This looks like the game I've been waiting years for. Niche gamer usually gets this shit right too.
Anyone else got this game? Anything I should know?
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Brace yourself for fun times
what the fuck, just play it you attention seeking fag
I'd recommend not playing a game based on a review, or direct-linking that review for clicks.
Yeah it's an alright boss rush with good music.
Yeah, I played it and the gameplay is great, the small delay with the dodge/dash will put you off a bit before you realise you can hold it down to charge it.
Also the music is real gud.
playing is okay, just pirate first
Daily reminder the developer shilled their game here without knowing what IDs were
You have caps? That sounds fantastic.
Archive next time you fucking faggot.
It's funny. Matthewmatosis just did a review of furi last week.
And Joseph Anderson did one like three days later, was kinda spooky.
Testing my 1st ever Gimp Pepe.
The game sort of unwinds at the end, where it becomes press parry the game to shmup the game. ie the edge and the mothership.
Other than that it is a pretty fun game.
Honestly, I recommend it only if you have a controller on PC, because this game has a fucking huge flaw otherwise.
When you are using mouse control, you aim with your mouse and you move with your keyboard. So you can shoot while moving. But whenever you dash, you dash into the direction you are aiming, not the one your character is looking.
So while it's tolerable at first, on the middle stages it becomes impossible since you can only dodge INTO the enemies, or you can just not shoot. In a shump.
Outside of that fucking massive design issue, it's kinda fun.
Something wrong with nichegamer now? I haven't been here in months.
Some faggots just like to archive everything
It's fun. Could be so much more, and has it's fair share of missteps, but it's fun. I'd say pirate it because for 25 bux it's way too much.
It's pretty obvious they're being paid to shill the game
Three months after launch? I don't buy it. Unless you mean it's to hype for the xbone release, in that case I'd laugh my ass off because no one even owns an Xbone.
There's an option for that. I've heard it's really bad because you can only dash in eight directions rather than 360 but I didn't have an issue with it at all.
If they were paid to shill it then why did they do such honest reviews? Both of their reviews sum it up as: It's ok.
That version is getting an exclusive boss. They're clearly trying to drum up sales
They didn't even know how IDs work here. They're retarded
Also I have no clue how anyone found The Strap or The Line to be these super difficult fights. The only difficult fights were the star and the burst.
And they're getting an exclusive fuck you from me.
I swear if that exclusive boss turns out to be The Father I'm going to be pissed. I fucking hated exclusive bosses in Shovel Knight, I'm sure to hate it in Bloodstained and here.
Not to say the game isn't shit/devs aren't niggers, but that was probably an user pretending to be a shill, just like how I sometimes pretend to be learningcode for those tasty (You)s
I think The Strap gives people trouble because they're still learning the controls when they fight her. That final phase where she's swinging that laser around kicked my ass the first time
Charged dash.
That's literally the solution to any projectile or ranged attack problem you have, just charged dash it. I have no idea why that's so hard to figure out.
Like I said, people are still learning that when they fight her.
How? By the end of the first fight you should have probably gotten the hang of all the controls. And logically you'd be thinking "since everything else can be charged, maybe this dash can be charged too!"
Wow you must be a member of Mensa
You're underestimating how casual casuals can be
You must be a member of the gay community.
Was there a patch for that? I could've sworn that it wasn't there when I played it… I spent a while trying to find that option until I gave up and unistalled.
Well I am Finnish
I'm not sure to be honest. This is what the option is called, maybe you missed it?
Its a boss rush game. Its not particularly good and has some god awful walking sections. Frankly its not worth the time.
This. You're all in a shill thread.
Guess it's time to finish it then, thanks.
I'm sure everyone's clamoring to spend 25 dollars on what most posters in this thread have been calling very flawed and urging you to pirate or waiting for a sale. A+ shilling here.
You mean finnish it
Post proof, faggot.
Faggot developer thinks they have such a monopoloy over my time that I'm going to sit through their tedious forced walking sections between fights. Pirated and uninstalled after the first fight.
I get why the walking simulator parts exist but I think they could have been done in a MUCH better way if they wanted people to unwind and hear some lore before the next fight.
So I decided to give this a whirl, I beat the first boss and thus far I can say that it's not very enjoyable to play with KB+M. It has the same issue as with Hyper Light Drifter, you warp in the place your mouse cursor is, not the direction with WASD, which makes it a bit annoying to dodge some of that shit.
I also possibly got some bug or glitch when trying to enter the second area. The cutscene with the rabbit ends and the protag walks into this electrical area, then nothing happens. I tried pressing different directions for five minutes but nothing happens. Anyone else have this happen or did I do something wrong?
Check the options menu for Mouse Mode and change that to directional to dash with the keyboard and not the mouse.
Press space during the walking simulator parts.
Thanks Mensa
and the bosses are all scripted like any lazy japshit game
Holla Forums is shit and we truly hate *videogames
*With the exception of two or three videogames the hivemind agreed not to shit on to claim Holla Forums doesn't actually hate videogames because they like a few ones.
The game has flaws and they're glaring. Don't sperg out because others did not like it as much as you do, otherwise all you're doing is putting the game in a negative light and shitting up a thread.
And it's not hard.
I'm the guy who wrote tl;dr texts on nuDoom and I find it rather uncanny how some people just copied some terms and expressions word by word I used to describe the gameplay. No wonder everyone here is so paranoid of shilling when they're so easily susceptible to suggestions without discovering things for themselves
If your definition of flaw is "the game doesn't offer literal non-stop action without pauses", then all games are deeply flawed, specially most Holla Forums "classics". The only exception I can think of is Sinistar and maybe other old arcade games where pauses were minimal.
Shit on the game all you want, but you are really making a fool out of yourselves if you argue this game is a walking simulator.
I can't understand what you're saying with the devs dick in your mouth.
half the game is a walking simulator
Oh yeah sure thing user. That's the only flaw Furi has. Uh huh. Surely it's not
Again, don't get me wrong. I still like the game. But it's not perfect and there are a lot of times where I wish it was more.
Bullshit. The walking is at most 1/6th of "play"time. I think the parts that had their own music(rather than just the intro of the track) were longest because I guess they really wanted you to listen to the song. I admit it's a shitty part of the game and it could have been done so much better, but it's not half the game and it only gets grating by your Furier playthrough where you want to just skip that shit and get to the fight.
yep its a shit part of the game and the game could have had actual levels instead of nothing. Pretentious rejections of game play should be shunned.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear. I wanted someone to come in and say "it's shit because…" and not just spout "250 hours of walking" over and over like they had no idea about the fucking game. The game may be shit, but really, if you think it's a walking simulator you are just repeating some user's funny ironical commentaries on the game's boss transition sections and taking them as gospel. Fuck, nobody shits as much on MGS4 and that game has literal 45 minutes cutscenes, and 20 minutes long "move around a small room as two characters talk in the background" scenes. I wouldn't be surprised if that game had more cutscenes than gameplay, and yet you don't hear people repeating the same three words over and over about that.
Btw, you can skip cutscenes on your second playthrough, so you should be able to get through Furier quicker.
If you can't understand the difference between cinematic cutscenes and tedious walking sections with long fixed camera angles then you're beyond help.
Nice movie simulator you have here, faggot.
Yeah, it is.
If you can press a button and the character walks to the designated stage exit and the start of the next boss without any other player input, then yes it is an ingame cinematic.
Have fun doing that. I'm not having any part of it.
This isn't about whether it is fun or not, but whether pressing a button and watching the character go from point A to point B while the rabbit guy gives you some exposition counts as a cutscene or not. I am arguing that it is a cutscene.
One is more engaging than the other. One makes me want to stop playing the game and one doesn't.
I'll buy it on sale when they add the fucking secret bosses and an option to skip the walking sim parts on a fresh file, also add another harder difficulty
Please provide a solid argument of why it isn't a cutscene, and no, it being more fun can't determine if it is a cutscene or not.
I never said it wasn't a cutscene, I just said Metal Gear's were more cinematic and engaging.
No. No it isn't, this is shilling. I've also participated in a previous thread of this game before and the replies were all over the place, shills.
And yet
You are implying that what Furi has between boss fights doesn't count as a cutscene, so yes you did say that it wasn't a cutscene.
not an argument :^)
I think after Hotline Miami and Drive lots of people got brainwashed into thinking Synthwave= 10/10 even though most of the genre isn't that good.
Still I think Furi had some really good music.
I dunno man. The review for the new Deus Ex made me wary of anything they say now.
But the thing is that Hotline miami and Far Cry 3 blood dragon has way better synth music than this, so I don't get this hype. There is good synth music, but this furi game doesn't have the greatest ost, far from it.
Is this that game where someone posted a video a few months ago and it was a piss easy bullet hell game where you'd get shit tons of health back for pressing X to not die?
I don't know why people gave a shit about this months ago and I don't know why they care now.
I liked plenty of it but I'd agree that it's far from the best vidya or synth ost made.
Oh, I thought you meant Matthewmatoisis and the other guy.
It's western, actually.
As opposed to what, a naturally occurring boss fight? What would that be? A guy who just randomly uses moves in no particular order?
Got it day one, it's fucking good.
Nothing much you should know, many mechanics are self-explanatory. Unless you wanna get into speedrunning it, you're set.
Are you fucking serious with this shit? Define "scripted" and what would be the antonym to that.