The TRSodomite Cries Out In Pain as he Strikes You
Tldr James Allsup and his Boyfriend Nick Fuentes Broke up over some ganbanging homosexual anal sex with Mike the kike Pienovich
The TRSodomite Cries Out In Pain as he Strikes You
Tldr James Allsup and his Boyfriend Nick Fuentes Broke up over some ganbanging homosexual anal sex with Mike the kike Pienovich
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Really activates the almonds. Also this is fucking gay.
I didn't mind James even if he's fairly moderate (not alt-lite tho) given that he went to the same university I did so I felt it important to at least root him on. That ended when his video during christmas was basically a 5 minute ad for some crypto shit. At that point all of his videos had ads for crypto shit which I didnt mind since they're his sponsor and thats fair enough. I did mind though when his christmas video was solely an ad that many of his audience have heard many times before. Fuentes afaik is very into the catholic side of things so I surmise this is where some kind of split originated from
Checked. Spic christcuck? It's common filth all over again.
Hang yourself OP
Not really. He's just another wog that worships the Catholic church and wants to turn American into a Papal slave.
So reading up about it on cuckchan it seems Nick thinks James doxed his family (looks like that isn't true) then doxed some guy named Matt who I guess was part of the media company with him as revenge. Something about some dude named Spectre who is going to do a show with James who is accused of doxing Nick's family. His sister is apparently a lesbian coal burner. Apparently Nick thinks James is too extreme??? I guess to him TRS is really radical???
All around pretty gay.
How can anyone unironically support any of these people?
It kinda depresses me that no decent normal person is out there publicly with our views.Then again it's not like I wouldn't sperg about niggers or kikes if I was a public facing figure so what can you do.
user. Stop framing your life in reference to the jewish narrative. WE are the normal people. WE are the decent people. The fucking kike puppets who are dead to the world? They’re all insane.
This, think about how your ancestors behaved and what they thought and realize how fucked up the people around us really are.
Fuentes is a little faggot
Fuck these people
Jesus Christ, that is one downs looking kike.
I don't know anything about that Allsup guy, but Nick Fuentes is a civnat faggot.
Aaand what does this have to do with TRS?
Yeah dude, Fuentes thinks TRS are like the fucking SA or some shit… He's half right, granted.
Bunch of irrelevant faggots, honestly.
It doesn't seem like anything directly, unless the fashy goy is a TRSodomite? The only reason I know about any of these faggots is because one time jewtube gave me mike "second base with the chosen race" peinovich on the nick fuentes show and it was the lovechild of fashy goy failure and civnat cringe made manifest.
Here's the blog post
Absolute e-celeb
More people share them than you think, they've just been brown beaten for decades into apathy and submissiveness. If Boomers and Gen Xers weren't being complete faggots none of the cultural political correctness nonsense that has held us back since the 60's would have taken hold.
All the problems millennials and to a lesser extent, Gen Xers, face is because nobody pushed back. The ones that did took no notice of "optics" when it truly fucking mattered. Its funny optics is always referenced now when it was far more important in the 60's. It played right into the jewish liberals hands thanks to television and common place photography.
It's why I always despise this other faggy excuse you often hear on the right with, "people have jobs they don't have time for activism". Bullshit. None of that prevents you from organizing and raising hell. What does prevent you is your "conservative" hyper individualist bullshit where you live in isolation and are too afraid to work with people that share mostly your values but not on everything (D&C). The rightwing has done the lefts job for them. They've managed to somehow fuck themselves so hard with divide and conquer on every issue that the majority has become armies of one against just an army. If they only linked up they'd crush the left as Trump was showing before after he got elected it returned back to the same old D&C with nonstop disavows.
Just as Yuri Brezmenov was right about the left killing their stupid sock puppets so too is my response with your basic bitch conservative.
Why do you even care about these people? They're worthless attention whore namefags. We eschew their silly bullshit by remaining anons.
… and shame on me for not saging.
Fuentes was the only thing making it civnat. Now that he's gone it may have some sort of quality.
Shit. I have to imagine that most of us are encouraging to right-leaning normalfags, even as they unwittingly insult Trump by comparing him to Ronald Reagan and engage in duckspeak about Nazis. The problem is, at least here, we're not sure what to do with them. As for TRS, though, not sure. Their "fashy goy" shit sounds like some kind of shit straight out of BDSM.
You should be quite sure m8.
Their top-guy is Mike Peinovich, who juuuuuust about a year ago was revealed to be married to a far-left Zionist kikel obsessed with trannies, which was not revealed to the audience prior to his doxing, and upon which any sane participant in that organization would have cut and run (particularly given Peinovich basically refused to step down, clumsily referring to his own implied Jewish heritage and then denying it and calling himself a Serb, Croat, and eventually Nord… All despite looking like a fat kike…)… But, instead, it appears TRS has launched a paywall-based platform, and gone SUPER HARDCORE with their message and rhetoric… Granted, its still about as 'hard' as a sponge in the bathhouse Richard Spencer (media-promoted acknowledgist of holocaust suffering and implicit homosexual) frequents, but they're trying to lure in the rubes so its understandable.
Funnily enough, I still listen to their shit sometimes, but its impossible to take them seriously as an organization when what is by all accounts a fat mischling that married a beaked b'nai b'rith kikelette is their acknowledged best-mind and thought leader.
Nick Fuentes, the non-white anchor baby, is a retard. He has to go back to Mexico.
cucks can't have nice things. he would gladly sell out his race to honor his "conservative" principles
Literally nothing in this thread about TRS
They’re getting weaker and beginning to panic. You can sense it.
Only one solution, tbh.
This same song and dance has been played for decades. Conservatives are naturally cowards, and their primary drive is pain avoidance (whereas the left's primary drive is pleasure seeking). Both are hedonists, driven by the pain-pleasure axis, just from different angles. White nationalists have long had the problem that their ranks are mostly drawn from these cowardly conservatives who will always backslide into cuckservativism and "optics" nonsense and irrational dreams of taking over the USA through elections and appealing to the masses. This same shit has been going on since Rockwell's time, and all the big names have addressed it, yet people still ignore them and continue with the losing strategy.
civ nats think of TRS as a nazi boogeyman. maybe they think that starting a drama fight with the pool faggots will get them more views(money)
Both are civnat because neither is white. Fuentes is a spic and literally an anchor baby, and Allsup is Filipino (probably the son of a faggot white numale and a flip mail order bride).
Such a disgrace to Lindbergh's legacy.
Nazis were the same tbh. Only thing is the jews had completely fucked the "pleasure" fountain in Germany so you got some reaction.
But if you think there's going to be a legit 'spiritual' uprising in the West, you are way fuckin off. Half all people here are because someone fucked with their vidya.
Nick's Friendlist ( (
Dad (
So the Bangladeshi chick isn't Nick's gf but seems to dickride him enough to get kicked out of her libertarian youth org because she wanted him to have a talk. Nick might be cucking his friend Marc tbh. She seems to be muslim. Some user was sperging like mad in the first thread I saw on cuckchan about this bitch (like 38 posts whining that she's not dating Nick) so I figured I'd look her up. Her dad seems to live in an apartment so no property records unfortunately.
woops forget photos
One year after the jimpact and they're still a bunch of faggots.
As someone without twatter and who hasn't followed TRS since the great Jimpaction, what the fuck is going on with all these non-whites? Who the hell are these groups? They almost make TRS look respectable.
from what i have gathered from 5 minutes of twitter recon
Appreciated user.
It seems every new alt right e celeb isn't even white. They are pushing the mestizo nationalism hard these days.
We should probably start fucking with these people more if they're going to try to pressure-valve white disenfranchisement towards CivNat faggotry.
Every day we're proven more right about the aut-kike, yet the bog-dwellers still have the nerve to shill here.
ah use this one to shitpost on twitter if you want
Nick Fuentes is Norwegian !!
No D&C antifachan !!
Also I am generally confused by this doxing claim. Nick Fuentes has an open facebook with his friendlist public.
If you search for his last name you find his sister immediately.
How can this be called doxing?
that little shit just blocked me how fucking rude
Shut up goys he's a white nationalist! An american patriot! So what he's 26,75% beaner, he's totally pro White!!! Let's win first, and then worry about purity, you LARPERs!!!
Hey guys, /trs/ BO here, just wanted to weigh in. I have been messing around with twitter for a while now, I think it's great apart from the constant shadowbans and shoahs, and that's where I first encountered Nick as an up and coming ostensibly right wing personality. The kid is young, he's like 19 I think. There was a big stink at the beginning because he was apparently publically uninvited from attending Boston University because even his tepid civic nationalism was too spicy for them. He now attends Auburn.
Well as soon as he started to get a following, he started to D&C with a ton of people over religion and the sort. He then let his newfound fame get to his head. I can't fault him, he's a kid, but it was Nick who was burning bridges with everyone. This thing with James is just another example of that. He thinks his shit dont stank even if his girlfriend does it in the street.
The split with James was inevitable. With James inching towards identitarianism while Nick was inching towards civic nationalism-lite, there was bound to be strong ideological and PR differences that sprouted up. As always with these civic nationalist types, they are personally conflicted because of their racial inability, in this case Nick's poo girlfriend, hijacking his objectivity on what should be an agreed upon standard of behavior that you shouldn't date outside your race. I know Nick is a mexispic, but he at least looks Castizo which woulc be Spaniard in lineage. Mestizos are short, squat toads and he certainly doesn't fit that phenotype.
Nick and James were really good on mostly only one topic, the topic of thots. One of their main things was to point out the very true observation that a lot of the nationalist women trending towards our side were doing it for lolshekels like Lauren Southern or for access to nationalist men they view as higher quality. Standard women behavior. Well this rustled a lot of feathers on the right, you know, criticizing le fashy based women like Southern for being uncommitted to the cause and maybe very hypocritical since they are women with no chirren.
I just saw Lauren Southern's website,, and it has the most jewish support page ever. Someone called it political findom and I can't disagree. Holy kek this whole debacle has been funny, but as always we will push the cucks out and try to keep the good. I don't personally hate James for anything yet, he seems like he has potential.
If the masses can be distracted by panem et circenses, you don't even need optics. We don't need to run for government and take the country back through sheer democracy - that will not work. We need to create parallel infrastructures and bases of political power - so that some states become so far Right leaning that secession becomes a possibility. Then with new clay, we undo all of the cultural engineering and Marxist illusions that have destroyed our civilization.
oh hey dude. it's me the guy who doxed bulbasaur and jessie (and finished the dox on ghoul and mike)
glad to know you're still at it
his grandmother
Yeah, Midwest secessionism is the future, followed by the new Midwest white nation invading and genociding the browns in the rest of North America and all the way down to the Panama canal.
Lauren's patreon looks like the tip jar of a cam whore. She openly acknowledges that she flaunts her sexuality in order to garner views.
I consider myself a namefag naturalist. Must keep track of these people and never let them out of your sight.
That said, I wasn't targeting either of them, it was more incidental crossing paths with these folks. Nick is an über fag but one can only hope that's because he's young. Having a poo girlfriend, WEW, though.
I suspect James to have banged Faith Goldy so at least he's patrolling white thots.
Isn't Faith Goldy married? Or am I thinking of a different E-Whore?
Remember that one time at band camp when SeventhSodomite talked about getting pegged by his wife?
He looks like he's probably actually gay. He just has those gay eyes that look permanently scared and confused that all faggots have.
Nick Fuentes did a DNA test and it said he was something like 20% non-European
Nice trips satan. 20% non-white is passable under Nuremburg and you have to remember 23&me is owned by jews who openly admit to muddying up your profile. That's not the issue. The issue is his behavior and how it's untenable with other people.
Who are these people and should I care? Or is this the thread for females to gossip about worthless shit?
Oh yeah, twatter drama and faggots, op is a faggot.
muh mainstream acceptance, in other words vote for a nigger.
The Jews raise these people up intentionally to be shown to the normies as "reasonable" opposition. Its controlled op, thats all. Perfect example, a Reagan loving anti-white identity pro-civic nationalist shill named Ricky Vaughan (I try not to spread his name around because that alone gives him more power) was first on Cantwells show, and then a day later on Azzmadors. Both of them loved this guy and sang his praises. Hes anti-white. That alone says it all.
apparently it was Lauren that James banged according to one of the thread on cuck Holla Forums about this fuentes shit. There was another thread about faith goldy with some convincing evidence she banged some 19 year old dude
This is the most annoying part of the far right in general, as soon as a chick is involved in something everybody lose their common sense and start making excuses for their shit tier behavior.
I have never argued with someone more duplicitous than ricky vaughn on gab. Civic nationalist par excellence. Most dishonest person ever.
That makes sense too.
Self described "American Nationalists". "All colors unite and vote to solve our problems" is the only thing they push.
The Nürnberg laws are a strawman you filthy altright mestizos just love to bring up don't you. First of all, they only applied to kikes, and also they were far too lenient. And race is not measurably in percentages of contamination. Whiteness is digital. So fuck off back to the transvestites, racemixers and subhumans dot biz forum you filthy mongrel.
That may be a problem but so is shekelgrubbing and supposedly being for trad life when youre fucking niggers casually.
yeah I remember hearing his name during the election and was pretty surprised to discover how much hate he seems to have for white identity on gab.
They applied to Jews and whites. As far as Im aware a mixed person could be of mixed German French background, or Mixed Anglo-German for example. It didnt mean black and white, because it was a crime to bring blacks into Europe in the first place, in everyones mind except the Jews.
These types of people are the ones who found themselves included when Anglin made the alt-right such a broad term, but who cant be included in any racialist movement. So effectively what Anglin is doing is putting out a sign saying "non-whites welcome" and then acting surprised when they take a vote and say racism is bad.
I'm guessing you don't know who I am kek. I could be wrong, but I don't know of any other measure of whiteness as that's a conversation for another thread. Whiteness is certainly not digital, there are fuzzy edges around this whole thing. There can be threshholds, but that doesn't make it digital.
Those laws only applied to Jews, not to random brown people. Jews are about half European and half levantine, and levantines are the closest group to Europeans as it is.
Interesting, I forgot about it being only applied towards jews. Thanks.
Its 11.5% and that meant non-German whites.
Is he really civnat? I don't follow him but remember seeing him during the election retweeting white nationalists.
He directly said white identity and blood isnt a strong enough tie to hold us together, effectively said whites are lost if we dont depend on non-whites for votes because we cant just vote in one block. His entire strategy going forward is to slow down incrementalism so that whites dont end up in a race war while hes still alive. These people are our enemy, not our friends.
Let me put it this way. He directly said he thinks Reagan was great, and is a conservative politician. The only thing you will get out of him is conservative politics, and that means he will tell you what he thinks you want to hear whenever hes talking to you specifically. Read what he actually says and hes completely anti-racist etc… has zero solutions for mass rape and acid attacks and white genocide etc.
So, mestizo nationalism. None of these people care about race. They just care about maintaining comfortable lives and good economy.
If he had even a spark of sincerety to begin with, he's fucking up so bad with this, it's not even funny.
Although a lot of these people are cancer, I feel like Holla Forums really likes to go out of its way to destroy everyone and everything who doesn't just want to LARP on the internet.
When was the last time we did anything important?
lol nigger what. That hardly even makes sense when white nationalism is actually quite non-ideological. It's not fart-huffing bullshit like classical liberalism, marxism, or anarcho-capitalism where they're so up their own assholes about being loyal to a set of abstract axioms, rather than just being loyal to the race and pursuing things to benefit the race.
what does this have to with Holla Forums
fucking nothing.
eat shit shareblue
Were not alt-right and the last half of your post I could easily see you trying to apply to National Socialism in the next breath, if you made it.
Well, since this is e-celeb general and won't get likely deleted because of (((TRS))), I will point that the use of denominators like "thot" or "roastie" is a great sign that someone is a kike (or a retard). Not only because jews massively hate women, but also because it distracts from real things like these shills having confessed being trained by military intelligence, former employment by zionists, jewish ancestry and their overall behavior (bringing in other shills and shekel-grabbing) - the fact they are woman is not relevant, even if they confess exploiting (because they are shills anyway) and you can see kikes exploiting it to cover-up the actual problems coming behind these shill girls and make guillible losers hate and mistrust ALL women (especially non-shill girls) and divide/discredit potential nationalists (the majority of such minded people are women).
Besides it's extremely silly and counter-productive to shame these girls for dating nationalist guys, even if they're other e-celebs. But you guys don't seem to realize that at times, and a lot seem to fall for jew tricks like these. Misoginy has no place on NS circles.
Hence the air quotes
Allsup is a massive faggot too though he literally sucks Mike Pienovich's cock for Heroin
How very jewish of you.
Why you leave our group chats on Twitter faggot
It's not misoginist to call out whores.
Get the fuck out whore.
You have to go the fuck back
This entire thread is filled with altkike faggots
Call them for what they are instead - shills with a very kosher background. To resume all these girls have behind them (like confessing being a military intelligence agent) into calling them "thots" is exactly what (((they))) want at Tel-Aviv.
Women don't belong in politics for a number of reasons. They're non-ideological and completely flip their entire belief structures depending on who they're dating or what audience they're going for. They are self-centered and constantly make things about them personally rather than the larger scope. And they shatter organic hierarchies because instead of the best voices and ideas floating up as the cream of the crop, they get artificially boosted and defended/shilled by white knight orbiters not because their opinions or ideas are any good, but because they have tits.
Overall, I view this whole e-drama shit as a problem not with women (women are going to do as they've always done) but a problem with the thirsty betas who think with their cocks and just want to justify jacking off to their e-celeb camwhores. And they might try to pretend that's not the case, but it totally is. They always talk about "needing more women" but notice how they implicitly only say this with regards to SINGLE women. They never talk about wanting to bring wives and mothers and girlfriends into this. Because it's just a facade and what they really want is the online girlfriend experience for themselves.
And I actually do agree with targeting more women to come into "the movement". But that doesn't mean lowering standards with these camwhores and it doesn't mean propping up women into influential roles. Their roles should be on the sidelines. And you know what the best way to get quality women involved is?
You get more married men involved, and they'll end up bringing their wives on-board too, because women naturally identify with the ideological leanings of their man. Reach out to married men and they'll bring their women with them. And then these women can serve as role-models not by camwhoring and attention whoring, but by being steadfast loyal wives as examples for younger women.
Furthermore, calling out coalburning whores is important because women are kept in line via social shaming and ostracism. This is how women were kept in place in the past. When you stop criticizing and ostracizing women for doing shit like coalburning, you allow this behavior to spread. It's not just about "punishing" the individual coalburner, it's about sending a clear message to many other women that this behavior is not acceptable.
Kill yourself faggot
>>>Holla Forums
have a bump, shareblue )
Spot the retards.
I get what you're saying, and your post is entirely right. There were no women in the NSDAP for the most part, and in Mein Kampf Hitler talk about only giving citizenship to women when they marry (a qualified men). Now, that being said, many women contributed to the Reich (films like "Triumph of the Will" were produced by a women) and they can certainly fit as e-celebs (besides it's a fresh thing not to have 100% guys behind all things). Discrediting women for that, and for being women, is counter-productive, and can hinder their overall partaking. The center of what I said in the post is not to expose these girls for being women (which you get by calling them "thots") but for being shills.
this might be his mom or an aunt. No pics of the whole family. Is the only person I could find on the grandmother's friend list who has a public friendlist that is connected to both nic and melissa
Even if they were not shills, them being women is a problem.
If there is a jewess pushing jewish things, do you call her a "thot" or you call her a juden??
his sister is going to bradley university btw
page 10-11
most of the girls who LARP as nationalists are whores or race mixers
Absolutely stellar thread.
It's almost like fringe political movements attract destructive spergs incapable of accomplishing anything, so have fun blathering what flavor of NEETsocism is the TRVE ARYAN WAY, get roped into Fed honeypots and stay unemployable.
You're almost as entertaining as unironic internet communists.(TRSodomite)
Spotted the TRSodomite retard. Too obvious.
"We wont accomplish anything unless we get rid of all standards!"
Why did this get anchored ? it's a good thread.
OP promised salt, but there is only cancer itt.
How much to see (((Lauren))) take one of those dildos from the other thread?
Camwhore is as camwhore does.
They should name a street after her. This is probably the Surreyish Surrey Girl stunt ever.
Who fucking cares. You don't belong here.
Ricky Vaughn is from MPC, which is a boomer civic nationalist forum made up of ex-goons.
The shills were late to this one
People will soon see that 2.0 is no different to 1.0. It was only Trump that gave things a temporary wave.
Shitskin mod butthurt is best butthurt.
Sixty years and no tangible achievements for the people you pretend to care about.
The fucking DSA has more political power, discipline and political relevancy. Cue screeching about "voting is irrelevant anyway" and muh DOTR.
It's absolutely hilarious. You are the political equivalent of a piss-soaked hobo screaming at a bus stop sign.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Ricky is fed up with shit like methheads egging Paul Nehlen into blowing his chances of ever holding federal office.
If you find a guy with the stature and charisma to run for office, and the means to fund it himself, and he even agrees with you about the JQ, why would you encourage him to waste his time tweeting at jews on twitter?
It doesn't matter if Nick Fuentes is a coalburning kikesucking gaynigger, if the rule of thumb is that anyone to the right of Paul Ryan gets spergs trying to spread their family's personal information on Holla Forums there will never be any far-right politics worth a damn.
If it's jews and other infiltrators who are responsible for this kind of thing, that's just par for the course. Gotta get opsec tight enough that our enemies can't easily hurt us. But if you know some idiot who thinks he's a "based doxxer", make sure he gets shunned.
I haven't seen it mentioned yet that the reason for the split was that James CENSORED THE TITLE of the video with Nick's interview with Paul Nehlen from mentioning the Jews.
Nick wouldn't have that, and and so that was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. Allsup seems kind of low-energy and 'beta', to me.
Also, Nick recently absolutely obliterated (((Jacob Wohl))) in a debate on U. S. foreign policy and Israel recently, so he's doing some good stuff.
That being said neither James nor Nick are really /ourguy/, yet (though you've got to remember–Nick is still only 19! At that age Mussolini was still a Marxist!), and I'm sure there is wrongdoing on both sides.
I actually like a lot of the stuff on Nick's show. However, this information is disconcerting.
It should be obvious, though, that not all of us come from 100% pure-NS families.
I don't have anything against Italians or Spaniards, either. There's still a lot of love for Mussolini and Franco down there.
Compare that to Northern Europe–Sweden and Germany are a mess!>>11152373
I always felt that former Leftists make better Nationalists than Libertarians, and nothing that I have seen has changed that opinion.
Read a book retard. Weimar was as bad as today if not worse in terms of degeneracy and depravity.
Did you read mein kampf? It should be required reading to post here.