Here's a memable little treat from our friends at the (((Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence))) brought to my awareness via a friend in college who had this pop up in one of his classes slides. This isn't just retardation for mockery, it's a real opportunity to get inside their minds and intentions. First, I'd invite you to notice the types of things that get classified as "white supremacy"
Now note the comment in the box in the top right
What's at the bottom?
This is what (((they))) want to remove.
Never forget who your enemy is or what their ultimate goal is.
The Pyramid of White Supremacy
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't see "making Moonman tracks" anywhere.
They're closer to NSDAP than they care to admit. They think spamming something makes it true. Really.
They destroyed Gaul.
But they can never destroy the Eternal Celt.
The sune rune rises.
From the zionist perspective:
This fucking leftist logic
From the Pyrenaei to the Rhenus.
In our lifetime.
>Predatory lending = White supremacy
Oh shit, I guess I'm GigaHitler in that case.
leave faggot
OK fine, they're not human. That better?
It feels nice to be at the top. All the other layers are obsolete.
The_Donald really ran a train on this place,
I am so ready for genocide.
Get out, kike.
This. If you aren't physically and mentally prepared for wholesale slaughter, you need to get your shit together. When the time comes, either you'll be dumped on a body pile or you'll be doing the piling.
>"If the bricks at the bottom are removed, the whole structure comes tumbling down."
Nah. Attacking the people on the bottom (1st) level will cause them to either move towards leftism, or to move upwards. Now, once you are off of the 1st level, it is rare for you to do anything other than go higher. Sooner or later, the 1st level will get consolidated into the 2nd and so on until there is only one level and it contains all of the concepts mentioned, i.e. the normalised opposite of leftism will be
What a fag.
Also, have you read Mein Kampf?
(polite sage)
Notice how they include "indifference" at the bottom. The Left are true totalitarians–there's no way to "opt out"–they expect you to think and feel the way they do, or you're "part of the problem" to them.
Just as I thought. Worthless. Back to Iran moron.
I have ascended the pyramid to the peak. I WUZ KANGZ
not only are you part of the problem, they view you as the foundation of the larger collective right to be kicked out and smashed as a political effort to undercut the collective. that's why i had to post this. it's right from their degenerate playbook.
"What a fag" is merely an expression of deep contempt.
Though, seeing as you are so desperate for "actual arguments", I'll provide you with one: It is highly suspect for any White man of truth, knowledge, blood, and soil to direct attention away from the fact that all anti-White ideals (communism included) originate from the jewish race, thereby making the jewish race the main problem for the White race. The conclusion from this is that you are either A) Not White, B) jewish, or C) Not a man of "truth, knowledge, blood, and soil", i.e. a leftyshill
Patience is a virtue, fag.
This is the first pyramid scheme ive seen that i feel i can get behind.
I just noticed they had kkk slightly higher than neo-nazis and confederate flags slightly higher than swastikas. I think this might be borderline holohoax exposure, in that they are minimizing the 6 million. Someone should contact them and demand this anti-semitism be rectified immediately.
Also notice how confederate flags are above hiring discrimination while nigger is higher than burning crosses and mass incarseration. I also am not sure why nigger is so much higher than "racial slurs".
I am glad that you explained that for me. I would not have understood otherwise.
Try harder fucker.
Genocide. So close, yet so far.
It's B obviously because he needs to bring Iran into it.
This is a blacks mind after a period of jewish brainwashing. A clusterfuck of buzzwords and fallacies that they are unable to prioritze. This one can't even keep it inside the pyramid let alone work out who's cracking the whip.
Another shill! Where did you come from user?
I always chuckle when I see you kikes behaving exactly as Hitler described you in Mein Kampf.
Come from? I was already here when you became the millionth jew to take a seat in the booth of corrective postings.
Come on tell us all why Iran is so bad and you are so good.
Iranian shills sometimes mix up communism with the Jews to try to hurt Israel.
I do not claim to be good.
Ok then user. Let's play.
False Dilemma.
Appeal to Ridicule.
Begging the Question.
Appeal to Authority.
Have you even read it?
Fairly accurate
There is no cure for what you have.
Can at least one thread not get shit up by some TORpedo or autistic asshole sperging out non-stop and pulling anons into fighting over trivial bullshit? Can it just stop for maybe a day? That too much to ask?
Funny, you claim I am ill without cure but we both know you are the ill one. And there is only one cure for jewishness - a bullet through the skull. Apply immediately
dude the guy above you told us to quit it
He is not my master and neither are you. I'll take every opportunity I can to call out a kike doing kike things. Learn to live with it.
So you're a jew with an inclination for reddit sophistry? Here's one especially for you then:
Argument from fallacy
Argument from fallacy is the formal fallacy of analyzing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false.
yes you two stop being such faggots and stop derailing the thread with your autistic faggotry.
This thread sucks anyway tbh
Fuck this. I never gave a fuck about left or right until the left started with this bullshit.
Holla Forumsice brutality?? I didn't know I caused that from shitposting
What the fuck is up with that pic? I get the feeling she would humiliate and mock me and I would like it.
Is this OC? 'tis good!
For internal use only
Love when they make things like this.
What they're literally saying is normies are not allowed to have "reasonable" centrist stances like "two sides to every story" and must be far left.
yep, hot off the press
Come on! When are we gonna level up?
Also on their website:
"niggers are incompatiable with structured society, and descructive towards it, but you better vote the way they vote. Any other consideration is racism."
"niggers can't take care of themselves, but they don't want your help, but not helping them is racism"
"We don't need you not to defend niggers, but you better defend niggers. Doing otherwise is racism. "
"POC are gods, and you better kiss their feet, and wipe their ass. Otherwise its racism."
I wish a nigger fucking would
When you look at the things in this pyramid, its clear what they want from white males. They want complete and utter prostration before non-whites, with no right to criticize them and no right for whites to love their own culture or people. They asking us, up front, to be worse off than slaves.
But here is the problem. Gen Z whites are not absorbing this at all ,especially the boys. They are rejecting this so viscerally. The people making this propaganda dont realize that Gen Z is literally going to fucking murder them one day. These smug marxist nutscases are putting together powerpoints and cute little graphs on white privilege, while young white boys are quietly growing into the generation that is going to be dumping them into unmarked graves.
Holla Forumsice
Hot fucken damn
don't act like you can get away with not helping
don't act like you can help
don't not help
don't try to help
what's so hard to understand about that?
Which way do they mean? Because there are a lot of niggers murdering police.
t_D actively shills against whites.
to who? yankees?
Jews are the root of communist and socialism works for the whit man in smaller hegemonic states. I can not take your seriously if you try to take blame off juden. This is what I expect from tor users.
Juden protect niggers
Juden force white women to race mix
Juden indoctrinate children to hate their race
Juden incentivize immigration
Juden was perpetual war
Juden and Communism are one in the same
Juden are behind divorce
Juden are behind homosexualization of youth
This list can continue a very long time…
Ready to shoot a nigger in the face without hesitation?
good taste
did someone say
zero hesitation
Where does
by Yockey fall on the pyramid?
spoonfeed me
Oh wai-
We are the ideal army as described by sun tzu. We have no form, no standard to bear, no weakness as we have no strength. We are nothing so there isn't anything to defeat yet we are here and win.
Anything a White person does is racist because White people are by definition racist. You can't win the leftist game so don't play. Join the right side.
I need a gun for that, though.
Can't even lynch me some niggers
fucking L E L
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
>>>Holla Forums7711343
dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343
If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.
But if you can't… I'm here forever.
dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!
Put skeptics at the bottom, t_D one rung higher and 8/pol/ 2 inches above the pyramid.
how's this?
fugg, meant to reply to
Checked n keked
100% a body piler. I got a strong set of legs and my back is solid. I can also work a straight 8-12 hours a day of nigger killing and piling.
Just social engineering. The shit in the lower tiers is just negation of the Cultmarx habits they wish to induce by through guilt.
Hey user. Right above your arrow there is an 'un' right before the word "just". What does it represent?
thx bb
see dis why we be need dem gibs froma craka foo
That's exactly how we view the lemmings in normiedom as well.
If you don't see what's going on, you're part of the problem.
The fringe left may be actively pushing for full (((fill in the blank)))ism, but they are far outnumbered by normals who are ignorant enough to be neutral.
They are the track that the Zion Train rolls on.
They are the spineless backbone of the beast we are up against.
You appear to have installed your fan backwards. It's all good now, though.
Lurk 2 years before posting here, faggot.
By then you will have seen so much.
You will have become so disgusted by the nature of things, there will be no turning back. There will be no denying.
There will be no defending of Israel.
and in two years we'll all have left this board long ago for a better more pure alternative
Fukken saved.
Fukken checked.
Why the hell are you saging, snowflake?
I dont even know how bad it is. Things are awful and get worse every time I learn something new. But you cant just stop and forget you learned it, theres a moral outrage festering inside everyone here
I agree about moving on. It reduces infiltrators, keeps things fresh, and purges behind baggage and shitposters. Its an essential reset.
Not only that but I always like to think the "real" politics discussion sites are a site or three away and this place is just a laymans meeting post to disseminate information. And that's about as deep as I want to inundate myself
This is what happens when the concept of "progressiveness" and Cultural Marxism reaches its final step. It all becomes a cespool of contradictions that unironically contradicts itself. Leftists of any kind also tend to devour each other because if you're not left leaning enough for their standards you're automatically a Nazi. Holla Forums and Reddit communists are perfect examples of this, and somehow leftyniggers think masculinity is identity politics, but femininity is perfectly normal.
And a new meme was born. Red equilateral triangles are the new symbol of genocide.
What? Can someone explain this to me? Does this mean that every tax-paying citizen is a thinly-veiled white supremacist? Are we supposed to fund israeli schools or something?
They're trying to say private schools are discriminatory. If you aren't putting your children in the public school with their niglet spawn, you aren't as interested in dumping more and more of your tax dollars into the bloated public school system. The reason their children are getting shitty grades and dropping out of high school is clearly because the public schools are underfunded, and certainly not because the students are fatherless, ill-disciplined, disruptive, 70 iq niggers.
niggers are just salty about school funding because they don't pay taxes and therefore have underfunded schools
Oh, I see. That makes sense. I interpreted local as a geographical thing instead of as a public school. Ironically I feel like supporting public schools will be more helpful in the long run as far as pushing younger generations towards the truth about niggers. If I hadn't had the experiences I had in public school I probably wouldn't have realized the importance of a hegemonic white culture. I could easily see kids who get stuck in a private school being blue-pilled and not understand the importance of race when the leave for the real world, as they never had to contend with students of other races in school.
They have no idea how much we hate them.
im running a parallel thread
looked what I fished here
checked and had a sad cum bb
Think how crazy this is. Giving money to your local community instead of distant blacks is "discrimination". (Not that there's anything wrong with discrimination, but this isn't that to begin with.)
It's also crazy they think the confederate flag is above mass incarceration and hiring discrimination. And even swastikas. People with confederate flags are just normies. And it's just a symbol and doesn't do anything on it's own.
fucking kek
I want to believe. According to this we're nearly there.
Oh hey, someone found my to-do list. Thanks
My video wrap up:
In New Jersey and Michigan, there is a state redistribution of school funds, ie take from the suburbs and give to the broken inner cities to waste on such as Olympic-sized swimming pools which are not used.
Seems legit. You quickly escalate up this pyramid as you wake up to the world corruption and dig deeper.
I'm not surprised that they're deranged enough to think like this. It's as if the creator built their entire world view from reading opinion pieces on Salon. Their ideals have no basis in reality and it seems that asylum inmates run the hospital now.
I don't blame him. Once you know about the truth, you can't turn back from it anymore. You're seeing it in action so frequently to the point where you automatically state it unintentionally.
Are those stats real?
Cause OY VEY if they are
This deserves a banner
Hell, "we're all human" is a third of the way up. No doubt It's Okay to be White puts us well on the way to wholesale jewslaughter.
I like it
Made a new thread about this here
David Icke's books are beyond the pyramid
I'm not even white but this is infuriating. You're seriously only gonna trust one side or source?
Take mein.
If one side is black and the other white then yes that's exactly what they want or you're racist.
Repeat for each minority or gender claiming oppressed status.
How tolerant of them.
That puts me in a better mood.
What did she mean by this?
Yes goy, the symptoms are the root of the problem!
fucking literally. this is how insane these people are
It's a pyramid stupid. Remove the bricks and the tower doesn't "come tumbling down" it sits right there
If you're not with me, you're against me
They are fucking lefties. Do you really expect them to know anything but how to code Java? Anyone with even the most basic knowledge of engineering will tell you that a pyramid is the most stable structure you can make. There is a reason why when you make a pile of literally anything it will naturally form into a circle-based pyramid.
It means Genocide is now a certainty.
It's not the Jews you have to be concerned with, it is the Pope and the Catholic Church. Hide and watch.
What if I told you that you're looking at two sides of the same globalist/marxist scum? Because you are now get your head out of your ass.
You have to go back.
I went to a former military boarding school that integrated in the mid-70s, and I assure you that besides selling coke to the lacrosse niggers, we kept clearly marked boundaries and loads of my friends were redpilled (on race). And lots were counter-Semitic, although this was likely just old southern boy habits passed down from their fathers, and not a natural hatred like with blacks. It only takes 30 minutes around a troop of monkeys to deduce some major differences between nignogs and whites.
lol so true
Created a template for you boys, have fun.
One of the best posts in this thread and only one backlink to it.
I really like that term.
Pyramid becoming a White Supremacist
So, being polite to your 80-year-old grandmother at Thanksgiving is on a spectrum with genocide, but calling that old bitch out for saying "colored" knocks out a brick and saves the world by preventing the extermination? I guess this explains SocJus cuntiness as well as anything. It's like Scientology that way.
Also, they left out the level where the racist shitposts frog memes and the advanced stage where he finally dehumanises.
Just another same argument that all roads of self interest for whites lead to gas chambers. Well yeah it's fucking gonna if you keep that up.
Mass Murder: Centralized genocide of white people.
Tyranny: Worst and jew-controlled people are in power, Open anti-white sentiments, "This country is too white…", White people are called "racist" and "nativist", Anti-jewish views become a crime by law, Total corruption of gobernment and fincancial institutions, Crumbling society, Decreasing numbers of white population, Anti-white violence is covered up.
Multiculturalism: "We are all humans…", "We can make them be civilized. Just like us…", Propaganda of sexual immorality, Infiltration of the society with foreign elements, Corruption of people in power, Infiltration of government institutions by Jewish agents.
Liberalism: Political demagogy, Attacks against the aristocracy, General weakining of the state.
Christianity: "Turn the other cheek", "There is neither Jew nor Gentile", "Jews are the chosen people", Centralization of religion, Aggressive persecution of alternative religions.
I'll tell you a little secret.
Feminists deliberately qualify as math teachers then fuck up the math education of White boys.
By doing this they can impede or (if you don't do evening classes/college to learn math properly) completely prevent White lads from being able to pursue STEM subjects, as an understanding of math is essential. I had exactly such a teacher in high school, went for 2 years thinking I just sucked at math then realized what had happened the first time I had a male math teacher and found exactly the same topics incredibly easy to understand.
She would also berate any lad who was tall or had a deep voice (trigger conditions for feminists as these things represent manliness to them.)
Also had feminist public school teachers in primary school, one would hold group punishment sessions for the male students if they scored too highly because "if a boy does that well then he obviously copied from one of the girls."
Dark days.
Lets make it happen.
I honestly thought I'd be a little higher than that.
"if a boy does that well then he obviously copied from one of the girls."
Really? If you're not making this shit up then that's grounds for tracking her down and enacting physical revenge
>(((Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence)))
you sure it's not some Holla Forumslack larping?
Bruh, she made her choice.
I have better things to do.
Can’t ride the train and then come talk to the monk like nothing happened.
so, saying nigger is just one step below lynching.
good to know.
it means that the only interaction you can have with POCs is saying you're sorry, pay for gibs, and inviting them to fuck your wife. if you have to watch it's up to them. do you want to make jamal uncomfortable?
This is good right here.
Someone should make an inverse triangle above the original containing this user's "Ascension" topics.
It would be a good illustration that the genocide of our enemies is the only thing stopping us from furthering ourselves as a species.
If genocide depends on all those bottom steps on the pyramide, then there is no difference between the Democratic or Labour party and Siegheiling Neonazi's.
This is the first step towards dehumanising your enemies, so the makers of this pyramide are somewhere above racial slurs on the pyramide.
A more reasonable person would see a political ideology as being made from dozens of pillars, some that are similar to mainstream parties, while others are not.
That way you don't come to the ridiculous conclusion that 95% of society is somehow a genocidal neonazi, because they aren't proper progressives.
Was thinking the same thing user. And getting fucked with by the cops appears lesser than getting called a nigger. What happens if a cop calls a nigger a nigger? Do they explode? Pillar of salt?
Removing the bottom bricks causes the pyramid to launch into white nationalist racist space frontier.
Not a kike.
This is their tactic. Whenever board effectiveness peaks (electing a pesident) shill efforts increase. The constant destruction of threads by idiotic forced non arguments is getting ridiculous.
Racist Mascots are covered under veiled racism.
This triggers me more than it probably should.