Roasties Rejoice: Bipartisan Push To Ban "Child Marriage" in Florida

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Hoo boy ok let's DO THIS

Yeah that's what I was thinking. This story cuts to the core of the debate we have here on adolescent sex and traditionalism.

I don't really have a stance on this myself other than that it's totally ridiculous they are waving the bloody flag about an 11-year-old who got married like 40 years ago, and comparing that with 16-year-olds getting happily married.

Muslims shouldn't be able to marry 9-year olds just because their pedophile prophet did so. Fags shouldn't be able to marry 3rd grade boys and have kike media calling anyone opposed to it a pedophobic bigot. Both these things are possible with the left having gone full retard.

The reason you can’t date and marry a 14-16 year old and you could 100 years ago is the pill and the sexual revolution. Before the sexual revolution, here’s how it went: Man reached financial security and is ready to marry. He falls in love with neighbor girl who is 14-16 and starts to court her. The parents think he is a fine fit and let it happen. Since sex has consequences (pregnancy => marriage), there was no element of exploitation involved. The man basically openly signaled that he was willing to feed their daughter until he dies and pay/care for her children emotionally and financially. He marries her, the whole community/villages knows, and everything is fine. The only ones pushing for higher consent and marriage age are feminists who are bitter about being childless, husband-less, suffragettes in their 30s and want to compress the marriage market.
Now enter the ‘60s: Sexuality has no consequences anymore. Marriage is devalued. Liberals and hippies already push the boundaries because, “Hey, sex is for fun; why shouldn’t everyone do it?” The majority of society is still in the old mindset, though. Liberals and degenerates start to have sex with children (grooming) just for fun without planing to marry/have children with the girls. They rob the girls of their innocence and trust in relationships, then drop her for a younger girl. Here we see the rise of the concept of child exploitation. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, you had a lot of liberals and artists pushing pedophilia in arts and film since the majority of people still were behind the curve. (A lot of ‘70s movies with casual pedophilia)
‘70s: Pedophilia and drug use are rampant. The family unit is destroyed and young girls turned into nihilist whores because their belief in romantic relationships has been destroyed by liberals who are just out for young flesh without responsibility.
‘80s: By now relationships with young girls has become synonymous with exploitation of young girls since marriage and sex have been devaluated. Christian conservatism is on the rise to put an end to it (Reagan, etc). Consent and marriage ages are pushed even higher, ostensibly to protect children. Now we are in a vicious cycle. Even as a stern traditionalist anti-modern reactionary, you should not embrace lower consent and marriage laws right now. Because in this broken society, it would only lead to abuse by hedonists. Girls would be used up by 16 and turned into nihilistic feminist single moms earlier than even today. Stupid YouTube and Instagram chads would go around having harems of young girls without responsibility. But in a traditional society where sex means marriage–and marriage is binding FOR LIFE–yes, age of consent laws should be as low as is regionally seen acceptable, minimum everywhere of the physical maturity of the girl. There is no sudden change in women when they turn 18. A 16 year old girl is emotionally prepared for marriage, and it always has been that case. I hope this reconciles both parties in this debate. Also, I want to point to J. D. Unwin’s Sex & Culture; the study of all major civilizations and their decline that was instrumental in the writing of Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

Time to put this little chestnut to rest. First, you know fuck all about our history. Historians and archaeologists struggle to recreate how people lived in 18th century America, so the idea that Mr. Random Pedophile on the Internet has some special insight into Babylonian nuptials from the Iron Age is absurd. Second, what we do know about these bygone societies suggests that what we now consider underage marriage was softened by the cultures that practiced it. That is to say, a girl who grew up in agrarian France in the Middle Ages knew her whole life she’d be married off at 15 or 16. It was just how life worked; there was no perceived element of wrongdoing attached to it, and if the village pedo got himself a wife who was 13 or so, people may have gossiped but they mostly looked the other way. Thing is, though; if he abused that girl, her father and brothers straightened him out in a day or two. There were no cops back then, so nothing ever got in the way of a good lynching where it was needed. That alone kept Uncle Touchy in line. Third, these were farming societies. In that world, children are a blessing, not a burden. The sooner a girl could start breeding, the richer and happier the whole village would be. Little kids were almost free labor on the farm, and there was no social or economic penalty for girls who started early. Today, of course, a pregnant 16-year-old is almost bound to drop out of school and go on welfare, becoming a burden to us all because a horny 24-year-old couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Fourth, and I think this is the kicker–virtually every historical society had intact nuclear and extended families, and they mostly lived in places where you knew everybody else. Families had very strong bonds in pre-modern societies and people rarely moved around. That stability made it so everybody in town knew each other, which is a powerful disincentive toward predatory sexual behavior. If Lars the Blacksmith ever raped Gabrielle the Virgin, it’s not like he could disappear into the crowd afterward. He’d spend the rest of his life labeled as the village rapist, and he might face serious penalties. At the very least, he could expect to make enemies out of the girl’s family and lose access to the other village girls.
In that environment, a father could accurately assess the intentions of an older suitor for his daughter. If a 30-year-old woodsman asked for the farmer’s 14-year-old daughter’s hand in marriage, her father would know right away whether he was a good match. The father could then help his daughter make a smart decision rather than just tossing her to the wolves and hoping for the best. This is not how today’s society works. Even if we allowed underage marriage–even if we insisted on marriage as opposed to pumping and dumping–the “suitor” would still be a stranger with unknowable intentions. He could easily have come from the other side of the country, for all the girl’s family knows, and there’s no way I can see to ensure that the real abusers won’t take advantage of our newfound (((tolerance))) of childfucking. Without stable communities, how can we know the difference between an adult man who genuinely loves and wants to wife a teenaged girl in her prime breeding age and a pervert who wants to use her up?

Come on now. mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker marrying and fucking a 9 year old is child marriage. 16 years old is not. Still too young (and foolish)? Maybe, but not a child for sure.

Lets be serious: a woman's mind doesn't really grow up. What matters are the skills she learns and her body's development. Presuming both aren't hedonists, they could survive dating (courting) even when in their teens (this is technically better than what is done, because teenagers in middle school/high school don't court, they "date"/fuck). As a consequence, GIVEN these conditions, it would be fine to have 16 year old marriage.
Nevertheless, if we are considering our present day reality wherein there are a bunch of muds and such who already do everything they can to prey on children (as well as the hedonism already displayed by our own group due to the shit that has been shoveled into their mind for the past century), having such would be an active premotion of the degeneracy.
Before one changes the laws, one must change the culture.

It's a power grab by the state, from the parents and the minors. They already need parental consent to marry.

We have niggers having casual sex with little White girls in the middle schools, but somehow 16-year-olds getting married is a big problem now.

God forbid a few girls save themselves for marriage and marry when they are fertile instead of getting on the rainbow-colored cock carousel until they're 30.

This is copypasta right? I've seen the exact same post before.

As the father of a nine year old girl, I just want to go on record and say that if I saw any of you faggots so much as smile at her wrong the last thing you would ever see is the drain in the middle of my basement floor.


t. roastie

Yes, I’m repeating them for the sake of the thread being the exact same as every one before. Judaism is responsible for childfuckers AND the AoC being as high as it is.

This isn't about marrying 9-year-olds. This is about teenagers and the feminist crusade to snuff out the last hopes of men to procure a virgin bride.


It's a human rights abuse because it's usually White men marrying White teens, asserting their cishet White privilege.

Any underage White girl who isn't slurping on nigger dick is a victim.


That aside, what exactly is there to be done about this? This law is almost certain to pass, any senator who votes against it will be the subject of a media smear campaign, anyone who speaks out against it will be the subject of censorship on social media and a harassment campaign from SJWs even if they're a teen themselves, and if the opposition senators somehow managed to overcome the above two obstacles and present a compelling case for not passing this bill, they'd just be suicided and/or suddenly charged with sex crimes with manufactured evidence and replaced with someone more cooperative with the feminists' wishes. Roy Moore just had an election stolen from him over the mere allegation of this, without ever having had any real proof presented against him. Whatever tactics have been tried against this shit in the past clearly aren't working. Something new is needed.

The AoC in the majority of the U.S is 16 despite Hollyjew convincing everyone otherwise.

I can hear the plastic start to chip as you slam your fat fucking hands on your keyboard typing out that block of salt. Go back to hot gluing your loli figurines, mutant.

1. Should "children" be allowed to work?
2. Are all teens to be considered "children"?
3. 30 seconds before turning 18 (or your age designate) is the now "adult" a "child"?

Remember, the Founders didn't think you were a real man until you were 35:

His point of view seems superior. Why don't you have cover, Jethro?

People already get jobs at 15-16 now.

People are already tried as adults in murder cases at 14.

Of course. You see, at the exact second someone turns 18, the Maturity Fairy visits them and bestows upon them the magical knowledge necessary to consent. What exactly is this knowledge, you ask? Fuck you, you shitlord! It's not my job to educate you! You should always believe us when we call someone a rapist! Everything we don't like is rape!

Cover? If the bushes brush against you nonconsensually while you're hiding in cover, that's sexual molestation, you fucking rape apologist. Why do you want people to get raped by bushes?

Said 30 seconds are part of the much larger time period of 18 years and although it's ambiguous to say if said 30 seconds had any event or realization that contributed to someones maturity, the remaining 17 years 11 months 29 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 30 seconds sure as hell did.

Questions 1 and 2 are about what ought to be, not about what is.

< "ambiguous to say"
The fuck you trying to say, Jamaal?

12% body fat

Nice one keyboard warrior. (((You don't like facts do you? Because those were all facts.

They also need a judge’s consent.
It’s not that easy to marry a 17-year-old.
And most states have minimums, such as 14, that even the families and judges aren’t allowed to exceed.


No, I have no idea what the hell your argument is, kike.

You feigning ignorance of what my argument is doesn't make it less of an argument.
says the increasingly nervous man while arguing like a textbook kike

severely underrated post. as usual.

If it were so inevitable, it would have already passed. Legislators know this is nonsense. They usually don’t have to expose themselves and can just let stuff die in committee.

You Millennials are as arrogant as retarded.


stale pasta, actually

Says the boomer fuck that sunk us into this shithole filled with niggers and AIDS, want us to feed your pensions a bit more? But uggggh kids these days am i right ?

< Thinks Millennials came after Boomers

I could say this about the remaining 13 years, 11 months, 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds to describe someone who turns 14 in 30 seconds in a country where the AoC is 14. People who argue that it's some kind of giant human rights abuse to let people do as they like are going to need to come up with some solid proof for that, and as academia has been clearly shown to be politically compromised and the studies issuing from them debunked, the same old shit they spew isn't going to be enough.

The way you point out inconsistencies in the establishment views is by describing what is.

You think they can delay it long enough to pull what amounts to a pocket veto on it? That would still infuriate the feminist media. It'd be worth it to see that, though. Problem is, IIRC the AoC in Florida used to be 16 but it was raised to 18 recently because of christcucks. I'm not optimistic of them erring on the side of reason. No one should ever be optimistic when we're talking about politicians.

How jewish can one man be, i never said anything like that but of course you would try to put words in my mouth like the filthy kike you are. Let me sum up what happened.
>(((You))) make a bad argument
You are either really jewish, either really stupid, or perhaps both could be the case.

The questions were for people who support the legislation, but I thought that obvious…

Well then, your fallacy is: hasty conclusion

Oh, it's going to pass. It already passed the house and the senate committee approved it unanimously. This will make Florida the first state to raise the marriage age to 18.

The eternal feminist is working to change that rapidly. Pick a state and search the bills up for consideration this year, and you won't have a hard time finding efforts to make criminals out of more White men.

It never ends. The AOC used to be lower, and when they got their rights they kept pushing to gradually raise the age over the decades. Once they get all the states to 18, they will push for 19, 20, 21 like they are doing with tobacco. We may see this shit in our lifetime.

in a society where the kikes are allowed to teach young girls shit like 'my body my choice' yea it kind of is a human rights abuse. No child should be allowed to leave their house until adulthood in this cancerous fucking shit of a society.

we could parlay this into being a direct response to the rising population of sand niggers in florida

See here is the thing, it isn't those 30 seconds that turn someone mature, it's the whole fucking time period that said 30 seconds are included.

That's precisely the point, but none of the ones who want to kill people who point out that nobody who is 16 is a child will answer any questions. Truth be told, they're just mentally unstable. That's just how it is. Soyboys.

In what capacity?

are you literally so new you have no concept of stale pasta. cease posting and lurk two years before doing so again.

It's worth answering those questions for anyone, just so every view can be represented in the discussion. That said, there's one side of this discussion that's continuously tried to stop the other side from being represented. I don't need to tell you which side that is.

The only silver lining to this shit sandwich is that a lot of people are getting redpilled about the fact that AoC laws originated from feminist jealousy. As the roasties get bolder in their push to lower standards enough to make themselves seem attractive, that process will only continue. When the backlash comes it's going to hit like a hurricane, and it's closer than most people think.

If they actually believed in "my body my choice" they'd believe in letting teenagers do what they want even if it's having sex with or marrying an adult. Their problem is that they toss aside their own rhetoric whenever it's convenient.

An AOC over 18 may seem ridiculous now, but an 18 AOC was just as ridiculous a century ago.

You didn't address the point. The span of that time period is considered to be different in different countries. Which country has it right, and why?

On another note, I think there are at least 3 people in here posting from Tor. Hooray for the land of the free where having a different opinion is thoughtcrime and the government can make up whatever fake bullshit they want to justify any power grab they like.

There is no proof this happened. The niggress wrote a book about this and the story contradicts itself. The NY Times likely fell for a hoax. Amazon reviews state the book is poorly written as well. Probably a dimwit con artist.

Right, the fallacy is personal incredulity. There are very good reasons to have AOC, but the advocates are completely incapable of addressing the weaknesses of a magic number rule.

Don't worry, your wife's daughter is going be fiddled by one of your wife's boyfriends after she divorces you.

Huh, the claims from people like yourself have gone from 40 to 30 to 25 to now 20. Interesting. Almost like another number which keeps getting moved in a certain direction. I'm sure it's just pure coincidence.

I don't think anyone here is advocating to get rid of the AoC entirely. There are some people I've seen who want to replace it with a sex licensing test, but that would still presume a basic level of competence. What people are talking about when they take issue with the current US AoC laws and feminists' constant push to make them more and more restrictive is that the feminists don't have any actual evidence that maturity works the way they say it does or that it comes when they say it does, and this is made worse by the fact that the feminists have no response to this except censorship of anyone who disagrees with them.

Bump because it triggers you, reported because you have nothing to add to the discussion. Thanks for admitting it’s not stale, yid.

It's obvious you missed the most subtle troll in the thread.

Yep. The higher the age of marriage, the less likely a girl will be a virgin at marriage and the less likely the marriage will be successful. The problem in America is that people consider females to be fully human, which is not the case and not what any of our ancestors believed until about a century ago.

This is a fair point. If this was a hoax, and if other similar cases were hoaxes, that would go a long way towards making people understand how full of shit the people in OP's article are. Maybe someone should dig into this.

Scientific, peer-reviewed source or get the fuck out.

In spite of this, I find that claim very doubtful myself. I'd believe 30-35, but not 20. However, when you're in an environment where academics will get lynched by an angry mob for pointing out things that trigger them, you're not going to find many academics taking a pro-AoC reduction view, or a positive view of anything that could even be tangentially seen as supporting it. Academic censorship makes it impossible to rely on peer review, because the peers who would review your work can't give their honest opinion. They're only allowed to give the opinion the government approves of.

>About 90 percent of eggs survive freezing and thawing, and about 75 percent will be successfully fertilized. The chances of becoming pregnant after implantation are roughly 30 to 60 percent, depending on your age at the time of egg freezing. The older you are at the time of egg freezing, the lower the likelihood that you'll have a live birth in the future.

Come on guys. Women should be bred at least until they are 30. Otherwise they start to get ideas.

did they never hear of people marrying at 17?

Why would you ever do this?

How's that work out for frozen eggs?

Remember this?

Just get the fuck out and die.

What if I just smiled at her, and was a well-off young man, and told you I'd maybe be interest in marrying her in like 10 years when she's 19 and 32?

*and Im 32

the chutzpah of the (((Health Department))) is just astonishing. they are claiming something that is still common to this day in polite society is a human rights abuse

who are they trying to fool, city dwelling troglodytes?

Wow, how awful of them.
By 16, btw.
As claimed in this video:

How could she have 6 children at age 16 when she wasn't married until 11?

spics and niggers

These are the lines I want to point out to you.

Angel, 25, 5 children (2 with new husband): "When I got married, I had just turned 13. We stood in my living room and in this ugly dress that my mother bought off the internet. And shortly after getting married she started encouraging us to have kids. And that's why I had my first son when I was 15. It was a way, I think, for me to be dependent on her. My ex was extremely abusive to me and… Um, and I was very confused, because this was the only guy I had ever been with. So when he started, you know, shoving me, while I was pregnant, I thought 'This is my life, how could this be!?'. I felt like I was in slavery to it, I was a slave to my ex, I was a slave to this idea that my mother wanted us to just all be together and for me to have kids so young, and to do all that.
I still have all this emotional baggage of wanting to have done something with my life by now. *starts crying* It is really all the time that I think about what I could have done, what I could have been."

I urge to watch the bit where she starts crying. Watch the hand movement.

See also:

Sherry Johnson: "He was 20 and I was 11… [At] 16 I had six children. What do I do? No finances - I have to depend on this man that I married. That actually was my life. So, having children, and trying to survive and live for them. It wasn't even about me anymore."

No, I mean, how did this sheboon shit out fucking six niglets in 4 years.

One set of twins?

This is the country that claims to be the freest country on earth while trying a new gun grab every other week. There's no abuse of power too outrageous for Americans because Americans are cucks.

No, it's because they want the kikes to love them. The kike says, "do this… then mayyyybe I'll love you, goy."

It's a combination of a lot of reasons. Americans love their moral posturing, which is how these cucked AoC laws came into being. Americans are also bootlicking faggots because they have no principles, so anytime the government wants to take away a right they shrug their shoulders. I know a lot more people are learning the truth about this issue, but I have my doubts that it'll be enough. There are just so many fucking idiots in America, and they don't want to learn anything that might force them to reevaluate the preconceptions they've been told to have.

tbh 16 is perfect age for marriage and first pregnancy for women

It's all down to one thing: what they respect. They won't listen to ANYONE unless they're in the right category, wearing the right suits, having the right physical stature. But this is not bad news, it is good: the degeneracy is taking hold, and the empire is collapsing.


It's all downhill from there in practically every way for women.

You'd more than one set son.

Nope, just one. A lot of niggers are super fertile.

Then they'd have to be more than twins, user.
Twins cuts out the need for one of the two missing periods of time, no?


So 5 + 1 = 6.

gotta give these excellent posts more visibility


< we don't know
< this is what we know
aw, fuck off, shithole

This really. Lowering consent ages would be open season for degenerates. It absolutely would not lead back to traditionalist values about marriage. The vast majority of this country is apathetic about marriage to begin with. If they marry at all they go into it with an attitude of "Well if it doesn't work out I'll just divorce!" regardless of the impact on society or even their own children in many cases. Right now it is too easy legally and very socially acceptable to "get out" of a marriage if it's not perfect. And birth control isn't going anywhere anytime soon, which is the #1 reason things are the way they are imo.
Great posts user.

Stopped reading there.


Kill yourself pedokike

In most of Northwestern Europe, marriage at very early ages was rare. One thousand marriage certificates from 1619 to 1660 in the Archdiocese of Canterbury show that only one bride was 13 years old, four were 15, twelve were 16, and seventeen were 17 years old; while the other 966 brides were at least 19 years old
Additionally, the Church dictated that both the bride and groom must be at least 21 years of age to marry without the consent of their families; in the certificates, the most common age for the brides is 22 years. For the grooms 24 years was the most common age, with average ages of 24 years for the brides and 27 for the grooms

That's because of the xenoestrogens in the drinking water

No, we just need to increase the age to at least one year post-menopause. That way we know they're not acting out of emotion.

They should amend the rules to join the Military, rent a car, book a hotel room, and get full-time employment too. Nobody should be allowed to do anything other than be a NEET and masturbate in their parent's home until at least 28.

biggest cuck in this thread

16 is not pedophilia, the bullshit kiked term for it is ephebophilia.
I know, big words are hard.

I can't deny the official marriage age, however I would distinguish people who court one another to be with one another for life (I.e. grew up in the same village, are close, get married at 25), vs. today where people date at least 5 people (and even then don't necessarily settle down. Hell, I don't think many people have marriage in mind when dating).

As an addendum, the issue isn't really the marriage age. Marry at 18? No problem for me. The issue is courting/dating with the intent of marriage. If that was allowed (and a social norm. which was not broken, or even a legal status), then you could just date (not necessarily sex despite this modern age) at 16, and marry at 18.
The issue all revolves around trying to keep the woman pure/off the cock carousel from uni. (and late high school. It could still happen in middle school and early high school, but one shaves off a lot of bad already by removing uni. and late high school/senior prom/etc.)


One female african nigress, one female asian jew. Both females are lying. Both females benefited tremendously, and were spoiled rotten
both females took corrective actions against their increasing antics as 'woe is me', exactly like children. Both females got divorced, exploiting and gold digging as much as possible, more child gibs temperantrums
both females now rail to raising the AoC, preventing other females from climbing the same ladder. Both females will still remain discarded. Both females came forward with their lies, playing the drama game for more gibs, with book and media payments. Both females were unable to stop their run away train of Jewry, and the cucks in law and judicial branches absolutely will not stop stealing from the room to give to discarded shit of the earth. Both females are now Law.

Some media and news distributors, and some lawyers, make out. All men, women, and society now suffers under higher legal compulsions. Zero asians {kikes, chinks, sandniggers, etc}, zero africans, and zero schizophrenics/crossbreeds modify their behavior, nor are held to sentence if they even make it to court. More property stolen, less property produced and maintained.

Well, that didn't end well. And the shithole of shitskin cannibalism and parasitism never ends. More of the same, if yet another George Washington Carver ala Oprah Winfrey for President succeeds again (eg Obama repeat).


No hedonists will be deterred. Lowering, nor raising, AoC will have any effect on degenerates. African and Asian liar females will be enabled further. Lawyers, judges, and media publishers will make a living off of enabling those failed females. Specifically, enabling more civil court, with now more expansion to criminal court (so as to feed the civil case). And with the notes generated, civilization will continue to pay for all of it, granting legitimacy and furthering endless flame wars.

None of this is new, of course. But any claims of deterrence are simply business distraction ads from actuals.


super hot

Thanks for continuing to be shit, Torpedo.

This is true. I want what is best for our women, and it sure as Hel isn't the kike system.

Any divorce case ought to be a case where at least one person is sentenced to death for being a traitor (whether that is adultery or a fraudulent filing). Kill them all.

Marrying a woman young isn't only best for the woman, it's best for her husband, it's best for their kids, it's best for both families, it's best for the community at large, and it's best for the nation.

The basic (and insidious) goal of (((feminism))) is literally the destruction of the West.

No 16 year old is going to be responsible enough to make the choice to get married. Until children are ready to make this commitment, it's the parent's responsibility to make sure that their children live productive and virtuous lives. This law doesn't make a difference in that respect, and could even be D&C.

A 16yo female doesn't have to be responsible to get married, that's the man's job. She merely has to consent.

no, marriage is definitely a union that requires effort from the man AND woman.

If she's 16, she's also still going to be in school. That isn't the time to get married, become a housewife, and get pregnant. I'm not saying that our current school system is working, but right now, there's really no point in a girl getting married at that age. There's nothing stopping her from experiencing courtship at this age though, which is completely fine if, like you said, she's under the proper guidance of her parents.

Not really. At least not in the way this user was implying. In traditional white culture young women learned everything they needed to please their husbands and have a prosperous household from their female relatives. The man is the one who must have actual responsibility in the larger sense, basically providing a home & food, protection and other resources. A good woman adopts herself to her husband to please him.

Who says she has to be in school?
Kek. What an incredible understatement. Have you been in a public shitholeschool lately?

The government. Like I said, I'm not saying it's good, but the fact is that for 99% of girls, they're going to be enrolled in a school or homeschooled at the age of 16-18, and this simply doesn't leave time to do the things that are expected of a good wife.

and if a woman isn't responsible she doesn't give a shit about any of that and takes advantage of the relationship

Pretty simple. Restore patriarchal authority of the father over the daughter and husband over the wife. Stop letting women make their own decisions, because they aren't good at them. They evolved to follow men and do what they say. The law needs to be such that only the men who have a woman's best interests in mind make the decisions, not random criminals that they'd willingly follow. Stop pretending women have their own agency.

Which is why you allow the husband absolute authority over his woman and let him be free to discipline her as needed, you fucking nigger.

How about do fucking something about 12 year olds being married in CA? A ban was pushed but changed before it passed to not ban child marriage, thanks to planned parenthood and the acljew

which isn't good for anyone in the relationship
which is why you give fathers authority for longer, so you can wait that extra two years and marry a patient, kind WOMAN instead of an impulsive, hormone charged GIRL

The only ones dividing men from women are women themselves with their awful behavior, which your post is a perfect example of.

Actually the term for it is "being a normal red-blooded heterosexual male."

Sure smells like roastie in here.

Also, minors already need parental consent to marry. The new law removes that freedom of choice.

We need a separate echo bracket to indicate women involved in feminist activities deleterious to society similar to the jew.

You are the reason I still come here. Posters like this.

Most women are never responsible enough to make their own decisions about marriage and sex. It's the father's job to make that decision (with input from her, of course).
16-year-old boys are not ready for the responsibility required by marriage, of course, but that's not an issue because no father is going to let his daughter marry a 16-year-old boy unless he's truly exceptional.

Effort, yes. Even our system acknowledges that 16-year-olds are perfectly capable of that, we let them work and make them go to school.


Works both ways if the Rind et al fiasco is any indication.

18! How can you possibly say you're ending child marriage, but still let 18-year-old children get legally preyed upon?

And don't give me the "well we'll just raise it to 21" argument; at 21, kids aren't even through with their soon-to-be-mandatory college education. The reality is that adolescence extends well into the 20's; even the ACA recognizes that childhood doesn't end until one's 26th birthday, and even that may be too early. Marriage needs to be banned for anyone under the age of 26 at the youngest, and we'll work from there.

I can't tell you how many white self-described anti-fymynysts I see getting married right out of high school and starting large, white supremacist, Christian families with their parents' blessing. It's obnoxious and really ought to be illegal. Bumping the marriageable age up first to 18, and then to 26, will cut the white birthrate further while doing nothing to impair the growth of under-the-table, foreign-based relationships in the Hispanic-American community or the almost universally out of wedlock relationships in the African-American community. This law, while pathetic in its near uselessness, is a small step in the right direction.

And how does this prove the claim that "The eggs are effectively retards when the girl hits 20"?

And protip, typing "fuckin mayo clinic" is not a source.

The sooner you realize Rach is the perfect parody of leftists, the easier it is to laugh at them.



You don't have a child marriage problem, you have a hispanic pedophile problem.

You know how?
By calling rachposter a faggot. That's how you accomplish whatever the fuck you're on about.

Polite request: you mind not putting pictures of Maddow in my face?

You mean perverts with a badge.

The (((New York Times))) is for it so I'm against it on principle, arguments about pedophilia aside.


Where the fuck did you just blow in from, T_D? How many minutes have you been on Holla Forums?

Not interested, in fact I'll help you.

Girls are cute, then fucking annoying (teenagers) then beautiful. Maybe I don't get it because I'm not a pedophile.

Why you gotta post a picture of a girl getting blacked

I've been around since you first started coming here, and you haven't got any LESS annoying in time. Even if someone does come here for the first time, they'll ALSO hate you.

Are you fucking retarded?

Further reading for the criminally under-educated:

Shame she's getting dirty.

What a succinct and appropriate label, BTW. Thanks Holla Forums.

Do you even know when that was, newhetero? I realize you're not the same poster I was addressing, by the way.

Sage for off-topic circlejerk.

Yeah I'm a different dude. I've been around since this place was like 15 PPH, and I know you showed up at SOME POINT in that time, couldn't tell you when because I don't give a shit. I had you filtered on my old computer. Also:
What is that, a rebranded, sleeker version of heterosexuality? Sounds cool. Wonder what it's about.

This triggered me tbh.

Under UN directive no doubt

So your computer DOES have something on it besides Rach.
Why not be a Jebposter? That would actually be amazing. Why do you gotta pick a goblin that noone wants to look at?


Confirmed for newhetero. You haven't been here long at all.

In general, honesty is the best policy. Don't pretend to be something you're not. Be honest and up front about your opinions, motives, and background, like me.

we do need a new jeb poster. Also fuck you rach nigger.

Or maybe you were FUCKING FILTERED after I saw you in one thread? So I don't know what kind of bullshit you've been up to since then?
I can't vouch for your honesty, but now I can at least vouch for your intelligence (or lack thereof).


It's part and parcel of living in a big city.

As others have said this is a pointless powergrab as they already need parental consent. I'm against it.

…how does that make human rights violations any better?

Protip, it's utterly useless for an anonymous poster with a dynamic IP. You would've had the chance to see me plenty of times, if you were an oldtimer, or even a regular.

Now run along back to T_D.

If someone consents to being beaten up then there's no issue with beating them up. Legalize fighting TBH.

Whenever you wonder why the board has diminished in quality, remember that this is still allowed.

Its so surprising to find that everytime rachposting appears, the modsock titled 'resurrectedplayer' has been recently active.


This is your brain on libertardianism.

…but I didn't. I spent a while off Holla Forums for one (and I'm not a frequent poster in general), and I probably filtered you the moment I saw this bullshit in a thread.
Can't, my leddit account has been banned for 2-ish years.

You can consent to fighting. My mom cannot consent to have someone force me to fight. That's justly against the law.
Same reason I think the tranny shit needs to stop. These are the kinds of decisions adults make for THEMSELVES. Not a decision an adult can make for other people.



You're welcome, moderator.

But to directly address this latest strawman of yours, no, they shouldn't. UFC, MMA, boxing, wrasslin', all that shit should be banned for the same reason rapemusclefights are. It's harmful to one's health and serves no constructive purpose for society at large.

IF the boy consented to being beat up as well I don't see the problem. If a parent and judge want to consent to a marriage of a 16 year old late teen who wants to get married, there is no problem. Honestly would probably be less degenerate since most teens are banging outside of marriage by that point anyway.

Also, reminder that sanctioned fighting is a thing.

As I posted in my response, consenting on behalf of a child is not a "consenting adult". That's slavery.

See, now you're changing the story. Now the kid IS consenting. And here
He is not. There's a HUGE fucking difference, retard.

As far as I know arranged marriages are not a thing in Florida. Pretty sure the teen has to consent first.


Yeah, "consent".
Guess what: signature lands on the fucking paper. Bob's your uncle.

So you shouldn't make decision for them about what they eat or forcing them to go to school? Father make decisions that he sees fit even in their marriage. Muh slavery. Also they can consent or what do you think about all old people married in past. Are they all slaves and forced to do it? Why didn't they divorce when they reached higher age. You're stupid.

Please; I've long been immunized against such attacks. They run off of me like water off a raincoat.

If I were a moderator, you'd know it because a) self-improvement threads, book threads, et al. wouldn't be banned on sight because they're constructive content; b) Ledditors who refuse to assimilate would be given /r9k/-style exponentially increasing bans until they were either effectively perma'd or learned to keep their cancer to themselves; and c) we wouldn't have half the fucking front page taken up by stickies (the topics of stickied threads are generally not even that noteworthy btw, mods here suck at identifying good content) that stay up for days on end, often long after the relevant issue has subsided.

You know why the government doesn't get involved in these decisions? Because going to school and eating (for the most part, ameriburgers managed to fuck that up) can't cause long-lasting damage to the child.
Shit like marriage, drug use, etc etc is not left in the hands of the parents. Kids just aren't fucking allowed, and that's the end of it. Society can't exist if kids are doing this shit.
Can you please rephrase? It sounds like you originally typed two sentences and combined them, and now this shit doesn't make sense.

Huh, Rachfaggot actually said something that's 100% correct. I'm fucking shocked.


Well, that's what happens when you let your daughter become a whore before she's hit puberty m8.
Also, strong suspicion of mischling.

>blah blah blah im not a mod its just (((coincidence))) goyim
Seems legit, moderator.

I think he's trying to say, "What about the people in previous generations who got married young? Are they slaves too, or were their relationships consensual? If those marriages were non-consensual, why didn't they just divorce when they reached adulthood?"

It's a shit-tier argument because of the false equivalence it draws, but I think it's what he was going for. Boyim are so fucking short-sighted, narrow-minded, and idiotic.

P-p-pure cohencidence.

If that's the case, then yeah, that's not too sharp. In terms of social organization, human beings could be re-named as a species like 20 times. What humans were before even, like, the invention of the internet is FUNDAMENTALLY different than what they are now. The same rules don't apply.

That's not why he's wrong, but it is an astoundingly ignorant thing of you to say. Familiarize yourself with the philosophies (and philosophers) of ancient Rome. Even thousands of years ago, they said - completely accurately - "there is nothing new under the sun".
This is wrong, but I'll give you the chance to make your case for it before I completely blow your tiny-minded argument out of the water.

I know from a spiritual/philosophical perspective shit is way different. And I am not disagreeing with these conclusions at all. I'm simply REFERENCING how biologists categorize species. If one kind of fuckin' prarie dog or something abandons their young instead of doing whatever they do now, this other kind is on the list for becoming a new species.
Before the invention of the book, human beings were not "animals that read". Now they are, so the definition of human needs to be changed.

Hahahahahahaha, oh wow, this whole thing gets more ridiculous the more I investigate it.

>Bill worked in The World Financial Center in Manhattan, New York for over 7 years as the IT Director of a large Brokerage Firm, Rodman & Renshaw. Bill was responsible for implementing the advanced infostructure of their New York and Boston offices, where he designed and created one of the first Intranet systems, which helped dramatically improve communication and production within the State Wide Organization. Bill was also responsible for maintaining all of the computer systems of Rodman’s 500+ employees in their New York and Boston offices.



tl;dr: Dude worked for Jew York kikes for years, then moved to Florida, and when this guy isn't working as marketing director for an Italian restaurant run by a Jewish psychiatrist, he's chasing fucking ghosts… Meanwhile, his trophy wife - who lives in LA - is no doubt taking every dick in range, and has turned his daughter into a coalburning instagram thot.
Clown world, indeed.



The guy is clearly a cuck for both his wife and daughter. The daughter is a member of the Dance Moms coalburner clique. Several of the girls who were featured on that talmudvision show have gone black and have used their status to promote miscegenation on social media.

Absolutely hilarious and disgusting at the same time. A tragic comedy

fuck off.
just. fuck. off.
You! out!

Fuck off.

Attention whores do that. They come, they try to change the topic. Fuck them whores.

the appropriate response is


Oh, good. I thought you were going to take one look at his past working with Jewish New Yorkers, his present work with a Jewish (((psychiatrist))) turned owner of a pizza par – I mean, Italian bistro, the two are very different boyim, believe me – and his interest in the occult/paranormal and decide he was somehow part of the cannoliportal kinspeercy just because he's been whoring his daughter out at least since she was 9.

I guess my redpilling efforts have had some effect here after all. You're not all insane conspiratards any more, and not every guy with a 9-year-old (((child model))) daughter has shadowy strombolidoor connections with the various financial institutions and media outlets doing businesses out of the same pyramid-topped skyscraper as him.

I agree; the people making these ridiculous accusations are truly insane.

I thought I would share a recent story of mine here.

Given his connections to New York banksters, he was probably selling black bull sessions of the daughter to audiences of elite kikes, that's how he got her a foot in the door in show business.

yeah, but you're still a piece of shit for rachposting. please kys

Good for you. Now, you should marry her before they change the damned law.

There's only one way to make it in (((show business))) and that way is right between Harvey's legs.

God damn it. Everytime I hate you, you say some shit like this and make me hate you just a little less.

I still want you to die though.

Media kikes are obsessed with conditioning White little girls miscegenate, that is why all of the content they publish is psychologically designed for this purpose. Dp you really think they don't like seeing the product of their efforts? These people are not content with a simple BJ for quid pro quo.

The pedo molests, the pedokike wants to ruin them with coalburning.

If you're not global reporting every single post the dyke moderator makes, you don't deserve to be here.



Wife material tbh.


Fap away:

The media have certainly done a number on you, haven't they?

No, but if you cough up a decent dowry, I'll let your son marry her when they come of age, assuming he's actually yours and you haven't raised him to be some manner of sodomite.

Yes, how kiked of me to not offer up my prepubescent daughter for the sexual gratification of some thirty year old incel. I'm sure Moloch is very disappointed in me.

There is a difference between protecting your daughter in a rational, healthy manner and the paranoid "look at her the wrong way" attitude you described earlier. Absolutely nothing wrong with doing your paternal duty. Just don't fall into the media trap of seeing any and all friendliness or positive interactions as sinister; or you might as well call yourself a feminist.

For normalcucks, this attitude usually evaporates the moment their White daughters come home with a Black boyfriend from the football team.

Disgusting. I wouldn't even let my daughter have black/brown friends, teachers or even playground acquaintances.

I'm not saying you are one of those normalcucks, just remarking how the "don't look at her the wrong way" attitude often collapses when cuck fathers are faced with a decision to be labeled a racist or take a stand to prevent their daughters from miscegenating. The other side of the coin is that a lot of these young girls miscegenating come from single-mother homes where the father has either abandoned his responsibility to protect his daughter's honor, or he has his hands tied by a lack of custody.

*to not be labeled a racist

It was hyperbole user, relax ;^).

I know, I'm in complete agreement with you.

Save the gun for niggers, spics, chinks, mixed meat, tattoo 'artists', hippies, communists, piercing faggots and whoever else needs to stay clear of your daughter.

Hopefully the range lessons are paying off and she'll have the common sense to shoot these people before I have to.

Good man.

How young is that shit starting nowadays anyway?

Do you have a single fact to support the idea that this type of situation is even a notable portion of cases where an adult wants to marry a teen, let alone a majority?

Look up the special pleading fallacy and then off yourself.

From the earliest age. Storybooks, cartoons, children's shows, advertisements, information pamphlets are all jumping aboard the 'diversity' wagon; so your child will be exposed immediately. That's what they want. To normalize the presence, participation and worst of all, permanency of poo pigmented persons.

==Incels are not wanted here== the best way to fight white genocide is to have 3 or more white children not be an angry virgin on the internet

< being over-protective totally won't backfire

Only white women can prevent white genocide. There's no limit of men willing to provide semen, you know.

What part? The "hang-out with subhumans", "date subhumans", or "date" in general? Personally, I've seen the friend thing occur even in kindergarden (after all (((we're all the same))) no hate allowed), as for dating/such, I've known first year middle schoolers who engaged in sex. That was more so early 2000s. Now, due to the internet, I wonder if they actually do it anymore (at least the full thing) when they can just exchange highly graphic content via Kik/Snapchat/etc. Since they can befriend subhumans with enough propaganda since kindergarden, and can be trained to be quite lewd even in middle school, I'd say (provided the social pressure) they would be willing to date a subhuman (of course, it wouldn't be of their own volition, but if they had to avoid being labeled as racist, it could happen. Social standing being a woman's life and all that).

Anywhere there is a sizeable population of mud people, there is going to be a miscegenational current in the schools. There are many schools in the South with White minorities. They get White Guilt indoctrination in the curriculum, they go home and have pro-nigger bullshit pumped into their heads by the kike media. Next thing you know latch-key girls are getting off at Tyrone's bus stop. And we have politicians trying to make a name for themselves by banning traditional marriages of established men to teen girls, people trying to go about things the right way, a law which disproportionately affects White relationships. It's a sad state of affairs.

Like this guy said , pretty much fucking immediately.

If you're planning on raising a child I recommend you start collecting as much non-kiked media as you can now. Teach them to read as early as they are able, and If at all possible, don't let them fucking anywhere near anything with a screen for the first five years of their life. Get them into mythology. Kids fucking love mythology.

Sure thing Skippy ya think you're hot shit, dontcha?.

I swear to fucking God, it's times like this I wish I could waltz into any of my old elementary and middle schools from the 90s (what generation does that make me? Tend to lose track of that) an hour a day for a month. Or go back in time on account of any red flags back then being blurry. Just to see if this bullshit isn't just on the social and media level.

Or I'm just blind to it all on account of living in New York my whole life. And black to boot.

You have an over-protective mindset. Controlling. It won't go well. Control too much and rebellion sets in.


Yep. Back in the day when everyone married perversion was extremely rare. Deviancy is a product of despair, and overwhelmingly so.

>Armchair (((psychology)))
Tell me more about myself.

Sample size is too small for a good study, but probably shit. Older women have trouble conceiving even with younger eggs. Many of those attempts fail completely. There are articles with women writing about how miserable they are, they thought they had all the time in the world. Even with the company spending 10K a pop they are still barren and they just give up hope. All the light in their world snuffed out. So they go around telling other women to wise the fuck up.

When the extent of the damage to the West caused by judeo-feminism finally hits you, you will understand why people are using that word.

I can see you care more about your own image than protecting those you supposedly love you don't. You love yourself. Think she won't notice that?

Fascinating. Tell me more.

If you'll ignore what others have to say, you certainly won't make good decisions in your life.

No, please, you have my undivided attention. Do go on. I want to hear all about what a man sexually attracted to children thinks about my failings as a family man.

< accusing strangers
You could just as well be what you accuse others of. Perhaps that's the source of the defensiveness. Creepy, honestly.

Did you just use the "homophobe secretly likes dick" argument? Is this your first day on Holla Forums? You want to borrow my shovel for that hole you're digging yourself?
Oh, my apologies, I didn't realize I was talking to a woman. Nevermind.

You're way too emotional about this. It amuses me, I'll admit.

This is the concise and correct view on this topic. Thank you for posting.

The conclusion, stated at the first, doesn't actually follow from the many other statements, some of which are admittedly OK. It's not a reason. What do I mean? "Something has changed" isn't a reason for anything. Example "why can't I carry a handgun in my pocket without a license now? Because there is now international terrorism."

The fallacy's name is "non sequitur".

I dunno if you are autistic or something but he was saying the reverberations caused by removing consequence from sex(the first line) is the core reason why we cant go back to our more traditional ways. He also extrapolated with historical examples and arbitrary logical examples.

Wrong. That isn't his first statement.

The idea of a future daughter burning the coal makes me understand where sandniggers are coming from with the whole honor killing thing.

Yes, except for us it'd make sense - though I'd never kill a white child.

Yeah, just remove nigger. If my hypothetical daughter was 18 and an unashamed coal burner, I'd definitely completely disown her though.

Any supposed fallacy doesn't detract from his intended points. Your "gotcha" type shilling is pathetic. If you cant construct a real argument then stop posting.

< logic doesn't matter
sod yourself

Muslims and fags outright shouldn't exist.

For what it's worth, between the omnipresent hate and the guaranteed replies, I appreciate the using of your status for good in as trying times as these. Strange times when Maddowposting is somehow an elevation. What a timeline we've entered.

Also, pic related for a look at Europe that is relevant to the thread. If the AoC laws get lowered here, without a better society to actually support the spirit of the law, and not just the word, then we become liable to end up like kebabistan in terms of child abuse. Once our society is cleansed and large populations of closely knit families begin to reappear, then we can discuss the AoC laws, but until that happens there are far more pressing matters. Keep an eye on these sorts of stories though, unending vigilance is necessary now more than ever.

All countries considered homosexuality a crime, at one time.

Calling a 16 YO to 18 YO a child is simply dishonest. Not stating that "teeeens" are not retarded but 17 YO and 10 YO are not the same thing, period.

Trips confirms, Kek wills it!

Sage and report all incel/wizard/mgtow posts. All that they do is entice the more naive viewers into joining them in their loserdom.

< Report all posts I disagree with
< People who disagree with me are all Russian bots

Stop buying guns and ammo and start putiing you money here:

Start here and work backward.

Beware that there are a lot of (((schools))) that are "least diverse."

No internet in prison yet, roastie.

Meh, I don't have a son yet, which means she'd be like 19 before he was even 10 if I had him tomorrow.
What good is that? Christ son, by that point, you ought be paying me a fuckin' dowry.

The filipinas were putting out in sixth grade in my town.

>If you'll ignore what (((others))) have to say


Tits or GTFO. Now, roastie.

This user gets it.

Also let's not forget that these laws aid in keeping the young population in a prolonged state of adolescence. We live in a time where there are some men who don't get jobs until they are 21-22 and aren't emotional or financially able to keep a wife and family at that age even if they wanted to.

The good news is that lynching is coming back in a big way, right after our version of the Butlerian jihad.


Sodomy implants demons. You don't have to be a christian to see this.Just observe enough fags as I have. Had a fruity friend in elementary school – father and uncle buggered the gay into him, I later learned – and he befriended me for security reasons since I'm yuuuge in size.

Learned a lot about art and aesthetics, though, which makes bagging art chicks easy, but they are their own class of degenerates… sigh.

You're a degenerate too. Not saying that to be a dick, I just can't even begin to grasp how alt-righters seem to think it's okay to sleep around. That's a great way to get STDs and/or leave yourself feeling hollow and empty. Casual sex can never give you what you need. It's filthy and degenerate when a woman does it to their future husband and it's equally filthy and degenerate when a husband does it to his future wife. If you're doing it because, "welp, I already popped the cork on my champagne, might as well keep chugging", that's shit logic. It's never too late to stop and improve yourself and your quality of life. Don't take the black pill.

1. Considering you are probably in your late twenties or early thirties, that makes you a millennial. It's a super broad brush generation.
2. You don't remember the colorblindness meme from when you were a kid? Back then multiculti was pushed as colorblindness like with pic related. The current obsession with racial politics we have now was contained to black separatist groups and prison gangs. Jewish subversion was always there, it's just that in the 90's the white demo was still in the solid majority so corporations and institutions couldn't push the agenda without pissing off their majority white customers. They needed our money.

More shitskins in white countries has everything to do with the amount of shitskins we see in our media. They consume more than whites due. The only people who watch tv are white boomers and shitskins you haven't noticed? and it has a direct affect on the kind of ads shown on tv.


And how's that been working out for you, stormderp?

Do you realize how long I've been here on the chans, redpilling the masses with my liberal fymynysm?

Probably true, but that isn't the reason. Ads also show an impossible number of faggots, and I doubt faggots spend that much more time watching talmudvision. Ads on the street focus on shitskins, and everyone sees them. It's possible shitskins are much weaker against ads, but other than that to me it seems to be pure anti-White propaganda.

That faggot still posting here? What a retard.

All jews will be killed in due time.

Checked, but why do you assume this was recent behaviour user? I used to smoke and drink too.


My new waifu.


>>>Holla Forums

Don't wait until you're daughter has Tyrone's illegitimate child to learn who pays a dowry and why.

Dowry was practiced all throughout history for a variety of reasons. Seems like your post is a thinly veiled excuse to salivate about your coal burning fantasies, faggot kike.

Well you know what, faggot? Re-legalize sex with the prime sexy teenieboppers every guy wants and we'll marry white teen girls and start making white babies with them. Until then, you can go fuck yourself.


That the max Int for Fallout 1 & 2 is 10, which short of the Arcanum Max of 20.
#TheMoreYouKnow #ImARagingFaggot


Europeans did in fact marry child brides in the past. It's absolutely religion of peace tier. When considering the average age of marriage, you have to factor in that women often married as young girls to much older men, and outlived multiple husbands. This was a plot point in Chaucer's tale "The Wife of Bath" because the women of the day were able to relate to it. Anyway, here's a list of the marriages of some kings.

Irene Doukaina age 11
Alexios I Komnenos age 22 or 30

Flavia Maxima Constantia at 12 ('marriageable age')

Justina (empress) age 10
Magentius age 47

Maria of Alania age 12

Galeria Fundana age 10
Vitellius age 45

Helana Lekapene age 9

Agnes of France age 11
Andronikos I Komnenos 65,_Byzantine_Empress

Margaret of Hungary age 9
Isaac II Angelos age 29

Irene of Montferrat age 10
Andronikos II Palaiologos 25

Marie of Champagne age 12

Marie of Brienne age 9

Isabella of France Age 6
Richard II of England age 29
"The fact that she was a child was discussed during the negotiations, but Richard replied that each day would rectify that problem, that it was an advantage as he would then be able to shape her in accordance with his ideal."

Simonis Palaiologina Age 5
Stefan Milutin Age 50

God, you're fucking dumb. Read

filtered for Jewish homogay, I'll see you hang on DOTR, faggot.

good for you, my father was the same way & I'm glad of it.

Go away degenerate tor, a few examples does not a culture make.

"Women lose 90 per cent of 'eggs' by 30

Scientists have discovered the reason why women find it difficult to conceive later in life - they have used up 90 per cent of their "ovarian reserve" by the age of 30."

Telling women to wait until they're 23+ to have kids is a recipe for disaster. Not only have they used up 90% of their ovarian reserve by 30, those eggs arent to the same quality as they were in their teens. Children to older mothers have a higher chance of mental disorders and other debilitating diseases.

Women hit their PEAK at 16. This is a biological fact, then they decline from there.

Who are the people pushing for women to have careers, travel, waiting out to have kids and promoting sexual promiscuity in their most prime years? mostly people on the left

If i were to speculate, i don't think having the act of sex without giving birth helps it either. There has to be a process within the woman as she's having sex that the body reacts to that and thus start preparing to become pregnant, if she then doesn't even receive any semen there have to be something that goes wrong in the process which damages the body in some way.

Just some speculation. Same goes with taking the pill.

It's on the right aswell, left or right we all know who really try to push it, because what does it achieve? A broken white society. Divide and conquer.

They're only promoting sexual promiscuity in a very limited set of circumstances i.e. between teenagers having casual sex. They're very selective about when they favor liberation. It's not like they've ever felt any need to be consistent anywhere else.

That's completely untrue. If a woman gets pregnant she is placed on government dole - this means that men MUCH older men are forced to pay the tab. Forced. They aren't volunteering to help, they are FORCED. Robbed. And what a degenerate condition.

What puzzles me about the sexual liberation scheme is that it hardly pushes for child sex. I believe people are now pozzed well enough that most wouldn't stand in opposition to it.

There is all the gay and trans shit already, to someone that wants to destroy 'the family' in the traditional sense, it would seem the next logical step.

The thing is though, aside from just the prevalence of pedophilia as a side effect of sexual liberation. I haven't seen any real signs of a new subversion aimed at pedo-acceptance or lowering OAC laws ect.

I believe the why of it comes down to three reasons;
It would go against the interests of certain conglomerates whom's financial viability of products depend upon keeping a hold on what is socially defined as beauty standards. A simple example of what i mean by this would be what happened in brazil. Big tits and Big asses. Non-standard variation complicates profit margins.
Conglomerates being, pharmaceutical and luxury fashion industries

To retain child sex as a commodity, if it were to be socially accepted to any meaningful degree, the appeal of 'forbidden fruit' would not be as tantalizing. Dus it would no longer have its utility as a tool of corruption and i believe consequently a means of ensuring obedience. ie Offer child prostitute to person, record incident, threaten to release recording to authorities if person does not comply with w/e demand.

Seeing children used and abused might cause millenea old instinct to reassert itself amongst the general populace, which could override some if not all the social engineering. Well, that and societal decay, can't have your drones dying off before the job's done. Mark my words, if this occurs in europe it will mean the end of the european experiment and the coming of the nwo.

Sometimes i wonder if mankind will end up becoming homogenized like pasteurized milk.

It's a DnD reference normalfaggot. 10/18 is potato level.

That's marx tier. It is less about us running up and dictating what is sold to us, and much more about them deciding what is sold to us and determining the rate at which we run.

16 is fine if the parents agree, specifically the father.

Correct. The status quo of gradually raising the AOC/marriage age, while not prosecuting muds or elite pedos, will continue.

Age of consent laws are relatively recent phenomena it is also one of the primary planks of feminism

Aristotle was right


testical removal. we don't need more niglets.


maybe North Korea is on to something

You've been banned silly so much that you can't even bother to come back here with a proper IP. Am I right?