These fuckers posing with their guns. They look like they'd fall over if there was ever an actual fight.
These fuckers posing with their guns. They look like they'd fall over if there was ever an actual fight.
Other urls found in this thread:
guy on the far right look like he might make it.
Reminds me when antifa coughed up money to hire some "Navy SEAL" in order to "train them to the level of Special Forces" and the guy turned out to be a Walt who has never been near a rifle in his life.
I am actually happy for these creatures' lack of self-awareness. Imagine the crushing depression when one realizes that his entire existence is a cruel joke and everything he does is a self-contradictory fuckup.
wow, based antifa.
This is my first time seeing a black neckbeard. Gotta say he wears it better than most.
t. guy on the far right
He looks like the only guy with any amount of test, just needs to get pants that actually fucking fit. The nigger would be firing his gun over his head in a firefight. I swear I saw a couple almost do just that during my time in ZOG, I nearly shit myself.
I love how the article makes it sound all noble and heroic. It such bold face propaganda.
also considering these redneck revolt goons were all over the cville crash site, I wonder who is supporting them.
They won’t do shit. If they do the lefty media will rig it against the right wingers who probably defended themselves from them like they did for Berkeley and Charlottesville, so instead of acting tough they’ll act like martyrs and survivors.
Edgy children posing with airsoft guns
That appears to be the nation of passlam's scrot cut.
Those are called Muslims
Nazis Watch Out Vol. 3?
so basically it just the same old recruiting tactics used on disfranchised, angry youth everywhere. "the nazis are everywhere! kill them before THEY KILL YOUR FAMILY!!"
A bunch of soyboys in tight jeans, black, and flannel are somehow going to triumph over a bunch of /k/ommandos who obsessively stock up on tacticool gear and funz. Really makes me do a big think
It would be a shame if the ATF told folk you can't shoulder your pistol brace any more.
Well after Charlottesville the left can justify the “Nazis are gonna kill your whole family” shit, they might actually win a few people over by timing down the communism and ramping up the “anti-Nazi anti-racist”
But, despite what my digits would suggest, I wouldn’t count on it
This is happening all over try not to laugh
These people don't know shit about guns.
Don't get me wrong, they're fun and pretty guns, but there are better guns on the market for the same price.
I'm sure some user out there has a webm of their "training". Shooting at pepe targeting with handguns, and nearly missing every shot.
I remember reports from right wing guys saying these antifa fucks were pointing guns at people. Now this Dixon guy outright saying they were there, and some tweet pics coming out showing it to.
Under what anti-fascist authority did they gain permission to commence training of this nature?
It's already posted, so I can't embed hooktube.com
I think that was one of the many reasons for the cville operation.
If someone just really likes the AK they can get something like this that has similar qualities, but lets be real here. Commies use AK's as a larp. FUD's like AK's because "muh wood furniture". I don't hate on people for having shit taste, but you're right, there's better out there for the money.
For the amount of a good AK (Arsenal), you can save up a little more and get a good piston AR. All the reliability of the AK with the aftermarket glut of the AR.
I'm fairly certain there's still a thread on /k/ about that
whoops forgot my link.
ohhhhhhh I wish a nigga would.
I still don't understand hooktube. The views on the video still go up because they're loaded directly from youtube. The only difference is you have an extra party collecting exact referrer metadata and running whatever javascript they want on your system.
i think this was another one of their gun clubs
Are stinkbeards supposed to associate with faggots? Someone call his goat.
Why do these people always look pained? They look like they've just had a pole rammed up their ass, or like kids who have been told they're not getting anything for Christmas this year. They just seem to always have this perpetual look of dissatisfaction on them everywhere they go.
It seems strange from my perspective. When I go out shooting with friends, we're always happy. We talk shit about each other and other people, fuck around, joke with each other. These people look like they've been forced to do this. They look pained.
History shows Communism was not kind to faggots. Che personally executed many of them
wearing those same pants now they're /comfy/
baggy pants are for mowing the lawn in
faces of meth or hunger
both if I still know my local antifa
Because secretly, somewhere down there, they fucking hate themselves.
As much shit as I give III%er's for LARPing at least those cucks try. If you're going to come and act tough with guns wear combat pants, or pants with knee pads strapped on.
They're the no fun allowed club. Where as we'd joke about Holla Forums shit at the range these people are the super serious sort with a stick up their ass but want to be that look at me I'm such a rebel
Is this watchdogs dedsec cosplay?
It's not how it works, but I like to think it is.
I thought heroin and fentanyl were the cool drugs of choice for hipsters. All the meth heads where I live are rednecks.
Come to think of it, has anyone ever heard a redneck refer to himself as a "redneck?" The antifa gun clubs call themselves "redneck revolt" and stuff like that, but I've never seen an actual redneck call himself a redneck. The only people I've seen call themselves that are urban timbersexuals wearing $500 designer flannel shirts and an "ironic" beard. I've heard rednecks call themselves "country boys" and stuff like that, but never "redneck."
Is that M*la from h#h# on the left??
No way I believe Pantyfa are a natural grassroots thing without a lot of help at this point. It was suspicious how they came out of nowhere (in the US) but everyone LARPs as though they've been a thing here before. Where where they during the decades before the '16 election season? They are Anti-Tru, made and paid to protest one man. Donald J. Trump.
Sage for ridiculous looking faggots, and probably staged opposition.
Its like the only thing leftists know about innawood types comes from current-year video games and Hollywood kikes
So from Left to to right I see:
I really don't know; both could be true
that is the funny thing. Most of these people are low class crust punk druggie trash. The perfect prey from cult brainwashing. They are like the expendable foot soldier
Kill all communists now.
Before 2016 they were mainly a European problem. Their recent activity in America was definitely the work of Soros or someone like him. Fortunately it seems like the only thing they're good at here is being run over.
Large majority of /k/ikes are soyboys themselves who are pro-commie/. Do not trust.
well considering the recent communist shit at west point, I would not doubt if this is home grown. Obama probably wheeling and dealing behind the scenes
there's a few bumpkins that refer to themselves as rednecks for marketing purposes
having lived in a rural area all my life, actual folk do not use labels like that because they've got family names
we're all good old boys never rednecks, hicks, or country boys
country boys, like nigger, is a targeted insult it puts only one thing in your mind and these people are not country boys unless it's an insult given to an outsider
found the kike
It would do you good not to underestimate these people based on appearance alone, their numbers are rapidly growing and many normans are far more inclined to fall in line with them than to go in the opposite direction.
Quality > quantity.
These are the useful idiots that are going to show up to some chimpout somewhere and end up shooting black people in self defense.
The race war is going to end up being fought between lgbtqrstuvwxyz colored hair antifa freaks and the BLM Army of Darkness.
They'll go whatever direction my front bumper sends them
then why did the Germans lose to everyone else?
The key is to produce a fuck ton of "it works".
Fuck you Carlos
They can't even do that right, they die of a heart attack before even being touched by the bumper.
They always have a way of outing themselves
I'm ok with this
How fat of a fuck do you have to be to spontaneously fall over and die when things get a little heated?
Yep. The trannies will fight the other fags, the bisexuals will fight them too, the black fags and the blm will fight the White fags and antifa, the commies will fight the anarchists, and so on.
This much of one.
No way all these NEET broke ass white trash could afford the guns pictured, ammo, body armor mentioned. They are getting funding obviously and we know this. The key is to expose where their money is coming from. An NC user should dig into them, including doxing.
I hope these articles act as a wake up call for you guys. This isn't the media condemning Antifa or political violence - this is their ringing endorsement of it. No matter what terms they use to obfuscate the reality of their support. These people are organizing and becoming ready to take the country by force - they're waiting for enough of those 50+ in age to die off first, so that when it's youth vs youth - we're horrendously outnumbered. All I have to say to you my fellow polaks is that every time you see one of these faggy photo-ops, you go hit the gun range and prepare yourself. Every time you see a video of Antifa bashing some kids head in - you go down to your local range, and prepare yourself. Every time the established and ancient political orders openly endorse communist rebel militia - you go down to your local gun range, and you prepare yourself accordingly. This civil war is going to be fought by those under the age of 30 alive today that much is getting pretty clear - so if you're under 30, go down to your local range and PREPARE YOURSELF.
Most of it seems to be airsoft, in case you haven't noticed.
The video's better
Sagely advice deserves to be repeated.
The MSM are endorsing these people, also keep in mind the ATF are as well due to their lack of action against these left wing "militias". They routinely stomp of any right-wing groups or just shoot them all and set them on fire, but antifa are allowed unmolested.
Holy fuck she's massive, it took like 8 people to comfortably lift her out of there, and if you look carefully you can see a couple of them struggling with the weight.
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but there's something hilariously ironic about a Communist rebel dying of a heart attack in the heat of shouting political discourse.
We often forget here on Holla Forums because we live within the needles eye that these (((people))) are masters of the long game. They formulate plans often in intervals of decades, sometimes even centuries - my view of Antifa, is that they're currently seeding the disparate, drug addicted and unemployable youth. So that within 10 years, they become a serious threat. This is going to be primarily a problem for those of you in the youth today - the boomers, and those over the age of 40 will most likely miss out on this entire conflict. They're not going to hatch this on us any time soon - it will probably even outlast the Trump admin before they finally "rise up." (Violently force the political will of the country to align with their corporate and political masters.)
I would bet money it was one of the dozen redneck revolt people, who were positioned next to her gave her some special medicine that make her go night night
Even the firefighters are noticeably angling their torsos away as they heft her. Anyone is hard to carry but when the trained professionals are struggling even after enlisting bystanders you know you've got a special case.
holy shit it look 6 men to carry her
It looks like they're hauling a giant Jell-o sculpture.
Because the only reason they're doing that was to be in the video.
This vid is what your up against. These are communist/socialist true beleivers.
They took the lessons they learned from the Soviet Union and East Germany, what worked and what failed, and are going for a global outcome.
Rise of social media, smart phones, recording devices running 24/7 in every home. The list just gets longer.
They never were from the start.
They were created after VII ComIntern Congress because fascist governments were extremely resistant to communist plague.
Antifa's roots in the weimar period actually originate from the ruling german social democrat party, they originally vowed to fight fascists, monarchists, and Ernst Thallman's KPD all the same. Antifa were informal paramilitary toadies for the ruling regime going back all the way to their inception. This pattern persists in present day Western Europe and now the United States. "Antifa" are the informal shock troops of the left of center neoliberal consensus ruling class. Especially in Europe many antifa kids are the children of standing left of center European MPs and they do not even bother to hide it.
In America they are the same. That’s why the always get away with it. Tim Kaine’s son is a member for instance. Their connections are why they will never be tried in a court of law and be sent to prison.
Tim Kaine's son was arrested for some hoodlum antifa shit
some nigger senator's son are in a picture with Obama referenced in
can't remember the dude's name but it is not an isolated event
Guy they could be the most well armed force in the world but that still wouldn't make up at all for there lack of actual skill/knowledge/awareness let alone any real mental capacity, there's too many black pills over these fuckwits in this thread. They aren't a danger to anyone but themselves.
I prefer the AK, never liked ARs. Still own an AR because come SHTF it will be the rifle that everyone has but I'm not happy about it.
Hooktube only gives one view for every video no matter how many people view said video on their website. Once someone sees it through Hooktube it gets added to their server so they don't need YouTube anymore. That's how they display deleted videos.
un-American tbh
Sage for slightly unrelated but who actually poses with their guns? I don't know a single person who owns a firearm that has taken a picture of themselves with one of them. Even people that are 'the gun guy' in certain circles don't practice this faggotry.
At least they're practicing proper trigger safety.
Friend, you're not just fighting these kids - you're fighting their billionaire handlers, and if you underestimate them woe to us all.
Only normal people I've seen do it are hunters posing with their kill and the gun they used to get it.
this is genius. it will probably happen naturally but maybe we can encourage trick them into getting blacked somehow
Is that a polite way of saying "soy-based lifeform"?
Do they think because they know trigger discipline that they are prepared when shit hit the fan?
Yeah nah bro.
if you can afford a smartphone, weed, and starbucks you can afford a rifle. they're like $500 now.
That should say “social justice.”
That should say “trans boyfriend.”
Found the kike.
agreed but hardcore outdoor enthusiast tend to be pretty right winged, doesn't have to be about camping in nature it includes bikers and swimmers.
why is there an optic on a shotgun? Slugs?
pick one
Do you think real life is a video game, mate.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
You've gotta realize most of them ain't too bright, its like they like losing FoV.
Jesus H Christ. That is either a broken man or someone who sustains on the koolaide alone. All that talk about surveillance and manipulation then dude just turns around and says how free 'Germany' of all places is.
Just realized he was presenting in Germany. Explains how his posture and tonality changed once asked about German issues.
yeah there shooting clays out at maybe 25 yards so what the purpose to have an optics setup on your shotgun?
My olny guess would to be for later use with slugs that can reach out to what 125 yards maybe?
either way having an optic setup on a shotgun seems dumb.
Leftist scum truly has no honor.
have the webm
How do these people not understand that Communism is not the anti-thesis of Corporatism? But that Communism is a pre-requisite for total Corporatism. That these lobbyists pushing for workers rights and rising wages are stooges for the corporate lobby, they operate bilaterally by being both sides of the debate. If McDonalds raises the minimum wage, they destroy competition and lose overhead by having an "excuse" to write-off thousands of employees with machinery. These people who exist within the servant class of society, permanently constrained to minimum wage positions are the literal property of the corporate oligarchy. Where do you think they'll go after McDs? To another portion of the machines edifice, and then inevitably for those who climb their way out of the KFC bucket - into your local government - with whacked up ideas.
You do realize like 90% of the time when Holla Forums background checks these faggots they end up always being some spoiled trust fund kids.
These guys are a joke, practically irrelevant. The danger is all the institutions and money on their side. A mob of practically anything is dangerous when you'll get locked up, sued, and defamed in the media for defending yourself against them.
However, there come times when they aren't as protected as they think they are, and the result will be incredibly funny.
Doesn't look that all diverse to me. To many white people like usual.
Nigger you need to work on some original content, then maybe you'll stop getting your ass banned.
I'd team up with the dyke on the far left. She's lanky but thicc in the thighs.
Nor will there ever be. You’re too fucking scared to do anything and anyone who tries to organize something gets called “FBI.” It’s fucking over. We lost in 1945.
Disgusting. All those people that are needed to carry her.
Here's a picture I found on Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. Maybe you hook noses won back then, but you're doing your best to cancel out that victory.
You know they’ve won when THIS is the highest caliber of shill they even send here anymore.
you only need to watch the first 3 seconds to figure out how proficient they are
I don't see you out there exterminating the jews.
One thing we agree on
Get some new material, seriously, you've been using this one for years.
This place was always infested with shills. The only natsocs you can trust now is ones with youth groups which only applies to some groups in Ukraine and Finland.
It's literally a self-admitted group of lefty junior University professors in sociology and social justice trying to pull a fast one on people who they assume are literal Cletuses.
This whole thing stinks and implicates Jews somehow.
I'll enjoy picking off these faggots with my FAL
That guy you're replying to is the guy trying to create a Google map of the homes of everyone who might pose a threat to the kikes, under the guise of "networking".
Dude only looks like he has four posts though.
You don't exactly blend in very well either. I suspect you're sitting right next to that guy in a call center.
Found this on Twitter …
Dwayne Dixon is that tattooed tard in the middle…
Same tattoos, is the post legit? Idiots didn't archive…
How good is the FAL's range?
May I remind you all:
lol saved
The lady on the left is faker than Chinese tits.
It seems this may actually be true, this article was released yesterday… same rifle, same tattoo.
We all know that the veegas shoooting was them as well :^)
Reavers, they pervert their flesh.
I'm not much of a /k/ommando, but are those plastic guns?
they wanna pound your shithole
The high score was achieved, you know, by a Liberal who was pro-anitfa, in vegsa.
Most modern guns have steel or aluminum receivers with steel inter-workings. The furniture (stuff you hold) is mostly made out of polymer nowadays for wear resistance and to save weight over wood or more metal. So the answer to your question is yes, but it doesn't really matter.
Amazing, they can reach out to over 600 yards and my L1A1 keeps some tight groups at 200 yards.
Dixonfag appears to be holding a RAS-47, which is a shitty AK. Sagginfag appears to be holding a M92 AK pistol with a goddamn pistol brace. Totally nigger tier guns. The M92 can be cool with a stock and a faux can (muh NFA), but is kind of shitty in its stock configuration.
why do faggots wrists always bend like that?
Barefooted kek
got any tips on how to tell apart the 47, 74, 56, akm, quickly? I could try just examining them, but I might make incorrect inferences.
Now I've seen everything.
47 is a bit of an outdated term technically, but it is usually used to refer to an AK platform shooting 7.62x39, with a distinctly curved magazine. 74 is also sort of outdated but refers to the same thing that shoots 5.45x39, which makes the magazine curve distinctly less. Any other variations are pretty slight and do not really matter in terms of functionality.
act before you speak, then speak of your actions
people who are trying to show they're all bad. same rule applies to ATF "militia groups" and gang members. it's literally the laziest attempt at intimidation.
It absolutely matters for accuracy, plastic furniture guns with a cartridge larger than 5.56 NATO typically kick like mules.
Thanks. I meant in pictures. They looks very similar, at least to me.
That's called Wrist drop and it's caused by nerve damage
To me, they look like patsies.
They will have slightly more felt recoil than heavier guns, but my 18 inch FAL is still pretty controllable with plastic furniture.
There are almost no true "AK-47s" in the sense of the original rifle. They're all going to be AKM variants. It's all really in the curvature of the magazine. 47 variants have the most curved mags, 74's in the middle, and 5.56 has the straightest (pics related). AK-74 and 5.56 AKs also usually have a distinctive muzzle brake, but those can be found on 47 variants from time to time. Gas blocks on 47 variants are also usually more slanted
Now the terror and crime waves that the left carried out in the 70's was fucking impressive.
great battle rife, they lose a little accuracy at long range but you would have no problem hitting a man size target at 300 yards people claim 600 is about the limit.
depends more on the firearm design,weight, and how you hold it. a 6.5 lb .308 bolt gun w/o muzzle device is going kick more than an 8lb .308 autoloader.
They are pretty similar and from certain angles I've personally found that I cannot tell AK variants from each other.
No real quick way to ID the 47 from the AKM at distance, as the only difference is one is a milled receiver and the other is stamped sheet metal. It doesn't really matter though, they are the same gun essentially.
47 vs 74, The 47 fires 7.62x39, while the 74 fires 5.45x39. The main way to tell them apart is that the 47 magazine has a more pronounced curve than the 74.
The 56 is the same as the 47, just made by a different country.
In America, 47s tend to have wood furniture while 74s tend to have polymer furniture; though that is by no means definitive.
Most rounds of 7.62x39 in America will icepick through due to being a cheap steel-jacket. Leaving "only" a .30 caliber hole and not do much more damage. 5.45 will tumble inside the body causing massive damage regardless of bullet materials due to its length.
No problem, also study the buttstocks found in the picture of (checked), as that divot in the buttstock of the 74 was designed so Soviet soldiers could tell the rifles apart in the dark.
So the following guy has a 74?
Looks like it
Basically no one will have an ak47 unless they're a collector, but they have milled receivers, holes in the gas tube, and a tiny bayonet lug.
AKM are 99% of the "ak47s" you see are. Stamped sheet metal receiver, slanted buttstock, slanted muzzle brake, typically wood furniture
AK74s looks a bit different visually. Refer to pic related. Big mizzle device, straight stock, usually have plastic furntiture.
Keep in mind you need more identifications that one or two features, the aftermarket for these are huge.
Doin' it right.
Appears so and I bet he still cringes at the recoil haha
The RAF killed 34 people. Plus a bunch of high-level kidnappings.
Then there where the bank robberies and prison escapes carried out by Jacques Mesrine. Fuck he escaped custody when he smuggled a gun into the courtroom and took the judge at his own trial hostage.
And all the bombings and airlines hijacked by Carlos the Jackal.
Left militants where hardcore in the 70's.
Look at the magazine floorplate, it's airshit
They all look like they'd spend too much time on their hair to actually take any sort of conflict seriously.
Keep getting nicer gear, though, will be nice to pick that off you when you no longer need it.
Any other group id say they were trying to larp as the team from [insert cringy mod squad type video game] but no this is literally them. They are that team of ridiculous cartoon mercenaries
that requires agency
the amount of money that soros 'donated' s enough to stand up a full sized army.
Strange how none of these meetups end in people being arrested.
I don't know why anything thinks this is funny. These retards out number us because they think the have the moral high ground.
Surely they must. Most people agree with their basic principals and they are allowed to operate in the open without being labeled a hate group.
Something must be done about this sort of thing.
What? Soros has never given money to Redneck Revolt or the Socialist Rifle Association. Cite a source or shut-up.
signalling sexual availability, just like most of their affectations. this is why fags just waking up from anesthesia talk with their natural non-gay-lisp voice
Where do you think you are?
Redneck Revolt was funded directly by Antifa groups that had direct funding from Soros, and the SRA is just a bunch of yuppie fucknuts.
Soros has never directly funded antifa groups. You are either misinformed or a disinfo shill.
Still waiting in that source.
Why is Holla Forums always so obvious?
what a joke
Soros has his hands on a lot of movements that can be traced, like the Baltimore riots in the pinned thread. While it’s obvious antifa have rich backers, I am also wondering who exactly it is (I don’t mean Jews in general, specifics) so does anyone have any source directly linking Soros to Antifa? All I know is one of his sons goes to UC Berkeley but that isn’t enough. I’d like some concrete proof to use for a redpill compilation.
Listen and Believe.
piston AR's aren't good though
antifa and the lefties aren't an actual threat, the militants would be ass raped in conventional warfare and forced into insurgency
the problem is if we wiped out the lefties, all of the jewed european countries would invade and we would be having ww3 on our soil, and Russia and China would probably play both sides in the interest of wrecking america
shooting isnt everything either, I hope you're not this naive
You take that back! They're superior in every way to a shit in mouth AR
And he still struggles to lift it.
they're less accurate and heavier
t. soyboy
Sick airsoft AK comrade faggenstein
Soy Militant for Far Cry 5 when?
It kind of is. All you need is a fracture point. Working out, being manly, owning guns. All those are fracture points that the weaker fuckers that compose the left these days, and their Jewish masters, will try to hate on them for.
It starts with visiting /k/ since everywhere else treats them like shit for wanting to talk about guns. You get banned a few times. You decide to go over to Holla Forums for some dank memes you laugh at over at /k/. As all this is happening, your sense of humor changes and the cult of communism disavows you.
And so on, so forth.
Kneeling fag (no mag). Bunch of tactifaggotry on rifles but no means of carrying extra ammo. Colors easily spotted in a bush. Clothing that wouldn't blend in with normies. Fail army even for commie standards. Fucking fags.
The gas system has zero effect on accuracy. It only comes into play after the bullet has exited the muzzle and cleared the vent.
The weight of a piston, spring, and larger tube is negligible.
You missed the lesson. It was East Germany before the collapse. They didn't maintain their police state by imprisoning people but through "Zersetzung", biodegredation of the individual personality.
Eastern Germany was ultimately unsustainable but that didn't change anything for the true believers.
Arsenal is not worth the money, bad QC, Yugo OPap, Saiga, Valmet. Arsenal if they have Saiga receiver but you'll spend $1K. AR platform is most cost effective option now.
Based comment. I laughed, I cried, I posted.
definitely not the guy on the far right
piston AR is fine but doesn't bring anything to the table. DI system is fine in those weapons. AK and AR systems are both equally effective in conflict. Just as each individual has strengths and weakness so do these weapon systems.
I don't see where the left could be difficult to deal with in a civil war situation. They live in major cities full of niggers and spics-where shit will hit the fan in a near instant. The ways in which to imperial a major metro area is actually kind of scary.
Then we have this dipshit here and all his friends. Their misplaced confidence is probably going to get them killed that much faster. Half of them will probably be robbed by niggers when the chips are low.
commies not to mention antifa are generally bullied on /k/
Not entirely true, but for all practical purposes correct. A piston can fire underwater and you will have far less carbon building up in the action, I've never seen an AR fail from carbon buildup, but its certainly a bitch to clean out the everything.
These fucks will be gobbled up quickly. They will have no chance due to their proximity of muds. Even if they try a fair trade they get cucked let alone intimidate them. No chance for them in a real survival scenario.
Why waste time on these clowns, again they're more danger to them selves than anyone else
Any system can and will fail, at the most inconvenient time. I would never submerge my weapon unless absolutely necessary and then I would have no expectations of the ammo functioning flawless.
Fucking faggots need to stay in their containment states.
t. Carolinian
Because they are schizophrenics. Get around a schizo on certain meds, and they have that exact same look.
Piston AR's are good for suppressors, their biggest advantage in my opinion. Other then ease of cleaning they're not really break through in differences.
It's more about fashion to these cumstains than anything else. They want to be heroes to their fellow fags on their fag forums. Look closely at their clothes and how much effort they must have put in that could have been used actually training.
it is probably a tranny
about what I'd expect from a torfag
I was just watching a documentary on WW2 that mentioned a communist volunteer party to help prevent Franco from taking Spain. At least the men then still looked capable of organizing and fighting. These freaks are out of a fucking fever dream, there can't have possibly been another time in history that creatures like this existed save for maybe the final stages of Rome.
So you confess that he has used middleman organizations to indirectly fund Antifa. Thanks for confirming that, faggot.
I think we all can agree these faggots will lose miserably.
/k/ocksuckers are the most homo erotically charged faggots on this website. Its like they're all waiting to blow eachother off.
We laugh at more living me's we meme'd into existence.
They existed, but were small in America; most active on the IndyMedia networks back in the day. Back then I remember them mainly talking about shit, and vandalizing property. The big push is likely funded via the Open Society Foundation.
What exactly is antifa fighting for? The right for their nation to be invaded by spics? The right to get rid of freedom of speech? They risk going to prison for this?
They existed back in the WTO riots but they didn't flash arms like now. They slowly try to gain sympathy without conflict. When the time comes they gnash their teeth.
They fight for equal rights of everyone, however fucked up their ideology is. They somehow believe that the govt. will be faithful in distributing wealth equally. They live in a fairy tale world.
Zero concept of historical Communism and how it failed the people it was supposed to benefit. These people have a child's mentality.
So… this is the power of Antifa? A nigger, two (three?) lesbians, and some soyboy homos? This is some next level cringe.
Were they using Pepe targets?
Nice thighs. Shame about the face.
Are they going to LARP as 1940s Russians and try to fight us with bolt action rifles and bayonets? What the hell am I even looking at here?
Because their enemy is unidentifiable, Pepe is their worst nightmare. They have no identifiable target so they take it out on a illustrated frog.
Am currently in NC. That's gotta be the only black guy in their city.
Also, why the fuck is it bad when republicans make militias and the alphabets come down with the force of a thousand angry gods, but when commies form militias, they're lauded by the press and ignored by the government?
It's a .308, so, better than average I'd imagine, although I don't think they're a particularly accurate design when compared to things like an AR10 with a floating barrel or the H&K .308s.
t. my dad had a FAL before my country went gommunist
Adding, they seem the most well put together militia I've seen, some of you glorious faggots need to infiltrate them and get the FBI and the BATFE all up in their business.
Sorry, I'm a drunk idiot tonight. I forgot to put in, "These commies don't just wind up with $3,000 rifles, find out who is funding them".
Then they are the only militia you have ever seen. If they can even be called that. They look like weekend warrior commies posing for a photo op to me.
They probably live in a tinder box commune supplemented by autism and sorosbux. This is assuming they even own those weapons. They could be range rentals or like the John Brown "gun club" are all owned by one person in the group.
Something like this user?
Don't shit talk bayonets or bolt actions user.
The high score was achieved by Breivik. 80+ kills. He essentially took out a significant portion of the Norwegian left's children and they are still feeling the effects today. The camp that he attacked was a leftist camp. Anons should learn from Breivik and his methods.
That and security wasn't as tight as it is now. Technology has evolved to where tactics like that would lead to you getting blackbagged.
For the anons in this thread, I will say that squad tactics are not going to be the primary way the coming war is fought. It'll be via assassinations and targeted strikes on critical points. The age of mass organization is over. All that remains are cells and individual actors.
The Germans lost because Hitler overstreched and didn't want to use gas. Those commie charges would have been stopped cold had he used G-series agents against them. Even more effective if he had simply fumigated the cities with it.
Hitler's main problem was that he was too forgiving and nice. Don't make the same mistakes.
This shit is clearly a photo op for PR and recruitment. Half of them have no concept of how a sling should be used. Thank god they have some shit tier optics, irons would be far more effective. Let them use those airsoft reddots.
These internet nazis and leftypol people just ignore the fact that every single time Communism has been tried its ended in mass starvation and people in gulags
*internet Communists
I was really young then, but yeah. It was a Belgian one (technically an L1A1, I don't know how they differ tbqhwy)
Exactly, ignore the reality yet focus on the fantasy. Communism has been the absolute worst political system in modern time yet they still push for it.
Heiled. Much deserved.
Amazing rifle and it's history in Rhodesia is a great history lesson. Great video BTW.
i feel real dumb buying a gun know knowing that there are easy to rob idiots like this
They're neat to play with in the woods or at the range as an enthusiast but they aren't fit for combat in the current year unless that's all you have. There's no good reason to use them when you can buy weapons that are stronger, lighter, cheaper, easier to maintain, and that have a higher ammo capacity. Modern rifles are superior when used for actual combat, which is why soldiers in current year are not using antiques in battle.
Oh god, these faggots are actually in my neck of the woods. Christ.
The most concentrated cancer in the state, the Triangle area needs to die.
This motherfucker is even using my grandmother's phrase. I want to put a hole in this bastard's head.
fucking checked
I dunno man, a guy with good glass and something that can touch them in that zone where they can't touch back is something real appealing. Given they don't know what to do when somebody can touch em from afar means it'll be like a turkey shoot.
Good thing they told us Mr. Dixon is a fag!
you don't directly fund illegal shit you idiot
It's a woman, look at the body.
See vid.
nice airsoft fags
such a waste of perfectly good steel
Cuckservatives, not even once.
If day of the rope (AKA the next US civil war) ever comes, a lot of the fighting will be done in urban environments, and a lot of it will be close quarters. My weapon of choice for home defense is a 12 gauge shotgun, a Remington 870 to be exact because I'm only 18 and it's the only firearm that I could easily and legally purchase in my state with little effort and limited McSpareChange. But for combat against Antifa retards and the likes, I'd be looking for something much different. Automatic weapons are better at close range, and I'd rather just keep a couple fixed blade knives in my boot and on my belt instead of a bayonet in case I get into it with one of these cunts and I need something within reach to gut them with, because in urban combat it's difficult to see what's behind every door and at the end of every hallway. You never know what kind of pink haired, soy fuel hell spawn is going to jump out and try to strange you.
Door kicking will significantly shorten your life expectancy. Snipers and long range gun controlling roads and alleys will be the primary way of fighting in cities. Look at Sarajevo or Aleppo. Also, its easier to ambush antifa targets than to attack them head on. Shooting them with a silenced rifle will they are unarmed an vulnerable is the best way to deal with them. Don't satisfy their martyr complex by facing them head on.
sides destroyed
ribcage exposed
penis barrelled
I would rather just face them head on, as there would be nothing more satisfying than walking among the freshly fallen commies and picking off the survivors by stomping their heads in. No better way to mess up your boots and pants than with some good and wholesome stomping.
FA is good for keeping someones head down when you need to scoot. Generally never had the fun switch on when I was in Ukraine. Give me a Shmel and I could have hundreds of them dead and the rest begging for mercy. As put it a guy with some glass can shut down an area with the fear of being his mark.
but that entire field is raycissss
How much do you want to bet that when the bullets start flying, especially in their direction, that they'll scatter like roaches when the lights come on? I also predict they'd shoot one another in the chaos.
Was thinking this too.
I hate these people a little more each time I have to look at them. Some of the worst looking ones were the ragtag team of faggots from Evergreen College.
And how many of those were accidental suicides?
^This is the truth.
They're always so obvious because they can't meme. What do you want to bet that was the one who singed for the check from Soros' Open Society Foundation?
And then they got in trouble because they were shooting in an area of the Arizona desert that's home to an endangered or sensitive species of Cacti or something. No joke.
This post might save your life on the DOTR anons.
I could also see it happening like a minority take to the training seriously, get in shape, gain more discipline in their lives, cut back or quit whatever degenerate hobbies they used to partake, start feeling a whole lot more agency to do something, see all the degenerates you've hung around with not taking their training seriously, start realizing you aren't winning any fights with these, start realizing you're not going to build any leftist utopia with these people, start wondering where the people who behave as you do now hang out, hit it off with some right-leaning folks at the range, gun store, event, camp ground etc and the rest is history.
This is an extremely fair point.
I have a feeling that they'll shoot each other when they go into the "you're not enough" purity spiral. They'll constantly be accusing each other of being spies or anti-revolutionary just like they did in the Russian revolution, just like they did in the 40s and all throughout the cold war era, just as they did in China and Cambodia, just as they're doing now in North Korea, and just the same as they will continue to do ad infinitum. It's the same as how the left today tries to push the whole "what constitutes whiteness?" thing when they damned well know, since they use it as the basis of discrimination against people of European descent.
i bet every antifa familiar with history is nervously looking at their fellow stalinists
I bring that up because I remember that vid where the antifa got his mask pulled off and the other antifa attacked him lol! When they were right beside him.
That's good for keeping them pinned in one place so door kicker can get in their and finish them.
Photoshop is a hell of an image manipulation tool. Adobe products sure do make life easier. None of that nasty cutting and pasting stuff of the past, it's all right there on your laptop.
I can't watch MP4s right now. I just got a new laptop and I haven't installed the required software for it, since Windows 10 Enterprise doesn't come with the MS media pack stuff pre-installed.
Door kicking is a last resort sort of thing unless you're sweeping and clearing a building. Most of the time you're just going to blow them up.
With what artillery and aircraft? In a total SHTF situation we won't have the fuel to operate heavy weapons like that. The best we'd get are some improvised mortars.
A shame, that video got removed from jewtube.
Doorkickers unite. We're the ones on juice, probably mentally ill that really just want to get to Valhallah first..
Everything is getting removed from YouTube now. It's such a corrupt platform. Political commentary with a couple curse words is removed while soft core pedophilia and other obscenities like Spiderman and Elsa videos stay up.
Lootings of armory kamerad and being resourceful as fuck. Powdered sugar and KNO3 in a 50/50 make for a powerful rocket motor and bazookas are caveman-tier to make. Add some smokeless inside a warhead and you're gonna give someone down way a very bad day. Artillery is for bigger things, I was speaking of more man portable things.
I see you've also read the Turner Diaries.
That may be the only TED talk that wasn't outright faggotry, feminist, communist, or shitskin party van. Granted, this guy is blind to demographics and race, leading to his grand confusion with Merkel and others (revealed mostly in his Q&A session afterwards). This is made more apparent by his child-like naivete and ungrateful-child/gibbs-me-dat stance for provision (when he says "x must be responsible" he means "x must give to me" in some civnat ideology, which will only re-make the hell he just got out of).
HK piston not even the best AR in the market. Just the best known brand name. You have the USMC to thanks to proven how over hyped the HK416 platform is. Doesn’t help that the marines picked the worse rifle in the line to.
iirc it was found out that the most likely 'direct' source of antifas funding is coming from commie orgs in minnesota, same as with bamn.
first time I saw that lardarse getting stretchered I was mildly mortified no-one saw fit to cover her exposed bulk.
Back in the late 1970s we'd play a game called bullrush (can't remember the rules), a game mainly for boys but the odd girl would try her luck. One big-boned lass, prone to getting high on her own supply, ran the gauntlet one lunchtime and got hit hard enough to throw her up into the air unconscious and she hit the ground like a ragdoll. Might as well have been dead.
Her skirt was up around her head so all opportunists made a beeline to check out her snatch. I was a long way off and began running even faster because I could see all her mates racing from the sidelines and I knew what they were doing. The girls physically shoved guys out of the way to get to their comatose friend and pulled her skirt down to protect her modesty.
I was too slow. The seeds to my misogyny were sown that day.
There isn't a single piece of cloth large enough to cover that whale. You could stitch together every single piece of clothing on the North American continent and only cover a quarter of the of the bitch.
That's perfectly fine but
Pick one.
Yep. Any dumb nigger can pull a trigger and occasionally hit something. That goes for antifa as well.
Since I've seen this thread has turned into a SHTF/ DoTR thread, I'll drop some shit I got on the topic.
What're they gonna do? plague the suburbs where mom and dad live?
This is all I got for now.
Mr. Dixon gives some grade A advice on dealing with antifa, though.
I love how gay people went from "We are not afraid" to "we acknowledge our fear".
They can feel that the world is turning.
Not correct. The barrel's pressure drops off nearly instantaneously after the bullet exits the barrel. The pressure, held in by the bullet, is harnessed by semi-auto guns (all types), mostly as the bullet is toward the end of the barrel (blowbacks sap energy throughout the flight of the bullet, but are roughly equivalent). Semi-autos therefore achieve not only lower velocities of an equivalent bolt action in the same barrel length, but also receive some amount of movement off point of aim, due to the mechanism.
We could theorize a weapon system where some chamber pressurizes say after the bullet arrives 4" down the barrel, then a second gas tube causes the chamber to be sealed until pressure drops (meaning the bullet has exited), and thus being allowed to actuate the action. This would still have some very slight movement, but there should be a 90% drop in mechanical movement during the bullet's time in the barrel.
Why though? Giving money to antifa groups is perfectly legal. No middleman needed. Most antifa groups have donation pages right on their websites. This isn't the Shining Path we're talking about.
This is quite obviously that lady at the end's first time to shoot.
We should not judge their abilities by their first day shooting. But leave it to faggots to try to show off on their first day…
…but it's clear they think that's all it takes. Just own it, go pew pew, we army now.
Spam confirmed apocalypse super-food.
True that. The cc cameras that are on every street coroner are a bitch.
That man shouldering that beautiful rifle could probably put all of them down himself.
Kike Enoch shill detected.
As homos tend to become cannibals and such, that behavior should be encourage. I believe we can meme them into monsters.
Ever read Dennis Cooper? Homosexuality is some dark shit.
heb'll make more than a few bars of soap with all that padding
a spectacular three hour oven burn
We used to plant AK's on dead turds all the time who we knew were gunman yet couldn't legally due to ROE touch them, they would take pot shots at patrols but dropped their weapons in small streams and ditches or would hide it. Especially if they heard CAS coming in. Then when we started using portable drones the would wise up when there fellow towelheads got lit up with rpgs/manpads so then it became a cat and mouse game on how fast we could deploy a drone.
The AK is a great way to obfuscate the rules of engagement by luring them into shooting and actually engaging them first. Other cameras would only record the AK gunfire and others would act in response to that self AK fire to light up a building or potential area of attack.
Naturally, grabbing these fuckers with easily survivable gunshots was not on our bucketlist, having to sit there calling for medcas or transport from a main base just to save a fuckhead that just tried to kill you is not even remotely on your mind, so we would often kill them with their own firearms if we hadn't killed them during the breaching itself. The breaching of these hadji shithole dirt mound homes was often with grenades. Sometimes we would encounter injured and downed sandnogs who had surrendered, we would put them back in their shooting cover location and kill them with their own weapon and then throw in a few grenades to make the scene for the clean up crew who had to document it in photograph/helmcam so it became uninterpretable. Often on remote FOBS we would have to do it ourselves so it was easy as pie.
He's right, when SHTF that AK will allow you to use enemy ammo as well as make the attacking person believe their friends are shooting and not you. It allows you to circumvent the rules of engagement.
And that, dear son, is how you recognise a commie. Remember, aim in the centre of the chest, and allow the gun to rise as you fire a short burst of three.
Posts like this are why I keep coming back here.
L-R: Tranny, nigger, dyke, faggot, cunt, soyboy.
Only one person has a piece of camo clothing which is far too big. I'd say if shit went down they'd all be dead or begging to live as captured sex slaves in the first 5 minutes.
Hence why we want them to consider AK's not American.
that wasnt the left. that was part of GLADIO. the left never went beyond student protests
Forget that - one of them literally has reflective tape on him like he's some kind of mongoloid.
Oh you sweet summer child, you saw nothing yet
Polite sage for offtopic
The bulldyke at the beginning is without doubt unfamilliar with holding eloganted objects tightly in her grip.
Are dildos considered lesbophobic patriarchal sextools?
These fucks expected to live their lives based on virtue signalling and gibsmedats or special treatment for being some form of genderfaggot.
But that is not what is going to happen.
Trump won and he is only getting stronger.
These faggots are miserable because they are faggots but on pic related they are especially miserable because for the first time in their pathetic lives they must rely on their skill.
They expect violence to come to them They are quite right so they try to rely on their own merit for once which is going about as well as expected.
I believe that some part of them knows how fucked they are, that a lifetime of debauchery and online crying will be worthless.
Some of them might already realise that they will be killed.
They are right again ;^)
Why are 6 men and 1 woman needed for one person on the stretcher?
NCfag here, they'll only stay in Duram or Ashville, possibly Raliegh. most everyone else in NC has gun training, hunting skills and basic outdoor survival training, I'm not even joking, I live in a pretty rural area even the few niggers around here where raised like actual men. We have actual biker gangs and open carry fags out the ass, so Antifcucks would never come around our neck of the woods without shitting themselves.
Are these losers still trying to prove they are relevant?
Because the person is so heavy that the stretcher on wheel will likely collapse without the humans so they have to carry her by hands. I hope their backs don't get injured because of this weight. I wonder what are they thinking of this? I bet they secretly wanted this fat lady to die.
Is the fact that they all look like modded versions of eachother useful at all? Can parts or ammo be used across different models when needed?
My fellow door kickers, make sure you get level IV rifle plates.
For all those who are strong in arm and faith, the Emperor protects.
Because one of those groups is an actual threat while the others are just faggots LARPing around.
They're tough guys, like Jeb
Commies will unite when there is a clear and bigger threat in fron of them, that being said they are by nature and nurture cowardly and traitorous cunts and they know it.
This is a good thing. We all know most of us dgaf about fags. No we are not coming for them.
However- this causes two things:
1. Makes ultra lefties into 2nd amendment advocates. Ask those fags to turn over their guns and watch how they act now.
2. The are mentally instable and prone to sudoku. Half of all gun deaths are sudoku related. They will purge themselves. Or have hissy bitch fits and wave a pink 45 getting killed by cops. Or kill each other in their unending domestic violence.
Its an all good situation.
And no they would not be any good.
Someone should send this to Fields. This completely justifies his self-defense case.
Ah, the old "I should be allowed to have all kinds of guns, but you shouldn't be allowed to have any." Classic Communist tactic.
you're a good boy
Invade with what?
Not listening with audio while I'm out but if I had to guess … Austin, Texas?
Lol you have never been to Asheville or charlotte then my friend.
Why don't we start a group of our own and accept donations?
Lion's Guard, or something similar?
Camacho approves
(((They))) sever your fund if you're linked with white nationalism, but not if you claim to be Antifa. Set up a front for it.
Or just fucking use BTC.
Well, obviously you don't fucking say it's WN. Just say you're a gun club or a militia. If you're accused of it though, nut up and say yes.
I remember a few years back there was a team fortress 2 game between 4chan and reddit. Reddit has prepared a lot, and collected the best players they could. 4chan didn't prepare at all, and just got whoever was online. 4chan ended up steam rolling the game. The Holla Forums equivalent of this is going to be a street war that antifa has been planning for years, and Holla Forums is just going to pick up some NEETs from other bords, and drive there with a .22 rifle and no training, and still slaughter them.
< video of a salty kike
< kike salty the contract didn't go to netanyahubros
The M27 is solid next level AR. I'm astounded the Army didn't do crazy stupid shit. I have no idea how they managed not to suck. maybe WN are on the rise in the ranks
We need Reddit types. Someone has to handle logistics (be truck drivers & shit).
These marines have done a great service in TOTALLY FUCKING WITH THIS FAT, COMMIE LARPER FAGGOT. Semper fucking fi.
Dear god. Please. Tell me this isn't a joke.
Yea pretty sure it was a joke, but damn funny even if it was a little on the nose.
Holy shit, it's real.
Former "leftist" here (I say that in quotes because I never completely bought into it). That won't work. What will happen is every antifa within bus route distance (most can't afford cars) will parasite off you and you will end up worse off than being balls out right wing.
Comrade Camacho
They are first and foremost extreme narcissists, and those types very rarely kill themselves, unfortunately.
No Scope
no, it's near canada
You do know that "Corporatism" is actually the fascist economic system, and it's just used by capitalists who want to pretend that they dindu nuffin, right?
< women intentionally "failing" at guns
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Your lack of safety concerns me
they have draw strings on the bottom of the legs so you can pull the excess tight and tuck what doesn't get pulled tight into your socks/boots
not mowing in shorts that's even worse because I can't carry an extra four mags in shorts
nor can I fit an entire rifle and a shotgun down shorts
DI guns inherently have better accuracy potential over piston guns. There is no reciprocating mass or moving parts over the barrel to cause issues with harmonics. The issue of carrier tilt is also present in piston AR15 variants, due going from a inline direct gas system, to a reciprocating mass that wants to tilt the front of the BCG up, causing problems besides that of accuracy.
Airsoft BB Toy, the magazine has winder on bottom, yes?
It's not, guns' aren't that expensive.
Already hard enough to find, now some nigger faggot has one, hopefully it was a shitty one at least.
Never heard of them.
Also has the highest crime rates in the state. Beats Raleigh in total violent crimes committed with nearly half the population. Also that's not rural.
Reclaim it from whom? You live in fucking Durham you nigger.
… Durham really does live in its own bubble if that's true. I remember no such rumor.
Open-carry is illegal in Durham, the fuck are you doing? We also ignoring that there wasn't actually a KKK rally?
Where are these people from?
Citation? No. Well fuck you too.
It's almost like having a black president who became president because he was black woke people up to the actual racial inequality in the United States.
Finally a name I recognize. Aren't they the guys that threatened a bunch of cops in Charlotte last year?
You're a liberal, yes you are.
Well there was that one guy outside of a University protest that shot and killed someone he thought was a Trump supporter. Though come to think of it the media first reported the political leanings of the victim as a leftist and only later revealed the shooter was also a leftist.
I mean, yes, see above, and also not for lack of trying, one guy in CA is on trial for attempted murder right now. Fuck if I know how many have been charged with assault.
Then your grandfather killed more civilians than Hitler killed Jews.
And THAT'S terrorism.
You didn't leave Durham during Obama's reign did you? I live 30 minutes away from Rocky Mount, I experienced how glorious that supposed economic recovery under Obama was for anywhere that wasn't a name on a map. You sure as shit didn't try to help us rural whites when king nigger and his butt buddy Perdue were dancing on our backs. All those new government positions had to get a salary from SOMEWHERE and they couldn't tax the cities, no, cause that might slow the recovery down in important places. Hell they didn't raise taxes at all here. No, the IRS just extorted us, often. My parents paid the same amount of money in penalties, every month, for 3 years to stay out of debtor's prison. It was supposed to be one penalty, we apparently never paid it despite the money getting withdrawn from our account. We sometimes went without food because of King Nigger's cronies. We even got to watch the news explain that we weren't actually being extorted, that was a Tea Party lie.
Do you even comprehend what it's like to have the IRS CONSTANTLY claim they haven't received payment on some fee even when you show them the canceled check? Every family out here went through Hell because of the government under THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS AND YOU WANT US TO PRETEND WE'RE WORSE OFF BECAUSE TRUMP SAYS MEAN THINGS??
Fuck the sheer volume of Fraud that happened under Governor Perdue caused us to elect our first Republican governor in decades (we then promptly elected another Democrat cause NC has a bad case of blacks). And now that President Trump is putting more of the burden we previously bore, on rich property owners in high tax states, you tell us we should support going back to the blatant corruption that drove our families into the ground for 8 fucking years so that your niggers can have even more gibs?
No. Move to Virginia.
L1A1 were the commonwealth inch pattern guns, the early ones were made by FN and once production lines were set up in then they were produced domestically (by South Africa, UK,Canada, Australia etc.) The ones supplied to Rhodesia by South Africa were sanitized rifles made in SA
I seriously wonder if these commies think that the guys they are going to get shot by are also just larping with their guns once a month.
You would expect them to at least make it look like they take this shit seriously when they try desperately to make propaganda.
Well at least its funny to watch.
Noticed a lot of non-whites at the range lately. But they seem to be fat black women dragging their boyfriends along. They can only manage a 22 pistol so I wouldn't worry too much. Just remember, around blacks never relax.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out why you want to D&C /k/ and Holla Forums you will meet your fate soon, kike :^)
They look so cool!
Slavboo ancap retards who more often than not are also proud (former) zogbots sure sound like a great fit for Holla Forums
These are the cunts who chased James Fields with guns right B4 he ran into those pepo.
None of their weapons seem like they've been used frequently. I mean, there's a well-maintained firearm, but then there's something straight out of the box. I feel like when the revolution comes they all will have shot less than 100 rounds.
Even the picture is slanted to the left.
Not worried about this lot AT ALL unless they're on my surgical team.
Worst part, half of them probably had photography in their shitty arts colleges.
Everyday we see more and more how Fields is gonna walk. First the DA's charge is too big for the crime, then the heart attack autopsy which I think actually got disproven with another one that said it was from an impact, but we'll see, then we have people claiming to have chased him with rifles. And yet we still have people worried about the oh so violent right wingers and ebul natzees.. They like to remember Charlottesville, VA, but don't seem to remember Charlotte, NC. These people man.
proceed to lift rifle
Unironically soon. Right-Wingers will not start a civil war. If you want a civil war, you should be preparing now because it will be these fucking trannies who think they're hot shit because the managed to get a lucky bullseye at a range that will be the ones who go out into the streets first. Even Hitler didn't want a civil war and he avoided it, I'm sure he could have managed to start one and get into power faster, but he chose the method that kept more of brothers alive. The only people in modern history who have started civil wars are leftists or supported by jews. You know it's true, there hasn't been a right wing civil war, even the Spanish Civil war was started by (((Republicans))).
Leftists are incapable of looking more than a few months ahead at most, they also live in a world of fantasy and denial, so they think a civil war will be something like fucking Narnia where there is one great battle between the forces of Good and Evil and the Good side wins and we all go home and that's it. The Right, who is more realistic in all aspects of life, understands that a civil is fucking hell, and having one now would be even worse due to every major population center not being self-sufficient to such a degree that it would take a few days before they ran out of food, and a few hours before they ran out of electricity. So naturally, most right wingers avoid civil war and try to change the system through seizing power democractically like Hitler did.
The civil war will be started by leftists. We will finish it.
proceed to lift airsoft plastic rifle
this is all tankie larping
Just a bunch of fags posing in the woods and maybe marching around town. This is not what we should be afraid of, not now, and perhaps not even in a civil war scenario. They are showpieces. Although I urge you to not underestimate them, the opposite is equally as harmful.
What you should be scared of is mobs, mobs of niggers and fags wrecking your shit, or the ATF or FBI ventilating you and your dog. Those are the two biggest violent threats (In the US) apart from our continuing extinction and random nigger crime.
These people are knuckle dragging idiots, truly untermensch.
I hear chinks are using wood and metal when they make them, now.
This, be prepared and let your enemies make their mistakes in peace.
listen to the pitch of the sound his hands make when grabbing the toy
Dear God my sides.
Why the fuck is his head shaped like a pear?
Literally: muh feels
No they fight for the extermination of the white race not equality. Truth is the world has divided into two camps: pro-whites and anti-whites. If you try to look at it any other way you can't understand what people are doing, if you realize they are just doing things because it's anti-white then everything they do and all the contradictions make sense.
The irony is that if we were living in their communist utopia, she would have died of starvation.
4/k/ is being shilled massively right now, combined with a number of newfags who see the shills and assume it's the natural board culture. There is also a loud minority of gays/assorted degenerates who screech enough to appear larger than they are. The general post quality is very low there too.
the only good part of 4/k/ is the milsurp weapons general thread
8/k/ is much smaller, but the posters actually know about the subjects they discuss, and there's a large userbase overlap between us and 8/k/.
Carpenter syndrome, also called acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II,[1] is an extremely rare autosomal recessive[2] congenital disorder characterized by craniofacial malformations, obesity, and syndactyly.[2]
Rebel Media.
The whole point of "antifa" articles is to make you feel smug and superior, or to make you feel threatened. Both plays right into the hands of the kike.
The left receives exactly equivalent propaganda portraying fake kike-controlled right-wingers in exactly the way required to make the left feel smug or threatened.
This is just the kike playing "let's you and him fight" while it stands back and rubs its shekel-snatchers together.
Of course, most here are too young or too invested in the kike-engineered "us vs them" White D&C to ever recognize that they're being played as dumb media-believing goyim.
Video related, an example of this at work, with the left as target. For a right-wing targeted example, look no further than the "screams autistically" ACTRESS who did the skit for the MSM after the Trump victory was announced.
Yes she's an actress, yes it was completely staged, yes you're a dumb goyim if watching her gives you a warm tingle in your belly and makes you feel smug.
Whenever kike media causes you to feel something you are being manipulated.
I generally like 8k alot.
That said the anti american / pro / sandnig / sjw sentiment on one recently anchored thread has left me dissapointed. If you visit /k/ you know which thread I'm talking about.
Good point, the jews should always be our main focus, rather than their golem.
HOLY SHIT THAT'S A FAT FUCK! I was a casket bearer at my great aunt's funeral (god rest her soul) and it only took 6 of us to transport her to the Hearse comfortably.
There's no way this guy is for real. Nobody could be this much of a poobrain. It's like watching a Sam Hyde sketch
Firstly a shotgun will shoot just as true as a rifle in most desirable range and setting and secondly if you can't handle looking through a shotgun scope and firing then you probably couldn't handle shooting a .308 or 30-06 either.
They're doing what you cannot. Deal with it.
Wouldn't be too sure about that Holla Forums.
Prancing around like faggots with guns they can't properly use, firing a few rounds, then going home and virtue signalling on twitter about how they're #bashingthefash despite having fuckall knowledge of small unit tactics and zero experience oper8ing as a group?
Lithuhey that's mean.
I don't understand why these people are always wearing teatowels around their neck.
Wasn't one of those Saudi Princes that were rounded up rumored to be funding them?
Is that the same one that owns part of fox news?
So they can cover their face when they sucker punch a random guy on the street.
Dumb question but why'd they take her pants off?
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? /k/ommandos went to the Ferguson riots and got chased by coons
1. Your post reeks of FBI shill
2. HWNDU was a meetup and tons of Holla Forumsacks came out for that
3. Holla Forumsacks are too smart to meetup and get put in a FBI database
I think it was the one who owned part of Twitter. I'm not one hundred percent sure.
These days it's hard to tell between bait and whats real with the massive influx of newfags and shills
It's like they want to be targets.
I don't understand how this became a thing in the first place to be honest. It's similar to a spear but slower, shorter, less elastic and more predictable making it rather easy to deflect.
My guess it is more about the psychological effect on the trainee than the actual combat effectiveness of bayonet wielding.
It started in the seventeenth century, when the French introduced it so they could replace their pikemen with musketmen.
Old armies needed to have retinues of pikemen all the way into the 1600s because of the threat of cavalry. Unprotected musketmen were easy to kill with cavalry charges. Imagine driving a group of cars into a mass of soldiers who could only fire three times a minute at short range. You could trample the entire column.
So the standard tactic was the tercio espanol, or Spanish third, in which 1/3 of the men in a column would be pikemen, usually placed at the vertices of a larger square of musketmen (see the four columns at the center of the first pic related for an example), which would make up 2/3 of the column. This way, if a cavalry charge was coming, the pikemen could fan out to form a wall of pikes around the musketmen and impale the cavalry if they saw a charge coming.
The problem with this is you have 1/3 of your column that just sits there doing nothing unless there's a cavalry charge. It would be much more effective to have all of your soldiers be musketmen. But if you did that, you'd be open to cavalry charges.
So around 1700, the French invented bayonets, which could be fitted on a musket and allow a musketman to become a discount pikeman. A musket with a bayonet might not be quite as good as a pike, but it was good enough to make cavalry charges costly enough to protect the column without 1/3 of your soldiers having to be useless 90% of the time.
Against infantry, the bayonet is fairly useless for actually killing people. Generally, bayonet charges weren't used to actually kill the enemy. The standard practice was to fire a few volleys into the enemy column, killing a large number of their soldiers and decimating their morale (most volleys were fired at ~25 yards apart until rifles became common in the 19th century, so having a line of several hundred men all firing in unison at that close range would be rather frightening), at which point whichever side had the most intact men and morale would charge and the other side would break and run.
So the bayonet was mainly used against cavalry and as a method of breaking up armies that had already been decimated by musket and artillery fire and were already wavering. In modern warfare, they're probably only useful for morale as said, although I'm sure you can find a few examples of bayonets being used in extreme circumstances up to this day.
My money's on the tranny next to him being his >girlfriend.
Disgusting tbh, I'm no soldier but even I understand that rules of engagement are just kike restrictions that only white european countries are expected to follow in order to give brown filth a marginal advantage.
Really creative how you lads got around them, good riddance to sandscum.
I'm not double tapping, it's controlled pairs… Jeez :^)
I see, i was thinking in terms of ww1-2 military right now, but prior to that it indeed had its uses especially when it comes to cavalry. I don't know why i mistook the timeframes for when the bayonet came to be, thanks for the answer.
Still, i don't understand why lefties think about using bayonets or crossbows. What are they trying to accomplish? No matter how much of a moron you are, it's should be easy to understand basic combat effectivity. Is it because of their invincibility complex? Thinking that nothing can happen to them and that they're some kind of main character that can evade bullets and kill evil nazis with arrows in a radius of two miles? Sometimes i really want to look into their heads and see what's inside.
>attempts to deepen voice at "you're the bad guy, mno matter wut
moar info/sauce?
Agreed. I'm an airgun fag but using a pretty crazy new ruger bolt .308, when set up for wind+range, got a waist sized target at 750m on my 2nd shot with decent cross wind. Much more my cup of tea.
That said user that replied to you regarding close range action is right (for cityfags). Out in country where I am it'll be longer distance stuff most times.
So is this guy Class III FFA licensed or what?
Because I see three positions on that selector lever.
To be fair, you're not the only one…
Bayonets probably because they've seen the military still use them and think they're still useful, rather than weapons that are still kept in service simply because they double as utility knives and aren't particularly heavy or bulky.
Crossbows are probably for the ones that either think guns are scary evil weapons or cannot own guns because of a felony record.
Either that or they've seen too many movies where stronk independent women use bows and arrows to kill enemies with ease because the script writer doesn't realize that actual medieval bowmen were extremely built because "200 pound war bow" actually means that firing the bow is equivalent to roughly a 200 pound overhead press, and they were expected to do this twenty times a minute for potentially a long period of time.
To be fair, airguns are useful for basic gun training and killing/hunting varmints, and the ammunition is probably cheap (I dunno for sure, but if it's anything like .22 LR I'd assume you can pick it up by the crate). You could give an airgun to a child/waifu you were teaching how to shoot so they could learn basic gun familiarity, safety, and target practice while firing cheap ammunition that probably wouldn't kill someone if they fucked up.
I'd still recommend doing your actual oper8ing training with whatever gun you plan to use for oper8ing, in keeping with the concept of training like you're going to fight.
Easily dealt with if you spend some time learning about camera and lasers. Not talking average normalfag laser pointer but bit more serious shit…
Something you'd want to prepare before SHTF.
You'll want to stack a few beams and something in order of 4-8W or more should do the trick. Divergence is king for distance.
Opinion on vid related.
The engravings are irrelevant because there are only two wholes in the receiver for the trigger group and there is no full auto sear
don't drink and post friends
watching this makes me sad because noguns nofuns
You're gonna have to do better than that Schlomo.
I think in their minds they have been forced to do this. They wholeheartedly believe the country is being overrun by violent Nazis.
Fucking terrible lazy nigger-tier way to do it.
I'm talking stacking those diodes into a beam the size of your finger.. so about 10x the power density. That'll fuck shit up real good. Sets fire to shit nearly instantly without focusing too..
I can't post shit I do because dox but something like pic related without the nigger kvant brassmounts.
Maybe just two banks so 1/3rd of that with blue diodes.
They're still pretty nigger teir but best you'll buy as public.
It's called beam stacking. You can also use a PBS cube to join two banks of beams with opposite polarisation.
4x blue diodes
1 1 1 1 (diodes)
/ / / / (mirrors to stack like pic related)
PBS ======== (beam) === []/\ (anamorphic prism) === (==)collimator (sets good divergence) ——— sharp beam comes out the end.
/\ goes into PBS
/ / / / (mirrors to stack like pic related)
1 1 1 1 (diodes)
4x blue diodes
pic 2 is pretty nigger teir but something most Holla Forumsacks could make with ease and will do the job (easy to see beam paths), without worrying about the telescope/collimator for beam.
That's how you get the 'laser shotgun' niggerness to be far less niggy and something that could actually disable shit pretty fucking quick.
Most CCs are Vis/broadband so anything in visible range will fuck them pretty good, especially if they are the longer body/zoom camera type.
Most of those dome cams (higher end ones anyway) that I have played with can have considerable zoom and are susceptible to damage if zoomed or not. Back in mid 00's they already had plate and face tracking, so don't expect anything less from something installed today.
Keep in mind beams like these blues are fucking dangerous with specular reflection (even off things you dont' think reflect like leaves), so avoid things that reflect or bounce and never stick your eyes at beam table level. Windows particularly.. even 4-8% reflection from an 8W beam will give you a bad day.
Photonlexicon and laserpointerforums will have guides how to do this. Basically google beamstacking, diy rgb laser projectors, focus on red and blue modules as most affordable, blue being easiest for beginners by far, but also most dangerous. Get some good goggles and read up about laser safety for class 3 and 4 lasers.
Never forget a beam like that is easy to see the origin..
Also a targeting method would be advised, fluid pan head video tripod and a front surface bounce mirror with some 100 turn per inch brass screws to target very accurately will help a lot. You might also want to have a way to draw a dome camera to looking at the laser.. start a fight or some other shit that'll get them looking.. them bam.
To join glass/brass mirrors you can use superglue but if you want to really get serious, hit up your local loctite rep..
do they have to remind each other to punch with the thumb outside of the fist
8 people and they can't even keep the stretcher level. Feel bad for the guy in the back, he's downwind of all that and has nowhere else to look but straight into the abyss.
Airguns are great for practising on the cheap for shooting accurately. And agreed, for gun safety they are perfect for training. They're also the ultimate survival gun IMO. I can carry 2000 rounds in my pockets and eat like a king, without cleaning the damn thing. It's about 2c USD per shot… .22 airguns are cheap to feed.
Most seasoned gunfags I know are well aware an airgun is harder to fire than a real gun. Reason is the importance of hold - airgun is still recoiling while the pellet travels out of the barrel. So they say if you can shoot an airgun well you will be excellent at shooting real guns. Seems this is true making a 750m shot, first time shooting a .308… also am very accurate with .22 and other stuff, including shotguns. Probably because I shoot practically every day around the house.
And in my country they made cops start wearing stab proof vests because some quadroon nigger faggot killed a cop with a 16ft/lb airgun ffs. Shot them in the heart. So in a pinch, that survival gun can do almost everything you need, not that I'd want to use it for anything bigger than birds and smaller four legged stuff.
30 ft/lbs hand cocked would do plenty enough damage though.
PCP airguns can be used to hunt deer and shit, but they need hand pumping or a compressor, bit more effort. They have .50 cal airguns too and I would not want to be shot with any airgun, 16ft/lbs, 30ft/lbs or PCP. Fuck that.
Agreed though, actual ops use a proper gun and train with that. But for keeping familiar and accurate, you can't beat cheapness and relative safety of an airgun.
They were very active in the US in the late 80's-early 90's.
I assume she shit herself
you're a good boy
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
I call dibs on the two fags in the middle.
Traitors and fags die first
While the bayonet is pretty much obsolete, the Brits still use them from time to time. May have to do with them running out of ammo all the time.
give up you faggot. no one cares.
No…what's in those places
Specifically, a 25 cm wooden one.
Just imagine Orwell showing up at one of these events. He'd probably be shitposting about it on here afterward.
Some guy named Zerzen in Portland was pretty much all the antifa back in the day, when they were rioting in Seattle.
Most of the 'anarchist left' types I used to know weren't that committed, and used their edgyness to get underage girls or sell drugs. There was and is a huge (((rape))) problem in the hard left.
you are SPOT on
Day 2 Day threat condition is as follows
1. Niggers
2. FBI/CIA Niggers
Prep is as follow
1. Around Blacks don't relax, be armed, and wear level II or IIa minimum body armor.
2. Don't electronically affiliate with people or groups whom are watched. don't engage in open violence that the state may put you on watch for. Be more careful in your electronic transmissions. Don't threaten people via any means.
faggot stop LARPing and finish your damn books. HBO is going to run out of material soon!
You know who.
Ate beef liver last week and became super horny.
Thanks user.
Automatic weapons have few practical applications, In those applications they are far superior to semi auto, but outside of those FA can be a hinderance.
This is obvious, Bullets flying at you make you duck or move in otherwise evasive ways. A fucking shit ton of bullets flying your way will make you cling to the nearest, best protection and fucking stay there. The testicular fortitude to not shut down like a bitch in such a situation is fairly rare and even those brave enough to try to fight their way out of that situation will be making very cautious and calculated movements, i.e. it will make them keep their head down. If you have a team of guys with you this allows you to break off into separate fire teams with one applying bang bang all over the enemies position and taking some well aimed shots when the opportunity arrises and the other circling around to gain a solid vantage point to the enemies weak side.
This is a very, very basic tactic requiruing almost zero organization.
FA certainly has its merits in CQB, but that is not to say that semi auto is no good, or not as good, for it. The benefit that FA gives you is you can pop into a room and just spray and pray with a high expectation of hits. But if you are winning battles because of the liberal use of panic fire you are going to run out of luck one day. The one benefit that FA definitely has in a cqb situation is if you need to blind fire around a corner, sticking your pew pew out and and just spraying down a hallway would definitely be a bonus in that situation.
One other advantage that FA has is:
It can be done but hitting a man sized target outside of 300 meters without good optics is pretty fucking hard, especially if its moving. FA in that situation would have the benefit of being able to try to 'rake' that target with 5-10 round bursts
Any other situation SA is much more practical. So in the grand scheme of things worrying about not having a full auto weapon is pointless. Especially if we are going to be going up against libcucks, spics, niggers and sand niggers. Rogue elements with actual skill will be so few and far between that there shouldnt be much need for tactics more complex than 'find enemy, kill enemy'
It has good range because its a 308. However the dust cover moves and it’s not the most rigid of weapons so it’s not really a super accurate weapon. However if you know how to mod it, tighten connection between lower and upper, keep that dust rail from moving, then it gets really accurate.
Standard Fal however is mostly a badass battle rifle for more up close to moderate distances. I have one and they are very smooth.
This is a drug addict. I know cause I had a window of binging. Junk food releases dopamine. It's that simple. Years of using to put on that blubber. I use the term "using" because McDonald's even calls regular customers "heavy users".
Not anymore, now it's a corpse
Gas the kikes
Great post. I'm fascinated by the evolution of the firearm and it's application in both small engagements and complete field battles. The musket into better musket into rifle and the development of the cartridge. Rate of fire / range really changes the game.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide",jhc gy
One of the things that interests me is how the Chinese began work on inventing so many technologies, then promptly failed to actually translate early inventions into practical ones.
They invented gunpowder ~100 AD, but it took them until ~900 AD to make the first fire arrows and 1300 AD to invent hand cannons. And they never invented muskets of any kind or any kind of field artillery.
They invented movable type (basically ink stamps), but failed to produce an actual printing press that could use multiple such stamps to print more quickly than hand writing in the manner that Gutenberg did.
They invented early gunpowder rockets, but failed to produce fin guided or spin stabilized rockets like the British did, develop more advanced solid propellants like the Americans did, or develop practical liquid fueled rockets like the Germans did.
They came up with the idea behind vaccination, but failed to develop practical methods of vaccination (where pus from a cowpox wound was transferred to a healthy person), instead simply having healthy people sit in a room with the sick.
It seems like the Chinese would routinely come up with new ideas for technologies, then completely fail to design practical inventions making use of those technologies, whereas European inventors did so immediately.
It's doesn't appear as if they invented those with clear motive and research, but more like all they did was come across that stuff by sheer accident and just like chinks today lacked the creativity to apply more uses to it other than what they found out through coincidence or from someone else. I mean asia was deep into herbs and spices at that time, so i guess that gunpowder came to be because both requires grinding of ingridients into powder and mixing them just like you do with herbs and spices. Same with asian ink which you need to grind. That they didn't come up with a printer may also be due to their infatuation with caligraphy, who knows.
LOL fighting Holla Forums results
I could take all of these people out before they get an accurate shot placement outside of 4 yards.
I really think their plan is to cringe us to dest
Bayonets, swords, axes, etc. are effective last ditch weapons. Wars have been won with bayonet charges, nothing is more terrifying than a man running at you to KILL YOU. Everyone thinks they're a hardass because some hadji took potshots at them, until you've had real life close quarters combat you've no idea how good it feels to kill. Er wait.. no idea how scary it is, yeah that's the one.
It's like they're trying to make us feel sorry for them.
fukin checked
The new Marine Corp M27 (LMG replacement) is issued with an M16/M4 compatible bayonet.
A bayonet is a field expedient spear.
Checked yourself mate.
And while we're on the subject, HEMA or whatever the fuck they're calling it now is great. You ever hold onto wooden shield as a fucking axe wielding maniac rips chunks out of it? Holy fuck it's better than an orgasm.
It's been years since I've had someone trying to kill me, and these larping faggots are blueballing us all.
Unfortunately I have to agree with a previous user here, it's unlikely we're going to be seeing open combat. More likely are assassinations and terror attacks
I shouldn't be so worried, in RAHOWA your uniform is your skin. The White ones will be behind the lines and will probably at least defend themselves when their "comrades" come for them. That'll be a few less niggers for us to string up.
You do know that's according to the Marines, right?
Fellas, this is gonna be easy.
What do you mean?
Remember that they won't fight with honor. Gunshots to the back of the head, and running away is their style. Just as they've learned the way of the jew, they will use it. Watch out for diaperfags.
Use Google?
They're not getting that opportunity. I have every intention of shooting first when the time is right.
I mean what is "according to the Marines"? That it's going to be the replacement for the M249? I already knew that.
You sounded like you were doubting me. It's literally what they're doing.
I read it very carefully, by the way. It's clearly what they're doing.
Ugly Man and Frisk are both on bookfi.
Laugh at them all you want, it just takes one of these sperglords to kill a leader
She died? Good.
Why did they peed? It reminds me of the trolls whom tricked the girls into pee and uploaded the picture of their peed pants on the twitter for women empowerment.
Found the closet cuck.jpg
I only ever shot airguns and I had perfect accuracy with them (we were shooting cola cans in the forest)
That middle one has a SIG shouldr brace , because it's illegal to shoulder the rifles stock(at least in Commiefornia),there is no fucking way SJW knows that ,which means they are outfitted("we" know this),but any shit they do should be connected to the (((ones))) that payed
So many parallels with the 60's 70's
Yes, that label has been around, unlike an-queefa.
Looks playable, If only I knew how to play or own the tuba, although I know how to play string instruments
Its how we should fight as well. Massacring them while they are unarmed or not expecting an attack is a valid tactic on DOTR.
Probably never happened. Every Western country has been running hoax shootings with pellet guns in order to justify banning them. In the UK they use babies instead of police though.
Now, if they made the story credible, kids fooling around, a stray shot in an urban area etc, but no, the story is that a woman's friend just turned up with a loaded pellet gun and shot her kid in the head "for a laugh". She of course appeared all over the MSM, telling different stories every time.
tl;dr governments stage hoaxes to get shit banned.
In Britain, the ubiquitous presence of pellet guns were the only real threat to small police/govt observation drones which can now be phased in with no easy counter.
In theory you can get one if you obtain a firearms license, in practice that isn't going to happen unless you live in the country or are a licensed pest controller.
Piston guns kick like a mule.
As far as they’re concerned, life is pain. And when there’s ‘’so much injustice and suffering’’ in the world, they believe it’s not right for them to have fun and enjoy their time on earth. So they begin thinking of themselves as super serious heroes who find offense in everything on behalf of minorities, even if the minority in question has no issue with it. See for example the Ugandan Knuckles meme. This also explains why they can’t meme for shit.
I want these faggots to try something so badly. I want them to try to kill someone, maybe go on a shooting spree and kill a bunch of “fascists” (really leftists who aren’t in their favor) and start an American Araguaiana Guerrilla type of thing.
But I can only dream. The reason these fags in the article are posting their faces and showing off is because Bugmen require validation for everything they do. It’s why they are so drawn to social media, always hoping for more and more likes. It’s all about making themselves feel good, they don’t give a shit otherwise.
user laughs, but a bullet kills whether or not its launched by a limp wristed tranny, or a staunch defender.
This is a great opportunity to turn the left against themselves and laugh as they try to argue.
The crux of their body politic rests around disarming the individual. Use that, user. Make sure their media outlets who are currently painting anti-fa as a respectable movement akin to those who fought against the nazis, have to discuss these automatic weapon carrying genetic cripples.
What's up with the Nation of Religion of Cuck™ beard on the nigger?
Probably picked up Religion of Cuck™ in prison.
What? Through the night? hahaha
They have no selfawareness whatsoever. Just demented larping. Of course this is so over the top, it might just be a jew trick to get people who're crazy banned from owning guns.
The most obnoxious thing is that they call themselves "Redneck Revolt" even though they are not rednecks, have undoubtedly spent their lives trashing rednecks, and are clearly just a Soros-org trying to subvert actual rednecks since they are a clear threat to the leftist agenda.
>the (((ones))) that payed
Where was that pic taken? Time to look into area FFLs and maybe call the ATF for illegal diversion (no fucking way they went to a gun show).
I love you, Holla Forums
never change
sage for no contributan
come on
While I agree that these LARPers are a fucking joke, I will remind you that these assholes are still prepared to harass bystanders with their weapons. They are armed and should be considered dangerous because when they start to open fire from a perceived threat, a lot of innocent bystanders will get killed by these fuckers. Their lack of discipline (both emotional discipline and gun handling discipline) will not only get themselves killed (which is fine) but other killed as well (which could be a white child walking 3 blocks away). The Redneck Revolt are are danger and must be recognized as such. The fact that they appear to be so laughable lessens and lowers people's perception of how much a threat they are in general.
These fuckers need to be shut down ASAP. Preferably via the FBI (assuming that the feds are not already running them)
Fucking adorable, I can't wait to take those rifles as war trophies,
A kike hurts his toe and he will claim its whole family has been murdered.
Body language is so fun even the editing room of a kike mediastation cant cut it out.
Marines are retarded niggers. News at 11
Checked & Shadilay!
Probably just a mudslime nigslimic terrorist
Durham is crawling with negroes. I don't know what part of the state you're talking about…
>lone guerrilla sniper
>needing militant squads
too many punks fall for this anarkiddie shit also girl looks like the former bassist of white zombie
AHAHA! Wasn't that the "punch them in the throat" character??
It's satire thought I wouldn't be surprised that actual antifa faggots are like this skit.
No shit. It's illegal to do so in this case. Dumb ass.
He looks cool on posters though.
you're a good boy
They look like something out of the second Homefront game.
Good. Come try it with me. I would love to see fed traitors kill millions of veterans. How many times would your entire departments have to be replaced, I wonder? Any of them that have a brain would stay far the fuck away from an inkling of that, particularly fucking with SF.
Don't be intimidated by gay shit like that. And the reference to Waco is not what you think it is. The guy Koresh was running dirty shit for them and was going to leak it to the public. But it is still illegal, and those fucking traitors need removed, tried for treason, and sentenced accordingly. I would also advise provacateurs here to watch your mouths. Referring to how "threatening" something supposedly is just makes my bloodthirst spike. Then again, I was a Marine, and I enjoy it when someone is stupid enough to come try to fight me.
Noncombatant anons, do not be worried. Do get trained if you are able bodied (I have said this six gorillion times here) by someone combat arms (a few who are prior combat arms are better than one). Most of you apparently do not have any idea of how dangerous the most dangerous people in the country are. They are the SF veterans, they usually live far away from civilization, and they generally do not bother anyone. A lot of the serious heavy hitters who were regs are very similar.
Anyone who does anything dumb enough to actually incite those people has signed a death warrant. Most of the rest of the public is not very material in a future conflict compared to them. If you voted with a press of the trigger, these few have thousands or tens of thousands of "votes." None of them have properly snapped, either, because the body count would be a historical record. Those types do not do things lightly or out of emotion, generally.
And no, bringing Waco-tier forces will not help you fuck with them either, sorry.
It's hitlerious, isn't it? They even pulled that fag Anglin's site for properly bantzing the landwhale cunt. It serves her right to be honest.
That's pretty precious, and I hope they are that stupid.
Taking photo ops is not conducting training or ops, so yeah, that says it all.
Back in first campaign, the 1 man had a 70% chance to get shot on an entry. That doesn't necessarily mean you can't do them, but always weigh the cost of any action.
We all know kikes always take the bait. If these faggots predictably scatter, then the thing to do is scatter them into side traps and secondary ambushes, to include splitting part of their force off and isolating it if you lack the numbers to wipe the entire unit in that situation.
Never give your enemy a chance. Know how they think and what they will do. Get them to do the wrong thing. With professionals too good for that, find one weakness in their form. Shatter them through that weakness. It does not have to be much.
True story.
And mentally prepare yourself for being shot or otherwise fucked up. It is possible to not realize you are shot until later, but it more likely that it will hurt a lot immediately. If you are brave and have a lot of experience with violence, you will probably do all right with it.
Best post. All the time contrarians around here only wish to be contrary. They are fools and would get smacked in the sparring circle in the blink of an eye because they buy every single feint they see.
Never take anything the enemy says seriously. Stop citing your enemies as a source for anything, including negative things.
Kikes will get the worst of tortures for trying to make warfare communist (of all things). They will pay for their insult to Thor and for insulting the sacred art of Warfare.
that fag in the thumbnail looks like that creepy gollum graverober in red dead redemption
'you're a good boy'
for what purpose. you can't dump 200 rounds through an m4/m16 all at once without the barrel melting or at a minimum seriously fucking it up and making the accuracy shit later.
not to mention it's going to be 30 pounds.
come on, one of these hasn't been banned from import. I'm just going with what is still commonly available. I still kick myself for not picking up a 74 style Vepr rifle from Atlantic when they had them for $999 before the election.
ask any miltary fags and they will tell you it is NOT cool to be in the army and wear gear.
the fact that they just put all this gay outfits on just shows their weakness.
when you hike for miles in a day in full combat gear you will be hurting and you look tough from the outside but it is not fun
I like the part where not a single one of them knows how to hold their weapon.
Holy shit my sides
Proof it's airsoft:
Holding a gun, toy or otherwise, doesn't make you strong.
Heres a thing can they do 20km hike in full gear like you would do in the military
Can they even do 1km range timed target practice?
Anyone can shoot a target, but very few people can take the pressure of being in combat situations
Hell i am not sure if i would be even capable doing that beyond few times in a row
Good posts. Hence why a big part of my training is long hikes with full ruck and gear. That and practicing with my funs. I try to squeeze in one or both every weekend or more often if scheduling permits. PT PT PT. DO IT ANONS
The casualties during a volley were much lower than you think. thevintagenews.com
Here is an amusing thought.
Every time you see these militant antifa photo ops, they always go with the diversity aesthetic, straight out of a corporate HR department seminar. You've got your "empowered womenz." You've got your disgruntled minorities, and a few cuckish beta white boys. They really believe in the effectiveness diversity, so much that they take it into battle.
Now you put them on a battlefield against a bunch of rural, white nationalists and christians, who have been waiting their whole lives for this. Watch as the urbanite diversity gaggle get utterly massacred. You've had this sickening aesthetic shoved down your throat your whole life and now you are finally able to just gun it down. What a beautiful sight that would be. What perfect symbolism. "Diversity is our strength" we yell out in ironic mockery as we dump them into an unmarked mass grave.
Basically this. If antifa was Bolshevik 2.0, than we'd need to start worrying about, but I doubt they would evolve to such levels since it would require about 2 more levels of Test that these faggots can't reach.
Tough guys
Because a red dot sight has one focal plane?
yea and the hipster kids will see it and be all "cool I wanna join that" next up will be the action packed recruitment videos, just like ISIS!
Criminally unchecked.
Not checking trips is an offense punishable by law
The girl on the right, with the fluffy hair used to work as a truck driver.
hitler dubs checked for ultimate truth
"leftist" men like him really freak me out. I don't know how to describe it. They're like freakish sadists. They don't fight for a just cause, honor, or a better future or a legacy to pass to their children, they want to fight because they are jumped-up freaks.
They'll slaughter you for the promise of their commie utopia where they don't have to work to survive. It's very un-human. Not even animalistic, since animals care about their progeny and survival.
They have no rhythm.
I honestly think it's drugs.
They will not fight well.
No they won't .
It's all amphetamine.
But this works two ways:
If you are beast: you become savage.
If you are cuck you become a shaky fragile frozen cuck
Give them the whole armory
They will never win because they have no substance. And you need substance to fight.
not wearing a red shirt, I'd knock him down at 400 yards. Had he swapped that shirt out for a long sleeve tan/brown shirt he'd maybe have a chance.
she reminds me of the kook that lives in a old car dump in "The Walking Dead" she has mental problems.
Personally this is an interesting picture. I'd actually get along with all of them, except the nigger. And, I don't see these people all that much different than myself other than a political perspective. If they didn't have vested interest in politics I could care less if they stick their tongues up each others asses.
What I think we all have in common is a disgust in leadership and government and the structure of the world we are all forced to live in due to the Zionist agenda of ruling the world at the expense of all others not JEW, and these people don't look like JEWS.
I kek'd