DACA HAPPENING: Bi-Partisan Bill On Wednesday $1.6B For Wall 12-year Path to Citizenship For Beaners
Nice source spic. You're OUT of here.
It was working just fine when I archived it. Here's the original URL: azcentral.com
1.6 billion won't even cover 500 miles of wall LMFAO
lol, and the best part is that no one will do what Ann Coulter said. Anyone who tries gets called “FBI” here. America’s lost now. 250 years on the fucking dot.
When the Roman empire fell, they didn't have to worry about toxic waste lands, right? Whatever factories USA has left are going to finish off what (((they))) couldn't.
No, they did have to worry about famine and disease though. Those are two things that are a lot harder to come by in modern times.
I'm guessing they don't get citizenship if they commit any crimes during that time. Twelve years should be long enough for practically every spic to blow their chance.
God damn it.
It wouldn't be unheard of for the brand new "DACA Office of Registration" that will be monitoring these illegals, to be filled with spics who just so happen to fast track their kin.
It's not like the Mormons did it with the IRS, or the Mafia and the FBI.
Ahhhhh nothing is happening without chain migration/visa lottery/and wall $$$ plus if its a 12 year "path to citizenship without committing any crimes… I prefer all non English speaking darkies & most English speaking darkies to be gone from our land but that will take many-a - Ar14
Not even a burger. I'm just speculating about the reason for having a twelve year "path" to citizenship. Surely the kikes would prefer to give it to them straight away.
I'm sure they will try that. Hopefully it will fall under the control of ICE, or at least Trump can keep a new office under control.
The Federal government can find a trillion dollars for the failed F35 progam, promise hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities, but can't scrape together a measly $20 bn at most for a project that will save hundreds of billions in welfare, crime, and hidden costs of illegal immigration? Insanity.
Republicrats: The parties of the kikes.
You're from a proud shithole if you think for even one second that the President will sign this deal.
trips confirm, republicans == kikes
>But the white house is not on board with the plan yet
Fuck off you filthy fucking mongrels, you're out.
Guess I should have voted for the filthy whore huh? Oh well, maybe next time.
nice b8, m9
Fuck off yid.
$1.2 billion is absolutely shit. A path to citizenship for a bunch of illegals and an illegal push by Obama to legitimizing them is compromising. Compromising IS failure. There's nothing you can do to make DACA a win. All the stipulations, ending of chain migration, etc. is still a stab in the back to the American people even from a cuck Civic Nationalist perspective. Whether they get it now or later doesn't really matter tbh. We're already so kiked out with migrants we're just adding extra onto the problem at this point.
How fucking hard is it to mobilize the entire police, border patrol, national guard, and military to send these shitheads back en masse? The fact we haven't already had a race war in this country shows our appalling apathy, and in that case the country no longer has the right to exist in the first place.
The whining beaners are STILL NOT TURNING IN THEIR PAPERS to even ATTEMPT to stay. It doesn't matter if Trump hands them all a fucking form to sign and return postage paid, they can't follow simple fucking directions and so they're gone.
Except they are. Slowly, because the problems came slowly, but they are being fixed. You're just a pussy.
Getting really fucking sick of these "IF" threads.
Come back when he actually agrees to this shit.
And you know he won't, kikes. This is why you're using every chance you can to astroturf with the "DRUMBLPF CUCKED OUT HE CUCKED OUT DONT VOTE AGAIN GOYIM STOP VOTING"
Fuck off.
What's wrong? Are they not paying you enough to shit up this place?
See, a perfect example of what I just said.
Kill yourself, yid.
Kill yourself
There is no reason to negotiate on anything. Build the wall with existing funds that have been allocated to other departments. That's what the Army Corps of Engineers is for. Just deport, deport, deport, deport. Freeze ALL immigration from EVERYWHERE as is the right of the executive. Deport, deport, deport. Then bring in an entirely new Congress with your newly cleansed electorate and end all of this chain nonsense.
Doing otherwise isn't some master plan or grand bargain. It's specifically avoiding doing all of the above because you don't actually want to do it.
Lmao you fucking kikes lost another thread. One would think you'd be used to losing by now.
I wish he would so leftcucks would go full revolt and get exterminated.
You're laying it on too thick. Don't quite your day job.
No, kike.
Serve in the US military become a citizen (Rome 2.0 legislation) Subhumans who can be activated military wise within the country won't give two shits about the constitution.
Trump signed a bill specifically for Guam that will allow up to 4000 H2B workers to go and do construction on the Island of Guam for civilian and military infrastructure which had a cost of $355 million. Yet the subhumans there on Guam have a high welfare rate and migrate away to mainland US to suck up more gibbs.
In China, you need a internal passport to migrate from the agricultural regions to a small city, or from a small town/city region to major cities. You have to apply for this and most are denied. In China, no foreigner can EVER become a citizen nor can the children they shit out. If you are married to a Chinese, you are basically staying in the country as a long guest. Switzerland has the same system, just less obtrusive, You can live and work and pay taxes in Switzerland but to be naturalized is a whole other game that is for most people denied. Even those who speak their dialect german/french and have lived there for decades.
Imagine that, a communist shithole has stricter borders and migration control then a capitalist one. China is 99.9% Chinese, and has now begon cracking down on femenism and removed the marriage laws that favored women slightly, dependence on the male is nurtured because XI see's what has happened to the West. Beginning to see the kike problem? In the US, you can become a citizen within a year or 2. In fact, Obama admin fast tracked a shit load of naturalization applicants just to clear the waiting line to serve other applicants faster.
It's filled with leftists who larp as right wingers.
Removal is required.
down payment included?
sign the bill
Do you kiked faggots actually believe this or is this being pushed by shills to get morons to believe it?
What you fail to see about an overton window shift is it can and will shift your political views, moron.
Proof? All I see is republicans teaming up with democrats and roadblocking everything Trump wanted to do.
No, it's enough time for them to give full amnesty the next time they have a president they know won't veto it.
Voting republican is not voting against them though. Your failure is in your assumption that the republican party supports border control, which is not the case.
Exactly what their game is.
isn't that the story of every nation on earth?
they did a fairly good job pretending, up until trump came around and then they couldn't blame king-nogbog for every screw up.
The wall will never get completed and the 12-years will be reduced when democrats regain power.
Nobody was going to deport millions of people. The wall won't stop determined people from shithole countries with nothing to lose. Our borders are huge and will remain porous. Half the country doesn't even care if they come here.
eventually he'll come out and say it'll only be built at key crossing points. say that was his plan all along and his kushnerbots will lap it up
so, what your saying… is an ethno virus is the only answer?
We're not talking about people, though.
Also this is the same "bipartisan" bullshit promoted by that drooling retard Flake, and the White House has agreed to nothing (and shouldn't). Fuck out of here with this blackpill shit, kike.
Lead is a pretty accurate ethnovirus, it works 100% of the time on whatever you're targeting.
Lead is expensive and it can't kill via sexual transmission (well it could but that's…. a long shot) also, as much as I love ebola and marburg chan, we need something that works faster. with no possibility of resistance or cure.
Nigger the only reason Marburg hasn't extinguished the whole subhumanity this far is because she works so fast that all niggers die before they have a chance to drop by the next niggervillage.
It's almost the same play as with Reagan amnesty.
Albert Wesker did nothing wrong.
then she just needs better camouflage and more vectors for transmission. but I still think a nano virus would work best. no chance of mutation and only takes out its chosen targets. no possibility of a cure (outside of a massive EMP) could lay dormant and undetectable until correct amount of population is infected. self-destruct with host death, so no possibility of reverse engineering or early detection.
agreed, complete global saturation!
Trump was only useful for the wall and removing spics. If he collapses on those issues, there's really no point in keeping up with him.
I think we can all afford $.20 a dead kike or spook if we all chip in, also sexual transmission as a method is how we fucked up killing the fags.
btw im talking about 5.56 you fuck in case you're actually that dense
trump was always a means to an end. even "if" (and that's a big if) he fails us. his image will still be useful in terrorizing our less intelligent enemies. (Trump meme's will be fully weaponized at that point thanks to irresponsible hysterical lefties).
>putting your hopes and prayers and in (((NATO))) rounds.
that's unrealistic and you know it, stop being a LARPer. also, why would you want to give your enemies a fighting chance? they've been given enough leeway.
there is no we, only (((you))). also, aids was never going to do the numbers it needed to make any real difference in population growth. discovery of Delta-32 basically made aids/hiv useless as any type of bio weapon. mother nature and ballistics have failed us. it's time for a true "final solution". 88 billion little killer robots.
had a feeling you'd appreciate that one carlos. you have the honor of being patient zero!
They always pretend that Trump has already signed it into law.
Fud, demoralization and black pilling have been the focus of these threads lately. infested with shills.
RWDS when?
I vote for pushing all south americans past the Panama Canal and use that as our southern most border. Much easier to secure. I also vote that we colonize all island near the U.S. Displace the indigenous to either south america or africa. And canada will become part of the union as well so we can purge the invaders to our north.
Yes, actually. It's the only solution that will prevent the other half of the country from fucking everything up.
You can't realistically deport when just doing extreme vetting from countries full of Religion of Cuck™ extremists is considered fascism.
You're far left on the overton window, still.
hey, if you want to go all Rambo, you've got my complete support (god speed). I just don't see anyone cleaning out millions of parasites with bullets alone. and even if that was a remote possibility, its still not enough. we need something that can take down billions and fast.
No Ai necessary, just a simple set of defined parameters.
peace was never an option.jpg
What exactly are you talking about?
the only way to get around lib-trash and yids is to remove them from the scenario altogether. we need to stop asking spoiled children for permission.
wow this thread is nothing
We need regime change.
all regimes can be subverted/perverted. we need to remove the (((human))) element from this process.
but we should (as usual) take note of all the republican/neocon traitors.
honestly the only realistic solution is to slowly keep pushing the overton window to the right.
which is what trump is very good for. some of you folks may be frustrated the shift is slow, but it's the fastest shift to the right one seen since the 60s in last century.
when extreme vetting from places full of extremists becomes seen as normal, you can start more tight controls for other types of immigrants. and so on. then later you can deport the toxic immigrants on the basis that they are anti-patriotic or something similiar.
But you can't achieve anything without slowly turning the overton window more to the right.
We are still at phase where protecting yourself from insurgents/terrorists is considered borderline racist and where crusades is considered a holoocaust. This has to be changed.
This can't be resolved peacefully. Trump needs to put on his George Washington cap and nuke Congress. Wasting nukes on foreigners is the wrong answer. We need them all here. America first!
I agree Holla Forums should be taking better not of these traitors. It would put a bigger spotlight on them. Just from the article we get:
2 of the usual suspects. We need to make them as infamous as Paul Ryan. Is there a way to look up all of the authors?
(((The Hill))) quotes a few Republicucks, notably Jeff Flake who is so unpopular in Az, he's liable to shot if he ever shows his face here again.
If you knew history instead of only Internet jokes, then you would know no nation ever escapes the Self-Cucked Ending. Not even yours. But for me, today is not that day.
That's a real dumb and binary way of looking at it.
Look, first you don't have to get them all in one go, the focus should be the main bad actors here, that would snowball and the message would get across causing panic, people to look into why they were targeted etc.
I get it, it's not the most realistic thing to headcanon what a successful civi uprising would look like but if you're going to be critical of others who are willing to actually tread out there in meatspace with guns and organize under an anti-zog flag (and there are people IRL doing this, hate them all you want) you gotta do better than a 6 gorrillian dollar secret killer robot army. Damn weebs and their Gundam fetishes…
If we turn the environement more aproving of right wing views, we will gain new unexpected allies.
Keep the Meme war. Focus on the Meme war. Go for a slowly cooked right wing movement, Left has no defense for this. If you go full fash, they can use their bolshevik tactics.
If you go slow, they have no tactics handed down on how to deal with this. That's why meme war works.
I didn't read the article but if there is only a down payment on the wall, it won't be signed in.
Run along, shlomo. It's over.
We know exactly where you're from. You have to go back there.
I agree, but at the same time we should be looking ahead at what a defense force would look like, what we would do if attacked irl, how to redpill outdoors, it's going to take a teamed approach from many different folks to really get action going. I do agree a slow and steady march would be the most effective than a bright flame that burns out quickly.
The main weapons of the left are in the media and consist of powerful brainwashing devices. This creates a public that is against us.
The main weapons of the communists do not consist of baynets or riot police. Actually the police/riot police are the best thing that could happen to us if you interact well with them.
A defense force would need to raise awareness for the brainwashing tactics of TV, Netflix and Holywood and the subliminal messages pushing for individual suicide, and ethnic suicide.
Now people reject this dramatic revelations even if true (no one likes hearing they have cancer, even if true), and that's why a sudden aproach won't work. We are dealing with huge brainwashing machines. Those are the bad news.
The good news is, people being left wing is not natural. If it was natural they wouldn't spend sch an absurd amount of resources on brainwashing. So we have nature on our side. Learn to use nature to your advantage. Push the idea/fact that our ideas are Natural.
Did all the romans turn to dust when rome fell? No. There were two romes, and the eastern one fell because of sand niggers.
So old amerika collapses. Then what? we say "the experiment in democracy failed, let us try an experiment with Heinlein Fascism". There are plenty of guns, skilled people, and resources to keep going. Besides, without the US to prop up and protect the kikes, as well as feed the world, what threats are there? Niggers? you leave them alone for a year and they starve. Without the white man and gibs they are an extinct creature. An abomination of nature that should have been left to wither away. If the collapse of old america allows their extinction, then so be it.
the kike is incapable of building a nation of their own. when the kike is not robbing the goyim the kike is robbing his kike neighbor.
The Greater asians? Maybe. Maybe a chinese hegemony will rise up, or a neo japan anime waifu empire. but i doubt it. The only reason why china became a success is because Genghis Kahan, a Ginger psychopath, conquered and spread superior genes via rape.
No, the only group of people that strike me as being capable of taking over as the world's super power are the Post Soviet Russians. right now they are pretty weak, with only half the GDP of south korea.
No, an america collapse will give way to an Fascist Republic. We must be ready for this, and insist that the path to citizenship be sacrifice and a willingness to kill for the new republic. That system of earned citizenship will prevent the kike and their golems from ever taking over. We must be ready for the day that we get the opportunity to build such a nation.
Desensitize yourself, embrace violence, and prepare.
Yeah valid and balanced. The natural point is a good one I'll keep that in mind when trying to red pill people, thanks user my mind just wants to go to red mist when I think about what's going on sometimes
Some of our problems can be solved by you and your kind eating a bullet. Do so.
I wonder how many whites and what genes affected make them immune to ebola's never-ending love.
America already collapsed. This is the beginning of the outburst. Pay attention.
Then why are you kikes still so hellbent on holding it under water?
That's why it's just a down payment.
He claimed it was already dead, try and keep up nigger.
Democrats get exactly what they want and we get 8% of a wall. And that is what is called "bipartisan."
The GOP are the real problem here. They are the most impotent, cowardly and disloyal political entity to ever exist.
It is already dead. YOU try to keep up.
If they're serious about this they need to legalize DUDE WEED federally and crack down on things like rape and theft. Otherwise "hee a good boy, dindu nuffin, we need to change this 12 year crime free law, it's just a plant!"
What the fuck is wrong with you.
With how much this country wastes all the time, a trillion for the wall should be easy to afford.
Who said you had to vote Republican, kike? You're here trying to force everyone to stop voting all together because your candidate lost even after you rigged it as much as you fucking could. You disgusting fucking heeb monster. You're so fucking transparent it's almost insulting.
Kill yourself, you non-human kike trash.
Kill yourself, disgusting you heeb monster.
Flake got thoroughly blown the fuck out yesterday. Just because the traitors are working together does not mean Trump is going to fucking say "oh ok you got me". More people than ever before understand just how traitorous, and criminally evil these fucks are, the more they do this the more they push normal plebs into our arms.
Ive seen plenty of anons posting this and Ive heard it with my own ears, normalfaggots who were complete plebs just a couple of months ago discussing the necessity of bringing back public executions. "this shit is so bad that normal jail sentences wont do an example must be made"
Every faggot pushing blackpills needs to neck themselves.
and why do you fucking homos keep ignoring that the plebs are waking up.
Name a single candidate that is against the kikes. Not even Trump is against them, considering half of his family is Jewish and he has tons of Jews working under him at the white house.
It is a two party system. I assume those defending voting here are not advocating voting for democrats, so that only leaves the other party.
you're going to let the jews wall you in, this is only to raise the value of their illegal drug dealing and cut off competition
Those cocksuckers just won't stop trying to betray President Trump. I hope Congress get dissolved. Why do we even fucking need them?
Flake is just butthurt because he had 5% approval rating and was forced to retire his political career. So now he is aiming for a gig at some globalist think tank or lobbyist firm. His signalling against Trump is essentially building up his resume for the job.
normalfags get out
Two well-established models to choose from: the clock face or the unit circle, and they butchered both. Horrid design.
12 years or not, FUCK THAT
SHOCK REPORT: 3.6 Million DREAMERS in US — Will Flip Florida, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina From Red to Blue!
And TEXAS will be in play!
Lmao you will never fit in here, kike.
I would vote for Paul Nehlen if he was given a chance.
Forgot to sage last post so saging for blatant kike shill thread.
Carlos, I honestly have come to respect and even care for you over the years. Just go back peacefully. We can part on good terms.