I'll answer what I can. Bought my PSP on release day and I've been using it almost every day since (though I've gone through about three of them).
Short answer: No.
Go into System Information and tell us what the firmware is. You might will definitely be better off just pirating your games if that's the case. Pirated games have much better load times, cause no noise, and are just more convenient.
It will not. Your firmware is just that – Firmware. It is an integral part of your system and doing a factory reset will not change that. However, it may inconvenience you if there are specific user settings in place that allow the custom firmware to work. I would suggest avoiding the full restore and just manually changing whatever settings you'd like to. There's nothing the last owner could have done to 'taint' it in a way that can't be overwritten by you.
There, unfortunately, is none. If it is indeed a hacked PSP, however, there are homebrew alarm clocks you can use.
Jaxson Thomas
Don't repair it, just get CFW on it and a call it a day.
Adrian Gomez
I have a PSP that I hacked (it takes like 30 seconds) and with CFW there's honestly zero reason to ever use the drive itself. Do check the firmware revision before you wipe it, while I don't think there's a version that you can't put CFW on, it's probably worth looking it up ahead of time. Memory Sticks are hard to find, but you can get an adapter that lets you use microSD cards in the memory stick slot, and that will give you plenty of room to put whatever pirated games you want to on it.
Aiden Sanders
disregard what I said about wiping it - this user is right. Manually changing all the settings will let you 'reset' the device without hassle.
Both systems have good libraries and one isn't necessarily an upgrade over the other (assuming you mean the original DS line). Or do you mean you've only been using your DS for that purpose?
Lucas Green
So I just got a PSP and was trying to install custom firmware. I've never put CFW on anything before, so this was all pretty new, but the tutorial I was following seemed pretty straightforward. But I'm only on the first step and I'm already worried I fucked up.
I've got a PSP-3001 on 6.61, so I followed the instructions and copied the PROUPDATE folder into PSP > Game. It was vague on how to run the update so I unplugged my PSP and reset it. Tried updating from system files, and it couldn't find anything to update from, so I tried hooking it up to my computer again, and now my PSP is just stuck on "Please wait…" and won't move on to the USB Connected screen. No more D: drive showing up on my computer either. Don't tell me I fucked things up already.
Jeremiah Scott
I'm having a hard time trying to digest this part. You're telling me that going into to your memory card and running the update on your PSP is too "vague"?
Michael Butler
UMD is a piece of shit, don't waste time or resources trying to get it fixed.
You can disable the UMD drive with some CFW's.
You can reconfigure the console from the system settings, no need to factory reset.
I don't remember OFW having a clock alarm but you can get one if you have CFW.
If you don't have a pressing need for the money is always better to just keep your older consoles because they aren't worth much.
Never plug the PSP to your computer via USB, just take the memory card out and use a card reader.
Justin Gutierrez
I went to the System Update tab, which gives Update via Internet and Update vi Storage Media as options. I assume it's not the former, and selecting the latter tells me "No applicable update data was found." Unless I missed a step in the instructions or there's some other way to force an update that I'm not aware of, I'm kind of at a loss.
I'd really rather not shell out the cash for a card reader. If I have to I will, but are there any actual problems caused by using USB?
Jordan Wilson
the UMD is such a huge fucking joke.
Thomas Cruz
You have 6.61, there are NO SYSTEM UPDATES. Put the PROUPDATE folder in PSP/GAME, then go on your PSP in the Game section, then you go into Memory Stick, then you just run the update like a game, you double nigger.
Brayden Young
PSP USB transfer rate is really shitty, you are better off buying a 5 dolla card reader to transfer your games and stuff.
Nathan Watson
Let me hijack your thread for a bit, OP. I don't want to make a new one.
I have a dead PS3, it makes the YLOD pattern every time you try turning it on. I'd get the GPU reballed, it's the cheapest way I have to play PS3 games. But there's one thing: When you try turning it on it makes a clicking noise, I'd guess it's the PSU starting for an instant. Could this mean it's the PSU that's dead, instead of the GPU? Or do GPU-related YLODs also have that when trying to turn on?
Kevin Powell
Is it difficult to open up and put back together PSPs? There is some dust under the screen I need to clean. Also one of the shoulder buttons is looser than the other; how do I fix that?
I agree with you but I have 2 DS, 3 Xbox360, and 4 Wii.
I'm trying to decide whether to keep them for spare parts or sell to free up space in the house.
Julian Allen
You need to upload a recording of the clicking noise in order for us to diagnose your PS3.
My laptop is still working a year after I fixed it in this method. Clean the dust out of the fans and replace the heatsink paste while you're at it to reduce fan noise.
Asher Davis
Not really, the hardest part is probably getting the Phillips screwdriver.
You need to open the console to see what's wrong with the button, if the button is broken you can get housing kits that include a new case+set of buttons for like 10 bucks online.
Chase Rodriguez
Huh. I see. Thanks, user. I don't… know if I can trust this, really. I always thought the solder thing was a bit iffy, but hmmmm.
Justin King
Is there a place where I can get a new and reliable battery for my PSP Slim 2000? the current one can barely keep a charge for a day.
Matthew Morgan
The only official PSP batteries around are for the japanese 3000 and they are expensive as fuck.
As long as it lasts, there was this time I bought one and didn't even keep the full charge after a week.
Jack Anderson
So about connecting PSP to TV…
I have a PSP3000 and a Sony CRT TV. PS1 games work perfectly; they fill the screen and I get the proper scanlines. PSP games however only show as a box in the center, the other half of the screen surrounding it is blank. How do I make it reach the sides at least? I'm using a component cable; will it work if I buy an S-video cable?
Also, I am new to handhelds. What is the proper way to hold them? When I lie on my back and hold the PSP above my fingers get numb after a while and my character is killed from slow reaction.
Yes, it's 4:3 and standard definition (480i) not high scan (480p).
I have a PSP 3000 which does support 480i on PSP games. The FuSa site says it's only for PSP2000.
Ian Lopez
holy fucking kek
Ryan Reed
Waste of money, not even sure if they'll repair a hacked system anyway.
Good. This is all you really need. Just throw your games onto the Memory Stick and you're good to go.
Why would anyone do that? The UMD drives on PSP are notoriously shit and probably broke from normal use over a long period of time.
No, but that's not a bad thing.
There might be Homebrew apps for it but who cares? Just use a proper watch/clock, a cell phone, or a computer with speakers at full blast.
Angel King
Tried that, but I when I went into memory stick it told me there was nothing there to run. I was going to hook it back up to my PC to make sure I had the file transferred correctly, but the USB connection wasn't having it.
So I broke down and bought a card reader. I made sure it was compatible with memory sticks, and it says the memory stick port is compatible with MS Pro and MS Duo. But after plugging it into my machine and letting all the drivers install, it doesn't pick up when I've inserted the memory stick. The device itself definitely works and is compatible with my computer, since I tested it with an SD card and it read it fine. I'm trying to find a manual online to see if I can troubleshoot, but I'd be pissed as hell if this reader can't do the one thing I bought it for.
Justin King
Remember the shitstorm when this ad appeared?
Hudson Bailey
i blocked for a hole minute trying to find the joke
Ryder Morgan
I've got a used PSP 3000. Is it normal for the D-pad to make squeaking noises as I press it?