Rpg Thread

How can anyone hate old Jrpgs? They are so fucking relaxing and charming. Any day that is just shit, I can play one for maybe an hour or two and it all just fizzles away. How come Western rpgs try so hard to be fucking teenage angst bullshit. Are there any light hearted wrpgs?

I'd say what we're all thinking but I think I'll give the deliberate bait a rest today.
it is a good game though

Born from dumbing down wrpgs.

I like old JRPGs, they are cozy. I wish there were more non-shitty throwbacks.

Most of them?
Wizardry is light hearted, so is Fallout and Baldur's Gate


One of the biggest downsides to having Asperger's syndrome is the inability to experience true comfiness.

I like JRPGs
They are comfy and easy to wear

I miss lighthearted RPGs where you're just a kid going out for the sake of adventure. But most modern RPGs are about you going on a mission to do important_thing because you have to for reasons. It's not comfy or even fun most of the time.

what about JMMORPG?

lmfao yeah JRPGs don't have edgy teen characters.

JRPGs are just inherently shit games, there's no challenge in them. SRPGs are superior to regular JRPGs in pretty much every way.

Depends on the game, honestly. They all look the same to me. I liked the N64/PSX/GC era games best, gameboy too.


Thanks for triggering my tism, user

memes :^)

gameplay is just scrolling through a menu
they're shit

I like menu-based RPG's myself. Some people don't like the combat in those games but I have a good enough imagination to see that, when a Fighter in FF1 strikes something with his sword, to me: he's not driving imaginary nails into the air but rushing towards an ogre and wailing it out full force like Guts at an apostle.

Metal Max Returns is a personal favourite of mine.

Its a cropped screen shot dumbass.



You forgot to enable filters.

that's not fullscreen you fucking moron

or is it?


Holy fuck learn to read the thread.

No thanks.

Nostalgia DS was a somewhat recent one that tries to recapture the feeling of older JRPGs with a mostly lighthearted tone and emphasis on exploring. Not a perfect game by any means (and if you like physical copies, be aware that some NA prints have a gamebreaking bug courtesy of Ignition being the publisher), but it tries.

Dragon Quest is comfy as fuck tbh

oh man whats so special about rocket propelled grenades

The aspect ratio is fucked. The pixels are wider than they are tall.

What I like about older JRPGs is that they usually had a pretty long story to play through. Well, if we're cherry-picking the best from the 8 and 16 bit eras.

Gonna play Disgaea 4 the only one I've really got invested into was 2 on the PSP. Is there anything like felonies to make the grind more bearable?

Essentially this.

If you go back and play early Ultima and Wizardry entries, it's plain as day how JRPGs borrowed elements of those systems and then stagnated for several decades.

Is Phantasy Star 3 okay to play without playing any other Phantasy Star games? I've never touched the series, or Dragon Quest, but I want to play a decent JRPG.

There is always some sort of tactic to cheese Disgaea games. Its a blessing and a curse tbh.

Felonies were (rightfully) seen as a retarded move, so every other Disgaea game just has the statisticians, those item residents that boost your EXP gain. If I remember right, they were nerfed in D4 so that you could only have one maxed out level statistician on a single piece of gear after how brokenly good 8+ maxed out statisticians was in D3.

I've heard Phantasy Star III is really a black sheep of the original Phantasy Star series. I mean, apparently it's not all that connected to the other ones, the way Phantasy Star I, II, and IV are with each other, but I'm not sure a lot of Phantasy Star fans really recommend that one.

Phantasy Star IV seems to be a fan favorite, but from I've read in threads on the matter, given the amount of reoccurring elements, playing it after Phantasy Star I and II gives the best experience with it.

That's part of why I was interested in PS3, I read it was somewhat disconnected. I just wanted to make sure. I'll keep the others in mind if I want to actually play the series.

Phantasy Star III has really bad combat music until you have a full party.

How's that work, out of curiosity? Does it just outright change to a new theme by that point in the game, or does each party member you acquire bring their own "element" of sorts to the combat music and it works best with all of them?

Well, if you are going to play it first, maybe keep in mind that it may not be the best representative of quality for the series.

not really light hearted but comfy as fuck.
take a gander at this masterpiece

At least sage if you're going to shitpost this hard