Electric Universe

Here is a theory that rejects all the /x/-tier bullshit propsed by mainstream scientist. Watch these to see what I mean:
And here is a good lecture to introduce some more of the central ideas:: hooktube.com/watch?v=Usz28nAYdT0

But if you are too lazy to watch that, then here are the bullet points:
If you want to know more -and you should want to know more-, then just start clicking on more videos, or visit their website: thunderbolts.info

They maintain that scientists wasted close to a hundred years and who knows how many hundreds of billions of dollars on research that is based on nothing but unproven dogmas.
If it turns out to be true, then even the lowest plebeian will see mainstream scientists as nothing more than a bunch of charlatans. It will undermine the trust of the masses in established dogma, opening up space for new theories in other fields too, including biology. After all, if modern cosmologists and physicists have been indeed ignoring reality in favour of fairy tales, then who is to say that biologists who deny the difference between races are not wrong either? And if hard science is so full of falsehoods, then soft science must be even worse. Economy and history too will be open for new theories.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, I mean there's already deterministic models of quantum theory that (((mainstream))) science ignores. ITS ALIENS BRO

Also UFOs are just electrogravics that reduce mass

Bullshit through and through

I remember that as a kid in elementary I wondered why is gravity not the same as elector-magnetism. Earth is a big ass magnet as they constantly love to make the comparison.
Why is it considered separate? For reasons unknown apparently.

Because according to mainstream science time and space are not concepts, but "dimensions" that exists independently from each other and the universe at large. They say gravity is the result of the space bending, even though it doesn't make any sense, especially the way the represent it. Space is a concept, you can't bend concepts like if they were physical matter.

Watch these to understand what I mean:

Certainly makes more sense than the current mainstream stuff based on judenphysik.

And a magnet on it's own doesn't produce electricity, you need a copper coil to spin the magnet in. That's why it would be ridiculous to even go down that road.

Say hello to the new flat earth brainwash.
Millions of non jews have contributed to the current understanding of practical physics. Now if you are talking theoretical, well of course be extremely skeptical. It's basically people getting paid for crazy ideas that can't be disproved, of course it's full of juden.
Michael Faraday wasn't a jew.

Are you a nigger, op?

Because WE are the ones who are representing an "/x/-tier" form of perspective. But to even call it that must mean you're either a nosey rat or maybe a dumb kid.

Why would mainstream scientists be representing anything '/x/-tier'

It's the complete fuckin opposite.


I hope someone comes in and saves this thread because the first line just fucks the rest and also beats the OP til he cries like a child again.

you sound more juden than the fags who suck einsteins dick

however, if you have a hollow earth, then you get a plasma in the middle (zero g, massive pressure) , which produces said magnetic field.
Hollow earth is the answer

And yet it is you who wished to convey a mental image of one man sucking another mans penis. Telling.
Here's a thing, not understanding practical physics doesn't disprove it, however it does exclude you from relevance when discussing theoretical physics.

checked. is gay and stupid

And what does that exactly have to do with differentiating gravity and electromagnetic radiation?

Nothing obviously. What I should have said is the earth having magnetic poles doesn't make stuff stick to it, so it isn't the same as gravity.
Differential gravity. What's that then user?

It does, however, attract things in a similar way to gravity… so not the same, but similar.
mimetic gravity, what's that?

and water clings to things due to surface tension which is also a similar effect. Similar isn't physics though is it?
Mimetic gravity dunno fella.

That's what every Physicist is working towards. An universal formula. But I think it's stupid.
Anyway, if it does get found, it means that you could say that the universe is based on electro-magnetism, but so far, the means of gravity are completely unknown. What is for certain is, that the more mass there is, the more gravity it causes. Speed of light might be a speed limit for all forces, but it is relative, which means that this speed limit isn't reachable and actually can go past it, and when you go past it, it warps time around you, so while time progresses slower for yourself and you travel more distance per second, the observe will see you still travelling very slowly.

Gravity is certainly not electromagnetic, otherwise electrons, positrons as well as protons and anti-protons would behave completely differently.

How I know you're a hooked nose asshole? You forgot to mention couple things:
1) Wallace Thornhill's predictions. The theory of EU has predictive power and so he could afford some brazen statements that came out to be verified by direct observation. For example deep impact mission or IBEX mission finding the opposite of what was expected and excactly what Wall said it would be. His site holoscience.com
2)Halton Arp and his Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. This guy disporved expanding universe and provided life-like evolution of galaxies where redshift is meaning age of stellar objects, not their motion. He did it by direct observation of physical bridges between objects that per orthodoxy have no business being in close proximity let alone share physical brisges. He was removed from observatory and banished for life as a scientist. Big nono, to go against dogma.
3) Stephen Crothers and his challenge to mathemagicians. Turns out sacred math they rely on in mainstream cosmology is self contradictory in numerous ways. So not only they can't predict anything in space, their runes are also useless even in the abstract.
4)Emmanuel Velikovsky - christian kikel who started the ball rolling with "Worlds in Collision" - he took bible literally and came up with a history of recent catastrophism in solar system. David Talbott is his desciple. He deals with mythohistorical side of the EU. Long story short - we're here for quite short period of time (in this solar system) something like 20k years, we have been captured while orbittin then following in polar configuration our previous sun - saturn, which was then brown dwarf. Then came said cosmic catastrophe: saturn was discharging violently, ripped Valis Marineris int Mars and expelled venus from it's body, then it swithed off and turned into what it is now. Venus was swinged out in a form of ouroborous then took from of a planet-comet that rained destruction on earth before it settled on today's orbit (most round in solar system, retrograde very slow rotation, recently slowed by 8 minutes, but winds increased by some 60% if I remember correctly). Notice that they gave up on sending anything there since russians did it. You can melt lead on it's surface.
5)Pierre-Marie Robitaille who argues that sun must have surface since Kirchoff's law is invalid - can't get black body radiation from arbitrary cavity unless you use highly reflective wals and place soot piece inside of it. He's world record holder in MRI resolution practicing medical dr.
6)Christian Birkeland and Donald Scott - first hypothesised electric current from sun feeding the auroras on earth, second expanded on his findings and provided mathematical structure to it. Birkeland was vindicated some time ago - there is electric current connecting sun with earth's poles.
7) why not simply go with their top 10 list which is filled with factual mainstream information supporting the EU theory in a jaw dropping fashion - not finished yet:
8) Why forget simple factoids that blow ones mind and spice the interest like acceleration of solar wind while it is moving away from the sun, or inverse temperature gradient on the sun of that what mainstream would expect. As the solar wind moves away it keeps speeding up, the hottest place on the sun is not the surface but way above it in the corona and it's 3-4 orders of magnitude hotter than the inside of a sunspot - deepest we can look.

And on it goes: youtube.com/watch?v=3sKa9gNx_JE
Note that aproximately 50% of contributors outside those mentioned here are spooks and their experiment (The Safire Project) is clarly compromised - us military personel present… It becomes obvious when you view incredibly lame updates on the project.

This subject is next to impossible to discuss here it gets shilled hard. I've been reading Miles Mathis' stuff for a couple years now and have fully tossed gravity based cosmology out the window. It's all about photons. The term Electric Universe is even misleading when it comes to microcosm level. Photons are king, they are real, they have mass, they have shape, they have volume, charge, speed, velocity, spin…

Magnetism is an area of space where photons spin in a coherent pattern, aka polarized.

Electricity is the flow of photons from higher areas of charge to lower areas of charge through a conductor like plasma or a copper wire. To be clear, electron flow is a side effect of the moving photon field, like a bunch of ping pong balls floating down a river, electrons do not push the river.

Energy, light, heat, electromagnetism are four sides of the same coin.

Mercy and Uranus have almost the same gravity, slightly less than Earth's. I'm sure it's all that hypothesized density's fault.

Good luck OP getting anyone to not flat out reject this, instead of looking into it and using thier head.
When people have believed somthing for a long time, known they are right, its hard for them to accept anything els, and is very hard to even think they may have been wrong this hole time.

Like boomers and muh 6BAZILLION

So do something with it that conventional science can not.
That'll prove it one way or the other.

this,invent something and try to show it to the public before you get killed by a three letter agency

It explains a lot that mainstream science ignores.

Here is a good example from "theunderbolts project"

Theory is nothing on its own.
It must be put to practical use.
The existing theories flawed they may be are at least capable of providing practical uses.

Eletric universe is a theory made by a jew, Imanuel Velitkovsky, for declared purposes of spreading jewish supremacy…

>you can't replace jewish modern physics, goy. don't even try

go look up mimetic gravity. This discussion needs at least awareness of the need for scalar fields in gravity…

no one is saying gravity is EM, they are saying that E G and M are interrelated. orthogonal, perhaps.

if the sun is a bubble with a plasma core, then it works. just like planets, the sun formed via a vortex. that makes a bubble.

I find the electric universe crowd to be refreshing, as it is a legitimate position that actually uses SCIENCE, that is observations, and not theoretical mathematics.

Unfortunately, until I see some promising results from their Saphire Experiment, I'm going to hold off from completely changing my world view. Although at this point I do believe in the predictive theory of the EU in regard to comets.

They shoot themselves in the foot with the cringy Thunderbolts of the gods shit. An interesting story, but it poisons the well for many.

You forget he was a christian and

I didn't expect much, and I didn't get much. Sun is electrode receiving intergalactic birkeland current which flows through arms of the Milky Way. It's a solid body that glows with an electric arc. It's a big boy, but apart from it's size not much different from Earth or Mars. That's why they didn't find any bow-shock with Ibex mission, but they found a ring of neutral excited atoms alignd with plain of galaxy.

Gas yourself, shill.

Electric universe theories have been around way longer than Imanuel Velitkovsky and his commie kike fantasies. The belief of the aether and that electricity was the primary force in the universe was extremely popular back in Gilded Age when modern electric engineering and molecular theory(the discovery of the electron in 1897) was being pioneered.

and I gave up responding to you, but I'll finish: and went against Eistein, and he was vehemently opposed. Now that we can actually look into the galaxy centre and find stuff that can't be there per orthodoxy the house of cards is shacking: youtube.com/watch?v=AwKpjTQyEVk

You got it backwards, buddy

Jews try this kind of shilling every now and then, they want Holla Forums to accept weird fringe stuff like this to convince newbs that all of our beliefs are fringe kookiness.
So let me ask you this Schlomo, what has the "electric universe theory"'s theory predicted that turned out to be true?

I'll save you the time, the answer is nothing. It doesn't make any predictions because it's a closed loop unfalsifiable theory. Meanwhile the standard model predicted the Higgs boson and gravity waves which have both been detected, and that's just the last couple of years.

Shoo shoo, Jew.

Well, for what its worth as someone with a worthless 4 year degree in psychology (in terms of job opportunities), I wouldn't say its actually "worse" than the hard sciences or however you wish to describe them. Prior to all the leftist bullshit the last two decades, it was actually pretty clean. It never made any 100% claims about anything, just generalizations and/or probabilities about how people would act or react in given situations.

Take the millgram experiments as an example, since you probably all know about it already. They weren't trying to say "all humans will react this way all the time in this sorts of situations," because obviously not everyone would. But rather to say that X factors have Y influence on Z behavior in an average person. No giant conclusions drawn that "all people behave this way all the time," which is why its called a soft science, because it makes no hard and fast rules about behavior, it just tries to understand how people behave in various situations, and what motivates them to do so, but understands not all people will behave or react in the same way so you cant make any HARD determinations about how any given person will act.

Which is why I like it as a field, it makes you think about a lot more factors at once to figure out how someone will behave in any situation. Compared to most "hard" sciences that draw definitive answers about how something will behave at all times in any given situation and attempts to pin down and create absolute answers, which ultimately means if you understand enough data points you can always know the outcome or answer to anything… which, even if it were possible, I would find would make life very boring.

They predicted that comets weren't electrically neutral dirty snowballs.
Gravity waves are just more pathological science, no one has observed a blackhole.

Like all good pseudoscience nonsense, it starts with real and poorly understood topics like plasma physics, and then extrapolates wildly into concepts that are unprovable. I think plasma physics is important, but the electric universe cult is mostly the same kind of confirmation bias pattern seeking we see on Holla Forums every day.

If you're on Holla Forums to debate a topic, that's the opposite of confirmation bias you dumb nigger.

Then what would you write into the OP of this thread?


and that concept of time is fraudulent.

Wow a theory of physics predicted the composition of comets*? What does "electric universe theory" have to say about linguistics and marine biology? Your argument is dumb and you're a kike troll. I wish I'd kept a list of all the dumb crap you bagel biting deformed freaks have been trying to sell on here over the years.

*Or anyway they predicted that comets weren't one thing that nobody really thought they were.

So this thread did hit a nerve.

Monitoring. I've been a subscriber to the electric universe for some time now. space magic never interested me and the mainstream theory is full of it. I also find it funny they just repackaged the jew story into a scientific format.

In the beginning there was nothing and then it exploded and stars were born.
In the beginning god said let their be light.

same story, different fucking wording and you sheep will still follow the church of science unquestionably.




Not only this, but notice how these fields are all about a set of rules and finding ways to circumvent and cheat those rules. Just like alchemy, but instead of turning lead to gold it's all about going faster than the speed of light. Just read this shit, and remember that this is supposed to be science, not the ramblings of a madman: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive


I did, it's purely theoretical so I doubt you understand it, because you can't understand something that is unproven, merely theorize while you smoke you pipe and stroke your ego.
And talk a load of shite, hopefully it builds up into something and some jews can get paid.


I just fucking hate how he treats myths. The man uses the myths to claim that the planets used to be in a different order.
It's completely anti-traditional thought of the spiritual and shows the fall from the titanic age to the iron age. Nigger needs to read Guenon, Eliada, and Evola

"hitting a nerve" is not necessarily the mark of something geniously new or insightful
it can also be something painfully stupid

the electric universe theory tries to explain everything through electromagnetism
this is the mark of idiots who cannot understand quantum physics and the weak and strong forces
the fact that a precise formulation of gravity hasn't been integrated with the other fundamental forces doesn't allow EU zealots to pretend to explain it via electromagnetism because it's the only force their theory recognizes

I somehow doubt that he really doesn't understand the subject at hand:

I almost never post in the 4 or so years I've browsed this board, but I had to chime in to call a stupid nigger loving faggot, who loves the image of men sucking each others cocks.

HOW is the sun an electrode?
HOW does the sun generate a magnetic field?
With a bubble sun, with a plasma core, you answer those questions easily.
Stop being a pretentious cock and stop and think.

plasma physics is the key to the electric universe.

You missed the point, user. The point of looking up mimetic gravity is that the theory exists to fix issues with gravitational theory by applying the existence of a scalar field. EMG does the same without returning to an aether.

This is wrong. So wrong. Holy shit what the fuck.

All particles are limited by the speed of light, fuck, all transmission of energy. Even the higgs boson (which is from the higgs mechanism) is limited by the speed of light. Its a property of space and can be mathematically predicted. The only way to break it is to break the topology.

Also, gravitational waves were discovered, which happened exactly at the time we predicted it (which we used the speed of light to discover)

.t Electrical Engineer, with a emphasis on electromagnetics and quantum physics

So basically, you're glancing at the deductions of the theory, disregarding whatever root it may have and then concluding that it all must be wrong?

They are the same, But since its the truth they don't want you to know this. Magnets have coherent dielectric acceleration and Gravity is incoherent dielectric acceleration. To say magnetism and gravity are different is like saying ice is one thing and water is another when its just two forms of the same thing.


Yup, because I studied intensely for 5 years the theory as to why Im right, so a few hour long videos arent going to convince me otherwise.

Time dialation and other factors of the speed of light (such as redshift) are proven facts and so it annoys me whenever people attempt to take a swing at proven theories with no experience. Or when a guy decides he wants a following, so he breaks dogma to appear "Innovative" when he knows hes wrong.

Its like that math guy that /sci/ makes fun of that says that theres no such thing as a set of real numbers.

How new are you? You're gonna have to do something that actually proves your expertise. No one gives a shit if daddy sent you to adult day care for half a decade, faggot.

This subject does get shilled really hard and there is disinfo thrown in with truth at every corner. I have studied the electrical engineering from the tesla era.
Photons have no rest mass infact its waves only, Electrons have no rest mass, JJ Thompson was not even sure they existed and he discovered them, they are are secondary waste product to a primary force. No one knows what a field is, this is because its mass free action at a distance. This is the Mind Virus as Heavyside put it. Putting mass into things that dont have mass is just dumb.

Explain to magnets reacting in a complete vacuum. Tesla, Steinmetz etc all knew the aether (primordial pre matter atmosphere exists)

read this

Particle wave duality is a lie.
Photons are a spinning particle, the detection of "waves" is sometimes the spin, sometimes the change in charge of a group of photons, depends on what they use to measure said "waves"

Jesus christ this thread went off the deep end. I cant stand you people whenever you discuss science. WLP would be disgusted.

That would imply materials with high dielectric properties would increase gravitational force in nearby objects. As well, this does not explain electrically weak molecules such as neutrons having mass. How could a particle accelerator use gravity to purify uranium if this was an electric effect?

You could say "it depends on the spin of the molecules" like the electroweak force does.
But then why does the force not change when you flip a magnet upside down, like the electroweak force does.

None of these theories work experimentally, which matters more than anything else.

You COULD consider gravity as an artificial force due to the way space is constructed. This doesnt break reality and could be tested once we get our dimensional properties of particles better understood. But thats just dick waving. I hate it when Holla Forumsacks assume that because someone is Jewish that means that theyre working against reality. This isnt the case and they might be just as curious as us as to how thr world works

Naturally this doesnt stop Jews like Sartre and Jew enablers like Camus from exploiting this fact to nullify morality and allow millions of people to die. But please dont use Jews to ignore the poetry that is quantum physics. Physicits like to complain about how there isnt a exact equation for everything and theres like 20 fundamental constants, but that doesnt bother me. I love the conclusions of those formulas and how beautiful they are. Like how an atom is structured, how light scatters, how things transmute and how the world is a never ending symphony.

Fun fact: gravitational waves have been observed, and they behave as conventional science predicts. There is no need or place for an "electrical universe" explanation.

Waves is a describing word not an actual thing.

This is how dumb we are becoming. So Gravity moves in wave form, whoop te do. So does everything else you dipshit. No Strait lines. Guess what electricity moves in wave form too.


Keep spending billions to find an imaginary particle to balance some equations that prove physicists correct. Ignore Theories that hold up.

Fucking THIS

All observable forms of an object-centered acceleration field take the same shape, be it gravity, magnetism, surface tension, etc.

Yes its All the same shape because mother nature works to its own dam Law, the Fibonacci sequence, Golden Ratio etc universally fit in all forms be it Matter or Non Matter

This is How Tesla and the electrical engineers of old worked.

Mother Nature doesnt have a calculator nor does she measure or weighs things, everything acts naturally on these laws. Its so simple when you get this its almost depressing to watch some people talk about this subject.

Tesla Criticizing Einsteins Theory of relativity -“a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king” and “a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense… the theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors…. its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.”

Particle accelerators use electric fields to speed up and increase the energy of a beam of particles, which are steered and focused by magnetic fields. You missed the main word, Coherency. Watch the video i linked.

Can you tell me how a field really works?

They shoot it down a tunnel using a particle accelerator and let gravity pull it down due to its extra
Which are electrically
Wow its almost as if you were trying to sound smart but didnt know what you were talking about. Also particle accelerators use
Which neutrons work with.

Also fields work through bosons. In quantum mechanics, everything is quantised. Bosons arent up for debate either, they are known to exist. You cant explain the strong force without gluons.

i love how you are so absolutely sure that bosons exist. They are mathematically pretty, to be sure. Is a mathematical construct, real?
What is it that is being described?
so you are saying that an incomplete model of the universe doesn't work without a mathematical abstraction so therefore the abstraction is real. gotcha
I'm not disagreeing with the theory, just your approach to what is real



From Google when i searched How do particle accelerators work - Particle accelerators use electric fields to speed up and increase the energy of a beam of particles, which are steered and focused by magnetic fields. The particle source provides the particles, such as protons or electrons, that are to be accelerate

Also answer the question brainlet, how do field works???

You Can start making up particles if you like, but you are no where near an answer

Next youre gonna tell me that pilot wave theory is true too by the exact same argument.


Well This theory has it's problems

Theres more than 1 particle accelerator. One uses toroids that create a 😲
That pushes the particle in the direction.
Also, I did and I havent made up particles. Bosons are a fact of life. You experience them every day when you use your eyes to look at things. Youll never guess what boson Im refering to.

W and Z bosons are found during radio activity and gluons are found when you smash particles together. These things not only match predictions perfectly but unreasonably perfectly. Very rarely has the standard model not explained something.

Anyways. My phone is dying so Im pretty much done. I hope maybe I convinced someone that science is trustworthy.

This Stuff is just Butthurt physicists picking holes in what they can to disprove it.

I think Your head is so full of particles that your brain synapses aren't working so well. Or you have spent so much of your life chasing the wrong path theres no turning back now.

Either way go read the works of Steinmetz, Heavyside and some other true men of science from 100 years ago and they will fix your brain up.

Thanks for completely ignoring and not answering how fields work?

Oh because you cant and now you can run away. Brainlet.

Facts truth and evidence is trustworthy, im not sure about science now days…
Do you Work for NASA?

Yeah you're talking a load of bollocks. And people stopped talking that bollocks when Faradays discoveries rather banished the shadow candle spirit world.

How can you explain instantaneous action at a distance between two objects in a complete vacuum without some medium between them?
Please enlighten me

strawman arguments? lurk moar.

you have to go back.

scalar fields relative to what? That's the fundamental issue - relativity and universal scalar fields are fundamentally at odds. hence the reference to the aether. We disproved that, and now it is sneaking back, an universal frame of reference.

I've always assumed that the currently (((accepted))) theories are the way they are because they've done away with the concept of the ether.

In their model, space/time is a singular "entity" (for lack of a better term). Space/time is a big empty, containing nothing but stray atoms and subatomic particles. Radiations travel as "waves," but somehow these waves can travel in nothing, unlike every other wave known to science. 90% of the mass of the universe is missing, and they've been coming up with broken theory on top of broken theory to explain why. In this model, space/time is usually shown as a grid, and masses in space/time "bend," or "warp" this grid inward, proportional to their respective masses. (Pic 1) (That is to say, gravity is "created" by the mass existing in space; the mass pulls things towards it by virtue of its existing - whether that mass is a molecule or a cluster of galaxies.) This jives with the premise that the effects of gravity diminish at the square of the distance, which does lend credence to it being electromagnetic/electrogravitic in nature.

But, since this model says that space is a big empty, composed of nothing, there should be nothing to bend or warp inward. It's flawed by its very premise and doomed to fail because it's self-contradictory. The unified field theory is within reach, but nobody can get their hands on it because the ladder they're standing on is on a poor foundation.

What if, instead of space being a big empty composed of nothing, it was made of something? That "something" would be what's always been known as The Ether. Aether, for eurofag/genericfag in the audience. Ether provides actual substance to "the fabric of space". (Side note: It's also not mutually exclusive to the concept of "space/time".)

In this theory, masses still exist, but they are instead bending space outward. (Pic 2 is the best representation I could find of what I envision.) They are essentially "bubbles" within the fabric of space, which is no longer a big empty nothing. The deformation of space is strongest at the surface of the "bubble", and diminishes the farther you move from it. (Square of the distance?)

Gravity is no longer a mysterious force that somehow grows stronger the more mass is present in the big nothing, it's because more ether is deformed around the object! Gravity is the force of the fabric of the universe pushing back on the surface of the bubble!

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"


mighty check


the scaling factors are due to spin. Antigravity drives function through building a standing gravity wave through production of a 'virtual' electron with unity spin (through helical wound helical superconductors with half wave diameter).

Didn't we have this thread a couple times already? Does anybody have any mathematical models to back any of their shit up? Once again some faggots fall for the Kikes feel good brainwashing scheme due to math being hard.

Time has nothing to do with the rate the earth spins you fucking retard. Mainstream science doesn't think the earths rotation has been constant, we know it is slowing down.

How do EM engines fit in all of this?

I want the EM engine to be proven work because of how there's so much scientific dogma.

You can construct mathematical conclusions to anything, its not very impressive. Actual lab experiments that accurately mimic galaxies is though.

There are some interesting vibrating oil experiments suggesting that De Broglie's pilot wave concept is the actual answer to the particle/wave duality of physics. I think we will see a shift back toward an "AEther" concept with an underlying unified field over the next decade.

It's the stuff like this, and the general thinking of pre-einstein natural philosophers and electric wizards, that's bending people away from the 'relativity' model.

Until you anons that support relativity can make arguments for the holes in the model, like the missing matter and lack of unified theory, you're going to see more support for this "/x/ tier" stuff. Kind of reminds me of the psychology threads, a few gems of argument and prose but filled to the brim with pretentiousness and mud slinging.

Which are? I don't think you actually understand Newtonian physics.

Sure, you can construct a system which can derive certain conclusions, nevertheless you have to build it properly such that it's consistent (which humans/the world values). So, math is still important in determining whether or not something is logically possible. Empirical evidence is used to determine if it actually "is".
(Or, in the case of the reverse, as in most of history, empirical is used to construct the formulas which are then used to create a theory. A theory which constantly has to check itself to remain consistent).

The observed numbers may be right, but from observed numbers quite a few 'scientists' claimed the icecaps would have melted by now. The system may be more complex than our very short term observation has yielded evidence of.
Remembering the Higgs-Boson announcement, the scientists at the center were dissapointed that it was exactly as predicted, which didn't leave any room to change, and room to make that unified theory.

Also of note, funny thing with Columbus. He found the New World because his numbers were wrong, but consistently so. Judged the surface area of Earth to be a third less than reality, and so arrived to his conclusion of 'India' just as he predicted. Consistent, "correct" numbers with a verifiable location.
Just some thoughts.

Useless faggots such as yourself are a fucking blight on the white race. Wheres your fucking models and mathematical proofs. I could disprove your bullshit by puling a plug out of a tub. Just to feel special and enlightened you take the poison pill from the kikes.

No fucking way, how fucking new are you? Of course the results would be fucked up cause the kikes fucked the models. Seriously go back to your nigger loving EU faggot boards or stick a fork in a socket. Your too fucking deep in Boomer grade tin-foil.
Pic related it's you

Thanks for outing yourself.

Thanks for not know what context is. Here's something for you Electric Universe: Based Niggers with Charge

True, but consistent is a prerequisite of correct, just as valid is a prerequisite to sound.


What I'm trying to analogy is that the readings may be consistent, but what is done with those numbers may be consistently 'off'.
Romans and Greeks did a lot of stuff with numbers, but it wasn't until 0 came around that math really took off. We could be missing some odd big O in physics. They weren't wrong in their computations, they found the size of the Earth quite well for example, but it wasn't the key to objective reality as it is now.

By no means am I defending EU, I am speaking against the discounting it out of hand. Aether and shit has historical backers that are usually viewed favorably here, it's no flatearth or planet X. I'd put it on level with the Oera Linda, the 'humor me user' category. Nasa did this with all the odd engines over the last decade, got the Cannae drive out of it.

Time has nothing to do with rate. Rightho.
Rotation is slowing. This has nothing to do with time. gotcha
Do you even english?

like the 'fudge factor' used to make relatively work. an arbitrary constant.
And the scalar field required to make gravity work right too. People in glass houses and all.

This is from tesla who thought it was lunacy give space attributes at all
“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.”

How do you measure something that has no properties?

Also what gets me made is people climbing buildings and yelling waves. You go to the beach and i ask you what you see… You say i see waves one the shore. Actually you see water my friend, moving water. Waves describe what something does, it does not describe what it is.

I made this to show how the concept of "stacked spins"
Basically take a particle spinning on its axis, we will call that x-spin, then spin all that around one of the poles at a right angle to the axis, that's y-spin… continue for z-spin if needed. it's about adding energy, or "stepping up" spin levels.

vid related, muh oc


Checked and agreed.

I made it a point not to deny anything you stated because I agree with you. Consistent itself is not correct. All I stated was that it was a necessary prerequisite for something to be correct.
(and, if what I said isn't satisfactory, take a course in mathematical logic. You should be given quite a few theories (in the mathematical formal sense) to work with. You can then determine which one correctly models the data).
As a simple example, you can consider the construction which allows for infinitesmals vs. no-infinitesmals. Both of these constructions are consistent (and, w.r.t. mathematics, correct), but for the real world one might better model the "data". It is why people are taught using infinitesmals in the first place (it makes more "sense" than to talk about taking the inf and sup of a a sequences in order to obtain limit values).

No one has observed a black hole? Wtf are you talking about?

Great counterargument, friend!

All this electric bullshit and none of you ever considered Pilot Wave theory?

According to pilot wave theory, the point particle and the matter wave are both real and distinct physical entities (unlike standard quantum mechanics, where particles and waves are considered to be the same entities, connected by wave–particle duality).

If it has no rest mass, its not matter at all. EMF is wave only. Everyone has been infected with this mind virus of Atomism

they can't be observed, obviously, since the are supposed to trap light. We have been inferring their existence, but its all BS anyway. no such thing.

Where are the predictions of this model? Where is the physical evidence and measurements for its necessary components? How is it superior to many individual models that do make accurate predictions and are substantiated by observations?
Thornhill's talks tend to amount to "this cosmological phenomonena sort of looks like plasma behavior on a cosmic scale, therefore it is plasmic in nature". EU may be a useful model, it may not be, but it reeks of pseudoscience.
That's a noble aim, but there's also the possibility that we exist in a fundamentally disordered reality (at this level of experience at any rate) and that nature may not be so trivially made to fit in one neat package.

For one, it can explain the rotation of galaxies without inventing a new matter that they somehow still can't find: hooktube.com/watch?v=nLC4MA6_Oq0

Ye I bet that image was hard getting out of your head. You get 2 replies claiming I'm pwned and yet your actual post where you downplay what user was saying is still in effect very, very Jewish. ;^)

"It's the new flat earth brainwash"

Why do they Jews love to pretend to shoo themselves away?

Nature does fit into a unified theory, Fibonacci, golden ratio, fractals. Even the fields of magnets can be viewed and are shown to be a spirograph pattern.

Like Tesla said, space has no properties or attributes. Its nothing so how can it bend. This is the problem with Man is that he measures and weighs and over complicates the world to fit his view with pages of calculations.

Nature doesn't work like this, no calculator, no scale. None of this.

We should go back to the era of Tesla, Steinmetz, Heavyside etc and restart our understanding as these endless arguments to fill a sinking ships holes with more particles is not stopping it from sinking.


The golden ratio is key

I think my blurt out was lenghty enough.
It was poorly written, omitting the most compelling case and arguments people and most importantly FACTS. It's setting the stage weakly, building a quasi strawman to be kicked in the anus mercilessly.

Ugh, I bet you can't expound on this i.e. I'm calling your bluf.
It's there, the field. Conversely, there is by admission of NASA not enough convection (like only 2% of the necessary) for the photosphere to produce observed effects. Magnetic fields always accompany electric current - really basic stuff. Electric currents are present in space (1963-67): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkeland_current . Solar wind accelerates via electric current flow and magnetism that follows it. There is no other explanation to it. If a nuke explodes the wind from it does not accelerate forever, it starts slowing down as soon as it leaves the blast zone and the reason for it in the first place. Same goes for temperature gradient in sun's corona and for the energetic ribbon discovered by IBEX on the boundry of heliosphere - it's there, it's not a matter of how it operates exactly. The EU does not claim to know it all. It's a matter of acknowledgement that electricity exists in rarified gas of space and has dominant effects on stellar bodies since it is 10 to the power of 40 times stronger force than gravity. Even if gravity isn't technically a force but bent spacetime: you stand on a scale - modern physics says you've bent spacetime, you squeeze it between your hands - it's now a force, get it? Me neither. And no bowshock shockfront whatever (it's called) was was discovered wih Voyager nor IBEX - it's required by orthodoxy, it isn't there, something else though is and it conforms to EU ideas.
It's about overwhelming body of evidence and some real zingers that are flat out ignored and/or ridiculed without much of a reason past stupid sophistry, ad hoc invented forces, mechanisms, particles - all concealed by the math god endowed with unreal concepts like infinity. Case in point:

how much detail do you want? We can start with formation theory, move into approximate solutions of einstein's field equations to derive pressure values for the core. We can take a brief (or deep) look at mathematical methods for deriving least energy states within shells (with gravity akin to surface tension in a bubble). We can go into transverse and lateral wave transmission within bubbles and we can come up with hundreds of predictions and observations.
there's a missing step. A high pressure plasma fixes the missing step, and is entirely compatible with EU. We even observe plasma mediated electrical effects between saturn and its moons.
NASA assumes a onion like sun so doesn't fit observations. Bubble theory assumes shell photosphere, with dense element production in the shell (and subsequent ejection as planets/comets, etc) with an extreme space time environment in the core, which generates a plasma sun within the sun, which in turn generates the magnetic field which in turn aligns with/supports the electric fields.
Formation is the key to understanding - in your version of an EU, how does the sun form? In my bubble model, formation is straightforward and miracle free.
EU is ALSO compatible with spacetime theory, so there's no need to start unnecessary fights, even if we all know that singularities are BS.

Better, clusterfuck of undefined terms - what I expected in the first place. My answer to this mambo jumbo is eli5, or 20 (I'm not). You can't you're just a hired whore to peddle nonsense. Probably asked a buddy of yours to write it for you just to laugh at us. You have never, even once acknowledged anything that I have said that was observed in the most direct way possible. You're a sodomite kikels' whore - they pay you money you deliver.
Are a bunch of self contradicting nonsense:
how? and why is it "high" pressured in the first place?
Yeah, that's what I am saying, plus our present sun is orders of magnitude higher on the same scale because it gobbles the gallactic current apparently and saturn's input has been shut off (EU mythohistorical acoount) present sun is an electrode receiving gallactic current - everything about it screams so.
More like: nobody ever heard of this bs. Why don't you provide some sources sodomite?
You can't model gravity in Earth's core fucktard, is it 0? or what, why would it be not 0, you can't say a thing yet you veer into most obscure, completly unverifiable stuff. Typical.
like an anus within anus, or something
strike at my: whether there is flow of electric current there is magnetic field associated with it reality check - may I say, mr. kikel, that you're an obvious one, and you suck nigger dick. It wouldn't be too far would it?
Glad you asked:
No nasa is just bulshitting all around over the points I have made in the first place not even trying to explain any of those.
Care to elaborate sodomite? Since all I am aying so far is that sun in electric in nature and the power received by it came form galaxy - no more.
I would be more than happy for you to use physics terms for the wording you have used. Bring it on sodomite. The Polish peasant is not affraid of soros money invested in such a "great mind".
p.s. Just fucking off yourself. Written quite drunk, takes little from the mesage.

But, since i'm a stubborn cunt and you are asking questions, even if you are a fucking uncivilised ranting troll.
Did you even watch the links you posted?
The filament that you see is a long vortex.
Within that, points along that filament reach a critical mass quickly and stably, since they are vorticies. In EU, the electrical force flowing along the filament draws in mass. In Bubble theory, the vortices provide the dimensional stability required to stop the protostars blowing themselves to bits. Aggregation theory is complete shit, and vortex formation is mathematically sound and COMPATIBLE with EU. the fact you are such a faggot that you refuse to think is pretty sad. Where is the math showing that an electrical current can provide stability all on its own? Or does it magically change the vectors of all particles to align with it in a parallel flow? (the issue there is that if that magic does occur, then formation of high density spots within the filament is prevented by the same mechanism)
And yes, g at the earth's and the sun's core is zero. (or close to it). that's what produces the pressure, given the huge mass all around it. With even a little bubble (like Ceres) there's enough pressure to form a plasma.
Here's a prediction, btw. the next big drill they do into the mantle will show g, temp and pressure all rising far faster than expected, since the majority of the earth's mass is in the shell.
Math here: grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/Numbers/Math/Mathematical_Thinking_ppc/grvtysp2.htm
assuming a solid earth, but the pressure at the centre is also applicable to a shell.

that was a shit link, don't know why i posted it.

>on 8bit computer model graphics that are (((tied))) together.