All the sudden I really want to play some games that take place underwater. remember playing deep fryer on the Dreamcast as a kid and liking it and there's a Ecco The Dolphin for the Dreamcast but I can't think of anything else.
I'm talking about games take place mostly underwater or in the ocean. The more it feels like I'm in the ocean the better.
Your brief time is a faggot a merman in Kingdom Hearts doesn't count.
All the sudden I really want to play some games that take place underwater...
Other urls found in this thread:
never heard of it
alice madness returns had a pretty water chapter
Never played, just found it searching. Reminds me of Battlezone but with subs. Made by the same guys that made the original X-COM.
If you want RTS, Submarine TITANS exists. It's really nice for a lesser known RTS.
AquaNox 1 and 2 are also good underwater shooters, though it might feel a bit more like a plane game just under water.
I assume Deep Fryer is supposed to be Deep Fighter? You can also play Sub Culture, the game that came before it.
I think you should buy Subnautica and Depth user
I remember playing Endless Ocean for the wii a lot, but that was years ago. I would give that a try.
For another: I just started playing Subnautica a couple of weeks ago. I dive a lot and out of all the underwater games it's the one that 'feels' the most like real diving. From what I can tell in this thread it's not "Holla Forums kosher" for whatever reason, but get it. The game is technically in early access but has enough actual content to pass as a real game on its own
God i just want to nuke this place from orbit.
I want to strap Mark to the front end of a fucking nuke and hear his screams while he falls against whatever servers host this fucking shithole.
This place is a disgrace.
We have had tons of subnautica generals, lurk more you faggot
Not a very long game, but if you want diving check out They Breathe. It's pretty neat but not worth buying.
Well shit I thought I was the only person on earth that played this other than my strange friend who introduced me to it. Pretty neat game considering it's only like 15 minutes long and has very simple gameplay. Great example of environmental storytelling since it actually manages to have a plot twist despite there being no text and the game's tiny length.
You can't be serious. Subnautica has been a Holla Forums fixture for well over a year.
I was making fun of Holla Forums user. That was a sarcastic remark. Are we misunderstanding each other?
whether he is baiting or he is legit retarded that way either way you are wasting your time answering to that one
on topicOP try Descent underwater the Aquanox series and Archimedean Dynasty that is it's origin title
Well played
B-barotrauma? There's a thred if you wanna… play…
Not sure how I missed it either. It's pretty fun but they withhold too many blueprints. Why won't they let me build a simple room? Why is my first base have to be nothing but hallways and dead ends?
SOMA takes place basically completely underwater. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it though.
Archimedean Dynasty is probably the best thing to come out of Germany in terms of games.
Its REALLY good. To the point where when I was playing It a thought "why haven't I heard of this".
Aquaria, maybe.
Didn't get very far since it played like ass on my computer, but I remember it being alright.
Hero of Many also comes to mind, but I haven't played it yet.