Should I buy a PieceofShit4?

Should I buy a PieceofShit4?

How's the VR on the PieceShit4?

There still isn't a "killer app" for VR, and there isn't going to be one in the immediate future, so we can write that off as a purchasing factor right off the bat.

The only question that matters is: Are you interested enough in the current PS4 exclusives where you think that spending $400+$60/game will provide a better $/fun ratio than spending that money elsewhere.

Are there people that actually transitioned from PC gaming to console and not the other way around?

Wrong thread, nigger: >>11139298

No, you should stay on PC and keep cancer like acceptance of online DRM there. Just imagine, you'd have to pay for MP and couldn't pirate! The horror!
Stay away and keep sucking GabeNs dick. Everything is better on PC. Well, aside from the fact that you're only renting games instead of buying them, but if you cared about such things you'd have changed sides long time ago.

Yes, make sure to get the Pro version
It is great, it is the best version of VR right now.

Which thread?

hows the vr porn on it?

Also enjoy getting paid games removed from your Steam library if gamedevs don't share your political world views.

The only winning move is to play good old vidya that you never played back then because you were either a poorfag kiddo, had shit taste in vidya or because you weren't even born.

I'm a huge fan of cock so I'm probably going to pick one up on Black Friday for all the Kingdom Hearts shit, but even those games don't come out for another few months. I'll be damned if I play solely Bloodborne for four buttfucking months.

forgot you have to pay for online.
NEVERMIND. Fuck that.

And /thread

but goy its only 10 bucks
what are you poor


don't be silly, goyim, you can't run VR apps on the PSVR other than the ones you buy from the Playstation Store or your local game store!



Holy shitit has 3 bars instead of two.
It must have a 50% more power games!

I've had spurts of wanting to buy a ps4 but this is normally what keeps me from pulling the trigger. It's not even the money really, it's the insult of having to pay sony to let me use netflix .

Similar to the Wii U, but the handful of decent games on either is a big factor.

KH3 got a release date?

Do something productive instead of VR. Instead of disconnecting yourself further from reality with technology, why don't you connect you reality with technology.
Build a 3d printer for half the price.
Preferably use it to print a liberator to shoot yourself in the head.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Most consoles like the sexbox and pisspour have loads of drm, for example you still have to download a fucking game even if you buy a disc, or limits on sharing games, etc.

Why not just play on consoles if you wish to be a serf so hard?


Which one is that?

Yeah man, automatically updating my games is awful.

But all good games have non-steam versions.


So Valve has to make games for developers now?


Trading your freedoms for comfort is the surest road to serfdom. I mean, that's how you tame a wild animal. You feed them, make them dependent on you and make them so lazy and incompetent that they can't survive without you. They can no longer survive on their own. That's exactly what Steam is doing to the PC gamers. I bet the newer generations of Stream users are too stupid to even go through the installation wizard without someone more capable holding their hand.

Shut up faggot, go back to cuckchan.

nod an argument :DDD

Who are you quoting?


Steambois will defend this.

what a nice end to the thread right? don't you wish you did it for free so you could actually end the thread instead of showing everyone how retarded you are?

Are you, perhaps, retarded yourself?

I don't really care about Steam users, but I just find it funny when they go full "PC MASTER RACE" even though they're pretty much as bad as the console peons. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy.

No, you're saying Steam is a bad thing.

That too, but I think it's quite an established opinion around here that the DRMs in general are a bad thing.

Only bad if you buy shit video games like some cuck. The only games that have DRM are the ones not worth your time, let alone money. If you pirate these games the DRM is not a factor.

Just wait until Gaben forces Big Picture on everyone, autolaunching by pressing the xbox button.