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Always be your cutest!~

repostan that new itch.io Proc Jam that somebody posted last thread

thank you/the other dude for restoring the OP

Get that shit out of my forest.



How can I direct my crippling autism towards actual game dev and not doing dumb shit?

I just spend from 4-5 hours making tile patterns, trying to find the most efficient way to display all possible wall/corner types so I could easily put it into the map to test tile graphics.

I mean I guess I was watching movies which distracted me somewhat, but still.

buy alot of beer and lock yourself in a room to realize how much fucked up you have.

work on designing the core game mechanics in pseudocode
then you can implement it in whatever engine

Is it heretical to make low-poly vidya that requires OpenGL 2+ instead of GL1? Most of the freetard libraries and engines I'm looking into for comfy space pirates target GL2 or GL3, aside from PLIB and Irrlicht.

pic related

This is my 7th attempt, and i finally found a way to keep myself motivated, the secret is making one big feature at time, something that can work standalone, in my case its a cooking system
By making something which you can see the results fast is vital, specially if it is something you can take pride on, i love my system, and it will be the biggest gem of my game's crown.

Oh and this is the pattern I got to before I stopped.

Red tiles on the right are all different tiles, gray ones are duplicates.

You either have 16 or 47 (technically 48) pieces. Pick one and roll with it.

I have 47, I was just trying to find the most efficient structure to have them all.

You could remove the corners from the big grid on that and some other random blocks from the middle to make it take less walls, but it wouldn't have any smaller footprint so whatever.

Also, the extra 32 can be thought of as an "extension" of the base 16. I did a lot of work on a similar system, once.

Think of it as having flags for NESW, but then the extras come whether the two adjacent corners are "open" or not.

Here's the guide I use when making them

I dunno what I'm looking at

All possible 48 combinations; the blue corners are open. The bottom right is a duplicate, technically, but sometimes you have a thicker block closed style like in

Anyone want to do the procedural gamejam together in UE4?

I'd like to work with someone. I'm proficient in BP.

I'm making progress
Not looking forward to adding zany sounds and mobile ads, though

What a happy world
I want that $15 Duck to be happy

Are you the cooking fag? You may be disappointed when no one gives two fucks about your mega-autistic cooking minigame. Nobody's going to spend hours trying to get the most possible vitamin B in their sushi waffles or whatever the fuck you got going on.

I never bothered the follow the tile fetishism from the last thread but, why don't you use layers, as in, ground layer + wall layer above it?. Works for any combination of floor tile and wall type, and you only need 1 floor tile and N wall tiles for however many orientations the walls can be plus end caps, doorways, or whatever the fuck you want. Add a semi-transparent drop shadow to the wall for that extra touch. inb4 "I'm making this game in my custom engine for smart watches and need all the tile information to fit into 5 bits" autism

Actually, my diagram that I made in was intended for layered tiles. If you have grass fringe, for example, you still need to have it merge correctly with itself. How detailed you want it depends on whether you do 16/48

Actually, I believe you only need 4 bits to flag the NESW values. You could use a 5th bit as flag for whether the corners are open/closed (16/48), or just use 8 bits for the NE/SE/SW/NW flags. Kind of a moot point anyways, since data gets padded up to 8 or 32 bits once you initialize it as a variable. Still, 4 or 8 bits is probably the best way to compact it as flat serialized data

Asking again because old thread died when I asked

How do you make a radian lerp not do this when it goes from positive to negative or vice versa, what i'm trying to is make him not take the long way when he lerps to the cameras radian angle.

I have no idea what you're trying to do by "lerping to the camera angle" but, if you always want to take the quickest path there, then rotate in the direction of the angle that's

Are you trying to make the model face in the same direction the camera is? You're going to have to elaborate.

shortest_angle = ((((end - start) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180;return shortest_angle * amount;
Literally 3 seconds of google. Amount is the lerp argument, the one that goes from 0 to 1. Either convert the end/start angles to degrees or convert the constants to radians.

Oh, I guess you'll have to add the result of that to your current angle or something. Also don't forget to use fmod instead of % on floats, if you're programming in C/C++.

Why are you working in radians anyway? I assume you're converting it to degrees at some point, right? In programming, and especially games programming, it's best to not think like a mathematician and approximate everything using floats, doubles, ints, etc. versus formulating things exactly using pi and other infinitely precise constants.

Every fucking programming language defaults to radians user.

its better to use radians. its important since you will need to apply a lot of math formulas, and those use radians; so you do need to think like a mathematician

Defaults to? In what way? Built-in angle functions? I don't follow.

Not sure I've used radians for anything, ever. IIRC it was almost faster and less code to keep stuff in degrees the whole time, especially when it was stuff like "currently here, pointing this way. now move to here and point this way." I never did any 3D movement stuff involving quaternions though.

If I call Math.Sin(x), it expects x to be in radians. If I gave it 90, it won't return 1.00, it will return Sin(90r) instead. Every language I have worked work – even GML – does this.

Oh yeah. It's been a while. Still waiting on to give a high-level overview of what he's trying to accomplish though since this sounds like an XY problem anyway.

Was dragged into playing games, and what i'm trying to accomplish is smoothly rotating the character to the cameras angle, which is a radian, without him taking the long way around when it goes from negative to positive. I don't know how much higher level I can get

Where is the camera with regards to the model? The model appears to be in front of the camera and sort of to the left? What do you mean by "rotating to the camera's angle?" To look at the same infinitely far away point that the camera is looking at? This is what I'm confused about. Because in your webm, the camera is still, yet the model is spinning around. Too fast to tell where the fuck it ends up pointing, btw.

Is this better user?
The camera was still in the original because I was only moving its slightly, and by "rotating to the cameras angle" I mean the the character faces away from the camera.

A little better. Still somewhat confused as to why the model is off-center. This is a 3rd person game, no? If so, just rotate the camera around the model's position + whatever Y-axis height to be above it, and rotate the model by the same amount, and in the same direction.

And if that's what you're trying to do already and it's not working, then it's an implementation problem and you'd have to post code to get any more help with it. Although I get the feeling this is just a code bug that could have been solved by putting it down and going for a walk, versus asking us about it.

How should I make Quaker III-style maps in Godot 3D? Should I just do it all in blender? Should I export it to .obj or .dae?

there is literally no reason to use degrees over radians or the other way around.
The only thing i can think of besides built in functions is that radians are smaller numbers which means they might be more efficient.

Read up on what all mesh/map/model/whatever formats Godot will take, read up on what all mesh/map/model/whatever format exporters exist for your map editing program, find one that works for both, try it out. Run into problems with textures or UV maps or such shit? Google if anyone else had the same problem. Can't find anything? Looks like you're writing an importer.

Why did you post it again, but with a picture of a shotgun?

IIRC the rest of my code dealt with degrees or otherwise concrete/ absolute locations/angles, so I tried to keep it consistent.

From what I could tell, obj is static, .dae is dynamic. Does anyone who works with Godot tell me what I should do to make a map?

I used degrees and i think it hurt me since there were a lot of conversions and bugs that could have been avoided. Its really just an arbitrary choice, and ideally you should use vector calculations where angles are just implied, which i did in some parts, but if i could do it again, i would use radians to avoid the problems altogether.

I'm a factual retard


Don't be like that one forum poster from 2009 who posted asking about the exact problem you're currently facing only to follow up with "nm, I figured it out lol." a few days later and then the thread is locked. What was the problem and what did you to fix it?

but in 8 years this thread will be gone and we'll all be dead

That duck is quick on it's feet.

For the uninitiated. it's bad form on the internet to ask a question or report a bug, then figure out the solution on your own, then post basically "lol nm i got it," which leaves others with the same problem as well as those who tried to help you blue-balled. I have nothing better to do on a saturday night, so I want to hear what the problem was in the first place and what his solution was.

Might be slightly off topic, how did you learn to draw? Any books on how to learn? Am I too old(25)?

no, yes, no

Use the loomis art pack, it has a ton of books

I made a var that increases/decreases when the mouse x is away from center screen and used that for my lerped angle because i figured out that I dont have to modulo the fucking value to pi, I can just use an ever increasing value.

Where do I get this? Amazon? Torrent? MegaUpload?



Trust me, it's the best art learning pack that you have ever seen. So many inforgraphics and books, you have at least 1 year of content to read through.


Please try first. Just try. Searching for "loomis." Then, "loomis art," which reveals that it refers to a person as well as a book or two. Then try something like "loomis torrent." But going off your first post, where you suppose that you can't learn some skill because you're 25 years old, makes me think you'll be better off working at Kmart or similar.

You fags are too nice.

Acushually, I was referring to loomis the board, which made a pack of books and images.

Loomis art pack is kind of vague. I tried searching on Amazon at first. Found a bunch of his books. Don't know what torrent site to use anymore since kat.cr went down. Forgot about checking >>>/loomis/

Thank you.

I'll go easy on you because of those trips but when people say "loomis," they're generally referring to the artist Andrew Loomis, who wrote a bunch of instructional drawing books, which probably inspired that board and make up the bulk of that pack of shit.

First time visiting this board but ugh, it's awful. Reminds me of 4chan /3/

Do you think I don't fucking know that? There are books by Andrew Loomis in the pack made by the loomis board, and more books from others. This is just arguing semantics right now. I assumed the guy who asked where to get resources knew about the board loomis.

that faggot is the same age as me yet we have competently different views of life

Who's arguing? I was just playing devil's advocate in a sense, by pretending to be a retard who can barely google shit and still after a couple of searches, reach the same materials as you are talking about.

Good to hear it. When you're behind in the race of life, you have to run twice as fast, not complain or make stupid excuses like "but isn't impossible for someone to learn the piano at age 42?"

It will live on forever in leekyforums.

Working on this for ProcJam. Right now, each Fidget spawns a new Fidget at some spawn time, which has its position, spawn time, and speed derived from its spawner. Next I'll add food bits, which the Fidgets will gather, and spawn a new Fidget once they have enough. This behavior will replace the baked-in timer I had that I was using to get familiar with the Godot Scene/Node system.

fuck wrong video

I've written one of these before. The trick is to keep the energy within the system constant. That is, a plant will be worth 1 food, when a creature eats 4 food, it splits into 2 creatures. If a creature eats another type of creature, it gains 4 food. If a creature dies of old age, it turns into 4 units of fertilizer + stored food energy, which each turn into 1 plant, etc. etc. Adjusting the rates at which things move/eat/reproduce/etc. is key to avoiding extinctions and massive swings in population sizes. And so on.

How do you enginefags organize your buffers? I was thinking of having a buffer for the world, a buffer for the physics props, a buffer for animated meshes (players, etc), a buffer for static props, etc

I'm just worried about whats going to happen should I need to resize it.

Forgot, static props where going to be in the world buffer. Since they're not going to move anyways.

linked lists are your friend… no problems adding and removing items

if its static, an array is better.

why dont you tell more about your engine?

The buffers I was talking about was mainly referring to OpenGL graphics buffers, which are an array on the GPU to hold all your vertex data, so linked lists can't really work. The real tricky part of these things is everytime you use the GPU it's really slow because of bandwidth, so it needs to be set up in such a way where you wont switch between buffers or shaders often. I'm trying to wrap my head around the most practical way to avoid this, i.e. grouping similarly rendered/shaded objects together. I'm also thinking of creating an array every frame of all the models I need to draw and sorting it so everything is drawn in order, although I don't know how slow the sorting process is. Lots of trickiness with this crap.

Well it's built in OpenGL on linux so far. I had some 3d models with texture support, and even a view model for the gun I had, however I'm thinking of redoing it because I basically did enough to "Get something working" and now I need to refine it. I also have a simple effects system where I basically say "Draw a line from x to y" for debugging.

Accidentally saged from my last post.

Does anyone here have any materials or tips on how to design a good third-person camera for a shooter? What's the preferred height, distance and angle from the player character?

Since its not set in stone why don't you try what feels best?

does this mean i'm mentally ill

It means they want to fuck you.

Finished a generic camera and render settings class for my dungeon crawler. Now I can rapidly do Hello World tier 3d quickly in any new project so I guess that's cool.

Not sure how to have fast automated cpmbat and make it engagig without being tedious



The game I'm taking inspiration from had a party of 1-4 characters (solo was always better since xp came from damaging monsters and wasnt shared). When you enter a room with monsters, combat happens and everyone gets one attack per round. You could set the character's action to default cast a certain spell or manually give orders, but you couldnt pause, so it was difficult to manage a party if the defaults didnt work (eg everyone doing fireball and you hit an immune monster)

I'm thinking an FF12 gambit system with player overrides might work out best - I could even work it to handle monster ai the same way

Download an N64 + PS1 emulator, and download you some ROMS and ISOs. If you still don't get "low poly" then just kill yourself.

don't bully duck-user

Found the goose

Still working hard on Speebot, mostly level design and engine stuff. Here's a peek at one of the new features.

I'll just figure it out myself.

What are you try to

Optimising or better approach to floor/ceiling rendering in a raycaster.


Seems interesting and a nice way to scan about the level, but tweak the positioning, please.
A wavering out-of-alignment camera with the focus so high up (there's a LOT of unused camera estate on the bottom half of the screen) will make things a bit more difficult.

what do you all use to build your pseudocode? does it work on linux?

Alright which one has the most documentation: Irrlicht, Godot, or ioquake3?


And yes, I believe so.

But the PS1/N64 was the worst 3D era of them all. The interest was there, but not the hardware. Horribly low resolutions, perspective errors, fixed point numbers, muddy textures, and shitty controls dominated. Also, no one had any idea what the hell they were doing.

You take all that away, and it's sixth gen

shaders are terrible to work with

The strongest stand.

Working without them is worse.

I suppose

Any ideas? I just need to inflate him a bit. Trying to move him along the normals. Same shit happens with a sphere and a cylinder, so I don't think it's the duck this time.

v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); o.pos.xyz += (v.normal * _Inflate); o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex).xy; TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(o); return o; }

I can't make the camera follow the player in godot and I don't know why, I can't use set_pos


I thought this was the result of a vertex distortion shader

Did it not look correct for a few frames of that gif? What specifically is wrong?

It seems like half of it expands incorrectly and the other half disappears. It's playing tricks on my minds.

isn't that just because the side of the expanded faces simply isn't visible anymore?

Looking at your code, o.poz.xyz += (v.normal * _Inflate) seems just fine, and the texture works fine from the looks of it, just the geometry fucks up.

Therefore, I would say something is fucking up in your o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); call

Multiply o.pos by the matrix after you move it along the normal. Unless in Unity normals are already transformed before the vertex shader even begins.

What is it with you and finding ways to maim this poor, innocent duck?

Oh yeah, I meant to ask this earlier. How are you animating your water? Is it simply offsetting the UV coordinates over time, or what?

Shit, that's enough of this for the day. I'm still a bit concerned about the stand that's been there the entire time.


o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex + float4(v.normal * _Offset,0));
If this doesn't work, something is wrong with your duck.


I took a break from gamedev to slap an mp3 onto a video clip. It took 2 hours.

>Use a mixture of 3 other programs shitting their output back and forth like some kind of faecal, primal orgy of failure because nothing worked completely and my audio editor was doing a better job of making video clips than my freeware video editor
>Audio editor proceeds to output video as a 1.2 gb avi file without sound, despite both input sources being < 2mb


pls explain

set_pos is only for 2D. Use SetTranslation() for 3D.

m8, what

im not using 3d

thanks user
I'm going places

Just make the feet huge

extends Cameravar offsetfunc _ready(): set_process(true) offset = get_translation() - get_node("../../../").get_translation() print( str(offset)) passfunc _process(delta): set_translation(get_node("../../../").get_translation() + offset)

what do you mean by this

Read/watch the GamesFromScratch tutorials for Godot

Then come back

i read the ones that talk about viewports and cameras

How do I make a level in godot? Should it be one giant .obj that I export from GTKradiant or should be a collection of primitives?

*Godot 3D

It should be one giant scene (.dae) that uses an import script

While I'm at it, anyone looking for a bit of work? I'm trying to write a three.js importer for unity, and the meshes import properly for the most part. The UVs are almost screwed up. I think the issue is either me incorrectly converting quads into triangles, or not splitting edges for UVs when appropriate, or both.

Just spent my whole sunday researching… bread


I've been trying to manipulate the viewport like a retard instead of just the camera

I feel so stupid now and euphoric

Isn't that for skeletal animations?

Not necessarily. Scenes can be used for anything beyond simply mesh data.

But I just want a simple level. What if I want to do moving doors? Should I just do primitives? How do they do this in Unity? This post-bsp world seems so confusing.

Like I said, anything else can be done via import scripts. Put a placeholder in the level and then make Godot replace the placeholder with the moving door object.

Alternatively you can simply have the 3D mesh data of the level as an instanced scene in another scene that has all the interactive bits in it.

So here's a dumb question.

I'm using the same texture data for all 3 draw calls. Actually the same mesh data too. If I wanted to change the texture, would I have to make an entirely new quad with the proper texture coordinates?

Like, even if I could change it inplace during the draw calls it would probably slow things down, yes? I should probably make a default quad with proper texture mapping for each subimage I want to use?

So I would have another model imported in for the door model? Why not just use normal geometry? Why does everything have to be a "mesh." How the fuck does optimization take place?
Why the fuck do scenes exist, all they do is complicate things to no end.

another 10 years of waiting won't be so bad I guess

i have ft studio 12 demo

can anyone give me some advise on music?
im trying to emulate smt 3 soundtrack but i have no idea how.

And another thing, how can I make a level in blender's shit interface?

Blender is decent, you just have to get used to the Interface I'm afraid. No way around that.

Ok, should the door be an animation with the map or should it be a separate object? How can I move a model? What class/node?

you can reuse the mesh bu the texture coordinates will need to change if you are cropping them from a big image like the one you posted

If you have specific questions about flstudio, fire away, but otherwise your post is about at the "how do I make game" level of vague request.

depends of what kind of door
if you want to use animations use an animation player node then reference it through script
it doesn't matter where the animation player is located, but keep in mind they only can play one animation at a time per node
animations can be made in blender then exported or directly in godot
if you want to use multiple animations use AnimationTreePlayer instead but I've heard its depreciated

one problem you might run into while using animations

also you might want to read if you haven't already

It should absolutely be a separate object. Make a scene that simply is a Spatial Node for its root. Then add in an instanced scene for the base level model. You can then add in stuff like barrels/crates/doors/enemies as children of the root Spatial node without the need for import scripts. However import scripts are VERY useful for automation of Blender->Godot and I would suggest learning them.

Watch some tutorials for blender. BlenderCookie has a lot of good ones. git gud

well it not just about fl studio, more about music theory and composition, i've seen people here make some music for their games but im stuck, all im trying to do is make 4 songs

1. for the title
2. for the area
3. for fights
4. for the boss

im just making a small demo that i plan to start
once im done with classes

vid related for what im trying to emulate

Ok, should I do Godot or Unreal Engine 4? Are they both open source? Which one is better?

UE4 is much more advanced but not FOSS like Godot is. Godot also has a dedicated 2D toolset. As a one-man dev you probably don't need the high-end features UE4 provides, but it's a perfectly good engine from everything I've heard.

Also thanks, for putting through with me. Just learned what instancing is, heh. Was going to tear out my hair.

Unreal Engine has a lot more documentation, a more active community, and more built in features. But it's not FOSS and if you sell your game and make more than $3000 you will have to pay them money.
Godot has less documentation, fewer features, and a less active community but it is completely FOSS and you don't have to pay them anything if your game sells well.
Why not try out both and see which you like more?

I've had the OST playing in the background since your other post. It sounds like most of the tracks consist of relatively simple drum loops, probably cut together from canned loops, ambiance from strings or fairly mellow arpeggiated synths, soloed over with either a guitar or piano lead depending on the desired feel of the track, usually in a minor scale.
Do you know how to play guitar? Because instruments tend to inform the composition.

was godot the one by a posse of brazillians?

You might as well try the Atomic Game Engine if you don't mind using javascript/typescript or C++, since it has a similar IDE to Godot but a much better renderer.

it seems its ran by an argie

Yeah, it's mostly made by one Argentinian guy

What about Torque3D, does it have documentation?

i learned 1 year worth acoustic guitar when i was in high school, and a semester of singing, the school put me in that for no reason btw, but i do own a 4 string bass guitar, but i dont know how to translate acoustic guitar to bass.

I know next to nothing about Torque 3D. As with any free game engine, download it and try to make something small using it. See if you can import animations and models easily from your preferred program. Try to program something simple in it. See if you like how physics and lighting behave. As you learn and try to solve any problems you come across you will find out how good the documentation is pretty quickly.

Did more progress on my knight platformer. I'm almost getting to a point where the combat feels good. Was testing out some AI stuff today. AI needs more work in combat but it can maneuver well anywhere now.

for the first half of the video I thought those guys chasing you around were your friends :(

I know 3D is hard but please don't make another Salt and Sanctuary. 2D platforming is cancerous. Jumping and climbing is tedious. Having only 2 or 4 attack directions is gay. Wall jumps and double jump metroid-esque upgrades do not belong anywhere near open world realtime combat rpg mechanics. Not being able to free look is shit (can I fall down this pit and survive or not?) 2D platforming should be reserved for just that: 2D platforming. No one wants to play a 2D platforming action RPG, or a 2D platforming MMO, or anything like that. Please. Think of the children.

combat is slow and clunky, the graphics look like sonic fan art

Great! Now give it procedurally generated multiplayer mayhem, and you've got the next YT streamer hit on your hands

also this isn't even camera 2d

Just looked at it. Looked pretty cool.
There are neither in my game.
I do. That's why I made it. It sounds like you just don't like 2D platformers outside of classic 90's games.


Why the hate? I also was not planning to add multiplayer.

You're welcome :^)

What do you mean?


What the hell are you talking about? Extend as in java "extend"? It wasn't made in Java or Godot or anything. It's my own C++ engine.

what are you talking about

No u.

So learn to play a few of the melodies off the OST. You don't even have to play them well, you'll still get more of the sense of the composer's style by doing that than you will by reading five books about music theory.
Not that you should ignore theory altogether, the basics are easy, but in the end music theory is not prescriptive for composition, it just gives you a language to discuss the elements of the music that you're listening to more explicitly, which makes it easier to break apart and analyze.
And standard bass tuning is the same as the bottom four strings of an acoustic guitar, but an octave deeper.

You could also consider importing midi files of some of the songs into FL. You can have it break them into separate tracks so you can play around with some of the individual melodies.

I been waiting for months to alpha test your game.

Also since you're into level design I'll give you this.

I can't decide if it should fail silently or throw exceptions, if the argument is null or doesn't have enough values.

The Holla Forums version of that would have to be…

Like I've heard it's better to throw an exception rather than silently failing, but I'm really just raising concerns that the compiler would already have if it hit invalid arguments (eg, why would it matter if my ArgumentNullException is thrown, when it would do the same thing by itself if my code wasn't there?)


Okay, so now I have 3 different Quad objects, with their own associated vertex data and index lists, but they all use the same texture. Their texture coordinates are set to 0~0.25, 0~0.50, and 0~1.00 so they should all look different.

When trying to draw them, they all come out as the last one that was applied. I assume that this is because the graphics device uses the last one for all future draw calls. However, as you can see, it's in a nested for loop so it should be "fresh" each time; I'm not sure why it's retaining shit and not working

games from scratch dont explain cameras and viewports enough, i just want the game to zoom in and follow the player (2d)

nm fixed it

Turns out the solution was that only one matrix can be applied to a drawing operation. In this case the WALL array/world matrix was being used to offset the scene, rather than being applied as a matrix transform against the vertex position. I realized this might have been the case when I figured out that I should be drawing more than 2 primitives per call (the last argument of the draw call) and when changing it, there were overlapped textures


This post gave me physical pain.
Next time use youtube-dl.

All signs point to yes.

>A pretentious, incredibly egotistical, ugly, weak, nu-male faggot with no real sense of value for anything beyond his San Fran circle-jerk, who can't come up with anything truly deep because he lacks any worthwhile life experiences or thought other than "muh hurt feelings" and "muh western culture and religion are bad," who almost irreversibly damaged what the indie scene was about, who apes off of "nostalgia" in an attempt to look cool, who gets praised by online "critics" and "journalists" despite being as bad as any modern artist, who tried to look edgy by saying money has no value seriously, read his money quote, and you'll see just how fucking worthless he is, who took 8 fucking years to make a walking simulator and whose first game that got him attention was both mediocre and pretentious, is being compared to one of the most important figures of the 20th century.
For fucks sake, any Atari, Williams Arcade, or even 90's pc dev, have better game theory and design than any of BlowsADick's games. No pretentious narrative needed. The worst part is, all these shit video "essayists" on YouTube, save for TurboButton all practically suck this guys dick, which means that any newfag dev will be learning the wrong shit.
This doesn't even get me mad, just depressed.

Why are you guys hating on Blow in /AGDG/ of all places? He makes free game coding tutorials, not the b.s. game theory extra credits shit, one of which was in data-oriented design which I found pretty useful. I don't see how someone who just gives a laid back hard-science tutorial like this (no ad-welfare either) can be a shit head like someone along the lines of Phil Fish.

meant to bold not spoiler. Tried using * instead of ' for the first time.

the AI looks a bit retarded
it's like they forget where you are half the time

You want to know how I know you're not from around here?

Got to second this. I don't know how much he's involved in the hipster/SJW circlejerk but the technical stuff I've heard from him was spot on.

Is there a handholding guide to making programs? I can only find programming tutorials, but learning to code is only half the problem, the other half is how to turn that code into a program.

And what if I want to try out a different language or a different OS? I don't want a half assed "do precisely X and Y because that's what I do, now let's get to coding" tutorial, I want to understand how this whole idea works.

I only know how to make browser applications with javascript and that pretty much literally works by opening the code text file with the web browser.

Yes. Hold your dick in your hand while you code, it will help with indecision over small matters.

The reason everyone hates those faggots is because they leech off everyones work or make some shit in unity with no effort at all, do petty shit, and then act like total fuckheads about it. Maybe his games suck but the guy himself doesn't seem that bad given he's making coding tutorials for free. Those also demonstrate he actually put some sort of effort into his game. The worst I can see is the hipster faggots rubbing off on him and made him say some dumb shit occasionally.

From what I've seen as far as technical knowledge goes he's pretty good. I don't know anything outside of that because I stay away from hipster indie drama bullshit.

rts-user here
i finally have free time again
last time i was working on implementing JPS to work with my A* search
and it works, performance is definitely improved, shit runs at a constant 60 fps and at worst it drops to 55
my issue now is that for some reason a few units tend to get stuck. this seems to happen when they or their target get surrounded, but they should be recalculating a path to it afterwords. any idea why it's not happening?
seeker script: pastebin.com/a43bLr2H - it does most of the pathfinding+unit movement
squaregrid script: pastebin.com/2sqz40vz - stores the info for the map, and also has the Neighbors function which is the only thing i really had to modify to get JPS working
unit script: pastebin.com/TiDZib7C - hardly does anything for the pathfinding, but it does call RecalculatePath here

On a technical perspective, the guy is just fine. He knows how to code pretty well, and he doesn't sperg out until somewhat recentley about SJW shit. The reason why we hate him is because he acts like an unbearable snob, and is pretentious as all fuck. He tries hard to look like some sort sorta auteur artist, yet he's only good for being a codemonkey. Same could be said for a lot of devs to be fair Also, his games range from overrated to just plain bad.

i'm not sure what language this is it looks like java
but it maybe for the compiler not to catch it or for it not to fail during execution
I've had numerous cases where code executes with uninitialized variables

should I even keep reading

i would quickly scroll through and see if there any actual code
then probably not read it either way.

Tonight i will finish dough recipes, then i will add the option to use finished recipes as ingredients (and remove the current demo dough item)

I think you should choose a language first, for gaming C# is one of the best
>easy as java syntax is almost identical, so if you ever want to switch to java you already know most of it
>if you learn WPF its basically a beefed up xml making user interface becomes extremely easy

It tells you to write a design document for your program before learning any language or downloading a compiler.

you are bound to lose motivation if you take too long before you can see any result

don't do this
You won't have any idea how to do stuff or what is feasible unless you already know programming
It's almost certainly a waste of time

I think you should kill yourself.


It's not any less idea guy meme even with context.

That's what happens when I can't get help directly from other people.

Thanks user. It was awful. I was resourceful enough that I got it working myself but Ivwas amused by the obtuse process

I didn't look for a YT downloader on purpose because its been some time since I needed one and they were quite shady in the past

Just get a book.

I'd rather shift through shitty online tutorials than entire books to learn what I assume could once again be summarized in one paragraph like most of my problems.

Who here has loading and saving functioning in their game? Was it a hassle to put together?

I wonder if it would work the same in an HTML5 project as it would in an executable…

Make sure the instructions are written in notepad and the video is recorded on an unregistered hypercam for the optimal learning experience.


dont forget to overlay with early 2000s popular metal and occasionally make a mistake while typing a sentence, forcing you to delete the word letter by letter.

also your typing speed must be 0.7 seconds per letter

If you're talking about browser games, those can't really interact with files other than reading them unless you build a server and make that handle the saving.

You have some amount of local storage available though, but I think it's limited to a few megabytes or something and can only store strings and numbers.

I can't even put cookies in the user's computer and then read those like an average flash game?

Well, saving isn't exactly vital. Would be nice though.

Local storage is like cookies on steroids, it's how Holla Forums stores custom CSS and stuff. It works fine depending on what you need to save, but as soon as you need to store arrays or something other than a number or a string, it gets a bit awkward. You can store arrays and objects too by converting it into a string with JSON.stringify() though. Here's how to use it:
//save 1337 to a key called "itemname"localStorage.setItem("itemname", 1337);//load the value stored on "itemname"var myvalue = localStorage.getItem("itemname"); //myvalue is now 1337
Some privacy oriented browser plugins may delete the data, and it also gets deleted when you clear browser cache, so be aware of that.

Cookies you can do, just not any arbitrary file.
HOWEVER, if you desperately wanted to give the user an option to save to a file, you could maybe try rendering a PNG a portion of which would be the save data, and then putting it in the HTML. Read up on this:

Read up on serialization, it's basically a process of streamlining your data into a neutral byte format for allowing multiple programs to read/write said data. At the very least, you can condense your save data considerably.

My brain is full of fuck

You can do cool things with HTML5. Pic related is a game. It has all the assets and data. You just need a player for it.


Oh and I guess it's worth mentioning that HTML5 alone can't do shit.

You need javascript if you want any kind of interactivity.

I offset UV coordinates of the diffuse texture, as well as coordinates of distortion of the water texture and the reflection texture

Thanks, I'll take a look. The alpha is coming when the game is a bit more polished and has proper sounds, music, UI etc. It's getting there.

Yeah, I guess.
I've just been using gamemaker pro's HTML5 conversion feature which so far makes a browser client of the game identical to its windows executable counterpart without having to manually modify the code at all.

I was just wondering whether a save feature would be the one thing that fucks it all up. I suppose only time will tell, but these have been some neat posts so far.

So… 3 draw calls?

No, all textures are passed to the shader in a single draw call. There are actually 5 textures passed to the water shader - reflection, dudv map, diffuse, normal map and shadow map.

The movement factor (a float that's regularly increased and looped on the CPU), and a few other variables, are passed as uniforms and are used to offset the textures as needed. I use the same movement factor multiplied by different values to simulate different speeds when needed.

Trying to manually hack a save feature into whatever that gives you is probably harder than anything else in the rest of the game. I bet the code is all obfuscated into a pile of unreadable garbage too.

Oh. I completely understand. Yeah I guess that makes sense.

That's a very exotic way to say "I don't know."

I used this tutorial, this is the best explanation I could find: youtube.com/watch?v=HusvGeEDU_U

I did it a bit differently later to make my water look more stylized and cartoonish, but the concept is mostly the same.

I'm just saying that unless gamemaker itself gives you that functionality or creates clearly commented and documented .js files of your game, it would be easier to learn and remake your game in pure javascript than try to get it in manually.

i used to have trouble doing it in unity since i though text documents were the only option
then i found out i could just save an object as a file, and then deserialize it when loading, that made shit a lot easier

It hurts

Wew, always great to have a backup software renderer and GL1 support to make my shit more authentic and although I have no idea how well Irrlicht actually runs on legacy hardware, SuperTuxKart's legacy performance was pretty great until they forked the engine.

Yeah, gaymaker seems to have something just like that in HTML5. Tried out the files from someone's .ini saving tutorial and even though it was tested as an exe in his video it seems to load/save OK in HTML5 as well.

It's throwing an Error message in spite of performing the necessary tasks, tho
but that happens a lot in HTML

Thoughts on GameMaker Studio 2?

There are some neat features, but I ain't paying $60 for it.

Isn't there a way to alias namespaces? Like
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keyboard as MSK;
or something?

using MSK = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keyboard;
I guess the as keyword is just used for typecasting.

Yeah, the latter is a thing. But it's generally frowned upon if you can avoid it for some reason, so I didn't want to use it. I've only ever used it in debug code to alias "c" to System.Console so I can do WriteLine() calls easier.

Anybody know what the name of that game that had pixel art for characters and 3D smooth environment for level?

Why not do it in a using block then? You can assign the alias for just the scope of the block.
using (MSK = Super.Very.Long.Annoying.Namespace) { DoShit();}

Does C# actually support that? I can't seem to get the syntax right.

Hol' up, I'ma look into it after my pizza gets here

cookfag here
the game will have recipe suggestions, no worries, i will steamline it for filthy casuals ;)
Finishing dough tomorrow, the amount of different breads and shit i added made it quite hard to implement and balance

What is best for a one-man game dev? Irrlicht or Godot?

I have no idea, I'm just looking at Irrlicht right now because it would feel a bit silly to make a low-poly game without a GL1 or software renderer as a backup. Chances are, I'll probably go with a newer freetard engine because I doubt a machine requiring either of those fallbacks would like ODE or Bullet very much.

I have to admit, I'm appreciating this video, but that doesn't stop somebody from being a pretentious faggot in other ways.
Also the more I listen the more I hear a gay Kermit the Frog.

To me a codemonkey has always been someone who is facile with the language but lacks the ability to problem solve. I don't think that applies here, I think he just drinks the kool-aid.

Wait, he's losing my interest now that we're talking about his own handrolled language


no files changed via github, so I have to conclude that this was unity being a massive goddamn faggot

what a fat

Wait hold on
What if you scaled it's height down by like 50%


it grows in strength

Looks like it would be effective at bullying enemies, breaking blocks, and pressing switches now.

My consultation fee is $50 or three hotpockets

You can buy way more than 3 hot-pockets with 50 dollars you should up the number of hot-pockets you ask for. My consultation fee is $20


Once, I went on a week long business trip (as the slave labor) with only a cooler of hotpockets and $20 to sustain me. The ice melted, the hotpockets were completely submerged, and I accidentally hid the cooler and forgot about it.

the hotel also sold giant, overpriced hotpockets

You mean pizza?


Probably calzones

what am i doing wrong

2d or 3d game?

Show me your scene layout and script



kinematic body that moves + sprite + camera

Here's code for a rigidbody player.
extends RigidBodyexport var view_sensitivity = 0.3export var yaw = 0export var pitch = 0const walk_speed = 5const jump_speed = 4const max_accel = 0.02const air_accel = 0.1func _input(ie): if ie.type == InputEvent.MOUSE_MOTION: yaw = fmod(yaw - ie.relative_x * view_sensitivity, 360) pitch = max(min(pitch - ie.relative_y * view_sensitivity, 90), -90) get_node("yaw").set_rotation(Vector3(0, deg2rad(yaw), 0)) get_node("yaw/camera").set_rotation(Vector3(deg2rad(pitch), 0, 0))func _integrate_forces(state): var aim = get_node("yaw").get_global_transform().basis var direction = Vector3() if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forwards"): direction -= aim[2] if Input.is_action_pressed("move_backwards"): direction += aim[2] if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"): direction -= aim[0] if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"): direction += aim[0] direction = direction.normalized() var ray = get_node("ray") if ray.is_colliding(): var up = state.get_total_gravity().normalized() var normal = ray.get_collision_normal() var floor_velocity = Vector3() var object = ray.get_collider() if object extends RigidBody or object extends StaticBody: var point = ray.get_collision_point() - object.get_translation() var floor_angular_vel = Vector3() if object extends RigidBody: floor_velocity = object.get_linear_velocity() floor_angular_vel = object.get_angular_velocity() elif object extends StaticBody: floor_velocity = object.get_constant_linear_velocity() floor_angular_vel = object.get_constant_angular_velocity() # Surely there should be a function to convert euler angles to a 3x3 matrix var transform = Matrix3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), floor_angular_vel.x) transform = transform.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), floor_angular_vel.y) transform = transform.rotated(Vector3(0, 0, 1), floor_angular_vel.z) floor_velocity += transform.xform_inv(point) - point yaw = fmod(yaw + rad2deg(floor_angular_vel.y) * state.get_step(), 360) get_node("yaw").set_rotation(Vector3(0, deg2rad(yaw), 0)) var speed = walk_speed var diff = floor_velocity + direction * walk_speed - state.get_linear_velocity() var vertdiff = aim[1] * diff.dot(aim[1]) diff -= vertdiff diff = diff.normalized() * clamp(diff.length(), 0, max_accel / state.get_step()) diff += vertdiff #get_node("label").set_text(str(diff)) apply_impulse(Vector3(), diff * get_mass()) if Input.is_action_pressed("jump"): apply_impulse(Vector3(), normal * jump_speed * get_mass()) else: apply_impulse(Vector3(), direction * air_accel * get_mass()) state.integrate_forces()func _ready(): set_process_input(true)func _enter_scene(): Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED)func _exit_scene(): Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE)
Here's a good tutorial to go by:

Take screenshots

I might be retarded. That statement apparently is apparently not for making temporary namespace aliases but for making sure IDisposables get cleaned up correctly. Sorry. Why not just define a short alias for both M.X.F.I.Keyboard and M.X.F.I.Gamepad?
using MXFI_K = blah.blah.Keyboard
using MXFI_G = blah.blah.Gamepad


all it is is a kinematic body and a camera2d that i'm trying to get the camera to follow

im not even sure if a camera is what i need to do to get what i want, because adding the camera also locks the player into an invisible box or something and the tutorials on game from scratch barely talk about cameras

Make the camera a child of the thing you want it to follow.

I already have, it doesn't follow it and locks it into a little invisible box when checking "is current"

It just works :^)



what do you mean

How do you guys usually handle restarting a scene or game? I usually don't plan well enough ahead, so I just reload the entire 'scene' or whatever.

I've gotten a follow camera to work in Godot, but without seeing how you are implementing it I will give you a lot more useless information before I can give you something useful. Do you just want me to read off all of my settings? I didn't use any code to get the camera to follow the player.
Offset is 0,0
Anchor Mode is Drag Center
Rotating is false
Current is true
and I could go on with other things that may or may not actually help you solve the problem.

Oh shit

I was able to get right-stick based free looking working on the first try. I've never done this before. PROGRESS

1. Use Godot
2. reload_current_scene()

b-b-but that would force our precious players to wait a few seconds

TransitionNode in Godot still sort of sucks; doesn't take into account the current transition before starting a new one. Might have to write my own transition script like I did for the walk animations.

Last time I looked at the RigidBody it didn't have all the necessary functions I needed to make a vaguely complex character controller. I've been using KinematicBody and it's great for everything so far. I'll probably have to manually code interaction for bumping physics objects aside though.

just display an ad

just store the default values for position, score, etc in a struct and load them when needed

thats all it is though

Eh, it's good for a simple first person character.

Then I don't know what to say.

why do people use godot, anyway?

What can KinematicBody do over RigidBody?

I still don't have a handy way of making quads and calculating their placements and setting the geometry buffers, so I'm still kind of working by hand here…

That said, I've been tinkering with camera placement. I wanted to have walls be 2 textures high, but it looks like it might be just fine with everything being cube shaped after all. First picture is looking directly at the cell in front of you, and the second picture is looking down a hallway (but with the adjacent wall still in view). Does this look okay?

Shit's free and works decently enough.

RigidBody doesn't seem to be able to have an equivalent of "can_teleport_to", which I found absolutely necessary for movement planning.


Am I using the right thing? Camera is what I want to use right?

The FOV might be a bit extreme, but looks fine otherwise.

"camera" is type Camera2D

I have a kinematic body, a sprite, an area2d with a collisionbox shape child and the camera2d

i load it into a main scene which is the main level, they are separate scenes. where should the camera be? in the main scene or the player's scene? i tried these and it doesnt seem to change anything, only if i put it in the main scene there are no invisible walls.

The FOV is Pi/2, which is 1.57 rad, which is… 90 degrees?

But I fiddled with the aspect ratio, from 16:9 to 4:3, and finally to pic related 4:2, and it seems to work out exactly as I wanted it to

Ben Garrison go home

My knowledge of Godot is pretty limited, and it sounds like your doing something I don't have any experience doing in Godot. Sorry but I can't really help.

I got it working in an old project but I have no idea why it won't work in this new one. Also it seems the "invisible box" is where I would have to initially go to make the camera move for the first time but it doesn't let me move past that.

Also setting it the drag margin makes me unable to move at all, so I guess that is what the "invisible box" is (Not really a box at all)

Why would this be happening?

Ok so I got a KinematicBody as the main player. Where to even begin? How should I move the player? Should I use translates? What's the easiest way to do this?

It's best to use move, not translation, as it checks for collisions.

is this the behavior you want?


give me a moment to upload to vola

I've already gotten it to work in an older project, for some reason this only happens in the one I'm working on right now.

uploaded anyway

are you using set_pos() or move_to() to change positions? afaik kinematic bodies use the later, but don't quote me on that

does print(str(get_node("path of node to follow").get_pos())) return the position you are trying to follow


move() is relative, move_to() is not.

Where I'm at versus my target.

Right now I've got a single texture on each wall, and not an upper/lower one like I planned. It only looks correct right now because of the exact FOV/aspect ratio settings, and those are definitely changing at some point. I want to look straight ahead and be able to tell there is a door in the tile to the left/right of you. That is the major goal.

Not sure if I should keep the upper/lower texture idea or not. Additionally, this would make the tiles very narrow, which means I would probably have to do some kind of 2x2 texture composite per tile per facing, which would eat up memory pretty fast, I'm assuming (24 times more data per tile)


not kinematicBody2D
just what in the name of the father are you trying to do here


my fault, I confused you for someone else

How should I get the mouse position and apply it to the camera?


Is this actually sort sort of abstract duck torture game?


dubs decides which one of these 4 i do today, if trips i have to finish them all within this week

All of them.

Just do it.


gonna get to finish programming items just because your post ends in 4

this shouldn't be happening

Have you followed the election? Reality is shitting itself. Do it in the name of doubles and kek.

Building system. It sounds the most tangible.

I'm Holla Forums too.

Don't listen to this guy, he's an actual cannibal

Better get to work faggot.

Dammit. I'll be back.


Is there any good free tool that can just help me work out curves based on multi-variable equations?
I'm trying to work out how a bunch of stats should interact properly, and I'd like some kind of graphing tool that can accept an equation like "x = ((a+b)*c)/d+e^f" and let me freely tweak the values of each and display the curve and variable values in real-time.

I've found one that half does it, but it doesn't spit variable values back out, making it somewhat tedious.
Any ideas? Most that I keep finding only accept equations in terms of x and y for some reason.

You WILL work, buddy. Even if I have to reroll a thousand times.


so 999 another try to go?

Well I'm trying to be evil so let's give 666 a try. If this fails I'll at least stop until people start posting again.



Nope, nuffin.

For the first time in my life I created a "video" "game"

Trying to comprehend computer code makes me wanna no longer be alive. How do other humans do these things

What's the best way to populate a group of different variables using an array in Unreal 4 Blueprint?


It's easy. You just tell your computer to do stuff and then your computer does the stuff.

Although it gets hard when you think you are telling the computer to do one thing, but you actually told it to do something else.

I was red faced after that, let me tell you.

Do all of them, faggot. Don't fap until you're done.

Computers do exactly what you tell them to do



new shit: