This shit takes some getting used to. What other games used joysticks to attack or do other unconventional things?
It's like every time some new gimmick comes along devs want to use it creatively but swiftly forget about it.
Joysticks as a Novelty
Monster Hunter used the second analog stick to attack. Forward would swing the sword forward and backwards would swing it back.
It was pretty interesting. Also, Skate uses the second analog stick to input tricks and it's very fun to use.
post more loli
Yes, it was a dark time mang.
I guess forbidden siren, in which the right stick is used to search for enemies and see through their eyes. Interesting idea but I thought its usefulness was more limited that it should have been.
Godhand used the right joystick for dodge instead of camera controls
And holy shit did they fucking nailed it?!
Do you have some kind of motor neurone disease?
Reminder that Ape Escape had the potential to be the best 3D platformer series for PlayStation but died as a shitty minigame collection series.
Fun is a lost concept for many devs
Are those 2 last images new? AE needs more art
I sure do love "ape escape" threads. :^)
i'd let my inner Ape Escape on her
But she's best girl.
AE needs more porn
nevermind joysticks, what other games used lolis to do unconventional things like AE3
There's only softcore of her. I want to see her getting gaped by king kong.
I wanna see Spike fucking Candy Kong
Oh but there is, but this is a family board
It's only a few images though, there's never enough
I miss games having multiple fun costumes for characters that isn't some DLC shit
I miss unlockables in general. Most you get is useless shit like music tracks or concept art. Give me back my alternate costumes dammit.
I masturbated too many times to catroll.
Too Human used the right stick for attacking. People didn't like it. Never played it myself so maybe some other user can chip in.
Capcom put some dedication into her textures for her costumes, complete with a Toad Man on the raincoat's back and heart undies under her skirt for the GnG Knight outfit, both which you'll probably never see a pixel of normally.
I like the game, but the mecha controls in Ape Escape 3 are full retard.
For instance, you gotta pulls the joysticks apart to jump.
Mega Man Powered Up was one of those games where you could tell from playing it that the dev team had some passion for the game they were making. I didn't know they included even tiny details like that, though. Very neat.
Shitty Xbox FPS controller fucked up generations of games.
It works really well when it's done right.
On a somewhat-related note. What's this stupid glitch around the edges of the screen in PCSX2?
It was okay, I'm not saying it was a god send and fuck did it annoy me as it's a bit of a look about for loot rpg and I'll tell you what my son that is a right pain if you can't look about easy. It was a fun game though, one of the few I got on me shelf as a bit of a trophy for beating with every class.
Try half pixel offset.
don't use emulators.
It gets forgotten because of the game but it has a different control scheme which allows you to use the mouse/analog stick(if you use a controller, this might be the only first person game I ever did) to aim your swings so you could effectively break/cut limbs off of zombies.
The game is actually pretty fun if you're fucking around with friends.
These pictures are wrong, please remain from posting them as they make me feel funky and i don't like it.
I see now, HPO was already on. Apparently, I didn't need it for AE3.
My PS2 is not here.
With an emulator I can have HD resolution, anisotropic filtering & other luxuries or if I want the "original experience" I can play at the native resolution with no AF, some scanlines & use my old DualShock controller with a MagicJoy adapter, but I'm not that invested in nostalgia tbh fam.
I pirated that & it works with SmartSteamEmu so you can play pirated copies over LAN. Works online too through Hamachi & Tunngle. I never knew it had such an control scheme available. Never tried that.
My bad, you can't use M&K for analog control scheme. Just looked it up, since I never used it I didn't know.
I would rather go back to the ps2 version if it meant they put the IP on a system that actually let's me enjoy the visuals of MonHon.
dont worry, its a loli
Gone are the days when you could sculpt an ass & vulva like this on a 9-11yo girl & it would actually make it to the North American market. Ape Escape 3 managed to get out in the U.S just before the dreaded year of 2007 kicked off a massively-accelerated invasion & destruction of everything we ever loved.