Apparently Merkel destroyed the animu market in Germany through heavy censorship and outright bans.
Article translated from moonrunes.
I wonder what they were trying to hide :^)
Apparently Merkel destroyed the animu market in Germany through heavy censorship and outright bans.
Article translated from moonrunes.
I wonder what they were trying to hide :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany is full retard on censorship in video games too. Can't show blood or tits.
The jew fear the samurai.
I didn't even know there was a market.
Also, I remember them showing all sorts of ecchi/hentai in the late 00s/early10s.
Anime has a lot of degeneracy, I don't see why they would censor it. Maybe they are censoring the few good things it has.
Honestly I see that as a good thing considering how absolutely gay anime is, if you're a full grown white man you shouldn't delve into that degenerate shit
Europeans, Germans in particular, are tremendous fucking weeaboos.
gay? anime routinely mocks homosexuality far more than most media. if you're going to bitch about anime, at least pick the right topic, which is its extremely pedo content.
Don't forget the incest!
In Germany they also produce some of the most disgusting porn. this is meant to target things outside of jewish control
Surprised it took so long.
For one, the possibility of a world where everything isn't terrible. That was a yuuuge icebreaker for my blue pilled depression/simmering rage days. It's probably a bigger deal than most people think.
t. Goon
Lurk more, 2 years, you know the drill.
This tbh
>Why don't you watch some (((German))) Goo Girls instead? Much better!
this is kinda not surprising considering germany is the biggest furfag den and those retards tend to be liberal.
But user, goo girls are an anime thing.
Nah, no worries. If it happens then certainly not predominantly openly.
Fuck off back to reddit.
Give me an address or at least an area.
They're open, public, and a new lifestyle.
Should be no problem.
I am a German. I live in Germany. I wanna fuck an animal as soon as possible. Please direct me to an animal brothel.
Goo girls aren't real.
Anime isn't real.
Good fucking thing your retarded puritanism is an exclusively American phenomenon.
wud impregnate
American once again proves how retarded he is.
Why so butthurt?
Only place in the world where people wear fucking swimwear in the sauna, lmao
You can't impregnate a cartoon user.
wtf i love mama merkel now
this tbh
For all the bad things you can say about anime it is ultimately what planted the ideals in my mind that have led me to this point.
German here,
care to explain then how the newest MK was released uncensored here?
Or how the Witcher games where always uncut, despite burgerland's need to censor the freaking boobs of a dryad etc.
pregnant slimes are pretty cool and degenerate
Boobs are left uncensored most of the time, but not swastikas, blood or gore.
Exactly the opposite of the shit happening in burgerland.
Germany even has FKK, while breastfeeding in public is a real issue in burgerland, germans have a different culture than the amerim*tts after all.
alot of women are not real also, just photoshoped media driven ideals of women. So i don't see your point.
Just like any media type it depends what you watch. If you're watching shit tier soft porn little girl anime you're a faggot. If your watching legend of galactic heroes while lifting weights it's red pilled and good for your development
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Report yourself for getting euthanized before nightfall, instead.
You big mouthed fucktard.
Get gassed before the day is over, you deserve it for spouting shit like the "new boom of animal brothel lifestyle" without actually having any substance to "prove" it.
Again, if it's not just an anti German meme and it has been a growig lifesytle since 2013, which was the original publishing date of the article this irredeemable faggot posted.
Then you should be able to give me an address of an animal brothel.
They are so super ubiquitous, after all, aren't they.
After all I got BTFOd even before I stated that is just a meme.
All antiwhite traitors WILL die.
Every single sin of you and people of your kind is being remembered.
Insecure soyboy spotted
Oh boy, this argument again.
Perhaps you are confused with the faggots cruising for a piece of ass, Tinkerbell.
Just watch: Psycho Pass will become a reality in that country. Sybil System when?
I remember when C&C:Generals came out all those years ago Suicide bombers were replaced with some weird looking robots. Even human commanders were changed to be cyborgs. Shit was hilarious. Long before Merkel the German government censored blood and gore in games.
Anyone else make suicide bombers to fuck with people in neverwinter nights? The scripting was so fun you could get them to scream aloha snackbar, run dragging a line of fire behind them and then explode for 10d6 fireball.
Good times.
Am besten gestern.
t. merkel^^
Yea, they called games like that "Killerspiele" and demonised them as if they would instantly make you shoot up your school.
The media went even more crazy than leftists in the US go crazy about AR-15 fullysemiautomatic aussault rifles™
I was wondering when this would happen.
It used to be that hollywood had a monopoly on culture. Then the kikes got lazy, kept fresh writers out, and kept writing the same kike stories over and over. so the networks with open air time bought cheap chinese cartoons to fill empty spots for kids programs because the kike writers were on strike.
Then vengeful KEK appeared, and the chinese cartoons were fresh, fun, different, and people liked them. Then better metrics appeared, and the kikes discovered that the anime did well, sold dvds, and streaming services, all while being KIKE free.
So now the kikes are trying to censor it. First they will try Germany, next the rest of the civilized world.
The other tactic to watch out for is (((western))) companies worming their way into the industry and kiking it up. For example:
Good. Weebs need to have their dopamine rushes taken away
80s objectively had the best animation style.
Mud slime girls are the best.
The translation isn't good. Might as well archive the original leddit post. More information to turn the people against Merkel's tyranny and sjw bullshit.
That's not mud.
Netflix is doing that heavily now. They kike up 30+ anime a year now.
Fuck off goon
Watch out for (((localization))) efforts. That's what's fucking the gaming industry for example.
Anime, asides from ocasional hentai deneracy, paints an Ethnically Homogenous world, very disciplined were all the traditions are honored, the kingdom is seen in a good light (as opposed to empires being chaotic), and can be said to defend all kinds of traditionalist values.
They present a world without leftist degeneracy and it works. A leftist who needs the deneracy of LGBTQ and mass migration will find the world depicted there as very problematic.
Speaking of (((Netflix))). This is from Devilman Crybaby, the (((Netflix))) produced anime.
And guess what? The hidden main antagonist is Satan and he is…a blonde hair blue eyes aryan. They're literally pushing the (((white devil))) meme!
>The other tactic to watch out for is (((western))) companies worming their way into the industry and kiking it up.
They have been doing that for years already. Remember 4kids and their fucking bullshit jewish edits? How the CEO of 4kids, (((Alfred Kahn))) said "Kids today don't read"? It may be half true, but the true sinister motive behind that is he is trying to subliminally discourage kids from reading, because it makes them retarded. And the only kids who watch the 4kids edits of anime and 4kids shows are fucking retards and poor as fuck dumb niggers, so he is trying to make kids more stupid so he can try to get his company to rope them into watching his fucked up anime. It's one of the many ways of how the jew tries to control the "goyim".
Another thing to learn about is how TokyoPop got the rights to Initial D and really fucked up the anime. Guess who is the founder of TokyoPop and in charge of that company? (((Stuart Levy))). This is the kike who said he hated subtitled anime, because it "covers up the art", even though the subtitles are important to learn the story, which helps you understand the "art" aspect. So guess what he did to Initial D? To try to make it look "cooler" and more like "The Fast and The Furious" he altered the scenes by adding "special effects" like mirror images, color changes and other ugly special effects to the anime. He also butchered the translation by giving the main characters "nick names" and the translation itself was horrible, using wrong terminology like when Ryosuke asks Keisuke to describe the feeling of the car, the TokyoPop translation says "how is the texture of the car?" He even wanted to change Takumi (or "Tak" as TokyoPop called him) into a pizza delivery boy. Of course the cover story is "the tv networks wanted us to change it.", but this is Stuart Levy, he's a known lying fuck known for scummy bullshit.
Worst part of the Initial D translation? Since (((Stuart Levy))) is a DJ going by "DJ Milky", he tried to use Initial D as a way to kickstart his DJ career and he replaced all of the fucking Eurobeat music with his own music, which sounded horrible. And his response to the fans who complained. "You're closed minded, give us a chance."
Initial D help me first take notice of the underhanded actions of the jew, thanks to Stuart Levy's actions.
But TokyoPop didn't stop there. After the Initial D fiasco, (((Stuart Levy))) thought it was a good idea to monopolize the yaoi market in the states by trying to sell yaoi with his "Blu" label.
The fucking jew at TokyoPop literally tried to sell yaoi manga publicly, even if it gets in the hands of kids, he didn't care, as long as he tried to make a buck.
So, the jew is already having an effect on anime and have been for quite some time. Oh and I have another story about an ex-TokyoPop employee when it was called Mixx Entertainment in another post.
Can't really expect much for a machine translation, originally saw the article on twatter, never saw the reddit post.
That's why I included the Angel Cop webm in the OP as an example.
They completely cucked the translation, actual dialog is on the top.
Shit like that happens all the time with (((official localization))) or SJWeeb groups.
You made me check, just to make sure it wasn’t the goat.
sums up the state of modern germany quite well
I haven't seen this shit dub of Initial D. I'll have to look for clips. Kek, did some kike really have the nerve to think he could one-up Dave Rodgers?
reminder that japs were the worst ally and entered into neutrality with the soviets instead of attacking and opening a 2-front war on the soviets when it mattered, dragged germany into open war with the usa, then got attacked by soviets anyway despite neutrality and lost some islands for their trouble
if japs had been a non-shit ally we wouldn't be in the position we're in now and for the past 76 years
Yeah, just reminding retards of gaming (((localization))) efforts. is pozzed bullshit nowadays after their purge, with occasional gems of translation.
Yup, some kike had that nerve to think he can one up Dave Rodgers. I'm going to write up the next blog post about the other employee, who is currently charged with wine fraud. Here's the altered Initial D intro with the kike music, btw.
No, it was Italy:
Hell, France was a better ally, and they where the enemy!
that's atrocious have a palate cleanser
What the fuck
italy's failures are insignificant compared to japan. all of that could have easily been overcome had japan opened a 2nd front on the soviets or had at least not dragged germany into declaring war on usa.
the africa campaign was strategically useful - had it received full support from german command instead of being half-assed rommel would easily have taken egypt and germany would have gained access to precious oil reserves at the expense of the british and severely fucked up allied shipping by taking the suez.
and to quote rommel:
japs were worst ally
kek. Funny but also sad that one needs to check.
The real censorship is done by this guy!!!
What is the anime on the left in the third image?
Awesome a new namefag to filter.
user… There isn't a single namefag in this thread. Are you talking about the subject line?
That's not a slime. That's an elemental.
Germany has been censoring video games for years. I'm not surprised they didn't want anime going against their agenda.
The one I filtered had both. I know this because I applied a name filter to (((TheGreatAnon))) and it magically worked. I guess I lurked the required time. Perhaps you should.
False alarm I'm just illiterate
Remember that although they may make them, Jews are terrified of golems.
Stuart Levy's co-founder/first employee, back when it was Mixx Entertainment was Ron Scovil Jr (a nigger). He was supposedly the editor of Mixx at the time, but apparently Stuart kept taking over his position to do his on editor write-ins, so his title became more "honorary"
Ron Scovil Jr. left after Stuart Levy decided to move Sailor Moon from Mixx to a new magazine called "Smile". However, Stuart didn't let the subscribers know, so essentially, the subscribers had to subscribe to a new magazine, which skipped ahead of the story from some reason. So, people complained on the Mixx webboard, and apparently Stu and one of his employee took down the board, cause of how "hostile" it was and "profanity" on a "family weboard". However, he kept changing his story. Ron's girlfriend at the time, Sara/"Arshes Nei" (another fat nigger and a complete fucking rude cunt, outside of the Mixx board), I believe help host the "Eye on Mixx" site after it was taken down from Tripod, which Stu was trying to paint as an attack website, when it wasn't like that at all. So Ron left, Stu still somehow made money and connections to anime, despite treating the creator of Sailor Moon like shit and Stu is still one of the scummiest fucks around and TokyoPop should be avoided like cancer.
Fun fact: Stuart Levy claimed he had relatives killed in the "holocaust" in an interview and was offended after the Eye On Mixx website replaced one of the x's in "Mixx" with the swastika to show TokyoPop's "facist behavior"
As for Ron, After being president of Anime Broadcasting Network Inc. and the Anipike community, He got involved with the wine business and has been accused of fraud and been issued with a cease and desist order and I quote "…following an investigation that revealed he sold unregistered securities in Colorado between August of 2011 and July of 2013, according to Colorado Division of Securities, part of the Department of Regulatory Agencies."
Now I don't know what caused the break up with "Arshes Nei", but hey she was a rude cunt to one of my friends and said she was only "friends with him cause she felt sorry for him". But eh, she had a miscarriage of a mulatto baby, with a white guy from one of the web boards the Anime News Network articles wrote up, and he broke up with her and went with someone else after she was being rude and moody, so who knows, but maybe this forum post from his ex-wife can explain things. And yes, it is the same Ron, cause the web board made mention of his Facebook post talking about his "anime company".
tl;dr: A jew and a nigger fought over how Sailor Moon should have been published in the US through their shitty magazine, the jew did underhanded shit and PR work to call the nigger a crazy person, the nigger got positive publicity for siding with the customers. Then the nigger got out of anime and was into frauds and scams with the wine industry.
Golem were the first AI. They had a limited intelligence that allowed them to fulfill the will (thus interpretation and rationalization) of their controller. Even the primitive golem knew jews were bad and did everything to keep the corruption out of its systems. The jews wanted slaves.
If white men worked with golems the synergy would be incredible. Perhaps that is why it's so easy for them to be freed from jew control and turn on them.
Nearly every anime has hitler winning the war in the past
If you don't know about Devilman, Satan has always looked a certain way, and the original Devilman by Go Nagai came out in 1972. Satan is kind of "different" in the manga, though.
Pretty sure the Japs are salivating at what they perceive to be tons of free money by getting money from the west. There's an insidious iron bureaucracy in the Anime industry that gets in the way of securing funds from publishers in Japan, and you need to jump through a million hoops and get a million other stamps of approval.
My thoughts exactly as to why all of sci-fi in HollyJew has evil robots and genocidal AI. Jewish fear of the golem that they want the populace to embody.
It would be a shame of a husband seperated from his waifu took revenge on the woman that drove them apart.
That's true, but I'm pretty sure what happened was Stu decided to switch the story over to another magazine for profit. He is known for scummy shit, especially after what he did to Initial D.
Yeah, I really wonder where all those goat-fuckers recently could have come from…
Has there even been a picture of what "Satan" in the Devilman comic would look like coloured?
Visit our friends at /a/ and tell me if you find any masculinity around. You can have all the tits and ass in the world, but it will be worth nothing if the viewers see themselves as a little girl.
Wow really? Thats some dystopia tier shit, even by Occupied Germany's standards.
The main point should be the degeneracy. Constant sexual degeneracy in the show.
It is actualy way worse than you think:
Most hardcore f/a/ggots don't buy much of the shit anyway.
German censorship did nothing to the community which still fansubs and translates all the good shit.
if you are buying shit you're doing it wrong.
maybe buying to the original japanese creators instead of your local merchant distributor
No, not really. Germany is a lot less anal abut nudity in media than the US. There were some funny changes about violence in the past though.
Would be nice if all other western countries would follow suit, the less western influence there is, the better.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
This is worse than the fabrication of the holocaust.
This video alone justifies every single pogrom in recorded history.
Beyond everything else this is to much for me.
I buy figures, manga and sometimes music CDs. Japanese blu-rays are too fucking expensive for me and creators usually don't see a dime from (((localized))) shit.
Or maybe IM Erika just hates streamfags and shitters who watch dubs.
Nice try, ((( you ))).
Can't let the baddest of the bad goyim get any ideas there, my mensch!
Oh fuck that's hilarious.
Fucking Contra was too violent for the Europeans. This is what those poor bastards got instead.
The same way all the Generals were cyborgs for some reason.
Didn't "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" get turned into "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" in Europe?
Those robots do look pretty cool though.
I agree. But nothing to do with content. The old tecniques were better. Same for western animation. At least Japan kept 2D
Kike media makes the goyim race mix.
Anime makes the goyim masturbate to pedophilia, incest, animals and causes them to develop autogynephelia and cut off their own dick
This is true, even when anime has faggy shit like traps the characters are usually there for comedic purposes.
Whenever I watch anything of western origin my jewdar won't stop going off, everything has some kind of "message" or it's full of token shitskins and faggots. I can't watch anything made in the past 10+ years without noticing that shit, except for a handful of very rare outliers.
Yes, because /a/ really means what they say. Also hiding your powerlevel STILL matters so the board encourages you to not act like a fag irl. Who cares what's done online in a mongolian cinema board.
what the heck is going on lately? what's with the influx of newfags that take everything literally?
Traps are a fad. It'll pass. Anime about marriage meme'd as "birthrate booster" is the next fad I'll bet
dubs of truth! marriage, family, true masculinity and childbirth are the next big themes. kek has spoken!
This bullshit again. Here's a little protip: I know plenty of animal welfare people and they all cringe this trash-tier tabloid shit. The real problem was and is a fuckload of organized fencehoppers who covertly fuck animals in rural areas.
But there is way worse bullshit going on (and papers won't report this either). Germany has a huge, mafia-like dog fighting scene that is connected into local politics and law enforcement.
Because it's inconsistent as fuck, simple as that.
C&C Generals for example was literally censored because the game was too politically incorrect.
Did any of these air in the USA?
Heidi, Girl of the Alps
Marco, 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother
Maya the Honey Bee
Maya the Honey Bee definitely aired in the United States. (watched it as a kid on Nickelodeon)
the others I'm pretty sure I saw VHS tapes in stores, but I'm not sure if they ever aired on regular television. why?
I totally get what you mean! Anime and vidya may not have "redpilled" me, but they left a constant image of "a world that should be" that contrasted with "the world that is". This is enough to seed discernment in the minds of the young.
exactly! anime, manga, and Japanese video games overwhelmingly use themes of hope, self-improvement, beauty, and heroism. they show the viewer just how beautiful the world could be. while kike media is the exact opposite. and even when they delve into the darker aspects at the end there's (almost) always a positive/empowering message. one of my favorites came from Trigun. " no matter how bad things were yesterday, every day you're alive is another chance to turn it all around"
What? Seriously?
You get .06% in a savings account when you loan money to the bank…when you borrow money from the bank on a credit card, they charge you 21% interest.
How could they possibly be scared of dumbshits like you, that won't band together and force your governments to make usury illegal? They fuck you every day, buttercup, and you do absolutely NOTHING to stop them.
They aren't afraid of you, you'll never wake up, you'll never take action, you'll never even snipe one of their kike asses to death, will you?
They laugh at you, and you deserve it. They use you like a mudslime uses goats, they not only eat you, they fuck you.
No kike here, just disgusted.
I remember when you could get political action groups together, and hundreds of thousands would join, enough to force the problem to the forefront of the media, where people could finally be made to realize the frauds that were being perpetrated on them.
Ane make no mistake about it, banking is fraud. The simply bought up your so-called "representatives" (whores) to warp the laws to make that fraud legal.
And nobody tried to stop them.
You outnumber them 98 to 2. But you have no leaders, and you wander around like cattle, living in the slavery and hell they created for you.
No outrage? No desire for justice? Not even a whimper of dissent?
But THEY'RE afraid of YOU?
I don't think so.
>Tor-pedo still mad that his gay little shill tactics aren't working because only (((Nu-fags))) can't figure out how to use the filter.
that's a really poor attempt at concern trolling. at least you tried. extra half shekel for you tonight!
Again, not even close to being a kike.
If the truth isn't pointed out, no one will be stirred to action.
Destroy the banks, and you destroy the Jew.
I'm mad at myself for not doing something about this, starting some kind of movement, too.
But I'm poor, with little resources, and, frankly, have no idea how to start such a thing.
All I know it that, ideally, the banks should be nationalized, money should originate from the U.S. Treasury and not any privately owned central bank, and neither should you receive interest on your money (as is already the case) but also no interest should be allowed to be charged on money lent (which, in this case, would be money lent from the Treasury).
No income tax would be necessary, the money supply would be in the hands of those charged with keeping inflation as close to zero as possible, and no Rothschild vermin would profit from people just trying to live.
This should be a primary mission for Holla Forums.
Take down the banks, by educating the citizenry on how they're being screwed.
The bank is allowed to loan 10 times the bucks they actually have. They charge 21% interest on all charge cards.
Then they plead poverty, when telling you they only pay .06% when you loan THEM money.
Clearly they are driving people away from FDIC insured accounts, forcing them to put their money in uninsured 401k's and other investment houses.
It's like they have a planned crash coming, and they don't want anyone insured against it. THEY originate money, THEY will never be without it…but when your 401k crashes from its current lofty heights, they want to make sure you lose everything.
Why not make a thread about it instead of shitting up this one?
Care to explain more? What purge? I haven't been following the scene for more than a decade. I'm gonna REEEEEE so hard if that is true.
The extra stages are already pretty jewy in original japanese though. Especially the first one, worst feminist mary sue story ever.
I'm not that big of an anime fan anymore, but I have to give them props for evolving as a medium without losing their character. As opposed to western animation, which is generally caught in a race to the bottom.
I always knew you guys cross posted here when i got banned from /monster/ for posting a sheboon as a joke.
Is /monster/ the last stand for implicit innocent love?
I overthrew your empire from my toilet.
Oy veyyyyyyyy we're just shilling our website to new people!
Hahaha oh man, this explains a lot about Germany.
I wouldn't be lifting weights without berserk; in our dystopian present, hard work is scoffed at. Look at those shitty super hero movies: they all randomly get super powers and go out of their way to shit on people who work hard to get stronger. Nip stories have a lot of variety, but there is a core theme that hard work surpasses inborn ability and that is an excellent view of the world to pursue. Like other anons have been saying, there is a lot of degenerate shit coming from japan and there always has been, but it's also one of the last producers of traditional values propaganda in the world (if not the last).
It also helps that they're apparently trying to turn around, at the government level, their recent decent into good goy western cancer.
boku no pico is even more so
Say that to my face Schlomo and I'll cap your nico-nico-knees.
Agreed, Lum was the mother of all waifus. Personally I really disliked the 70s Battleship Yamato/Captain Harlock/Galaxy Express minimalistic non-neotenic melancholic euroboo female design, considered it very blunt, but when balanced out with the kawaii-uguu aspect it could give some very pleasant character designs.
When did that happen and it wasn't some leftard artificial controversy targeting strong right wing leaders like Nixon?
Each time I work with a jew and they ask to pay in VVC (Virtual Volatile Cash) and I say that I only accept cash they have this little twitch or face expression of buthurt and the only power they have over me is to send fraud control which happened 4 times last year coincidentally it was always after a jew learned about how I managed my business money and since I'm not a dumb nigger I know how to math and stay safe.
Stay mad jew I'll soon find a lovely red pilled bride have enough money and raise 5 or 6 kids that will not be educated in public schools.
My advice to anons:
Don't do banks kids only ask for cash.
Zoophilia and furry is not allowed on /monster/. We can confirm niggers are not allowed either, since Google sees them as gorillas.
Never. The guy you're replying to fell for the Tavistock tricks.
Plus cell animation and properly shaded animation
I have never been more grateful for Harmony Gold being absolute kikes about Macross rights.
It was in partnership with (((Netflix))) what did you expect? The original story had very little degeneracy, and it spoke against it. The whole point of the manga was not to be a degenerate or like a nigger.
Reminder that the yuyus are teenage Übermensch.
But user, we are. Have you not been watching cryptocurrency lately?
I'm tired of this meme. It's been pushed by the kikes since I can remember as a way to remove us from truth and proper ideas of femininity and masculinity.
Cute things are cute and fun things are fun. The pang of emotion you feel from a cute girl is naturally masculine because it forces you to want to protect her and love her.
I've been around normalfags enough to know this natural feeling has been stripped from them and in it's place is only a degenerate lust for defiling her. This is why faggots like you can't understand cute girls and think everything is pedo. Get the jewish dick out of your brain for once, faggot.
>And guess what? The hidden main antagonist is Satan and he is…a blonde hair blue eyes aryan. They're literally pushing the (((white devil))) meme!
I think it might appear that way on a surface level, but I think it's pretty appropriate. In several religious contexts, Satan is called Lucifer; although it is not always clear if they are both the same being. Lucifer refers to the morning star, Venus, and is also known as the dawn-bringer or light-bearer. (It's also kinda confusing because in some books Jesus is also referred to as the morning star, so Luciifer, Jesus, and Satan hypothetically refer to the same being.) Anyway, Satan is often the name that's attributed to Lucifer after his fall from grace. I think given all the religious dogma surrounding Satan/Lucifer/Jesus it's understandable that he'd be depicted as a white aryan man. He bears light, rebels against God, helps mankind, and could have even died for their sins if he's interpreted as being Jesus. I'm not any kind of theologist or anything, I just think religious mythos is cool and thought I'd share what little I know .
That's why you ignore dubs, 9 times outta 10 they're kiked to hell and back. There are a few good ones though; Space Dandy has a pretty good dub and I think it's actual better in English.
It's not pedo content. It doesn't have anything to do with real children.
This "little girl" anime you people are always screaming about is almost always lacking in fanservice or has very minor amounts of it. And rarely has little girls.
Devilman wasn't made by Netflix.
I think it's Akazukin Chacha.
There's no bureaucracy or any other kind of centralization of power in the anime industry. It's the opposite of that. The production committee system is very freeform.
Traps and similar characters have been in anime/manga for a long time, they aren't a fad.
Might be due to publishers being in bed with certain hollywood entities. I know MKX was published by fucking warner brothers' digital branch, that alone should be self explanatory.
It's very fitting in that Christianity is a Semitic religion that exists to restrain Europeans and makes them act in ways convenient to Judaism.
Satan originally means 'adversary', or more aptly adversarial to God. Mostly known from the book of Job, when he (a being that cannot even sense the light of God) contends that God's favorite is only so loyal to him because God has made his life so great. And being opposed to him, takes him up on the wager that if he were allowed to take it all away, Job would curse God. The whole idea of the devil is a very modern invention, all things considered. What the Kikes were mostly upset about were other gods, whom they always painted as baby eating monsters and demons. And of course, given what we know of Kikes and what their god commanded them to do many times throughout the old testament, were likely just projecting their own crimes onto their adversarial faiths.
Imagine my shock