How can anyone in their right mind play healer?
Healing in mmos
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Because they aren't in their right mind. Healslut's are real, it's not just a meme.
Your problem is that you're playing with other people.
See your problem is in the first line.
No matter what you pick, unless you're bring your personally selected elite squad of autists to every single raid or event or whatever, you're going to have to deal with mouthbreathing dipshits that don't even know how to make a basic rotation.
The sad truth.
How can i make my own autist squad tho?
i jump off and dead
Maybe I'm just lucky.
MMOs are a meme. Shit, shallow gameplay and annoying faggots you can't really stand but pretend you do so they help you grind pixels.
Which game?
because they play with people who they know are good, usually friends they are communicating with in VOIP or something. since the dawn of video games where healing was a concept it's been like that, it's only recently that the "healslut" meme has come to be as some sort of queer way of talking about your team being shit. i suppose it's the whole cuck-cult that took over video games a few years back that made it popular. for forever it's been the worst job in a team to be the healer because it means you rely on the skill of others and teamwork, something that more often than not sucks ass.
healing classes is something that's going to die because of matchmaking. games that had server browsers or an emphaiss on guilds or party finding through talking with people would make it possible for the healer to pick and choose the people he heals, now the system just throws random garbage at you and you're at the mercy of it unless you can get that group of friends that isn't trash but even that's harder sine with matchmaking making friends is near impossible.
I wanted to be a cute white mage
Forget player quality, I don't understand how anyone can stand to play a healer in games with WoW-like healing system at all.
He's right. I've wasted a lot of my life in WoW, holding lots of top 15 DPS parses across various bosses through the years, and have played with lots of different guilds.
Most of my healers over the years have been women or submissive omega males.
You sound bitter,
nope, just getting casualised to hell and back so any mouthbreather can manage to keep his team mates alive while randomly mashing buttons and trying to DPS the boss. Gotta keep as many people going to the cash shop as possible goyim :v)
So you're a damage whore?
I just wanted to be needed.
but women are the worst healers, literally
Please say which game, I am curious which mmos are still being played.
This. What is the point of logging in when you are playing by yourself.
I mean who would play an mmo alone?
you should see them tanking
Well this was from wow, from 8 years ago…. Ask someone else.
But among my MMO friends the new final fantasy and black dessert were popular last year. This year they are having a dry period.
Good tanks need to be aggressive and dominant. The few women I've seen tanking exhibited neither.
that's what I mean. it's trend in MMOs especially and in games like Overwatch where the dedicated healer class is neutered, given some DPS while other classes are sprinkled with healing so that you're less dependand on teamwork making everything a little easier to play and the differences between the classes minimal often leading to situations where a lot of the options are made obsolete. it happened in GW2 and it seems to be a trend in a lot fo modern multiplayer games. it's basically like taking a nice salad where you have some fresh greens of different flavors, some crunchy carrots, a few bits of nice juicy chicken and some crutons for extra crunch with some delicious vinegrette sauce and putting all of that into a blender so the end result is functionally the same but all variety and all finess has been stripped.
I am not in my right mind. I also build my healers to be DPS because fuck you
sounds about right
Primarily, yeah. In Vanilla I raided as a resto druid, but from BC on I was DPS. Starting in Cata I began to maintain a tanking alt to bring to alt raids and keep things fresh, but DPS was always what drew me in the most.
Spergy legbeards can be good healers, but as always an inordinate amount of guild drama would come from the women.
It's the hardest and most fun job there is.
I've played the tank role in every game that allowed me to do so since vanilla wow; I think aggressiveness is not as fundamental as good field vision and a calming presence.
Anyways women lack all of the above, at least the ones who play vidya.
I never said anything about sluts.
Maybe stop projecting your gayness so much?
user, you're the slut
It's okay user, I'm sure if you tell your dad now he won't be too disappointed about you being a closetfag.
Damage whore is a derogatory term for DPS who try to do better on the damage meter/parses at the cost of their performance, usually by getting themselves or others killed by trying to squeeze in that extra little bit of damage when they've repeatedly been told not to or by doing stupid shit like throwing out AoEs when they should be doing single target damage and other dumb shit like that.
To me being aggressive while tanking is putting people in their place, leading without cajoling, setting up the pace, telling people what to do and what they're doing wrong and generally getting shit done in a timely and efficient manner even if it means ruffling the pwoor bwabwy's little feathers. People tend to respond to criticism well when you tell them that they're the reason the group is struggling, why what they're doing is wrong, how to fix it while adding a nice "and if your dumb ass keeps fucking up I'm booting you" at the end.
You're right about field vision, but I'd rather put it as "good entity management": you handle the mobs but you also handle your group while keeping track of cooldowns, resources and by utilizing the tools your group has to its full potential.
Disagree on calming presence though. People I've tanked for generally follow this pattern: "this tank's fucking crazy" > "huh this is actually working pretty well" > "holy shit that was easy" > "we're done already? that was so fast". Once they realize that you mean business and that you're capable/competent, everything usually falls into place super fucking fast. Of course this shit doesn't happen when tanking is piss easy like it was in WoW after Cata made tanking be entirely irrelevant by making tanks only have to worry about pushing their AoE threat buttons and their tank cooldown whenever the big yellow letter appeared on the screen to tell you the ability you're supposed to use a cooldown for is coming.
Oh, no, that's not me. I'd always be on the bottom of damage taken unless I was responsible for handling/soaking a specific mechanic.
This is why the hunter/pet class exists.
I miss playing XIV.
Still playing XIV very casually. Hoping Stormblood will really fix things up.
XIV still have that horrible net code where you get hit by attacks because the damage gets registered even if you're a mile out of the area? And does it still have the 2.5s GCD?
Healing is there for others who are tired of playing ezmode dps. Theres nothing as exhilirating as keeping a group falling to pieces together by the skin of your teeth as their health bars are dropping like flies. Having to react in that split moment and make the right call, being forced to react faster and faster or your team dies, while simultaneously managing cooldowns, positioning, mana, timing and everything else gives the most satisfying feeling by the end of a hard fight.
Don't know about that but last time I played it still had the 0.4s input delay.
I suppose continued healing existance requires some strong willed tank/dps clique to latch onto.
With encouragement like:
After all, healing is only worth it if the people you heal constantly make you feel good about it.
The fuck you talking about? The reward in healing and tanking is the challenge. The reward in DPSing is seeing big numbers and epeen.
Eh, I can carry people as Tank t b h depending on the MMO.
every single time
I did see a sephiroth serpiroth and a cloud cloud when I played XIV. I was really tempted to change my name to weebs everywhere.
Brain problems?
I played healer when I played WoW, I just pretend my heals are the deepus and I am shitting all over my scrublord allies. I played Discipline Priest so best believe I was jumping around spinning and healing and being an obnoxious prick lol, I also focused heavily on arena so most of my BM obnoxious characteristics in group can be attributed to that but tbh my main focus was just doing the absolute most I could to ensure that we win. If your groups are shit you aren't doing enough to help them and you're blaming others when it is your fucking fault. You could tell those shitlord scrubs "YO FUCKHEAD MOVE OUT OF THE FIRE STOP ATTACKING THE ADDS TOO EARLY LISTEN TO ME AND GET LOOTS :3" but instead you sit quietly and blame them. You are the problem my friend :D
its like playing whack-a-mole user
I want to hear more about pvp healers. I think pvp healing is way more difficult than pve.
why would you play an MMO and pick a role that isn't fun, unless you'd have fun by being wanted?
yeah, that's actually not a bad description. DPS is fun and all because there's nothing better than catching that assclown paladin casting with an imp CS and proceeding to blow his brains out with crits but it gets boring, healing is stressful as fuck because literally if anything goes wrong it's all on you, you need to be aware of everything going on around you, both ally and enemy, you need to manage CDs and OSBs and mana and range and LOS and predict damage all the while juking CS, swapping offense at crucial times, dispelling CCs instantly, shadow word deathing polys scatters traps etc and knowing how to react if they swap to you, knowing what CDs you will need, knowing cooldowns on enemy abilities and being able to approximate their timing with multiple abilities to track, I know troxed did a troll video saying this but you really do have to feel to heal lmfao
PvP healing was great in WoW vanilla and TBC. For some reason, the devs decided that healers being able to fight back against DPS classes was unfair so healers were basically just heal turrets for WotLK and up which made PvP healing way more boring.
For example, in vanilla/TBC if someone tried to gank my Holy Paladin I'd usually either kill them or chase them off since I was damn good and I usually was better geared than most other players. But in Wrath I could be fighting some retard in blues in full ICC gear or appropriate season gladiator gear and all the shitter had to do was wait for me to run out of mana to kill me. Fuck Blizzard.
If by that you mean the AoE dodging which if you stands in the orange circle when its done casting, then bugger off that area, and the damage still hits you even after that long casting animation then yes.
2.5 GCD? Did not noticed that. Maybe because of higher level gears with cast/skill speed reduces that, or the later boss fights are intense that I did not notice it.
But I think it is still there though because I have to rotate a lot between non-GCD and GCD in an opener. I think SE did covered it up with lots more skills, hyper-mode juggling (BotD, Enochian), and keeping up a lot of personal buff/enemies debuff. Having already much to do on their plate I think most players might not notice it though.
Yup, we are in a MMO thread alright
Without any doubt, PvE in general is like watching paint dry, I used to raid hardcore with a peak #13 world raid guild in TBC, raided seven fucking days a week, usually 8+ hours a day alongside high school, shit was stupidly time consuming and you literally have no life, I played a Warlock then and I was the laziest fucking raider. Back then Destruction SB spec was the way to go as Warlock with best in slot gear, you literally put up curse of elements (or agony if you're not afk) and spam shadowbolts for 5 minutes. I topped damage charts on Illidan while AFK but one time I took too long making my midnight sandwich and missed not one but two phase changes and I was our dedicated warlock tank for shadow phase on illidan lmfao so they realized I was afk and were like shit… what do we do? And they had the other warlock in the group try to tank it despite no shadow resist gear and shit and he got one shot lmfaoooo trolololol I told them my kitchen was on fire :3
sooo yeah fuck PvE but anyway PvP is crazy, if you want to understand it you should watch Hydra, I'll give you a link in a moment, if you have ANY idea about WoW and how it is played you will literally bust a nut at how good this guy is. I was a multiglad disc priest and I still called this motherfucker Lord Hydra. Dude was ridiculous.
Reading this thread makes me miss my old guild. I hope those lads are fine whenever they are.
You would run out of mana healing against 1 guy? That's fucking sad, unless this guy was literally god almighty on a keyboard and best in slot gear you should pretty much NEVER run out of mana 1v1. Paladins were stupid strong too, try playing a Discipline priest in those same seasons lmfao
yeah, the phantom AoE hits are caused by the horrible server tick rate.
It's something like 20/s and doesn't actually register until you stop moving or it reticks… 3 times?
It was how you cheesed A4S' mechanics because the tick rate was so bad 2 dps could eat the bombs and not have to deal with the DoT switching mechanic
I pity you all.
the tank's job in non-raid dungeons is to keep the healers and the frail dps alive
The fuck you smoking? Pretty much any DPS that wasn't in fucking greens of the gorilla would slowly chip away at your mana pool without you being able to kill them and you'd run out of mana eventually. WotLK was a huge departure from vanilla and TBC for healers in PvP
Watch this video, as promised - Lord Hydra.
You could check the other seasons, 9 and X were basically half shadow spec but as I recall this one was almost all discipline and has sick music and is just fucking great.
embedded to make your life easier :)
glad titles or GTFO
I remember WOTLK quite well, even priests still had plenty of resources to survive and we were by far the worst on mana friend
No screenshots of PvP titles, didn't do much arena as a healer in TBC (most of my TBC arena time was spent as a Warrior, got to 2300ish before both me and my partner rage quit because of shit design LOL DISPEL RESIST FUCK YOU FUROR FUCK YOU BLIZZARD) and once I realized how bad healers were fucked over with WotLK I stopped bothering with PvP except to get my seasonal librams.
Even though i never actually played wow (apart from messing around on a private server) i still have heard of hydra
Good MMOs for healing? I need to replace WoW
Ugghhhh nostalgia so hard but I can't play that fucking game anymore but why dwarf? Stoneskin can't be better than double trinket human racial, I know almost everyone played Human ally side but I was Horde all WoTLK so I can't say from definite personal experience just what I saw and played against in arena.
Dude was ridiculous, I'm watching the vid I linked atm and ugggghhhh it's a shame that WoW was so complex in terms of abilities, some of the ridiculous plays he makes in this video I realize even people that play WoW and priests wouldn't understand, literally his plays are so high level that you actually have to be high level to even recognize what is happening. He does a good job putting up icons for what he does that is unexpected like bandaging locked out and saving his rogue's life or perfectly timing a rocket to break stealth on rogue and win game, perfectly timed SWDs, those split second jukes that we literally milliseconds from being locked out and losing the game immediately lol, it's really hard to explain in simple terms if you have little knowledge in the game but there is a reason he is so revered and respected as a player of this shit game :P
start that clip at approx 7:00, watch that fucking DOMINATION - the blue circle he casts is a mass dispel which immediately removes the Paladin's bubble which would have made him totally invulnerable and saved his life but instead Hydra dispels it fast enough that his team can interrupt his heal and he has to struggle to stay alive and they never let the pressure off and score the kill.
Ridiculous. It is obvious to anyone that they dominated but it is not because the other team was bad, it was because Hydra's team was so damn good and worked together with perfect synergy.
also important to note that mass dispel is a 1.5 second cast so he had to predict that bubble and time it perfectly ~2 seconds in advance factoring latency and he times it within a tenth of a second to remove the bubble that hadn't happened yet. That's just an example of the top level play going on
and to be clear, that is one of the easier things to do in this video, deathing scatters for example is a thousand times more difficult, you have to predict the scatter and death before the shot has gone off and it is an instant cast hunter ability. You have to watch hunter's proximity, know his timing, expect his behavior and time it absolutely perfectly or it won't work, too early and it will damage early and scatter hits, too late and you get scattered and cast cancels, the window is stupidly small to get right
I need to go get to work though, for the user wanting to see PvP healing there's some great stuff to view.
Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of how awesome Stoneform is.
In all seriousness though, Stoneform is an amazing racial. Removing bleeds, diseases and poisons is about as useful as the human trinket racial in PvE, becoming immune to poisons and diseases is absofuckinglutely amazing in PvP some of the time and useless some of the time while human trinket is always good, so kind of a tie? But Stoneform fucks over Rogues and fuck Rogues. But the best thing about Stoneform was that it counted as an extra tanking cooldown which blew almost ever other racial away whenever I tanked, which was often enough. Mace spec was also pretty good.
The best thing about Mass Dispel is getting an interrupt off when the Priest is trying to cast it on your Paladin partner and the Priest just fucking stands there wondering how the FUCK his 0.4 second cast got interrupted.
RO and ROSE are the only games I've seen where people actually thank their healer and that was like a million years ago. I doubt they still do that.
WoW was always retards telling a fucking paladin to heal.
Every other MMO healers are attention whores with special snowflake syndrome just because 90% of people play DPS and they want to be different and entitled little shits. Same with the tank.
Healing and OOC rezzing was the only thing Paladins were good for in vanilla. In TBC and WotLK they were either Ret buff bots for your good DPS or healers. In Cata they finally made Paladin tanking to be on par with Warriors and made Ret do acceptable damage. In other words, telling Paladins to heal was the correct response for the first 5-6 years or so of the game.
Healing? You are a good slut OP. Good slut, you like healing the manly warrior don't you? You like the attention?
Good slut. You just want someone to fuck that healer boypussy.
I play healers because I enjoy fighting the undead, also, battle-healers in good mmos that let you make your won build are supper fun.
hahahaha yesssss that trolololo face when you catch them in MD, fucking glorious
alright, I can agree to that haha, for me the only racial was Will of the Forsaken on Undead so I imagine stoneform was like that for you, I'd play other races and I'd just miss the WOTF the whole time lol
I remember I almost gquit when a RET PALADIN was considered for tier gear over me in TBC lel
I've always considered the Healer role as a middle way between the relatively hard role of the tank (one miss-click and the raid gets wiped, but everyone needs you) and the relatively easy role of the DD (relatively little responsibility unless you are a retard and stand in the fire, but the demand for you is low).
Healing unsurprisingly can be difficult in tight situations, and doubly so when the DDs are too fucking stupid to live, but its not as if you carry the whole raid on your shoulders as the tank does, and you still get invited to groups far quicker than DDs.
Part of the problem that is the "healslut" meme imho is that the traditional healer either is a proverbial bitch for one god or another, or a "White Mage", that is, a cute grill of pure incorruptibility, or some androgynous kid.
If you'd have something more akin to pic related, a healer that sees himself as a combat medic rather than some battlefield angel, the role would attract a quite different playerbase.
i still remember resto druids in wotlk going bear form in battlegrounds and being essentially immortal
fun times
Immortal, yes. Being able to kill anything? Hell no. Well maybe Mages and Rogues? Didn't play Druid but I know they also suffered from the "can't really kill shit anymore" syndrome that plagued WotLK.
i'll always laugh at druids for this one time i beat them 2v1 in an arena
i had the best memories from wrath, unbalanced but fun as fuck
I play healer when there's a competent player around. And then I pocket him. Scrubs who can't do well on their own don't need my help, they'll just drag me down.
And no, I don't lust for cock. Doctors don't have time to suck dick anyway, they need to sew up that flesh wound of yours.
AIDS medic in global agenda was the perfect combat medic
Doctors don't cum sparkly magic particles into people's faces while waving around their stick unlike you though.
If healers cum on everyone's face doesn't that mean they were the alphas this whole time?
No, because they have a really feminine dick.
yeah, and if you say something to piss me off I just literally don't heal you and let you die
healing A+ kek
I guess it's true
Having a girly dick cum on your face doesn't really seem like an alpha thing to do
The few times I played as a healer was exhilarating, but at the same time it felt like I was watching over a bunch of children
hahahah yup, that is a pretty good description, if you are good enough you can be swapping healing targets and still focused on the battlefield around you so you get to just watch your shitty team do stupid shit and call them out on it lol
any role can be beta as fuck, doesn't matter tank dps or healer and any role can also be alpha as fuck if you are good at it, you're a bitch because you are a bitch and you don't do anything about it. We all make choices in life and if being a degenerate beta fish is your choice in life then fucking do it
watch the vid in embed lmfao, this guy was a fucking champion
So instinctively hating everything about the healer experience is the natural reaction?
If tanking is an optimal strategy, your game has a shit meta.
I try to play the most anti-healer healer and have him be a man of god who slaps faggots.
Most of the people who play mmos who are piss poor at it still have that solipsistic FPS mentality where they need to be #1 at all times so fuck teamwork.
In their eyes, every other player is just another NPC.
Ah Gw1 monk was far better than just a simple healthbar to heal up.
Pic related was pretty much every singe fucking pull.
To elaborate:
This gem from one particularily bad encounter:
Why is Dreamscarred Press the only company that figured out how fun this is?
*fewer ways to apply rider effects, not because you just deal less damage as well as not-specializing in healing
With so many hot girls in vidya and anime, why are those so many anons on Holla Forums fucking gay?
Lately I've been going second tank and beating the original one in kills and defense in those situations, fuck the team I don't care anymore
Because the only people who will let me put my dick in them are slutty twinks.
Me too
I know that feel. That's why I'm not too pissed that Phantasy Star Online 2 turned out to be practically a single player game with optional coop. There's only so much weight one man can carry.
What the fuck is this?
This actually looks fucking sweet.
There are people that are shitty at games but still play them. Add those scrubs to your block list and try again.
Is there an MMO that
I feel like I need a comfort online grinding game, but everything is filled with terrible combat or obnoxious fetishists with devs actively pandering to them since they're good income, or usually both at the same time.
At times I wonder if there was normalfag-friendly game like battlefield but with good melee combat, I'd be playing that 24/7.
I laugh at your healslut memes, acquire gud fagolas
I am carefully hopeful for Camelot: Unchained although their ideas are so crazy ambitious and awesome that I fear some of them or even a big part of them will miss launch. The game has only been in early-alpha/alpha and beta is coming probably Q1 next year so it's going to be a while.
Thanks for heads up anyways.
You can rationalize all you want, but this is game being made in modern time, which means in the end of the day devs are willingly enabling furries in the their game and you can't get flag redder than that.
There's always farmville for your normalfag MMO experience.
MegaTen can't come back soon enough
>tfw I've gone through TF2, Payday 2, Killing Floor, and Evolve to get my heal fix
What are some good games that have dedicated class(es) for healing that are still alive?
You just answered your own fucking question with the first line.
That was your perception. "Everyone is shit at it" because everyone else acts like a fucking caged monkey in a fight, and the aggro is all over the place. You're literally spamming the fucking heal button to try and make sure people don't die.
You can thank World of Warcraft for this.
Which one?
Most of them. Even some of the abandoned ones got revived (unofficially, of course).
That's basically the same experience I had. Started out as Dragoon and got to max level, then switched to healer, and was going to start tanking as well. I'd either get complimented on my tanking or my healing, even though I was just doing my job. It's sad really.
Oh boy I remember medics in bad company 2, that was the shit
Medic in that game was a mix between rambo and jesus
Guild Wars meets the last three criteria. Not sure what you mean by the second, though.
I don't want that, and neither do you. You think you do, but you don't.
I miss that game so fucking much.
I played on the Valcyn server.
I'd start playing again in an instant, I'd even take the post-NGE version, and in spite of the fact that SOE was run by dildoes who appearantly hated money.
there is SWGemu if you want that/
Played tank with friend playing a healer. Any dungeon could be cleared with almost any party because I took very little damage while the healer kept retards alive, literally a kindergarten. Healers and tanks are both roles with influence, with healer having more passive role but it doesn't matter because holy trinity, aka 2 caretakers and adhd kids, sucks.
That's actually pretty sweet, user. I wish I could have played games with my family.
You can't come up with something better.
Its shit. Its been tried and it was shit.
You have three types of healers:
Healsluts, who do it for attention, and don't actually care about the party. They're really shitty healers.
House-types, what are massive assholes, tend to hold that healing over your head, and are slightly less terrible healers
And finally, you have the healers who end up the coordinators, who yell and their teammates, snap the strategic pieces back in place, and whip their team into the fighting force it needs to be.
Those are the best healers, OP. You've got the sight for it. Don't fall to the bitterness of the second type, embrace it, and force your team to be better.
Just because there isn't anything better doesn't make something good, but I agree that almost every alternative I've seen attempted ended up falling flat.
"Classless" game system? Players inevitably just recreate the trinity or something similar. Example: Shin Megami Tensei Imagine
"Everyone is DPS" system? Everyone feels more or less the same with the only difference being whether you bring a knife to a gun fight or not. Example: Phantasy Star Online 2.
"Multi role" system? People reach max level without ever figuring out which button switches their role out of DPS even though it's something the game tells you by level 10. DPS are a dime a dozen with people begging in global chat for the handful of people who know how to play their alternate role(s) to join them. Example: DC Universe Online.
You can't come up with something worse either.
Sorry, UO, this user says you're shit.
Runescape trinity worked okay.
Definitely better than the gay healer DPS bullshit.
Overwatch+Paladins both have multiple healers, each which feel and play completely different
Since you posted a Medic, you'd probably like Mercy from OW, or Ying from Paladins
Fucking healers man, if only we had more tanks, least I ain't a pussy.
oh yeah you're a real pure girl
Guild Wars.
Is Guild Wars really that fantastic or it's just a bunch of nostalgia fags circlejerking it?
What was so unique about it?
Why nothing repeated/copied it since then?
Can you even play it now? Even if on private server?
Pretty much, yeah.
There's a lot of stuff. I'm assuming you mean what made it good, and that's hard to say in complete depth, so basic summary:
- largely horizontal progression with levels capping off early, progression after that is broadening available skill pool and learning to play better
- very easy and fluid respeccing
- AI not completely retarded, would generally try to attack the most fragile party members; while some early-target priority was given and maintaining good placement mattered, a "tank" was a waste of a slot; melee's role was damage
- very high team synergy
- no real requirement of grinding; you could get into PvP with ease early on
- nice selection of classes with great multiclass system
- best heal/prot profession I've seen in an RPG
- probably the only decent necromancer class you'll find outside Diablo 2
- great system of measures and countermeasures especially in PvP; made the PvP meta about coordination, reflex, and prediction rather than simple attrition
- related to that, really good interrupt/shutdown professions
- beautiful scenery and music
- by MMO standards, decent story retarded dialogue in Factions though, mind you that's still pretty bad, but I guess it's still a point in GWs favour
- good servers; patches were always deployed instantly by juggling virtual servers so there was generally no such thing as downtime barring four specific periods (two data center issues, one maintenance issue, and one exploit rollback) across its entire lifespan
- great setting for the first three campaigns
There's more, but I think that's the general gist of it. It's still kind of expensive to buy, but if you don't mind it being mostly dead, I'd still recommend it. You can play all the content with an AI party, and while it isn't the same experience as playing with human pickup groups, it's still pretty damn good. If you have friends who're also interested that makes it a lot better, though.
Probably the same reason nobody's copied EVE, another extremely good, one of a kind MMO - because while GW and EVE were both financial successes and excellent games, WoW is known as the Big Success so that's what publishers tell devs to do, try to dethrone WoW and take its place. I don't know for a fact that that's why, but it seems likely in both cases.
I'd add that GW1 is very technically advanced, a lot of programming wizardry went on that most studios probably couldn't replicate (and anet patented some of it anyways), plus the workload and development pace was insane, even ArenaNet couldn't keep it up more than a few years.
You can play it, the servers are still up. Player base is rather small these days though since it no longer gets content updates. Pretty much everything is automated and it runs itself on a virtual server on the GW2 machines (GW2 is shit). Can't do private servers, ArenaNet never let their server software leak.
Oh yeah, and while there are 1319 skills in the game, you can only take 8 of them at a time, along with allocation of attribute points into a few skill pools, meaning a shitton of build variety and a great need for careful build design, often adjusted for the specific area and teammates. Bar compression often factors in.
The kind of stuff players managed to come up with was amazing. It was a constant battle of people coming up with new combinations and developers trying to somehow control it for the PvP and PvE balance.
600/smite was god tier, especially since it was good for vanquishing.
Shame they nerfed Holy Wrath. Spell Breaker nerf could probably have been worked around - get some other way to drop enemy energy, maybe Ancestor's Visage - but the Holy Wrath nerf really killed the build.
You faggots need to die.
Kill yourselves. Remove healsluts from the premises and from God's glorious earth.
It doesn't matter how wild Hulkamania ran over Gawker if shit like this is still being published.
We memed irresponsibly and this is our punishment.
I always LOVE playing support roles especially healing classes in games. I never really played MMO's, I mean I have played Runescape before, but other than that never. And that's because I hate subscription based games. Anyway, in FPS I always be the medic for example and I played that game from Blizzard, I forgot the name. It's like Dota.
I like it because I like being like a few steps away from actual battle. Not completely on the frontline, and not too far back, and I guess I like a supportive role. It's satisfying to help someone keep in a battle.
"Healslut" was always a stupid meme, and one that smacked of /r9k/
It's aion
This. Playing as the medic in GoW Judgment's survival mode was one of the best gaming moments I've ever had.
Me on the bottom right when i booted up Tera for the first time in a while.
Holy fucking shit did the quality of the players go down.
Tank not blocking fucking anything or even bother to avoid any other kind of damage.
DPS running around like headless chickens, not killing adds, fucking up every single mechanic, spamming omg ress me when they die and i'm trying to keep the rest alive.
This is what happens when devs try to cater to casuals and make levelling piss easy.
It would be very interesting if ArenaNet would be kind enough to give us a separate-server-hostable copy of guild wars 1 where we could roll-back to earlier patches and play around with gimmicky builds again.
Some nerfs are justified though, like shadow form + arcane echo spam in arena. That shit infuriated many people.
Get battleping. Believe it or not, playing FFXIV with battleping active made everything almost instantly responsive for me, most notably my cast timers when playing healer (IE, if you move while casting to cancel, there's still a slight delay between when it stops.) became instant.
This. I became bored with playing MMOs as other classes, so before I quit playing MMOs I started to play a Healer, because keeping a bunch of retards alive was more challenging than the content of the MMOs.
Do the same shit as in PvE, except that crowd control becomes your best friend.
Camelot: Unchained is the spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot and Dark Age of Camelot had a lot of weird races and abilities to shapeshift.
Dark Age of Camelot did came up with something better, by mixing important abilities between the classes they forced everyone to do something for the group beside DPS/Healer/Tank and the game really forced people to play in groups if they wanted to archive anything. So while it has DPS, Tank and Healer classes, it became never stale as you always had to look how the classes with their different abilities could support each other the best. For comparison with WoW, WoW has 12 classes split between 2 factions without much difference. Dark Age of Camelot has 45 classes split between 3 factions, which each have a different focus.
when you get team grabass is it really going to go any better as any other class?
Fractured Space has dedicated support vessels, and of those most have some form of healing.
It also has some bigass ships. Like the Gladiator. I love the Gladiator.
Yes I do it for free.
The trinity of shoving large amounts of food down your gullet? What?
It's more of a trinity of DD, main tanks, and special tanks.
Reminded me of pic related for some reason.
Ez life.
Do you like being praised?
Healing only gets fun when you're healing with as few healers possible, and later on pushing damage as that understaffed healer team.
Don't you?
Full Tanks/Healers are marks that a game has shitty combat, if you can actively survive through your own skill those classes become obsolete. Games with good combat that rewards actual skill can have every class capable of pulling their own weight, some best in some situations than others, and supporting each other in ways unrelated to survival.
It's the only reason why I play healer.
Fuck, man, such good memories from that game. A shame its publishers and the parasite of a cash shop kept strangling the game of what potential it had.
Hathor best waifu.
You can seriously get spoiled by the power rush of playing a GW Monk.
And it will inevitably either be a Musou game or something along the lines of a FPS/TPS, because let's face it: the way of the good co-op game is dying.
Too bad there's no legit healslut porn
It is, unfortunately the only games I could think of when posting that were the games that follow the Monster Hunter formula or similar. I just wanted an MMO with good action combat, the closest I've seen was Tera, too bad it was a disgusting themepark quest driven MMO and the combat didn't give as much space for skill as it could.
not while im doing something praiseworthy, it will throw me off
My Ex's brother had a more concise way of putting it: Nothing is as exhilarating as fighting Death itself.
That being said I've had enough negative group experiences that I mainly try to solo everything.
Tera, for example, tries to throw everything at you to make leveling as piss easy as possible. This makes it totally possible, but still difficult, for me to solo 5 man dungeons that are around my level.
Google search doesn't show anything.
What game?
Shin Megami Tensei Imagine. Sadly, it's closed now. R.I.P.
Also, happy Caturday.
To be honest, it was a bit of a clusterfuck. It was a grinding autist's wet dream. You could grind your character's levels, stats, combat abilities, crafting abilities, passive damage/healing bonuses, bonuses that let you break the damage cap, ect. and if you got anywhere near satisfied with that, get ready to do all of it all over again for each of your demons. The catch was that it was a textbook example of the pay to win, free to play model. The gear got so insanely overpowered that the only way the devs could challenge players was to break the rules of the game, like bosses that were immune to almost all damage. This inability to make fun content is the reason they gave for killing the game.
its like you want to fucking ruin everything
You're not helping you know.
Then let me "help" a little more by giving an example of some of the shit you could do. I fused this yakshini about six years ago. During the time I had her, I used a "rebirth" system to boost her stats out the ass, flushed all the rebirths down the drain to do it all again to give her even MORE stats and passive bonuses, completely redid her skill set about three or four times, equipped her with items that switched some of her shitty traits for stuff that boosted damage, gave her an implant that made her heal so hard it would heal almost 50% more than my max HP, and other stuff I can't even remember. I still didn't feel like I had drawn out all her potential when the game's server finally shut down back in May.
It honestly wasn't that bad, it's a proficiency based system.
I played for a while and specialized in Fire(Agi), Thunder(Zio) Curse(Mudo aka instakill) and Healing(Dia or Media) magic, alongside some MP increasing passives.
When I played there was an upper limit of points you could grind, but there were ways to break the cap.
The thing is, it's really fast because each skill branch upped itself by uses of that skill catagory, and you can sling spells like a maniac.
You can also turn off and turn on categories to limit what does what, and say you have a bunch of magic passives grind catagories on, if you cast a spell, they ALL get experience.
You also had regular levels, which increased your stats like normal shit does, but what was really valuable was the grindan points it gave you.
Also grinding demons can be circumvented through Fusion like regular SMT.
But unlike
Mr. Enthusiastic about Grindan over here, you honestly don't have to do all of what he did to be strong, you can literally just sweep a weak area with magic/guns/swords to level your abilities, in fact the first time I played i didn't know about the grinding system until like 30 levels in and I was fine, but after I slapped myself in the face for being a doofus (it was my first proficiency MMO), I caught up very quickly, got me some fire spells and caught up with the rest at my level very quickly, so I think level had a lot to do with the xp formula.
Also everyone gets a demon buddy, so as long as you keep fusing demons you're fine either way.
You can play pretty casually and still see the whole game.
That might have been true of the US version, but not the JP. You really did need to max out your player skills, have a strong demon to digitalize with, and have some top tier gear to even beat the main story. If you wanted to do any of the endgame content, you needed the absolute latest cash shop gear with a ridiculous demon to digitalize with. They balanced the game around the cash shop, it showed, and that's probably the real reason the game died.
Where my tank bros at? Cucked any dps kiddies lately? Just surfaced for air from drowning in pussy myself.
Did you even go to the Cathedral?
Did you even beat any of the Pentalpha runs?
Did you do any BEARCAT?
And how many gold dungeons did you beat?
Because this game has quite alot of content, and it shows.
I'll give it to you straight: You missed out big-time, but so did the people who only played the poor localization. The Japanese version was where the real fun was.
One bit of possible good news is that someone is currently working on an unofficial revival of the Japanese game. But you know how those kind of things are always uncertain, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
Long story short: Cave had more love and care for MegaTen than Atlus' current team, both in atmosphere and gameplay elements. And it showed. The game had just about everything you'd expect to see from a lot of classic MegaTen titles combined. Magnetite, moon phases, in-depth character equipment, demon loyalty, remakes of classic music tracks everywhere, alignments that actually mattered, the whole nine yards. And then some.
Better start holding, bitch.
We're working on it slowly, small group is working on the online frameworks, while my friend and I are doing the translation.
by the way, it's void slash, not empty wave.
is that guys name kingdom hearts?
You cheeky bastard!
It's Tsukuyomi, the design was from SMT2.
No. It's LSDemon.
Are there even any good MMOs anymore? I need something to stop me from playing on an old WoW private server full of Slavs and BRs.
I just want to heal[/spoiler]and be appreciated[/spoiler]
I heard PSO2 might be good, but I haven't tried it yet myself.
You showed up sooner than I expected. Well played.
not another one of these threads
what the hell
PSO2 is a lot of fun, but not for healing. The mechanics of the game don't allow for traditional healers, and the action is so fast that most people wouldn't be able to react properly, anyway.
Small world huh.
If you heal your party, the enemy wins.
"healslut" bulshit
Jesus christ kill me now. Look the secret to being a good healer is ALL CONSUMING, FOCUSED HATRED not some shitty trap mentality. You need to hate your party so much that you are convinced that they will die if you leave them to their own devices. Because they are. You are the babysitter of the short bus kids and it's your duty to keep Timmy Tank and Debbie DPS from sticking their fingers in the wall sockets. You need to consider your party members as a few steps away from utter garbage at all times. Because they are.
I really enjoy ignoring the whining faggots.
Besides that, it's kinda in my nature. I'm a dental assistant with plans to be a dentist, I carry a medpack around at all times…
Question: Are there any game designs that break the tank/healer/dps trinity? When everything is dedicated to minmaxing HP velocity, every fight is the same strategy and it gets boring.
PSO franchise is all about DPSing the shit outta everything. Neither healers nor tanks exist in it.
How's Tera doing these days?
pretty horrible, they made all tanks into "Front dps" and they made priests literally useless.
Mystics can deal much better dps while healing and have better buffs than priests
rip priests
2 roles:
You can thank me later.
Memes are simple ideas or concepts that spread through exposure and repetition. If it's real it's because the constant exposure and spread of that meme made it real.
Thank you for what, streamlining into the same problem? Under your system, you'll still just get dime a dozen DPS shitters and tanks that don't know how to play their role. All you've done is cut shitty healers out of the equation and made it even more likely to find shitty DPS and tanks because most players won't know how to properly balance healing and attacking, so they end up just spamming heals until the enemies outdamage his heals or he runs out of MP.
I don't thin the trinity is necessarily bad but like everything it becomes shit once retards play it.
It works fine while you play it with good people.
That's more of a player skill problem now even though I kinda made a fool proof method. The idea for tanks is to make normal mode trivial and hard mode easier for the group while experts can go with minimum to no tanks. Why I fused healers with tanks is due to how boring and tedious thief roles are in the non-click and play games. If you remove roles completely then you'll just have damage dealers everywhere trying to be a special snowflake and avoid teamwork. While trinity is a good and still valid system, the role changes when things get more action oriented.
Also, why does everyone call damage dealers dps? It's a fucking unit not a role.
No, no thank you. Tanks are as much babysitters as healers, both are made so dee pee ass adhd kids can enjoy a game. Tank prevents damage by focusing all attacks on himself, healer fixes damage that was not/couldn't not be prevented by tank, they have the same purpose - to make DD game completely safe; 90% of DD problems were "do not stand in fire", even so they often do, shows how retarded players are. The problem is that shit is intentional, MMO is "everyone welcome" model, if you pander to "hardcore" audience you don't earn anything and if its casuls then you get your dime a dozen WoW or WoWclone.
In the end you gotta remove the ability to "tank boss" so that everyone shares the Fun and that means some actual fucking AI that is not "attack the player with highest aggro, which is "meh, not profitable" work for publishers" and remove specialized healing so that it becomes part of everyone's play along with risk that comes with it. Class diversity is more than tank/heal/DD, it can be entry level/skill cap or playstyle, there's a lot that can be done but it's effort that goes outside of "hurr durr, lets copy %successfulgamename% and print money".
PSO2 does the right job as you can complete anything with any class but shit like automated selfhealing, chance not to die and AoE revive make it almost failfree which is stupid because how can you win at game if you can't lose.
PSO is carebear shit. A proper MMO needs pvp or it goes into the trash.
So what's the difference between a single player game and what you wanted other than a community and faster kills?
What's the difference between WoW and your average multiplayer game with global chat? MMOs are more than just a trinity, almost all non-"MMO" co-op games don't have a holy trinty, the problem is trinity, not cooperation or MMO being actually MMO.
And yet 75% of players haven't been able to pass the relatively easy stages 1-5 of the solo extreme quest (the game's director mentioned this in a recent livestream). Think about that. 75% of players can't pass it even with automate and iron will.
Removing roles would just reduce to 'kill it quickly!' type of games. See GW2 and any other monhun clones.
It's working as intended, even B1 can do that, dunno where your 75% came from.
That's totally worse than babysitters and kill it quickly guys, right?
Not really since both are essentially the same thing except one has teamwork and the other isn't.
It's hard to disagree when the newer generation is filled with autists and snow flakes due to mothers bearing children at the age of 30.
How about instead of taking away roles, we go ahead and do something a little more advanced:
5 roles:
Dungeons would have lots of traps, often mixed with the enemies being fought, forcing a party to bring at least one thief if they wanted to avoid getting wiped. Priests would of course be wanted for healing. Knights would be the strongest, and pretty much needed. For the purposes of kiting and dealing with "elite" type enemies, a Scout would be needed to cut down on time. And for large swarms, you would need a Mage to clear out a fight. So we create this situation: The boss is a high-level Sorcerer with access to powerful shape-altering magic, and he has two elite guards, an elite evil priestess, plus a group of half a dozen generic soldiers. The party size permitted is six, so the group decides to go with one from each set, plus an additional Scout because this dungeon has a lot of "elite" type enemies. The Knight advances into combat immediately, with one Scout moving in on the flank and the other moving right behind him. The Thief moves slowly around the back, while the Mage and Priest stand along the back. To ease the trip, the Mage throws up an invisibility spell on the Thief. The guards and soldiers move in, while the priestess and sorcerer stay back.
The Mage begins to channel a powerful fireball right off the bat as the combat begins. The Knight is tough - tough enough to hold off the group, with the help from the Scout with him. Said Scout calls for his beast companion, and the melee is joined by a large wolf. The other moves along the side and begins shooting arrows at the Sorcerer, who is now flying. The Priest throws up shields and healing for the front liners. The priestess, naturally, is keeping up her own spells, and casting a few debuffs as well. The Knight easily resists them, but the Scout and his wolf are hit pretty hard. As the debuffs go into place, the Sorcerer casts a spell of his own. In a flash, the wolf and scout are turned to stone! The elites press harder on the Knight, who is at a bit of a disadvantage on his own.
In the initial melee, a few of the weaker enemies were already downed. The Mage could cast another AoE, but that would just be damage. More effective would be to throw a dispel magic. In a flash, the frozen Scout and wolf are free once more. The Priest continues maintaining restoration for now. The Thief continues to close in on his target - the priestess. It's not that easy. The flanking route is dotted with traps, forcing him to move carefully and disable a few as he goes through. The Sorcerer is prepping another spell, this one directed at the Mage in the back. Unfortunately for him, the Scout launches an interrupting shot, preventing the spell from going off. The priestess continues her support, while the elite guards remain tough. A few more generic soldiers are faltering. A turn of events - the Scout in melee charges his ultimate attack. A spear turns, impaling one of the elite guards, who goes down. The Knight is still a while away from charging his own. As there is nothing really to dispel, the Mage releases a volley of arcane bolts, striking down a few more of the soldiers.
The priestess changes tactics, now that enough foes are down. The once dead soldiers rise again, alongside the elite adversary. As strong as before? No. But more enemies is never good. The Sorcerer releases a few quick-cast attacks at the archer Scout, who maintains the distraction. The group on the front line begins to have some problems. Luckily the priest has a solution. A powerful turnning blast is released. A number of the undead soldiers are blasted to dust, while the rest, even the elite, are stunned. The Thief finally reaches his goal. One backstab attempt in, and the Priestess is downed. A blast of magic. Where there was once a thief there is now a small rat scurrying around. The archer Scout releases a powerful stunning shot at the Sorcerer, inflicting pretty heavy damage. But this is the proper boss, and he's not going to go down as easily as his servants. The Mage begins moving for the first time, trying to get over to the polymorphed Thief for a dispel. He throws out a spell of fear, and the last couple of surviving soldiers run in terror from the melee. The Priest is no longer just healing - turning magic and restoration spells blend together as he aids the party. The Knight is getting closer to his ultimate attack.
The battle continues. The Thief is restored, allowing him to draw a crossbow and contribute to the ranged attack on the Sorcerer. It's getting hard for him to cast spells now, and his longer, more dangerous crowd controls are being interrupted. After a while, the living and undead foes down below are felled. The other Scout begins throwing spears, while the Priest returns to a focus on healing and protection. At this point, the Knight has nothing to do but wait for his moment. The Sorcerer is reduced to about 50% of his original HP. In this moment, a new spell is cast. The circlet on his head glows, and the form of the Sorcerer twists. Where once there was just a human mage, a great dragon stands in the center of the room, filling a great deal of it with its size. The dragon releases a blast of flame the mage and thief, who are both forced to retreat in the face of such an immense amount of damage. Once more, the Knight charges into battle. The other Scout moves in along the flank, while the rest stay back. Spells of protection against flame are put up by the mage, making this a little safer. The battle continues on for a while. Eventually, the Sorcerer is reduced to about 25% health. The Knight, at last, has charged his attack. Stepping back, he readies his sword, and a flash of light EX— strikes out. The boss is down.
End melee.
While this reeks of copypasta, having too many roles will only cause problems when building a party.
Just personal autism. I wanted to do game design once. Eventually I realized two things - I would never find enough people to create a studio that shared my ideals, and I didn't have enough interest or patience for coding to work in game design. I didn't want to become an ideas guy.
In any case, I disagree. While having twelve roles in a game where you can only have a four-man party may be a bit over the top, the game should have as many options as possible to make it actually challenging. A raiding guild shouldn't be able to go into a newly release area with the same party composition as they did the last expansion. They should go in, get their asses kicked a few times while they figure out a class-skill combination that works, and then finally take down the final boss. Team composition should matter.
Your picture describe you perfectly
Don't use it? Unlike some other casual games where you can't turn what is essentially cheats and easy mode off, in PSO2 you have 100% control over every single one of your abilities.
You can assemble a squad of like-minded people put self-imposed challenges on yourselves and have a great time.
75% means 25% of players are relatively not shit. Which is pretty large number, since it's usually 5-10% of every player base that is not shit.
It's a sad state of affairs that making use of the dodging and blocking systems offered by an action based game is considered a self-imposed challenge. I refused to use automate in Infinity, too, because I felt it was making me shittier at dodging.
As for the 25% thing, that's true if you stay on expert blocks, but anywhere else, you're looking at three out of every four people being so shit that invincibility itself doesn't see them through the only mild challenge the game offers. We'd best stick to the expert blocks.
On an semi-related topic, it seems the Japanese enjoyed the Russian handgun meme.
There are like 5 or so camos that can be put on rifle, every one of them resulting in this. No way it would have gone unnoticed.
While an old 2D sidescroller MMO is probably not what you have in mind, MapleStory private servers seem to match that.
Single target attacks just hit the mob closest to you in front. Mob attacks work differently depending on the skill, but you still generally just hit what's in front of you.
Technically at higher levels you're guaranteed hits against lower level monsters, but some classes like Warriors minimize DEX to focus on damage meaning they can miss higher level monsters if DEX/accuracy isn't high enough. Some bosses can also decrease accuracy or have weapon/magic block temporarily negating all damage of that type.
Why is guaranteed damage a bad thing though?
Most classes offer a unique skill that can benefit parties. Even some classes that aren't as common due to having less DPS can still find a niche in boss runs due to certain skills. (ie, Shadowers can summon a smokescreen to temporarily negate enemy attacks, Buccaneer can reset skill cooldowns)
Of course, this would assume the other players aren't autistic and only want a team organized for the highest DPS possible.
The game is in a chibi style, but I've never seen any of those groups be very vocal on the servers I've played.
The official servers are notoriously pay2win, but most private servers remove the pay2win aspect.
I should probably mention that the biggest appeal to this game for a lot of people is just nostalgia from playing it back in middle or high school, so keep that in mind as well. I don't know why I find myself going back to this game every once in a while. I'm not even sure if this game was ever good.
How many of you play healer without succumbing to this dumb healslut meme shit?
I've never mained a healer and I hate it. The ERPization of absolutely everything by fetishists is repugnant.
There are a lot of stereotypes I could make for each role with my experiences, but heal slut is not one of them. An attention whore maybe, but it's more likely to be an idiot DPS thats actually cybering with people.
t. melee DPS main
How to deal with general shitness?
Why is everyone except me retarded?
If healing is a dedicated required role in an MMO you're probably playing a bad MMO.
I enjoy picking the biggest, baddest-looking race possible with the largest fucking muscles possible.
Then make them a wimpy healer with a staff.
It is absolutely hilarious because everyone wants to be a cutesy cat race or whatever else the fuck and I am the tallest guy in the entire party hitting things with a fucking stick like a wimp, especially because nobody, NOBODY ever picks the large races.
Last game was FFXIVEveryone is a member of the fucking catgirl raceI never met another Hellsguard ever
It's like you think games are supposed to be for fun or something.
That thing's face is so fucking weird. It's all kinds of fucked up.
Don't fight it.
That's how you describe a game that was almost good but still failed, specially in an "MMO" where everyone should try their best to optimize their performance.
PSO2 was really fun to in the beggining, but later on it becomes obvious that the classes are heavily unbalanced and anything with more than 1 player is almost impossible to fail due to the large quantity of cheap ass AoE revives so everything is a DPS race with no worries about risk.
That applies to most games, really.
First examples from the top of my head.
PSO2's problem is those trivializers are so numerous, you must go out of your way to disable them all.
Literally every game its what I do
Daily reminder the healslut meme was successfully killed by gawker and normalfags/4chan-reddit meme stealing cross posters.
Feels good.
what happened to it?
I don't ever want to feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way
>inb4 someone necro's this dead thread off of page 15