Since it isn't posting the pdf here is the sauce:
The Story Behind Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz
The “Entire” Earth is lying in the power of ancient Babylon and the spell cast by Nimrod and his mother. The story begins right after the Biblical flood, with Noah’s son Ham, who had a son named Cush. Now Cush became notorious as a great leader that opposed God. He too had a son, by the name of Nimrod, that not only carried on his father’s work opposing God’s truth, but expanded it to such an alarming extent that those serving the true God rose up in indignation and put Nimrod to death. They then dissected his body and distributed the parts throughout the realm as a warning to all others who would so brazenly rebel against God.
All religion is a man made perversion of the worship of the true God.
As certain men, like Cush and Nimrod, began to exert themselves among the inhabitants east of the Mediterranean, which was the cradle of civilization after the flood, in direct opposition to the principles of God, they marveled the people with their deeds and conduct and their fame spread throughout the whole area. But the dramatic execution of the famed Nimrod, as the ringleader of the great apostasy from the true faith only served to fix forever in the minds of his followers who loved him and his accomplishments, to venerate his works and deify his name.
The seed of rebellion to supplant the sovereignty of God for their own, that Cush and Nimrod planted, was to grow and influence the stage was set. Instead of worshipping the true God, men of war became idolized heroes that were worshipped as Gods. What had happened in Babylon, became nourishment for the legends of Egypt.
In Egypt, the men that were their heroes and worshipped as Gods, were also the very same men that had been idolized in Babylon, with only their names changed. Understanding this, takes away the confusion of the mythical Gods, not only of Egypt, but most other cultures as well. But in Egypt, Nimrod became Osiris. Because Nimrod was both son and husband of his mother, he is represented as “the seed” and in his mother’s arms.
Both Nimrod and his father, Cush, carried the title “Bel,” as in re-bel, Bel-tane day, tower of Ba-bel, and most importantly, o-bel-isk. After Nimrod’s death, it was taught that he had gone to the Sun and was to return as the deified incarnated Sun-God’s son, named Tammuz.
In whatever culture, he became the “lamented one” where his worshippers diligently longed and wept for their messiah, looking toward the “east.” In Egypt, Tammuz became Horus, the “son” of the Sun. Semiramis became Isis. But it is from Horus that we get the words horoscope and horizon. It is Horus, as the son of the Sun, that his human incarnated representative carried the title “Pontifex Maximus” and the symbol of the “All Seeing Eye,” that also has the execrable distinction of being called by the true God of scripture, “the man of sin” and “the anti-Christ.”
When new knowledge lights up or illumines a student’s mind it is said they can now “see.” Therefore, a student is also referred to as a “pupil.” This pupil is quite significant in the Occult world.
The Sun, the great light of the world, also became representative of Horus, Osiris resurrected, the great God of the Egyptians. The Egyptians, when seeing the first rays of the Sun in the morning would say, Horus-is-risen. These words have come down to us today condensed in our one word, “hor-iz-on.”
Horus, like the Sun’s rays, that dispels darkness and is seen to penetrate into every crevice of the natural world, was represented into all things; dark secrets and knowledge that was unperceivable to the average person. As the Sun’s rays are universal, so the religion of Horus is also universal; ruled with its God-King, Pontifex Maximus head.
And as each that are initiated and illumined into the Brotherhood, they become a pupil or an “eye” for the Brotherhood. So this occultic “All Seeing Eye” of Horus became also the same symbol of Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati which now is displayed as Big Brother’s eye watching over us under the Novus Ordo Seclorum “New World Order system” on the back of every American one dollar bill.