Watch dogs 2 confirm flop?
Sounds like only the Tom Clancy's games are turning a profit for Ubisoft.
Watch dogs 2 confirm flop?
Sounds like only the Tom Clancy's games are turning a profit for Ubisoft.
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Not surprising. WD was a big disappointment and 2 seems to be more of the same, with an incredibly obnoxious and cringe worthy cast of characters. The type of characters I'd happily help imprison and kill. If our last line of defense against totalitarianism is somehow a shit talking diversity squad, count me in for the totalitarians.
When the game was revealed it was pretty much shat on immediately. Its arguably a sequel no one wants or at least, this version is one no one wants. A Watch Dogs game that actually meets its potential is a game I want to play, not generic and half assed Ubishit.
I don't know if I'm surprised, but I'm certainly happy about this
Best news of history
Watch dogs being apart of the ass creed universe doomed it from the start.
there a good chance Overwatch & GTA online killed ass creed in the long term
I don't know about flop, but it will most likely sell less than expected. Normalfags are already shitting on it due to season pass+day one mission DLCs stuff. The shadow of WD1 is still hanging over this, so I'm not entirely sure who will buy it. I'm anticipating some serious sperging from Ubisoft when they realize WD2 isn't selling well. I mean, what's next? Ghost Recon: The Division 2?
Probably. We will probably see crew 2. And multiplayer only splinter cell reboot.
Man I can't wait to see Ubisoft make their own Overmeme clone.
Jesus Christ, the comments on the second article.
I hope this is a shill, the alternative is too scary
Except Far Cry 3 launched before pre-order hype reached its apex, and amazingly normalfags are waking up to pre-order hype and disappointments this year NMS, Arkham Knight, Mafia III
I can't wait for it to flop
I'd be interested in knowing how much they sunk into this.
That's what happens when you make a sequel to a garbage overhyped game that epitomizes almost everything wrong with the company. Even normalfags were able to see how bullshit Watch Dogs was (albeit after it came out), why would Ubisoft think they'd buy Watch Dogs: San Francisco edition.
Not complaining though, the sooner and harder this game tanks, the better.
Saw the trailer and it was worse than expected. Continues the trend of hipster-sjw writers just sticking themselves directly into a game universe.
The first one was a disappointment. The second one was pretty much what everybody expected.
Didnt Far Cry 3 sell well though? 10 million or so last time I checked.
It is set in San Francisco what did you even expect
It did, but assuming it is going through the same process is just trying to calm down investors. Mafia III was another shit open-world game and everyone is sick of these things already.
Yep that's the pic. As if I'm looking at the new cast of WD. Problem is, none of those freaks would know how to jack cars, take down thugs, street race, use any firearm (let alone take down gangs of mercenaries and gangsters) etc
Devs/writers used to have some sense of self-awareness ffs.
Wow, who would've thought that a sequel to a game that was poorly received wouldn't be wildly popular?
See that would be the shit. Imagine if you were a hacker and you could do all the stupid shit ever in WD… and that was it. No guns, no carjacking, no one-man army with grenade launchers. It all came down to you actually using your fucking wits and ability to fuck up anything with one button of your magic smartphone.
Nah, you gotta be a good guy that can somehow mow through people with your assault rifle like its no tomorrow.
that would take the ability to code, though.
WD was just a gimped asscreed plus you could push a button to toggle various environmental hazards between 'off' and 'on'. The only 'innovation' in that game was that instead of having to walk over to a button to do it, you could use your phone.
That would actually be a pretty neat game with a lot of potential. We will never ever get anything like that from modern Ubisoft though.
Oh weird, you mean gamers don't want to play as a fatass dyke?
You dont play as one in WD2, instead you play as a forgettable black dude. Its not like the Watch Dogs name helped it any after WD1 was overhyped and a massive let down, and Ubisoft has really been slipping.
Don't use you dumb fuck
Why not?
Something about an exploit letting an unknown party harvest your IP.
Watchdogs 2 is going to sell millions just like every other triple A trash.
Jewgle up to their old tricks, it seems.
There's not an Ass Creed coming this year, right? 2014 it was the France one, last year the London one, but now it's not yearly any more.
I say good in all manners. I also believe there's a chance for a fresh Ass Creed in the future, if they put like 4-5 years into making it instead of shitting them out with 2-3 studios. Also there's the movie coming out, so AC1 HD 1440 REmake coming I'm sure.
So what then?
Asscreed Unity did take four years to make, it's just that they botched the release so badly it didn't matter to anyone.
If Ubisoft people were smart enough, they would've made Wrench the main character and get rid of We Wuz Haxxors and the mudslime girl.
You should already be using requestpolicy to prevent cross-site attacks of that nature.
Have you seen the cutscenes? Wrench's lines consist solely of random pop culture references and memes.
It's coming from a character who wears a mask that displays emojis, so it's not really surprising.
Watch Dogs 1 was alright, but I'm not really looking forward to the Social Justice remake version.
are you serious?
It has all the bad stops
Nobody likes being forced to play as a nigger, not even niggers. They make much better supporting characters, like NUMBER 83 THE COLE TRAIN! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Nobody likes muslims, not even as supporting characters and even less when it's a woman l33t hacker. I mean, shit! It's even against their own law to be represented in anything.
That's still a more interesting character than some generic nog.
Huh cool i wonder how they are going to handle this, its nice to see some diversity…
Holy fuck this game just reeks of "made by a bunch of white dudes trying too hard to not seem white". Shoving token characters in just comes off as lazy. The guy in the first game didn't need a crew, but now the black guy does? Also his entire crew of support are of course all not black, because one black character is enough right?
Even by the standards of the people they were trying to market to they failed miserably.
To be honest using a gun isn't that hard, though I've only ever used handguns. What i really want to see though is a game that represents empathy, like you getting stressed out the first few times you kill people or your hand shaking when you point a gun at someone else. It would be great to see the progression into being okay with taking a human life, because even soldiers don't just instantly become okay with it like vidya characters do.
Do you really think that's why sales are dropping? It's because the first watch_dogs was such a flop that people are actually remembering this time. A lot of people were actually scared away by unity, and I can ell you it wasn't the presence of marx or a tranny in victorian england, but the horrendous bugs, performance, and content reused to the point of oblivion. If you think normalfags care about playing as a black character or having muslims about, look at GTAV, I'm pretty sure franklin was the second most popular character. Though that may be because the most popular had some slight amount of humor going for him and the other was a unlikable cuck. I'm not saying those aren't valid reasons to dislike watch_dogs 2, but they aren't the reasons people dislike it outside of our little right wing slice of the internet. Still very glad Ubi is burning, along with EA it seems. Maybe the crash is finally upon us.
watch_dogs a shit, listen_cats when
inb4 Holla Forums blames hipsters
This. Watch_Dogs 1 was so fucking bad that I'm sure that the guy in the Ubisoft office that said making a sequel so soon is going to be fired in less than 6 months after 2 is released.
I don't know how you can do so badly on such a good concept.
Those are emoticons, you nubile troglodyte.
The first watch dogs was one of the most disappointing games in recent history to people, and their surprised that people aren't preordering the sequel?
Let's not forgot the reputation Ubisoft have garnered in recent years, weren't normalfags calling them "worse than EA"?
Never mind it looks shit and injected with SJW shit which is on the decline.
Also has the single worst character design I've ever seen in my life.
Hipsters are on the level of Jews and need to be exterminated. They are the same people that were emo in their teens.
But Ubisoft does!
If the "hardcore" guys don't like it, which are usually the ones promoting the game for free if it's good and are the ones who ALWAYS buy the next game in the series if it's good, then it's not going anywhere.
Not really a surprise. I can't even tell who the game is supposed to be marketed towards.
People got really tired of AssCreed because even the normalfags started noticing how similar and repetitive the games had gotten. Doesn't help every other Ubisoft game plays the same too.
Just look at Mafia 3. It was marketed around the black character and it flopped so hard it barely sold a million copies (2K expected eight million).
Also, GTA is GTA, it will sell regardless.
No, that's just one autistic user, even normalfags you can't beat EA with just mediocrity.
There is a Watchdogs 2?
Mafia is a different case though, because watch_dogs has other selling points, rather than being marketed almost solely around their nigger like mafia. To add to that what is mafia's USP? The gameplay seems like a mix of the worst of farcry and GTA, not to mention shit performance. Hell it even seems it backfired on them because some accused the SJW nu-male devs of being racist themselves, see embed.
No user, they are a different generation of people so that doesn't make sense anyway. And there is nothing inherently bad about hipster culture. They simply enjoy and seek out the old, the vintage, and make the best of it. Last thread I made the same point; if anything it is conservative .
And what would those be? Besides the "quirky" characters and the pozz what are they marketing the game around? WD1 was all about your supposed ability to hack anything, but WD2 isn't all that forthcoming with the gameplay.
Hipsters like you will be the first ones in the ovens, followed by your family and friends. We will eradicate whatever shitty DNA gave rise to you vermin.
Do you read what you write? There is shittons inherently bad about hipsters, for one they don't celebrate the past, they do it because they are too poor/"cool" to have modern technology. They can't enjoy anything mainstream because that's not "cool", they were the first subculture to be infected by social justice, and nothing they do is conservative in the least.
pretty much just that, but again AFAIK. In the E3 demo they had you fly a drone around "Thrus's" house before going in and chimping out.
Embed related is a satire but its too close to the truth
Why does America continue allowing San Francisco and its population to keep breathing?
It's satire friend, though like the other user said when he posted it, it is still very close to the truth.
oh shit wait only the embed is satire
Lol yeah I found that toast shit a while back while I was trying to locate a decent god damn toaster that wasn't made in China. Spoiler: there isn't one unless you buy something vintage and used. Hipsters are the final form of the Jew's consumerist golem.
But user, the gameplay would actually remotely be interesting if you didn't have access to guns and only had rudimentary melee, then it would require actual stealth and use of the hacking that the game's premise is ostensibly on. Why do all that hard work when you can just slap in guns and turn it into the old chestnut of "why use this thing when shooting is much easier". Even if it wasn't pozzed the game would still be a complete waste, just like the first one.
Oy vey, so much racism!
I was kind of interested in the first one because it was presented as a vigilante game. Turns out you're not an actual vigilante trying to clean up Chicongo of niggers, you're just some petty script kiddie faggot that got his nephew killed because you were a greedy shit, so you jump on the l33t haxxor fight the system bandwagon and chimp out all over town.
Not saying it's good gameplay, but it has some inkling of an attempt at being different. I mean in mafia 3 you aren't even in a mafia anymore, you just make your own, and it doesn't even change anything. Fucking saints row 3 a least made it so if you are the leader of a gang you can recruit gang member to fight with you, I don't think you can even do that in mafia. But it doesn't matter, at this point we are only arguing over which is a shittier piece of shit.
I am not even a hipster.
They do celebrate the past though, that is what defines hipster culture in the first place. It doesn't matter the reason why said hipsters participate in this culture. And they are not "infected" by "social justice". That's just the bad rep they got from some of it's participants being like that. Hipsterdom is not a political movement, there isn't a thing political about it.
I think their fashion is appealing, I like their inventive use of old stuff, it's rather cute. As I said last time, my girlfriend is a hipster and I obviously like her. And I do like most of her friends of well, who are hipsters. They all have different political stances and think for themselves most of the time.
Shit, user, you don't want that. I saw a few (mostly unknown) games try this, and it was the most cringeworthy shit imaginable.
They were fools to try for a second game. The first sold on hype alone despite being poor. Hyping an average game up is one thing and people might fall for it a second time but hyping a shit game up only works once. Should have quit while they were ahead.
As if. They love tokenism, that way they can be fictionally tolerant & inclusive of more pet groups at the same time for optimal virtue signaling.
The financial failure comes from how virtue signaling by talking about a product in no way requires purchase of the product.
A guy that has spent his life learning about computers and learning to hack would probably not be the type to be well versed with guns or rocket launchers.
Making a game based on trying to hack places and your character being unable to fight with guns or fists would make for a vastly more interesting game than what we got.
I think some people saw Watch Dogs and believed it would be something like that, with massively more done with 'hacking' things instead of just being an Assassin's Creed clone.
They keep just wanting to make plain FPSs with a few gimmicks rather than anything that steps out of their comfort zone. Then they get surprised people aren't buying their shit.
So Overwatch and Paladins with ugly characters?
This pretty much. Watch_Dogs was so dull not even the plebs consider it anything other than a disappointment. While it appears to have made some slight improvements, the core issues and lack of polish seem very much intact.
Couple that with the fact that all of the sheep are waking up to socjus politics, which means the shit virtue signaling of playing as a giant dindu who does nuffin by taking the fight to big bad whitey Trump surrogate, and you've got a recipe for flop.
Also, black protagonists don't sell very well. That's just a fact, should have let us play as Wrench and made the mechanics not suck.
Well CJ worked but I suspect going that route would get SJWs bitching at you nowadays.
San Andreas sold in spite of CJ, not because of him.
Black protagonists sell fine as long as they're an actual character and not obvious diversity pandering. The Watch Dogs 2: Watch Dogger lineup looks like the fucking Burger King Kids Club.
I dont know man, it might be because it was a GTA game. Maybe it would have sold better with a white protag. I liked playing a hoodrat fighting for turf though
CJ didn't help, and that's GTA, a completely different animal altogether. You could be playing as nearly anything in a Grand Theft Auto and it'd sell well on brand recognition alone.
Still, CJ is one of the less interesting protagonists in GTA. He was the start of the really inconsistent good guy starring in the role of a mass murderer R* is so fond of these days.
I'm not saying that a piece of media can't sell well while having a black lead, what I'm saying is that statistically speaking they don't sell as well as white leads do.
Mostly because niggers are obnoxious and typically only shoved into leading roles for the sake of virtue signaling.
A lot like Watch_Dogs 2 is doing.
It doesn't help that they're falling into the same issue again, where the side character you interact with is infinitely more interesting than the protagonist in every single way and would likely fit the gameplay, tone, and narrative much more than the lead they chose.
Remember Jordie from the first game? Would've been a much better lead.
You are probably right. But Ubisoft probably going to make their Overwatch clone a Tom Clancy game. ( even though Rayman would be more logical series to crapcunt )
I don't remember Burger King kids club having a Mexican member.
The only way guns and computers could be mutually exclusive subjects for anyone to get interested in would be if you were living in San Francisco. The only people who have difficulty figuring out how to use or maintain guns are the people who actively refuse to learn anything about guns other than media-provided statistics. If anything, a hacker would know more about firearms than someone who doesn't even know how to something as simple as mounting an iso file.
thats just not possible
I think it was because GTASA wasn't too PC. Every race had both a protagonist and antagonist. Not to mention that it acknowledged the differences between each race by having different accents and mannerisms.
If it GTASA were made in [current year], then the main bad guy would have been a white cishet transphobic cop.
CJ, Niko and the cast of V are boring as fuck. They create a massive dissonance between what the game is and what the story wants it to be. Like another user said it was the start of Rockstar's boner for moralfag protagonists that no one actually likes.
I didn't give a flying shit about CJ and his nigger problems, I mostly ignored the story and just fucked around.
To be fair, CJ was from a good game that was a major step up from its predecessors, especially on a technical level and in terms of content. He also fit perfectly within San Andreas' story and world. Even Vic Vance in Vice City Stories on the PSP I didnt mind, or the protagonist in Chinatown Wars, because the games were great and fun.
Its not that you cant have a black playable character, but nowadays its easy to feel jaded and think "they probably only added that to be a selling point, thats the only trick they have up their sleeve" compared to many games back then, where they were fun and didnt feel focus tested to hell.
Not surprising, Watch Dogs 1 was a big overhyped mess but when people actually played it they found it quite mediocre so I don't think hype for WD2 was that high, combine it with diversity bullshit and they probably turned a lot people off.
Division tickles that MMO bone that consoles don't have so games like that tend to do quite well, its the reason Destiny was as popular as it was.
I would be fine if those restrictions were present in the first game, but it would be weird if they came up in the third installment.
I think that the solution would be to probably to make hacking essential by making them weak in other skills like car jacking and shooting.
I dig those dubs, but all GTA protags aren't really moral people. They're just folks who strongly stick with their principles in a "dog-eat-dog" world. If they didn't it would be cannibalized too.
It makes me think why haven't Ubisoft dropping Driver/WatchDogs all together?
So the bad guy did nothing wrong?
CJ was also from a good franchise and he fit in perfectly cause SA was a look into 90's urban culture.
This bix nood is the main char in WD2 because muh diversity, I bet you'll kill the main protag of WD2 cause HES A FUCKING WHITE MALE.
I mean have you seen the promo pic for WD2? Its the most pandering thing I've ever seen.
Protagonist in GTA, GTA 2, 3, VC and Chinatown Wars had no "principles", they were amoral criminals, either on a quest for revenge or trying to get rich. They fit the gameplay perfectly, unlike the subsequent entries where the story is trying to make us sympathize with the protagonist's "plight".
How the fuck did CJ fit into the story? He's always crying about how he and his brother dindunuffin while I, as a player, am busy mowing down pedestrians on the sidewalk while running from the cops.
Niko is the same, he constantly bitches that he doesn't want to be a bad guy yet keeps on doing it.
The entirety of setup is that your family is worthless to him and neck-deem in problems, but then you show up and fix everything practically overnight. Then he snuffs out your entire family because he offered you a spot at his side and the nigger protag threw it back in his face, leaving him with a worthless family and an extremely dangerous nigger that doesn't want to work for him.
So no, the bad guy literally did nothing wrong.
Not that one, the one with the bix nood in the middle, the guy with the emojis on his face the muslim in the booty shorts with the cars hanging from hooks and shit.
They had principles, just selfish ones that would elevate them more higher than the opposing them.
Hipsters are the modern rehash of yuppies, who were the worst of everything from the baby boomer generation. Both groups are pretentious assholes with money to burn that are infamous for trashing whatever elements of culture they touched. Not to mention that if you've cornered yourself into the adult equivalent of a high school clique, complete with a fashion sense that makes a dead giveaway as to what kind of person you are, you should consider suicide.
Why Is Jim Sterling In watch dogs 2?
That's not Jim, it's his wife. I know, sometimes it's difficult to tell them apart. Jim is the more human looking though.
I'm disappointed in Yahtzee. You'd think he'd realize how reasonable it is to want stricter border control considering the mounting unrest and bloodshed in europe.
he lives in commiefornia now
That's even worse, the place is basically Mexico 2.0 and Gomorrah all rolled into one.
Guess even he knew to get the fuck out of europe before the wars start. What is it with every single person in media going to new york, california or san fran anyway? Arent those places expensive as fuck?
I will never get over how abhorrent this creature is. It might be the ugliest humanoid I've ever seen in a video game, and I'm honestly curious how often this shit game will have it.
That's pretty par for the course for how flamers work user. Look at this one, the "doctor" from toronto. You'd be surprised how common a look like that is.
Wait, shit. My bad, wrong video. The vids long so i cant embed. so copy paste.
Yeah I know the pic you're talking about. I'm surprised that they aren't using that abomination in the promo.
Because to international media & other folk, California & New York is America. Those other 48 states? Who gives a shit
It actually took me a sec to notice
Have we seen the vacuum cleaner in any of the trailers or whatever so far?
"full" version
Who would even think the guy on the left is a cuteboy? Tattoos are disgusting.
oh shit I didn't know there was another version
Nuke San Francisco
The only even mildly amusing thing about the first game was triggering tumblretards by recording yourself murdering degenerates and posting it somewhere. I get the feeling with all the MUH DUHVERSITY crap the second one reeks of that's been taken out for the sake of creating a safe space for nigs to nog.
What, isnt one of the main things you keep an eye out for how intimidating a piece of food is? It should be pretty high up on your priority list
this, they'd be good characters if it wasn't for MUH DOING THIS IS BAD :((((((( in a game about being bad
I don't really see why the toast thing is that mental. Small cafes are generally expensive, I wouldn't buy it myself but it's not COMPLETELY MENTAL.
it's mental because it's like charging 5 dollars a bowl for "gourmet" cereal
First Ass's Creed, then Far Cry, now Watch dogs.
God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world.
who cares if a game is a flop or not as long as it's PROGRESSIVE!!!!!
People will pay what they think things are worth. Course the markets totally fucked, and when food shortages happen, a lot of things are gonna be expensive.
Good point. Odd for me though, since i've always thought of america as a lot more farmland and small towns to medium sized towns myself.
I think it's more to with the fact that international media doesn't want to spend extra money on traveling to mainland America. So big media conglomerates being in coastal states is more a factor of convenience/necessity than anything else
good maybe they're fucking AAA games can die and they can focus on their middle-of-the-road games like call of jaurez and rainbow six that are actually decent and fun
Well presenting America to the outsiders as A place where theres a lot of farmland just wouldn't grab a lot of people compared to A place where California makes your favorite films at Hollywood & where New York gives you the city life no other place will ever get you. Oh & Donald Trump is from there.
That works too.
How did Cottonfield 1 do?
Well enough to warrant a sequel. But then again, Mafia 1 was a good game made with love and care, not the political manifesto of some salty nigger upset he was born a missing link.
They'll just make those series into their AAA games and ruin them like the rest of them. The only reason those games are decent is because ubi doesn't expect anything from them so they don't meddle as much.
Nice blog post faggot.
This actually looks fun
I would play that
AssCreed is super cereal
You're retarded.
Good point. I wonder if most people outside of north america really realize how massive america really is.
Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls are the same universe now
if you're going to make a batshit insane lore make it interesting.
I don't know what you're talking about, the only game after Tactics was New Vegas.
Not necessarily you fuckwit. I just am not familiar with it being related to WD.
It's just an easter-egg, and it made no connection to TES outside of looks
It's not interesting or deep, it's boils down to whoever the pozzed San Francisco writer likes, is a good guy and an Assassin by default, who he doesn't like is a bad guy and a Templar.
It helps with the pain.
makes sense actually, take back what i said
Funny how every non-leftist politician is always a Templar pawn.
to leftists, every non-leftist is an enemy
Niko made sense. He'd seen some seriously horrific shit, he didn't want to be in this situation doing this shit, but he of all people understood what you want and what you get are two very different things. In the context of his storyline, it made sense.
Remember this game has a Trump riffing politican trying to rig an election in a completely uncontested district.
Let's hope Trump caps off the great news by winning.
His name was fucking Lingo.
They also added an Asian girl in the late 90's
A video game about a weak coward actually sounds interesting. A Carl the Cuck simulator. He keeps getting beat up at school by bullies, so he hacks their computer and frames them for cheese pizza. Those kind of missions would make an original game.
it's the little fucking things man
Gee, it's almost as if people are tired of being fed propaganda instead of good games.
Yes, obviously Fallout is set in a subjective reality where the solar system is surrounded on all sides by the giant extra-dimensional space of energy that is the sun (not to mention being surrounded by the spheres of the Daedra), where planets are actually infinite planes that merely appear as globes to mortal eyes, and where the two moons are really still-semi-living parts of the corpse of Lorkhan, whose corpse is also the Earth, which has a clockwork core in the adjacent space underneath its infinite expanse and is the metaphysical center of the universe and of all causation. All this is proven in that Zenimax made one of the plants in Fallout look like a plant from The Elder Scrolls as an easter egg.
Yeah, don't you know, bro? It was even the Enclave's (and Robert House's) long term goal to resurrect the imperial aethernautics program.
Didn't we start using because waybackmachine honored takedown requests from sjws?
Last I've heard of waybackmachine, they took down information related to Silverstring Media.
cats did it first
Maybe if they don't have ridiculous sales expectation of 2 mill plus to just break even, they might turn a profit for once.
this is some top tier comedy. I'm glad my tax dollars are going to this.
Thank god
That video actually went viral. All my normalfag friends have seen it and all but one have cancelled their Watch Dogs 2 pre-order. Looks like Ubisofts crap finally caught up with them.
Of course its a flop dude, after the complete shit show of the first game and everybody being super underwhelmed by it AND THEN the fucking train wreck of marketing and writing and just everything that they are putting out for the second game what the hell did you expect?
Its the perfect storm of shit, I cant believe they aren't doing this on purpose or something like someone there is thinking "Oh yeah? You want your inclusiveness, oh yeah we'll give you inclusiveness we'll give it to you REAL good." "Needs to appeal to a broad and young audience oh sure we'll make it super fly for all the HIP young teens motherfucker."
Didn't it get unfavorable reception?
Why would they make a sequel?
If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up you retards
Just like movies, its an embezzlement scam.
There is no reason to spend nearly a billion dollars developing a game. No reason at all.
Because it was #8 in the top 10 list of best selling games of 2014. The hype behind it was incredible.