Why are games so dishonest?


Wait, I think I fucked it up.




Fuck you, I'm not playing this a second time to save some npc with zero character traits

Why are gamers so retarded?

Its not about moms

look at this pleb and laugh


Someone hasn't played mother 3

Because it's called LIVE A LIVE not LIVE A LIFE you fucking retard

It's inside a cave of that island though, you lose.

It was inspired by MOTHER, You Had Me - By the Beatles.


No, the entire game is an allegory for motherhood and birth, Jesus Christ, the game was pretty damn fucking obvious about that, unless you're a filthy casual and never finished it.


Lightning Returns. That's the one with the name drop

Yes and no, it was part of that, but the thing that sparked the idea was the beatles.
Did you not see the video?





Intresting how no spergs went FUCKING TEMPLATE THREAD REEEEE in the begining

Well hey at least there's No Man's Sky.

Redemption is a metaphysical concept and therefor can occur in any potential form



Play it a second time to have fun then

While your point about God is legit, I was shitposting my man
Besides, it's funny to go full-Americlap

I bet you thought Oersted was in the wrong, faggot.

t. Winston Payne


what the fuck is the appeal?
















In Fallout 1 you fall out with the vault that you started off in when the vault leader tells you to fuck off
Don't remember Fallout 2
In Fallout 3 it happens again
In Fallout NV you have a falling out with any of the main factions and a falling out with Dreads Gasmask from the DLC

Are you people even trying?

user what even




Honk honk.

Yeah, you were in with the vault and with the vault leader when sends you out to grab shit, then you had a falling out with the vault leader when he tells you to fuck off.

yeah sorry


Yeah, but that's still a falling out numbskull


You never lick the asshole of the sky.



Skye's rim belongs to the Nords





Calm down their freud

>doesn't bayonet ya accents are embarrassing

specifically, the part in reply to

There's no way that was Freud, he didn't theorize that user wanted to fuck his mother.

Well they got that one right.


Hey fuck you, the first hours of Don't Starve was ungodly when I had no idea what I was doing.

Worth it, but god it was painful to start.

It's not freudian to understand the concept of concepts, you fuckboy

Try Ultima III.







you might not be doomed, but the forces of hell sure are













Characters wear gloves

Only a handful of the characters have fists of iron

There are sequels

Boss dies by his own hand and not by furious player characters
Not a legend about wolves
Still no wolves

You play as an altered man

What ogres?

There are many outcomes other than princess

You've lost me No, really, I have no idea how the title relates to the game


He's challenging you to beat his game.

Meant for



Man, let that nigga cry

Nothing to do with the letter b

What legend?



More along the lines of



read live backwards

kinda is tho, maybe not 11 but still

Oersted did nothing wrong tho

He had a hard life

It is NOT. Itoi hhimself said it was because of the John Lennon song, that's it.

They actually said "This is the Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns" in game?

king of the hill is technically anime

How human?


What if the game was trying to tell you one of your team was an impersonator?

except the doctor

1 and 3. you hold dominion over their locations

They're all qualified, mate.
You're not.
You're in my spot.



I honestly couldn't believe all the LP faggots sperging over a level editor, they were most likely being paid by nintendo to shill

I think that Stein's gate is actually referring to the timeline the Jews go to in order to have the most success

I see you're a console peasant

There is in Megamix


I don't blame you.
{ is the only reason it's even remotely popular



you actually raid tombs

You're actually ranching slimes

You're in a forest

I know a guy named Garry who's modded it

You're left for dead a second time

Not starving is the main objective of the game.

no silence or hills

no dogs in the game to watch

no dogs that sleep in the game

there's prequels and sequels, nothing final about this game

you never die and are always alive

can't shoot rays or laser beams

you can't nuke anyone

You are on a quest and there's always dragons involved in some way.

you do as you play it

You're not framed by corrupt government agents, and you're not dead.

There are five games out, not zero.

The ground doesn't haunt you, a rapist maid does.

The zeppelin actually rose and it rules. Ok.

It is not a game about the 7th (out of presumably hundreds) eye made of gold.




In Postal 2, there's the part where you have to go to the post office to mail shit.


Check mate athiests



I know Zelda is in the game, I said the game was not about her.




Ever notice that most game titles from the 2-bit through 8-bit eras are quite direct about what the game is about?



Everything alive



Isn't that what most attorneys do?
t. Attorney
Get Jinx

Dante cries at the end of DMC3.

It's about a prototype virus, though.


There was a "league" before it got written out of every bit of the game's backstory, and the "legend" part comes from how most of those criminals and scum were pretty legendary in their actions or how they got caught and locked up in said league in the first place.

The name at this point is a relic (much like the game itself, but whatever).


Yes, and it's not a question of MAY cry, he definitely did cry. Also he probably cried during FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LIIIIGHT.

But there IS a Fire Emblem. And I'm 99% sure the true ending of ZXA even namedrops the "Advent."
ZX3 never ever

Y'know I never understood why they didn't change the name since square actually made it as their very final game because they were going bankrupt, until they made too much money and now here we are…









The original Shadow Warrior fucks this up, but the reboots try and salvage the title somewhat. In Shadow Warrior 2013, all the monsters are coming from the shadow realm, and through the story you end up serving as both a warrior against the shadow realm and a warrior of the shadow realm. In Shadow Warrior 2 the shadow realm is gone and instead of being a warrior you're a bumbling tryhard faggot, but you can go into the shadows and be stealthy in order to stab a guy, so that's something at least.

The lion still has the form and maybe the rulership of a king though, stop trying so hard.

I can tell you for certain that one of the Silent Hill PSP games has a hill that you climb up, and I'd be surprised if that's the only time in the series where hills appear.

In Duke Nukem 3D, you end every level by nuking it.

You twist metal by smashing cars into each other and blowing them up, fool.

Legends say it has one game, Bloodborne. I cannot confirm this.

He's getting his revenge by raping that indian woman. This imagery is not unclear.
Tetris is a game about tetronimoes, the title is a hybrid word between the greek prefix tetra and the word tennis.

But yet you still fight on the streets, I'm sure.









>the watch helps you watch for Yo-Kai

Nobody in the game named Eve


Nothing about playing cards

Why does Yar want revenge?










Probably because you can't keep a good grip on them.


What the fuck does Ice King need with Fin&Jake's garbage?


So is the title accurate or isn't it?

Okay, so it fits.

Star Luster must have been a pretty lackluster game then.



You are not bounded to the earth


Nothing to do with the USA


what is this?????????

A hoax. Holocaust didn't actually happen











You fly a plane through barns but no storms appear










That's the whole plot you nonce


A fusion of cartoon canons.

Movie based title, I can't argue on this one outside of you probably defeating them to their last "Starfighter"

The Box Legendary has Golden Plumage, you had more of a chance with Pokemon Silver. Except the rival's default name is Silver.

To complete the trifecta, Pokemon Crystal's Suicune has a crystal like shape on their fucking forehead.




it refers to the EinStein-Rosen bridge, that is, a wormhole which connects 2 points in spacetime








Uhh user I dont know about Ogre Tactics but Ogre Battle had Ogres- they were demons named Ogres and even goblins were demons too but they were both there….and you battle them. But I dont think they battle each other so you could go with that



It's the second one, not the tenth
The blade actually is an alien this time








I'm still as big a loser I was before playing the game


Its not about surfing on beams of light.





thats subtle enough to be actualy funny.



He gives him a jelly bean and a hug, that's how.
The Wii/PS4/Vita version is the most adorable game ever.

no eyes of gold

>You actually turn the world OFF


wtf I hate this template now





You never find out what caused the house to be haunted




You play with gemstones, not columns

It still hurts



















This thread survived a lot longer than I thought it would.

>there's only one arena


not true, you have to go to the post office to retrieve a package







I love these threads.
Without googling try to guess the release order of the following three games.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit

At no point do you defend against Commies

NFS3: Hot pursuit
Hot Pursuit 2
Hot Pursiot


anaminuous why your id always changes?????

i'm out

How do you know that its likely the same person?

