Why are you not purging the filthy infidels, Holla Forums? Why don't you support the space chosen people?
Why are you not purging the filthy infidels, Holla Forums? Why don't you support the space chosen people?
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Boypussi too good :3c
erry time
it's not the latest imagine of that
We should play a match of Zero K
SupCom FA is a lot better than Total Annihilation.
you should know better
suck it
gib me good torrent for RA2 please
All I see are old games and recent failures.
The thing is, this isn't actually a bad game. If it didn't carry the supcom tittle it would be thought of better.
reading comprehension has been on the decline the past few weeks
But how do you view suppcom 2 as finished anyway ? Removal of factions is hardly *complete game* material.
It still hurts
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but supcom 2 is shit, especially when compared to Supcom: FA.
How bad were the nerfs ? I only see the aftermath and the collosus being buffed.
Was the artillery range nerfed, because it seems remarkably low.
Is there a RTS with an active multiplayer?
nice graph
RIP ;_;
- RA1(c&c online or openRA)
- RA2(c&c community)
- Suppcom FAF(probably best choice)
- DoW2
- some WC3 servers + official, but really small community nowadays
- Starcraft 2 but it's not very fun and mods are meh compared to wc3
- Age of empires 2 on steam
- cossacks 3 but it might not last long as a community
Isn't DoW 1 also active?
x-cum makes me cum
XCOM is turn-based you knob, except for Apocalypse which no one played and Interceptor which is shit.
Also, someone should put Warzone 2100 on the chart.
age of empires 2 is more or less equally popular on voobly, mostly because it can run the non HD versions of the game in the same session as HD ones, via a patch
+ the HD one runs like garbage
There is no justice.
so is warlords battlecry 2 any good? i mostly just wanted to try it because of skeletons
my only rts experience so far is AOE2, WC3 and metal fatigue
i know, but it makes me cum though, i want it on the chart to let eveyrone know it cum
As long as the original is still alive, there is no reason to go for OpenRA
When the fuck is the update coming out
Do the nips make any RTS games?
Yeah, Pikmin.
They made an AoE clone with 2hus.
That's about it, really.
There was a Hentai RTS they made but I forgot what it was called.
Is there any reason to even use infantry then?
An user showed it off in an RTS thread a while back. Sorry user I can't help, I'm searching furiously to figure out what it was called.
It's like you guys don't even try.
I did, it wasn't the one user shared. The one that was shared was sort of like a Total War like Hentai Game.
Infantry is ridiculeous cheap in MO (something like 60 credits for a conscript or lower i think), but that also comes with the fact that they're now 100% useless outside of SF units (Tesla troopers, Crazy Ivans, Viruses and Navy Seals, as well as the respective Commandos) or in large massed and highly inefficient forces because their damage and health values were also nerfed and you can't reinforce infinitely as Allies or any faction with a captured airfield because paradrops cost 1k for 6 infantries.
They pretty much only work for active defense against early rushes and anti-scouts, the game is still incredibly centric on tanks, heavy tanks and the various forms of artillery platforms.
I had this saved from a whileback so it might be in there. No idea of the quality/content though.
Oh really? You could choose between real time with automatic active pause on certain triggers and traditional alternating turns with time units like in previous titles.
Unless you play Yuri. Epsilon is over 50% infantry most of the time due to buffed Brutes + psi troopers + cloning vats.
thats one way to put it. another would be that it is an abomination that should have been aborted, drowned in holy water, burned and the ashes flushed down a toilette.
Ok fine it wasnt that bad of a game objectively speaking, it just wasnt a supcom game.
Is SupCom really that good? I played like once when it was released, but it felt like a "This isn't a TA rip-off, we swear!"
There's still DTA, C&C Reloaded has been dead for years but DTA still gets updates every now and then. Too bad the lobby's just fucking empty all the time now.
But you're wrong, there is one!
Fucking vpn ruins my shit, oh well. Here's another thing.
What faction was in SupCom2 that was removed?
If it wasn't called Supreme Commander 2 then it would easily be up with all the other games considered good. That is the only reason it belongs in purgatory.
off the top of my head theres grimgrimoire, heroes of mana and some touhou fangames
its essentially upscaled TA with a better interface and a few quirks here and there. unfortunately with the upscaling comes less of an emphasis on the cool physics. you probably arent going to have your mech marines hide behind a wrecked factory firing at their nuclear reactor while a missile turret desperately tries to drill through the cover.
heck, im not even sure if there is wreckage based cover.
its there though, the physics i mean. i accidentally killed a czar (big donut mothership) once on its way to fuck my mouth with some mega artillery when i wasnt aiming directly at it.
youre not going to be doing as much guerilla scrounging, at least on most maps resources are plentiful and theres tons of efficient ways to expand your economy. though you will be still be fighting over scraps and shooting tactical missiles at the wreckage of particularly valuable units as to not 'gift' the enemy a ton of metal is absolutely expected of you.
give it another shot if youre ever in the mood for total annihilation: cuhrayzee version
Faf is pirate friendly, does anyone want to play in a bit?
Every shot is a projectile so if it arcs, like artillery, you can shoot over a ridge while direct fire units below just hit the cliff returning fire. Also planes slamming into the ground deals damage. Other than that i think bullets go through wrecks but not buildings that are still up.
the music for age of ethanols kicks serious ass by the way
I'd like to interject for a moment to let you know openra a shit.
Play original ra1 with community hi-res patches on cncnet or raus.
It's a lot better than TA, IMO.
Well, vanilla SupCom is about the same as TA. Forged Alliance is the one that's much better.
This is the latest version I've got.
Anyone got recommendations for AoE 2 HD texture packs? None of these seem to look quite right.