Scream out in blasphemy, death and its certainty
Killing yourself for free, no thank you god
It don't mean shit to me, watching your Jesus bleed
Scream out in blasphemy, death and its certainty
Eh. I wish my friends hadn't ditched me, but I guess I can't blame them. I don't bring much to the group.
Lenko's "I'm taking a shit" face
face is the place
Why did they do that!?
did something go on?
S wa fragile no S is the best doujin
fight me
They decided to go somewhere for dinner and drinks that's kinda pricey. They know I don't have much extra money, so...I don't know. I wish they'd at least called me first.
;~; maybe text or fb them.... asking about how their night was.
that looks fun
Someone save me, Tokai's making weird noises.
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
I have it. It's pretty cute
He looks happy. lol
He's drunk af
the way hes acting
and breathing
I've been there lmao
I feel it
you look thirsty
ki would bet money on grim v murder
grim would murder murder
It's pretty hot
Food in LA too good man
In less than a week you'll be eating that Grim
i want to die
spelled with an
cnn ran a news story on 4chan and front page was OP'd by Erio
How much did he have? lol
Are you drinking too?
No drinking for me thanks
16 shots
he just threw up
no but I will be in 6 days
Seems the lady can't hold her liquor.
my friend said he was sending me a pic and that it was me
nigga said i smoke
nigga i don't smoke
Anybody wanna be study buddies for the prostate exam?
yah what a VGINAGE
Yeah send me that folder first though :3
Those were the days
A vgnina
tfw miss 4chan posting
Happy birthday~ ♥
Louise is a swweetheart
Well make sure he drinks water before bed.
That's alot, old man.
you gave up?
I'm just giving you kids shit.
I'm sure 16 shots is a lot for you.
I've cut back.
tuck me in lexi
cover me up like that hotpocket
*hugs tight, even though i know it's not as worth as one from tokai*
Bed time, nite
ura bwaka
why? i want to drink with you
ninii rin
im jelly 2
im legitimately in love with test's sister
Drinking with anons seems risky.
she is a goddess
let's take some risks then ;)
Hurry so we can play together
Duh, they just want in your pants.
friend got pizza in his oven
realized he has nothing to get it out with
"use your hands, retard. god gave them to you for a reason"
fucker starts SCREAMING
native americans need better schools
high af
even luka uses tongs to get out his hotdogs
I normally put my hotdog into thongs
moar pls
we're all yelling at each other
you should grow a beard.
i JUST shaved
I'm blackbeard irl tho.
What is the point of living ,really?
ur that navel seals guy from that one game where everyone seems to always like breaching one single house.
Sorry user I have stuff to do tomorrow.
So drink with ban instead?
Yeah, in the morning. Then you're free all day after that.
i go in hard. bought some other people to play too
....lucky ;~;
He will be ok
I would be okay with drink with you and playing videogames again.
I have a solid zero things to drink though
they all get to play a fun breach and clear game with you~
pew pew... i'm just jelly is all.
Stop spying on my schedule, old man.
I'm at 28, currently. But I've been at it for 7 hours now.
Make me nerd
holy shiiiieeet
No, wait, 8 hours.
Still feeling great though.
It's gonna take 40 minutes to transfer just my anime.. not even pictures yet
lexi fucking ignored me bruhs...
w-why not just have it transfer while you're sleeping..
I'm not sleeping
I like watching lists on youtube
and like
3/4 of them all have brit accent narrarators
tfw want to sleep but no lexi ninis
get fucked
I said you should do this so we can spend all night together again..
bought more operators
not the game for people. though i might buy a good friend of mine it tomorrow.\
your buddy will play it lots with you?
and you two can coordinate OP pincer attacks, while flash bang breach clear and drones~
Good afternoon.
Bebop! Don't do that user thing please..
Tell him I said /back pats.
Maybe we can think of a drinking game for Overwatch. lol
yes. same friend i had that call with. oh btw the call actually happened lol
no irl shooting though
Good morning~
A shot every time one dies.
'Cause I am actually going to the gym this time, instead of getting sucked into Dota with you
ohayo No.2
Every time you die you drink or something.
you know i only do it because it's a higher reply rate
We have enough time for 1 game
oh him?
2 shots every time an ult is shut down
1 shot for every kill
Remove a piece of clothing every time you die
I hate this small creature.
Make me nerd
Fast track to alcohol poisoning
you wanna know what it was? he was at the shooting range
we learned a few exploits in arma3 and robbed everybody in this one server
we rich af
Shhh don't tell them
hmph !
And 3 shots for getting POTG
oh wow...
Better not play Bastion then.
I'll play mercy and never ever have to drink!
i'm thinking of buying the game for an alt account to make cheats :^)
Nini thread
I'll be on after church tomorrow.
Just a goodnight then I'm getting into bed soon myself
nini lexu chan
vac banned world wide
Yeah but you'd be naked 5 minutes in
I didn't mean to take a nap but I aint complainin about a few hours of sleep
my hair looks so fockin cyoot
phone is dead, put it on charger, will post hair in a minute
thats just what luka wants
the only bans i've ever gotten on any VAC game was completely intentional lmfao
VAC is so shit
also I had a really weird dream about people getting REALLY high off of S M O K I N G T Y L E N O L and someone was yandere as fuck and wanted to playfuly murder me. also a cute girl was there
wha.... how?
oh- RIP
will your second accoutn be intentional?
i love tests drunk rambling
Why are headphones and headsets so awful to buy
let's be honest
who here hasn't smoked just a little bit of tylenol crushing up hydros?
No I'm talking like people would take this shit and it was like DXM or something else really strong
Back in the day Bard and I used to mow some grass
we really injected a lot of marijuana
intentional? I don't plan on getting bans anytime soon.
If I cheat I'm just gonna spawn stuff in and go mach10
you could always just tell them
I should go get my 11 dolarydoos back
they "work" it's just that I need to sit with the cord pulled tight or something otherwise sound only goes to the left headphone.
I have dreams like that sometimes it's such a eird feeling
just get a set of m100s and customize them.
i myself wouldn't mess with that kinda stuff
tfw your quarter pounder w/ cheese is ready sooner than you expected
If you are buying headphones for $11 I don't think you can expect much quality out of them ;;
I'd like to dedicate this song to my ADC
It's called
"fuck you bitch (i got first blood)"
You can't expect any quality from headphones unless you shell out at least $100, and even then kind of risk.
Anything less than that and they will break within 3 months.
I can expect them to work
tbh arma/battlefield games are scary as fuck when you're counter sniping a sniper
when you both see each other and keep shooting, just laying down and hoping he misses his shot while he does the same to you
just return it and say it's defective..
tbh i've never ran into any packaging that had to be destroyed
i'm apart of a group that looks at bans as being a good thing anyway lmao
what headphones do you use?
I've had my eyes on a set of akgs sforever buutt i wont buy them until i move out
I'm always surprised that people actually buy those multipacks of earbuds in poundland.
Oh, they don't work at all?
Lovely song
If only I had it going while I was watching our base burn to the ground
My last headphones broke and I haven't gotten new ones yet.
leeg is 4 children
lol what
Poundland is nice for some things but.. that's crazy
Grim wanted me to play with him
Figured I would since it's been over a year
If the ADC actually connected it would've probably been good
Sounds gay
valve made it so it says "multiple" because of this retard but he has the most game bans/vac bans
last i checked he had 25 vacs and 2 game'
Dibs on what?
they're over the ear
they're defective straight outta the box. they work but I have to fiddle with the cord to get sound to the right ear
It was alright
Got a few good grabs
Probably won't go back to it tho
they prolly dont even care that much
the good one.
coloring your hair doesnt make you any skinnier
Ah, you must mean the girl on the right, Yui.. :3
not telling...
Sex it, tel us how it goes
Why are you playing Rust
Is that game not dead yet?
ur beard and glasses made u look like a man
I know you actually mean the girl in them middle, you don't even have to tell me
Yu ki no Yu ki no shi ta
Even without these I am a man.
Sex between me and bard would be boring
yeah, angles are important
Pretty much everything on them sounded like a 32kbps mp3 when I tried some.
Not quite £1 for multiple pairs cheap either.
they made u manly
he did. it ruined a huge thing he had going against them
Due to an unfortunate incident, I actually have a blank patch where there should be genitalia
now what? ._.
ur not allowed to lurk tinychats withouts making urself known
hai. not streaming desu.
Link me your userpage :c
ur sis is savage
I don't remember what she said.
stuff about boo only interaction with females was her thru your mic headset, and other stuff similar to that
Well you do get what you pay for
I feel kinda bad for the people that have to make those
Don't what? :c
Oh you play osu!mania? I don't even know the difference
haha I really am just goofing with you I was having too much fun sorry :P
uhhhh.... i don't know anymore.
How are you holding up buddy?
I know you like those kinds of girls
Yui is cute
snafy yuki yuki is mine! >_
Wrong Yui, bakayaro!
I love japanese insults
bakayaro literally means "dumb head"
kusoyaro is "shit head"
Kao Dekai
that fucking feel
What happened to sleeping?
I swear "damn" and "fuck" are the same thing
O-Ok you're cute
good headphones and loud music make me a happy amy
Thank you sweetheart
they don't have "damn" or "fuck"
their only real swear is "shit" which they use pretty universally
Less time with you :c
Rust is very alive
Is it fun?
Well deal with it 'cause I'm going now :3
Didn't even transfer my folders or beatmaps yet..
Did you choose this character because you identify with her freakish eyebrows?
That's kinda surprising
I thought it'd die off after all the big streamers were done with it
who else here /broke and doesn't know any drug dealers/
I'm /high on life/ tbh
wow you sound like a fag
I need me some drugs
Soul-crushing. Hilarious. Grinding.
Fun? Maybe.
It's constantly being updated.
Well I mean you actually are a giant fag so
You are in AZ right?
That is good
Developers that actually care about the game and not money grabs
yeah, north phoenix.
There's a pair of shoelaces thrown over the power cables which means someone's nearby but I don't have any cash
"Happy couple"
Just suck some dick for weed then lol
no thanks lol
Hugs for days.
hype~ ♥
White cocks only for you?
feminine girlbenis only
you're just
nicely hugging them.
and you're not in cosplay.
you're just a dude hugging cosplayers.
that sounds fuggin weird
I'd suck me some bard dick for xanax + weed
Hahaha that silly
Anyways good luck on your search for money and weed
youd suck a dick just to suck a dick, ho
Yes Kanra, sometimes people hug other people
it is friggen weird.
he needs to cosplay.
or he's just the slightly-overweight weeb hugging girls/traps.
good day.
🖱 the 🔴 2 the 🎶
that's colby alright
a nice guy hugging nice people~
spreading the happyness.
soo cute!
huh? what's that second symbol?
it just looks like a box to me.
I'm staying up and waiting for you :c
I think it is just a box that wasn't meant to be there
( ._.)
Gonna go to sleep
Have a good night/day everyone
i only see the red dot the finger pointing down and the music notes
...what does it all mean?
maybe colby just likes hugs.
but not with attractive strangers for photos.
I understand the temptation.
he's probably not a nice guy deep down. nobody is.
yo. you need to work on that confidence thing. might fix the stutter.
Click the circle to the music ^^
Also bye
This is what you do at conventions, people take pictures with cosplayers
Social interactions kinda stump you, huh?
Why would you do this?
he's nice
Is that the biggest thing I need to improve on ?
I've been to furry conventions.
I've had, and enjoy hugs.
It's... no, I don't think I'd hug an Izaya cosplayer, even if he was really good.
the mentos part was cool to see i guess
This is a better use of coca cola than drinking it.
Yeah... I think you may suffer from a bit of social awkwardness friend
It's the biggest thing most humans need to improve on. But they tell themselves they're happy how things are.
Maintaining the status quo is easier than happiness.
I'd like to think I'm more of a realist and know things could be a lot better but they also could be a lot worse so I more or less try to make things better because being stagnant is the same as getting worse imo
I was hoping he had more but they never came.
What do you drink sprite or something ?
thats what all my girlfriends said :')
I spent my last hour watching webms I made. so fricken cold.
Yeah right
Show me some webms
that's like 5 times cringier than the cringiest anime con lmao
no, soda is shite mate
I am very aware of my awkwardness in many social situations.
It depends on the company. Friends, I'm not socially awkward around. Strangers, or sober people, yes.
It's work.
The world only cares about it can get from you. Whether that's relationships or work, you need to be valuable. Everything inside you will fight improvement.
If you're a realist, you get that. Things could be worse, but you have one shot at this life. Make the most of it.
Are you gonna tell me about how vegan you are now?
They're all soft, lovely people. Some of them are even cute, without their suit on.
I enjoy the pain I feel from rejection
if texas secedes how will the trump wall work :/
Texas will turn into mexico
Approval, acceptance and praise does not feel natural to me
So yeah, girls at conventions want to have their picture taken, it's part of the reason for cosplaying in the first place. And asking for a picture with them hugging or posting or whatever isn't considered weird at all. You're just kind of sheltered
You're a sad, strange little man
Its because thats how his parents treated him growing up so its what hes used to now.
I watched a youtube video so I know what i'm talking about.
I've been told
Not both of them !
tbh I'm not super comfortable being huggy or hugged irl but I mean shit
if you're at a con like that at that point then you're just gonna be the weird one out of you go there all uptight and weird
kanra stop being such a weirdy
I read a wikipedia article once so I know everything
show me
There are a lot of grown ass men that are into that stuff. It's cute now, but think a couple decades down the road. Still getting off to being degraded, bullied.
If that's you, more power to ya. Hopefully that preference doesn't mess with your life.
I was a hugger my entire life. I had plenty of friends who were girls, where hugging was a daily occurrence.
Dunno. Would you hug someone with big breasts, who's taller than you?
The other one just didn't talk shit in front of you.
You know nothing fish snow
when was the last time you ride that bicycle?
Maybe I'll get married to a woman I don't love and let her cuck me all the time
jokes on you kid I have 3 dads
today 5 miles...
Whoa man don't prank me like that.
Maybe hrt will solve my problems
Treating cosplayers like they're not normal people makes you look weirder than just being cool with them
In a situation where it was appropriate, sure.
i swear it doesnt seem to change position even just for little bit
do it slut~~~~~
If you're already a slut now whats hrt gonna do to you?
dont pity poor zed...
it goes there... a place for everything
People do this all the time.
that's pretty alpha.
The gap between your front teeth is cute though actually
probably make me a girl
*Sits on your lap*
i wanna hang out with you irl
you seem so appreocahbl
user_sama is bordering on dadfu
*tokai walks in*
ehh.. ya taboo
he's a bad boy~
It's more just like normal social behavior dude
lets hang fuck it... no homo
whats dad fu?
Is your hair grey when you grow it out...
-hugs whatever-
Not in Japan.
people disappear when they get close to me :^)
nah man i love bacon and shit
but soda is fucking awful
That's keyword for I don't wanna keep going down that conversational path
Well I am AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!
i have a hint of grey in my beard if i let it grow...
I don't feel anything anymore. my curse......
oh... so.
im.... flattered?
such qt
so wow
i will make you feel again....
n-nff.. let it grow out...
-3 points
im keeping it short these days. i will in the cooler months. around october
who here has a penis obsession
be honest
do it
if you ever sat on my lap and something happened I'd expect you to take responsibility sound fair?
hugging someone dressed as an anime character.
last time I checked anime was Japanese.
bet nobody there even bowing.
*touches your chest* .///////////////////////////////////////////////.
minus 3 points to what!
me irl
I want to lick your eyeball >/////////////
fim famarino that's some UNAPPROVED LEWD
Of course sir I'd take full responsibility on anything that happens
me irl
But I didn't feel any of that.
Your rating
An American someone.
i want it .//.
I... I need it....
Me on the right
you on the left
I'm gonna destroy your anus
Would one of you fine people smash my head in with a brick please so I dont have to work?
You look strange for a person.
w-what rating?
gnite fam
gmorn scoots
How hard?
me irl
baka is f tier z class spaghetti
Don't act like you dont want a 6'8 300 pound furry rippling muscled charr to ravish you, hot breath tickling your neck as his lips salivate when he thinks of what he;s going to do to you >///
I think you're at like 6/10 now after that back talk.
Isn't that person from the trap anime ?
Suprise me.
im fucking ravenous...
nothings thaw enough to cook and i lacked the foresight to catch something on the way home
whos list was this?
this is god awful
the rating works, so... same relative class as niggy
it was based on 'popularity' rather than personal opinion
me irl
z class spaghetti was gypsy :p
hey you're cute :) wanna talk on steam? ;)
no its definitely personal opinion
bern might've said it was unbiased popularity but its definitely based on his personal opinions
its ok, on the internet im a kawaii japanese schoolgirl too
Wow you're a qt
do NOT tug threads!
oh yeah... i forgot entirely about gypsy threat. HE WAS THAT FORGETTABLE
WELL it does look like the same, i cant measure 6 inches difference in small video
even for manchan?
i do the same shit.. i had a nice cardigan, it had a loose little strand, i unraveled it.
inb4 weezer
my shorts shoelace elastic band tightening system is RUINED
I would be like a D is that was personal opinion
bern hated me niggar
you have a touch of OCD just like sama
Suprise motherfucker!
Im going to shove my grizzlly bear cock into your mouth
Lol, did subtle eBreak up with desu.
Is that why bard is circling like a vulture.
I couldn't ever forget gypsy
he was an easier to talk to Johnny
He had a real peersonality behind it all and he was a kind, selfless person
He gave me a computer when mine broke !
I have him on steam but he isn't around so much these days
I miss him :(
Its hip to
Im just meming
If I was really hitting on someone I wouldn't be so dehydrated
you talked to him more than I it seems
Kek, I thought you were being to In need of h20
that was inspiriing
How you been?
No one likes getting hit with an ass dagger.
5 days until Soto is KIA
lol yep
Is delicious.
i miss Kon
I do.....
Om Namah Shivaya....
twll me this is kon kefka or i will be very disapponted
Rest in peace kefka
kon pls...
Look I killed a thing today
of course
it has to be
brb reviving trip
say it aint so Jim
what gam is this?
i just pissed myself with excitement...
Does it work.
Kind of gross tbh
woah that game looks kewl
what is it?
*hugs* Kon is back and Home!
made mah day
dragon's dogma dark arisen
I think its still on sale
How you holding up, fam?
member all those times i kept calling you on your cell at random intervals just to say hi and it was awkard because you were all "sama keeps calling me"
yea, that was great
im doing good bro... alll rainbows and kittens happy yumyum funtime
Is it really though?
i want
Welcome back.
kon pls... no and es. but lets not get into that. i remember when you quit bro. so what brings you back and into these parts?
GIMME - Luka, 2016.
That girl is apparently legit crazy.
Don't bully her.
Chilling with my AX roomy, Drinking a bit. Was looking for Grim to bully him, but it looks like he's out.
Glad you're still Vertical though my man.
Been many a night where I wondered how you were holding up.
Any news is good news.
s-sorry I didn't have anything to respond to
me irl
im holding up well sir... a pillar of gumption and fortitude. so just kinda chilling and decided to visit 8channel... yeh grim is prbably lurking as we speak... beafraid
what should we talk about?
off the table are politics, sports, money and religion ...everythng else is fair game with me.
who is she?
Nah, his ass is offline on Steam, so..I won't know unless I decide to peek here again.
Not likely tbh
ask /cgl/ on halfchan
lets talk about how fucking cute my hair is
If you say Grim 5 times into a Masala he appears and doxxes you.
me irl
Swedish Fish could look p cute if they got in shape.
Nigga wouldn't touch me.
He owes me.
well ill take your word for it i mean you would know its its great to see you kon. a little homo. just a tiny bit
the person in that image has lovely hair and highlights, clearly she takes good care of herself and sees the value of looking good in social situations.
you're the second person that thinks there's red in it but there's actually not it's just orange because it's borderline blonde
Me on the left
Doesn't everyone owe Papa Kon though?
You're good people, fam.
I hope everything works out well for you.
Gonna dip.
The eye doc told me i had color blindness but i can still see colors but that might be why :3
hopefully see you again soon kon sempai
No, everybody gets one.
im too scared to.
stay safe and happy trails
It was refreshing seeing your face here
so yea... now what
I'm working on it but it's hard to excersize in arizona heat when I struggle with the heat just sitting down. maybe I could work out a bit in the winter at night. until then I'm gonna limit what I can eat each day and hope calorie cutting will lose me enough.
I stopped lifting after hormones, maybe I should have kept going. I was scared at the time, but if I knew what I know now I would have kept lifting and took full advantage of my high school's gym.
That person appreciates your insight.
it looks pretty close to red in some places
lets talk about what everyone really cares about
we getting knocked out!
go lap swimming, one of the best ways to stay fit, and great for summer. find a cheap or even free pool out there.
I stay in shape by wearing a army field jacket everywhere I go
tbh I just need the pockets but it helps me get the water weight out
apparently there's a pool in our complex but I don't know where it is or if we have a key. also I suck at swimming. do love it though.
they must be terrified lmao
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why do the cute ones always life so far away... lol
is you assertion that that person in that image is you?
hmmm... do you mean video games?
im afraid im not much of a gamer. the last couple i played were mass effect 3, and dishonored... assasings creed 2. all xbox 360. but i sold my console. I havent yet seen the need to reinstall steam.
this doesnt sound appealing
goats are funny. I found a couple videos for pritty since she loves them.