Want to roleplay a viking in any game.
Should i mod skyrim or m&b?
Want to roleplay a viking in any game.
Should i mod skyrim or m&b?
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Post Celtic culture
Pick one.
You what?
Tried Drakensang? Thorwallian is pretty comfy.
You don't even need to mod Mount and Blade, Viking Conquest is already an official thing.
norse a overated
this is a celt thread now
jojo reference?
I came into this thread expecting people recommending OP viking themed games.
Instead i found a bunch of fat neckbeards jacking off to half naked men, with a side dish random shitposting and memeing.
Id say i was disappointed but honestly i don't expect anything from you anymore, Holla Forums.
This place is fucking dead and buried.
just be grateful we don't have LARPagans yet.
I don't play as gays
А ну чики брики и в дамки!
I thought the front cover said BUnS
5 lucky charms have been posted to your account.
You mean the "my name is gary and I live in Oregon but believe me i am 100% pure blood vikingr"?
I never got the fascination with vikings tbh.
I mean, they are cool and they have some interesting history, but they aren't something to be very proud of, considering they were the nigs of Europe at the time.
like, literally
They are underrepresented in vidya
i believe so
niggardry has to do with skin color not behavior.
its part of their culture, so its okay
Just play MB:Warband dumbass
Pull the other one mate it has bells on it.
culture is whatever i need it to mean
Ω, είμαι γελώντας.
παρακαλώ αφήστε, βάρβαροι
Unga Bunga Bronze-Stop.
useless language
Expeditions Viking is out in a few months. Expeditions: Conquistador was pretty good and if Viking is anywhere near as good it will be great.
fuck off Alexander, no one cares.
Πραγματικά μια ευγενή και αξιοσέβαστο πολιτισμό.
Όλα χαλάζι τους Βίκινγκς! Καταστροφείς του πολιτισμού και reprobates της ανώτερης τάξης!
Jesus, neopaganism truly is the worst.
Leif and Thorvald Erickson
Sailin' through the ocean
Laughin' back and forth
At what the other'ne has to say
Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin'
Havin' such a good time
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in North America
They were rapin', they just burned it all down
Never dreamin' that a schemin' chief and his warband
Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Leif and Thorvald
Runnin' through the forest
Jumpin' teepees, dodgin' arrows
An' tryin' to sail away
Contemplatin' nothin'
But escape an' fin'lly makin' it
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
More proof that Mesopotamia had better racial stock before a certain point. Better beards too.
I'm a long time /his/fag and this is the first time I've heard of this
How retarded can one be
vikings? more like vipeasants
There's a naughty poem about raping an irishman, but that's about it.
kek, is it from a saga?
I don't even know, I just hear certain christcucks bringing it up to shit on anything that isn't their brand of Jew-worship, but I doubt there's much to it.
Besides, the hard part with Viking history is ascertaining what is actually legit sources and what is later Christian revisionism, seeing how most shit only got written down by monks and shit after Åsatru was already dead.
We'll see how badass he is when he's forced to use his 1337 ebin edge skills against rampaging kebabs instead.
By this logic the Romans and the Greeks were niggers as well. Since they also went around Europe and the Mediterranean raping and enslaving everything in their path. You are just butthurt because they were pagans.
I want more games where I can play as Romans, either Western or Eastern, any time frame I don't care.
I got so far Total wars Rome 1 & 2 Total War Medieval 2, Total War Attila, Ryse: SoR, M&B W with mods, Civs I guess, Age of Empires.
Anything else? I'd rather not start my own thread but this is important! ☧
I forgot to mention Crusader Kings 2, but I am not autistic enough for that
Name me one pagan viking philosopher, geographer, mathematician, or any scientist of note.
I'll wait.
Sup. Also a friendly reminder that vikings used to bathe every thursday while soap was considered heresy in most western europe.
He left no written records of his accounts (unlike Pytheas who survives in references from other works, Strabo, Ptolemy, Pliny the Elder, and others still). Not to mention the "colony" at Vinland was a failure and petered out after a few years.
Also, how nice of you to ignore the other professions in favor of geographer. I'll presume you have no one else to present in defense of viking "intellect".
I'll still wait.
mount and blade
Be glad it wasn't ransacked by dumb spics and niggers, then again that's basically what Holla Forums is nowadays.
By the way, RUNE is a fucking awesome game. Shame no one knows about it besides you, me and like LGR.
And the trips have it
Roma Invicta
Τα ρωμαϊκά βάρβαροι δανειστεί πολλά από τους Έλληνες, αλλά αυτό είναι μια συζήτηση για μια άλλη ημέρα.
Related is what you would call a spongia. It was a mandatory piece of equipment for any Roman military units. It was issued on a squad basis and it was responsibility of every man to maintain it. It was used by 8 to 32 soldiers depending on the unit composition and local conditions I'd imagine. Friendly reminder that Romans didn't use toilet paper.
Shit bait but nice trips.
What does the spongia have anything to do with viking intellectual achievements?
I'm still waiting for those pagan viking philosophers and scientists, bud. Stop stalling and identify them.
And speaking of these /his/ could use some love but do leave your cancer at Holla Forums
Shitbaiting begets shit trivia. :^) And user, I can't take you seriously if you can't even write the names of your examples right.
Well at least Obelix there has enough heavy weight to crush the kebabs into matzos
Είχαν πολλά να σας ευχαριστήσω για. Μπορείτε Έλληνες τους εισήγαγε στον Κύριο τον Θεό και στη συνέχεια συνθλίβονται τους ειδωλολάτρες σε Μιλβία, ανοίγοντας έτσι το δρόμο για τους Ρωμαίους για να ζήσουν ευσεβώς έως ότου οι Τούρκοι τους σφραγίδα έξω.
What? no.
people used to bathe all the time untill the late middle ages when the black death came along. this is because the church realized that disease (which at the time was thought to be caused by evil air or something like that instead of viruses) was more contagious in humidity or when exposed to water, so people bathed as least as possible to prevent the plague.
Please, do tell how I'm baiting? All I'm asking is that if vikings were indeed an honest and true noble society, surely they would have a strong intellectual tradition to match their conquering (as the Romans and Greeks did).
How did I misspell them? I'm pretty certain I spelt the names of the various examples correctly.
Still waiting on those viking philosophers and scientists. Any day now, user.
Αναφερόμουν στην ειδωλολατρική και χριστιανική συνεισφορές των Ελλήνων.
Πραγματικά, ήταν οι πρόδρομοι των ημερών τους. Τολμώ να πω ότι διοχετεύονται Προμηθέα.
Medieval/Modern Greek never ceases to make me kek
I'm interested in learning greek for scholar purposes, where's the best place to start?
Which kind of Greek?
Modern, medieval, or ancient?
Any particular dialect?
There's a language torrent floating around that's bretty good. I'd start at the beginning (Mycenaean Greek( :^)
I'm thinking medieval since I'm a sucker for medieval things and it be a good idea to go beyond Castille and medieval England/France.
although I should probably go for Koine Greek since I want to read Byzantine texts.
Hmm. I'm sure there is some resource out there dealing with Medieval Greek.
A University library might be able to point you in the right direction (provided they're not totally pozzed).
Specialized books might exist, but they'll probably be difficult to find (you won't be able to pick them up from a Barnes and Noble, for example). Also, know your alphabet. It's the foundation for any language.
Well you see, one day Bjorn wanted to discover fear, so he then ventured south until he could find something that would scare him. one day he was walking at night and saw a nigger slave and died, the end. :^)
Was he a Berber?
Although I prefer print. Nothing quite beats the feeling and smell of a book.
Truly, the vikings were a sophisticated race. One worthy of the gods' envy.
Oh how deplorable it is that vikings did not take over the world with their glorious talents and culture.
Op dont mod skyrim it never fucking uses what little pagan influence it has is never used aside from graphics. I want to say mount and blade but that game doesn't have any navalry so its not really a viking game. Still though if you wanna be a pagan looking dude with a big axe, mount and blade is definitely where you wanna be.
Probably a better question to ask is how authentic do you want it to be?
You forgot Greeks, you barbarian.
You've been BTFO 15 posts ago, stop trying
if you want specific names it ain't gonna happen, the pagans didn't record that shit because fuck paper. I do know they were hugely innovative in navalry and ship design which is what allowed them to raid so efficiently since their ships was way faster than anything the brits or french had.
Reminder that spaniards wuz Visigoths and shit
If it weren't for the invading Anglo-Saxons and Franks there'd be Dromons there to stop your shitty rafts.
Vikings being better than other barbarians isn't much of an accomplishment
daily reminder that LARPers really believe that Norsemen did evreything and conqueredd all of Europe by being strong stoic aryan warriors.
Celts doesn't real and if you deny it you are a kike or a nigger
Yo bro I killed your monks and took all your gold GG no re. Gonna go fuck up france now.
They were culturally enriched and ruled by them, but thats it, just like with the muslims.
What the fuck do you think the Romans and Greeks were?
They had writing systems loooooooong before Christianity poked its head around.
As for paper, that wasn't widely used. It was expensive to produce, especially the modern process of paper-making.
Either animal skins, papyrus, or something else was used. And the vikings did write (they had runes after all), but they didn't feel the need to write anything beyond "Ragnar went here, killed people, took captives, yingar hingar dargen".
Yeah. For Northern Europe.
Viking longships were a marvel to behold, but the Greeks had the vikings beat in naval aptitude by centuries.
The best legacy the vikings left was pillaging monasteries and small villages and the various poetry in the form of the Sagas.
That's it.
Then autismo up and do it.
You can fucking play Byzantium and by reconquest recreate the Roman empire, and then transfer the save into EUIV to unlock it as a "hidden" faction there. It takes time but it feelsgoodman.
How does one autismo up
Plus don't I have to buy the Byzantine faction too? And EUIV?
No, you dont need to buy the bizantine empire in CK2, there are cosmetic and music DLC for them though, but just pirate it all.
You wouldn't happen to know where I could find this useful content would you? I'm a buccaneer on a captains ship if you catch my drift
What the fuck are you even talking about m80? I've never once seen anyone spouting anything like that, and that includes Thulean perspective, as ridiculous as that gets.
Yea, the Vikings were basically at a tribal level, which means no real civilization in the classical sense, which by extension means they didn't produce much in way of culture and science beyond what was locally required.
Even attempting to compare them with the fucking Roman empire just means you're a absolute fucking retard that has no fucking idea what you're talking about, whether you're a salty mediterranid faggot or one of these elusive LARPers.
They wrote a lot of shit here and there, but it was mostly ancient-era shitposting and boasting.
Just go to your preferred torrent site. Isohunt maybe? You can recreate Rome in CK2 as well of course, you don't need EUIV, but if you want to play them there as well you need the save transfer DLC and transfer it in from CK2. It's pretty cool colonizing the Americas with Roman legionaries.
I'm not salty, nor am I a LARPer.
The main reason I'm being highly critical is in reaction to people who honestly think the vikings dindu nuffin and want to spread the word "pagan" to tack on Graeco-Roman achievements to vikings (probably the worst offender is Varg Vikernes, and I like him as a musician).
It's no different than American blacks saying the Egyptians were black because they lived in Africa.
Very well, I will attempt to gather autism and play CK2
Wish me luck!
Make sure to take over the balkans, then hit the muslims a bit (either in anatolia, jerusalem or hispania if youre feeling like it), then italy, then muslims again, then italy, then the muslims again, keep like tht until you establish the PAX ROMANA.
Still, since when is that a actual problem of any note though? 99% of people that dig vikings don't dig them because of any WE WUZ sentiments. And even Varg's brand of autism is more on some metaphysical übermensch level. As I recall, he basically claims the ancient nords didn't build advanced civilization because they were some kind of higher race that existed in balance with nature or something and thus didn't feel the need to make culture and shit the likes of the Greeks and Romans did. I'm pretty sure he even insinuated at some point that all advanced culture and empires stems from compensation issues because the lesser mediterranid aryans didnt have that magical spiritual übermensch power and thus had to build shit and stuff to get womens' attention.
It's a pretty fun read though, much recommended.
Takes a bit to get used to it, so you might want to dick around with a smaller faction first to get to know the mechanics. Some viking faction from the Old Gods' earliest starting point would be a good trial run as you start small and gradually build up to bigger courts etc.
You'd also likely want the Old Gods dlc for Byzantium as it gives them a earlier starting point in which I think they have more areas. I think there is a very convoluted way to get the old Roman religion back in too, or maybe you need to cheat, can't recall.
So Nords are elves?
it explains why they can be very snooty at times
Nordic people generally didn't like writing. Everything we know about the victims are from Christian sources (the enemies of the vikings). They liked learning things and internalizing the knowledge.
The Nordic race is just a branch of the Aryan race of the black sea. Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Indians are (were) the purest form of the Aryan race. Nords had more to think about in terms of actually surviving until the next year and not freezing or starving to death. The luxury of writing and innovation wasn't allowed for them. Innovation requires excess in time, food, and warmth. Why do you think Normans were such bad-asses?
I seriously hope you mean by "aryan race" you mean Indo-European and "Mesopotamian" Maryannu
Mesopotamian were Aryan. Indo-European is Aryan.
Explain yourself.
Read the Indo-Sumerian Seals deciphered.
His reputation as a Assyriologist gained little to no academic recognition and his books on the history of civilization have caused controversy. Some of his book publications however were popular with the public, and he is regarded by some today to have been a real-life precursor of the fictitious character Indiana Jones.
At least you tried.
What is this even supposed to mean.
"Indo-Sumerian seal deciphered" is complete hogwash.
You haven't read it. You're going by what one paragraph of Wikipedia told you. Don't speak about things you don't have an understanding of, you're going to just spread misinformation.
You're spreading misinformation based on a fucking treatise from 90 years ago from a hack with barely a grasp on Sumerian. Do you know anything about the linguistic structure beside bullshit you got from pseudo-scientific websites?
So are you going to refute Waddell's points?
What are his points? His dumb shit has been refuted almost a century ago.
No one has refuted any of his works, they just dismissed him while simultaneously insulting him for daring to question the narrative.
Ah, I see you are from either Holla Forums or /x/.
Nice rebuttal, friend.
I've gotten three dubs while arguing my case. It's obvious which side holds the most truth. Now leave. The dubless hold no sway here.
Sorry, user, "I say so because of dubs" doesn't count as "arguing".
Hitler had black hair, and plenty of people like him. That's more dark brown than anything too. I'm personally of the belief that the decline of the Mesopotamians is much more recent than the Caliphate stomping upon them. The Caliphate did nothing inherently wrong and any other group, race or religion might have done the same.
Hitler had brown hair.