Michigan state university dildo making event

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Is that same girl who pointed to a giant penis other day? I think she's a jew. Not sure if I remember it correctly.

Why did they ruin my beautiful state. And by they I mean (((they)))

Because the jews are jealous of the white texans so (((they))) punished them for being prosperous White texans. FIGHT BACK!

With race, losses are permanent. That is why it has value to both owners and thieves.

females once again show they are too stupid.

i wonder…


Every. Single. Time.

Isn't this the Cocks not Glocks thing?


That woman was destined to be a coalburner and she will never live this down

of course the dildos are black and roastie sized


They will miscarry because of the stretched lubricated muscular tube.


a niggerjew mein gott it's worse than previously thought

The fuck?
I bet its also illegal to bring anthrax onto campus or ask the person next to you to compare notes during a test.

Anyway, it was cancelled.


No one should have any problem with grabbing that Chink made plastic dick and beating her with it. Yes, you will most likely be arrested for assault. So what? Either you believe the end is near or you don't.

The plastic penis toys is environmentally unfriendly.

I work a university. This is way more common than you think - all tax funded.

Has anyone really stopped and thought of the escalation we have seen in the last 20 years alone? Every time I see shit like this I am somewhat in awe of how quickly (((they))) have rolled out pure degeneracy. At this rate they must plan for toddlers getting publicly fucked in the ass while a pajeet uses the poor kid's face as its designated shitting area, and broadcasting it nightly as a paid event.
Their desire to ramp up degeneracy is going to be their undoing in the end. More and more people are having their limits tested and with their supersonic boundary pushing all they are doing is making sure every degenerate publicly lists their position and support for everything that should, and will, cross the line.
But, why so rampant? I always wonder, why not play the slow long phasing in to pure degeneracy and instead the balls to walls pace we are seeing today? Is there a time frame that (((they))) have to be within for this shit?

Pure concidence, this is her twitter, albeit very inactive. It's hers.




Nonsense. Never underestimate the arrogance of women. She'll be arrogant forever.


I frickin' knew it is her.

All the uni should be defunded.

Every. Single. Time.

It is an intentional shift. A sudden change and escalation disorients and confuses, makes people uncomfortable. It has always been like this though. Think how much things would have changed from the 1950s to 1970s. Blacks are now equal in law, as our women, sex running rampant, disco craze, free love, hippies, Commies.

This is ultimately nothing new in recent history. But you are correct, the massive speed at which they have gone over the last decade or two is very much screwing things up. Immigration going too big too soon has woken up millions to what is going on and millions more to simply oppose it. Same with transfreaks, feminism, Marxists at school etc.


Where did she get the money for them?

Her name is Rosie Zander. This is her instagram. She is a half Jew.

A photo of her father instagram.com/p/BQ4b9FkBvds/?hl=en

A photo of her saying something about Hannukah instagram.com/p/BNmbzH-gTVx/?hl=en

A photo of a Jewish friend she's had for 15 years. instagram.com/p/BP2zpnJg0Dw/?hl=en

Two jews saluting satan. instagram.com/p/BKTbU54AwHY/?hl=en

Prom date instagram.com/p/oJI81mxSP7/?hl=en

With the tribe instagram.com/p/sK2IVZxSFT/?hl=en

I wonder if she cucked him with a nigger on prom night, given her preference for enormous black dildos.

Don't know or even care if she did. More interested in putting her information in the archive since she's going into politics.



Jews are disgusting creatures. They take enjoyment in vulgarity and destroying all beauty in the world.

I know you're kikes you shitty mods but at least pretend to do your job you pieces of shit.

reminder that long term vibrator use damages the nerves of the clitoris and vulva/vagina, leaving the female with decreasing sensation and possibility for pleasure the longer she uses it.
It is the equivalent to a man uses a vice grip on his dick for a decade, it kills the nerves. He'll not feel much after that.

I think this is great. we should bring back phallic worship goddess worship, too


Overstretched vaginas cause miscarriages? Really? That's hilarious if true.


How different the world would be if jewish males didn't have their dicks mutilated at birth. No men in dresses and no jewesses with nigger fetishes.

Biologically-driven, societal-level shit test.
What the 50,000 year-old bio-algorithm which is driving these women to act this way doesn't know, is that men are physically prevented from slapping them back into place by the Zogbot police.
Thus the shit-test, designed by nature as a eugenic routine, becomes dysgenic under the influence of Judaism.


They fucked up before and we all know what happened.

It is not intentional. It has spiraled out of their control. Do not forget what created natsoc germany, They do not want that happening again. A slow boil is preferable for (((them))). This will allow us to laugh at the absurdity rather than becoming influenced by it.


Sex for more thas just procreation is good ya (((puritans)))!

1488% agree. They complain about school tuition increase but want money for ethnic studies and meme degrees.

We need a new religion.

Reported for kikery.

… and, sadly, the druids didn't bother saving anything useful.

Eh, possibly. But it's true that the churches and the rest of the Baby Boomer arrogant assholes, and the various emotional-cloud sycophants who are their dutiful laborers, will listen to no reinterpretation of Christianity. They just don't give a fuck about what the Bible says. None of them. Truly. None.

You know how I know you don’t belong here?

Really starting to think that the military allowed civilian internet as a countermeasure. Their projections probably saw a big world war coming so they figured acceleration might explode it early with the least lives lost. That's my working theory anyway.

Is that a Baphomet on the red in the background?

That's my fetish, thanks op

Her synagogue.

< destroy white people
< you don't belong here. people here destroy white people
fuck off, kike


Infiltrator unit

That’s a tranny or a soynig?

Reported. Go back to intl.

Not even surprised, not anymore.

Oy vey! Take down that anti-semitic meme this instant! It's anuddah shoah!

Ironic or not you ought to kys

She is rich and her good goyium likely gave their money to her.

The feminist golem has certainly gotten out of hand. I hope there is change soon. It's getting really bad out there.


It looks like a bunch of out of state (((JEWS)))


Lol this is the biggest fallacy I've seen. Even looking past the fact that the penis never reaches the uterus, where the fetus gestates. Humans have the biggest dicks of all primates because our infants have the biggest brains at birth. The vagina grew larger to accommodate the baby's head, and the penis grew larger to service the ever larger vagina. We have big dicks because we're smart. Making posts like this makes me think you're a small-brained small-dicked little idiot who falls for le BBC meme and is jealous of niggers, of all things.

Back on topic, these women shouldn't need dildos as they should be long married by this age and getting regularly dicked by their husbands.

What the fuck
Meme Magick = Real

I unironically just shed a tear, this is the first time I've ever shed one watching a piece of media.
Sieg Heil my brothers.

Jewish are not dying out fast enough

I know you know you ought to fix that, user.

Come and take it
