==Video Games Makes People Justifies Killing==


It's Jack Thompson's narrative all over again, but this time, with some feminist and social justice buzzword twist!

Other urls found in this thread:


But Jack Thompson was a registered Democrat.

It doesn't matter. He's a straight white man.

Shit articles like these make me justify killing

Liberalism causes more violence than video games.

Leftists all suffer from mental illness.

What ๐’ฏ๐‘’๐‘œ๐’น๐‘œ๐“‡๐’ถ ๐’ฎ๐“‰๐‘œ๐’พ๐’ธ๐’ถ seems to have missed is that what makes people justify killing is not the video games themselves. It's the retarded journalist with ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ๐’พ๐“‰ ๐‘’๐’ถ๐“‰๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘” names and progressive AAA companies like ubisoft.

Remind you that this particular case of liberalism is caused by capitalist luxury and consumerism of iphone generation, which made them into vile natured spoiled children.

No, every single leftist is mentally ill. They always have been.

so we always wanted to kill but we thought it was badong until vidya came around?


I know every moment of breathing makes we want to gas leftists until they get the message and shut the fuck up. Does that count?

It still amazes me how many hardcore leftists are addicted to electronic gadgets manufactured by underpaied workers in the third world. Marx would be proud.

I'm starting to miss when video game companies were just in it to get my money and not attempting to sell me their kindergartner tier ideals of diversity and globalism. If anything it pushed me to the other extreme, so thanks for that at least.

What do you think mental illness is? You throw it around pretty liberally

noice, I should play more vidya then

You know who justifies not digital violence but real world violence? Hillary after paying protesters to start fights outside Trump rallies. But leftycucks who write these shitty articles now would never acknowledge anything REAL or even provable.

Also, check it out, ๐’ธ๐“Š๐“‡๐“ˆ๐’พ๐“‹๐‘’ ๐“Œ๐‘œ๐“‡๐“ˆ๐“€๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐“ƒ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐’พ๐“ˆ ๐’ท๐‘œ๐’ถ๐“‡๐’น!

Now we can write shit eating names in cursive, like ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ช ๐“—๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ท๐“ช๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐”ƒ or ๐“๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ท๐”‚ ๐“‘๐“พ๐“ป๐“ฌ๐“ฑ.

your'e correct it's more like a brain damage


It's good videogames teach men how to kill.

We'd grow soft in times of peace without them.

It's probably dopamine addiction. People with higher dopamine production get their fix from virtue-signaling, conformity to group think & are very easy to manipulate when they're convinced their actions come from some moral high ground.

Neat, that's going to be some regal looking smug.

People who just play video games are soft.

Being a man comes from the real world, like it always has.

Hohoho Woah Bro thats a gnarly article you got there. Best nawt step on my turf

That sounds like Holla Forums

Does not sound that bad of a brain bump if it makes you not fall on emotion just facts
Misguided but understandable compared to just out right fear for no reason but base instinct.

If they want something that train your brain to justify killing those faggots should watch some real gore and not vidya.

I want SJWs to do more hitpieces like this, it shows their truest colors, and by doing so retards who hadn't been convinced yet that SJWs are cancer would inevitably flock to the opposing side


Sage when you are baiting. There is nothing misguided with not wanting uneducated, violent, criminally inclined muslims most likely to be on permanent welfare from the moment they arrive where you live.

An added bonus is ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ซ๐“ต๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ผ ๐“ฌ๐“ช๐“ท'๐“ฝ ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ญ ๐“ฌ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ.

It's always been human nature to have a thirst for killing and other bad things like that. It's just that the social system has gone out of its way to show it in a bad light like many other things and punish anyone that trys to go against what every single person on the planet is born with

Most niggers can't read period.

Please leave, redditfag

There is nothing inherently wrong with killing. It's how we fed ourselves for thousands of years and protected our homes.

Modern social systems, engineered by (((them))) do everything in their power to discourage Westerners to follow their instincts and string up the kikes and their pets.

For real?!

oi nigga, wot dat squiggly shit in ur post mean

How so?
If natural selection is a moral high ground to you, I'd like an explanation.

I just see black squares.

Because they arent true left-wing oriented, at least not in the economic aspect.
My cousin fits the "spoiled child addicted to Apple champion of equality" but dont try to get her to support fair wages or trying to control big fat companies, she will dismiss it and say "right now Feminism/LGTB/Blacks are more important than caring for the poor", she loves capitalism more than anything else, after all it fuels her high class privileges over the poor.

They are just priviliged kids with no real problems so they invent them to give their dulls lifes some kind of sense, they dont have an ideology just a crave for attention and sense of fighting for something.

I didnt see her figthing the cops during nationwide metallurgy strikes or the sailor's protests (which some of my family did including myself).


No, it's true. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.

You must be African.

I believe you!

I thought we were over this violence shit years ago. Are we swinging back now that more and more people are realizing feminists are whiny prisses who complain about absolutely everything?

it never ends this shit, people will always blame something else for their shortcomings. As much as I hate to admit it I have an habit of making excuses as well and this is just society doing that on a larger scale.

One day people admit their problems and try to fix them, but not today.

That's complete bullshit. Leftists have built their whole ideological framework to justify their repeated grab for power and undermining of Western civilization.

Their goals are always vague and poorly defined. Equality, progress, freedom, etc. Shit that sounds good as a soundbyte but the more you dig the more apparent it becomes there is little substance or thought put behind it.

Equality is equality of outcome, regardless of what the real situation is like, progress is there for the sake of progress, we simply need to forever push the boundaries of what is acceptable and entertain every mentally ill fuck that claims he is a special snowflake, and their definition of freedom is that you're allowed to do anything and everything so long as it does not go against the destruction of Western civilization.

Well, if you kill anyone, you'd damn well better be able to justify it. Some people don't even attempt to make up a reason why their killing was justified, and the ones that do will use shit like "muh i saw it in muh vidya gaems". And it happens sometimes. People get pushed over the edge by a video game and kill someone. Of course, this is mainly because they were mentally ill to begin with, not because they were playing a game. That's just coincidental. Healthy people don't believe video games are something to kill over and any given case could have easily happened over something else. This focus on getting rid of video games is not going to fix the root of the problem.

Yes and no. The reason violence is making a comeback is partly because people are angry at SJWs, but it's mostly because SJWs are angry at like everyone else. They preach tolerance and nonviolence, but the lot of them do not practice what they preach and even if they do, the way they go about achieving their goals only serves to make things worse because they don't think things through.

I just killed someone. Its okay though because Grand Theft Auto gave me justification for killing them. AMA

Was it a nigger?

I was the nigger, he was a white cop be opressin' us bix blood 'n sheit

Capitalism and communism are both two sides of one globalist, jewish coin.


You do know that's not his thesis right? This was debunked long ago.

Communism is the rejection of reality, and Capitalism is the obscuring of it.

I think that might be the wrong revolver. That meme might need a little fixing in the future.

Globalism and nationalism are both two sides of the same authoritarian coin.

This is proof that videogames causes violence.




Video games do cause violence and influence peoples thinking, just like all other media. Even if they don't, the issue isn't if they cause violence or not. The issue is if it's the creators should be legally required to give a shit.

Arguing about if they cause violence is besides the point.

Isn't this literally what DIGRA is doing?

You hispanic? Or in Zimmerman's case "white"

Fuck off you faggot Commie. Capitalism had fucking SHIT to do with the literal decades of government interference in education and family courts to basically insure that last generation was unfit to raise kids.
If it wasn't for government meddling, schools would absolutely still be able to harden kids up for the real world But NOOOOOO! we need privately funded SuperPACs by retards funneling money to make everyone collectively stupider by pushing policy through paid politicians.
Both in Burgerstand and the EW.

That's right whitey
once we're done learning we can maintain western society and high levels of 'diversity' with out you or your kind. Your days are numbered.

yep, hispanic

Same here.

So all Teodora Stoica and and the University of Louisville have proven with this is that context in sensitive scenarios is a thing that needs to be harnessed and analyzed more carefully.

Then video games get dragged into it because "look at how EVIL these games are!"

Why can't we get more fucking articles about fictional women making people "oppressive" being as bullshit as fictional violence making you a murderer?

Because the political elite are presently using women as a tool to divert the masses attention from actual failures of function, much like they do with any minority group, and if they lose the women are helpless card they can't use them as an excuse for "diversity hires" which is less of a tool for racial diversity and more of a tool in order to infiltrate and control companies with likeminded individuals within the same groups and offer resources from said company to their collective ideological group.

How do I format my post to get cursive?

Does not change shit. The same retards not only spewing mass projections about daring to enjoy violence doing the same for cartoon titties are not the only ones who can make articles calling out their bullshit.

Nope. This is the exact same narrative as everything else these people have spewed. This is just more them asserting that people cannot differentiate between fiction and reality, which is false as fuck obviously. It's the basis of their entire authoritarian censorship ideology. It's the same exact bullshit as those idiots who thought DnD made people into devil worshippers.

Actually it does considering there are two kinds of leftists on this planet
Snakes that will say ANYTHING as a grab at power over someone's life, and idiots who won't objectively consider the fact what group A is saying is utter bullshit. Do you really think that they care if people are killing eachother over videogames?
No! They want legally mandated authority to manipulate the industry as they see fit in their megalomania.

One needs to just look at how well run your own countries are by cartels.

So the fuck what? People on sites gaining popularity that GG promotes like Nichegamer and Techraptor can fucking write those articles and watch retards on Shitter bitch and pathetically try to condescend.

You think they'll gain any control over me? They'll fucking die long before. By me.

Reminder that the 1993 Senate Committee Hearings on Violence In Video Games was chaired by (((Joe Lieberman))), (((Herbert Kohl))), and Byron Dorgan (Christcuck). All Democrats.

Also, Hillary Clinton championed new regulations on video game sales after the "Hot Coffee" mod.

The greatest coup of the left in the sphere of vidya was making gamers believe it was the right that was trying to take their games away.

Then there needs to be a stronger and fucking meaner pushback against it.

And how do you propose to do that? The reason leftist propaganda works is because it appeals to the inherent narcissistic need of cucked whites, high on Christian pozz, to be "nice", or at least pretend to be in front of their peers.

It's easy and non-controversial to say niggers are human. By saying that you're a nice guy that thinks well of everyone and believes in the truth of individualism. Compare it to the kind of reaction you get when you show scientific proof niggers are an inferior form of life.

It's too late to deprogram the population, we are pretty much in the final stages of the collapse of Western civilization. Rome went to shit when they started allowing large populations of foreigners to settle in their lands, which was quickly followed by their encouragement to join the army and fight the wars the Romans did not want to fight anymore (because citizenship had become worthless, virtues and duty hollow in the wake of a corrupt and ineffectual state and a weakened middle class that had no incentive to keep the state propped up) and which eventually led to the complete disintegration of the empire.

This was preceded with female sexual "liberation", collapse of public morals and a new, divisive, Semitic ideology/religion worming its way into the culture. Am I the only one that sees the parallels here?

stop being so anti-diversity, user

no it literally isn't. Digra doesn't make games. how many years has gamergate been "digging digra" and people still haven't figured out what digra is. sad.

I'm talking about this reality and fiction bullshit, most of all with fictional women. It's fucking nonsense.

So is most of the shit women say, but since they have a vagina, and there are plenty of worthless sacks of shit that will do anything to put their dicks in a vagina, any vagina, shit keeps going down the slippery slope.

So you're telling me the right had no hand in video game censorship? It was all just a Jew trick and they were on our side all along?

On a methodical level yes.
Oh, and let me make it worse for you.
Hitler was a leftist

Consider the fact that the likes of Doom, Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem, etc. came out during a period when leftism was still not dominant in Western culture.

In the 1990s it was inconceivable that faggots would be allowed to make a mockery of marriage and be free to be pederasts in the open. And for all the muh satanism the right got on with in regards to Doom and Dungeons and Dragons it didn't stop these games from coming out in their entirety.

Can you imagine something like Duke Nukem 3D coming out in this day and age, with all the machismo and "objectification of women", and a story where a blonde, blue eyed white ubermensch sets about to save humanity and get all the hot women?

What we need to realize is that the two sides are not equally bad and never were. Leftism is a cultural blight, it corrupts and rots everything it touches.

I still want source on that song.

๐ต๐‘’๐’ถ๐“Š๐“‰๐’พ๐’ป๐“Š๐“ ๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡๐’ธ๐‘’!


Doesn't change the fact you can utterly crush it and convince plenty of others to help until the retards are humiliated into submission.

well that' because in spicland they teached cursive until 3rd grade. I don't know if they still do that anymore.
that or you're not a filthy indio.


every time


Are you new or something? That video is about a couple of thiefs that mugged and killed a taxi driver, the girl in the video was the gf of the killer and was involved in several murders

I'm not an immigrant user

Better question, are you new? user clearly put the word CARTEL in his post.


So the left has gone full christcuck, how long until they claim Vidya encourages demon worship.


you're a good man.

As if annoying fags that abuse spoiler text wasn't enough. Now you pretentious faggots will become even bigger pretentious faggots.


I can tell you this is bullshit right now. I happily mow down enemies in the games I play, but outside of vidya I wouldn't hurt anything. I feel guilty if I step on a Snail or a Spider, for fucks sake.

Muslims must play a lot of videogames! That explains it all!

I agree with you with the first part, but we need the distrust to inmigrants to survive, specially when it is an actual fact that they are savages.

I dont know man, one day I was happily playing vidya and the next I suddenly wanted to gas all the kikes and start a race war

I have severe arachnophobia and I don't even want to kill spiders.

They're more scared of me than I fucking am them.

the internet trains your brain to justify killing

Well, isn't anyone posting the "We are not Jack Thompson. We love videogames" song?

snails would kill you if they had a chance. but not before trying to impregnate you

Are we talking about the same snails here?

I never said you were.

Don't talk to f781c1, he's a schizophrenic.

im wary of anything that is equipped with "sex darts". theyre essentially hydralisks


Yet nothing happened. Meanwhile look what the leftists are doing to Japanese games now.

Kikes still want to kill and/or subvert videogames
More news at 11.

It's like it's 1994 again, just without all the good games.

โ€ฆgod dammit

and furfags and weebshit and goons and gays and spics and niggers and aliens and satan and jews and fbi and cia and nsa and ctr and jidf and gooks and cripples and manlets and pedos and sjws and assfaggots and whores and hitmen and man hunters and autists and trannies and nazis andโ€ฆ well you get it.

wasn't she and a few others involved in robbing and killing a driver got caught and the villagers were displeased?

I wasn't implying the cartels did it, I was just pointing out what savage animals spics are. user I was responding to said they could keep Western civilization going once whites were gone, I somehow doubt that.

For the sake of comparison, can someone explain to me what the difference between previous video and this one is supposed to be?

Vidya is an abstraction of real life. It doesn't have to be an accurate abstration, and any meta of sorts that develops around the abstraction won't apply to real life.
The closest thing I can think of to this would be the Tetris effect, but that's more about finding patterns than justifying murder.



really makes one thinkโ€ฆ

Then movies then literature then your little sister etcโ€ฆ
Everything shall be burned as an offering to social justice gods and hillary clinton.

Children as young as five understand that what is shown on the screen is not necessarily real. Leftists are basically saying they are dumber and more gullible than five year olds.

What did you think back in 2012?

I know it's called mental masturbation and I'm just preaching to the choir, but I still find it pretty funny.




global warmings is nod real :-DD
is hoags from Gyna :DD:-DDDD


This. Even the most "realistic" vidya gore is just comedic.
When real gore is at it's most absurd it still gets to me. Like that one cartel video where they had skinned some guys face and he was basically a talking skull.

When can we nuke San Francisco NOโ€ฆ.
I just what every single Marxist faggot to die a horrible death and send their asses to hell where they can forever burn with their other Marxist idols.

>get mad at trump because he said video games were bad 4 years ago a common opinion held here
your bait is weak

But user you can play all those games from 1994 now for free on cheap computers. Just because very few modern games are good doesn't mean you can't have fun.

And 2016 has been a good year for Japanese PC ports, who would have thought that we'd see EDF, Dragon's Dogma, Gal-Gun, Oneechanbara, Dead Rising 1, and Way of the Samurai on PC? Hell they even did a fucking linux port of Danganronpa this shit is crazy.
There were also at least a couple good games this year like Rabi Ribi or Devil Daggers

I'm not the user you're replying to but you can support a candidate without agreeing with absolutely everything they say. I voted for Trump but I certainly don't agree with his stance on the NSA, violent video games, and climate change. Nobody is perfect and in this shitty two party system you take what you can get.


I always use to feel bad when worms got stuck on the sidewalk after a rainstorm. I'd nudge them with my shoe back into the dirt.

Thanks for this OP.

First I made sure this wasn't a satirical website.
This reaks of

After comparing a soldier who is trained and ordered to kill with a murderer who was incarcerated and should naturally regret his actions she talks about the TV show Dexter, the series that quickly went to shit because after a couple seasons they no longer had any books to work off of and it showed.
Basically she was trying to bring up the moral quandary of vigilante justice without just saying that like a non-retarded person would.

She finally brings up a study by a bunch of Aussie assclowns and refers to what looks like CS:S, Not even CS:GO as simply "a video-game".
This study was done last year.
The subjects were not even playing, they were simply watching clips of CS:S, on Dust 2 and were told to imagine that they are the soldier.
So when the "civilian" aka what I like to imagine was a citizen of city 17 at least and not just a CT they told the viewers was "a civilian" was shot the viewers felt remorse.
But when it was a "soldier" there was no ethological response in the brain and seen as "justified".
The dumbest like fallows shortly there after with
A grown woman, a grown woman wrote this, not like a 10 year old or anything.

She compares a drill sargent to videogames in how they administer the "same level of training" but videogames administer it "unconsciously", I'm sure she meant subconsciously though.

The then shits 7 different kinds of shit about all violent media in general and her fears about an entire generation of psychopathic killers.
Oh I get it now! She is a time traveler.

She quotes a scientist who more or less explains that humans find it easier to kill other humans when then don't care about the other human's life very much.
She quotes a holocaust survivor who also explains much of the same.
Yep, she is a time traveler, she uses decapitation examples that are borderline cartoony.
The isometric game and calls it "profanity laced" which I honestly don't remember it having that much?

Downright goes on to demonize particularly males who play videogames as they are according to a study
I click on every source but to read the "scientific journals" that make these statements you have to give them $20 to $36.

Lastly she literally advocates using videogames as a brainwashing tool to "train inhibition" but at least acknowledges the "ethically questionable" nature of doing that.
Still wants to though.

i doubt he has time to dedicate anything towards video games, he has much bigger fish to fry. As for the nsa thing all i heard from him was that facebook and twitter were dragging their feet when it came to isis using them for recruitment purposeseven though they were quick to ban anything complaining about the so-called religion of peace and that he was pissed about it. as for climate change, let's tell china to stop spewing so much shit into the air before we spend a shitton of money on something that isn't an immediate danger


Spics are basically niggers that tried actually building houses rather than huts, but are still equal to niggers on how they shouldn't exist.

Thanks to spics not only do we see obesty rates increase 10 fold in America and Canada, we see a huge increase of incestuous behaviour as well as incestuous crimes of said beaner parents raping their kids and using them in illegal prostitution rings. Niggers do it too, but not even close to the amount spics do.

You're probably a beaner yourself, since it seems only beaners use that term 'indio' thinking there's a difference between the two when you beaners whom think you're "White" are usually just that nasty ass egg-shell brown color, or rather the color of feces once it's smeared upon toilet paper.

Then you have the beaners that claim up and down they're 'white' and then it turns out their actual kikes. Either way, beaners destroy literally everything they touch, from servers on any fucking game possible, to just moving into one town, then suddenly over night, their entire extended family moves in to their apartment, and then suddenly they flood the town causing crime to increase, illiteracy to increase, and a ton of pregnant 13 year old beaners waddling about. The worst part is, you beaners go OUT of your way to pretend to be niggers, on top of your parents and your elderly beaners going OUT of their way to be fucking stupid, not being able to speak English, believing in witch doctor shit when they have medical issues that can be solved easily, on top of just being fucking beady eyed moronic freaks.

I feel bad for you two, you two probably just come here to 'avoid' all that shit, but sadly you end up just bringing more of your kind here, probably why we have such an influx of spics here on Holla Forums is due to beaners whom are embarrassed to be around their own kind, and in turn end up attracting them cause in their mind, they actually 'think' they're 'equal' to whites, therefore, 'are white'.

4chan is a good example of beaners flooding the fucking place, therefore leading to it's demise, especially Holla Forums with those stupid fucking "Mexican Generals" filled with 12 year old beaners posting their facebooks, jerking off to each other's obese mothers, pretending to be their ugly ogre looking mothers to get one another to show each other their micro-cocks, and somehow no one got banned.

It sounds worse than I expected.

Remember when they said they weren't Jack Thompson?

Wetbacks don't kill nearly as much as niggers, but they sure love driving drunk and raping, especially children.

Louis "Cuck King" C.K. is a good example.

There is nothing worse than a HUE HUE HUE on a server. At least Russians are methodical and skilled in their malice, the spic just lacks the cognitive ability to figure out what he is supposed to be doing and will keep screaming his spic language all the way.

Yes, they do, that's including how they act in their own countries, not just America. So that being said the amount that niggers and beaners do is equal, in terms of frequency, I'd say numbers would be more with beaners though cause of the amount of children and women they seem to just burn through, hell beaners are willing to light an innocent 16 year old beaner alive thinking she murdered some kid, turns out it wasn't her, so an entire town of 'innocent' beaners, you know the so called 'hard working' bullshit types you see always getting shoveled here committed such an atrocious act that was equal if not WORSE than niggers, right up there with sharia law bullshit honor killings and such.

Cause I don't know if you heard, or even saw that video, but that just makes me hate beaners even more, it's worse when you bother to go out of your way to see what disgusting shit they do in America, and the fact we just let it happen. It fills me with such a rage, and it's not just them, the shit you hear about niggers acting as if they own a certain city, town, or even a fucking coastline when they're powerless morons cowardly killing one another, and the like because they can't and won't bother doing such things by their lonesome.

It just proves the hive-mind mentality is cancerous as it is poisonous, hell the way they act, especially beaners proves that communism will NEVER work, NEVER EVER.

he IS a good example, just a kike ginger who uses the fact he was born in mexico or whatever is now his shield when he memes about, then again he acts just as dumb as your typical beaner so good for him I guess.

Russians are a god send to play with after being stuck with dumb fucking HUE HUEs fucking on their never ending desperate quest for 'pussy' as they constantly beg and look for girls, as their sprays are those ugly fucking, I don't even know how to describe it? Those orange weird hook-nosed rat looking beaner girls whom are either too fucking skinny, and apparently that's like a thing naturally where their just too fucking skinny, OR they just got fake tits that look so fucking oogy you just sit there and wonder how someone can get hard off such a thing. Their faces perplex me as well, I don't even know where to begin with these so called 'hot' beaners.

Russians purposely act like clowns because they know it's either expected, or they do it to psyche you out and then make you fuck up when playing, countless times with Counter Strike 1.5 when you have like a fucking Russian on the other team always finding the time to shit-talk AND fucking murder your ass with the precision of a surgeon and you can't tell he's cheating or just too fucking good. Luckily they're easy to get along with, cause they just wanna play video games. Spics/Beaners on the other hand, lack self-awareness, as with all non-whites, therefore have no clue why they're playing, how to actually 'git good', or you know, not be a fucking retard.

You know what I'm talking about with the weird skinny hook-nosed beaner bitches that they pine for but at the same time call them indians or whatever? But it makes no sense cause THEY ALL LOOK THE FUCKING SAME. I want that explained to me.

because they're not actually leftists.

well they're certainly not right, they're wrong, you know, left. Like people who are left-handed.

that stupid nigger was asking for it.

I doubt I'd have ever needed to explain my folder of pro-Nazi images and webms/mp4s if it weren't for videogames, because I extremely likely wouldn't have had any such folder without videogames. Not that it makes me want to murder or anything, or commit any other crime, but I mean, like, videogames man. They weird, innay?

why are you telling outright lies

no true scotsman

That user was likely referring to EVE in which case he would be correct. The only other multiplayer game I've played with Russians has been Dota 2 and they are incompetent retards whenever they jump onto NA servers.

they're not wrong

it's thanks to video games that I'm completely ready for rahowa

id like to think a game like eve just attracts overall less foolish people.

there's tards on eve but you have to out of your way to find them.

the russian tards people usually run into are those kids born in like 2000/1999 or whatever.

They seem to have an obsession with those who think like they are under 5 years old.

So people feel guilty if an innocent non threatening person is killed but not if an armed and hostile person is killed, effectively in self defense, no one has a real problem with that.


Stay away from me, schizo.


And you call me a liar?

I don't think niggers have the capacity to think. They live in the here and now, past and future do not exist for them.

Nintendo did that shit with any mention of cigarettes and alcohol, yet Doom and Blood and all other manner of occult themed games came out no problem.

Fuck off to Holla Forums and trying to engage in false equivalence.


You're fully aware all ethnically non-europeans lack self-awarness right?

As in genetically speaking they lack what effectively makes a human, a human. There are legitimate animals that actually show and have been showing they have self-awarness for a while now, like Cats, Dogs, Birds for example. Meanwhile we're forced treating your average shit-skinned moron as an equal, when effectively my fucking parrot is smarter than their entire race.

Now that's a meme.

its not me i swear

Boy howdy!

you implied it
unless you're saying the state i'm in is spicland

well goons might be asshats but they have the capacity to be organized enough that i wouldnt label them 100% brazil juice tier.
its the difference between ants and i guess hyenas. ants of course being organized while hyenas do the heavy lifting for lions but they have a bad reputation for saying "kekkle kekkle"

I was being sarcastic

ok, wtf did she do to be grouped up like this?

I forgot to spoiler this initially

Doom and Wolfenstein still came out censored in the NES, same with Mortal Kombat. at last that's where genesis did what nintendon't

videogames have been scientifically problem to cause thousands of mental problems, justification of killing isn't nothing near the casual bigotry and sexism you hear during a simple online game -a symptom i like to call hate gaming- especially nowadays with remnants of the gamergate rape campaign and trump supporters going around freely. this is why i personally monitor the content my wife's son accesses online, i really hope president hillary will put a stop with both online hate speech and hate gaming.

like drop out of the console race?


Just because people are primitive doesn't mean they are nonsapient. Certainly asians are self aware. So are Basques. And so are Amerindians (which are basically just and admixture of asian, Solutrean, and in some cases Polynesian that have gone native).


Don't bother responding or trying to argue with him user, he's an infamous shitposter that just likes to make shit up, luckily he's incredibly easy to spot since he goes on huge unrelated tangents, I keep seeing him in Holla Forums shitposting about spics every single thread. He thinks people in Spain speak "Royal Spanish", a completely different language than the one spoken in South America.

Asians aren't self-aware, the only ones that can be classified as such are the Japs, and that's because of the Ainu.

Again, you seem to not understand what the whole "self-awarness"situation means, and how it is indeed a genetic trait that only those apart of the Europoid race seem to have, while everyone else does not.

I mention the Japanese, more specifically the Ainu for the Ainu themselves were descendants of Europoids whom migrated east and went beyond siberia, the rest of the Europoids whom wished to expand further went south from Siberia, rather a little bit before you get into the middle of it, and ended up near Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan to just give you the supposed region, then their basically went right back to Europe.

I don't know why you're getting emotional when this is scientific fact, that those whom do not have self-awareness are not 'human' in any sense of the proper definition. For the thing that makes us human is that we do not actively seek out our death by doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different outcome, or you know, constantly leeching off others merely to sustain themselves without actually putting in the effort to do so, IE like a virus, or a parasite, but I liken them to a virus due to the fact that viruses themselves seem to act upon some sort of pattern unbeknownst to us due to them being an enigma already, we know they make people sick, but they act as if they need sustenance, something that apparently 'isn't alive' goes through dire lengths in order to just corrupt cells, spread it's DNA and thus reproduce, and actively fighting against anti-bodies, and it's host as if it were indeed 'self-aware'.

All in all, You bring up asians, unfortunately for you, Mongoloids as a whole are the WORST example for you to try and claim that, whole bullshit statement of how just because people are primitive doesn't mean they are non-sapient.

Asians, along with ALL mongoloids carry Autism genetically as a hereditary trait that only mongoloids have, which apparently this also occurs in Negroids as well, due to a certain enzyme that only Mongoloids seem to have from birth, meanwhile Europoids not once have been born or have been found to have this specific enzyme that ultimately disrupts said Mongoloid's DNA structure to now give birth to this trait, this trait being hereditary Autism.

You bring up Basques as if they're now not 'European'. What are you trying to say here? That Spaniards from Spain are now not European? Completely disregarding their contributions to European culture despite their hardships and dealing with idiotic mudslimes head on? And Amerindians are indeed no different than the average nigger when it comes to self-awareness.

Why? Cause they're mongoloids, look at their ancestors that walk the earth today? Equally as stupid and pathetic, sucking down Listerine and acting like a bunch of kike-in-training crying about 'muh land' when they aren't even NATIVE to America to begin with, they are NATIVE to Asia, more specifically the area above Mongolia that housed the Bhutanese.

Ethnically non-Europeans lack self-awareness, you seem to be mistaking mimicry for actual through processes that actually occur within Europoids.

I can literally go and interview your average beaner on the street, average nigger, 'native' american, indian, etc and they'd all be nothing short of a mouth breathing shit-stain that only lives in the now, instead of planning ahead or bothering to live for themselves, rather live in some twisted hive-mind mentality with the soul purpose being money, rather than actually living a fulfilled life.

They'd rather instead of improving themselves, having pride for their own worthless shit-skinned ethnicity and their equally worthless nationalities and would rather flee to a Europoid filled country just to leech and mooch, purely the money they will NEVER recirculate within said european/american economy, to only drain and consume, to never actually create or provide or give back to the society they desperately wish to be apart of, going as far as mimicking it, but still falling short not understanding there is only ONE society, and that's European Society, the one everyone is living in right now.


you must be fun at parties

The fuck is Royal Spanish? Plus I don't understand why you come in here with your (1), as if you're sitting here waiting for any user to start pointing out how wetbacks are equal to niggers and therefore are apart of the problem, but here you are crying about stupid shit like "Royal Spanish" and thinking that the Spanish spoken in America is actually the same as what's spoken in Spain.

I don't think you even know what an unrelated tangent is, since you didn't see what happened in this thread, just happened to see an user discussing with another user about HUE HUEs and why they should fuck off, but you come here crying because you're hurt you can't handle the bantz that spics are indeed worthless and fucking nothing short of mouth-breathing retards, and being one yourself, you have to attack anyone whom dares mocks your kind.

Yeah no, Not from Holla Forums, just posting facts and nothing but facts. I like how no one gives a shit when you start mocking Russians online, but as soon as someone dares to talk about HUE HUEs online and how they're fucking equal to how they act offline, oh better start an uproar cause you're some spic without self-awareness who feels offended for being simply reminded.

that's something a Holla Forumsack would say
scared because you've been discovered schlomo?

As if you go to any parties to begin with.

I don't know what this guy is talking about with the Royal Spanish shit, I think he's just some dumb beaner kid who got fucked with in a thread, and now is constantly trying to find anyone talking 'negatively' about beaners and is now making shit up so that he can feel better about himself and his short-comings.

I'm not a kike, but you seem to be if you start off with the typical ad-hom shit like

When someone like you not only has never been to a party, but probably never will be. You can look up this info yourself about Mongoloids being born with legitimate autism, and how it is indeed hereditary.

But what do you do instead? You not only start using the Holla Forums boogey man shit, and not only that using the improper spelling for Holla Forumsak, proving you're probably a kike and thus saying stupid shit like

Seriously, are you actually going to try here? Or are you another frustrated beaner actually thinking you're viewed as an equal around here?

you keep denying that you're the same guy who talked about "Royal Spanish". That's something bad liars do. also that claim about you being fun at parties sure triggered you.

listen here you beaner piece of trash. go eat your fuckin disgusting goya meals while you wait for mami to come home from cleaning some rich white mans house. btw. i fucked your mother. pic related. me.


Cause I'm not. Why aren't you attacking here?

He started the initial discussion on how spics are disgusting immoral creatures. Then you start talking like a child about how this is something bad liars do, then thinking I've been triggered over making fun of you for coming up with the most pettiest and autistic insult that dumb 13 year old girls/spics uses when they can't think of anything else to say when cornered thinking ad-homs would be a good idea.

So where are your facts that prove me wrong? Outside of this dumb shit about "Royal Spanish"? Cause you seem awfully concerned over people mocking beaners. Why's that?

Why do you care so much about spics? Or you know, why haven't you bothered antagonizing the other user whom is posting about spics, or you know how the thread is about video games makes people justify killing, and how this thread in itself was always going to devolve into race disproving video games have nothing to do with justified killings due to the fact Beaners, Niggers and other non-whites lack self-awareness, thus have no issue killing someone, anyone for that matter as long as they're being pat on the back for doing it by their peers.

I'd ask the same to you.
that guy just said spics are stupid niggers, you on the other hand go on an autistic rage about it.

Well, I wouldn't be surpised if some of these facist pig police player video games.

It normalizes the idea of militant capitalism, I mean when else are video games but just another extensions of the capitalist machine.

They make an excellent point.

Probably why those Holla Forums retards are always larping on their "muh shooter" games, sad.

zimmermans alright

It's on topic, people were talking about it.

The real question is, when I was talking about niggers, no one cared, I kept talking about niggers, no one cared.

I compare beaners to niggers, now I got two dumb beaners trying to suck my cock out of frustration because you are now ousted and now feel vulnerable. You are disregarding the other user's shit-talking spics, us agreeing on how spics are simply non-human alongside niggers, but you only seem to care about spics.

I didn't go on any autistic rage, the one big ass post I made was to correct the other user for being wrong, being wrong about natives, being wrong about his faggot assumption about how primitive people are still equal to those whom aren't primitive, which is a fucking lie, a kike lie.

So I'll ask you again, since seem stupid and incapable of actually reading, let alone comprehending what's happening here, Why do you care so much about spics when they are being spoken of negatively?

Why does this bother you? If you are not a beaner, then this shouldn't concern you, and if it does, then it proves you're a beaner and the only reason you're trying all these autistic attempts at libel on my part is because you are hurt by what was said, therefore showing you not only agree with said negative viewpoints, but know they are indeed true and are only acting out to try and make some faggot clause that because you're a 'good beaner', that you should be accepted no matter what.

So what's the answer? Or are you going to make up more excuses you illiterate fuck?

I sincerely hope you're jesting and now some idiotic kike trying to slide what you don't want the 'goys' to know about. Then again the way you phrased everything makes be believe you typed that with your hook-nose lingering over the damn keyboard. Fucking pinko cuckold, I bet you're going to next cry that real communism was never tried before right?


when did I ever sympathize with spics let alone defend them? all I know is that you're some faggot who keeps denying that he's a guy who thinks Latin American Spanish and Castilian Spanish are two completley different languages.

And since I don't agree with you, you assume everyone who's against you must be a spic even though spics can't into the internet. maybe you're one of those self hating spics

I really hate this meme, what the fuck does post count have to do with the content of the post? do you go on forums and only respond to the dicksuckers with 1k+ posts or some shit? but yeah that dude is probably a Holla Forums retard.

I'm a spic and I like King of Fighters; who want's to hide me and my 50 cousins when Trump becomes el jefe? I'll mow your lawn and farm for you.

You have to go back user, go and make a living winning KoF tournaments.

You did, just now by crying over me talking about scientific fact about beaners and other mongoloids carrying a hereditary form of autism. If I did not make one peep about beaners, you wouldn't have bothered hopping on another device to (1) yourself here to announce some autistic shit about "Royal Spanish" which you gave yourself away when on your other ID, which I'm sure you were in this thread previous because of the other user thinking he was the guy you were looking for, sadly wasn't and now you saw me and thought I was indeed the same guy.

I've seen you multiple times, same images, same faggot paper thin rhetoric trying to defend beaners every fucking time someone talks about them. You don't know shit, since you're trying way too hard to now go against spics saying 'spics can't into the internet' which who fucking talks like that, but then here's the kicker.

Nice projection, not only have I caught you same-fagging, but now after being caught, and hung out to dry for everyone to see, you're now resorting to ad-hom and strawman attacks like a fucking grade schooler thinking crying like a bitch will stop the argument and negate all facts present.

Nope, I know you're a spic purely for the fact you not only typed the same way as the other (1) spic, but because you focused on the same dumb shit he was whining about, even focusing on the same shit, but then you made the mistake of forgetting what ID you were using. I honestly don't expect much from a moron that thinks Beaners speak the exact same dialect that's spoken in Spain when not only they don't, but they might as well be a different language due to the huge amount of 'native' words present in Beaner spanish that are not fucking present in European Spanish. Exactly the same with Portugese and Brazilian porgugese.

I'm still waiting on that too, do you think Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese is the same language? Or are you just going to ignore everything I said and whine about how you're a self-hating spic getting upset I'm ruining your little hug-box where you come here to feel 'white' or whatever faggot shit is going through your little rat faggot brain.

Do I seriously have to explain? There's a justified reason as to why people do it, and if you can't guess why, I'd re-read your own post right now so you can understand why it's done.

Why would anyone want a dumb beaner whom probably is just another uneducated, unskilled moron to mow and apparently fucking 'farm'. When not only have people been mowing their own longs by themselves for the longest time, but why in the fuck would someone wnat some dumb, fat, short, ugly, and moronic beaner 'farming' for them?

Explain this to me, why do you assume people cannot do this themselves, or rather why do you assume that apparently no one does this themselves? I'm 100% positive you know nothing of agriculture either, since no beaner does to begin with anyway. Since I'm sure you think picking fucking fruit = farming.

Okay? I get that is apparently a beaner thing, but guess what? The only reason beaners give a shit about KOF is because of how cheap it is to get bootleg arcade machines rigged up in that shit hole you call Mexico, not because SNK actually cares about what goes on down there cause they never seen any fucking profit down there from all the piracy. So all that being said, it's not like you're even good at KOF, you probably just fucking sit there watching the pretty sprites go by as your parents are raping your other siblings as you wait for your turn to get raped.

Why not just make a board where everyone registers an account and has a posting history? Why do these faggots not understand what an anonymous imageboard is?

Removing these stupid ids would solve this, but god forbid it, because the "shills" can't be tracked.

And it's gone up since hasn't it?

Relax lad. I hate niggers as much as you, but you can't say every single one is lacking in sapient. Surely, the extremely few who are intelligent are still possessing inferior genepools, but that's hardly comparable to literally being a porch monkey is it?

why you feel the need to post huge walls of text just to convey "i don't like mexicans"?

I love you too user.

Shit fam you're a bully; I'm not inviting you to my taco party. Good luck getting cheap labour when crop picking season comes.

IDs are perfectly fine, they're not board wide, just in threads and even then it's not breaking the rules of what an anonymous imageboard is.

Something tells me you're from reddit, and not only that a fucking dumb kike who thinks getting rid of IDs is a good thing when it not only stops fucking samefagging on a good degree, but allows individuals to actually know who the fuck they're talking to, and call them out on bullshit if they have the nerve to samefag, even if they're samefagging with another device thinking another ID will 'hide' them. Go back to fucking 4cuck you stupid fuck, it's already bad enough you dumb exodus fuckwits know nothing about the whole (1) thing, but this exodus allowed for a massive surge of dumb self-hating beaners and autistic niggers, sand-niggers and the like to flood this fucking site like it's a god damned public pool, ready to be filled with shit and piss.

You realize you're not just using the wrong word, but coming off as a complete and utter moron when you're using sapient instead of sentient.

Every single one is lacking self-awareness, thus making them non-human. Why is that a problem? What is that bothering you so much? They're their own species, unrelated to humans, and that's on them. So why are you trying to force this silly idea that the so called 'inferior genepools' are now equal to those whom aren't inferior, and whom aren't lacking self-awareness.

Do you even know what it means to be born with self-awareness? Let alone the context of self-awareness when it comes to a genetic standpoint?

I replied to multiple people, hence the big post.

Why do you feel the need to whine and bitch only about beaners as if you're an offended spic when again I'm talking about all non-whites being non-human? Come up with a better rebuttal instead of just being an illiterate moron whom not only is blind, but incapable of understanding how replies work.

Cheap labour? How about no, There are whites/ethnic Europeans whom have been doing those jobs for centuries without the aid of some mouth-breathing, unskilled, uneducated beaner that bitches and moans about picking fruits all day, but is ready and happy to spend all that money back in their third world shithole for drugs and prostitution regarding underage girls. A criminal is a criminal kid, the fact you think whites apparently will stop growing crops if we were to berid the world of you is not only amusing, but showing that you beaners are solely dependent on whites for your existence and your economy and 'society' to function.

Thanks for proving my point beaners go out of their way to imitate niggers, but will definitely go out of their way to remind you how much they 'hate' them.

Okay? What's the point in saying gay shit like "I love you too user"? Are you one of those spics that seems to just love being around whites all day where you'll just feel complete as an individual if you can try to force one more white person to 'accept' you?

are you of sound mind and body

There's literally nothing wrong with autistic chink-engrish trash; maybe you need more diversity in your life amigo. You should play some fun vidya games to take the edge off.

Look at this spic responding to you from all these different devices! Surely it's the same one because only that shitskin could disagree with you!

It must be your paranoid schizo voices in your head. If you have such a problem with people pretending to be who they are not why do you even use an anonymous imageboard?

Of all things, of all places, you choose to indulge in your paranoid obsession with peoples identities here? Why? This is the most impractical place to complain about these things.

Excuse me for being up late and not knowing English perfectly.

I hate to argue on Nigger's behalf, but have you ever heard of Thomas Sowell?

Why does it bother you so much that a small handful aren't retarded?

I agree that they are their own species, but they're still genetically related to us. Incompatible nonetheless, however.

Learn to read retard, nobody said anything about Equal. Infact, I was clear that even their best is still inferior to our average.

You don't seem to.

Not only that defending that autistic chink macro shit, when it's literally one guy spamming it, I can't even start with how fucking moronic you are. Not only that, I'm positive I'm the only one here playing an actual video game.

Sage isn't a downvote you know, I already know the guy crying about "Royal Spanish" was the other guy based on how he was posting prior, and how he was waiting and slipped by posting shit I've seen that other guy post in threads I was lurking in when he was attacking another user over spics when the thread was mocking third worlders TF2.

You seem rather upset that I not only have this under control, but you can't handle seeing someone not crumbling under all the autistic attempts from brain-dead shitskins trying to muck up Holla Forums.

Schizo voice? Are you using ad-hom and projection being what would be something that only hypocrites do? wew boy, a post ID has nothing to do with one's actual identity.

I think you don't understand the function of what an ID is versus the concept of identity as a whole, I think you're just a dumb fuck whom lacks the actual means to understand what's being asked of you as a poster here when it comes to dealing with shills and the like. Though I'm sure you know nothing about that due to being new. Again, if IDs bother you so fucking much, leave and don't come back, go find another 'anonymous' imageboard to fucking whine about captchas or what-have you, cause captchas ALSO infringes on an individuals sense of anonymity.

has he come back?

Excuse me, but it's actually called TUMBLRTALE. Please get your memes correct.


do you have all the posts he made ?

i remember there being like 10+

i used to have the archive but i lost it like a retard
that was an amazing thread

Yes saging isn't a downvote, it doesn't bump shit threads like these that have long since gone off topic though.
Funny how you say IDs allow individuals know who they're talking to yet you haven't realized that person that made fun of you for the royal Spanish thing and going on tirades (which you are doing now). And you also seem to think everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, seems like IDs are wasted on you, huh?

Do you think a Nigger just regurgitating what's been said a thousand times before him, and what will be said a thousand times after him makes any difference? No, he's just mimicking those before him in an attempt to make it seem as if he's on the 'righteous path', ie being a 'good' nigger. Other than that he has contributed nothing of value outside of upsetting his own nigger brethen, people who use him as an example tend to not understand how easy it is to bring up some nobody that people only care about because he's saying what's merely taboo cause it's negative towards the speaker, not necessarily because he's 'right' or rather because he's 'special'.

A small handful aren't retarded? are you kidding me? They are ALL retarded, it's a genetic trait, it's hereditary, the legitimate autism that mongs and groids have is indeed hard-coded in their DNA. This bullshit about 'small handfuls' of them being not retarded doesn't mean shit when they're still retarded compared to the rest of us whites, and even more so when they're still equally as useless. They are not genetically related to us either, I don't see you posting any facts that prove such at thing, if they were, they'd look exactly like ethnic Europeans, if they were, they'd be apart of the Europoid race and wouldn't be a bunch of squat, fat, ugly, mouth-breathing troglodytes.

You're the retard who needs to learn how to read, since you seem to not even understand how you just were crying for the equality when you're saying shit like, "have you ever heard of Thomas Sowell, they're still genetically related to us!"

You're trying a bit too hard to push that they should be among 'us', when I'm doubting your European ancestry purely for the fact you're completely disregarding fact for emotions, even saying shit you know damn well is incorrect. Again, I will say it once more, Do you even know what it means to be born with self-awareness? Cause if you did, you wouldn't be trying so hard to pick apart my post when you're clearly some ESL mouth breathing, uneducated and unskilled waste of carbon.

I killed 33 wyminz because of [VIDEOGAME] and GamerGate.

Go meme yourself.

You're saging again like it's a downvote.

Are you that inept that you can't handle being wrong that you have to show the world you're upset by trying to downvote? Not only that, you seem to act like I don't know which individuals were the dumb cry-baby spic, I know which ID he was using, and the other ID he was using, using two IDs, two devices to try and samefag to try and derail the thread cause he's a dumb faggot spic looking to pick fights and battles he will not win, constantly looking for some user that blasted his ass god knows how long, to the point from seeing that shit from the sidelines, he has the same typos, same images.

I never said everyone who disagrees with me is the same person, care to show me where I said everyone is? I only pointed out one instance of samefagging, you seriously are one dumb motherfucker. Would not be surprised if you were some half-nigger child trying far too hard to act like he's of some importance whining about anonymity when you only came to this site last year like the rest of you disgusting shitskins.

Your entire posts toward me are just insults and saying I am from Reddit.

wait i found the archive

Oh, so it's okay for you to ad-hom, but not me?

Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind, I keep forgetting I'm dealing with libs who are still in grade school whom can't handle the fact that in a real argument, ad-homs don't matter, to the point you completely let my sarcastic comment go over your head. You might as well be from reddit if you're dumb enough to whine about me mocking you for being from there.

such a small world we're in, now to archive this thread.

That's what I want to ask you.

You must be really upset if you have to post screencaps of another guy whom I'm guess made fun of you? And now you think by posting said screencaps, will change anything that's being said.

I don't understand what you're actually trying to do here, outside of not grasping that the majority of people here on Holla Forums agree with those posts, more specifically the second one in terms of how 8/v/ is becoming tainted with the same trash we tried avoiding in the first place back in 4cuck. It's like you kids sit here everyday hoping that if you post screencaps like that, it'll catch on, but it never does, and you're back at square one clutching on to shit that backfires when it's literally proving how much of a shitskin you are. Now that I just can't get, but I can't help but laugh anyway, that's some real autistic dedication.

No that's what I'm asking you? Why do you lib shits cry ad-hom? but go out of your way to do said ad-hom? Do you not think?

It's already amusing I riled up a bunch of dumb spics who sit around all day waiting to find some user who made them I guess hurt themselves or some shit, and are now on some mission to make what said user said 'wrong' even though again, everyone agrees with what is being said in said screencap.

I don't think any of you morons would even bother talking shit if it meant actually opening your mouths to speak, cause it'd just end up with a bunch of pedros crying on the mic stuttering with god knows what in the back ground, a couple of kikes wheezing and thus chickening out when promptly dealt with.

Don't try and pull the whole, "NO YOU" to me calling you out for being autistic/asstistic
I don't think you understand where you are, that's fine, but when you're spamming this shit since Saturday, hell I've seen this kid spamming this shit prior to that around the middle of last month, and he's probably been busy doing it longer than that, that's where the line is crossed. Where it goes from just being in one thread where some sexually depraved cake boy begs to see cartoon pussies and asses on Holla Forums, since he can't figure out how to use the board list, to garbage threads flooding the front page of Holla Forums, which has gotten worse since you second exodus and Reddit children hopped the bandwagon to our paradise.
When I see the same autistic anime spamming retards spam and derail threads that are nothing but video game discussion, cause they don't like the game in question.
But of course, the hypocritical vocal minorities like yourself manage to get the sway and let legitimately entertaining and excellent game discussion fade away because of memes and the fact you have to have someone teach you how to rub your tiny micro-bobo. The shit that's being spammed right now, I only see maybe two characters that actually stem from video games, while the rest? Not fucking video games. You can try and help this kid by spamming autistic shit from Soul Caliber and Lost Planet, but my point still stands.
The blatant hypocrisy and screaming like chimps shtick is just pitiful, Oh Holla Forums, what the fuck happened to you? We were so close to being back to '05 status, the good old days on IRC.
Memes, not even once. I get that you're both young-in's and that you're lonely and all, but come on now. This is vidya, not little baby who's desperate as fuck to try and get paper pussy
Memes son, they're not good for you, I'm just trying to be helpful and give you boys advice, advice your step-peppers failed to give you
If you're not white, it would explain the behavior that's happening right now, if so, continuing what you're doing. I know you little apes love dem may-mers!

What a story, Mark!

He sounds drunker than I am, if I got angrydrunk instead of happydrunk.

So are you saying Whites are no different? You're doing the same.

Can you tell me what specific gene or allele it is that gives them a 'hard coded' lack of awareness or retardation?

So a Liberal traitor is better to you than a nigger like Sowell or Obongo's brother?

Do I really need to? We can use genetic FST to show it if we want, but unless you argue that Neanderthals are also not related to us you're wrong. Furthermore, the fact that we can have (Mutated and disgusting) children between different species means that there is enough relation to consider the individual races subspecies rather than entirely seperate species.

So are you saying ethnic europeans aren't ethnic europeans? Do you think Italians, Brits, and Hungarians look the exact same too?

How is that crying for equality? You do seem to be right about one thing: You aren't Holla Forums related, as truth is valued more than shitty rhetoric or strawman arguments. Which is why I told you why your statement isn't accurate.

Can you point to where I said that? Because I believe we should genocide all semites and deport every non-white back to designated areas in their home continent. And of course, any who resist should be killed.

Do you? You seem to be lacking in it since you're so incredibly hypocritical between each post.

Pic Related. You seem upset user, go lift until your arms are aching and then come back. That way, even if you're still butthurt, you won't wanna type as much.

Whads happeninges here :DDD?

Black guy here

I can read this. and also decided to start reading the great gatsby for some reason.


You ad-homed me first, and I didn't care because I am a gentleman. But when I made a small joke at your expense you threw a fit about it.

don't you get it, you're the shitskin so rules don't aply to you, but Mr Aryan man is immune from all rules because he's so wise.

Nice copypasta, doesn't change anything.

I'm pretty sure I'm a good representation of Holla Forums, not like some faggot like you would know any better being underage and all.

Ah, the good old 'pick the post apart' reddit technique.

See, this is where you are misisng the point, just because a nigger is repeating what Whites have known and have been saying long before his nigger ass was concieved doesn't mean shit coming from a nigger. IE just because a shitskin realizes they're worthless doesn't make them an upstanding citizen and thus should be given a free pass, and instead should at least pretend to give a shit about their own fucking selves and care for their own nations instead of leeching of the european race.

You can literally look this up right now, and yet you didn't before bothering to ask me that question in an attempt of trying to then claim whatever source I'll post incorrect. You can literally find the allele from googling said respective question, and it is indeed present in all Mongoloids as well as Negroids.

Where did I bring up liberals? Where did I bring up that I would prefer a liberal? I don't prefer traitors or niggers, the fact you think that proves you're just pulling kike hat-tricks instead of actually presenting any rebuttals that aren't you being a dumb child asking questions that can be easily answered with a search engine, instead of you trying to say faggot shit saying "he sounds drunker than I am" thinking anyone cares about how drunk you are. Did you just bring that up to try and show how you're 'old' therefore know what you're talking about? I don't think so.

And I'm sure you don't have an answer for that, but I'm sure you think you're a big smart boy brining up the fixation index without actually knowing what it's used for, rather than taking it out of context like every other liberal retard thinking it's a means to an end that we're "all the same".

No cause they're three different ethnic groups, all ethically European kid, what the fuck kind of moronic question is that? are you trying to say that now all Europeans are just one ethnicity and all look the same? Cause for Mongoloids and Negroids they do ALL look the same, that's not the case with Europeans due to actually having genetic diversity. My god you're one dumb fucking kike aren't you?

You're still crying for equality and such by implication and your pseudo-intellectual dribble thinking you know better for looking at wikipedia, and at the same time not even knowing what I'm talking about when it comes to legitimate hereditary autism, something you should have known if you weren't a complete fucking dip.

Then you're coming here with the whole genocide all semites, deport every non-white back, but at the same time, arguing with me that there is no difference between semites, non-whites, and whites. Using mental gymnastics rather an actual act to prove that we're all 'genetically related' when that's not the case and never was.

You again avoid my question, thus invalidating all the pointless kike garbage you just tried to shovel into this thread.

I asked you one simple question, what does it mean to be born with self-awareness, and your only reply is you making a shitty insult rather than giving me an educated answer, which I know is hard for some pompous redditor to actually give, let alone know.

And you finish off using butt-hurt, repeating what I said earlier with projection.

You're not that bright are you?

do you like video games, user?

This is the face of autism.

No, you're a fucking moron, you actually think I was serious about said ad-hom when I not only made it clear it was sarcasm, but since you're illiterate, or just retarded, you seem to not understand that ad-hom never mattered to begin with.

Let me tell you why, because this isn't grade school, therefore using ad-hom doesn't matter, in fact, it never has. You think copying the flowchart that finds it's way aroudn the net is actual fact, which for that I feel bad for you when it comes to you actually giving proper rebuttals and when you actually have to refute something rather than paper thin fallacies like c46d34 whom when they get told, they resort to petty mental gymnastics and other pitiful kike attempts at trying to put words in other individuals mouths and the like to try and seem as if they have any grip on what's happening. You have to be a spic, no one can be this fucking retarded.

Someone better cap the thread, it's going to be one of those >(43) threads

What part of that I'm the only one in this thread probably actually playing one right now do you not understand?

And yet you're here right now, trying to bandwagon cause you see a bunch of shitskins crying because they were corrected, and now we have the tumblr tyke coming out of the wood work with a game made by a kike/furry thinking you have anything to say that'd actually weigh in on said matter.

She fell over because of her own stupidity then played dead like a fucking soccer player.

I'll cap it, cause I don't mind showing how I pissed off ~7 dumb fucks by merely posting scientific proof about shitskins.

Cause look man, if you think screencapping me is going to stop this train, you're hardly mistaken. If anything, you are only making this worse for yourself. But you're too pig-headed to understand that, due to you specifically being a spic.

Keep going user, only 20 more, but try to make them a bit longer, that's the entertaining bit.

post it fam, let us remember the great Aryan Autism

I was only being sarcastic too. You probably had no idea.

Wow stay mad :^)

I like how you find this entertaining, I do to, purely for the fact that you actually think screencapping this will lead to anyone elses embarrassment except your own.

I sincerely doubt that, but I honestly don't care man.

I was here to mock the beaners and niggers, I got some that bothered to try and argue with me like a bunch of fucking underage fools, and we got two stragglers, whom can easily be identified by the faggot pictures they post and yet they're crying about autism.

Just remind yourself this, all the people getting butt-hurt with me, are the same idiots erping with one another, spamming stupid faggot threads that have nothing to do with video games, are the reason this boards quality has dwindled ever since they were brought here via the exodus, and that these retards are the very same retards who think Holla Forums is a hugbox where they can misbehave and think there are no consequences thinking nothing about video games, rather just being a bunch of poor shitskins who don't play anything besides COD and Fifa or whatever the fuck they play, oh and faggots who are furries and use tumblr etc.

So just remember that those are the people getting upset what what I'm saying, and I'm loving every moment of them thinking they've somehow managed to do anything but make it painfully obvious the only reason they're starting up, is because they felt 'offended'.

This is why Holla Forums needs Holla Forums style modding. Fags like this would be banned for acting retarded and going way off topic.

See, this is where you are MISISING the point (Learn to type you dumb nigger), just because an anglo-saxon is repeating what romans have known and have been saying long before his snow-white ass was conceived doesn't mean shit coming from a barbarian.

No shit. I want them to gb2africa regardless. From Cosby to Sowell to the average ghetto nigger. The thing is though, to say they're all utterly retarded? You're statistically and factually incorrect.

You're the retard that made the claim, now back it up with facts.

This includes liberals and cucks right? So you're saying you'd prefer Liberals over sowell or Obongo's brother, right?

Didn't say that either. But we're far closer to, say, Negros than we are to Gorillas, and far closer to Negros than we are to dogs. So saying we have no genetic relationship is false. Still, I'd rather have a world with both of the former than a single nigger in it, if I had to choose.

No, but you certainly did. They'd all 'Look like Europeans', but when even Europeans vary significantly, what kinda dumb statement is that? They're different for reasons other than looks and inferior for looks as well as their genes and tendencies, you dumbass.

Honestly, if this isn't subversion, I don't know what your post is supposed to be.

No, we don't need imkoonfy and moonman here.

Ahh, i forgot why i kept coming here. People like you make threads worth lurking, never change my autistic friend.

Yes. And we can start by banning Holla Forums derailers like yourself.

True, but I wasn't thinking of them, forgive my memory. I meant the style that is seen in the majority of Holla Forums: Major news getting pinned, obvious shills getting banned and autism like 7f653e being banned, even deleted.

Next time you see a train wreck, I assume you'll accuse the onlookers of causing it.

You still haven't answered my question kid, two questions now.

Do you know what it means to be born with self-awareness? And if we are all apart of the same race, the same gene pool why don't we all look the same? Why aren't we all niggers?

You clearly are just another kike trying a bit too hard to fuck with the wrong user when it comes to this shit.

You refuse to actually post any sources cept some faggot video, takes one typo and tries to use it against me getting emotional with your post after seeing it, and you're still reddit posting on top of being a dumb hook-nosed fuckwit, it's honestly far too easy to see who and what I'm dealing with here.

Educate yourself, and by educate yourself, I mean drop out of community college you fucking dip. Maybe you'll learn something, and I mean actually learn something instead of learning to act like a fucking kike when it comes to beating around the bush and refusing to answer what is ASKED OF YOU.

I bet you're either some fucking britcuck or Canadian based on the reddit spacing and the over all ineptitude when it comes to ethnicity and the European race as a whole, trying to appeal to me saying shit like 'they still have to go back', when you yourself would be on the same flight back with 'em.

The only shill here is you, not once have I shilled multiculturalism or any other kike tactics, meanwhile YOU have.

well what does it mean?

You're all going to be filed right behind these cucks in the gas chamber, your love of communism is proof enough of your illness.

Look at you, getting all fired up cause you think I'm from fucking Holla Forums, yet everyone fucking thinks exactly the same as me, but don't bother to indulge themselves in fucking with faggot liberal cuck pseudo-intellectuals such as yourself spreading lies and fever-dream theories because you want to feel a bit self-righteous.

God, I can almost imagine how you sound like some scrawny little fucking retard, like that one kid what's his fucking name, he's some high pitched moronic e-celeb whom his balls haven't quite made it out of his fucking pelvis yet, tree or something.

I'm waiting for an answer from that dumb faggot before I let you let him get a heads-up on what it actually means so he can sit there and pretend he 'knew' the entire time.



Is anyone else noticing the extreme technical difficulties the site is having right now?

What did Holla Forums do to piss people off this time?


Calm down there, bucko.


I mean, I have used GSG/4X to illustrate the benefits of genocide and argue that Whites should wipe out all other races and inherit the Earth to others.

There's nothing wrong with killing monsters and bad guys. It's like saying Homer's Illiad justifies killing. I could understand why politicians would be nervous though.

Undertale is not a video game you fucking tranny. I am going to hunt you down and kill you.

Let me guess something about you real quick.

Let me know if I'm right or wrong, cause I just want to try something out here.

You're underweight, closet homosexual, haven't clear your keyboard in a long time, has actually shoved a foreign object up your ass, only plays those fucking neptunia games and anything similar, and has never played a cRPG ever

Let me know what I got right so I can laugh.

Do it :^)


Quote, thanks.
I guess you didn't even look at it huh?
You do not possess self awareness.

Being Conscious of oneself and your interaction with the world beyond the present, for one, and you do not have this.

So which is it? Are you British or Canadian? What you said only applies to you, afterall.

Quote where I have ever said 'Multiculturalism' or endorsed it.

Quote please? I know you aren't from Holla Forums, you'd either have to lurk or you'd get banned.

Do I really need to even

It's already been disproven by several academic studies. The media is full of shit trying to shove sensationalist views into people's faces with no facts to back it up.





I love it when whites forget how they act against each other during the World Wars, or even right now in Europe.
user, whites allowed and protect the rapefuges.
And yeah, you can say (((they))) are behind, but the whites act on their own volition. Being civilized is not an easy task, no matter where you go.
Now, this kind of shit is the mob mentality in action, it works on basically every single society, this is a human behavior that is well documented. We all imagine that we would not do that, and some would probably not, but many would.
One good thing that happened recently was to discover the channel of this teacher. There are hundreds of hours of his lectures in psychology, and plenty are dedicated to this kind of thing.
By the way, it seems like he is one of the last sane professors on Canada, and are facing plenty of SJW bullshit head on.

Don't even try to ask for webms, these videos are more than one hour long. they are the full classes.

The Basques are a relict population of the native Europeans from before the Indo-Aryan migration.
In a sense they are the TRUE Europeans and they make up a genetic and possibly cultural substrate of the British Isles and parts of far western Europe.
Personally I believe they are one and the same as the Sons of Mil as spoken of in the Book of Invasions.I wonder who the Tuatha De are?


โ˜‘curry hair
โ˜‘huge nose
โ˜‘droopy eyes
Not saying you are wrong, White societies get the Jews they deserve. CF is right and all but I don't know if I trust that "goy".


caught you faggot, got a good laugh

Yeah I get it kike, I already won. Shut the fuck up and go back to sucking third world cock you fucking queer.

Thanks and goodnight.

I've never trusted Psychology, Freud was a kike and alot of their theories are more like guidelines or rules of thumb than actual theories. Plus, they came up with the whole blangd slate meme.

you fucking nigger
at least this one has sound

Nah kid, you proved me right.

Here you are using kike now when before you wouldn't dare say it.

Seems to me you're getting to big for your britches trying to spew intellectual talk when you don't have a fucking clue outside of being a faggot who stays online too much. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a closet faggot like that other user.

you're not as entertaining as you used to be
make longer posts

are you going to say what self awareness is yet?

It's not his job to educate you tbh. Go read a book.


Seriously, nice shantae though she's my favorite.

you're starting to lose your edge, fam.

keep telling yourself that fam

can someone at least point to where this argument with 7๐“ฏ653๐“ฎ started? It's actually sorta interesting but I'm very very ๐“›๐“ช๐”ƒ๐”‚.

It can't be that ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ ๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ถ๐“น๐“ต๐“ฎ?

He can't say what self awareness is because he doesn't have it.

maybe you're the degenerate here :^)

What are you talking about? Its the same font everyone uses.

wait nevermind it was just steam browser shitting itself

Why would you believe me about anything?
Watch some of his stuff about mythology, or any other thing and judge. They are basically audiobooks.

>yet another study shows that while violent games desensitize you to violence, there is zero correlation to it causing real life violence




And these violent games, and yet, this is the most civilized moment in western history. The funny partnis that the fucking gaming industry let this assholes talk shit with impunity. How could an industry be so weak and yet so mainstream?

sorry user but their is nothing civilized about being kept as cattle on a tax farm.

Funny because the only thing that makes me want to kill people is dealing with real people.
Putting up with coworkers who are fucking useless, and smug customers 10 hours a day 6 days a week made me start to lose it

Never knew Quentin decided to become black

user, since when in civilization most of the population were not cattle?
It was like this in Egypt, Rome even Greece to and extent, since most of the people inside the cities were not really citizens.
Most of the people are cattle. And that's why is so important to learn how to deal with it and maybe get out of the line to the slaughter house.
By the way, there are always men more and less masculine than others. This is natural.
But the is a catch:More masculine men usually die first. This is not the fault of any government, ideal, or ethical group. It's nature. And Europe had a huge purge of their more masculine men during the 2 World Wars. And even Japan had. But this was natural selection working:
Culture can help to make more "mainly men" But there is a limit to what is possible with it and what is you genetic working.
sage for off topic

The brain can be a tricky thing, but, I think what this people love to ignore is the fact that we can separate reality from this kind of ludic activities.
There might be some learning that you can get from games, but it does not overlap our ability to understand reality. Just like dreams.
Now, it's possible that some people will not be able to do it, but these people probably would get confused with movies, books, or the ones who idolatrize people.

A lot of your argument is posted as fact, yet you have yet to provide a citation or any factual scientific documentation or study which might back up your claims, because right now your walls of text may serve little to no purpose except to seemingly feed your seemingly inflated self ego, or to provide you with an exaggerated form of self worth.

The day you learn what self-awareness is is the day you realise that people are laughing *at* you, not with you. that's why people are speaking about screening what you say, because I'm sure that even you can admit that it most certainly is not out of admiration. I don't think it will honestly happen though, delusional self grandeur can conflict with that, and it's likely you'll never be aware of what others really think of you, both in real life and upon this anonymous user website. And I know you're only capable of responding in short scathing responses or lengthy diatribes, so in light of that anything outside of those bounds would be a welcome change. I believe I would also be correct in assuming that you can't go long without attempting to condescend those who see through your lengthy arguments? Another nice defence mechanism..

But I admit, I digress from what I originally wished to discuss: once you provide an actual study that backs up your claims, then I'm sure people will wish to avoid harassing you. try not to cherry pick your evidence though, I'm sure myself and others would like correlating evidence rather than just your favourite conspiracy website on the darkweb. And don't just say 'i don't have to, do it yourself lol' because not only is that exceedingly lazy on your part, I think it's incriminating that you don't even believe the credency of your own argument. YOU KNOW that the shit of which you speak isn't exactly on the first page of any search engine, and I'm sure others and myself would want to know where you find this treasure trove of enlightening information, so that we too may become enlightened. So how about a few links if you have any? Otherwise you know I'm just gonna doubt your claims, because as far as I'm concerned one user saying shit is True just because 'it is' does not make it fact. And If you do just say 'I'm not going to provide you with a study' etc etc.. Well, then that just proves my point ;^) P.S Can't wait to see how triggered you get from this.. And the INEVITABLE condescending P.S message in response :^)

Your post makes you look like a giant passive agressive douche too

"You are mean" and all analogues as a response to an argument will be the fastest way to get shot into a trench in the future. So very tired of you and minds like you.

nigger, it's saturday

Dude it's an infamous autistic shitposter, ignore him, I've been saying this all thread.

๐“๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“๐“˜๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“๐“˜๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“๐“˜๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป

im aware that i want to fuck the daylights out of shawntey