Why do devs today have an aversion to higher FOVs?
I tried playing recent games (Shadow Warrior 2, My Summer Car, etc.) and they all have a pinhole FOV.
I know the answer, it's performance reasons
Why do devs today have an aversion to higher FOVs?
I tried playing recent games (Shadow Warrior 2, My Summer Car, etc.) and they all have a pinhole FOV.
I know the answer, it's performance reasons
Use your hands, human vision is around 180 degrees with peripheral.
Doesn't Shadow Goyer 2 allow you to change your FOV?
Shadow Warrior 2 had good FOV, are you sure you're not just confusing vertical and horizontal FOV metrics?
Maybe if you're playing an FPS, but that's about it.
The idea is to try to make it not look out of place in your normal field of vision, so it is more like a window into the game.
70 degrees of those have practically no depth perception so the effective human FOV is around 110 degrees.
wut, do you have a tiny screen or something
Consolefags, FOV hits performance hard and they are used to it by now.
Staying away farther from the screen is a shit excuse based on absolutely nothing.
It doesnt affect a fucking thing
Some people sit with a bit of distance away from their screen, and something tells me most wouldn't be using one that would cover their entire field of vision
Sitting away from the screen doesnt magically fill the games cone of vision.
How is that relevant to in game FOV?
Is this one of those retarded "24 fps is more cinematic" rhetorical lines?
What are you, some kind of faget?
What he's trying to explain is that a screen should take up as much FOV as it does to you in physical space so it lines up/"blends" with your actual field of vision
I too love looking at black gaps and my character split in two.
i may be wrong but aren t computer's case here to optimise air flow and increase cooling effect ?
Sorry, that was the only one I could bing with a funny looking person playing vidya
Seems better to just have the parts exposed
It's not. Cases serve two primary functions: to optimize air flow to the parts that need them, and to protect the parts from the outside world. It's true that there's more freedom for air when the parts are outside a case, but it's harder for the fans to direct air to specific hot places that need it. Plus, when the parts are inside a case, the hot air gets channeled out of the case, where it can no longer hover around the parts. When there's no case, where does the hot air go? It just kinda hangs around. Please always keep your desktop's parts inside of a case, cases exist for a reason.
I don't increase FOV because i feel most of the time the FOV is fine, all custom FOV settings i have experienced feel like having fish eye vision, they are shit
Since you are doing some stealth shilling.
Does Techradar drink the koolaid?
Every mainstream engine has to run on consoles. Console games are usually played with a fair amount of distance between the player and the screen, so a low FOV is sensible. As a result, most engines default to a low FOV, either because the engine was made for console or because low FOV is so common. The problems really begin when there are no options available to the player for changing the FOV.
Well, that's not my desktop.
The fag who took the picture probably only did it for aesthetics then
I guess.
100 is optimum
Basic Geography nigger, holy shit are you American?
Thats already a problem
Found the American.
You joke, but upon looking for examples of this, 360 degree FOV seems actually pretty playable.
I think the real problem OP is talking about is the method of projection that games use to increase the FOV.
Basic Aerodynamics and how they affect the planet is Geography.
In depth study of Aerodynamics is Physics
Yo, that's sooooooooooooooooooooo cooooool!
That panini projection needs to be standard shit
the only time computer without case work is with full watercooling because you don t need to direct air flow
holy nigger …
i sure hope you were a bait…
110 is too unnatural. It's like acid trip vision
What are lands affected by you double nigger?
that first one is cool as fuck.
You're just a pleb.
my dick
My summer car has a FOV slider that goes to 90. If 90 is "pinhole" then you're just a fucking retard.
I was having sexual fantasies about predator last night
90 is okay but higher is preferable. Even if you don't like it there's still no reason not to let others put it higher.
Most of them made me nauseous, but Panini seems pretty much perfect. I wonder how this would play into a VR headset. Minecraft in particular could benefit from a Panini setting.
The current Shadow Warrior has a terrible effective fov, not matter what settings you use, because half of the screen is covered by oversized weapon models. Doomed and FO4 have the same problem.
Ignorance stemming from a developer's not having much experience with vidya coupled with an inflated sense of self-worth stemming from their having acquired an industry position despite their unfamiliarity with their profession, playing upon a general atmosphere within the industry, driven by such developers as our hypothetical one, of contempt for users (the poor peons couldn't possibly know better than us developers, could they?); for ideas that go against the current 'default' (whether they're new and have yet to find a prominent place in vidya or they're simply old or otherwise out of an ignorant developer's frame of reference); and particularly for users who themselves wouldn't care for the 'default' of the current industry (see: "This is for PC users only, who cares"), with that 'default' itself then of course being driven by this same perspective born of ignorance and closed-mindedness; referring back to the 'classic' games of [the current generation] which may or may not have had genuine performance concerns in mind in regard to FoV, but which regardless tend to be the sole reference of these developers in all regards.
So, y'know, consoles.
I agree, it's beautiful and feels natural. Like picturing the monitor wrapping around my head without it physically doing so.
90 is a bit too low for my monitors. 100 is perfect.
90 was okay on my last monitor, 100 was like filming a skateboard demo.
jokes on you faggot i'm blind in one eye so none of my vision has depth perception
How the fuck can you say that when the guy is constantly getting stuck on corners.
Uh, I think you're forgetting about something there, friendo…
Have you actually tried playing like that? Panini projection 360 makes me vomit and I'm not even sensitive to motion sickness.
there is no "blind spot" since you have two eyes and they cover each other blind spot
well i m tired so maybe i didn t understood what you where implying …
Worse than that is the sheer number of developers who lock horizontal FOV. 90%+ of modern games do this, AAA and indie. Fine if you're using a 16:9 monitor but silly otherwise.
Lock vertical FOV, not horizontal FOV*
you cant see whats in front of your nose, its a very small blind spot, then you have some hocus pocus bullshit where you have a blind spot because you're not a rabbit
90 degrees FOV makes the most sense. Its impossible to see more than 90 degrees on either side of you looking straight ahead. Its just the most realistic
You'll see these 'inside out' cases in situations where components are changed several times a day.
Here's where it is
They are called test benches. Higher end models often have fans blowing air from the top or the side to help cool passively cooled components like RAM or chipsets.
ok now i m amazed … how are thoses blind spot? it looks completly insite your FoV ..
like i said:
thats like saying you have a enormous blind side on the left of your right eye due to your noze…
i tried it, sure at a very precise position:
R seems to disapear, and if i switch eye: L seems to disapear: open both eye: both here because
L.eye still see L.
R.Eyes still see R .
no blind spot.
unless you are a pirate
you are not wrong, 2d projection (how we rasterize 3d poligons in a view frustrum) does generate a incorrect perspective, specially at higher fov's, and ever worse closer to the edges of the screen.
so yeah, its not just you, everything is incorrectly stretched out at the borders.
nvidia recently did a demo of "multiprojection" for more correct larger fov's that i think everyone should watch it to understand better the subject.
* raytracing does not have this problem, but there are a lot of reasons why we dont even consider that for realtime graphics.
No thanks. I like to be able to gauge my distance and therefore my spacing, especially if it's a melee combat-centric game.
because on consoles the FOV default is low because people sit far away from their TVs
in short, consolefags
higher FOV means lower frame rates
Why do you THINK consoles stick to 60?
100 FOV is perfect for me.
At least 90 for first person camera.
Consoles 60 FOV makes me sick for not being able to see enough. I always turn it as high as I can without making it too deformed.
Well he's not wrong. You'd have to draw more of the map.
My blind spot is further left than that, by about an entire circle width
thats not how it works
If the FOV is too high, I get sick. Feels bad.
Yes it is
Yes it is. Look up frustum culling.
The domain of the character determines what's rendered.
FOV crushes performance ratings.
Nowadays, they want to make everything look as pretty as possible but the hardware (consoles) can't perform.
That and low FOV probably looks more 'cinematic' or some dumb shit.
It depends on how things are rendered , if you ignore FOV and have a set draw distance with or without being able to see it increasing FOV won't do anything but if it's dependent on your FOV for when things are rendered then yeah it'll cause performance issues.
0 performance impact!
the real question is why cant you deal with it?
reminds me of Battletech (Mechwarrior) fiction, where mechs had a compressed 360 display strip above the HUD for situational awareness.
also that orange thing in the corner is the muzzle flash, since Quake models "hide" it by moving it behind you.
Because high fov looks ugly.