What's the best anti-depressant?
Are there any anti-depressants that don't reduce IQ or fuck with memory? I keep reading different info on SSRI's in this regard. Would be nice if it doesn't cause apathy also, which is my experience with sertraline, prozac and Duloxetine.
Honestly I'm fine with the erectile dysfunction as long as it works.
What's the best anti-depressant?
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fuck off pharmajew
Also I've read some really damning stuff about fluoxetine and cognitive function.
Blogpost incoming:
I'm posting this because I'm sick of psychiatrists dicking around with me. I've asked twice now if they'd just give me a list of the possible drugs they'd prescribe so I can do my own research and pick the one I believe is least likely to have negative cognitive effects. They just want to string me along on different SSRI's like an obedient monkey.
Workout, proper diet, less/no masturbation, socializing.
polite sage
I'm doing the first three but the real problem with "depression" is the willingness to do anything. I skipped all my lectures today. Can't make myself study. It's pretty easy to say "do things" as if doing something makes you gradually be ok with doing it. Every time I go for a run I dread it just as much as when I started.
Pharma doesn't know how to treat depression or anxiety, only to experiment on different drugs to see which ones stick.
Depression doesn't quite work like that - it's hard to keep up working out/socializing when you don't want to do anything. (Proper diet and not masturbating are easy, but those alone aren't a fix.)
OP, if you're asking this question during the Winter, and only during the Winter, then you might have SAD instead of just full-on depression. In which case, there's light therapy boxes which are a great fix for it. They basically trick your body into thinking that the light box is the sun, and you feel less shitty because of it.
Don't put pharmajew shit into your body. 90% of the time you'll see "side effects may include suicidal ideation" which is definitely not a step in the right direction.
I have been struggling with depression all of my life.
Depression has a reason 9.9 out of 10 times and it's a jewish lie that people get depressed for no reason.
Modern life is garbage for most people, some just roll with it, others get depressed because they're stuck in shitty situations forever.
Employment situation is bleak for most, daily life is just a grind, no waifu in sight, no wonder guys get depressed and 40% of all women are on anti depressants as well.
With that being said, pu er tea works well for me.
Coffee just makes me jittery and anxious but pu er makes me mildly euphoric and usually crushes depression, you just need to cycle it (avoid drinking it every day) and not overdo it.
This stuff is good for example: yunnansourcing.com
You can order a sample for 5 bucks.
Austere diet, exercise, normal social interactions
SSRIs will make you either kill yourself, or shoot up a mall and then kill yourself.
If you insist on needing chemicals to live a healthy, functional life, at least try LSD first and do some deep reflection. Sort yourself out.
Working out, eating correctly, cutting porn and drugs out of your life, and taking your vitamins
To be fair with him they use SSRIs to fix anxiety also, it's hard to tell sometimes
Exercise, sleep, and diet. And getting your head straight so you stop worrying about things that don't matter.
Not politics. The best antidepressant is a wife and children to provide for.
The cultural Marxist oil spill killed a lot of that ecosystem.
hahahahaha not in this jewed economy unless you have a solid niche carved out that won't disappear anytime soon
the jewish endgame is near, total consolidation…
panic attacks makes you euphoric?
I've been there. Its a slow way out but its a way out. Persistence is the key, there is probably no quick fix unless you're lucky or aren't actually depressed.
But if there is a substance that helps, its psilocybin. Mild doses, no need to trip your balls off. Even microdosing. There is a reason the pharmakikes dont want it out there. It actually works.
Biggest reason for depression is modern society. Distance yourself from it as much as you can and surround yourself with like minded people.
Hail victory.
Why would you want to take an unnatural chemical concoction that lowers your T level for depression? Low T causes depression.
You know what else these (((medicines))) cause? They turn you into libcucks.
Sage for non Holla Forums related
This. You will read this but you will not understand until you live it:
Doing pills is a russian roulette that will -at best- leave you mentally impaired and physically dependant on them for life. They get you hooked when you cannot defend yourself. I speak from experience. However, if you manage to survive you will discover in due time (it took me 5-10 years) that you what you actually needed was purpose in your life. This is related to the ancient struggle against what some people here would call the Synagogue of Satan. In addition to the silly advice parents tell their children, like no drugs, no promiscuity, exercise, healthy food, PROPER SLEEP, good family life, friends and nature.
Good luck user. Read the classics.
You need to fix your endocrine system. Ashwagandha root, kelp for iodine, zinc and magnesium, and vitamin D3. This will also help you lose weight by lowering your cortisol levels. I've been taking this concoction for about 2 months and I've already lost 10 lb, sleep better, and have more energy.
I've traced this issue back to 2006 and I was 10. I was on sertraline for 3 years, put on as soon as I turned 14. Tried prozac for 6 months at 19. They put me on highest dose sertraline - 200mg (i was diagnosed only with OCD at the time because psychiatrists are idiots) and my nose would bleed daily because of it.
And I've been right on the verge of killing myself already, since April. I know I should kill myself but I'm terrified.
That's up for debate with me. I used to have a good life - I had friends, was smart, good home. But I slowly sabotaged it all because I had a deathly sadness and feelings guilt when around people. I can't trace back the root cause but I know it was always there.
I think a lot of these issues are bad parenting. If my parents spotted my depression they could have forced me to be engaged with friends. Say if I lived with a friend for a month, maybe then my feeling miserable being around people other than family wouldn't be there.
I've been meaning to buy LSD and/or psilocybin for months but I know it'll take me 5+ hours including buying bitcoin so I keep putting it off.
I don't know how to make friends any more. I don't have the time because I really need to be studying, but at the same time I don't study. I can't relate to people around me any more. All I want is the friends I used to have, I hate people I don't know and just don't see the point trying to be friends with people I have nothing in common with.
Typical Jew
I find Exercise an hour and mediation best the method for anxiousness my chest pain and Trembling stopped.
The pharmaceutical Jew will not help you. Get /fit/. No pharmajew.
You sound a lot like me, I was put on so many different pills because the (((doctors))) said I needed them. I came very close to suicide twice, but only when I was on Prozac, the pills don’t help. Time and something constructive to do with your life will really change you. Try looking into the trades, it’s hard to think when you’re working all day and you’re too exhausted to do anything other than sleep when you get home, it’s not for everyone but it may help.
Have some soft music OP to relax you
Seriously can someone tell me how I'm meant to do this while at university? Knowing what's going on is a full-time job and I'm shit at it. I wish I could just get a shit job and work from there, do the typical meme guide for reconstructing a broken life. My life feels so full of responsibilities because it is.
No drugs at all.
The whole point is to keep the mind focus in something intense and interesting.
Many times the suffering subject is so deep in apathy that an immediate, stressful and threatening event would be necessary to drag him/her out of it.
A busy mind keep negative thoughts away.
It's called sunshine and excercise
Ride a fucking bike or get off your fat ass and walk outside
Quit the lascivious jew, for starters.
Prozac - mild, slow acting (weeks), reduces sex drive, but does work, at least for up to a year.
Lexapro - strong, fast acting (you notice if you miss a dose), reduces sex drive. Definitely works.
Effexxor - dual medication - treats serotonin and norepinephrine deficiency. Works on both depression and lack of energy / failure to initiate activity. Works well, but requires increasing dosages over time and if you try to quit, you will be dangerously insane for the 1- 2 months it takes for your brain to adjust to the drug removal. You will get to experience true bipolar disorder (which is intellectually pretty cool, but you may harm yourself or someone else) during the withdrawal phase. It is the craziest thing I have ever experienced. I don't want to go back to that drug, but it was effective.
That is all I have experience with. I don't think any of them make you dumber - that is hippie holistic nonsense. They all have side effects though, and the stronger ones have nasty withdrawals. In my experience, none of them work long term - your brain just adjusts eventually and you will be depressed again. They are better used as temporary crutches to get you through tough times.
t. lifelong depression sufferer
switch to a ketogenic diet, also take Suntheanine l-theanine for anxiety beyond what the keto will fix.
The American sugar diet is what caused most of the modern depression/anxiety today. Removing sugar and going back to a fat based diet fixes your brain, I know from experience.
Take it or leave it, but jewish pharam is NOT the answer. I know that too from experience.
I don't get how people on here could be so judgemental when 99% of everyone here has a shit life, even if they're content or somehow happy.
I heard ketamine works well btw. look into it, but it can also wreck your bladder long term.
Because the central theme of Holla Forums is pretending you're better than every single person you speak to.
Kicking the Jews out of Israel.
Other than that, focus on self improvement. Eat well, drink plenty of water. Don't drink alcohol or take drugs. Exercise. Get in touch with nature, walk through the forest, climb some big hills etc.
Look, I know school is out today because of some nog, but could the edgy druggie teens stop offering OP advice even though OP sounds like an edgy druggie teen
Ketamine is neurotoxic like MDMA, but it is meant to be help give you a couple weeks relief I hear
Do cease this foolishness, thank you.
This is for the lurkers too.
I haven't even had alcohol in almost a year, which is why I get triggered when people accuse me of not having a good diet or exercising. It's about the only thing I'm not failing at.
I have to agree here. Keto does seem to improve my depression for whatever reason. Exercise helps too, but, like keto is difficult to maintain and depression lends itself to short circuiting any of these things that require self-discipline.
self-assessed, absolutely honest… hope
eat right and exercise,
and prepare
If you break your arm, you take meds to ease the pain. That is drugging yourself to numb your senses. So what do you do when your brain is broken? Or do you not believe a brain can be broken?
Well then, congrats on figuring out where your efforts should focus.
Try hard on that, and good luck. You can do it if you try, what else can you do but try. No pharma-jew pill will do the trying for you, it just won't. Period.
Here's more support for the high sugar diet theory
Ain't that the fucking truth. Was on effexxor then went off of it and shit did in fact crazy. Which from an intellectual perspective was dope as fuck. But not something I ever want to experience again.
Lexapro did the job for me. Relatively fast acting (days to a week compared to weeks to a month). Just recently came off of lexapro as I have no need for it anymore. There are physical withdrawal symptoms (e.g. numbness and tingling sensations through head and body). The withdrawal symptoms are unavoidable (i.e. can't taper off the medication) but they dissipate in a week or two.
I am in my 40's, by the way. Getting off drugs for depression is just as stupid as giving up insulin is for a diabetic. I know your retard biases tell you different, but depression is not a "mood" or a "choice." If it is for you, and do-you-even-lift-bro solutions work for you, you do not have the condition. Now fuck off and get filtered.
very rare - we call such people insane
yoga stretches
and reality
You're out of school today for MLK day Mr. 40 year old.
Rapid Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine in Major Depression
This is unintentionally funny.
The best antidepressant is watching the satanic liberal new world order get BTFO'd.
healthy diet and regular exercise blow away any antidepressant pill in terms of effectiveness
stop falling for jewish tricks
if you need help getting off your ass start with diet
i'm sure you still eat, so eat well
no processed foods and get your carbs from fruits and vegetables, not grains
also focus on the little things to take care of yourself, like proper hygiene, good sleep, cleaning your living space, etc
Thanks for reporting your experiences. I'll look into Lexapro and Effexxor more thoroughly.
I wonder if their crippling depression is at all related to their ceaseless romanticization of a glorious past that never was, combined with spending all day crouched in a dark room ruminating with other malcontents online?
Nope, that has nothing to do with it.
Come on laddie.
No, your spirit is spent.
Take it one week at a time, pick one thing to improve on a week whether it is "I will go to the gym and make a routine of it" or "I will clean my room". One new thing to fix every week. That's not asking a lot. In a month, you'll see huge changes. In half a year, you will be a completely different person for the better. In a year, you will have self-actualized.
The biggest loser I know lives in a ketamine trap house where they all sit around all day high as nuts. Don't recommend animal tranquilizers to someone as a cure for their depression, we are looking for a permanent solution, not to put him on other pharma.
Do not, DO NOT take tianeptine. I made this grave mistake and ended up just like a junkie for it as it is very addictive. There are plenty of good ideas in this thread alone that work to make you feel better without drugs.
The only past that never was, was the holocaust. We'll make that happen for soon though, don't even worry about it Chaim.
College is a meme if the degree you're getting doesn't guarantee you a job. And I don't mean "people told me this degree was valuable I'll find the job when I graduate." I mean u better know the exact steps you have to take post grad or it was a colossal waste of time and you will be applying for the jobs you could have been doing and profiting from that entire time span. Except you'll be older and feel behind everyone.
*for (((you))) soon.
medical cannabis. thc and cbd
Pharmajew, you will not win!
make a list of 10-20 books you want to read.
Cancel your internet subscription for a month.
live your life
If you're serious, weed wrecks your memory. And CBD is 100% a meme and a waste of your time.
This. I have a GED and make more money than a lot of college grads I went to school with. I've worked my way to lower middle class and they are just waiting tables.
Don't take drugs.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Anyone have experience with this? It's a melatonin receptor agonist rather than an ssri
what works for me:
things to avoid:
im ambivalent towards fapping. it only takes a few minutes and it helps me avoid associating with shitty women
If you've fucked up and fucked your brain by doing drugs your whole life and want to finally stop hoping you wont feel any residual effects, then your going to be disappointed. There is no better drug then not doing drugs for a prolonged period of time.
and depression is not a disease.
Nah, son. Only niggers make that claim. Are you a nigger?
SSRI's are a GREAT way to get permanent erectile dysfunction and have your emotions totally wiped out and replaced with a facade. After taking zoloft for only 3 months, I'm still dealing with the side effects 7 years later.
books dont help with depression. most great authors were depressed as fuck. reading is fine, but OP really just needs to go outside
No. They are all dangerous. Even taking lithium is bad. Stay the fuck away from that shit.
Mine's a bit deeper than all this. In that my society is premised on an entirely erroneous construct and no one in authority will do what needs to be done to rectify it. Most inhibit their thoughts, they all inhibit their speech. Beaners go home.
Tia was sold as an NMRI, not an SSRI. It was, however, just a straight up opiate (and a shitty one at that). It's value was showing others the need for skepticism on getting an answer to asking 'how does it work?' of 'magic!'
A lot of people died over that one, Happy you made it out.
Too bad they wont allow ketamine to be used…
I never said that nigger. If it mattered to me then I'd be at Lockheeb or Raytheon instead of where I am. I was merely commenting on the general futility of attending a modern college.
What is your sleep schedule like? Do you go to bed around the same time and wake up around the same time with 8 ish hours of sleep?
If you can control yourself, try marijuana once a week on the weekends. I too have pretty bad depression; but I started to smoke a joint every sunday night before bed and it sets my mind into a place where I am ready to take on the week ahead.
I hear magic mushrooms can fully cure some people of their depression but I've never done them and don't really want to.
Working out, eating more organic food, drinking more water, and the occasional smoke took me from doing nothing with my life to getting my degree and a career shortly after.
no it doesn't and no it's not, but you already know that
have fun stuck on the pharma jew with a limp dick, just don't kill anyone else before you blow your brains out
yes an introspective trip with lsd or mushrooms can be beneficial for depression, also microdosing with either
You have a dopamine problem, which basically means your reward/motivation/pleasure-seeking brainframe subsystems are fucksville. Anons suggestions are still relevant to this. You must stop doing the things that are over-stoking your dopamine system. Excesses of drugs, sugar, porn, video games, internet, smart phones and replace them with healthy, natural ways of working this, which is natural sugar in wholesome foods, sex, exercise, sleep, etc. You will feel like shit for awhile, but start small and build-up. The most important thing is to stop the flooding of important neurotransmitters in your noggin circuits and accept that it'll take a couple weeks before the worst of the withdrawal is over and then quite awhile to recover completely, but it's hard to say long-term since it depends on how far gone your circuits are. But YOU WILL recover, user.
Homocysteine causes depression. Methylate yourself.
Betaine + Methyl-B12
Folic Acid
This will convert the Homocysteine into S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM-e), an excellent mood elevator.
Moderate alcohol will accelerate the Betaine + Methyl-B12 pathway.
Thank you. It went from feeling great to terrible in a relatively short amount of time. Even now, I still feel the urge to order some more sometimes, which is crazy given all the damage to my life it caused.
Good; positive music will give you a dopamine rush.
Don't listen to that degenerate trash tier music that makes you want to kill yourself.
Listen to anything that is positive, and fills you with hope for the future.
Good music leads you to aims of victory and glory.
Any drug that people shill out for depression never works. Those drugs are meant to just fuck up your head and cause you to never get better so the pharmajews can make money off of you for years while you suffer
Well the proper way would of course be getting your shit together and fixing the root cause of the depression.
If thats not an option try cannabis, as anti-depressants are some of the highest tier kikery and those that aren't take weeks to do anything whereas cannabis works instantly.
Please remember to sage these threads, too.
Global report, leftypol.
Ok, I'll try the internet thing again. Any tips for blocking certain websites? I still need internet for university.
I'm failing at university. Fucking with my cognition and memory isn't a good idea.
The forbidden fruit
That only happens when you get wasted on it, you can use small doses if you smoke with a vaporizer.
Also you could get one of these parental control tools to block websites.
Of course they are. What do you think causes depression? Are you one of those evolution-deniers who thinks God fucked up when making you? *If you believe that then unironically kys**
Workout, proper diet, less/no masturbation, socializing.
No polite sage. Just fuck off, retard.