US creating new proxy in Syria

US plans to create another proxy army in syria
burgers never learn

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If Kurds get any significant gains aka independent or even high autonomy basically everyone except Israel will jump on them.
But I concur that the purpose off this state is probably to keep tabs and a quick reaction force to deploy against weapons shipment towards Lebanon and Syria.
Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are pretty much on Iran's side due to Obumber admin and Israel setting up ISIS and fucking every relation in the region.

Another could be an US buffer so no fight start until the peace conference concludes. And in time the stationing of UN troops until things calm down.
Or the safe space for returning "refugees".
The last two are wishful thinking of course. But could happen if Trump is actually dedicated to not fucking things up even further



Don't you know? WE run America and WE can do no wrong!



They look like Vietnam larpers.

The goal is a new US-Israeli map in the Middle East, and included in this is a new Kurdic state in parts of Syria, Iraq and eastern Iran.

the US literally needs the conflict to continue.
this is the lowest point for the US in the ME in decades.

the only reason the US hasnt pulled another falseflag and started a new war is because the russians are involved and doing shit will just push the local countries into russia and airans lap

go to Ieftypol and say antifa cant fight. theyll post pics of people going to syria to LARP with the SDF

Which agency?

ISIS was just a nice cover to go in and take over Raqqah. If they cant kick assad out they will just cut it in half.


Trump has been so far a shameful waste of a vote. He's not gonna stay there a second mandate.


read the articles in OP.
its pentagon approved by the statedept. DoD, and ofcourse the WH


Who cares if semites kill each other?

>the (((US))) isnt cucked
god im happy im not a burger

What would you describe as uncucked?


1) modern ashkenazi jews are khazars and dont even have anything to do with the bilical tribes of israel, while the latter got converetd and emancipated intoME societies
2) the "semites that aint jews" did more to stop zionism and (((their))) tricks than your country ever has
3) if youre such an uneducated fag that all you can say on this topic is that then you should fuck off back to reddit

for a start not being the literall golem of the international (((clique))) that tries to subdue the world via economic enslavement.

That much is clear for sure. Looking at your post's ITT tells me as much.
Your spelling and your grammar need work.
Is English your first language by chance?

no, its my third after german. but i dropped german a long time ago because i tought it wouldnt be as usefull as english, unless i suddenly decide to be a technical/mechanical engineer.
and my english here is bad because i tend to type fast, which usually results in missed spaces or switched letters. also i find the use of marks such as
redundant if i can get the point across

i'm calling this fake, if usa supports the kurds
1) They lose turkey, hate it all you want but it's vital for usa
2) They lose irak, and that's like 40% of iran's frontiers

is not going to hapen


look i agree with your sentiment but can you stop shitposting and dumbing down the thread


turkey went rouge after the coup against erdogan. the US desperatley needs a proxy that THEY control in the region. jihadists have proven to be failure even before the US lost control over them to saudis and turkey.
right now the SD and DoD are counting on walking the thin line between having a proxy on the ground and turkey not quiting NATO.
and turkey has major benefits being in NATO, from funds to being a defacto part of the eurozone.
and you know its not fake if you have the watermellon seller giving a speech about it.

pentagon still thinks they can keep iraq in one piece and their govt in the pocket.
the US stillhas a major presence in iraq and doesent use the kurds there as they do in syria.
the CIA is as always one step ahead of pentagon and is considering arming kurdistan and supporting a new sunni insurgency in western and central iraq against the central shia goverment.
the brass just doesent want to go with the CIA plan because they dont know how late it is.
same shit as with 2004;


Despite your blind as fuck hatred for my country; some of us are actually trying to unfuck the country, but no; let's create a thread solely useful in creating hate among white people. Surely that will work.

Just so you know; a lot of Germans moved to America after WWII. We do not forget, and we do not forgive.

As they say; "Those who forget their history are destined to repeat it".
The Kikes have fucked with our history, and therefore it will be repeated.

The hollacoaster never happened; but it will.

If you eurobros can get past your hatred of the common people of America; then we will gladly accept you with open arms, but to shit on us based on passed mistakes? Your blind to the potential that we can build together.

I suggest you take a good long think about it.

So far this just looks like a reorganizing of the already existing SDF army. However, there might be a better plan at play. HTS is an enemy of Assad, but the West can't support them because they're literally Al-Qaeda. The SDF is the only force left that's capable of putting up a fight, however, it's too risky considering they have enemies on every side. Suppose this "border force" breaks off from the SDF. It will be capable of attacking the Syrian Arab Army, but won't have the risk of Assad steam rolling the Kurds and uniting all of Syria. This "border force" would be perfectly positioned in between the SDF and Assad. If they wanted to support the "border force" they could do it by proxy; sending supplies to the SDF, and then having those soldiers "defect" to the border force. They can't place this new proxy to the north, otherwise Turkey will get involved like they did in Idlib and Aleppo. Instead I think they will put it on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. Iraq is dealing with its own shit and isn't likely to cross into Syria to kill Kurds there. But this also means that this new proxy will be capable of attacking Deir-ezzor, and the highway which connects Syria to Iran. ISIS is also still active in the region, so this would allow them to create an artificial chaos that spawns several groups, and engineer the border force to be the victor. The warning we have for when this will kick off will be when several (((ISIS sleeper cells))) activate across Syria, and make a noticeable crisis.

are you seriously suggesting people hate the US govt just because "theyre evil" and "they hate your freedom"?
i know that, but without determination and scepticism over wishful thinking you still have a long way to go
the thread is about the DoD plan for syria, not about "X country is more cucked/white"
if youre suggesting that every topic that portrays the US govt in a bad light is a direct attack on the US people then youre using SJW logic
yeah, so?
youre gonna need to explain what this has to do with my post
i absolutely agree.
it will repeat because most people are to ignorant or weak to doanything about the modern society
ok. just dont say hat in any way that can get you in trouble
we dont hate america in on itselfs, we hate the eliteoperating there and its actions.
but because the entire US is such a solid base for them and provides it with manpower most people meet that elite in the form of US representatives.
1) these mistakes are still ongoing
2) you need to decide if theyre your or (((your))) mistakes

very unlikely. thered have to be a big show put up for this like a phony civil war in the SDF to make them seem as separate groups.
this is exactly what was happening with FSA and ISIS and it failed.

another proxy war with syria is impractical.
syria has russia and iran on its side, and if the kurds are involved then turks will turn on them. it would be strategic suicide.
what the US is doing now is the same as with Kosovo; theyre creating a proxy state to act as a buffer zone, force projection and a launch pad for future conflicts

Reported for D&C.

where the fuck do they still find the space to do all of this? Hasnt most of the map been reddened by now?

thats exactly the problem. SDF was going on fine while the had IS to "fight".
now that the frontline is gone and theres just "borders" its time for a new plan to scourge the region


Cry more.

That's actually true though

USA has been supporting the Kurds for years now. Where have you been?

The common American hate the gooberment. We know (((they))) have tricked us and we're pissed.
Fucking commie cock suckers aside; most Americans want (((them))) to die in a fire.
Nice deflection faggot, but that is exactly what post's such as yours lead too.
Nice blackpill fag, but we live in the information age. Shit is different now.
I've said it repeatedly irl you cuck. irl conversations are not the internet.
Shit is different now retard. The current situation in America has changed. Don't let (((zog))) media tell you different.
1) these mistakes are still ongoing
not for long
2) you need to decide if theyre your or (((your))) mistakes
The yids are losing power, but your blind due to your hatred.



Fuck off with your Freedom Fries bullshit you retarded NeoCon cunt

Literally the one thing the trump cock deep throating faggots on this board were clinging to for arguing trump wasn't a zog slave was "BUTTT HE DEFEATED ISIS".
Yeah, king zog just stopped backing a loser and instead switched all support to the kurds. We told you faggot this but all you did was post loli's and ban users.

Hey there kike

gr8 b8 bot

I do wonder why there hasnt been an anti jew alliance before. I mean its so fugging easy to make one


Goes twice for the turks.



whew man, I dont know much about a new plan or borders. Or who is being stoked with what there. Its quite obvious that this thread is not a shill thread though. Plenty of jews here trying to make it seem as so as usual. But yea. Greater israel is always wanting to make itself happen every day. Its obvious that they would try something new. As long as the jew breathes, there are always new plots.

LOL the fucking cuck refuses to say the holocaust didn’t happen. Slurp more kike dick, you fucking kraut!

Reported for D&C.

The common American hate the gooberment. We know (((they))) have tricked us and we're pissed. Fucking commie cock suckers aside; most Americans want (((them))) to die in a fire.
1. No, the average American does not hate the government or want them to die.
2. No, the average American does not know it’s jews.
3. You’re not American.

Again, self-revealing retardation only the most unconscious kike lacking in any degree of self-awareness could ever make.

You repeated word for word the NeoCon kike mantra of George Bush Jnr when he was lying that arabs did 911 because they hate Levi Jeans and 'your' Freedom, which even retasrded chrildren can see is complete bollocks, only jews and retarded Patriotards think this not red-pilled polaks.
Isreal did 911, and all you do is repeat the jIDF bullet points in every response you make.

Nothing you have written wouldn't look out of place on a Breibart editors pick comment.

Mostly because Saudi Arabia is controlled by kikes and they push sunni Muslims to fight against each other and kill random western civilians rather than attack Israel.

CIA are retards bro. Simply a fact.

first of all this aint me

i meant as in
but yeah ok.

>The common American hate the gooberment. We know (((they))) have tricked us and we're pissed.
>Fucking commie cock suckers aside; most Americans want (((them))) to die in a fire.

then the problem is the people that respond with the wrong reasoning not the post.
you wont blame guns when wrong people misuse them.

i was reffering to the general public of the US. here in europe we have quite an active political turbulency, but in the US the general public, even if redpilled,will prefer to look after their own ass and wellbeing than do something.the situation in the US is not close enough to the critical mass of frustrated people

you do know that (((they))) can fuck with you if they want to and use your words as a legal excuse

>Shit is different now retard. The current situation in America has changed. Don't let (((zog))) media tell you different.
the MSM is the main thing preventing this change youre talking about. how many % of americans do you think are redpilled and how many are attempting do change shit?

theyre losing as a consequence of the ruined "end of history" paradigm with the US elites. the US has been weakened on the world stage and its reflecting on the inside.

you can understand me cant you?
ooga booga dindu

you and him both misunderstood my phrase

Reported for D&C.

well theyre causing alot of problems around the world for a bunch of retards arent they?

Global report now. You’re mentally defective and think your COINTELPRO will work here.

I think that the internet is a great tool to get those opressed by the jews, to get together and kill the jews. I think that information warfare alone has pretty much foiled their plans for total control. The last time they had control was in Iraq, but Syria was a treshold of sorts. A time period when the internet was strong enough to subvert the subverters. And since then, the easy of preventing and destroying jew plots around the world that would have alluded to more arab springs, has become increasingly easy. The Iran thing could have been planned meticulously for god knows how long now. And within one week, they didnt even breach the consensus of "oh its just another jew plot" even a little bit. I dont think that anyone has bought the idea that it were just honest student protests.

and ironically that is all purely become of love, joy…and mutual total hatred of the jews by many races and nations around the world.

Having a special right of access to all the world's kike-media output tends to leverage you some advantage over the masses who own absolutely none of it

They're retards with a practically unlimited supply of money.


The kikes have been kicked out of hundreds of countries. (((They))) are a self destructive species of shit who continually shoots themselves in the foot constantly.
Their men butt fuck each other constantly, and their woman are fucking niggers. People are losing faith in the media slowly, but surely; which is their main outreach to normalfags.
Stay blackpilled for all I care.

The director of US policy towards Syria and secretary of near eastern affairs literally said on video the US and gulf coalition was supporting the Kurds in order to create a "New Syrian state"

do the jews still draw breath in their jew york with trillions of dollars? If yes, then greater israel is still planned. Op's thing is not so far fetched at all. They have many different operations and options running probably. If one of theirs loses or fails, they just pull the funding and divert it into another cause.

Read the first response to that tweet and figure it out for yourself why it isn't going to happen. I don't care what it may look like, it ain't gunna happen. Trump visited this on thanksgiving.


Only if you fall for typical jewish tricks.
It's becoming socially acceptable to shit on kikes. I hear it all the time.
Tricky dick "I fuck trannies" spencer, and Mike "kike fucker" eunich are laughed at constantly.
The alt-kike is laughed at constantly. More and more people are accepting the teachings of Hitler.
Hitler was a good man who simply wanted to see the best happen to his people.
If Hitler was alive today; some here would say he was some civ-nat faggot because he didn't kill the kikes on day one.


Never change, vodkaniggers.

until this becomes zero, shut your fucking fag face.

reported for shilling


Listing countries in opposition does not mean the US wont continue to push D&C tactics with the Kurds in order to balkanize Syria
If you think the US will stop because of a few countries that it already is against oppose it, look at the support for Israel, also the US already continued to arm the Kurds directly after trump said that with another HMMWV convoy

top kek


RT is not exactly a reliable source for this kind of information. Whoever they blame is just who Putin thinks is most expedient to blame. I think Israel is the real bad actor here. The US gains nothing from involvement in Syria.

tbh I am at peace. I realize that white europeans make up less and less of US military power in the Middle East. This means the US will throw money at the problem and their (((diapered))) soldiers will always lose and retreat. Zionism will fail because of too much Zionism ;^)

Look at them goalposts go!

Omg its almost like there are competing factions within the US gov. Kikes will win tho, I believe you.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

Get triggered you fucking cunt.

They're not retards at all. They accomplish their goals very effectively, and those goals are the destabilization of countries for the profit of drug runners, kike lobbying groups like the Foreign Oil Company, and kike corporations like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.


Good point, but it's a tough call as to whether the SDF is just there to screw over everyone else should the U.S. get serious about removing the Shia coalition, or if their goal is to drag them through so many years of war that they won't have the supplies or manpower necessary to fight a major war and the U.S., Israel, and Sunni coalition can attack. That said, Hezbollah does well with little money, and most of the SAA gets paid pennies; your line of reasoning is more probably.


do you even hear yourself?

dont spam that, regardless of the goodness of your intent. if anything atleast shorten it so it doesent take up so much height

at this point the US is on the defensive.
theyre going for all they can get, and if that means sticking to commie kurds noone likes then theyll do it.
a coyote will bite off his leg to survive.
if nothing else theyll atleast have another proxy state in the ME after they lose iraq and turkey

Forget 'world police' or 'world thug'.
America is more like a 'world nigger' at this point.

seems about right


Hello Achmed

US still giving "humanitarian aid" to jihadists

Once a leader of innovation and moral authority. Now Israel's repo man.

America has never been this.

Tillerson has now announced that their plan is basically exactly the same as they were doing when obongo was president. America is not leaving until Assad is overthrown and Iran removed from Syria.

so in 1945 some nazis went to the oss and create cia
the other nazis went to the ussr

they joined again in germany during (((cold war)))
did the americans and russians (including putin) do great spy stuff in Berlin/ DDR ? or was it in (((reality))) the DDR allowing them in so they could infiltrate both america and russian intelligence services ?

Who is really running the show? Who created a country for themselves based on lies?

How does Russian propaganda work? 8ch is full of it.
Is SVR fighting CIA/NSA or………………………….
………………..are their whole organizations puppetsystems in a game of The Higher Joy?

Why are their mindcontrol implants and systems so simular? Including the overlapping brainwashing propaganda.

Only way out is for either of one to expose the methods of the other. East and West is conned.

How to remove implants from Israel (Beer Shiva factory/datacenter) used for hypnosis. Left part of brain implants (speech center) registers silent voices carried over microwaves and modulated as ultrasound (why it's called Silent but some people may experience buzzing)

I want to hack my implant and be free

All ex-military have these. Americans have implants from the facility in Florida. They cost almost nothing to produce. 99% of chipped people have no recollection or memory of what happened.

someone please talk about mindcontrol
we need to know

Golly gee, the trumpkikes and mods are having a hard time deflecting this one.

Expect this thread to bumplock soon

reported fro derailing the thread with copypasta

How is the magic girlfriend? Is she doing well?

Only according to jews and other niggers.


(a non-agent wouldn't use propaganda tools aimed at exploiting existing cleavages)

But isn't it just fascinating how we are persecuted by the kikes and their agency?

When did it innovate? When it based all of its technological accomplishments on captured German patents and scientists? And it was the moral leader when it entered WWI and upended the Westphalian order that had sustained Europe for centuries to impose globalist wilsonian democracy and shackle Germany with unprecedented punishments in the Versailles treaty. Then built up the Soviet Union. Then showed their moral leadership when they murdered millions of Germans after Germany had already surrendered.

i tought you fags were told to fuck off back to reddit

Is this some kind of 4D shilling I'm witnessing?

if the petro-dollar goes, the Rothschild suffer

((Kurds)) are the left contras.

We care. Because one of those group of semites is capable of directly destroying Israel. We have a stake in this. Do you even care about the destruction of jews?

Wait, which semites can kill the jews?
I'm very interested in this and would like
to meme it into happeningdom.

Checked. I like this idea. They aren't the only ones who can stoke tensions between other groups to serve a purpose.




That isn't an American you're talking to, you realize that right?

So many ass-mad goat-fuckers in the thread. Weu.

Can you possibly try to appear to be any less of a goat-fucker?

Try a 12 gauge under your chin.


american jew