Why do people give it bad reviews if they're still buying it anyway?
Why do people give it bad reviews if they're still buying it anyway?
It's a little act of rebellion within their enclosed consumerism, like slacktivism but even more hypocritical.
Pic related. Now think again and maybe you'll get your answer.
I haven't heard a single thing about the game, is it that bad? That's low, even for CoD
They're basically holding the Modern Warfare remake hostage behind an $80-100 deluxe edition of Infinity Warfare
Oh so it's a protest thing.
The remake doesn't even look that good, still has the wonkiness of the original, or so it appears.
How do you know those users bought the game ? This isn't steam.
How the hell are you gonna review a product without trying it first? Are you some bandwagoning faggot that dont have any opinion of your own? Who cares if peoples think the game is bad, do you enjoy the game or not give it a good review, if you think the game is shit, give a bad review, if you haven't played it yet, you probably have no interest in it in the first place.
Check gameplay video or LPs of the game and judge it for yourself
Would you rather they give it a bad review without playing it and having them base their opinion on a let's play they watched?
Because I hate call of duty and I'm an asshole.
Stockholm syndrome.
Every game gets an eight. Still gonna be dead.
How do you review a game you haven't played? I know "professional critics" manage it but the average user is more honest than that.
Jesus Christ my man. Also, check out Hefty Horacio's latest video where the new COD has only had a max ever player base of 15,000. BF1 has never even came close to dropping that low since it's release several weeks ago, and in fact it's current numbers blow COD's out of the fucking water. Even on the dying platform known as PC. You're a fucking idiot if you think BF1 is going to be dead in even a year. But I'll be here to make a thread in another week or two once we hit the 1 month mark to remind all you faggots just how incredibly wrong you are.
I haven't played D44M but I'm absolutely positive it's utter shit, and anyone who say something even remotely good about it is instantly shat on by me.
Fuck you, fucking consumer sheep.
Why does Holla Forums act like number of players matters? All the publishers care about is number of sales.
Sure there are games that it's easy to tell are going to be shit, eg. whatever Bethesda shits out next but if you step away from the AAA shit you start dealing with lots of small hit and miss studios that produce shit and gold intermittently or studios that are releasing their first game ever.
If you aren't a consumer whore buying AAA trash because it has adds it gets a lot harder to rate a game without playing it.
Screencap this, because you are and will be wrong one month from now.
COD is nothing like your post though.
You don't need to eat it to know how shit it is.
LOL, sure thing bud.
Who does it matter too? People that have brought the game and handed over their money?
It doesn't matter to the publisher so is no sign of a games success, it only shows it's replayability.
You fucking idiot. I used the PS4 version of BF1 because the OP of the thread that you are currently in used the PS4 version of COD. Here's the rating for the PC version of the COD one, it's even worse than the PS4 one.
What part of this is so hard to understand? Are you saying that people should review games without playing them? The people who leave reviews like "This game sucks but I'm gonna buy the (platform) version too" are retarded, but still.
its like they are begging to play the same game
How is it hard to misunderstand my point?
I didnt even make a statement, what the fuck was your interpretation?
Or cant you not read filenames?
Are they saying this while performing the action or does she eventually take 4 cocks?
I don't think I remember anyone here saying Cuckfield 1 wouldn't be successful, especially with the supposed Infinite Warfare boycott.
This is my exact experience with Saints Row 3. I 100% cleared it and the DLC, but still get "Oh well you invested that much time into it, you're just acting like a hipster/troll for not liking the best game in the series." every time I mention how garbage the whole experience was.
Both are probably shit. CoD looks slightly better just because it's sci-fi and now a politically correct bastardization of WW1.
What planet do you live on? Every single thread on here that popped up about BF1 said that it was going to fail miserably and then proceed to turn into a giant circle jerk where everybody swallowed each others cum while bitching about niggers and saying "it's shit" over and over again.
I have played DooD, can confirm 100% shit
this is why you need to go back to your containment board
A review is not, "I think the game looks bad and therefore it is". Believe it or not, there this thing called objective review. You can shat on any game you want but calling it your "review" is disingenuous
normalfags are mindless drones who buy things just because its popular that's why.
Now this is autism
Main problem is that most of them are overly emotional apes that will follow any kind of pack mentality out of instinct.
If they took out the wonkiness then people would complain about that instead.
but he is right, "I don't like it therefore it sucks" is not a review
Indeed he is
But hes oly saying this to defend the game unfortunately.
Where did I say that Doom is good? I'm just saying your opinion about a game you haven't played yet is not a review.
You cant fool me 9443b2
And he keeps doing it
But Saints Row 3 is objectively better than every other game in the series.
not when Saints Row 2 exists
SR2 is a thoroughly mediocre GTA clone that misses the point entirely of what makes GTA fun.
SR3 broke free of that and did its own thing, and did it fucking well.
but sr2 is literally 3 but with more features, better story and side missions, 1 was a shitty gta clone
also stillwater>steelport
3 was wacky
4 was wackier. 3 was trying to decide whether or not to be serious and fell flat because of it.
The one thing 3 really fucked up was side-mission variety, but besides that it's an outright better, highly polished experience.
4 was too wacky though.
4 was a mod for 3 and its a shit superhero game
Prototype is a much beter game.
Dont touch the 2nd Prototype game, its fucking trash
and 3 had such an amazing one, right?
didn't fix any of these things, in fact I don't think it was that bad besides shooting which indeed was
you are right there
i will agree with this. If i had to choose between playing 4 or prototype, i'd pick prototype everytime.
It wasn't "amazing" (I've played maybe 10 games that I'd say had "amazing" stories), but it wasn't boring.
I think if you played them side by side you'd agree. In 3, the cars handle like Burnout Paradise. In 2, they handle more like GTA 4, and flying around in a jetbike is an absolute joy and crushes everything 2 has to offer in the sky. I'd agree that 4 is a disgusting mess and fucked everything up, but 3 just strikes the perfect balance.
2 even has more weapons and vehicles than 3, not sure about clothing since the wiki doesn't give numbers for that
what also bugged me in 3 is the separation of plot and gameplay, they are fucking celebrities, even have a chain of their stores in steelport already, why do they have to build their reputation all over again? there are random people asking them for photos for fucks sake
The weapons in 2 are largely just reskins. In 3 they're unique and the gunplay is pretty great. The vehicles in 2 almost all reskins. Not that it's a bad thing to have that level of variety, even when they're functionally identical under the hood, but that doesn't really do much for me when the package as a whole just isn't great.
They're building their rep as a gang among the other gangs, not the civilian population.
they are planning to destroy other gangs, what is the point of reputation?
To recruit more members to take over the city, since they weren't hot shit anymore after Gat got "killed".
Post a link to that manga
It's like flipping off your dealer after you give him your rent money.
You're still a sucker, but it might make you feel a little better.
This looks retarded, like that faggot ShindoL who only seems capable of drawing garbage for deviants.
prototype does not compare to infamous though
and I mean both prototypes and both infamouses
Because underage chan kiddies do le ebig downboats while adults buy and enjoy video games
is that the best you can do?
i don't see any reason it would be the contrary. normalfags at my work seem to enjoy call of duty enough. I don't feel like buying it and complaining about it. If I didn't like a game I bought I talk about things I thought it did well and what I didn't like to the point it overcame what I liked instead of just giving canned one sentence hyperbole's equating it to shit on a plate
I don't remember anyone saying BF1 would flop. it's an awful, buggy turd of a game, but they made a marketing coup and stole much of the CoD market. their target audience is dumb as bricks, a good game is unnecessary.
The most illuminating thing about the CoD vs. BF1 affair is that the people who consume these types of games have made it very clear that they want historic military shooters; not scifi shit.
I would have been much more interested to see how a new BF2142 would have done vs; CoD:IW.
But here's the larger takeaway: Will Activision immediately revert CoD to its realistic military roots, or will the sales be so bad that they abandon the IP? I'd guess the former, but they're probably still fucked because the CoD engine is ancient and shitty compared to Frostbite.
It also needs to be restated that BlOps3 had 5x as many people playing during its launch window than CoD:IW did.
To be fair I loved the campaign of BF1 EXCEPT the last one with mute angry woman who has literally no character, can't act and is just terrible all around
Only reason I can tell she was put into the game was because they needed to fill their SJW quota or some shit, when they easily could have given her a unique story like the rest of the characters got
Instead the game sets her up as Lawrence of Arabia's highest tier soldier, when I'd actually just like to fucking play as Lawrence of Arabia, the most gifted tactician and desert combat mind the world has ever known
getting low scores even from ten is saying something.
They still eat up BF1 though because they don't give a shit about actually representing WW1 combat and criticising dindus running around Europe would mean a social death to them.
BF1 is shit, you nigger.
And so is Titanfall 2.
All these nuFPS turds are fucking awful games.
The CoD community who hate Infinite Warfare are basically playing the useful idiots for EA for free. They downvoted every IW video on youtube because "jetpacks and wall running are ruining everything, I don't know how to look up or down".
Thank you for correcting the record. One gold battlepack has been delievered to your Origin account.
Hello Holla Forums
You don't have to buy a game to review it. I imagine most are pirates giving it the rating it deserves rather than leaving that 81 to sit there all green and unchallenged.
Every single piece of evidence points to you being wrong.
Show me the evidence shill
The reviews posted in this thread and every single other review posted on the entire internet.
Lies, there's nothing more hypocritical than slacktivism.
Nice try Satan
Majority isnt a mark of quality
Fuck off to whence ever you came from, satanic spawn.
I believe what you guys meant to say was
who else is supposed to give it bad reviews XDDD