"A Souped Up NES Clone Ruined My Childhood"

"You can play with original NES or Famicom controllers, so the system effectively let me recreate the lazy Saturdays of my youth in HD without blowing on any cartridges. Except there’s one problem. Nintendo games are kind of boring."
"I craved one of those marathon Saturday sessions that would wipe my mind of all worries that didn’t involve getting Mario past that flying fish level. And I almost found that happy place playing the Analogue. But then I got bored and went back to playing Sim City on my iPhone."

Saw this article and got triggered as fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


why not be happy instead? find something that brings joy instead of anger.
stop being so angry op
play some games
cool it


trips confirm OP is a faggot

don't see why anyone should give a shit about this


Let's get mad today.

And thanks to emulation all you have to do is fire up NESTopia or something to see whether those old games hold up to you.



that one about the child and the dad pisses me off so much, I really hope it wasn't real


And people say genocide is a bad thing.

Here you go.


You do know that these fucking articles are purposely written that way to make you angry? RAGE drives more views and revenue than something HAPPY, people like to get mad. This guy doesn't even believe what he is writing, he is just following guidelines to get his 5 bucks.
Please read this book (which can be easily found online) to know what i'm talking about.

Just look at how incompetent these 'tech journalists' are. Lag on a NES emulator in 2016? This wasn't even a problem on 486s 20 years ago.

This person has never used an emulator before and after a quick search for material to pad his review saw autists pontificate about framerate accuracy issues for decades and just assumed that lag was a huge deal.

Instead of writing from an honest perspective they have to pretend to know what they're talking about. And when they're exposed for being frauds they simply claim it's harassment.

You expect them to read or correct themselves? This dude probanly spent less than 20 minutes writing whatever came out of his ass.

That book was great I actually bought a physical copy after pirating it.

Anger supposedly damages or kills your brain cells.


Just came across this.

oh boy what an epic cuckchan thread XD

Imagine how the guy in the last pic felt when he learned from Hillary that Pepe is a nazi?

Man regrets playing video games and having fun now that he is older.

This isn't real, right?


what did he mean by this?

Holla Forums culture is to be a bitter, joyless fucking cunt, it's either that, or eating all of the shit you're given ala Neogaf/reddit, then saying it's the best thing ever because you have no standards.

It's either one evil or another.

This thread isn't rage material, it's hilarious.

Either he has is a little aware of free mcboot on the ps2 and the like and thinks it's as simple as moving a save or he's a retard thinking of a reason to defend sony.

Just you buddy :^)
Just talk about game or subject offering your insight.
Want positive discussion go into a general for a series where you'll fine that general discussion on the positives and negatives but this is obviously a topic with negative connotations so of course you'll fine more negatives.

Not sure if any of this qualifies as rage, but it's all retarded so I'm dumping it anyway.

I'm pretty sure Travis Touchdown is a full time troll. There is no way one human being can be that retarded about any given subject.

It doesn't matter, Holla Forums is still a hugbox that bashes anything that's relatively different from what they like. Guys here are VERY similar but substantially different from a Neogaffer, in the way that they're very close-minded about their opinions and agendas, but rightfully bash devs that try to screw people over with overpriced, shitty games. Granted, as anything, the entirety of Holla Forums isn't all a bunch of no-funners, but the majority is overwhelming.

Only reason I'm still here is that it's unfortunately the least worst site.
I'd rather have a bunch of cynical, burned outs assholes, than shit-eating retards that will lap up the piss of anyone who tries to cater to them.

found the reddit, then again there are people in the overwatch threads complaining about being downvoted on fucking reddit.

OI bet you think sekrit club mentality is bad too

is she okay?

Holla Forums, i don't want to break your circlejerk, but if you read the comments:

Adam Clark Estes
7/20/16 3:48pm

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.
Reply12 replies

Adam Clark Estes
7/20/16 4:42pm

It’s true.

So basically the author of the article itself fully acknowledges that it's not the games, it's him.
He only worded the article the way he did in order to make it get more views, it's clickbait.
A clickbait Holla Forums fell for and is using to create a feedback loop to jack each other off and rage.
What's the point?
Not even the guy that wrote this article genuinely gives a single shit, it's all pretense and over dramatization.

Why do YOU care if even HE doesn't care?

Just going to say stop going in these threads and look and make threads that will garner positive interest or don't complain about seeing it.

You have to go back

By "positive", you mean something that will entertain the circlejerk, right?

It's next on my list
I also recommend Goals by Bryan Tracy for those who want serious self improvements


op needs to stop being a sour cunt and start enjoying life instead.

Has anyone actually tried fucking with him? We're gonna need a new CWC soon.

Holla Forums likes to get mad at a piece of dogshit on the ground, they scream at it because the want it to become edible. They'll have a taste, and lash out at it for surprise, surprise, being dogshit. This is no better than those e-celeb drama threads, where people, for some god-damn reason, care enough to go into the personal lives of people than are miles below us.

I understand telling someone to fuck off if they want to fuck with your vidya and censor your anime titties, but this thread is just sad. It's basically saying, "BAWWW. I HATE YOUR (shit) OPINION!!!" while making the piece of dogshit into a bigger ball of shit, think, katamari with sperg rage and autism.

When will gonzo """journalism""" finally fucking die?

Please just kill yourself.

No you big silly I mean don't make your way in threads that read in them
and then act surprised when there are negative people in the thread.

A thread to discuss a genre as a whole, hack n' slash threads get this with people debating which they think is the best.

A thread to discuss a multiplayer game that's recent, Fighting game general and Xenoverse general so this very well where they debate things like characters and effectiveness while also saying how they enjoy other aspect (Mainly the girl majins ass in xenoverse general :^)

Again you have to look and take the time to make those threads instead of hanging out in threads designed to be negative and then complain it's to negative.

When jew die video game die ok?

Well, that explains it.

I'd rather have you stay alive, being as retarded as you is worse than death.

Oh, I definitiely know that! I'm tired of the status quo is all, it seems. When you try to talk about something new/different, it suddenly becomes barren because people here don't have much interest for said thing, because it just doesn't cater to them, or it is unheard of. Damn shame, honestly.
A lot of my tastes are too obscure for this damn site.
That, and talking about certain instruments and backgrounds for vidya music as well. Oh well.

Just keep looking for that one dude who shares your interest.

What instruments and backgrounds for vidya music you like?

I like the Korg M50, and a handful or others, my hobby is trying to make and recreate vidya music with the highest quality possible.

A lot of soundtracks for the Genesis/SNES/N64/GBA/DS use low samples from existing professional equipment. It's nice hearing a certain tune in higher fidelity, especially with the original gear.


Thanks for sharing these, I'm gonna say I'm tone death when it comes to picking up the much finer points in tracks but they do sound really nice.