There is a lot of evidence that jews have a ton of african dna. It's hard to find good info on but RH factor is a big tell, their numbers are almost 1:1 with blacks. But the only place your gonna find info on that is deep within medical studies and you have to read through the bullshit because the numbers will say one thing and the wording will imply that whites are deficient for having more rh incidences than jews and blacks.
As for "jews are the neanderthals" absolute hokum.
If you sperg into all of the myths, and i mean REALLY fucking do some scholarly sperging, you will find that the similarities, as well as differences, between all of the European religions, norse, germanic, greek, celt, vedic the vedic indians were not fucking indians they were europeans who migrated there after the "exodus incident", not even kikes dispute that migration as well as all the myths, the iliad, dante, etc. There are several core topics that are either outright detailed or spoken of in metaphor.
>they all talk of 'the deceiver', and of a deceit which took place but is never detailed, some of these myths hint that it was so deceitful that we forgot what it was, others that the deceit shant be mentioned because we either willingly took part in it or because we met that deceit with a deceit of our own the latter hinting at 'our deceit' being a really long con to make sure the kikes lose in the end
And the various tales of the Tree of Life can be composited as follows:
>the root word for fruit means knowledge/wisdom and also apples and shit
The myth of the Tree of LIfe is the fucking redpill.
the rootword for fall changed over time to escheat (meaning more specifically inheritance) and then shit/scat. Shitposting, nothing new under the sun
Moreover, if you sperg into kike witchcraft google Mandrake + Jerusalem +josephus + witchcraft The kikes think they are cute talking about this magic little mandrake plant "whose roots scream when uprooted and kill all close enough to hear it, therefor one must trick a dog (i.e. goyim, more specifically they are hinting at women and/or shitskins when they refer to a goy as a dog)" And if you crack open the torah to genesis you will find that jacob and his wife traded sex for 3 mandrakes.
Lot of real interesting shit going on with that stuff.
What else.. The myth of the labyrinth/trials of illusion etc are all allegories for the mental torture involved in digging for the truth and the cognitive dissonance that can fuck you up if you are not ready for it.
One thing I find very interesting but havent found enough examples of it to infer what it is actually about but there are also references to some sort of object, some super ancient technology that made everything great but if misused it could fuck everything up, and that the kikes stole it, broke it and then buried it somewhere.
I think I might try to put together a huge citation infograph or something for this because im not prepared to cite any of it at the moment, so take the above for what it is.. But if you look into it you will find I speak truth.