It's probably not up to Yoko Taro to make decisions about the American version art but maybe we can prevent another Ico from happening
Nier Thread: Let the faggots at Square know that you want them to keep the art the same
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No offense OP but box art is the LEAST of my worries for this game.
I want dual audio and no pandering to the West.
Oh and absolutely no censorship or rewriting because Americans can't handle transvestite robots fucking their shota cousins.
Literally in the exact same boat as you dude. I'm terrified of another Drakengard 3. I will be pissed as fuck if there is shitty translation/no dual audio/any censorship whatsoever. But I do still think it is worth it to show Square what fans actually want and not give us another fucking Hollywood FFXV pandering box art. Was worried i was the only one concerned so I'm glad to see we are on the same page, user
Also more futa robots needed
I'm tempted to buy the Japanese version even though I don't know Japanese; just to avoid any bullshit.
I'm not fluent but I honestly don't care how long it takes me to translate if Square or 8-4 fucks this up.
I want square enix to die a horrible violent death, can't all get what we want. Though if they actually did do english only or western pandering i might actually buy it
I'm not naive enough to not realize this. But yes I do agree on wanting Square to burn
If this game is shit I'm gonna have to take off my Platinum Games beer goggles
I really, REALLY don't want to do that, Yoko
This game had better be fucking good
Back to >>>Holla Forums
Well I mean gotta start small. Maybe if Square listens and gives us the good box art, they'll listen to us about dual audio or leaving the game as is and not destroying it with 8-4's garbage localization
Taro said they will make a burgerifized version for the west since you don't understand japanese ideas. The only way to play non western feminist fanfiction is to know japanese or fan translation if possible if the japanese released in PC ever.
Im sorry what does this have to do with HIV virus? Is Yoko Taro gay?
Yes but he's also said things like "I want the same experience for version". I believe he was referring to the first Nier in your example
Well he does put traps in his games.
futas aren't traps
Still gay
I'm so glad Japan is such a xenophobic shithole they think everyone outside of their own country is a retard and needs their video games watered down.
Japan needs 10 more hiroshimas
Japan's xenophobia is what keeps it Japan. There's a lot we could learn from them.
no one said it wasn't fags
No man f50a33 is right we all need to swallow the jewish multuculturalistic pozzloads down our negholes.
Demo when?
I don't want some faggotry filled multi-cultural society. I want people who are trying to sell me their products to not water them down because they made a stupid sweeping assumption that everyone from my region is a fucking retard.
what do?!
I don't give a fuck about the boxart since I'm pirating it because they fucking hired 8-4 again.
Dual Audio isn't pandering, it should be the fucking standard. Most movies have multiple audio tracks and most books are available in multiple languages.
Try and ask him to include dual text/audio on the PC version as well, bonus points for avoiding censoring the game for western audiences because the kind of people who are interested in this aren't the ones who want the game to be censored.
Is there even going to be a Japanese PC version though?
Well yeah this is the goal. Not sure he makes these decisions though in fact I'm sure he doesn't and it's up to Square. But startingwith the art doesn't hurt. Also why not just ask him yourself
Wait, what?
I did, I spent awhile trying to figure out how to put this into 144 characters while including 8-4 and Squenix with the @. Also make sure you hashtag relevant words, I think tweets dont show up to anyone other than those who are linked in them if stuff like #nierautomata doesn't have a hash.
god I hate twitter why did this meme ever take off with the normalfags
I just want it to be fun.
and undoubtedly a yoko taro game
Because celebrities started using it.
well I'm thankful for your effort user. We all need to do our part because Square is too fucking stupid to make these decisions
You're better off modding the PC version. If it is moddable.
Jap audio and correct subs seem easy enough. Though some scenes may be shortened/cut entirely due to censorship, if any happens.
Also Denuvo makes modding a pain so lets hope Square don't saddle this with it as well.
I'll fucking freak like an autist if they cut scenes
My country is literally the opposite from xenophobic (more cultures and skin colours than NYC here) and that's precisely the reason why I want to experience different cultures and philosophies. Like those from Japan. Ah the irony.
I'm not American.
I don't think subtitles are pandering, Californians trying to sound cute is pandering.
OP, it's already confirmed censored. Let it go.
Wait what the fuck
[citation needed]
pretty sure he's just bullshitting
Yeah I think people really underestimate how much companies care when you ask them on social media. I do this a lot to ask for patches or features for games and it tends to work a lot better than asking on their forums since it's more public and can spread easily.
noice the english version will have ninturdo-tier censorship
back to reddit, faggot
Didn't yoko taro say in an interview that the game would be JP audio only?
Maybe he meant because 8-4 is handling localization that they would also re-work the boxart.
There's literally nothing gay about putting traps in your game.
Dude holy shit
I reeeeeally don't think so. I want to believe
Do you have a source on that?
Not a conformation unfortunately.
"We did not think about regional differences, but of course there are certain requests from the fans. For example, many people asked us to include the Japanese voices in the Western release of NieR: Automata and we are working really hard to make it happen."
Well at least they are aware, which I kind of already knew. I guess its in fucking Square/8-4's hands. God help us all
In case anyone is wondering why this would be "hard to make it happen," nip VAs are the biggest jews in the industry and it's standard to charge for licenses twice for releases on other platforms.
see: Dragon's Dogma actually having the Japanese audio in the pre-release PC version but having it cut on release because of nip VA jews not getting enough shekels.
Never forget the day the Moon Man him self came to Holla Forums ….. maybe.
That's fucking insane if real
Its real, that screen cap was taken by myself on the day. At the time we had had a few DoD and Nier threads flying around, some one linked them to Yoko Taro and he came in and said hi.
oh he was here, alright
I hope someone got the archive of that, I can't find it right now
I don't believe this. I love him so much more now
here's the twitter link from the video
Taro said he wanted to make a Legion game. For the love of God, please let this happen.
Has anyone asked @84play if there will be localization changes & regional?
In all likelihood it will. Yotaro's wife & editor/writer was confirmed to be pozzed by SJWs.
Also, will Holla Forums stay slaking and never call their HQ?
I hurts that so many of you luddites are still living.
I totally believe that user. That the guy who has all sorts of fucked up shit in his games and are the sole reason why anyone even gave a shit about his games in the first place will let his wife, whom we know jack shit about(probably because of Taro anyways), change shit in the fifth game Taro's done for an entirely different region.
And that source you provided really helped cement me buying that.
t: Steam casual
lol paying for games.
t: steam casual
So the story of Nier is basically that the world was ending so a mad scientist made billions of robots and transferred everybody's soul into the robots and then one guy has a bad acid trip and runs around killing them all thinking that they're monsters, right? That's what I got out of Nier when I played it, anyway. Also there was a herm and it's unclear but it seems like she was the only robot made with a dick.
They're replicants, like in Blade Runner. It's more biological than mechanical.
Her blueprint data was fucked up is why
Traps are gay.
Oh and how come KTGust and Bandai can put dual audio in their games then?
These games target the weeb audience. It needs JPN audio.
You don't know much about Japanese games do you user? Go back to your DOTA posthaste.
No, it doesn't need ANY audio, but if it HAS to have it, i'd rather they kept the whole thing in english instead of being cheap.
*who gives a shit what weebs want, they're going to hate it based on the fact that it's the damn dirty WESTERN version and not the grorious nippon one.
They liked it because you said you'd buy the game twice, little goy.
Fuck man I'll tell them I'll buy the game 10 times if it means getting what I want
American. Where I live people read subtitles.
literal cuck
They can because they just paid more money or negotiated well
But I'm only going to do that if they give me dual audio and text, which was pretty obvious from the tweet.
digits confirm.
Nigger, just because it has europe in the name doesn't mean eastern europe is part of the west.
No, you have that backwards, the "literal cuck" here is you for wanting another culture to replace your own.
I think you're the cuck, user
Kekimus maximus
Read a fucking book, nigger
You kinda got it right. Kinda. It's been a while since I played Nier but basically:
Nier takes place after Drakengard's ending E where the protags of the last game make a dimension jump to Tokyo, did a rap battle with a giant pregnant salt goddess (who may or may not be Drakengard 3's Zero) and then got shot down by the JSDF. The corpses of the goddess and the protagonists introduced magic particles (maso) from Drakengard into the real world, which caused all sorts of fucked up shit which lead to the Legion, humanity's worst enemy. To fight back, humanity sent child soldiers injected by supersteroids (luciferase) as well as experimental weapons made by humans (Emil, Halua, maybe even original Kainé). After a bunch of shit happened, humans were getting fucked hard by diseases created by maso, so they began work on the Gestalt project, which was about creating human shells (Replicants) to house human souls (Gestalts) after the Earth was clean of all magic particles and once the Legion was destroyed. The Replicants also helped child soldiers to fight off against the Legion while this shit was done.
Gestalts Nier (the Shadowlord) and Yonah were normal dudes who got tricked by the jap gov't into being a guinea pig for the Gestalt project. They saw some other guinea pigs fail the project and get turned into mindless, berserk gestalts (shades) so he took Yonah and hightailed it. Cue the intro, Papa Nier became the first successful Gestalt while Yonah failed. Papa Nier agreed to help the Gestalt project in exchange for the gov't promising to sent Yonah to hybernation and to help her once everything got fixed (which is a lie because Gestalt failures are unstable and fucked).
Timeskip, 1000 or so years have passed. In this period of time, Replicants suddenly developed personalities and such, so now they act like normal humans. Gestalts, who were in hybernation until the whole Legion war/maso particle cleaning stuff happened, began to wake up around this time. Replicants saw them and thought they were all fucking monsters, so they kill them on sight. Some Gestalts also begin to deteriorate without being on original bodies, so they go berserk; having no means to communicate with Replicants, they think all shades are monsters and kill them on sight. While this is also happening, Replicants are beginning to deteriorate as well without having their original souls inside of them, which takes the form of the Black Scrawl. Fusing both of them together would cure it.
The Shadowlord grew tired of having to wait thousands of fucking years to save his daughter, so he took R!Yonah from R!Nier and fused the to save his daughter. Cue all the things that happen in the game. Papa Nier and co. go on a genocide crusade against real humans because he believes they're all mindless monsters and because muh Yonah. Popola and Devola were actually androids in charge of the creation of Replicants to keep the cycle going, and they were also planning to fuse Grimoire Noir and Grimoire Weiss to forcefully join both Replicants and Gestalts, which may have effectively saved the human race. Grimoire Noir went full sperg and didn't tell Weiss what they were doing, so he fucked off back to Papa Nier. Popola and Devola could have told Papa Nier about their master plan to save humanity but didn't because hhdasfjaadhga NO ONE STOPS. By the end of the game, killing the Shadowlord and Grimoire Noir makes saving humanity effectively impossible, since there's no way to fuse bodies and souls together again, and by killing off Popola and Devola it's impossible to make more Replicants, so this is the last Replicant generation that will exist. Replicant Yonah will die a painful death because the Black Scrawl isn't cured and Papa Nier and all other Replicants will eventually die. You could save Kainé but she's already pretty fucked up. She'll go crazy by thinking that there's something very special that she's forgetting and she dies alone in a cave (see: Drakengard 3's Kainé weapon story). Emil is the only one who survives, and by the events of Automata he's already forgotten most of what happened in Nier.
And then Nier Automata confirmed that there are still humans left in the fucking Moon, so humanity may not be quite so fucked yet. Aliens invade the earth hundreds of years in the future btw, and Emil fucks them up hard. Automata should be taking place somewhere around this time, with the enemies being robots sent by aliens or something. Don't quote me on this, however.
Read Grimoire Nier for the full version
tl;dr: The Nier world was doomed ever since Caim and Angelus came to Earth and Caim greatly increased his genocide count by indirectly killing a whole world. The lack of communication lead to massive misunderstandings and tragedy. You fucked up hard, the Shadowlord did absolutely nothing wrong and Popola and Devola were retarded
He did the same amount of wrong as Replinier. They're both the same, act-first-think-later, big-picture-ignorning idiot
Nier did nothing wrong. Fuck you, Shadowlord. And fuck you, twin bitches that could be explaining all this shit but instead you allowed humanity to genocide itself.
user I think that's the opposite of doing nothing wrong
Could you burgers just pull your head out of your ass once.
It makes no fucking diffrence to me if it's English or Japanese, both are foreign languages for me so I might as well enjoy it in original language.
Who do you think Red Eye was?
I want to believe, user. I want to believe.
Nvm, I confused the wrong wife for the wrong game:
I wonder how bisexuals feel.
traps are still gay
t. Bisexual
The beautiful thing about having it be PC-native is that if there is any censorship, missing dual audio, etc, it'll be that much easier to repair.
Dude, exploring the time of when WCS was really taking off would be awesome. And also incredibly spooky, it would turn into a horror game.
I don't think the Queen Grotesquerie is Zero, but she certainly is an intoner. It most likely follows that Drakengard 1 follows from Drakengard 3's ending A, where One's clone brother(?) survived and led on to probably making the Empire and shit. And, of course, Drakengard 3 started because of the Flower. So it all ties together.
Drakengard 3 ending A leads into a manga and Drakengard 1.3. There is a novel that acts as the branch that leads to the first game.
And it could have all been avoided if someone would just say something instead of attacking and kidnapping people for seemingly no reason.
I wish they'd quit putting so many essential story elements in things outside of the games. I still like to think Ending A and Ending D were supposed to be the what connects Drakengard 3 and 1.