Cory Booker's attempt at an Oprah style speech is extremely sploitable
Seething with anger and tears of rage over a cuss word doesn't seem like the temperament of a President…
Let's make this his "basket of deplorables" or his "binders full of women" moment and kill this chimp's chances before he even gets started.
It's been a while since we've done any real work here lately. Shake of the rust and get to work. Campaign season starts early when you're the God Emperor.
Let's make this last month of the FIRE COCK go out with a blaze and usher in the new EARTH DOG!
These niggers are really going full on baptist preacher lately. I wonder if they realise that only other niggers think this doesn't sound retarded.
Adam Jenkins
Asher Gutierrez
Fuck off, boomer.
Eli Carter
Sagan bless this African-American hero. His suffering now is great, but his victory in 2020 over the forces of evil white supremacy will make it all worth it.
Booker/Harris 2020.
Bentley Allen
Trump's shithole exercise rustled them into even further incoherence. This is good.
Ayden Williams
Don't give a fuck anymore. We're far past the point where words, much less liberal tears, mean jack all.
Isaac Bennett
Fake news awards tomorrow. I'm getting a feeling its leaked audio of said meeting where Trump said shithole, except no mention of shithole will be found.
Jaxson Nelson
Anyone else get the feeling this high yellar is getting the same treatment our former mulatto received? Former mayor from shit hole city NJ then made the jump to the national scene junior senator and Yale law grad. Where have I seen this b4?
Will that be the moment when we go stop we are winning to much?
Jaxson Torres
Who cares if a nigger leads Afrimerica?
Kevin Foster
They're probably trying to hold onto the whole Nigger vs Black People thing so White don't go full redpill on shitholes, shithole people and the shithole problems they bring in.
Jonathan Jackson
Henry Perez
Thomas Sanders
Andrew Jenkins
I would not have been able to keep a straight face with that going on in the room. But then I'm not a cuck or a sociopath.
Jack Young
How new are you? >>>/reddit/
Chase Howard
Owen Diaz
All jews will be killed in due time.
All jews will be killed in due time.
Justin Reyes
Dont you have some roaches to befriend imkikey?
Chase Young
Nathan Hernandez
Says the manpig on the board that gets triggered because of pixels on a daily basis.
For one example among many:
Alexander Bailey
More American circus.
Connor Gomez
Jaxson Morgan
also this is a strange zoo
Wyatt Russell
Juan Hall
stop using the word "supremist"
hell, if you're going to express your hatred to the most succesful color of human in the HISTORY of our know world, at least use the correct terminology.
To compare, "there" gets 2,780,000,000 and "thar" gets 17,000,000, for a ratio of 163:1. Supremacist/supremist is at a ratio of 12:1. So it's at least more common than pirate speak, but I wouldn't say that it's anywhere near being as commonly accepted as the proper spelling.
Vote but it's going to do absolutely nothing for you because the political stage is entirely under control. The only one that won't maintain the status quo is Hitler but he's long gone from this corporeal existence now. So how about you go about always being vigilant and making a thousand little Hitlers with your words and actions, instead of voting for Schlomo McShekelberg's favourite brand names and putting your faith on them on top of that? Don't waste your time and energy.
Jason Kelly
faggot-tier (phone)post
Christian Cox
Jaxon Gray
"What did you do while the leftists destroyed the West?" "Oh, I waited for Hitler and got angry at people on a Nepalese fingerpainting forum."
Thomas Sullivan
Can't tell if kikepost or just autistic sperg. Obviously the person you're responding to would be against voter fraud. Either way, fuck off.
Brayden Walker
I don't know why he's pretending to be upset, this gaynigger loves shitholes and shitholing. It's a regular shitholer.
Christian Long
Well that is his voter base after all
Kevin White
Great youtube with almost no views ripe for tracking. Here is the CSPAN one where you can have more fun in the comments and upvote appropriate replies.
Benjamin Ward
tbh this guy looks about as black as shaun king on his way home from a beach vacation.
Gabriel Bennett
Rach are you on anti-depressants now? You seem alot happier since last time we saw you (election night)
Nathaniel Campbell
checked fair point
Jeremiah Howard
James Turner
This crypto-pajeet has zero chance of being president. His own city doesn't even like him.
Lucas Rogers
They talk like it's the worst thing ever said by a president. I'm sure I've heard presidents on tape calling American blacks worst things. Lyndon Johnson's pants might be worse than shithole, which nobody is willing to confirm for fear the President releases the tape.
Like there isn't a record of this "meeting".
That's why everyone was so vocal but graham didn't want to get into it. Classic liars.
Cameron Clark
what she actually heard…
Zachary Butler
Tyler Campbell
mystery meat is the new black
James Davis
LMFAO just played this in tge middle of the street. People clearly think I'm mad
William Torres
Isn't Booker a black nationalist who has advocated for segregation of the races? Or am I thinking of some other Muslim nigger