I swear the only reason to keep steam on my PC is for comedic value/watch it all burn.
Another Dev Goes Full Retard
what the fuck are you talking about
"she" is Hillary Clinton, who dreams of war with the Tsardom if she takes the crown.
The male protagonist wants to build a wall to keep the southerners out.
how is that a bad thing?
please leave and never come back
Hipster millenial faggots are truly worse than ISIS.
Someone should tell Putin.
I'm guessing halfchan got to her first or something, really doubt we have enough people to make even the thinnest-skinned faggots resort to that so quickly.
How's that bad? Game looks like it could be good.
Game is decent. Haven't tried the DLC.
Well, he is right. Shillary will start WW3.
OP is a raging faggot
praise kek
Holla Forums is essentially mudslimes
>implying Holla Forums doesnt want other, braver people to engage in violence in the name of their beliefs
No nigger, Hillary legitimately wants to declare war on Russia.
Russia is not North Korea, they're known for bombing shit for just threats, even when the guy threatning them is only bluffing.
Bump to trigger you more.
i thought they were both on russias dick this whole time
OP is just enlightened you guys all politics are dumb.
whoa, sick digits
can't wait until the 8th so the shilling engine can be turned off
Didn't you saw the last debate?
"I don't really know Putin personally but I think having good relationships with Russia could benefit us both" - Trump
sounds like theyre both gearing up to hand america to russia in their own way.
how are you this dumb
Oh man, I got replies, right on. Do I fit in now cause I baited guys? XD XD XD
wow someone with some sense
well russia certainly doesnt mind going to war, and its citizens are used to the idea. plus weve had their troops training to invade the united states on our own soil.
as for trump, hes either out of his damn mind if he thinks hes going to get anything out of russia that will benefit the USA or hes not really interested in that at all and just wants to assist them.
you can fuck me, user
>5 more days until shit/pol/sting stops and we can talk about video games again
We're almost in the clear
im afraid that will only throw more fuel on the fire, whatever happens
It's good and the OP is a sodomite. Like usual.
if you're gonna ignore the risk of a nuclear exchange by two nations that possess about a couple thousand nukes each, you have a problem
how about not killing off your population in another meaningless war for Israel
conspiracy theories aren't arguments
I'm just gonna laugh at you from now on, please check my digits and fuck off
Russians in general are pretty hot.
is this Mr. Trump's diplomacy mission?
they certainly are when they suit your point of view, arent they you silly stormnigger?
So uh, guys, not to interrupt the gay posting or the political posting but what exactly is this game about and it's genre?
So any particular reason why you fuckers are sperging out and we can't have a comfy thread about medieval shit?
Poor guy. Must suck when his own religion downgrades him to goyim for speaking the truth.
You're funny
fucking what
You have a overland map in the vein of kings bounty which has a bunch of locations, quests, encounters and shit. And then you have a hex turnbased combat with a party you build from namefags and merc that level and can pick up random gear.
It's all in a fictional low magic Holy Roman Empire setting.
Friendly reminder that you're gonna miss this place once you crash it with no survivors. t. not cancerious shit
WOW JUST WOW I CAN'T EVEN begin to guess what the fuck this thread is about
Theres that, plus I have a thing for pale, and they excel at being pale as fuck.
He and Larry David are pretty redpilled.
Cool, thanks user. It looks like it could be good for comfyrelaxation time.
Fuck, that was actually pretty damn funny. I might have to download that series.
Yes that exactly. Pale and cinnamon brown.
He does have his moments though. You should definitely watch it though, it's really great. Surfs a lot more on the awkward/cringe vibe than Seinfeld though, and that's saying something.
Just don't play the mage first time around. He's a late bloomer and then some.
The amount of stuff he manages to get away with in his show is incredible.
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) But at what cost?
Your immune system.
The amount of pol posts the couple of last days has been ridiculous but it'll get worse before it gets better and I think it'll last at least a week after the election no matter who wins.
Now now, no one likes a salty user.
How was that post salty in the slightest? You're not a good fisherman
>>>Holla Forums
Yup, it was definitely the act of gay sex that got him HIV. Not idiocy
Holla Forums doesn't listen to logic though user.
life must be really simple when everything is extremes
Life must be very boring for you.
Is this shitty reverse viral?
This is a clever way of shilling your game. I don't blame you.
If it were a normal thread, then it would have been deleted by Mark for shilling.
tony hawk detected
I actually voted for trump dimwit
Yep, don't look at the wealth of data comparing % of HIV in gay vs straight populations. Statistics are bigoted. #NotAllMuslims #ImWithHer