… And this is how your far offspring will look like when you believe in MSM and support NWO.
(Grey Alien picture here)
This is just my opinion, anyway, based on the very little that I have read and understood. I don't care if you don't like it.
You have to fulfill their prophecies and nuke the Earth in order to get rid of 90% of mankind and make room for a hybrid race, that, after several more stages of hybridization, will lead to this Grey, slave, radiation/pollution resistant, future race. They call it "Evolution". Whatever they are, they are not human.
If Trump's election is finally ratified by the Electoral College, and that is a VERY BIG "if", then that would represent a step back from the sure way to a nuclear WW3 with Russia that would mean the election of Hillary Clinton.
But this is far beyond that.
Whatever the Mass Media has duped us into believing that is good, it is good for them, because it helps to Mankind's self-destruction and so it reinforces their future time-line. That includes National Security, Google's "don't be evil", and every other good intentions that pave the way to their hell. And whatever they say that it is bad, it is probably something that supports the survival of the true humanity.
Let's take Green House Effect and Global Warming, for example. They are an excuse for Geoengineering that, in its purpose, is the opposite of Terraforming, because it is making the world suitable for them, and unsuitable for us. Think about all those pilots who are spraying the skies with poisons, those infamous Chemtrails, just because they obey their orders and make the "right thing to do".
The same applies to Fracking, the whole oil industry itself, nuclear energy, Big Pharma,GMO, plastics, pesticides, food and water additives, microwaves, etcetera. (See bibliotecapleyades.net
They promote changes toward their future time-line in every aspect of our lives. (See bibliotecapleyades.net
And they have being doing it from the very beginning, since when they created the Humanity. They have been forcing our "evolution" all this time.
Have you ever wondered why our religions, and so our societies, are so much sexophobic? It is because they created those religions too, and they imposed them on our societies, and these Grey beings are sexless. (See bibliotecapleyades.net
Even more, they are emotionless. So, they are powerless, because emotions are the force that creates, or manifests, our reality, and sexual energy is the ultimate creative force.
Have you ever wondered why our psychopath leaders are so physically/sexually/emotionally abused at childhood? It's because so the are taught to be psychopaths and to hate the humanity. Do you remember when Great Britain's Prince Charles' father said several times that he would wish to be a lethal virus that destroys the mankind?
Have you ever wondered why so many rules, laws and commandments? They created the laws because without them you have nothing to enforce, and you have nothing to watch, so you have no excuse for surveillance. They are the biblical Watchers, and what they watch is us not stepping out of their time-line.
Of course, at the same time, all that prohibitions create the need for secrecy. All those evils can not exist without the coverage of the veil of secrecy.
If you go down enough into the rabbit hole, as David Icke says, if you do your homework when investigating all these evils, if you dig deep enough for their roots, the roots of evil, then you will find these beings.
These Grey beings are the ultimate warrior race, blindly obeying, without free will of their own, and every time that you blindly obey or believe, you get a step closer to them.
They are the only race able to withstand the cosmic radiations and so to perform that kind of brute force, materialistic, technological space travel. But that is not the only way to space travel.
Wherever they travel they will find barren worlds, or else they will make them barren, radioactive, toxic, suitable for them and unsuitable for every other life form.
We are on the verge of a massive shift of consciousness, of a change of paradigm, when we massively opt out from their time-line.