Welcome Amiibo went live a few days ago. Discuss!
inb4 Lol Amiibos are gay
Welcome Amiibo went live a few days ago. Discuss!
inb4 Lol Amiibos are gay
Other urls found in this thread:
lol amiibos are gay
lol amiibos are gay
lol amiibos are gay
Lol Amiibos are gay
lol amiibos are gay
I still like Animal crossing though. Are the two minigames the only things they added besides the amiibo support?
Lol amiibos are gay
Post AC lewds
You know in retrospect I kinda set myself up for that one.
They added a shitload more besides that, like daily quests, a storeroom for your house that adds 54 extra pages of storage, the ability to use the Happy Home Designer system to decorate your house, and more. animal-crossing.com
Does it have an online mode? If not I don't think it's worth dusting off my AC copy and starting a new town for it.
also;lol amiibos are gay
Have some Zero Suit Isabelle
Is there anyway to get the update by downloading it through a hacked 3DS and somehow copying it over to an N3DS? I haven't hacked my N3DS yet but I still wanna play.
TL;DR this update adds
-More Shit
-2 Minigames
-a) Puzzle Leauge, amiibo for >easymode
-b) The surivival minigame from the wii U game, not amiibo locked, but does require playcoins. You can use villagers from your village.
-sidequest cupons
-A new place where you can buy special furniture with sidequest cupons
-a) You can invite a villager to visit and buy furniture from them by tapping their amiibo, but the entire experience is NOT amiibo locked, only villagers are.
-the ability to invite any villager of your choice into your town, AND kick any villager out to fit him/her in the spot (amiibo required)
-Medli, Wolf Link, Ganon, Epona, Octupus Squiddaboo, Callie Squirrel, Marie Squirrel, all cut villagers from Dobustu no Mori E+ villagers
-Happy Home Designer style house building
-A secret spot for another 4 slots of storage
-The ability to nuke everything and get a head start in a new town
-More clothing
You can do online in Club Tortimer and visit other people's towns, but that's it.
Speaking of starting a new town, you now have the option to sell your town so you can get a jump start.
Call me back next decade when nintendo makes another panel de pon game with online play
Apple channel best channel
Also, I managed to clean up the clutter on the floor of my town (and some other places) so it's almost respectable. I say almost because I've got a few piles of Gracie stuff I want to move into a new house eventually never, winter stuff I'm too tired to deal with at the moment, some handheld tool things I never found a good place for, and a lot of fucking Sahara carpets that take up like half of my plaza. I'll probably have a garage sale of that and some extra art/sloppy/golden/Pascal/whatever stuff. I sold all my extra weeding day prizes because I was sick of looking for them.
One last mention, the only Amiibo I have are the Splatoon ones, so if anyone ever needs to buy some Splatoon crap I can do it. I can even just buy a single item from it if you need, if you've got any of the new items or whatever else ends up on my need list (another thing I need to do tomorrow). On that note I've got a hand washing station or something, if anyone wants to take that off my hands whenever I finally open up.
Only little bitches use Amiibo in Puzzle League.
Post some Puzzle League ost
Forgot to mention about HHD style building, you cannot half push furniture, so sadly you still cannot have a 1x1 object in the direct center of the room, still.
No, have some 2 AM music instead
Why does this sound like Yoshi's Story music anyway? Did N64 Animal Crossing share the soundfont or whatever with it? Is it like that one Evangelion game that basically used Mario 64's soundfont? Am I just fucking insane?
I read that it shared a soundfont with mario artist, which may have had shared some sounds with joshi Tori.
Fuck you Nintendo for making a fucking Celeste amiibo but no Sable or Labelle. Or Gracie.
You'll cowards need to learn how to webm
Don't they have amiibo in japan? I thought they just never got localized, and I think I saw sable at a walmart at one point.
They made a fucking Lottie amiibo. Who likes Lottie? Who even played HHD? I just pirated it so I could get the extra items in my catalog.
If they're in japan you can import them, amiibo have no region locking.
This is something I am aware of.
I do
The hippie plays a tambourine.
Gracie doesn't have one but Sable and Labelle both have amiibos, and they're pretty common. Common enough to be in Gamestop's used Amiibo section
what if she had a bulge
It's Holla Forums, you have a 50/50 percent chance of it either making him harder or making him only slightly softer.
Well there's already a fag in here who wants a Gracie amiiboo, even though >she has a dick.
Who wanted the marie stuff I was gonna summon her again today since I gave my first Marie outfit to my sister.
You can only order max 3 pieces though and the outfit is 4 so if you have multiple chars that would be easiest.
Ok fuck nevermind it wouldn't let me summon her van.
Also, this is a reminder to myself or anyone else who wants to try it, check to see if item duping by disconnecting is still a thing. Like I said last thread, it's less of a glitch and more of an abuse of an intended system, so I don't think they can patch it that well.
How am I supposed to get another outfit now FUCK
You mean just giving an item and not saving?
I just did something terrible so I figured I'd give you a warning before anyone else makes the same mistake.
Okay so I have the game digitally stored on my SD card and I thought I could use that to make a backup of my game and restart and still have my original town.
It told me, while I was testing this, that my save data wasn't from my most recent save and made me delete it. Through my carelessness I have also misplaced the correct save data because my computer's SD reader is garbage.
Learn from my mistake folks.
Okay so I lost a save made from 2009 What in all can I no longer obtain ever again? Nothing right?
All the spotpass items
Any 7/11 items
If you managed to get a yellow balloon, you can't get one of those again.
also through Harv, you can reobtain all the lost spotpass items.
2013 I mean
Wat do
get the Wii U and 3ds from a fag here through online or buy a tom nook amiibo?
-Local supermarket electronic section had them all on sale for months
-Twice it was even buy 2 get one free while they were already half price
-They all have a common art style
-They look nice near the promotional box a buddy snagged for me when he worked there 3 years ago when the game came out
-The figures do not have those ugly support bars
-I like animal crossing so much I have the animal crossing poptart 3DSXL
I never thought I would ever use them for anything because I never bought a WiiU and I never bought a New 3DS.
Until that Nintendo Direct I didn't even know about that little amiibo adapter thing.
So I happen to have the wolf link amiibo because I walked into a gamestop on the outskirts of town that had one in a bag for half price because it was used obviously aka someone returned their copy of WiiU twilight princess and even the amiibo it came with.
At the time there was even a large markup on the amiibo itself online.
I can have wolf link show up.
He has a bunch of neat shit in his camper I want to buy.
Retardedly you can only buy 3 items a day.
I can invite him to live in my town but I don't know if it would be possible to have him as a citizen and also show up in the camper at the same time?
Regardless I have 3 characters so I'll just cheese it out by having them all 3 throw coupons at him until I have all his stuff and see for myself.
Yeah, I think Shovel Knight is the only Amiibo that doesn't have the protector slip underneath it because Yacht Club EXPLICITLY made it a point so that you could still use it while it was in it's packaging for collectors.
IIRC Nintendo did it so you couldn't just walk into a store and use them at will.
oh yeah the fucking piece of tin foil, right.
Why did they do that when they knew they were going to be bought by collection autists?
why is resetti attacking that loli?
Which villager would you impregnate?
I opened mine for NOTHING?
I keep ruining my everything.
I'd have a nookling if Tom wanted one of me.
But user, you're not a girl.
Ankha is for cucks
I want to have Curt's babies.
I want to have a consensual relationship with fang
gas the gays
The Wiiu and 3ds drop from cookies, just make sure to grab those every day. had my wiiU drop from one myself.
So wait, what can I get without using Amiibos?
I think most things, you just can't pick who shows up in the trailer park.
Okay here's the list of ALL the shit they added with the update (stolen from tumblr, grateful to that user)
New amiibo functionality, invite characters to park in a special new area with RVs. Works with all AC Amiibo, the cards, Splatoon, Zelda, and Monster Hunter amiibo.
Special villagers such as Wolf Link, Ganon, Medli, Epona, Cece, and Viche can move to your town
The following figurines give the following villagers along with their furniture:
Toon Link - Medli (normal)
Ganondorf - Ganon (cranky)
Sheik - Epona (peppy)
Zelda/Link/W. Link - W. Link (jock)
Callie - Cece (peppy)
Marie - Viche (normal)
Inkling - Inkwell (jock)
Villager - no one, sort of (vid related)
Monster Hunter amiibos - Felyne (lazy)
AC figurine amiibos can be scanned to allow them to visit your town in an RV and have furniture available to purchase
While they are camping in their RV, Wisp will temporarily replace them in their roles but does not replace their job services
Series 1 - 4 amiibo cards give you furniture and the option to move a villager in
List of compatible figurine amiibos : nintendo.com
Full list of amiibo card villagers and their RVs : animal-crossing.com
Amiibo camera that allows you to take irl photos with villagers
Amiibo cards of special characters such as Isabelle can be used to get their pictures as well
Wisp appears at a random location and can be found by walking around until you are called by an unknown voice at least a day after the update.
Amiibo villagers can be talked to, invited to camp, or invited to live in your town permanently from Wisp
Wisp can only grant one wish per day and can only be found once a day, meaning only one character can get Wisp each day unless you TT
If your town is full but you want an amiibo to move in, you can kick out one of your existing villagers by choice
You can use amiibo cards to move a villager back in even if they have not cleared the cycle
HHD’s decorating mechanics added once you have the necessary upgrades.
Requires house to have a second floor and no unpaid debts before you can build storeroom. After the storeroom is built you can talk to Lottie at Nook’s Homes in order to unlock
Clothes can now be hung on walls
Storeroom upgrade provides tons of new storage space
Special items and furniture can be obtained if you link up save data from HHD from the start menu
MEOW coupons, a new currency from doing tasks. Used for purchasing items at the RV park store and furniture inside RVs
MEOW coupons can be exchanged for bells at the ATM at a rate of 3,000 bells per coupon
Only 3 furniture items can be ordered from campers each day
Furniture items can be purchased in RVs from another person’s town, however it’ll take 5 coupons per item instead of 3
Tasks are now displayed on your TPC along with how many coupons they reward
New minigames obtained by having the Wii U/N3DS furniture
Desert Island Escape - from Wii U
Puzzle League - from N3DS
Puzzle League rewards : imgur.com
MEOW coupons and special items can be obtained from doing well in minigames
Can liquidate your town assets when resetting your town
You can only sell your town if you have a stage 3 or higher tree, confirmed by Nintendo
If you sell your town you will keep your PWPs
Can choose to either keep catalogue or sell for more bells
Money can be gained instantly as one giant sum or as 100 daily payments with 10% interest
More in-depth information on selling : reddit.com
New items obtainable through fortune cookies:
#51 - Wii U console
#52 - Wii U console (Black)
#53 - Chihuahua Ornament
#54 - Dalmation Ornament
#55 - Dachshund Ornament
#56 - Labrador Ornament
#57 - New Nintendo 3D
There are now also new clothes at the Able Sisters (courtesy of reddit user ArkieRN)
List of amiibo villager items : archive.is
List of RVs and their obtainable items : reddit.com
You can now get a special item and celebrate your town’s anniversary
There is a special celebration for those who have had their town since release (3 years)
Ability to silence people in Club Tortimer
New island minigames
Ability to sit on rocks
Ability to sit on pillows
New villagers brought back from older AC games
Free weeding if you haven’t been to your town in a while by talking to Leif after returning
Nintendo 3DS image share can now be used in-game to upload pictures to Facebook/Twitter
Balloons no longer exclusively contain balloon furniture and can now drop any kind of furniture
You can now shake trees with a net/watering can/fishing rod equipped
Your character’s arms will now match the color of your mii mask
You can now interact with furniture items while sitting near them
Glitches have been patched (RIP net glitch)
Villagers now have extended time on when they will move out varying from 7 - 10 days (more time to convince them otherwise)
New fertilizer from Leif can now revive dead trees and bring them back as ordinary fruit trees
You can now place furniture on top of stools
Timmy/Tommy no longer explain how to use wrapping paper when purchasing
New villager animations have been added
Cyrus now waves after you pick up a customized item
You can now stack fruit while in storage
Two tile furniture items can now be placed on tables (courtesy of reddit user OFFICIALMichi)
Villagers will no longer move onto paths/qr codes
Nigga that film is literally the best videogame adaptation ever made. Not kidding, it's actually funny, beautifully animated, gorgeous art, and will even fucking make you cry.
Shit, this calls for someone to get a movienight ready again
why would you credit random faggots nobody cares about
Shit, I forgot to take this one out. The original tumblr user credited numerous people (which I find understandable), but I erased all of them because… well I was aware anons wouldn't appreciate the mention. Apparently I forgot one.
nigga how hard is it to use notepad's search feature
Give me a break, I forgot a single part of the entire thing
What do you expect from a namefag?
Well just reread and apparently I forgot it twice, not just once. Fuck me over I suppose.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the list anyway. Some of the new shit, like being able to control where villagers' houses will appear, is frankly great.
Now tell us all of your favorite characters so we can bully you for your shit taste
Let's all just bully each other.
I love the Nooklings and Kicks.
gay and pedo, nice.
My nigger!
bully not encourage
I can't say no to twins.
Or sad stories like Kicks not having his own shop in City Folk.
Well the french version has different names. Let me fetch the pics instead.
Not a single special villager. Lame.
I literally just made it to give it to you you tremendous faggot
I bet all your villagers have AIDS after they fucked your ass raw
"Most things"? I am just wondering what isnt available.
Probably the Legend of Zelda and Splatoon villagers.
Reminder that Bob is the best villager.
he got his own shop later and he's cute so it doesn't matter
Anyone know if kicks has an RV? I need to know if I should get an amiibo of him or not
According to the link here he does, but no image of it.
Also yeah, I'm glad things worked out for my favorite skunk.
Well I doubt he would. Since it'd be weird if you could see him both in the shop AND in the RV.
There's a full list of all RVs in the list I shared here if you need
Oh he does, well shit. Sorry.
Reminder that this is who Val is
Please, if you want to shittalk me do it on twitter, even my DMs are open. Stop ruining perfectly good threads with your autism.
you know full well names with no need trigger anons and derail threads.
Why should I put in extra effort for the same result? It's easier for me to copy and then paste.
This. You should know better
Posting Digby because its more on topic than your namefagging
I don't care about anons shittalking me, it's just grating these people are so selfish with their lies they are ready to ruin the fun of other people as well when they could cry outside of good threads
Back on topic though, because even as a namefag I find it retarded to focus on me this hard on an imageboard : what's the appeal with digby ? He's a completely secondary character that barely has a personality. Not trying to be mean towards dig-lovers, I get it, Isabelle is an ultra kawaii so it's not even the fur I mind, just… what's so special about that doggy ?
Shota, really ? Not seeing it
And are you implying the kink is that you're cucking isabelle with her own brother or something ?
I didn't say MY fun you doofus. I meant other anons' that get their threads derailed.
if you put your name out on the internet in places like Holla Forums then you should be prepared to be called a pedo, pedo.
Stop namefagging then, you dumbshit
I like Digby because I want to fuck him
Getting back on topic
Has anyone found a list of the items you can find only at the camp ? Been buying a few cool things those past few days, like a small table.
I assumed as much. Was mostly curious honestly.
Ah, wait, here it is, found the list of new items
We posting favorite villagers?
lol amiibos are gay
Isabelle or Aurora. New waifu vs old waifu.
Those aren't my favorite villagers, but when anons were waiting impatiently for new leaf news, there was quite a bit of fanart that got made
You are correct mi amiigo
shit I just found very old fanarts where an user actually had started his own villager based on me as a hot catgirl with a béret why the fuck did this even happen
Well shit.
What do you all think of Filbert? He was a cool guy back in Wild World, I liked to think he was my friend.
dang, the time waiting for the game was excruciating, I remember
Does other special villagers have it too?
Tom Nook has a normal New 3DS so maybe it's just an Isabelle thing?
Some of them do.
So how does watering flowers work? If I water all of them will I get more chances of breeding more or is there like a limit like say only three new flowers per day? I have a lot of flowers.
I imagine they haven't changed since this update.
Says four flowers grow each day.
The new AC is gonna come out before I get that 3ds
Quick question guys. I played the ds game to 100%, all the fancy furniture, know all dialoges by heart, all secrets, events, etc. Are the new games different, or they only add new vilalgers and a few short gimmicks? What game do I get?
What's the quickest way to get a N3DS or Wii U? Is it all just random? I have a few amiibo but none of the Animal Crossing ones.
It's a new game, obviously it has new things.
There's not much of a choice since there's only one animal crossing game on 3DS and that's New leaf. There's also Happy home designer, but that's mostly "decorate random villagers houses and buy more amiibo cards".
I got a wii u the day the update dropped with a fortune cookie. Still no luck for a 3DS via cookies but i got the Isabelle one because i have her amiibo.
I meant turning off WiFi at a certain time, I forget the details. I've got a New 3DS so I can't really do it anymore anyway.
By the way, I've got Redd in my town if that one guy who needed a painting by Monday needs one still. Plus all the other crap I mentioned earlier in the thread.
Ha! That was me thanks but I killed my town accidentally. Im still trying to get a good map. Its taking a while.
I dont suppose anyone has any tips for this.
Last call for anyone that wants stuff from Inkwell's RV. If no one responds while I'm playing Puzzle League I'll just get an item from Wisp today instead.
This is gonna sound noobish, but I actually don't know how to open my gates and allow people to come into my town.
I wan 2 fug isabelle
You go to the train station and tell the monkey you want to have visitors or something.
I just found this villager on the intro screen while resetting for my perfect town.
It uses the ant eater body type but ah! It's a pangolin instead! She just made my top favorite villagers because of that.
We really should make a little comparison list of the new villagers added with the new update.
Holy shit Nintendo, you can go fuck yourself
You're not allowed to complain when the solution is piracy.
A9LH mustard race here, it's still retarded.
If you want you could buy the Amiibo three pack and Cyrus comes with both WiiU's and a N3DS and you'll have Cyrus, his wife, and KK to play with.
They added a fuckton of things to new leaf. Being a mayor and being able to personalize your town with projects here and there is one of the biggest things. They added lots of villagers, shops, you can swim and catch fish when diving, the museum's got a second level where you have four rooms available to showcase whatever you want, most of the furniture can be changed and adapted, sometimes even with your own personal motifs, your neighbours can either plan with you a visit to your house or theirs, and they even sometimes come unannounced, your house is way bigger this time (upstairs, downstairs and four rooms, all as big as the living room basically), they added flowers and fruit trees (bananas, lemons, etc.) the gold watercan lets you water up to nine flowers at a time, there's an entire island you can constantly visit once it's unlocked, tom nook is now an actual real estate agent, allows you to personalize your house, even its exterior like windows, letterbox, etc., dr shrunk now lets you learn EVERY SINGLE emote if you're courageous enough to listen to his shitty jokes every day, meaning you can now emote anything anywhere, rocks can now contain gems, redd now has sells the paintings/statues for the museum, and amusingly each week he sells three fakes and one real artpiece, and you can "guess" which one is fake because there's always something "off" on the statue/painting, streetpass is nice, allows you to see other players' houses and character, and you even have a system where you can "dream" another player's place (some of them used to be incredibly creative, like genuinely some people had entire stories with specific neighbours and houses filled with personality, like creepy films or recreations of old tales, etc.), oh and they added one male personality type and one female for the animals…
Basically it's the ultimate edition of animal crossing… except that the puns for fishing/catching bugs are a bit less creative than they used to, and to be perfectly honest I feel like they seriously didn't give enough variety to their speech… I think they were worried to make them too "mean", and so they clearly toned down the snootiness or personality of some of them. In the end they repeat shit way too often and it ends up a bit grating sometimes. Oh and they took the constellations out too. I'd assume because most people used to draw dicks anyway. I'm still frustrated at this.
However, the new update has added even MORE shit that honestly makes up for those last issues I gave you. You can find the list earlier in the thread, it's the two masterposts I made.
Do the Chibi-Robo and Wooly Yoshi amiibos give out anything special? They're the only ones I've bothered getting since wooly yoshi a cute and Chibi-Robo was a good game.
Holy shit dem quints of the devul
Also wooly yoshi doesn't give anything, I tried it. You have a list of all the compatible amiibos there :
Question, can't find a question anywhere, can regular new villagers move into the RV without using an amiibo for them? So far I've only gotten special NPC RVs
Got a black wii u only today myself. It's sadly all luck based, unless you've got amiibos to cheat and buy one yourself. Or friends who have one and are willing to share.
Can't really tell myself, haven't read all the details. As far as I know, nope, they only come with an amiibo card. Haven't seen any RV aside from the random special character each day, and the special character that came from an amiibo.
Always wanted to get into Animal Crossing. But I don't have any nintendo console.
I tried briefly with some emulators, but I quickly ended up ignoring the village, as it was far too buried in my filework.
I swear, you could hide a body or two in all that shit.
There's a semi-famous animal crossing fanfic like that actually. Pretty swell stuff.
kill yourself val
You had one job, and you blew it.
Filtering him is the best way to go.
Just shake your 3DS around to get steps on the pedometer to get Play Coins.
Yeah, look at all the people worshiping the Virtual Boy and Atari Jaguar. Get the fuck over yourselves, Nintendo.
Hate to mention it OP but there was a scaled down version of PPL released on DSiware in 2009 called "A Little Bit of… Puzzle League"
I always found this feature to be pretty interesting as you have to use "real world" art knowledge to spot fakes (and sounds like a much bigger improvement over older AC games fake painting spotting which sounded completly random).
What's the N3DS's fortune cookie description?
That's just sad.
"Work long and hard, and good things will come to you. Eventually."
Also the Black Wii U description is different than the white's: "If you stray from the path, you will find yourself lost."
what did he mean by this?
Am i the only one who misses the GC game's artstyle and camera?
I've got a second New Nintendo 3DS from a fortune cookie today. But I only want someone who has a version of the 3DS with the WiFi switch on it to take it so we can clone them for anyone here who wants it. Maybe get a Wii U or two in on the action as well. I've also got a ton of other stuff I want to give away, if anyone cares. I'll probably set everything up after I eat.
It was genuinely a good idea but poor marketing and NoA killed it.
The separate grids certainly made the town easier to manage.
Maybe it references how Nintendo started to struggle and didn't know what to do before they started work on the Switch.
I got a better hypothesis. Perhaps the Black Wii U's fortune cookie is a reference to how the period of the Wii U was a massive departure from the Nintendo we knew. The way they handled the Wii U even from the first trailer felt like the wrong way, and as a result the console failed. Therefore they went back to the roots of games with the Switch.
I got a Wii U, and can backup my saves. You up for it? I'd backup the save after you leave stuff, and then let you come and get it again. Then I'd put the save back.
I dunno man, that seems like a formula for losing your town. At that point just hacking in a bunch of 3DSs and Wii Us using that save editor is a better way to spend your time.
If you think the Wii U was so great than why didn't you put your fucking game on it?
Anyway, I'm finally doing that sort of yard sale thing I mentioned earlier. I've got
I can get Inkwell into town if anyone wants Splatoon items too.
My amiibo's might've not given me anything wasted12 bucks on the NFC reader, but god damn that new storage addition if fucking amazing. I can finally get rid of those two characters I was using for their lockers.
I've been meaning to make a new character to store a bunch of my crap as well. Turns out I'll probably still need to do it, I have way too much crap in general and I cleaned up a lot of clutter already. Mostly Gracie stuff, but I can just display that in the actual house itself. I was thinking one house could be game achievement related stuff (bug, fish, balloon, fossil, gold?, I dunno what else), one would be Gracie (with the horrible secret of sloppy/cardboard in the basement), and I guess one could be Nintendo and/or DLC themed. That last one would be good for StreetPass, so people can get the DLC for bells instead of hard to come by MEOW coupons.
Maple Leaf here. Cost $25 plus tax.
Does the AC puzzle league have multiplayer?
So I got one of the readers coming in the mail it was 9 bucks. I heard you can get the 3ds and Wii U instantly for scanning amiibo shit. Is that true? if so how do you get it?
So what's the difference between amiibo cards and figurines?
Scan some of the amiibo figures (not cards) to get their trailers at the RV park.
You can order them there for 3 tickets. For scanning the figure you get 5 tickets (and you start out the game with 10 tickets)
Okay so scanning the Amiibo will get you the characters in the trailer park you can order items from. Scanning the cards will force villagers to move in with you.
Scanning the Zelda/Splatoon/Monster Hunter Amiibo will give you both.
In December they will be releasing big cards that also has villagers that come by RV.
The Amiibo cards right now only allow villagers to move into your town. Forcefully.
While the AC Amiibos only invite people to your camp to buy things from (a lot of them have the Wii U and 3DS. some even have special patterns on their 3ds.
Splatoon/Zelda/Monster Hunter Amiibo will spawn a unique game inspired villager and contains furniture that does not cycle through Harvey's shop.
(instead you can also ask wisp for a gift but that's not important.)
Thanks, I'll probably get one just because RNG hates me and I want the new minigames.
Does it matter what character? Because I only have the Villager amiibo and a Lottie amiibo
Yes, each character has a different set up. Someone in this thread mentioned one that had both in their RV, I think it was Reese or her husband.
So how do I actually … do things?
I have the reader and I have the ghost. I scanned him and got MEOW tokens, but how do I trigger the RV or get minigames?
What you do is kill yourself for supporting amiiboo
Nice opinion furfag
You have to invite the animals to "come and play" or whatever. If you just ask for an item they just disappear.
Is there any way to trick the 3DS into thinking an amiibo was scanned?
I found a site that has all (well most) the amiibo data scanned in bin files. If your phone has NFC abilities I do not see why you can't turn it into an Amiibo proxy but I haven't found out how yet. If you do please let me know.
how do you mean?
inB4 its ok when Nintendo does it!
I only got em cause my gf wanted em too
Don't insult /toy/ like that. Also where's Nintendies on that list?
I scalped the fucking things for a while. Given that Nintendo wasn't gonna stop making them, I decided I could at least jew Nintendies and teach children that Nintendo is ran by retards, hopefully getting them to later stop supporting them.
Before you ask I got decent dosh off it, I could've made more if I waited but a profit's a profit.
I dont even care about amiibos. its like Call of Duty, its jewy af but its not like I'm forced to buy it. I just wish Holla Forums wasnt made up of so many nintendrones.
that and the only person I know (besides the gf) who owns amiibos is a autist-money neet-tard who hotglues his amiibos and still uses them he even takes em to smash tourneys to "show off", but knowing him, I'm sure he doesnt clean them very well between jerkings
Well there is one thing.
Can I not have to pay for extra hardware? I mean… My phone can already do this I think.
Honestly, I don't think animal crossing on wii U would've been a good idea. Aside from being one of their most incredible sales on 3DS, and so releasing a new version on wii u would've hindered both versions' sales, in a way AC is meant to be portable. It's meant to be possible to be on a car trip, in the train, during a break, etc., just get your console out and play the game. That's why for example making a new animal crossing for the switch would be absolutely perfect, it would let you enjoy all the good shit from a portable version while still allowing enough power from the console version to contain a fuckton of good shit.
Shit that's rad ! Thanks a lot user.
I've literally done it quite a lot of times. I've even copied the save from my cartridge to a digital version of the game on my 3DS with CFW.
I bought them because I liked them. This is probably the only Mother merchandise I'll ever be able to get without spending ridiculous amounts on importing fees.
They don't do anything. I'm trying to find the games where they actually do shit since I own a lot but the only games it comes even close to being "physical DLC" is Hyrule Warriors.
Tom Nook has both too. I don't remember if Isabelle has a Wii U but she has an Isabelle themed 3DS.
hey at least you dont own Animal Crossing Amiibo Party, where the game is literally unplayable without AC amiibos
Back on reddit where it belongs
you look like the kinda poster who makes shitty puns out of other consoles' names unironically
Opened up my ds and started playing the new content today after my ds finally connected to the internet, thankfully Leif cleaned my weeds for me, I'm pretty sure I haven't played in about a year so that would have been a pain in the ass, the campground looks comfy. I've not checked yet but that bonfire better be lit at night or else I'm dropping this game again.
However, I'm not sure that my interest has been revived beyond playing an extra week or two anyway, seeing as I own no amiibo, there's just the campground furniture and the minigames to look forwards too as far as I can tell. I guess there's quality of life improvements but I haven't really noticed any of them.
Maybe I'll think on it more whilst I finally finish my encyclopedia, and pay off my house loan, and upgrade to nookingtons, and add more public works projects, and I never really progressed that far in this game before getting bored in the first place it seems.
I visited someone else's town and saw that they had Callie/Cece but I was semi disappointed as she was just like any other villager as far as I could tell, although gotta keep in mind that they do change the conversation topics for online play I think, also how did they get squirrels from squids?
I'm just finding it hard to be interested in this game again even though I really want to enjoy this game. I just can't find it within myself to play everyday like I could with wild world.
Tetris Attack is objectively the best. They should stop trying to top it, because they never will.
Honestly I wish I had more grass in my town, there's a medal for picking some, but since I am an autist for flowers I have the beautiful town ordinance and so almost no grass ever grows…
And the "story" for the two squirrel squids is that they cosplay as their favorite squid. Not even kidding, that's what they said in Callie's RV.
so people don't bring their consoles to the store and scan them there w/o buying them.
See I'm still poor and haven't built all the stuff that I wanted, mainly due to animal rng of suggesting projects, finding out that animals only suggest new bridges if you have less than 3 bridges was an annoying aspect of that, so I went with jew gold ordinance to aid my money making.
So I don't mind the weeds.
How many design squares does a villager's house take up and how far apart do they have to be from each other in order for them to safely crop up?
I've been resetting the start trying to find a good map where I can make a "residential area" now that you can sort of control where villagers can put their house.
Panel de Pon Gamecube was objectively better in every single way
Funfact: That was intended to be a F2P Eshop game, and they released it as such in japan. That's why they didn't release it at ALL on the WiiU eshop in the west. They released a physical edition in japan but it only cost as much as the amiibos it came with while in america it's 40 bucks.
Just gave puzzle league a try, got to 2nd to last level before hitting a wall and had to give up, feel like that's fairly decent seeing as I've never touched these types of games before.
Seems pretty fun. Shame there's no multiplayer mode. I guess latency might be an issue? I get the impression Nintendo skimps hard on online servers as it is.
At least now that it tanked, copies of the "limited" version with both Winter Coat Isabelle and Digby are sitting untouched at $20
I bought a Ganondorf amiibo
I'm gonna get the Callie/Marie ones, and the Wolf Link one as well.
I'll probably wind up buying that pack of cards that drop 12/2 if they're under $15.
Fuck, I want to play puzzle league already
Is there a way to buy/sell individual amiibo cards? We could make a quick buck by buying card packs and selling the cards that people actually want for much higher price.
Thank god I live in Aus, the stores don't run out of amiibos here nearly as fast.
not scalping, just sorting through the bullshit for others for a price
Uhhh… I found out something not mentioned before. You can store fish and bugs in storage. Previously you could not.
Really? Well this is gonna make night fishing better
Bought Amelia and Bruce cards. How exactly do I get them to move in?
Isabelle is way too passive aggressive on her off days, I don't like it.
There is a random event where you get a special magic lamp that's too shy to talk to you outside and he asks you to take him inside. After placing it in your house he'll explain MEOW tickets and the CAT machine. and then you can start using amiibos.
Once per day you can have him possess an amiibo's body and you can either ask him to grant you a free item or ask the villager he's possessing to "come and play with you" and after they appear in the second spot in the RV park.
The thirst is real
Isn't Tangy like $28?
She's pretty popular too so I wouldn't be surprised.
I just find it really funny that the characters with the most lewds are fetching the highest prices.
I want to grab an Aurora card, but she goes for $10. Would it be worth taking the chance on an $8 pack, or should I guarantee what I want for a little more?
If a villager puts up a tent/igloo in your campsite, can you boot a current villager to invite them into your town? I heard this is done for amiibo card villagers, but I haven't heard anything about campstie villagers yet.
So far I only found confirmation it was possible for RVs, but not for the campsite. It wasn't possible before the update at least.
I refuse to time travel, is there any easy way to get to someone's town and sell my stuff?
you could just find something else to do.
Is this an america only thing? 'Cause i remember the european situation being the same as Japan, i mean i saw amiibo party at launch being at like 40 eurobucks but it was a pack with amiibos in it, you couldn't buy the game without them.
Just time travel like I did to reset the fortune cookies.
I'm just waiting for Isabelle Casual ver. comes out after this update.
Summer Isabelle? Her amiibos have been out in the states for months now. Might be in low stock unlike the other AC amiibos, though
Nah, her new outift when you summon her Amiibo. It's pretty qt.
Anyone got any cool designs or dream codes? Started playing again because of the update and want to check out new stuff. I tried search dream codes online but most of those towns are gone now and the codes don't work.
Here's a tip for all you Puzzle League fiends who need MEOW coupons. You get them for repeating things that got you other prizes. This includes scoring over 2500 in time attack. So if you're any good that's 1 ticket every 2 minutes. I kinda suck and even I can get that fairly consistently now.