On a massive winning streak in a multiplayer game

I'm good, I swear, but what do?

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Stop being a bitch and check my dubs

It's like you want to develop a crippling depression from "I'm a baby and I always get what I ask for" syndrome

I'm going to bump because everyone needs to see how much of a faggot you are.

You sound like a fucking beta who's never wanted anything. I want to get out of the fucking trench. I like games so much I want to play against the best in them. To do that you win games, not lose them.
"LOL ITS JUST A GAME WHO CHARES XDDDDD" doesn't cut it. Take your wannabe-zen bullshit out of here and get hungry.

You're right, user. Just download the game, get a single kill and uninstall. As long as you do not reinstall it, nobody can kill you and therefore your K/D ratio is infinite.


Unless you have a competant team or are extremely good which i doubt since you're paranoid your win/loss ratios will even out. Matchmaking generally see's to that.

Don't lose

And the best in games generally have loss more games then your average tryhard dipshit have even played total. Most games have forced 50% w/l and balance accordingly. The only games that "matter" are ones with money on the line, your random matchmaking game means nothing even if you were to win a tournament next week.

Long losing streaks happens occasionally due to bad luck but more often then not people just tilt and refuse to stop playing even though they're playing like complete ass.

Most of my losses in Battlefield 2142 came from joining a server in juuust enough time to see the YOUR TEAM LOST screen, followed by having a team of shitters who never watched their back, never changed their tactics (yes, keep running down the middle of the street instead of flanking the objective point), and never played like a team. In one match, I got over 20 kills with the fucking defibrillator gun just trying to keep two squads alive in a chokepoint.

yeah, but people get better by fighting against the best. An easy way to do that reliably is to enter their skill pool.

I've had long losing streaks before, and it was right after a massive win streak that almost got me through the trench. That lose streak was twice as bad as what I'd actually won. I don't want anything that dire happening again.

You can't improve skills if you only win. Losing is part of the game.

it's anxiety, and you beat it by getting into The Zone and staying there

Obviously not if you go on massive losing streaks. If you were good at the game you'd win every time

Stop playing tilted/pretending you're better then you are

The person that cares about winning at all costs will never improve.

In his recently released book, Daigo wrote that his entire career he has never trained to "beat" someone else.
What he did was try shit over and over and over again, train every single day and improve his fundamentals, getting better at the games he played in general.
Winning was a byproduct of that training.
You don't aim to win, you aim to improve, when you improve to the point where you win, the two things feed each other.
Winning and improving are interconnected.

Grow some balls, a brain, a heart, self awareness, become humble, focus on self improvement, and basically all the shit you're not actually going to do because you're a little bitch.
If you weren't a little bitch you wouldn't be here complaining.

Fuck off with that jewish shit. The only reason to compete is to win and winning means you're better than the rest of them.

That's the entire point, simpleton.
If you're better than everyone else, there's no reason to boast, or be arrogant.
Your superiority is logical, self evident, your actions speaks for themselves.
The person that boasts all the time is almost always the one that sucks the most.

Gregor doesn't even fucking speak, he gets in, whips everyone's ass, gets out.

Hey wait, you're this kid. Damn, you haven't changed at all.

The people who say that are the same kind of people who make comfy threads. People who hate any kind of difficulty or skill in videogames.

I guess that's why he loses so often now that the scene is bigger than 3 people in a bathroom

if i were a loser i would make easy money with this e-sports bullshit

Ayyyyy another 2142 player. What's your name so I can friend you? You probably recognize me as I'm a regular on US and constantly make top 10.

Not worth anyone's time. Kill yourself

Don't talk shit about comfy threads.


Fuck off

Comfy threads aren't for casual faggots, you casual faggot.
What exactly gave you that impression, may I ask?

Son, you have no idea what the fuck comfy games threads are, quit embarrassing yourself.

you seem like the guy who throws bitchfits when he loses

Hahahaha holy fuck.

Go be a retard somewhere else please

First of all stop playing DefenseOfTheLeagueOfTheStorm and Counterstrike. Then you won't worry about losing to begin with because you'll be playing for fun instead of turning into an assblasted aspie screaming into allchat.

But if you must, whenever you lose or feel like your edge is slipping, simply turn off the game and go do literally anything other than play video games. And when you come back make sure you don't immediately hop back in to competitive. You need to do whatever it is you do to practice while making sure you that take an iterative approach to self improvement. Finally, when you hop back into a session you should meticulously execute your play so that you are able to capitalize on the aforementioned improvement.

I don't go on losing streaks because I don't let it become a streak in the first place. Get a gym membership and workout for an hour when your brain hurts or you need to take a break. I'm not a pro player, this is just good advice in general. Substitute video games for any activity that consistently occupies your time.

Top cuck

This user speaks the truth

Nature creates new things and improves as challenges are made on it, but if it is not challenged it never changes

Great thread OP

Alright, I'll bite. What is comfy short for?


At least you're not denying that you're disgusting casual facebook scum anymore.

He asked you a question
What does comfy stand for?
Last I checked it was a short word for "comfortable." You trying to imply that it's short for "casual?"

Still waiting on what comfy stands for.

[kuhmf-tuh-buh l, kuhm-fer-tuh-buh l]

Word Origin

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
(of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease:
a comfortable chair; comfortable shoes.
being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease:
to be comfortable in new shoes; I don't feel comfortable in the same room with her.
(of a person, situation, etc.) producing mental comfort or ease; easy to accommodate oneself to or associate with:
She's a comfortable person to be with.
more than adequate or sufficient:
a comfortable salary.
Obsolete. cheerful.

Thank you for proving that comfy = casual

Casuals are so stupid they don't even know that comfy is short for comfortable.

You should all kill yourselves for preteding to be retarded and bumping the thread with these shitposts tbh.

I'm sorry, user, but I can't allow those trips to stay unchecked for so long.

What does that have to do with being a casual?

at ease = easy apparently

Casuals are this retarded.

Doom is casual. Serious Sam is casual. DCS is casual. Literally every game is casual.

Just because a game is hard doesn't mean you can't be comfy while playing it.
Playing on the easiest difficulty is not required in order to be comfy.

game can be difficult and not stressful you know

How can a game be "in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease:"

Thank you for proving that you can't bloody read.

Who are you, the thread police?

Holy fuck this is the best.

Love that black and white fallacy there.

Literal brain meltdown, writing things that don't make any sense.

Please, everyone, keep going. This is hilarious.

NTR or Futa?

Yeah, that's it, you're baiting.
Wasn't sure of it at first but now it's obvious.
I'm gonna do everyone a favor and bring attention to these trips so that this thread can die quicker.
Also, check 'em



dealers choice.

Nice argument there. Oh wait you don't have one lmao.

If even the slightest difficulty at all stresses you, doesn't that make you a casual?
After all, comfy=casual, comfy is being at ease, and as you said any difficulty at all is the antithesis of comfy, meaning you aren't at ease and therefore stressed.

Keep up that black and white fallacy kiddo. Its hilarious.

You're definition doesn't even make sense, it's an implied state not what it is.

More proof you cannot into English. Do not talk about definitions.

But you're the one who started that. You said that any difficulty is the exact opposite of comfy. How casual are you if you can't relax and be at ease through even the slightest challenge?


how about providing your own arguments instead of pointing out fallacies in others


I should add, why the fuck do we do that. Why does our brains constantly fuck up you're/your when typing.

as opposed to a figurative definition, right?


ya'll niggas need to stop replying like I did
he's baiting hard

I'm sorry user, it's only you're brain

I got nothing better to do atm, it gives me a slight break from studying, besides this threads not going places and will be dead when he stops posting.


"We" don't. Its just you who is mentally retarded.

Yes how about that?

I know, but I'm bored

The thread is bumplocked anyways

Antithesis is the opposite of something. lrn2english

already did, according to you fallacious, so counter it if you will

So I didn't say opposite. Hmm. HMMMMM.



You used something synonymous with opposite. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing.


But I didn't say opposite, casual.

You did, you just didn't use that exact phrasing.

counterargument, not just pointing out I made a logical mistake



So I didn't say "opposite".

Not literally, but when you say any difficulty is the antithesis of comfy, you're saying any difficulty is the opposite of comfy. That's how synonyms work

So I didn't say "opposite".

never said that, I just want you to counter it with something more than "you made a mistake"

Yes you did, just not with that exact word

You made a mistake. The mistake was the argument you tried to make.



that makes no sense, care to elaborate?


You speak wisdom, but you also misunderstand. The fight is everything, but any competitor should dare for more. They should dare for their fundamentals to be at the level to go up against others. They should dare to keep up with others.
For all the training you do alone, the best lessons come from other players. I want those lessons. I want to get there. So I'm going to try. But in some games the team lineup isn't always gentle. I'm chipping away at it and doing well, but I'm also conscious of more.
Even Daigo has gotten bitter over losses, you know.

Best short answer, honestly.

Best long answer, and it's what I actually do. Haven't binged ranked matches in a long time. Feels better that way.

is this a 5 minute discussion?

None of those were ad hominem by the way, you just keep proving how retarded you are and I was letting you because you're stupid enough not to notice your mistake.

actually they are




Be sure not to look up any definitions though or you'll shit yourself in fear.

care to post it then for everyone to see?

you know what, nevermind

Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.

Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn't married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird.
source: yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem

The supposed ad hominem didn't do that. Thank you. You're an embarrassment to your parents.

it seems like an attempt to undermine their position to me

Of course someone as stupid as you would think so.

you did it again





okay user, thank you for a very comfy discussion, but I have to go to sleep soon

Holy you're autistic

You all must be very tired, I have a good place for you to sleep, head right this way: