to think, but Insomniac isn't that bad of a developer, their most recent game, Ratchet & Clank PS4, was pretty good gameplay wise, if we forget the easy as fuck difficulty and that worthless final boss. Of course it was completely worthless on a story level, but that's to be expected from an adaptation, and overall an adaptation of a garabage movie. Though I'd say it seems nice, there does seem to be dull game mechanics already, like the little cutscenes that take away your controller when Spiderman is going over several obstacles at a time (I'm talking about the scene where he's in a café or something and jumps around the table. It does seem like a sort of cutscene). But then again we can't really know, it's just a teaser and everything is overly cinematic.
I still think the combat looks nice, it reminds me of Spiderman 2 PS2.
Spiderman PS4
Web of Shadows or Spiderman 2 Melee but more churayzee
If they can't even make it run smoothly in the limited and controlled space of a trailer, there's no way the full game is going to be playable.
Right at this moment I don't remember what game it was, possibly some Ass Creed, but it had similar, uncontrollable sequences when you entered a room or building. It would turn into automatic mini-cutscene of you smoothly moving through the room and smoothly getting out, then you regain control. It looks exactly like that.
i'm pretty sure all the uncharted games do this
except in a different environment obviously, but they have tons of cutscenes going seamlessly to gameplay
I fully expect it to not feature proper web swinging. I also expect it to be completely shit.
It is Ass Creed.
i actually liked the web swinging and wall crawling in the pc version of spiderman 2
everything else about it was shit though
I think it was Ass Creed 3 that started doing that. The one where you are the Indian.
How can you tell?
Because what are the chances it won't be?
I want it to be good because even though Marvel is completely miserable, I still like the character, the power set, and Spider-man 2 was some of the most fun I've had… problem is, it looks very cinematic, like most of the PS4 games. I don't know how much they are actually going to let you play it but I imagine the control will be taken from you quite a bit.
considering the amazing spiderman movies, and the games based on it, my hopes aren't very high
but hey, spiderman 2 did happen at some point in time, so it's not impossible that they'll make something fun
but yeah, either they'll lower the graphics quality by a lot, or the game will run like garbage and crash every 10 minutes.
The issue isn't the graphics even, it's the fact they can't make a fun game. Arkham tends to work because the developers get Batman and what the character is about, while every Spider-Man game to date was a glorified open-world shitfest with nothing interesting to do and a subpar combat system.
What is this turd going to do that will make it any different from every other Spider-Man game we've had so far?
What is this shitty marketing?
pizza time
To be honest I just hope it's a return to the roots like Spiderman 2. I'd be satisfied with just that.
peter no
add some actual rpg elements, make the combat system mildly challenging
aside from that, keep the webslinging the same as in spiderman 2 or heck, even the amazing spiderman games had decent enough webslinging.
Spider-Man 2 sold on novelty. Go back and play it again and you'll notice how lacking it is.
They haven't managed to recreate this ever since. I have no hope they'll get it this time either.
I find that so weird. You'd think they could just take the code and update it a little.
I liked the spiderman 2 game.
The current crop of fuckwit asswipes and assorted subhumans shitting up the industry can't even get mirrors right, I think they'd slit their wrists if anything as "demanding" as web swinging from the PS2 era was asked of them.
Ooooh nooooo, doooctoor Coooonnnnooooor's claasss…
True. All the people with any talent are now working on their own little projects or have retired leaving a wave of… I don't even really know what to call them. They can't code for shit and don't know anything about creating interactive worlds or deep gameplay.
I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt but thinking this video is anything but scripted scenes and pre-rendered just makes you are shill.
Also every sentence goes like "now we all agree this is shit, buuuuuut~"
You need to go back.
What are the odds it's going to have the same shitty rehashed combat system as every low effort AAA 3rd person action adventure game since spiderman 2 maybe the original spiderman did the same thing, but I wrote it off as shit so I never played it.
Press Y to counter when spider senses tell you you're about to be attacked.
Mash X to KO everything. spiderman doesn't kill cause he's a good goy
Press B to use special move that has no use for anything but to counter that one enemy that carries a stun baton.
Press X+A to throw object or enemy.
Press B+Y to perform cinematic combo that instantly KO's an enemy.
It was fun back in spiderman 2 but now that every single game does it and is somehow more hand holding than ever, I don't want to see it anymore.
this video is bull shit the guy has a maxed out character
like the execute he is bitching about , you only have one most of them game, you have to fight other people to build it back up
I'd say pretty darn high. How many western studios do you know that can really deliver deep, or even fun action games any more?
I wish Insomniac made another Sunset Overdrive.
It's okay user, I got another game for you with the exact same copypaste combat system.
The embed system doesn't work too well, so you'll have to skip to 5:04, or watch the whole thing if you like.
This video is bullshit as well. Sure, you can mash X and win against a few basic thugs, but the same tactic doesn't work when there is more than five of them, because they will interrupt your combo and stagger you, and it gets worse with enemies armed with bats and knifes, enemies you can't hit directly (armed with shields and stun prods), as well as heavies and enforces.
Basically, you're full of shit and talking out of your ass, same as the faggot that made that video.
Is it hyperbole to say, "mash X to win"? Yeah. Is it hyperbole to say that these games feature a simplistic combat system that even a mentally stunted child could learn to become proficient at? I don't think it is.
your (you).
Here's to (you).
(You) must be starved for attention
Mah nigga. The combat system was so good in that game. I mean the enemies were weak as fuck, the web strike was overpowered and you could just stunlock everyone, but they could've built up from it and improved it instead of going for the wannabe Arkham Asylum combat later games took.
WoS had some pretty good swinging as well.
The point the videos are making, had you been paying attention, is that the combat is simplistic and treats it's audience like retards, it's designed for the lowest common denominator.
Muh enemy variety, yes user those one or two enemies in the group of 10 mooks don't make the combat all of a sudden good. Even at the end game it's still the same shitty mash X with occasional button press to counter, only instead of pressing Y, you press A, or B, or LT, or mash X.
It's utterly braindead.
I remember talking to my brother and he was playing Arkham Knight at the endgame, I had a go and could play it just as well because it requires no learning no skill requirements, just mash X and answer the prompts.
The fact remains that he could still just spam buttons and win, there's no finesse or precision there, it's just mindless button pressing, there's no strategy to think of, if he hadn't had the finishers, the outcome would have been the same. No thinking just pressing LMB.
Its going to be shit, this will be Insomniacs Last of Us.
As much as I am a Rachet & Clank faggot and I really enjoyed the game to the point where I max on everything, it had a major flaw.
All the weapons upgrades broke the difficulty level. First boss was neven a challenge, while the last was easy as fuck. After last battle, only thing that was in my mind was: "That's it?". Only, when I started the game again in NG+ mode on higher difficulty it became clear. Everything became so easy. It wasen't even a challange. Upgrades broke the entire progression system. Enemies and bosses didn't evolve with upgrades or try to counter them (closest thing being Quark's disco ball).
Despite it all, game was great and gave me a lot of fun. I finished it three times and along Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne is a must play on PS4. If they can manage to avoid difficulty breaking upgrades with Spiderman, then it will be true masterpiece.
what did he mean by this?
I had that thought about the last boss of the new R&C too, but it may have been because I used the RYNO which drains his health to a ridiculous degree.
You guys do realise how fucking shilly the OP sounds like?
Why do you call out everyone that talks about a new release for being a shill and when shit like this happens you don't say anything?
You for real right now?
literally 99% of that trailer looks like pre-canned animations. What is this, a fucking Telltale game? Spider-Uncharted?
The PS2/XBox game was fluid like Hulk: Ultimate Destruction or Prototype. I don't see that here, unfortunately.
well, I do appreciate that the shills are posting webms now instead of links to the company's youtube.
Is there any Spiderman game (aside from the PS1 ones) where there is actual level design, or is every Spiderman game that came afterwards just a GTA where you have missions on the street marked on the map and you spent most of the time swinging on the buildings? I miss the variety in settings.
Yeah, but they're rare. The first two Beenox games and Friend or Foe had level design, recently.
Thanks, I'll check those out
Really, is there anything else that is not
Shame Spider's voice sounds so…eh
It's not terrible, but it's very close to terrible.
Also Black Cat looks good and Cage is based
Also - beating up on gangbangers and slinging them cross the city yes. It feel right.
But Liberal Godessess forbid we harm the [disenfranchised youths] now…
"Looks like" NOTHING
This game is going to be terrible.
Kill yourself. Everything is a fucking shill to you moronic dipshits. You just hate when people post anything even remotely positive.
Absolutely terrible taste.
Spider-Man and the Sinister Six on NES
Spider-Man 1 and 2 on N64/PS1
Spider-Man: The movie (nostalgia glasses, but it's still an pretty good linear game)
Spider-Man 2: The game
Ultimate Spider-Man
All of these are great games and miles above Web of Shit.
I can't even remember half the shit from that game. I do remember trading it in for a copy of F.E.A.R. at a game store the next week after getting it for my birthday.
I play it now and then. It's still fun to swing around the city and fuck around on all the buildings. Unlocking new skills and shit is also pretty great.