http: //russia-insider.com/en/its-time-drop-jew-taboo/ri22186

Other urls found in this thread:


Yikes. It's always hard to find dedicated people for translating.

And we're one step closer to the jews getting gassed for real

>written by (((Charles Bausman)))
two replies and a sticky already? nice going. Let's see where this shitshow goes

An interesting article but why is this sticky material?

Because a mod probably wrote it. Why are you saging a sticky?

The front page is almost entirely stickies again, so you could argue that it will in fact not bump it to the top of the thread list


We Poles have a pretty good reason to hate Russia, specifically Putin's Russia, see Smolensk 2010(they still refuse to give it to us, what belongs to us)
Also other hostilities from Russia towards us.
You would have to be a cuck to still ally with your worst enemy.
The world is a bit more complicated.

>I hate a whole country because of what it's (((government))) did to my (((government)))
Peak football nationalism

Why wouldn't I sage a shit sticky? Sage is a downvote, you know!

so is russia insider the official redpilled outlet now?


Use the catalog user, it is way better.

Lol kike

Am I the only one who feels like Asian media is picking up on the JQ lately? It feels like they're preparing to overthrow our masters - at the very least preparing.


The entire fucking world is sick of kike bullshit

Poland's petty friction points with Russia are largely irrelevant to the greater Western world.

Oh gd don't sticky it!

Jewish much?

This is no surprise.

Not a mod, anywhere, wouldn't want to be, and to the best of my knowledge don't know any.

I posted the article because: (1) it spells out the biggest double standard of our time; (2) explains how that affects what the average normie is inundated with every day, in simple terms; and (3) is well-written.

On the one hand I'm surprised to find this thread stickied, but on the other, not so much. In the past I've had threads left alone, anchored, and effectively deleted by removing the image (probably deservedly).

Oh and great art.


Bausman is a German surname, you fucking piece of shit kike.


A reminder that Russia was the first victim of jewish genocidal communism. Hitler wouldn't have seen it coming in Germany if slavs were not an example for him

First was Amalek by their own admission.


Reading this made me happy. WW3, The World vs Israel.

holy shit boys. What is it about the eastern europeans which gives me hope for humanity?

Russia has been doing all kinds of bad goy moves recently.
I love it.

Romanov murder twist: Investigators consider 'ritual killing' theory

Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia Accepts Yuan, Is Now China's Biggest Oil Partner

Christian Zionism: The Heresy of Choice for Neocons

Russians increasingly believe in afterlife

Continuation article for OP, with interesting tidbits and references.

Also I'm sorry if this doesn't go here, but what's some good reading material about the Romanovs?

True, so why are you accepting thousands of American nigger soldiers to occupy your nation?

good counterbalance sticky for the pathetic neocohen anti-Russia shilling
you failed in Syria and Iran and your fail against Russia
even Norks are outsmarting you
top kek

What a low quality thread. I think I see what it's about but this is a shitty op. And if it was stickied after two replies than it probably was a mod post. Fucking kill yourself you shitty mods and stop giving shit threads a sticky. Remake your thread in the correct format with information and then use a sticky if you're going to abuse your power

Russia isn't our friend. Feminism, tribalism, mass immigration, destruction of our culture and family structure, all happened because of communist subversion thanks to Mother Russia. Hell, the holohoax and its death camps are a 100% Soviet hoax as justification to occupy eastern europe and the destroy the Germanic people.

The Russians worked hand in hand with the Jews and only cared about power and dominance.

Never believe a word from a slav; slavs are the product of mongoloid rape. Europe stops where Poland ends and mongoliod rape baby Ukraine starts.

Last time the soviets cleaned house, we got saddled with millions of soviet jews. There are a few towns in this area where we can't avoid bumping into some disgustingly rude, smug, Red jews. Ask these "European" jews where they are from and most will be from Ukrane or Russia. All of them hide their names and origin, and somewhere down the line they are from Russia. All of them wave EBT cards while driving Benz. All of them crooks.

The article is good. It accurately portrays the Jewishness of the Boshleviks and the power euphamisms have over controlling discussion. I always call jews jew. They hate it and fear it because they know naming them gives their enemies power. They hear the contempt I have for these Christ killers. In college, I made sure the jew professors knew I was fanatically devoted to America, our constitution, and our civilization. I destroyed them in class not by studying history books, but the actual words of our founders and great Americans.

Say things like, "Why is it Israelis/Jews always bring up Israeli problems? They aren't ours." Or, "it seems like jewish professors always find ways to bring up the holocaust and europe's participation. Good thing we had nothing to with that!".

Don't verbally spar with them, hit them with side ways attacks that remove any claimed culpability. This is how you wake the masses. You have to name them and their behavior.

The bad of the article is that it is obvious Russian propaganda that cloaks its pro-russia bullshit with citing real issues. I could smell FSB typewriter ink through my screen.

Be careful who you associate with your movement. No one likes Russia.

False. That was mostly from the CIA and American plutocrat foundations.

listen here kike. soviet russia is not actual real russia. soviet russia was run by kikes. bolshevism? that's a kike creation. nearly all the bolsheviks responsible for the creation of "soviet" russia? kikes. the largest ethnic cleansing in the history of the world was done by the soviet/kike-controlled soviet government against it's own russian people.

in short, you're a fucking disinfo kike and you will get the rope AND the oven.

I agree, the whole FIAT system is rotten to the core. This is the end of the petrodollar, though, and will cause the eventual crash of the whole system.

Sadly, I do not know. I'd like to study monarchism more

That's odd…

D&C bots finally found the thread.

Real blonde Russians sided with the Tzar.
Many still live on today. Tour Saint Petersburg and take a look for your self on maps street view.
Contrary to meme history the Novograd region was never conquered by the mongols and are of Baltic blood.
Swathing them into one hegemonic mass as jews is ill intent.

That's partially true as a consequence of generations under Jewish education and outright subversion. McCarthy showed the State Department and the DOJ to be damn near 100% communist. It is no coincidence that thr CIAs actions align perfectly with the goals of communism to destroy the US by subversion

You think if the CIA was fascist or nationalist, they would do those things? No, only leftists slaughter their own.

No, genetic tests are showing all of western europe as similar, with asian genetics starting at Ukraine. Use google. Many study also shows European jews are Slavic and Turkish, while being extremely inbred.

Look. Seeing is believing and even before jews seized russia those slavs were backwards. They think different, look different, and act different.


You are the shill.

You sound like a battered wife. "It wasn't real communism!" "I deserved to be hit" "It wasn't real russia!"

Argue against me, don't name call like a shill.

Note that I mentioned Russia drained its jews and sent them here.

This is what we should do.
Vast majority of Russian Jewry emigrated to Israel and switched sides to be with USA. Stalin started his war against the Jews then and there, although he had killed prominent ones before (Trotsky).

Evidence? Siberians think, look and act different as much as any Appalachian white folk.
I'm not buying it, I'll always instinctively trust blonde haired blue eyed slavs over any black haired Mediterranean white that could be a kike for all i know.
I always punched south towards the melanin not east.

90+% of the Bolshevik government was run by kikes, that also goes for commissars. Hell the only time the Soviet Union was run by a Russian he dissolved the fucking thing.

Look, putin has chinky squinty eyes. You don't see that shit in Europe.

I used to fuck a jap bitch with pure white skin, you wouldn't consider her white?

I'm not a muh russia crazy, but I'm npt going to praise our known enemy. I also bear them no grudge. Russia can do what Russia does.

Train your J-dar. Meds are relatively easy to notice. Spaniards and Italians have their own features. Greeks can be a bit difficult to separate at times, but they lack the Jewish eyes and lips.

I'm a Finn. I've watched squinty blue eyed blondes my whole life. If anything, Putin looks Baltic.

This. I realize it's probably harder for outsiders but for the most part I can tell a kike apart.

t. gyro

I don't want to dictate who is jewish or not among the Mediterraneans, that is their own job. The Baltic can separate them their own way.

The kike has taken the bait.

>well-written article calls out the jew as humanity's greatest parasite, discusses taboo of doing so, and calls for authors to write more articles exposing said parasite in the future is not worth a sticky
Get gassed, you astroturf kike.

Could be. In my area we literally have tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian jews. They are a wretched lot. About 700k came here directly from russia. Many came here covertly using other nation's visas.

I guess this falls into what do we constitute as white? I look at behavior (culture), ethnicity, and genetics. Do we want it based on civilization, therefore behavior?

The whole world would be better off without chinks, muslims or jews. I don't wish them dead, but I don't want them in the west. Maybe the chinese though.

The Russians are certainly not the allies of any Holla Forums movement, and are most likely behind a significant number of LARP and cointel memes that have turned up on the chans. They are the only country whose intelligence apparatus is nastier and better supported than the Israel/US/ZOGgernaught. It is in their national interest to isolate Israel, so they will happily sow the seeds of jew hate and encourage it at every opportunity, regardless of how you feel about the tribe. Read your Solzhenitsyn, but make sure you pay attention to the fact that the Russians are no better than the Jews in his experience. In fact, the Russians have a history of being far crueler overall, they are just more honest about their cruelty.

These colors are what i instinctively have felt as more compassionate and the antithesis of any melanin induced individual that i personally always found more prone to aggression.
I'm always gonna trust my gut first.

You're probably not a shill but you sound like one.
I like your sense of despair, its nurturing.

America created bolshevism. Well, the kikes who run America did. Communism was America's project from the start, to create the new world order. It was supposed to conquer all of continental Europe and Lenin and Trotsky already had deals made with wall street to team up and trade with America. Wilson was the executor of the new world order from the American side. Most of the leading Bolsheviks were flown in from foreign areas, Jews made up the cheka under leadership of a Pole, and hardly any of them were Russian. It was basically standard regime change that the USA still does today.

A noticable number of swedes have asian features and even double eyelids.

You are intentionally qouting me out of context.

I specifically said this to start putting nationalist thoughts on the peripheral of their minds. People are hardcore brainwashed. You can't just say "kill all jews!" to the mainstream. First, people need to be either told their tribal instincts are ok or they need retraining. My grandfather said this about asians, mexicans and blacks, "Son, were a different people and better if we all stay away and stay seperate." This shit is rare now with Jewtube, MSM and Hollywood.

Don't try to shill me.

Here is the full quote:
"Say things like, "Why is it Israelis/Jews always bring up Israeli problems? They aren't ours." Or, "it seems like jewish professors always find ways to bring up the holocaust and europe's participation. Good thing we had nothing to with that!"


"Don't verbally spar with them, hit them with side ways attacks that remove any claimed culpability. This is how you wake the masses. You have to name them and their behavior"

This is a fact and the slavs are slowly warming up upon it. They want answers for the utter hell they've been through and are slowly finding it at the kikes displeasure.

The Russian are shitbags and Stalin is the most popular figure in the country, the communist party keeps slipping between 2nd and 3rd most popular party. All of the countries wealth is in the hands of about 200 Jewish tartar oligarchs. MODS are faggots and this being stickied is firther proof of them being imbred mongoloids

Russians liked the USSR and want it back. You don't know shit

Some do, most don't. Especially the young don't want it back.

This is the best shilling money can buy.

Asia’s a rough continent.

Yeah bullshit. You know what the biggest holiday in Russia is? When they celebrate the victory in the great patriotic war over the filthy racist German dogs. Russia had massive parades for the 100 year anniversary of the october revolution.

Putin simply knows there will be pushback against kikery in the west. It's all posturing to appear nationalist and morally superior to create distaste for a westerner's home country. He doesn't give a damn about Jewish schemes; only Russia's image.

This picture is from the victory day parade 2017 in red square

Communism didn't start in Russia. But it won in Russia. Russia was safe space of communism where it flourished, acted openly, accumulated resources, planed and executed its next attacks. In this mutual alliance of communism and Russia they of course influenced each other as result modern communism has Russian genome all over it.

Many spend allot of their time and Nepalese origami image boards as well

Just like the united states is controlled from within by AIPAC and kikes.
Since Russia's Jewish oligarchs are mentioned here i'm gonna leave this embed, no harm in others learning more about them.

So, jews are the globalists, and everyone is anti-semitic.
Got it.

I wonder who's behind this post…

muh based jewtin.

Russians are cucks for not slaughtering every last kike in their country after what they did during the bolshevik era.

Yeah, a (((russophobic))) shills ITT are getting seriously desperate.

Funny, the leftist jews might just destroy themselves and take out the rest of the jews with them.

Go back, Ricky Dicky.


(((they))) have been spamming that shit for days

That's always a good indicator. Seems a common enough tell amongst their filthy ranks.

God damned animals…

Pretty much this. Who runs this place anyway? I have a few ideas.

They had to suffer through the bulk of jewish-maxist bullshit during the 20th century and know that it doesn't work

based russians realised they were the bad guy in ww2 along with best goy USA. I guess they're pretty mad at all the shit (((bolsheviks))) did to them.

I personally think putin has shown himself over and over to be a more capable and sincere leader than anyone in the west since hitler.

I know, just never before did I ass myself to scroll down to the punchline.

Welcome to Berlin ~1927, the Weimar Republic and the new Bolshevism

So it wasn't the jews this time?

Note To Self: Don't watch this video right before "attempting" to sleep. Thanks user!

Time to go back to 4chan shlomo and Issac. Your D&C won't slide here

If Russia is an ally of the kikes, why do the kikes kvetch at almost everything Putin does?

Putin - Communism comes from the Bible, Lenin was like a Saint


not sure what D&C is; but that music on the video is weird sounding af. haunting.


God damn
I cried with joy for the first time since the election, this time line is awesome.

Whiter than you M҉uhammed

They said they'd give it back if we don't investigate it further. Hm….


Are you lost

Who taught you that meme


You sticky saging nigger, I've been in imageboards since 2009 and it's the first time I've seen any of these

ebin maymays.

That was a thoroughly well researched and written article that dealt with the topic honestly, without pulling any punches.

Kudos to the author.

Pic related.

Russian propaganda network for kids made it's own Polandball, most of it aimed at Poland, so some Ukie came and made revenge comics.


Russia is a good Xtian nation, especially such under Putin who has been working to restore traditional values and stomp out degeneracy.

Of course the kikes want us to fight each other. We have and we will as prophesied and then we both turn on Israel, as was prophesied.

Xaxaxaxaxaxa ))))) this!

I agree with you in spirit. Just because of geopolitical reasons Russia helps our nationalist movements, doesn't mean that we should make it into something more than it is.
Making our homeland ethnically homogenous again will only happen internally. Russia won't help us with that. At best they will be neutral and not boycott us.

People who believe that Easterners will somehow save Europe or us as the West, then they are mistaken.
The entire reason why we have these problems is because we are inherently more advanced than the East. If we were poor shithole countries than our corporatist Elite wouldn't have an interest in having cheap labor immigrate in mass.
THE EAST IS NOT MORALLY SUPERIOR. It's just an accident.

We shouldn't look at the East for moral guidance. In ourselves is so much strenght and potential for more. We shouldn't just strive for a "conservatie right-wing goverment" like Poland that just happens to be 99.8% white, because it never had mass-immigration.
We can strive for so much more. How about complete restauration of the Jus Sanguinis principle? You won't get that by just being like Poland.

I love the Russians, the good ones, but I would never put their interests first but I also see the potential of a great ally, they know all too well the JQ/JP and they know all to well what the globalists are trying to achieve. They are not without problems as an ally but we're largely lead to distrust even a loose alliance with them, this is obviously subversion imo by those who want to continue the global agenda.

They can hardly contain Chechen niggers, what makes you think they'll fight against the kikes.


You seem a little short of breath there buddy, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were gassed…

Israeli kikes and their neocon coalitions piss and moan about Russia because Putin and his administration don't allow allow Nazis and Zionists to scare non fanatical jews into fleeing to Israel. Israel wants more settlers; the longer jews spend in a host country the higher the chance they have of assimilating. Zio kike overlords fear the assimilation of the common jew more than death because it deprives them of power influence and wealth.

Eastern European Slav Waifu is enough to give any red blooded white man hope. That and Nord girls.

They are of the tribe of Manasseh. Their blessing and power was to be as one great nation (ie Russia). The tribes of Judah only are in the land right now.

I agree anything that goes against the kikes should be praised, but as someone from a ex-soviet state, this is nothing more than just trying to please the growing nationalists to a small degree, so later on people will trust russia more and then get completely assfucked for it.
Most eastern euro-bros here know this, the ones shilling for russia is either RIDF or Amerilards who don't know shit.
The last time Russia was in any way normal was during the Empire, before the kikes killed the Tsar. Putin is not a Tsar, he is just a Pro-Russian oligarch so trusting him is a big fucking mistake.

Very good. It is a relatively respected alternative publication, and this will help many people wake up. Let's hope the momentum keeps growing.

Yeah sure.

I'm not saying we should pump them under the table but to not be a loose ally is a mistake, the EU is not our friends nor is the UN and that is increasingly so. White race blah blah, in the end it's who is going to drag us into the next big war and then have the kikes knife us in the back when it's over. Historically that's not Russia.

Putin will always do what's best for Russia and Orthodoxy, like clockwork I'd trust him over a Merkel or any other EU leader blacking their people any day.

Have you even studied Western Marxism? Yes, the Soviets did shill socialism within the West, but the Western Marixst tradition was a seperate parallel entity, arguably with even longer jewy provenance. In fact, where do you think Lenin, Trotsky etc got many of their ideas from?
Western Marxism gave birth to Lukacs, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Gramsci, Boas and the Frankfurt School - chief ideologists behind the subversion of White Western culture. There was no Soviet influence to speak of. Take what Yuri Bezmenov said with a pinch of salt - the Soviets exploited this process sure, but Western Marxism a.k.a. ( ((Cultural Marxism)) ) gave birth to it, and this is a treasonous force from within our nations.

Nice pet sticky, piggy. How about you open it up to current questions.

Being anyone's ally is a mistake, you fucking dunderhead. Where do you think this is all moving?

it's probably imkikey, just ignore it

I've already described it to my father. A loose meat international front ready if one bomb drops. The plan is with a few, buried in old troubles, while everyone else is busy.

of course not, we're not mindless Pro-Russia retards like the media thinks we are
It's just that it's fucking obvious Israel is trying to make some sort of move against them and that always fucks the situation up more, as well as Russia being pro-Syria which is basically the axis stopping Greater Israel and general further Middle East destablisation, especially now the kikes are mad their (((Revolution))) in Iran did jack shit

Get your ass back gone.

No, he doesn't even know the exact plan or even continent. Just the vague idea of what's to come.

I know where all this is going, which is why whatever buffer we have against getting into it with Russia is imo a good thing. Idk maybe it's all fucking hopeless anyways, if we could at least not piss off the bear further that would be great. When they snap, and boy are they going to snap it's GG folks.

Yeah, the wounds from the claws of the Gobbumist Bear are still fresh for many East Eurobros. I can see how there is very little trust.
If you had a choice between a Jew and a Russian, what woud you take? Communism implicitly wished to destroy the culture it was imposed upon - this is a very Jewish trait, and a vision for the future that has proven ultimately harmful. Why do you think Jews are the main group still clinging to it so rabidly, in the West at least?

You're seriously calling you're self a mindless Pro-Russia Retard

Damn, it got so hard to read after this line the website glew so fucking bright in the dark.

we're national socialists not (((Nazis))) which are only a thing in kike movies

Sorry, but that was always a part of the plan. Many but up close, glass jawed. Just like WWII, their women had a better showing. And angry Russian woman is the hidden bear.

If anons are willing to set up a repo on gitgud or something similar based on TeX sources, I can contribute. Depends on what needs translating.

By the way, the anti-semitic laws and a soft version of hate speech law are still in place in Russia. Still a long way to go.

So Kike Enoch and Implict Dicky huh
Ok so it's controlled opposition this whole time
Should of known with it being (((Russia))) and all that

Welp, dine fine while you can. I think this shit between Turkey and Greece (Orthodox) plus all the Syria/Iran Zog shit is going to finally get things to boil over and Putin with Sperg out, probably against Turkey first so there is at least some consolation in that.

Ask yourself. Why do your children play around me, instead of you?

I see grooming all over the place, just being Germanic, graaaay-eyed and the children of their own that play around me. Not to mention the long eyes of every suitable blonde. Why woman is not insane, so she sees it, as it is. A bunch of used up hos gallivanting around in leggings, hoping their ass catches my eye, a constant even just going in for a physical or the dentist. This is why I bring her with me. Usually catches her first, about the retardation of most females.

>guys we gotta talk about (((them)))
>(((media))) is compromised, (((hollywood))) is compromised
>but here's (((two guys))) i highly recommend that are not

She knows I'm going to die. We are on our fourth. We went over this long ago. She knows what to do, it is her duty. And, if anyone comes for her, she is trained. Technically, better than me. A mother set ON kill.

Making a bunch of quiet boys, interested in their own hobbies, yet still like to go for a hike. Odd. A bunch of me. Shame so many have troubles. Making trouble. All she knows is where to go and what to do. See, I am a climber, they all end up in odd places. Things that stressed my mother, but I told MY mother about, to begin with. Climbers and hiders. I let her try to find us, unless it's a real busy day, and just scoop her in. I can't die tomorrow, exactly, until the last is at least five.

If you see something to harmonic, it's my eldest. I ham holding his idea of what is coming. Telling him to hold. Work toward another mother material. He get's a bit frustrated, but do we all do. I'm going to have to be doing this four times over. They already know not to have girlfriends in school, at least. As it ever was, do what I did. Deny and focus on school. She will fall in front of you soon, buddy.


Not sure if you anons woke up or were raised in it but even (((Alex Jones))) has a place on the journey from normalfag to aware of the Jewish question. First they have to realise there even is a problem then go through various stages of figuring it out. Although I agree that those two have proven themselves not to be trusted especially on Jewish question the Overton window is shifting to where even if it's controlled opposition the Jews are being named and outed. Perhaps it's just to make us look bad but it's not like they didn't achieve that already.

All the nations who have territorial claims they feel they are deprived of can have a chunk of Africa that is the same size. Some fumigation of unwelcome fauna may be needed.

One, you're a torfag.
Two, you can't hide like I do.
Three, you wish you were me.
Four, what do you live for?
Five, how many of me alive?
Six, what a bunch of pricks.
Seven, all goody goys go to heaven
Eight, splay them straight.

Nine, Ten, I'm back. Again.

My second son WANTS to be Rustin Cohle, no matter what we kept him right. He's going to be a loose one, when I was broken similarly. He had to remember his father only watches Holla Forums when necessary. He doesn't even know the rides his older brother went on. Because, my boys, love late night driving.

Не баян, а классика

It's actually amusing how russophiles who love le stronk aplha-putin, never went to russia, or never went beyond moscow. You fucktards are absolutely adorable.

Can't be a good father for them all. So, me but more me.I try to touch him, but he thinks he's going to be on top of things I missed. Give him a bit of bullying, otherwise he won't be like his old brother. The madness, no matter how normal dad attempts to be. It hurts when the second, is exactly me, again. The sad trouble when even NOW you know you're going to outlive your boy, possibly.

Read some news
Because we aren't accepting anyone, along with the rest of the V4 countries

Also why is it relevant to the west: Because you don't fucking trust Russians except when you have a long friendly history with them…(Germany)… and even then you don't(WW2)



I hate normie memespeak.
Take off their tongues, and ears.

Have some fresh water everyone, this one is on me!

Ban all fake news websites and (((their))) insidious nests.

Using firefox:




Search away and ban all trashcan sites.
I've been using this for two days and it works wonders. Imagine not seeing CNN bullshit page after page after page!!
I do not have a full list of (((Their))) sites but if someone more savvy can take a look…

Says the shaboos goy of Europe.
Putin kissing Chabad arses and promoting degeneracy in the West through his RT mouthpiece and their SJW, commie, thirdworlder crew

You wanted to say thanks to Rachel and her (((sisters))) in the JewSA. Both sides of the Atlantic, Trotzkist and Stalinist pushed that. But the (((USA))) was the much more important conduit for Jewish indoctrination, reeducation and cultural marxism.

Some (((Russians))). And who pushed the communist lies? It were the USA and Americans.

Proves my point

Double Hitler dubs checking Hitler dubs checked. This article is a golden opportunity to cement in the minds of normies that polite euphemisms are used because of a taboo which is self-evident. The article itself is well-written and unemotional, 10/10 spread far and wide to the kvetchosphere so that they may redpill the normies with their wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The USA is currently invading your country with its military. With the US military comes a whole lot of niggers. And a while lot of stipulations. You will soon see that in exchange for American "protection," you will be forced to accept American values, such as nigger worship, open borders, and faggotry.

(((They))) makes the objectives of the Russian gov more difficult and the worldview within the Rusian gov has changed since 2011 and 2014.

Pretty sure things can be made to change further if done correctly.

Come on! Make it 1111X777, don´t use jpg and don´t expand images with MS paint (makes the picture look sloppy).

< "You would be a cuck to side with your worst enemy."

Historically yes, Russia hasn't been(Not talking about the USSR or current), which is why the Kulaks got killed off, so there is no resistance to the jewish power and now in the future, no real attempts to get the nation back to where it was.
Here, I wouldn't pick either Putin or Merkel, I'd try and at best have trade agreements or Nonagression pacts or similar things, but stay away from anyones side since both are a lose lose in the end.

The only thing I can think of at times is that they lost or are losing control over him so they keep amping up shit or vice versa. I ain't an expert so for now, I will keep a lookout at best.

If I had to choose, I would make a 3rd one which is death by firing squad. Atleast let the culture die with honor or to its last man than get corrupted by either side.
Yeah, the reason in the west Marxism is so rampant right now is because the west didn't experience it fronthand unlike Eastern Europe. Thats why the roles are switched and the kikes are raging over it.

jesus, you don't even try to hide that you are full of shit anymore

This thread is full of shill spambots. Why are the posts still up?

That would already have happened if Hillary had won, threats of sanctions and so on.
Heck, Macron, Merkel and Theresa May are prolly going to get bolder this year.

Quads checked! Should have made that pic 777X777 or 788X788, tho.

Also, nukes or GTFO.

When Poland can take out (((New York))) and EMP North America, then we can talk.


Build strategic and tactical nukes, build nuke subs and mines, build real military, mandatory military service, maximum self-sufficiency, anti-PC Ministry of Information to attack cultural-marxism, T4 program etc.

You do know that everyone who was middle class or in any way questioning or against the bolsheviks were considered a Kulak? It didn't matter if some even did business with the bolsheviks, they all got the gulags or shot to the back of the head with a 40mm cannon 50 times.

that's autobrainwashing and kills the point of internet. you should kys

We do it consider protection, because we are able to simply tell them to go away at any time.
We aren't like Germany

I'm reading right and left..

(((Communism))) and the Holodomor are pretty redpilling if you have to live through them.

why wouldnt they celebrate their greatest struggle and military victory? ever heard of "pride"?

Bolsheviks were financed by (((Wall Street)))

why did you cherrypick only the ones where russia loses?

Reminder everything siener van rensburg said would happen has come true so far. He says Russia will change it's spots twice and return to communism. He said that during a civil war in the former Russian empire (ukraine) after this they will try and outlaw the Afrikaans language the boers greatest struggle would start after this and ethnic tensions that will start in south Africa will spill over into Europe.

I don't see the French Poles Ukranians Americans or any other allied power post Soviet or other being gigantic faggots about the war. Just the Russians do this


Post what you want translated faggot. I'm sure there are speakers lurking if Google/Bing translate spits out unintelligible garbage.

Woodchipper of Justice would be better.

Doubts. A sizable part of anti-communism comes from a certain side more than willing to play its own kike-tier victimology even while denouncing that of the left. Muh Bolchevism has always been the mating cry of cowards unwilling to call out (((what))) was behind. This was true in February 1935, 1964, 1994 and 2014. In the 3 last cases, same fuckers that supports the Anglo-French declaration of war on Germany, that Churchill was a good guy that stopped teh ebil natzies and that Israel is of greates ally.

Similar with Post-Soviet "patriots" bitching about ebil rasha, do they want Poland or Romania to have strategic and tactical nukes? Nope. Ability to burn New York to radioactive cinders and EMP North America? Eugenic policies? Nope. Call bullshit on racial equality? Nope. Support employement, industry, agriculture and minning? Nope, they supported (((neo-liberalism))). "Western values" like (((NATO))), (((Democracy))), (((Separation of Powers))) shitty economies, corruption, mass unemployement, mass emigration and negative birthrates that comes with that.
No will, no burning desire to pull their countries out of the shit and have kikes, cucks purged. Just disses Russia and Serbia not because of kiks but because their (((masters))) told them so, very fucking pathetic. At least Poland and Hungary have some recent positive developements that should not be ignored but these comes very late.

Hitler, was he blaming the "weimar" republic for Germany being weak in 1953 or 1958? Fuck no, Germany recovered in just a few years. Openly called out the (((enemy))) and established the Nuremberg laws. By Jan 42, just 9 years, the axis controled a large part of Europe and German armies had won victories against major military forces twice, etc etc.
The NSDAP didn´t need muh 7 millions Kulaks killed by Stalin to stump the German bolcheviks and take the streets from them, make the KPD illegal either. Something Reagan boomervatives going on about how Bolcheviks ate innocent Kulaks alive to stump the left can´t even dream off!

were defeated
were defeated
were technically defeated
joined in the middle of the war, kept circlejerking for two years more before going to europe. engaged germany when 90% of its european forces were on the eastern front
yugoslavia had a big celabration around that.
greece got invaded by the anglo-americans after they beat the germans.
italy is a fucking joke
UK didnt brag because they wanted to suck up to germany for the steel and coal union (later EU) and were fighting plenty wars after anyway
ww2 is irrelevant to african and asian countries.


Google translate
V. Matvienko: Nazism needs to be repulsed again
The Chairman of the Federation Council took part in the opening of the exhibition "The Holocaust: Destruction, Liberation, Salvation".

The exposition opened in the Federation Council building is timed to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of the prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz) by the Red Army. Among the exhibits there are more than seventy unique photographs, documents and drawings from the archives, museums and funds of Russia, Ukraine, France, Switzerland.

As Valentina Matviyenko noted at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the history of the Holocaust is presented as a story about the tragic fate of simple, innocent people.

"The Holocaust has become the most visible expression of the cruel, inhuman essence of Nazism. In addition to the Jews, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, representatives of many other nationalities and social groups disliked by the Nazis fell into the list of people sentenced to extermination. Our country, the peoples of the USSR suffered the greatest losses in the most terrible war in history, "said Valentina Matvienko .

She noted that the exhibition presents photographs and biographical data of some Soviet soldiers and officers who participated in the liberation of concentration camps. "These are just a few people from the millions of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But we cherish the memory of each of them. "

"And today it is important to stop any attempts to rewrite history, denigrate or belittle the role of the Red Army in the war against the Hitler aggressors." She noted that the Nazis were defeated, but the Nazi ideology was tenacious. "Nazism needs to be rebuffed again. This requires the consolidation of healthy social forces in all countries, "- said Valentina Matvienko .

The Chairman of the Federation Council thanked the organizers of the exhibition - the Russian Jewish Congress, the Center and the Holocaust Foundation for helping to preserve this memory, collecting information about the heroes of the war, arranging such exhibitions. "This is the educational work of the highest sample, the struggle against evil and inhumanity, the struggle for humanism," stressed Valentina Matvienko .

The Executive Director of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), Anna Bokshitskaya, noted that holding the exhibition within the Federation Council grounds indicates that the Holocaust theme is recognized in our country at the highest level. She also pointed to the support provided by the RJC activities to the leadership of the Russian regions.

Public exhibition, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, former prisoners of camps and ghettos took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition in the Federation Council.

Sure have studied them. We have Fabian socialism, simply put, socialism via incremental changes over generations.

You confuse the philosophical theory with the attack plan, and again confuse strategy with tactics. Russia's and our own CIA archives show that Russia was behind 99% of the communist subversion in this country. PERIOD. Damn near every action was approved by Russian controlled communists.

What american communists came up with were the strategies (control education, create welfare state, globalism, free trade, better put, the destruction of american institutions and culture) with tactics. The tactics are teaching our kids America is evil, destroying critical thinking, creating an environmental movement to fight industry, etc. What they wrote about were the tactics needed to win a culture war.

I can tell you have had a Prussian fabian socialist education, you spew names with no argurment or reasoning. You have literally said nothing but name dropping.

Whats going on in the US isn't some secret kabal. Guess what? You can watch the CFR and all the politicians and policy makers speak ON YOUTUBE! You can read state department policy papers and research papers ON THEIR WEBPAGE! They have been open since the 50's after commies seized control of education. Six years of lurking and to this day, I see kooks simply not ready free information, on open web sites that their enemies run.

Oh your one of those slavs who pretends Russia won the war. The only thing the Russians ever did was die and rape people after the fighting was over. Your casualties taken doesn't indicate your contribution I know that's hard to comprehend for a second rate shithole.

and video

That because le rus have nothing else to be proud about, and even those are mostly myths, like 28 panfilovtsev


please don't post these kind of images here. it's disturbing for some of us having read Ben "one man klan" Garrison's Gotta Gas'em All Diaries Vol. II.

USSR won the war. It was sort of Pyrrhic victory but nevertheless it was victory. Before WWII USSR was no name backwards country which no one consider seriously. After WWII USSR ended as military powerhouse occupying half of the Europe, threatening to swallow what was left. Also member of the new l33t club of God Tier countries who have veto right in the UN.

From rags to riches.

No they did not. Russia was in a famine at the start of the war and had no industry and inferior technology. People seem to forget that the US armed Britian, Pussies(France), and the Russians. Stalin was on his knees begging for support.

Look up the lend-lease program. Your either dumb as shit, completely ignorant and delusional, or a ruski troll.

no, im sure it was just 4D chess by hitler to lose.
seems the US is using the same tactic in the ME.
yeah they just drove the humanitarian convoys past 80% of german forces. then fucked them from the rear.
those russians are strategic masterminds.

are you saying the german forces on the eastern front were a bunch of jerkoffs that didnt do shit except retreat?

sure thing. gotta compensate for being pussies in the corner for half the war right? most of lend lease went to britain and see how much they accomplished with american gear in europe.

American and British pressure won the war. If the Anglos were on board with germany the entire African corps and reserve armies in Scandinavia plus the German air force fighting over England would have been in Russia. The Russians were useful idiots in someone else's greater plan the fact you dumb fucks haven't realised you did exactly what the burgers and brits wanted is the best part. Anglos came out as masters of the world when the wars were over keep telling yourself you "won".

Look up the production capacity military size and technological development of the USSR and USA after the war was over. The Russians have always been a joke compared to a real power the only reason they are allowed to exist is so western Europeans won't tell burgers to fuck off from their countries and the subtle occupation can continue.

Your are mistaking process with result and official statements with real things.

USA, USSR and Jewish diaspora are 3 only entities that actually won in the WWII. They ended after war in the much much better situation that they were before. They improved their standing among others. USSR improved standing more than order of magnitude.

On the other hand Britain for example lost WWII despite officially been on the "winners side". Britain went from the head of teh largest Empire who rule the waves to the USA lapdog status.

The US gave Russia tanks, guns, gun powder, primer, steel, food, winter coats, and everythng needed for war at a cost of $100 BILLION. Other allied nations gave $30 billion. We literally supplied everything but manpower. This does not include military hardware we both forgave, debt and loans forgiven, and returned weapons. You bet dark money and supplies went over too.

Heres a russian supporting site supporting what I said:

By war's end in 1945, the United States Navy had added nearly 1,200 major combatant ships, including twenty-seven aircraft carriers and eight "fast" battleships, and ten prewar "old" battleships totaling over 70% of the world's total numbers and total tonnage of naval vessels of 1,000 tons or greater.

Russia wasn't shit and never was


im reffering you to pic related

Forcing potential (and actual future) enemy to supply you military materials is strategic and political victory.


the US gave 12k of armored vehicles, most of which were crpa like M3s and shermans.
all the steel sent, if used only for T-34s, would still just give 70k tanks, but it wasnt used just for tanks.
one third of trucks in 45 were US made, not counting any destroyed.
besides, pivotal battles like stalingrad, siege of leningrad and the swamp fighting around moscow were done by infrantry and artillery, not tanks. tanks came in mass numbers when the soviet offensives began.

yeah the russians sailed them straight over poland didnt they?

do you burgers feel some need to compensate for not doing shit while the entire world was fighting or something?
next youll be saying that russians just used human wave tactics, yet youll praise D-day, market garden, the Bulge and other crap

I'm just saying, as I've said before on this board, I was a Slavic Linguistics Ph.D candidate, and got admitted to a few different programs, OSU, UVa, Illinois, Kansas, and Indiana, and I tried to settle on the least biased, which I thought was Indiana, but in reality it was the same everywhere I went, domestic Jews and ex think tankers make up almost all senior faculty, most don't have any Russians or orthodox Slavs at all including Indiana, only Russian and Ukranian speaking Israelis and Canadian diasphora that moved here. The only Slavs are west Slavs who are pro away and migration, and have this aura of being to shit for their countries. I've posted about how they wanted us grad students to become student activists who supported small anti-fascist parties in Hungary as a program sponsored by Central European University, which is a Soros puppet in Hungary.

I couldn't write about my topics on Ethno-federalism and linguistic programming in Eastern Europe because I took a view that was too "pro-Russian" which actually meant that I explained that the ethnic republic system of Russia did a better job of keeping Russians and indigenous minorities politically and linguistically separate and thus distinct than America did. An I attributed this to the political concept of Narodnost, "peoplehood" which saved a concept of ethnic and linguistic identity, whereas that is not a concept in the mainstream of American politics.

I was yelled at for fucking hours about my papers, even though I list the downsides (ethnic and religious separatism in northern Caucasus, some republics like Karelia or Komi exist in name only and are integration projects) but that didn't matter, I didn't lambast the Russians as a new Nazi Germany and call Putin a secretly closeted Hitler. I didn't advocate for gender neutral "Ono" pronoun as new sexual liberation for oppressed gays, I didn't write articles on how polyamory should be the perfered family set up in Ukraine and in Ukranian so it could be published by Kiev. All of which my compatriots did with ease and ample funding through the Kinsey funds at IU.

That's why I consider Russia not necessarily an ideal or "le based white country," but anything that makes kikes this angry, especially the ones I worked for, should be encouraged until we achieve what we need to.

So USSR outsmarted USA and got USA weapons so Communists could launch successful conquest of the Europe they dreamed so much about. What are you trying to prove?

This is some Dugin-tier shit. Read a fucking book.


According to the jew detector at avotaynu.com/csi/csi-home.htm it can be a jewish name but very rarely, it only appears in one of their sources.

Dude, the entire planet is tired of the financial system headed by the USA. Geopolitical adversaries are starting to work together because the USA has gone bonkers since the 90's. Here is the thing many younger people dont get, the USA had a deal with its own populace and the whole international community that it would demilitaarize after the fall of the soviet union, but after it fell, the USA did the exact opposite, it turned into a tyranical imperialist bully trying to take over the planet (NWO) via economic, nuclear and military blackmail, and often times outright unprovoked violence (see:middle-east). No shit everyone is gearing up to put up a barrier against american madness and aggression.Burgers need to travel around and stop paying attention to american media, its literally all made-up bullshit, almost everything coming from american media is a puppet show run by jewish neocons.

So after the shills failed to debate they start drawing cuckchan tactics and a barrage of (1)s start shitting up the thread.

A reminder to filter all shills

That's all this fucking place is now: stickytown.

If everything is stickied, then nothing is stickied.

that youre blowing the US role in WW2 out of proportion because of some unknown biased reason

if youve been here for a while youll know that any russia related thread ends up in circlejerks about lend-lease and putins oligarchs

The USSR colllapsed and Russian women beg to come to the US to be whores. Sure was a great victory for you eh comrade.

The lend-lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941)[1] was a program by which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and August 1945. This included warships and warplanes, along with other weaponry.

The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran, also known as Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia, was the invasion of the Empire of Iran during the Second World War by Soviet, British and other Commonwealth armed forces. The invasion lasted from 25 August to 17 September 1941 and was codenamed Operation Countenance. Its purpose was to secure Iranian oil fields and ensure Allied supply lines (see Persian Corridor) for the USSR, fighting against Axis forces on the Eastern Front.

The Persian Corridor was a supply route through Iran into Soviet Azerbaijan by which British aid and American Lend-Lease supplies were transferred to the Soviet Union during World War II.

Whoever runs Russia Insider must have taken an overdose of red-pills or something. They literally quoted the DS article about their "coming out" with it's trademark inflammatory headline on their official verified gab account.

USA won Cold War. You are right.

socialism is for the jews, get out kike

National Socialism has no jew architect unlike all the other (((certified))) philosophies a goy is allowed to have. Holla Forums is the Beer Hall of the Fourth Realm.

Historically inaccurate. America was fighting a two front war also. The Japananese-American war from 41-45 was the probaly the most brutal and bloody wars in history.
Americans lost 416,000 military personnel in WW2. Also, regarding the European theater of WW2, the US spear headed the invasion of Italy and France. Took massive casualties. You make it seem like WW2 wasn't a massive blood bath of young white American men. It was.

Military personnel deaths in combat during WW2:

Australia 39,800
Austria 261,000
Belgium 12,100
Bulgaria 22,000
Canada 45,400
China 3-4,000,000
Czechoslovakia 25,000
Denmark 2,100
Estonia – 51,000
Finland 95,000
France 217,600
Germany 5,533,000
Greece 20,000-35,000
Hungary 300,000
Italy 301,400
Japan 2,120,000
Latvia – 227,000
Lithuania – 353,000
Luxembourg – 2,000
Netherlands 17,000 (301,000 civilian deaths)
New Zealand 11,900
Norway 3,000
Poland 240,000
United Kingdom 383,600
United States 416,000


There's also a category for civilian deaths on that site. Which Americans had virtually none. Obviously civilian deaths were higher for European countries. North America didn't have to deal with that…so it wasn't devastated by WW2 as much was Europe was. It's just the "Americans didn't do anything in WW2" narrative is nigger-tier retarded.

you d know "nazi" was coined by anti-NDSAP propagandists that wanted to ridicule the party and alienate them from the workers

what are those numbers (barely any of which get over half a million) suppost to mean relative to the countrys infrastructure size?

fucking korea and china saw more slaughter than the US did.

the US is literally a warmachine on DONT HURT ME - EASY mode.

This is sad. Academia has been destroyed by Jews. If any idea, professor, student, or discussion doesn't tow the globalist narrative it gets shut down hard. You should be free to explore and propose as you wish. Really, their enablers are we the people who tolerate their hatred for knowledge. That's why I say we have to bring up their behavior in a side ways attack through awareness first. Confront nearly any man head on he shuts down. We're confronting an entire civilization; a paradigm of thought engrained for 70 years.

I have traveled some and all I saw was hopelessness, victimhood, and anger. Never forget, the world DEMANDED we take over as judge and jury. You all agreed to join our Jew world order.

You reap what you sow.

Instead of trashing us, how about you enlighten us with solutions.

Truer words. But, it really was our victory - we held back until the germans ground the ruskis into hamburger meat. Only then did we help.

We should have let Patton march to Moscow, then Tokyo, then all of China.

The US didn't do shit all against Germany until everyone between 18-30 was six feet under in Russia.

Did the world "demanded" it before or after you threatened to nuke everyone who said no? Before the nukes, i seem to recall a certain european nation refusing to be your slave, can you name it, burger-user?

magic happens

theres your real holocaust.

Neurolinguistic programming at it's finest (You're a Nazi = YOU'RE NASTY). Also, the leaders of the Sanhedrin, the historical jewish counsel, are named the nasi. There is a reason why jews in london including the Rothschild dynasty love and are overtly obsessed with aryan symbolism and esotericism. Let me state this, before anyone attacks this post: The only redeeming value in the whole NSDAP was Leon Degrelle (And perhaps hitler's literature about the jewish problem and future ideals).

And yet there still are no men there. What happened to Napoleon's people?

Meme needs sources.

The US firebombed and nuked Japan to death. Total balls out total war. The Island hopping campaign was no picnic either. Tarawa, Okinawa and Iwo Jima. There were some real slobberknocker battles in the Japan-American war.

Solid reasoning.

The US was fighting an intense war against the Japs in the Pacific starting in 41. If they hadn't been fighting Japan, Russia would have had to engage/worry about thier eastern line from the Japs.

Nah, you're dumb. The civil war was a gigantic blood bath that happened in multiple states of America. Happened 50 years before world war 1 and about 75 years before WW2 There were still civil war veterans alive during world war 2. Not to mention all the warfare with Indian tribes in the late 19th century.

Well done, Russia Insider, well done.

They weren't motivated to fight against Hitler. They hated thier ZOG.

I think they'd take a bullet.
Honestly if you said "if you had a choice between Jews and the Spaniards", I'd take a bullet too.
Ultimately people just want to be left to their own. Giving them a choice between two evils even if one is substantially better than the other, is still something most would consider not a choice at all.

Russia has a long history of jew leaders. There are millions of jews in Russia today. Subversive leftists in the US have all been jews. Russia is the jew.


plus a special invitation mods no ban please

That's not how it works when you're dealing with America.

Kill yourself

Yes but on the european front we didnt do shit

Except for all the shit we did do.

They hate Russians clearly. That's why Communism started there and left the whole To cover Russian peoples and people in blood.

Finnish tribes actually created Russia. Rus word comes from there at the first place. DNA studies confirm too that Russians are actually not really "slavs" but Finnish origin in their DNA.

I'm so incredibly furious of what Russia has had to go against last 100 years. Both Germany and Russia, poor countries that were just victims of insane banking people and their crazy theories about how so called civilization should be run.

Please don't judge Russians, don't judge Germans, don't judge Poles, don't judge Slavs, don't judge Ukraine. We are brothers all!

Fucking hell. This kind of shit is embarrassing.

The western front was nothing to the germans, we supplied shit but that was it fighting wise we did very little.

Russians are substantially better than a kike.

I do agree that Hitler did the work to get the country back together while it was in its peak 1/3 unemployed and poverty was everywhere.
But as far as I know, no one in Russia/USSR did anything of that sorts after the Tsar patriots lost to the jewish revolutionaries.
With that in mind, if we are going to blame the Kulaks for not resisting, then yeah they are guilty of it and not fighting back. But if we via history who was on the right side, then the Kulaks were.
And in regards to current political and cultural decisions of Poland and Hungary, yeah they are indeed doing good work, but most of Eastern Europe is. Only theirs is the one that is the most "In your Face" ones, since the others are either too small to directly resist, but are still trying to do what they can.

They accept it as part of their history and now part of their tradition, at least with the imagery. Most aren't eager to go back to communism, though. If I remember correctly, the VDV still has a red star on their aquamarine berets despite no longer being forces of a communist regime.

It's not yours anymore, not this far along. You should have lifted a finger when the court jester was crying, but you didn't. Sorry, polan, you lose this one.


because over the last hundred years eastern europe's jews have largely emmigrated from there and infected the west at too harsh of a pace. the jewless vacuum there has allowed for decent, non-degenerate goyim to grow strong and independent

Wow this one turned into a steaming pile fast, at this point lets just get it over with already. If Russia wants to be bros im fine with that but only if they stomp turkey, give the Hagia Sophia back to Greece and eat all of Israels nukes.

Deus Novus Vult


Fuck you Jew.

reminder that russia was the very first victim of communism and it was hijacked by them
dont forget the gulag, holodomor, purges, and totalitarian 1984 level oppression


You probably should.


try google translate this title

no, (((they))) were the judge and jury. you were just the executioner. still are.

one solution is enlighting you with nuclear fire

>But, it really was (((our))) victory - we held back until the germans ground the ruskis into hamburger meat.
that was the anglo plan for germany and russia in the 30s.

operation unthinkable was confirmed to be unacheivable, and even if it were youd effectively massacre any white people left.
great planning shlomo

they tought it would just be WW1 round 2.
their entire warmachine was 20 years behind.
the moment the germans just walked around their lines they panicked and the general staff fled paris. without them the army collapsed.
many french soldiers that werent captured actually went on to fight in the resistance.

no, its just lazy sitting in a plane and pressing buttons.
the japanese had more balls when it came to war. and they proved it everywhere form the pacific to china

sum up all the landmass of thoe islands and compare it to the landmass of the eastern, even western front.
europe had those too.

they werent threathened at home even if they lost all battles. and after the war they were ready to fight another war. so yeah

japs would go on to invade india and the rest of the southeast asia, not some fucking siberia. they werent subordenate to hitler and they certainly werent stupid.

fucking skirmishes comparable to viking raids.

right now youre just playing a dick measuring contest and losing

if every leader since the revolution was a jew the US would still come out worse.
they completely sold out in 1913, and were doing so since the 19th century. after andrew jackson died they were doomed

no, theyll just make a color revolution and kill you

We'll find a way to avenge and bring you back from the dead someday.

do it yankee, eat a bullet, you won't be missed.

In case you haven't noticed…they've started calling your govt "regime" a few weeks ago. You should be seriously, seriously concerned.

The average Russian had no idea the leaders were jews, just like the average american had no idea they were jewish puppets all along until at least a decade after 9/11 (and I'm being generous, most still don't).

I absolutely agree. We need to do something to fix this problem. Moon-worshiping retards are flooding into civilized secular democracies.

The only way to stop it is forced deconversion at the border. Make all immigrants sign an affidavit attesting to their atheism. With no threat of otherworldly punishment for any acts they were previously conditioned to consider immoral or unethical, surely the situation will improve.

Unlimited mass migration of Arabs and Africans is fine, just as long as they're not Moonslims.

All jews will be killed in due time.


That's what Hitler said over 80 fucking years ago.

And guess what? It's still not happening. The generation after the generation after his generation has already begun dying of old age, and still no muh ded j00z. The closest anyone's come to even trying was the Six Day War, and look at what happened there: Half the fucking planet gangs up on poor little Israel while the other half watches, and Israel fucking shreds all of them.

You stand no chance against us. Just stop trying. Although I must admit, it is fun seeing you struggle, knowing full well that you're destined to fail.

no he didn't you lying cunt

also literally drown in semen kikey


This is what stormderps ACTUALLY believe.


Sage for off-topic circlejerk.

and this will happen how exactly with the curent govts?

The Yuan and Ruble are both gold backed currencies

lol. thats a flatout lie.
another one

would you like to join our new humanitarian campaign to save arab refugees?

The communist party bounces between second and third largest party. Putin still carries around his communist party card

Just a reminder. Holla Forums is banned in Russia.

Don't forget the 12 million German civilians forcefully relocated and 2 million German civilians killed in the aftermath of WWII.

No it isn't

The Holodomor was a artificial famine specifically engineered by the NKVD to kill Ukrainian nationalist dissidents. It did not negatively affect the USSR's ability to produce food in any way.

yes it is.

put 8ch.net in the field

It's quite simple, really:
Ban religion, institute a mandatory atheism law, open the floodgates for unlimited mass migration from Africa and the Middle East, and it's problem solved.

Do it.

Do my eyes deceive me?

Is that a stormderp I see admitting to Jewish superiority over the h'wite "race"?

After all, how could a scattered, rootless, disorganized group of weak, stupid j00z possibly manage to bring down the empire controlling the largest country by landmass on Earth, and then seize total power over it, central Asia, and half of Europe for nearly a century before white supremacist manpigs from the U.S. brought them down?

▶Anonymous 01/18/18 (Thu) 16:39:54 2a47e5 No.11163221

Tillerson has now announced that their plan is basically exactly the same as they were doing when obongo was president. America is not leaving until Assad is overthrown and Iran removed from Syria.

▶Anonymous (You) 01/18/18 (Thu) 17:55:24 000000 No.11163434

so in 1945 some nazis went to the oss and create cia

the other nazis went to the ussr

they joined again in germany during (((cold war)))

did the americans and russians (including putin) do great spy stuff in Berlin/ DDR ? or was it in (((reality))) the DDR allowing them in so they could infiltrate both america and russian intelligence services ?

Who is really running the show? Who created a country for themselves based on lies?

How does Russian propaganda work? 8ch is full of it.

Is SVR fighting CIA/NSA or………………………….

………………..are their whole organizations puppetsystems in a game of The Higher Joy?

Why are their mindcontrol implants and systems so simular? Including the overlapping brainwashing propaganda.

Only way out is for either of one to expose the methods of the other. East and West is conned.

▶Anonymous (You) 01/18/18 (Thu) 18:02:15 000000 No.11163457

How to remove implants from Israel (Beer Shiva factory/datacenter) used for hypnosis. Left part of brain implants (speech center) registers silent voices carried over microwaves and modulated as ultrasound (why it's called Silent but some people may experience buzzing)

I want to hack my implant and be free

All ex-military have these. Americans have implants from the facility in Florida. They cost almost nothing to produce. 99% of chipped people have no recollection or memory of what happened.


Instead of posting here go suck cocks and get AIDS you retarded homogoose. Nobody likes you, even your own mother. Kills yourself you faggot.

There is very relevant Russian prison culture riddles based around that concept. New boy comes into prison cell, inamtes ask him a question. Most known are:
"There is chair with sharp spears and another chair with erected dicks, which chair do you chose for yourself and what for your mother"
And another:
"What do you choose: one time in the ass or fork into the eye?".
What do you choose Holla Forums?

Canonical "proper" answers are you never choose bad options your outsmart them and choose third option even if it is not openly presented. This is the path of the Russian thief.

hey KOSHER fags, your bot is broken


"What do you choose: one time in the ass or fork into the eye?".

What do you choose Holla Forums?

faggotry and trannies are created by electronic mindcontrol….. i met many 007 niggahs who are almost all bi or fag or still had pink nailpolish on…. when not zombed out on drugs they are all in a game called 'gaaaaaaaaaaaaaangstalking'
they love gangbangs

People who feel like trannies are hot or want to be one should pay attention, you might be under covert influence. this is not a hoax, these feelings can be induced in dreams. it's all real.
i was nearly made a tranny but i found it whats really going on….

they give "niggahs" aids and keep them on drugs privately so nobody knows they have aids

this is like with the CP pedo shit

we choose anything that isnt you subhumans with your retarded spacing and copypasta

Have you actually communicated with a Russian from Russia?

Dicky was always a duginist nigger

Hilldawg can still be president goys.

Checked. What kind of mental gymnastics is Newsweek performing to reach that kind of clickbait conclusion?


Do you believe, regular illitirate Russian in 1917 was better at naming the jew than regular polfag in 2017. Americans fell for oy vey Tronald 'make israel great again' Dump.
When Stalin was in power kikes were purged from party and leader of jewish bolsheviks Trotsky was killed. Basically communist party was destroyed when kikes were at work again in 1990. Talk about "jewish communism"


There is nothing wrong with censorship when Putin does it.

Oh. Somehow missed that part. Holy shit you're retarded, i'm laughing now.
Google word 'politican'. You'll learn so much new shit.

No the US didn't call our government a regime. The EU did. So far relations with Trump were alright.

People like us may move beyond them yes. That is not as important to them as retaining those who will never consider the controlled OP ideas in the first place. It's more to make sure we never look good. If you are 99.9% sure nazis are the total embodiment of evil, kikes want to make sure it stays that way when you get a chance to think about that .1%. That ebil nahtzee person is always going to come around. He is going to exist. Kikes want to be sure their characture of him gets exposure throttled. Whilst of course putting forth watered down ideas of ours for those who end up agreeing with the controlled OP and acting like there is hope within a kiked system of politics.

'Oh we can subvert media and thus politics over 100 years just like the kikes so get into politics goys.' False. 100 years ago MSM (yes of course this is your 'alt media' online too) was not as important as it is now. Still important sure. But 'independent' media in the sense of that dialogue which was transmuted between local communities and families in their day to day human interaction was stronger and more frequent. Frequency is important. Remember, the public school system wasn't much at the time either. Now of course we are surrounded and more frequented by MSM even while being in the same room with our family all day. This MSM infrastructure was up for grabs as it was developing. Now that it has developed with such a level of control, you cannot repeat the process of the last 100 years as if the circumstances are the same. It is no longer up for grabs. There is a media gatekeeper now. However, it is not fruitless to continue educating people because it is not fruitless to grow our numbers. Our numbers will not be important in regard to media subversion nor politics.

Our subversion must be in silence. We must prepare and grow parallel to a kiked society as it burns. Take care of yourself first so people can respect, trust and follow you. Then do the same for your people. I hope this message reaches the military and intelligence boys specifically. You are OUR gatekeepers. Lone wolf? Media manipulation with net negative effect. Race war led by civilians? Powerless so long as certain faction of the military and intelligence doesn't agree. Media manipulation with negative net effect. War against the state as it exists today/military/nato? Powerless without certain faction of military and intelligence on our side.

Let us both prepare while we wait for your call.

What are you talking about? Your drunk irrelevant president ordered to land a plane in a foggy weather (previously fired another pilot for refusing to do this) and crushed, what is all story, poles keep whinning about this because it happend in Russia and its eastier to try to make a martyr from dead man than accept the harsh truth about him being an alcoholic who disgraced himself in front of everyone.

There were no threats. Europe came to us with the proposal. We accepted. Deal with it. Only Jews and their agents harp on about dirty deals they did thinking they jewed someone, then got fucked hard up the ass long term. Europe sold its cheese smelling pussy. I see people QQ over contracts, bets, and deals all the time and it is never their own fault. The first step to strong nationalism is accepting personal responsibility.

If you want something different, the Russians and Chinks are far, far more cruel and no-nonsense then we are. And understand, their goal is your destruction.

I understand your sentiment, but Europe stops at The eastern border of Poland. Russia was a backwards feudal state when men in America were enshrining the words of the declaration of independence on parchment. Slavs have no real history so they attach themselves to Europe and pretend to be European. Russians are steppe people; the product of mongoloid rape.

Shills always call anyone with a reasoned opinion a Jew. Instead of name calling, refute my claims and stay on subject.

Your either a Jew, Shariablue, or a Slav, if you don't refute.

Any Christian knows a jew. He also knows when a jew is jewing. Hence why they were murdered so often. People weren't as ignorant as we think even one thousand years ago.

Nowadays everyone still knows how jews do their dirty tricks. Most are to scared to say it. No one wants the ADL or a bunch of reporters costing them their livelihood. I swear most of the people on this board lack basic sense.

It only makes sense, really.


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


>>>Holla Forums7711343

dysn☕mia!bO.8VNPLAE ## Board Volunteer 01/18/18 (Thu) 23:29:10 No.7711343

If you fags can get >>7777777 by tonight I will give the board to someone else.

But if you can't… I'm here forever.

dysnomias efforts might be a giant distraction so help us but watch out! be careful! (((they))) want us to miss something!


*Something something about American Christian tradition of slavery*

Unconstitutional mental gymnastics.

Kill yourself, kike.

Everyone look up The Great Northern War of 1700. Look how many of these countries are lining themselves up in the same way they did back then.

Swedes are getting comfy with Britain pushing state sponsored Anti-Russian programs. Poland is key here. We must help move Poland in the right direction. Currently Poland is hanging in the balance. It could swing either way, for or against the the New Russian Renaissance.

Sweden ended up fleeing to the Ottoman Empire for protecting against Russia. Towards the end even Britain declared War on Sweden.

We must stop Poland from being pulled into the british / swedish zion cult.


Fuck you and your [citation needed] cancer.


Based Russians still worship based Lenin. Let communism to live forever!

Dear mr. Shillstein Judenberg:
There are faggots in every country still worshipping that dead kike. Hell, there's probably some gaynigger from outer detroit wearing a Che Guevara shirt. Russia isn't pro-communism, and powerful communist agencies like the CIA do not work in Russia's interests. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Funny how a cult of death praises their cult to live forever.

But not every country have semitic ziggurat on it's main square! How based!

100% Semitic

100% clueless philistine

You know that you can repurpose shit, right?

This isn't true at all. The Japs themselves were considering surrendering and had already started overtures and attempts to talk. Russia would have been easy to smash, seeing as we supplied all of their resources at the time. The U.S continued to supply Russia up to the 50s. Futhermore, US support saved the Russian government three times in the last 70 years. Russias are welfare queens.

To an extent that is true. Don't forget the root word for slave is SLAV. Slavs were never mofe useful than as slaves, property. I think slavery was a huge mistake. Now we are saddled with blacks that our forefathers didn't have the stomach to deport or slaughter these animals.

Why not go a second way. You offer a false dichotomy of either the Jew or the savage. Poland and Sweden don't need either. There is a third choice pf national sovereignty with no entangling alliances. The russians are brutal and savage. This is why all slavic nations are stuck in the 1920's and haven't grown like the west.

Despite the fact that it should be turned into a post-semitic history museum about the horrors that took place, they're not quite there in terms of redpilling yet.

Still, I would advocate for repurposing the building, not destroying it.

jesus that is the worst thing I have looked at in a long time. Consider suicide

add one more point to the scoreboard, jeff

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

==White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"=

They are going to be the spearhead against Russia.
Basically the same arrangement like before the second world war. This time against Russia instead of Germany.

Ha, you dream.
Russian Renaissance, my ass. As part of the new Eurasian Khanat maybe.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"



Casey Owen Neistat and Paul Logan took money from arabs from dubai to promote muslim agendas

Why is casey neistat so popular despite being so talentless and ugly? Is he jewish? That's what happened to that faggot singing "i'm only one call away", he's awful but jewish so he gets lot of exposure.


The sheer mass of ignorant shitposting on /pol is quite astounding. I'd be curious to know how many of these anons just whinge on with stale, recycled memes compared to those that actually lurk or research so they might better understand the planet they find themselves on.
Seriously, this thread is full of so much ignorant shit I can just scroll and stop anywhere and see either someone who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about (whether pro or anti anything) or I can see numerous anons proving how that shitposting tard is wrong.
Props to those anons who commit to learning and point out the golemns and shills.
It can never be said enough to the shitposting ignoramuses;
Shills, >>oven

I guarantee you that situation was orchestrated by America to cause conflict between Poland and Russia.

Anyone with a twitter account get this weird email?

"As part of our recent work to understand Russian-linked activities on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organization known as the Internet Research Agency.

Consistent with our commitment to transparency, we are emailing you because we have reason to believe that you either followed one of these accounts or retweeted or liked content from these accounts during the election period. This is purely for your own information purposes, and is not related to a security concern for your account.

We are sharing this information so that you can learn more about these accounts and the nature of the Russian propaganda effort. You can see examples of content from these suspended accounts on our blog if you're interested.

People look to Twitter for useful, timely, and appropriate information. We are taking active steps to stop malicious accounts and Tweets from spreading, and we are determined to keep ahead of the tactics of bad actors. For example, in recent months we have developed new techniques to identify accounts manipulating our platform, have improved our process for challenging suspicious accounts, and have introduced new measures designed to identify and take action on coordinated malicious activity. In 2018, we are building on these improvements. Our blog also contains more information about these efforts.

People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world. We are committed to making it the best place to do that and to being transparent with the people who use and trust our platform.


i tought the ukranians were beaten in every major battle, from the airport to debaltsevo



Remove the Holla Forums mod

Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?


Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

White Nationalists are the cause of "White Genocide".

Why is there a nigger in russia? Please putin-san genocide this man.

Europe stops at the Urals, not Poland

Southern Russia is steppes, Northern Russia is heavily wooded like Germany

I think those with the right blood instinctively know who is a Jew and when they are Jewing. They are the bloodhounds of man>>11169783

ok Banderashit. keep sucking NATO dick. also Kosovo is Serbia. Analbania is Serbia too.


wouldn't mongoloid rape actually make them smarter? I mean with all due respect to Nordics, we're still second place in terms of intelligence. Jews don't count because they're not humans.

Whites have slowly lost an average of 15 iq points over the lasst 200 years. This is backed by reflex tests in the 1800s and 1700s, reflex's are heavily linked with iq so the better the higher. Our average is 100.
Also chinks CHEAT, so I would only take any data about the asians with suspicion.

Ukies and Georgians lost.

It's payback time for the Jews!


That 'nigger' is actually a based black man for he is a fellow god fearing christian and being that Russia is a christian nation Putin-san wouldn't genocide a brother n Christ!

That may be, chaim, but the author's discussion of funding in the article rang true to me. Probably included it to head off allegations like this at the pass.

The guy doesn't write like a liar.

Yes, and not just OP. This place is overrun with Russian shills/useful idiots. I hope Russia succeeds in removing the Jew, but that doesn't make them someone we can trust. Ask yourself why Russia had no problem working with Hillary Clinton to secure our uranium, or why they coordinated with Fusion GPS (on the dossier) and Loretta Lynch (allowing Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country) to attempt to sabotage Trump.

They want the west destabilized and want their country to be stronger. That works well when we're a smaller voice in the political arena. None of their actions mean we should trust them, though I certainly don't dislike Russia and would prefer stable/friendly relations with them.

If we end up being against Russian objectives we'll be targeted as well. They aren't ideologues, they're pragmatists. Anti-racist is anti-white because the goal of 'racism' is to disenfranchise whites. That's why you can't be 'racist' against whites. Same deal with the Russian dossier or buying uranium. It was within their objectives to make their country stronger (uranium) and buy some good will from the likely winner (dossier) even if they didn't want her to win.

That being said, who knows if the writer is serious or not? It's unlikely that this is propaganda given that anti-semites are a large portion of the population and this could be used as a bludgeon against Russia by the press (oy vey de slavs are so anti-semitic). Take the stuff from the eastern bloc with a grain of salt, if our interests align, that's great. If not, don't justify it.

This is literally the essence of realpolitik and it's high time people start to gitgud at it, this isn't a shooting war, trying to define sides is kind of childish. Take what you can and oppose what you can't, the goal is to take back our birthright.

Regardless of any of that, didn't a great man once say that the best propaganda is truth?

These are persons. Some of them are part of the Russian state, some of them are nationals, some of them are ethnic Russians.
It's disconcerting and frankly irritating when everyone (pro, anti, neutral) talks about everyone else as some singular mass. Even going so far as to refer to a nationality, ehtnicity, and state (three separate things) as a >someone. Semantics matter, because semantics are the meaning. So much of the hazy mental imagery in westerners of what they think of as "Russia" is nothing but cobbled together memes from all the media and talk they have encountered. It's just memes, not reality. If you are speaking from a life experience of memes (whether via MSN, internet, books, TV, small talk, or lack of living there or travel) as apposed to actual experience, you should stop posting and go spend time learning something.
If you don't know what you are talking about, your running mouth isn't helping anyone.
This thread is like the chit-chat in a high school quad about a new couple. Pathetic nonsense with no value.
Seriously, this is the same language everywhere you go.
Love all these threads on poll that start out interesting, but just devolve into a murky pool of meaningless drivel pouring out from terminals owned by anons who love to talk when they have no experience in the matter. It's not even hyper-analytic hyperbole in here; It's whole lot of hearsay and strawmen from people who's mental image of "Russia" is that which has been fed to them by the media they are immersed in.
On one side of the coin you have "muh Russia" meme, on the other side of the coin you "baste Russia" meme. Two sides, same coin. Bunch of fuckin' useless memes with no basis in how Russian life is or how Russia works internally.
I'm many people know fuck all about "Russia" or "Russians" because they don't speak the language and have never experienced the Russian state, Russian land, or Russian life.
Paranoia and circlejerking are the two things that ruin /pol. Research and speaking from life experience from IRL are what count. Information and data is what matters. Not your feelings on whatever it is one refers to as "Russia".
Feelings have no meaning. Your memes are nothing but feelings. Who gave you these memes? CIA? FSB? ACLU? MI6? user? Youtube? CNN? Fox? Dostoyevsky? Dugin? Until you immerse yourself in the real thing, you know absolutely nothing.

When you anons are talking about "Russia" you talking in terms of equality. You are speaking with the language taught to you by progressives, extreme- egalitarians, and Zionists.
It is necessary and beneficial to generalize groups and group intentions/goals in order to find one's own direction. However, it is also beneficial to slow down and look at things in the macro as well. eg, making enemies of good people or potential allies because your ideals and actions are based on group think, lack if insight, or gross assumption; As apposed to personal research, personal experience, and a dynamic-macro perspective on things
You can never predict with absolute certainty the future actions of all members of a group. Projecting onto a group or projecting your mental image onto another idea (ie, muh Russia/baste Russia) accomplishes nothing besides programming people. Instead amalgamating a state, an ethnic group, and a nation into an imaginary persona, pay attention to the actions of individuals and the position of those individuals. These are human beings, after all. You wouldn't know what the Nazi party was if you didn't learn about the people that comprised that party.
It's lazy to always think of humanity as absolute groups with absolute goals and absolute consensus among their members. Just like how there are different groups of Jews with different traditions, lineages, and beliefs (albeit they are still Jews), no two persons within a political party or mercenary force have all the same agendas or goals. It's the memes and agendas that those people are pushing that make the difference. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, /pol.

I agree and wish I could reformat my post. When talking about Russia as an entity I'm referring to the government, when I say something is or isn't propaganda, I'm referring to whether it was a government owned/decided story that was run.

Apologies for generalizations.

We already have shills, trolls, and provocateurs to deal with. The problem here is there are too many fucking knowitalls on X Y or Z topic on /pol who don't know to shut up when they don't know shit.

I understand where you are coming from and agree you have valid points. Your post is the one that made me want to post, myself, though it wasn't anything you stated, per se. It was the fact that your post was intelligent and I could actually understand where you were coming from (which is increasingly rare), but it was in the same language as the Russophobes.
I'm just tired of seeing the bastardized language of zionists and egalitarian scum being perpetuated in our own language.
You know the saying about there being no forest, only trees? You know about the modern idea of multiculturalism, where blending out all of the existing diversity is presented as creating diversity (process of destruction and creation; destroy the old to build the new; making something out of nothing; inversion occultism) Political correctness has taught us to speak in a way that erases the trees and creates a forest. It pushes the illusion that the trees don't really exist, but the forest does. I hope you are getting my metaphor. The way our language is policed and propagated is the same way (((they))) tell us the world really works; It's another facet, another layer in the matrix. Political correctness like a sort of firewall for the controllers or for the Empire ethos.
We are lied to when we are told that the diversity in front of us doesn't really exist (eg, gender politics, "muh social constructs") in the same way we are lied to about etymology. It's like saying the forest is real, whereas the trees are nothing but an illusion; Classic smoke in mirrors and lies to flip everything on its head, so the (((controller))) can lead everyone along to the (((correct future))) and the (((correct way))).

An easy way to see how our language is manipulated is to take a look at modern art.
Art today is presented as a way of "expressing yourself" or "expressing one's emotions". Art yesterday was seen as a way of "presenting subtle truths" and "asking a question". Compare and emotional outburst to a rhetorical question.
Then, you have language today vs language yesterday. Language today (in the west anyways) is primarily used to "express one's self", to convey emotion, to convey feeling. Language yesterday was used to "say it like it is", to convey information, and to convey meaning. Language today is focused on syntax, whereas language yesterday was focused on semantics. Coming from American English as primary language They don't focus on things like philosophy and poetry in school. Those are electives. They focus on simple and meaningless things like punctuation and indentation, repeating the same simple meaningless bits for years until you graduate. A long time ago, children learned the fundamentals of their language and were allowed to move on to valuable language in literature. They were required to read novels, dictionaries, philosophy, and poetry all of the time.
When people are taught that there isn't any inherent meaning or value in language, that language is more easily manipulated and rearranged. Just look at the silly public aversion of using words like "discriminate" and "black". People refer to the connotation of words rather than the definition, because they have been memed ad nauseam by media in TV, friends, music, literature (the little they read of it), and film about the association they should make with a word. People are taught to develop emotional relationships with everything, including words of all things. "Can't be associated with those ebil Nazis cuz I said 'white pride'!" Shit like that is exponentially multiplied with digital social media. Shit like (((smartphones))) and kikebook have been so inlfluential in the schizoid mental life of so much of the western public. With the advent of social media, language has come under attack more than ever. Every little cult and sect gets to throw their opinions around on how words should make people feel. So much of the time we all consent to spend our time focusing on our own speech and what it means to this group and that person and these other groups, that we don't allow ourselves to step back and look at what those words really mean, and to see that there is real historical meaning to words; Not just connotation and associative feelings attached to them. Obviously /pol is a different place, but all of the aforementioned bullshit is point to; How we are dissociating from the synthetic world invented for us, yet we use the language of that synthetic reality to describe it. You can't describe something in full till you have stepped outside of it.
Because of this, I am sure that it is absolutely necessary for all anons to investigate their world in a etymological context so they may better understand it, and better understand the schemes of the Jew and his fellows. Read old books, make art, play with words, explore other languages, and I assure you that you will find more effective ways of understanding, conveying meaning, and expression.

I'm done whinging now.

No it wasnt Russia, it is the fucking jews. Gas yourself. Did you even read?

The article was OK. I liked it except for the jew-right promotion. But the fact they named the jew makes me think it is not intentional deception.

No, no the glorious Ukrainian army has managed to stand proud against the Russian army invasion.
Despite the obvious disparity of forces the Ukrainian army has inflicted major damage to the Russian army and stopped the Russian invasion dead in it's tracks, with Russian Bolsheviks only managing to conquer a small part of it where the systemically oppressed Ukrainian population cry out for it's liberation by the Ukrainian heroes.

This is what """Ukrainians""" actually believe.
This is what people in Washington also believe since all they do is listening to them.

It's bigger than just a War on Russia, it is a War on Orthodox Christianity, which has been going on for centuries, ever since the Crusaders decided to sack Constantinople, stealing the "Shroud of Turin" and a "Piece of the Cross" from the Hagia Sofia. The Vatican started this attack on Orthodoxy ever since the Schism, when Catholics, eager to maintain control over their subjects, broke away from the united Christian Church, over issues such as marriage of priests, which is a requirement in Orthodoxy, considering that they are the pillars of the community, and should lead by example. This is why Orthodox Christianity, and what would have been pre-Schism Catholicism, was more of a "procreation + moral guideline cult" ever since leaving Israel. The true "antithesis" to Orthodox Christianity is Gnosticism, and not Catholicism, as is assumed today by the simple behaviour of the Vatican, who at times such as WW2, were running extermination camps such as Jasenovac in Croatia, where they would kill an estimated 1.5 million Serb civilians, Serb Roma Gypsy, Serb Jews, and anyone connected to the monarchist/freedom fighters the Chetniks, as well as any of their own people whichwas caught helping Serbs, would then have the choice of converting to Catholicism or death, and would then get either their skulls smashed in by a hammer as famous photographs show, or their throats cut using a special knife that the Croatians invented, called the "Serb Killer", for its faster speed of slicing throats. This is not some myth, or illusion, this is facts we were never taught, and are paying today as a society, because of that ignorance. Google it. Just don't believe everything you see about the "Chetniks", which the internet is full of Communist propaganda that is meant to make them look evil. In reality, there were two groups called The Chetniks, one which was the guerrilla army made up of the former Royal Yugoslav military officers and enilsted men, who ran for the hills after Germany captured Belgrade, leaving them to fight the Nazi's throughout WW2 with minimal support from the Allies, and who succesfully saved the lives of over 500 US and UK airmen, the largest in US military history, known as the Halyard Mission, and were led by famous General Dragoljub "Draza" Mihajlovic. Then there was the "other Chetniks" led by Milan Nedic, who Draza had kicked out of his army, after he was caught collaborating with Nazi's. After leaving, he went back to Belgrade where the Germans gave him control of what was left of the "official" state military forces, which now belonged to the German fascist puppet state of Serbia, which became official when King Petar fled to his cousin's, King George of the UK, moving all Kingdom of Yugoslavia governmental offices to London, as many other nations such as Poland were forced to do.

Don't forget that catholics have always sheltered jews.

Esoteric double digits of undoubtedly tangible truth!

A fine example of "deep state" Soros funded propaganda, sadly inflicting one of our own "Chan'ers"

▶Anonymous 01/21/18 (Sun) 08:12:40 fe357e No.11172813

No, no the glorious Ukrainian army has managed to stand proud against the Russian army invasion.

Despite the obvious disparity of forces the Ukrainian army has inflicted major damage to the Russian army and stopped the Russian invasion dead in it's tracks, with Russian Bolsheviks only managing to conquer a small part of it where the systemically oppressed Ukrainian population cry out for it's liberation by the Ukrainian heroes.

Russia never invaded Ukraine. The only photos published to supposedly show a "Russian invasion" were proven to have been recycled photos from the 2008 Russia-Georgia War. MH370, the "2nd and only other "proof of Russian invasion"" has been shown to have been "spoofing" Putin's official Presidential transport plane's flight codes, which led many to believe and rightfully question Ukrainian officials, after photographs of an air launched missile taking out the passenger plane. Then Russia and Putin dropped the cherry on top, which were the satellite photos showing a Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 shooting an Air-to-Air missile being shot at the passenger jet, which contradicted the "official" narrative which the Ukrainian government had told the media, alongside EU, UN, and NATO leadership, catching them in a blatant lie, after they, with the help of Barrack Obama, the EU, the UN, and NATO, lied to the public, saying that they had "proof" that "Russian separatists" shot the plane down with a surface launched air-to-air missile, we now know is a lie. The part that boggles my mind about people like you, is that even after we have evidence contradicting your beliefs, you continue to deny them, and go along spouting your now known lies. I believe that's a mental disorder if I'm not mistaken. The "prood" os an invasion, came from the west, when news corporations like RT News began showing a clip showing a "Ukrainian soldier" wearing all US military gear, holding a US military rifle, a heavily modified M4A2 style rifle (H&K 416?), and who the camera man gets so close to, that the soldier bumps in to him and says something in a PERFECT MIDWESTERN AMERICAN ACCENT, leading many to correctly assume that this was a Tier 1 operative that politicians like traitor Sen. John McCain were sending over to places like Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. where they would train "moderate rebels(a.k.a. FULL BLOWN TERRORISTS/ISIS) and supply them with equipment and even direct fire support, such as was documented by that video from Ukraine, as well as footage from Libya showing SAS troops with ISIS. All this, on top of Ukraine's embarrassing behavior, in which they have sent their Nazi "Azov" Battalion to block the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk from having ANY TRUCKS/CARS/SUPPLIES FROM ENTERING THE RUSSIAN SPEAKING REGIONS, effectively starving the civilians out, which is a grave situation when you take into account that Ukraine has shutdown all access to these civilians' bank accounts, meaning they have absolutely no access to cash, food, supplies which are urgent such as medications, which Ukraine is preventing from entering the regions, EVEN TURNING AROUND MILES OF TRUCK TRAFFIC, WHICH WERE ALL NGO'S THAT WERE TRYING TO BRING ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES TO THESE INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

I honestly believe if the US public was shown the true situation in Ukraine, they would be singing a very different tune, and would be on completely opposite sides of the conflict, than who they "support" now. What is Ukraine's response to killing its own civilians, all because they simply speak Russian at home, and not Ukrainian, and don't deny that Ukrainian Slavs, are genetically the same exact people as Russians. Ukraine's response is, "this is a Russian invasion", "this is an attack on our sovereignty" even though no one is trying to take land away from them, "this is Putin flexing his muscles to Europe" even though Putin is the last person on Earth who wants or needs conflict with Europe, especially since he has openly been trying to turn his nation around, finally bringing back the "middle class" such as every other capitalistic democratic nation had by this time, but since every Russian leader before Putin, which was only one since the fall of Communism, a.k.a. Boris Yeltsin, was a drunk and puppet of Bill Clinton, who sold off his entire nation's military and resource industries to private moguls, who mainly came from Israel, and who robbed, raped, and pilaged Russia throughout the 90's, which didn't stop until Putin was elected President, and who's first act was to take power back from these oligarchs, and establish a set of rules and guidelines for both employees and more importantly employers, which has established essentials such as fair wages, and time off, safety, etc procedures, etc, which has turned the Russian economy around, and carved out a middle class, turning them from one of the poorest nations, to one of the richest, in the span of about 15-20yrs, all under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, who ironically the west cannot stop accusing of being evil, even though he display's ZERO traits of being evil or unstable, quite the contrary actually, making people like yourself sound even dumber than you actually do.

Triple nines make CH3TN!K triple fine.

This is a National Socialist board, vodka nigger.

They aren't even National Socialist which is the hilarious part. Azov in particular just sits in Dnipropetrovsk if I recall. If they honestly cared about their country they'd go clear out the government.

Mate I know that, but that's actually the kind of shit the ukrainian media peddle around.

That's how you can tell Ukrainian shills, they think that Ukraine has won the war in Donbass (against Russia) despite having their army and alt-right militias getting their asses kicked to high heaven by a handful of militants that were largely locals (which has turned into a small but proper army since then).

Does anyone have that edited comic of the news reporter sitting at the desk screaming RUSSIA and NAZIS with the desk edited to say "jews".

I saw it posted here before.

Of course they're trying to clear out the government. Why do you think they have National Corps?

Then please tell me where are the locals. Certainly not in Donbas anymore.

Sitting on your ass with loaded guns isn't clearing shit out. With corruption that makes the USSR look squeaky clean in comparison there isn't a way to vote that corruption out.
Sitting in trenches, working and rebuilding. How do I know such things? Because I was there for some time. Only the UA has any glory in fighting in the east, they did put up a bit of a fight for that airport. Everything else was mismanagement upon mismanagement

What year? You might be suprised what land that was considered seperatist is now fully UA control. If you think Ukraine is corrupt then holy fuck wait until some hooknose representive from moscow comes. I've met them and they fucking stunk.

I understand your loveto Russia, but hailing Putin as a savior is outright retarded.
I'll just leave this here, run it through a translator.
tl;dr Putin isn't the worst case imaginable, but he's a puppet of organized crime almost entirely run by (((guess who))).

"▶Anonymous 01/21/18 (Sun) 15:57:30 0918d3 No.11173741

What year? You might be suprised what land that was considered seperatist is now fully UA control. If you think Ukraine is corrupt then holy fuck wait until some hooknose representive from moscow comes. I've met them and they fucking stunk.

▶Anonymous 01/21/18 (Sun) 16:29:15 1a2c04 No.11173896

I understand your loveto Russia, but hailing Putin as a savior is outright retarded.

I'll just leave this here, run it through a translator.


tl;dr Putin isn't the worst case imaginable, but he's a puppet of organized crime almost entirely run by (((guess who)))."

That's exactly what the dangerous, and what you call "hooked nosed" media and politicians, want us to believe. They want uss to believe "Facism"/"Neo-Nazism" is alive and strong, which is complete horseshit outside of the small pocket around Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Germany, and you can throw some parts of Russia in there too. Same with the "communists/antifi terrorists", which were nothing but mere paid "Soros" shills, who had all the backing of Liberal communities and the MSM and still failed to do anything, and were made to look like the clowns with their fundamental philosophy exposed as a failure. The only thing that's worked is promoting nationalism while simultaneously promoting individualism, such as the movement in the US right now surrounding #MAGA. That's the difference that every other and frankly "extreme" wing o politics will always be jealous of the #MAGA Movement and Prez Trump about. Haterz gonna hate. And the same way the media wishes to divide Western Civ thru these extreme leftist and right politics and false narrative they are promoting, is analogues to what they are doing specifically against the Slavic people with their attack on Orthodox Christianity. I don't need to tell you any of this, it's all around us, pumped into our homes thru the news in our TV's.

holohoax exposers in Russia Now Face Five Years in Prison

Read more: forward.com/news/breaking-news/197664/holocaust-deniers-in-russia-now-face-five-years-in/
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Monday making the denial of Nazi crimes and distortion of the Soviet Union’s role in the World War Two a criminal offence punishable by up to five years in jail.

The law, described by critics as an attempt to curb freedom of expression to appease conservative Russians, the ex-KGB spy’s main support base, also criminalises the public desecration of war memorials.

The Kremlin has used World War Two as a pillar to unite a society that Putin has said lost its moral bearings following the 1991 Soviet collapse.

It has become increasingly risky for Russians to dispute an official line that glorifies the wartime achievements of the Soviet leadership and plays down its errors.

The new law would ban “wittingly spreading false information about the activity of the USSR during the years of World War Two”.

Russian officials and media have raised the spectre of Nazi Germany repeatedly during Moscow’s confrontation with the West over Ukraine, calling the overthrow of a Russian-allied president in February a coup carried out in part by “neo-Nazi” forces.

Independent channel Dozhd (TV Rain) was taken off the air earlier this year after asking viewers whether Leningrad, now St Petersburg, should have been given to German troops to save lives during its 872-day siege during World War Two.

Viktor Shenderovich, a blogger critical of the authorities, came under fire from Kremlin supporters in February after comparing the Sochi Olympics to the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, used by Adolf Hitler to burnish the image of the Nazi Germany.

In a comment posted when the legislation was first introduced, veteran TV host Vladimir Posner said he believed its aim was “to shut the mouths of journalists, historians and writers”.

He said he feared it would “practically ban criticism of Stalin” for “grave mistakes that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of our soldiers”.

It was unclear whether the wording of the bill had been changed since its introduction and Posner could not immediately be reached for comment.

Kremlin critics say Putin, in power since 2000, has used legislation, court cases and other levers to tighten control during his current term, which he won despite large opposition protests in 2011-2012. Putin denies the accusations.

Separately on Monday, Putin signed a law imposing fines for the use of expletives on television, radio and in films shown in theatres. Music and movies containing foul language will have to have a warning on the label, state-run RIA news agency said.

Putin also signed a law imposing stricter rules on bloggers, which opponents say is aimed at suppressing criticism on the Internet."


On the upside we are still Whiter than the southern half of Italy.