The most important part of any video game is story telling

Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

not this shit again

Look, I'll rephrase the question.
What is the core to good level design?

There are plenty of good games that have little/no real story. For me, story is sort of like graphics. If the game is fun but has shit graphics, don't really care, but if it was supposed to have great graphics and they're shit, it tends to be a bummer. Story's in the same boat

Its gameplay.

does chess have a story?

No..the most important part of any video GAMEPLAY! Story comes like..4th.

RDR2 isn't even released, who wrote that shit?

If the level is actually playable?

Someone from the future?

It's dated as November 2, 2016.

Gameplay is the most important part, everything else should come later on the priority list.

Pick one

I believe its testicles have been removed

Why not both?

Ok I'm not really holding too much for that game but to call it shit when it hasn't even come out is just fucking bullshit.

Let's say the developer is half retarded and can only do one thing right.


Rather be playable. I mean, why do people buy games if not to play it? And if it's boring, you can warn folks not to buy it.

the cautionary tale of lunacy white supremacy and what happens when dem goyim leave dat privilij unchecked

Isn't "fun but not playable" called a movie?
I guess I'd rather watch a good movie than play a bad videogame.

He is right.
Story telling in games can make for some of the most memorable moments in gaming. Fact games are interactive makes it possible for story to be presented in some original way only making it better. Stuff like exploration and environmental story telling make for some of the best narratives I ever encountered.

Of course Fallout 4 and The Order have shit story telling, go play Yume Nikki.

meant to post this in the OP

What's the most important aspect of any game? Being able to fucking play it.

Yes, it's definitely one of the most important parts. Being able to immerse yourself in a different world (similar to a book) is of the best parts of games for myself. People have different reasons/tastes so obviously people will have different aspects of games they find important. That being said I don't really agree with his opinions.

The most important part to any vidya is that it is worth the money you pay for it or at least the bandwidth you use to pirate it

Funnily enough, the most important part of a game is the GAMEplay, not the MOVIE or the NOVEL or the SOCIAL JUSTICE VIRTUE SIGNALLING. And said game should involve rules that contain win and lose states, because that's how games fucking work.


real subtle
now get >>>/out/

No, Gameplay is ALWAYS king.

Fags that think story isn't important are absolutely retarded.

i''m not implying story isn't important, just saying it shouldn't be the top priority during game development or else you'll end up with shit like The Order 1886 or interactive movies disguised as video games filled with more cutscenes and QTEs than gameplay

this user gets it

Story in a game can be complementary to its atmosphere.

Read a fucking book.

For me, a story in a video game is as important as gameplay. If the game doesn't contain a story, or doesn't, at the very least, make it easy for me to imagine a story of my own (like in GSGs), I instatnly lose all drive to play the game. It feels purposeless. I start questioning why am I killing the NPCs, who they are, and why I'm even bothering with anything.

That being said, a game with a good story but bad gameplay will still get dropped instantly. A good game needs to have both those things solid

In my opinion:

Gameplay > Music > SFX > Story

You can tell a good story with just gameplay and music if you're good enough. A good example that instantly comes to mind is Shadow of the Colossus.

A game with good gameplay, a good story, and awful music will never be as good as a game with a good gameplay, good music that matches the moment, and a bad story.

Also, another great example of how Music+Gameplay > Gameplay+Story is Dragon's Dogma. Random encounters can become insanely awesome just because the music syncs up with what you're doing. Vid related.

Depends what kind of game? How the fuck can you generalize like this and think anybody will take your shit seriously:

No fucking story is needed, gameplay must be as good as it can be, music should be good too.

Story must be well written to make you want to beat the fucking game, rpg games tell a story about some characters and events. Gameplay shoudln't be neglected but i'd rather have next planescape torment than some gameplay rich no story rpg.

mix of everything, gameplay must be top tier, music that pumps your shit up, story can be meh but engaging story in fps game is really cool on it's own

Gameplay is generally the focus but in lot of cases games benefit more from good story and plot while gameplay may be lacking, see desu sex.

this user gets it

Big storyfag myself but saying the story is the focus is just dishonest to what the medium is.

Be like saying the same for books or films. A cook book is not shit because it does not have a story.


Third, actually

the most important thing is always gameplay

case in point is tetris, good gameplay no story
gameplay > story

sage for doublepost

Can't say I could spend a 1000+ hours playing tetris, however

In an open world, character driven sandbox it's kind of important. But there is nothing in that faggot's post that is "right"


No. It's expected to be there but it doesn't really matter, it's purpose is primarily based on what kind of game it is too for example in your typical FPS it's for the purpose of laying the groundwork for contextualization which feeds into gameplay.

But niggers like anime

The only sense in which gameplay should be considered more important than story is in the sense that a story can be completely fucking retarded and you can still enjoy the game for the gameplay but if the gameplay is so bad it makes the game a chore to play it'll drag the game down regardless how good the story is.

However if the gameplay passes the bare minimum requirement of not making the game a chore to play then there is no reason you can't consider a game good purely for its story.

If you start insisting that a game can never be enjoyed for its story than you're going to look like an idiot when you start insisting games like pic related are bad.

Top tier opinion right here.

Dark Souls is real unique one. What story there is is very bare, outside of item descriptions. You're the chosen one who has to go and take Gwyn's place or take the lands into the Age of Dark. But you're story is specific to you. You may struggle many times, face constant adversity, but never give up. You keep fighting, why? To become more powerful? To see it through to the end? To avoid going hollow?

More games need to incorporate actual gameplay into their stories. All the cutscenes and scripted events are nice, but video games can easily do more. Games are not passive, so making them into movies is dumb. Involve the player as much as you can.

I'll agree with that. I'm playing Enderal at the moment, a mod/overhaul for Skyrim. Despite their best efforts the game still plays like Skyrim. Animations are bad, clipping issues everywhere, combat sucks, hell even some of the stupid things in normal Skyrim are there like NPCs talking over each other, meaning you can't hear or even read what an important character is saying. However, the world is good, something new to explore, the writing is good and within the first hour of playing offers more thought than Skyrim ever did.

I keep playing purely because of the story, quests and world. The gameplay is a massive hindrance, but I can just about soldier through it.

There are cases where storylines aren't memorable, but emergent stories from between players or the player and the game itself.
WoW is better known for Leroy Jenkins, the Corrupted Blood incident, and Pornshire than any of its intended storylines.
Dwarf Fortress is literally a storytelling engine with management and adventuring gamemodes included.
Planetside and its sequel are witness to dozens of remarkable war stories.

Video Games provide something better than a set storyline: Emergent storytelling. You will never quite know what story you can get out of some games, and those games that allow for non-standard stories are the ones that get remembered the best.

This is "le ebin trole ecks dee"
No one is this stupid.

Yeah sure bruv

How can I enjoy MH and CSGO without a proper story, right? RIGHT?!


Enderal is in a bad place given that both its story and its gameplay are complete dogshit.

Story is an important part of a good game as much as gameplay and visual style.
That's all I'm saying.

And then there's this fag

I think music is more important than story telling. If you have a game with at least good gameplay,not even great, and an amazing ost, that game will become popular and remembered.

Aren't videogames about having fun? And we all have different standards for what's considered fun.

I don't particularly like people so I never play online but I know folks who play MMOs for instance. Me? I like my JRPGs to unwind after a day of real life.

Frankly it depends on the kind of game you're trying to make. Very rare is it for story to be THAT important, since the medium lends itself to other things better than telling one, being an active medium (as opposed to passive, like movies or books). I can't think of a single game that would be improved by sacrificing game mechanics and smooth gameplay for a more coherent, cogent story - all games I can think of either lose out or just come out even, none feel like they'd be better for it.

But then again, applying the active medium to a narrative properly could result in truly unique narrative experiences impossible elsewhere. Truly meaningful choice that effects the story could lead to the story having greater impact not just from the writing itself but from the fact that the player made those events happen, as a direct result of said choices. However, no game has truly been able to bring this to bear. Even those that came close were either poisoned by a terrible fanbase, preventing discussion of the title, or had terrible future games as the writers grew more enamored with their own narrative.

Tis a shame. I cannot see a solution for such a quandry.

I always thought the story of Yar's Revenge was on par with the works of Tolstoy.

That's an amazing opinion, user, and you are a better person for having it.

Is there a game with no story but lots of little unimportant quests for people?

To be honest, the gameplay of Ghost trick is also very unique
There's also a flash game called orchestrated death which has the same mechanics as this

Fuck stories. I only got into Final Fantasy 2 as a kid because I thought that a game could have a story that you read through. It was like a little theatrical production in my video game! But now when I look at those terrible stories there's no desire to play them at all. I realized I was just stupid.

Is this a parody? Are you sharing your own reviews? Otherwise… why do you even care?

Long answer: no.

This shit. I have fonder memories of particularly competent XCOM soldiers and Darkest Dungeon characters than I do of most regular characters out there.

Gameplay is a oxymoron, what you guys mean are game mechanics. A game cannot be good, if it hasn't a good mechanical foundation and the reason even a shit game can be fun sometimes, is that the developer have accidentally created a fun mechanism. Your understanding of how a video game is composed is corrupted by the lingo of the gaming media.

This is also the major reason why video games have gone to the shitter and the current generation of developers isn't as good as the previous ones. Everyone is hunting after a thing that only exist in marketing terms and ignores the basics of good game design.

Tell me what the story in Tetris is.

OP is a baiting fag

you're a special kind of retard.

Seriousplay would be an oxymoron. Or gamework. You're just naming synonyms and pretending they mean different things.

Story can be about fucking your mother for all I care, the most important part of the "story" is the characters. Even if the premise is good and interesting, you need good characters. In think Cisquisition is a good example of that.


That is some incredibly shit taste right there

If it's not a troll, you're simply looking at someone slightly above casul level, meaning someone who has invested enough interest in vidya to go giving reviews about them instead of just playing.

They're a diamond dozen.

That's a daily occurrence here.

This guy would be worshipped as a god by GTA fanboys if not for the fact that he called RDR's story bad.
They're the most rabid fanboys I've ever encountered, still buttmad 12 years later that people like San Andreas.

How long until they start saying the best part of an album is the story?

Good "cinematic experiences" are still bad games.

Mask of the Betrayer was close to your ideal. Pathologic was another, but not as close.

Gameplay > Graphics > Story > Music

This is the correct order. Not to say any are unimportant, but this is the order of priority to have a game of the video type.

It's easier to enjoy games for a deaf person than for a blind one. No, music is not second.

It doesn't matter what the story is
what matters is my plan

And you still responded.

I don't agree. The whole reason I play video games is to do cool shit I couldn't normally do in real life. Shit like going on an adventure, driving like a fucking idiot without any real consequence.That kind of stuff. I don't mind storytelling in video games at all. However, if a developer focuses entirely on the story and gives me bland and repetitive gameplay, I'm not going to want to play it any further. I'd probably just look up the plot synopsis if the slogging through the game is that boring.

No. I consider the three main parts of a game to be gameplay sound, and story. These can enhance and detract from one another, and you can even go with some of them. You can have a video game with sound and gameplay but no story. You can have a game with story and gameplay but no sound. But you can't have a game with story and sound but no gameplay.

Having a bad one of any of these can ruin a game completely though.

No and pretentious artfags trying to force it being a standard for all games now and past when you intend to buy something almost entirely to have fun pressing buttons and moving plastic sticks with your thumbs to watch lights and colors and hear attention grabbing or comfy sounds need to be fucking doused in napalm.

This is how you fucking answer.

Depends on how the storytelling is done.
If it's just EXPOSITION CUTSCENE CUTSCENE GUNSHOT FADE TO BLACK then you could probably axe literally the entire writing team and end up with a better game.
If the story is just tucked away into an in-game encyclopedia and item descriptions, it's only about as important as the raw graphical intensity.
If the "storytelling" is actually having the player interact with the world and vice versa, it's the most important element of the game that's not purely mechanical, and that's because the issues at play are half mechanical anyway.

a well done story weaved with good gameplay will always be better than a novelty premise

No, story in videogames should be relegated to filler content

Underage b&

I am neither and quite serious. The problem is that gameplay is used by most people to describe how they feel while playing a game, which leads to developers sacrificing everything to make you feel right. Game mechanics on the other hand can be good or bad regardless of your feelings and are either correctly applied in a game or not.

Kill yourself my man
Gameplay > Music > Story >>>>>>>> Graphics

Games have had stories for a long time. Wing Commander, Dark Forces Myst, C&C. Before your time I'm sure.

I literally said nothing against games having story.