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You faggots need a key to install?
4869 79301 3335
So you don't need the base game, just the Brrod War?
I hope everyone playing is not too experienced because I won't be able to keep up with gookclick
How dead is Iccup at this point? SC2 died even if Blizzard wont admit it so did some of those jared sc2 players go back to BW?
Torrent has a key.
You need both to play.
I'm dogshit. Shouldn't be a problem in 4-8 player FFAs.
It has autists playing there.
There's rumors of a HD version of broodwar.
Play custom maps.
more like starcraft bbw
Reddit ruins everything
Too late do they notice my silence. Always too late.
where are you fags at?
wondering if I should really spend my time on this game or not. I never played BW back in the day; it probably holds up now, but how worth my time is it?
I could play tomorrow in the afternoon. I always preferred CnC more but as long as SOMEONE is willing to play an RTS game i'm down for that.
Guess it's custom games tomorrow, I'll post links to them so we don't have to wait for (((some))) to download the maps.
the fbi has dispatched its copyright protection hitsquad to your house, im sorry user it was nice knowing you.
No thanks
So are we doing this shit or not?
Fuck off reddit.
As soon as it finishes downloading, it'll take a couple hours though.
Fuck me, I might actually show up if there's some LotR:LA action going on.
May as well play The Thing until everyone ragequits
Bump, i got it working and i'm in the lobby, what do
I'd let others boost their ego at my expense, but I have a fucking office job now and sleeping before work is nice.
I literally never played starcraft before but the entire lobby reeks of russians and 3rd worlders using alt accounts to sit on the lower D ladders just to shit on noobs, just from the way they all speak. Are we gonna use a separate channel from the main one or?
This is just filled with spics, is anyone even going to play?
The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via
Guess we play tomorrow :^).
Still here, we can play a game if you are.
Wait a few minutes user, I'll install icc and play with you.
Alright, I'm ready.
1v1 me fgts
CHANNEL: "Holla Forums"
Can't see the game, also you need to specify where to put the maps, i figure its on /starcraft/maps/broodwar since all the other maps are there too.
Try joining in by name "DS 1"/1488
As long as it's on the main maps folder it should recognize them.
Not responding.
Did you start a new one right away or something?
gg no re
gg fags
Everyone left, if anyone else wants to play then post and I'll log back in.
Sorry for leaving just after one match, i do have work to do tomorrow.
By the way, my main base was destroyed by the zerg, but i went and hid my command center a few meters away on another field. A shame you forfeited right after sweeping the rest of my buildings, i was just getting fireflies and medics out.
I had to defend myself from the other terran at the same time.
∧_∧ (´・ω・`) (つ旦と) と_)_)
Podesta didn't drink any blood and sperm at a Satanist child rape orgy (He did).
Hi user, do you want to play video games?
Wouldn't that just be SCBW with SC2 graphics?
Engine upgrade, playing the game without a hacked-in windowed mode, and a world editor with a license that gives blizzard full rights over your maps :^).
Anyone has time to play?
mission fucking accomplished, I guess.
I'm on, i can host some games, anyone wanna play?
I'm on right now.
Meetup in channel "Holla Forums"
I tried playing it about 6 months ago with randoms on Bnet. Most of the games are the bullshit FASTEST maps that have inifinite money right next to your command center. I didn't have any fun.
Attempting to connect to your game gives me a "latency too high" error, despite both of us having green latency. Can't you just use mixtape and upload the specific map instead of having to download 300mb of random shit?
Never mind the 300mb one. Turns out it was the custom maps for Warcraft 3.
Figures, because of the DOTA links and lack of specification of if it was for SC. Anyways i downloaded the icup mapset, i'll play some more matches tomorrow.