I finished pic related and I'm mixed on it. At first I really enjoyed it and I thought to myself I'm going to 100% this with all four characters but at the final boss as Wyatt I pretty much gave up on the game(Not because it's difficult, but because I'm genuinely sick of trying to S rank shit and my autism won't let me go by with a lower rank.) and I haven't even tried the second character yet. But still it was really fun and the weapons that weren't Great Blade Purgatory were a real blast to use, and that spell system was nice.
Got recommendations for some good metriodvania's, Holla Forums? I've played nearly all of the castlevania ones, La Mulana(and the remake, and the kickstarter demo to the sequel to that remake), Guacamelee, Rabi Ribi, Momodora(second, third and Reverie. No idea where to find the first and I'll be honest now that I've played Reverie I doubt I'd like it) and Ori and the Blind Forest. What did that lightning angel guy say during his 2-4 beams attack? Ceramic Dog?
The last boss is honestly pretty easy, but boring. I know the lightning spell will keep you in the air, so you can just keep using to bounce off of her face until you run out of magic.
Nicholas Carter
I kept trying to do sick combos and ended up getting hit and fucking up my combo rank, as well as draining my mana because I had the grey knight armor on.
Evan Allen
Salt and sanctuary is mostly sold as 2D dark souls, and it is, but it's also structured as a metroidvania. As you progress through the game you get special jumps and other unlocking abilities that let you access new areas and secrets in old ones. In fact it's more a metroidvania to me since dark souls' combat doesn't always translate all that well. Two handed strength build breaks the damn game for instance.
Xavier Hernandez
ori and the blind forest was great but the rpg levelling up breaks the game entirely. Fucking pity they put in such a system.
Bentley Gomez
Easton Butler
Agreed. The triple jump completely trivialized the platforming.
Jace Powell
and the damage upgrades made combat a joke too. Instead of nimbly using the skills you unlocked against progressively more elaborate foes, you just damage dump them and the problem is solved. Really poorly thought out and it's a goddamn shame such a great game underneath was fucked by tacked on system. I really am thoroughly convinced western developers have no clue what they're doing.
Andrew Diaz
I think it was a fluke because the enhanced edition's extra content was seriously low quality and the dash added jack to the game.
Jeremiah Clark
I think there was crossed wires in the team, everything beneath the RPG shit is great, good design, good challenge sequences, solid mechanics, its great. But once you start factoring in the garbage its like a smear of shit across something really great. I think some members of the team were afraid of alienating some players, so they over compensated for them with an "optional" system. I know they made the wrong choice there. You don't design core game play that solid as a fluke, but to me the issues reek of meddling out of pointless concern. It's not a particularly hard game, it's got some decent challenges, it progresses reasonably with its difficulty, and it didn't need the cushion of the RPG system in the slightest.
Kinda wish more people could see discussion of things like this. It's really important. I'm sick and tired of the western game industry being plagued with garbage like this.
Jack Wood
I wanted to ask, is Unepic any good?
I think it comes from no one really having the balls to make a game difficult for the sake of the game itself, rather than making a game difficult for the sake of being difficult(it's like my old games/souls :^^^)))) or pussying out because God forbid someone actually needing to git gud and overcome a challenge through ability rather than needing to level up a certain amount so that the boss isn't so much of a threat anymore, or the game itself not being challenging in the first place. Do you think we're just too good at video games? I have this thing where I like to look at a game's discussion after I finish it, see what others feels about it and I almost always get surprised but what gave people the most trouble. Furi had The Line being called impossible, Lords of Shadow had the entire game being called hard, Bionic Commando rearmed had a sub 50% positive rating because "controls are too hard" even though I played it on a keyboard with no issues, etc.
Justin Williams
Unepic is not a traditional metroidvania. Unepic is, instead, a dungeons and dragons 2D adaptation into a metroidvania format. The end result is incredibly rough, not very well balanced, with pretty terrible level design. It's a game that is incredibly underrated because it truly is something different from most other games on the market, but unfortunately doesn't do it well enough to deserve being praised. Also it has a terrible plot/terrible writing/terrible humor so don't even consider those as selling points.
But at the very least, kudos to the developer for implementing controller support, i was absolutely sure there was no way whatsoever the game could've functioned with a controller, due to how the menus and everything works, yet he managed to make it work really well, it really impressed me.
Wyatt Fisher
I see. Is their second game, Ghost 1.0 any better?
Sebastian Bennett
Haven't tried it yet, i'll check it out once it lands on GOG.
Logan Myers
Has shadow complex been fixed for the PC yet? Last time I played it I was stuck at an area where I kept clipping through a mine cart I needed to ride to progress.
Tyler Bailey
I tought the gameplay was excellent and the humor was very good too, nothing stellar but also nothing pretentious. I had a lot of fun with the game, I'd love to play it again in the future if my shitty memory manages to forget everything about it. I say it's worth a definetly worth a pirate if you're unsure about it.
I recently tried pirating the second game, it's very different from unepic but it has the same kind of humor and open endedness of the first game. It had a huge bug on pirated versions, which made it impossible to pick up items so the pirated version is more like a demo. If the game gets a solid sale on steam I'll buy it despite being a poorfag.
Oliver Sullivan
Been replaying the Tomba games recently. They are fairly short, but really good.
Easton Price
The core gameplay is excellent because it tries really hard to bring a traditional RPG to a 2D plane, the best way i can describe it is a "what if" scenario where someone tried to reinvent what a metroidvania is mechanically, it's like playing something from an alternate reality. However the balance around the core gameplay, isn't. Thus it ends up being shitty in pratice. The humor and writing are atrocious. Just because something isn't pretentious doesn't make it good, i really dislike this trend on Holla Forums where everything that isn't super simple is automatically pretentious. Unepic pushes too far in the opposite direction, with jokes and a setup that seem birthed by the mind of a 10 years old, it's simply stupid and unfunny.
Aiden Perry
Yeah, I dont remember anything about balance in it, I just remember I had a spear, an axe and a mace, just to alternate between all kinds of physical damage, that shit is nice.
And me thinking the humor not being pretentious isn't about it being simple, it's about the writers actually knowing about what they're talking about instead of just spouting epic maymays whitout any reason or generic snarky comments. The game is calle UNepic for a reason, the dialogue is silly and stupid but it can be funny and enjoyable
Eli Sullivan
Valdis Story wasn't very good IMO.
The aesthetic was Deviantart incarnate as well.
Joseph Ramirez
I think the more I played it the less I enjoyed it. I tried Reina just now, after making this thread and I'm getting super pissed off with how she plays and with the game in general.
Anthony Hernandez
Aquaria is a great game for this. Just pirate it, developer broke up, promised a sequal that never arrived and became liberals or some shit. And they released the source code for you to play with.
All aside, it's worth a playthrough and if I am not mistaken, you can 100% it without worry about being locked out of content when progressing - missing a collectible in a area you can't return to and so on.
David Martinez
I think my main gripes about the game was how your dodges seemingly stopped regenerating in combat rather than just building slower and how attempting to cast a spell with not enough mana stunned and knocked you back as if you were struck. Those aspects just felt like unnecessary restrictions.
Aiden Davis
I remember playing Aquaria. Probably the first game that actually fucked you over for getting 100%. Great game, thank you.
Exactly. At some point I decided I'll just use Wyatt's broken evade dash upgrade(the one that regens skill cancels if you evade a projectile) whenever possible.
Josiah Cruz
Wait, what?
William Morales
The ending to 100% Aquaria is Naija is kidnapped by her mother against her will to be used in some world conquering scheme.
And it's not the first game, I completely forgot Drakengard existed.
Angel Mitchell
Grey knight armor is not necessary if you move fast enough, I think. Its been awhile since I played, and I spent the most time playing Gilda. Gilda is a bit broken between the possibility of having four jumps, making all platforming pointless and one build giving her ridiculous stats that are easily exploited.
Evan Martin
I did not find Ori bad, there were enough parts where I died a lot. Obviously as you progress through the game you become more powerful, it's what happens in all games with RPG elements. Castlevania SOTN was 10x easier than Ori, yet I would not call it a bad game because it wasn't very hard.
Ian Stewart
I disliked SOTN because it was so easy. Also because of the inverted castle
Benjamin Torres
I need to recommend Momodora III and Momodora: Reverie under the moonlight, they are fantastic. I would recommend Ghost 1.0 and the new Strider, they are both very good I would also keep a eye on the triunvirate of the "never to be released" games in the metroid-like genre, which is Death Gambit, Ghost Song and Chasm, who knows? Maybe someday they will be released and will not be shit. Mega-Sphere will maybe be good, but I can't have faith in procedural bullshit anymore.
Charles Peterson
I liked inverted Castle because it was harder and had awesome music and made good use of previous levels. The only thing that I disliked is also that it was easy, but somehow it's still my favourite platformer.
John Richardson
Fucking fuck, has there been ANY news on that shit?
Ryder Williams
Colton Miller
When will they finally finish La-Mulana 2 ?
Nolan Foster
not that i know of, it really is the trinity of "games that are maybe in development but will probably never be released"
Juan Hughes
We live in a world where Owlboy was finally released, so there's hope yet.
Nathaniel Sanders
Owlboy's been released? When? Is it good?
Lucas Turner
Asher Martinez
That track gets great halfway through though, it's too bad the beginning is what you'll hear most of the time.
Parker Ross
La-Mulana 2 will be released when you defeat the dragon in the demo.
Isaiah Mitchell
For maybe a minute, and then it goes back to the beginning bit but with drums and a bit of bass. And nothing excuses using the same song for most of the areas when they each had a unique song for the first castle.
Joseph Campbell
This sums up my entire opinion of the game. It's fun to play, the base combat mechanics are well-polished, but I found the whole rank system really annoying, especially with bosses like Jazracht or whatever his name was that have a long walk between the save point and the boss room.
Easily the least fun weapon in the game. I managed to S-Rank Myrgato with it in an older version. Agi build with max upgraded Great Blade can kill her even without Teachings of Life Blade equipped.
Seraphic Storm.
Grey Knight armor is only good with Gilda.
Liam Collins
unepic is the kind of game where you pretty much have to do it in one go. If you stop for a few days and try to get back to it, you're just gonna go "meh". I give it an allright/10
Lucas Gray
Sorry, had to get away, but I'm guessing you googled it by now.
Isaac Carter
No. The developer is a fucking jew charging $25 for it. If you care to know why it's so not good, I posted this in the clusterfuck that was the previous owlboy thread. spoilers abound. >Next screen bully birds are making fun of a cute pic related owl carrying a bunch of books >Some neat puzzles involving hugging rain clouds to raise water level >Enter fun dark jungle level
Gavin Brown
tl;dr game was mediocre garbage with shit plot, gameplay and forgettable OST. The only redeeming factors are that I really, really, really want to fuck the cute book owl as hard as I fucking can and that the game itself doesn't like complete dogshit despite being made with pixels. For the love of god don't buy it for the full $25.
Evan Ortiz
This is like the one game I'm excited for.
Nathan Hall
t. shitters that can't git gud
I bet you haven't even beat goibniu mode
Jason Miller
Blaster Master is my favorite Metroidvania.
Matthew Scott
Yeah I finished it a couple weeks ago. Steam version.
Nolan Nguyen
Don't forget to play Maze of Galious while you wait for it to never come out
I remember seeing that someone actually did, 7:15
Liam Flores
holy shit, it took me a few minutes to figure out who the fuck this was and why I recognized his voice. I remember this mother fucker starting the I Wanna Be the Guy meme game.
Camden Sanders
Seriously? I don't know lets-players, I just remember seeing this linked years ago when the demo came out.
Julian Phillips
So it's ripping off bastion?
What do you think of the new remake then?
Henry Kelly
I just want another good platforman experience
Ryder Campbell
That's not what Bastion was about though, Bastion was the other way around where they made a reset machine to undo blowing up the world.
Blake Butler
Oh man, that track is ingrained into my brain.
Noah Diaz
That was only one ending. The other ending was that you would refuse to use the reset machine and instead continue through the world as is.
Jose Thomas
Its on the dev's website: bombserplease use archive.is/ just click games Momodora and you are asked if you would like to donate. You can chose no and it takes you to a direct download on: itch.io/
Itcho has a ton of free games. There is also there other game by rdein called Bunny Swordmaster Story. Matter of fact I haven't even checked out the metroidvania tag yet. itch.io/games/tag-metroidvania looks good tbh
Nathan Jenkins
The Wiiware one? It was freaking awful compared to the original and the music got all kinds of fucked. Other than that, it played just fine. As for the 3DS remaster, its shaping up to be something awesome but i fear that most people will start disregarding the original because a "better" version exists. That is something that i can see Holla Forums doing, they did so with AM2R.
No, the new one they JUST announced. Blaster Master 0
Connor Turner
Yeah yeah, i mentioned that one too.
Evan Baker
Within a deep forest appreciation post.
Brody Clark
Exile's End is pretty good from what I've played so far. My only real complaint is it's hard to tell what points on the map lead to a different area.
Robert Richardson
Is pic related any good?
Adam Clark
If you can ignore shitty memes and the least subtle references I've ever seen, then yes the game play is pretty good, and basically a beat em up metroid.
Joseph Reyes
Do you have to play with that CRT filter?
Not really, not as a metroid-style game
Levi Roberts
No, you can turn it off, set it to subtle or crank it full blast. It just looks really good on the Vita's OLED screen but comes out looking like ass in screenshots.
Connor Peterson
The original freeware You Have to Win the Game is decent. I'd try to find the old version instead of getting the one on steam, as that ruined the end puzzle. Super Win the Game took a more Zelda II approach and isn't all that good.
Hudson Bennett
a good mix of Metroid with Bullet Hell. user's complain about the translation but the story doesn't matter. I think its also related to 2hu which is why I suspect (due to the shit translation) some hard core 2hu fans passionately hate it on Holla Forums. I might be wrong.
looks a bit unfinished from the gameplay videos I saw
It had potential but it also sucks balls for a few reason. A ton of shitty Reddit memes, the default controls which you can't change suck and the challenge is way unbalanced. What I mean by unbalanced is that 90% of the game is piss easy but they have weird difficultly spikes and crazy puzzles thrown in randomly just to frustrate the fuck out of you. I don't mind a good challenging game but at least have a consistent difficulty ramp. The check points are also poorly placed. Whomever designed the game really never thoroughly play-tested it. All that said is still fun and an interesting concept
Environmental Station α Hero & Hero Core remar.se/daniel/herocore.php Axiom Verge (ok for what it is but a bit overrated)
Jayden Powell
It ain't related to toohoo at all.
Kayden Brown
a bit linear but no memes included
Tyler Flores
Oh because Platine Dispositif is the Dev of BMD it just I was looking to see if their was the Japaneses version somewhere (I thought the original was a free game too) because their is a fan translation and came across a website called Platine Dispositif - moriyashrine with links to every official and spin off Touhou. They also make cute girl shoot em up's like GundeadliGne. I just assumed 2hu. they also made Zangyura (video embedded).
Cameron Stewart
for the last boss of valdis when the game was incomplete it really was a chore to get rank S but after in the last build is actually easy, i dont remember how but i remember that you can skip the kill the cristal things and attack his and attack directly his head. i think it was a combination of ice block double jump air lighting magic and attack with the angel wings
Eli Long
The Metroidvania genre is one of the few that's had some great hits in the past two years. You already named Valdis Story, but the other one that's stuck with me is Momodora. It was short and sweet for me, but let a very firm impression. Well structured, well paced, great for speedrunning and it's got a wonderful bittersweet momentum going for it. Thoroughly enjoyed it, fondly remember it.
Jordan Thomas
I know exactly what you are talking about but unfortunately there is no rule 34 yet
Noah Howard
Andrew Reed
With Kaho already that cute and Lubella already that busty, how much do we need?
Luke Hall
Nice job with the regex, Mark.
Luis Rivera
This game was made by a single guy, it took inspiration from Metroid and Contra and is a remix of the first two Turricans for the C64. An Indie before it existed.
Gabriel Rogers
What was the name of this game? Looks awesome.
Jose Stewart
Apotheon. Weird ass physics-based combat and hate boner for the olympian gods warning.
Xavier Bell
What the fug? Why? I love the olympian gods, this may be a deal breaker for me.
Ayden Collins
Well, the story is that they're destroying the earth or some shit and you have to kill most of them. I didn't like that either. I blame god of war.
Ayden Price
The Olympian gods were all a bunch of dickbags that did more harm than good to humanity.
Zachary King
they also released an arena mode 4free but it requires the steam version
Luis Jackson
Is this a joke? Upside-down castle literally just took the levels they had actually designed and turned them over. It's a tedious to navigate piece of shit.
Carson Barnes
Too bad Axiom Verge is a DRM-crippled piece of shit.
Cameron Miller
Sure Wew. They were much too lenient about whatever the fuck humanity wanted to do for that statement to hold water. I mean Zeus dicked Prometheus hard for giving us fire but did he smite humanity because of it ? Aside from them wanting sacrifices and to rape from time to time, Olympus was definitely a net gain for humans.
Meanwhile, in Apotheon, they're just straight destroying the earth and you have to go kill them as a matter of survival. That is not true to myths by any stretch of the imagination.
Lucas Watson
No, they're not. Not until you start killing them.
Hudson Phillips
oh? that game looked pretty cool and I was thinking of getting it, what's wrong with it?
Jordan Hughes
There are people that are very passionate about being against any form of drm. The PC version is exclusively on steam, so he's probably upset about that. It's not like you can't pirate it, though.
Kayden James
oh, it's just steam drm? yeah, I can understand being against that, given that a lot of people encounter issues with offline mode. works on my machine™, though.
Jordan Martinez
So thank you all for the recommendations. So far I'm really enjoying Apotheon and Ghost 1.0, but it seems Apotheon might be bugged on my PC because it keeps crashing after Artemis. I'll try playing again from the start but I'm worried. This seems like an odd request, but are there any metroidvania's with first or third person gameplay? Don't mention the Souls games, I think everyone's played them by now.
Isaac Garcia
Closest thing you'll get to 3d metroidvanias are zelda games/clones.
Oliver Walker
Most people agree the game is pretty uninspired anyway. It's super metroid! but it doesn't do anything and the art style is kinda fucked thanks to filters.
Liam Young
The artstyle is plenty fucked outside of filters
Christopher Long
But user i did pirate Axiom.Verge.
Jace Garcia
Bumpan again. What are some metroidvanias with really fun combat or platforming, aside from the ones I mentioned in the OP? Should I leave this thread for dead?
Owen Murphy
Odallus is overall well done so that's a recomendation and Outland and Abyss Odyssey are worth a try just for the a e s t h e t i c of it , even though last time i checked Abyss had enough issues to render the two hooks of the game (the visual and the enemy capture battle mechanic) obsolete but maybe they fixed that shit since then it won't make much difference , if the thread dies there's simply gonna be another one at some point if 4chan was hell then Holla Forums is purgatory ,we'll simply repeat the cycle again and again and again over and over until our past transgressions are forgiven and our soul is finally free to depart to heaven
Jackson Cruz
Is Dust: An Elysian Tale any good? That seems metroidy from what I can tell and ignoring the furry aesthetic seems a fun game.
Jeremiah Wood
It's actually pretty okay, but jesus the art and VA work takes some getting over
Samuel Murphy
I've played outland, it has some really neat gimmicks and some very good music but I wish it were harder. Abyss Odd I didn't like at all. Will give Odallus, thanks. At least if this is purgatory we have something to look forward to eventually, right?
Aaron Bennett
Environmental Space Station α is better than most of those games.
Hunter Powell
Valdis Story is straight up SJW propaganda. "muh strong independent womynz and muh diversity" forced down your throat at every turn.
Angel Davis
How come this nigga looks like Robocop?
Jacob Stewart
Dylan Clark
Also, there's a good Zelda II ish / Metroidvania ish game where you play as a loli called Finding Teddy 2. It's surprisingly fun.