Losing control?
Whats your favorite game from the last generation?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game from the last generation?
That's an actually tough question. The last gen had a lot of gems as well as shit. Also, Cubs won, and EA named the sequel to reboot Battlefront, Battlefront II…Fuck this gay earth.
Morning everyone
My carpal tunnel thing is getting worse every day. I didn't even play video games today because of it. And barely got online too. This is the worst.
Last request for xmas present ideas. Sending it to mum in the next day or two.
Shit. I thought I had control. Then my employer refused to take me from temp to hire.
Shit, I didn't realize it was already this late
I'm gonna go with Ace Combat 6. I've lost count of how many times I've played through it
A doctor's appointment and a percocet prescription
Go to the doctor, dummy.
Why not you think?
Could I really get that for carpal tunnel? Cause I might actually try that if so
Only for drugs.
Up late watching shitty fucking videos on Youtube of fags playing video games. Should've been asleep hours ago trying to recover from doing some manual labor today, but sleep continues to evade me.
I can't even remember where last generation ends and this generation begins.
What counts as last generation? The three shitty and ps tribble?
They could prescribe something, dumbass.
Can I have some (You)'s, please?
It depends on the doctor but I doubt it. They'll probably just give you one of those bowling gloves and recommend physical therapy.
The chance is very real though. Some doctors are really slap happy with drugs.
Post Karens
No Karen, no (You)s
Enjoy your freedom while you can. The gas chambers are being prepared. One day you will see them.
Thank fucking God.
Already buying a brace though so probably won't bother.
Hi mark, have umaru.
Go to the doctor and get a brace.
Does that mean the Quadruple and the Xbone count as current generation? Last generation seems like it never ended because the PS4 has two games, the Xbone has 0, and the Wii U is dead with a couple games to its name I give a fuck about. And then they have the audacity to rev the consoles, with Nintendo having a brand new one and the others just making incremental changes? Fuck dude, video games are dead.
If you promise not to post any of that Bong cunt I'll let it slide.
Are you still upset from yesterday?
Aren't you from Tennessee?
Have you ever thought up an amazing, AAAA+ quality shitpost while dreaming only to forget it when you wake up?
Also Xenoblade Chronicles
We doing that again?
I'll cut out the kike and just buy a brace myself.
Also I want to see this cat thing eat that burger, post it.
Its kawaii, we went through this yesterday.
I was habitually late by
Today was a good day
Favorite game from last gen is either Nier, Vanquish or Armored Core 4A
So I'm not the only one to dream about 4am eh?
Cut that late shit out. Everyone always hates the guy whos late.
The other one is kinda bs though. If the boss man wants something done he should tell you not wait around for you to ask to be told what to do.
At least once a week.
I dunno if taking your health into your own hands is that wise, but I wish you well nonetheless.
I don't even know where it's from, much to my ire.
tip top burg
I've never seen that before. Made me laugh harder than it should have.
I'm gonna hit the ballot on election day. Will probably watch those fuckers count too if it's not an electronic ballot. I'm ready to ask for a paper submission. We're gonna fucking win this shit.
I'm not about that morning life. Literally any other job where I could wake up later and I'd have been fine.
That doesn't explain why you used "mum".
sheeeeeiiiiiit monica ay yo yo boy here impress
I've only been to a doctor once in the last 10 years and even then I regret that one time. Cost my parents 2k for basically nothing.
I like to think up video games that might be cool but end up making a little trailer in my head instead of coming up with anything that'd be useful on a design document
I still have the mindset of being a fat, nerdy kid with long hair and pimples. My brain cannot actually cope with positive female attention. It's like every single interaction I have with a woman, I HAVE to repeatedly assure myself that it's purely platonic and remind everyone around me that it's purely platonic. I fucking hate this. I hate socialising and being around people, I hate women. I'm a genuine misogynerd now, and that only happened AFTER I got fit.
Ask Huey
Same here really. I just wake up insanely early so that morning isn't morning at that point.
Smart man.
Evening folks
X-COM Enemy Unknown
You must have pretty good luck and genes if you've been that well for that long.
Smart lad.
What did he say?
Yeah. Butter King gave me marshal duty so I took two cities and two castles in a single war.
God I can't wait for those big pedo allegations to come out soon. The amount of people who are going to be involved in this is insane. Jews, for some reason, love fucking kids - even early To Catch a Predator was filled with them. The next step down the slippery slope of free love is pedophilia so it better be fucking soon. The world was only barely ready for the whole transgender thing and is struggling with it quite badly having only just normalized homosexuality so a big announcement like this will be the last straw for so many people.
Just in time for fireworks too. Got to love Guy Fawkes, such a lovely guy.
Which one was that? 360/ps4/etc? Lots to chose from. Can't really count generations with only having a pc though I played a lot of 360 before uni.
Jesus, you're asking the hard questions here. I can't even fucking remember and my tastes have changed a huge amount since. Can't really give you a good answer.
Change the burger to a (You) and keep the motion blur.
Yeah probably. Even if I do get sick I just ignore it generally too.
Its not what he said its what I said
I don't fucking get it? Why did you use fucking mum?
this tbh
don't listen to ritsu, tame the 3D, make it yours. I have
which pedo allegations, from where?
Whats this pedo thing you are talking about?
Because using slang from other countries that speak the same language is "cute". I could understand if it was a different language, but it's still shit.
Nah m8, 3DPD has tamed you. Especially when you willingly fucked a tumblr user after knowing them for only a few hours.
Is Holla Forums having a pedowood dig thread or something?
I just can't really be fucked dealing with women. They're so… illogical, shameless and indirect. Every single woman I have met, even the SUPER SMART FOR REALS YOU GUYS ones, acts like an overgrown, stubborn child with authority issues. I just don't wanna spend my life dealing with 50% of the population behaving like that, shit is absolutely infuriating.
The three hours of sleep I've been running on have caught up to me. I'll see you guys tomorrow
How often do you make this thread right on time like you did tonight?
what is your longest streak of getting it just right
you don't know
so treat them like garbage and give them nothing in return. they like it. They like being choked and spanked and degraded
nuh-night bubby
I think its funnier just cause its from the "same" language honestly.
Women's hormones fuck with their brain too much for them to think straight really.
Cute Umaru.
Nig, I still check up on the board from time to time.
smh tbh oniifam
Night peko!
I don't wanna treat them like garbage, because that takes actual effort. There's no fucking point. Ignoring them is so much easier.
Yeah, no shit, right? The moment you start beating them in an argument, they flip their shit and become screeching children. There's just no point. Ignorance is bliss.
Dude, all you have to do are some simple stretches, artard.
tip top lel
Good joke m80.
Night. Sleep well.
what's the difference?
thanks bubby
I'd say its exactly right about 99% of the time. Only ever get it wrong if I'm like about to pass out sleepy. And no clue month or two probably easy.
Theres no point having any form of debate with a women. You will never change their minds using logic.
Its too late, I'm dying.
No it isn't.
Don't even joke about that kind of shit. Really got my hopes up…
Oh well, at least I can take solace in the fact that Metallica released "Atlas, Rise!" which is You're Gonna Carry That Weight: The Song. Reminds me of how I was a few years ago, trying to play mediator in everyone else's drama, only to feel that weight on my own shoulders.
How is using dumb England shit kawaii?
we used to have good times ritsu, you cunt
Yes it is.
I'd fuck off if someone bought me something nice in return.
Thats why having friends is a mistake.
Wanna do it?
And stay up all night?
Nothing triggers a woman more than being ignored.
They would prefer you were yelling at them and arguing with them to prove you are emotionally invested in the relationship.
the ride never ends, user, you know that.
That's a lie and you know it.
Life sucks.
gr8 b8 m8
Lots of coded messages about lollipops and hotdog stands coming out in the email leaks, some links to pedowood figures within it, some other fag elsewhere made a comment about some more big news coming out on the fifth regarding pedophilia in the american political sphere, something about child prostitutes in the mile high club. Lots of shit hinting at it and we're getting shitloads of email leaks plus the FBI apparently throwing up its hands and bearing all. We also know that taking photos of someone boning a child is perfect insurance that they'll keep their mouth shut about dodgy practice and with Hillary's campaign tanking and all those strings being pulled but failing to get her in government and all of those promises she won't be able to make good on, it's looking very likely.
Might just be my gut but it's out there and more than likely coming out soon.
You are hereby banned from receiving any more of my (You)s
Hes got it in the bag at this point. People know the MSM is full on bullshit mode and all these corruption leaks are killing her.
Reported for avatarfagging! Ha I win!
Reported for announcing reports. Looks like I get the last laugh.
So day I made a hard apple cider with Zeiglars Apple Cider (half gallon).
pic related isn't mine, just wanted to show you a picture from google what the one gallon fermenter looks like
My price is high but I'd do it for a few hundred quid tbh
Oh right.
It'd be the funniest thing if a picture of Slick Willie fucking some slave kid were to come out.
And I'm pretty sure podesta does actually own some kind of hotdog stand in hawaii though.
Nah, having friends wasn't my mistake, it wasn't saying "Wow, that really sucks but that's more of a you problem." that was the mistake.
However I'm attempting a trial by fire via online dating. This can't possibly end well. I know it won't end well, and yet I'm doing it anyway.
If that's really happening it sounds like a great way for Trump to drain the swamp and put some really bad people behind bars in his first 100 days. Justice!
I just want to know why you used mum.
I was just kidding but slow down there! Don't you know the rules! 3 and its over kiddo.
That was pretty easy to set up right? Clean jug, pour cider, throw yeast in and plug right?
Hows it taste?
I only ever used those dating sites for a quick bone. Don't expect anything more from it honestly.
It's too late, you're already banned.
I have to wait 2 weeks to ferment, just in time for thanksgiving.
On /ck/ they say you can't pour the yeast (at the bottom) when pouring into the other bottle. Is that true?
Now you are just posting someone elses avatar which is just as illegal. Any picture ever used as an avatar before can get you banned you know.
No clue honestly. Never tried to make it before but always wanted to. 2 weeks seems really fucking short. I always figured it was a month or two.
Exactly how successful were you?
That's what they want you to think.
Who else got sent a fake "we'll show your neighbors how you've voted" notification in the mail recently for being a bad goy that should be shamed into voting as (((they))) want you to?
7th gen you mean? Probably either Tales of Vesperia, Ghost Trick, or Xenoblade.
We're talking about the guy that somehow got kidney stones multiple times and has probably learned nothing from it.
I generally only emailed ones I thought would be a sure thing so moderately so. The thing about dating sites is girls get literally 100s of messages from guys a day.
Most girls just use it to stroke their ego tbh
I'm bored huey.
It was one from each kidney, the second one was probably already formed before I could do anything about it at all.
Hello Bored.
Oh, I thought it was multiple episodes. So did you actually learn anything from it, and if so, stick with it?
Thread seems dead already
Thanks Mark.
Well yeah they happened months apart but just saying. The stone had probably formed in the other kidney when I already shit out the first one.
And I try to stay hydrated more at least.
Which site did you use? Right now I'm getting no takers.
Okcupid but this was forever ago and I assume its only gotten worse. Why not try those hookup apps on phones? I heard those are popular with the normalfagfags.
I didn't expect the 6 posts I made about 4am in various threads that had already devolved into meta to actually work. Granted, part of it might just be that people got bored of showing up to the threads all the time.
That big patch of shitposting after didn't help. And considering most people came here from halfchan, over moderation pissed off a lot of 4am posters. I know cause that second group added me to keep in contact some.
Yeah, It's weird. There's an entire meta around forming your profile, messaging others, and connecting. It's fucked. I don't have a phone good enough to do anything with those apps, but I suppose I can emulate them.
prolly summa dat ol vanquish monica or DeS. CoD WaW I put sum work into tho.
I ain't dead yet mo'fucka.
You ever thought about getting a waifu?
DeS is pretty good fam
Good taste liking it more than DaS1 like a lot of plebs.
What are you saying?
How much of the first batch of avatarfags actually keeps in contact with each other? I recently installed Skype and every time I've booted it up except for once, nobody was online and I can't be assed to hunt down everyone via steam.
das1 would've been better but there really is a drop in quality in the post lordvessel parts tbh monica.
That dating sites are emotional black holes, even for someone who wants some 3DPD tail. What the fuck, dude?
Not all that much really I don't think. I got a new crew I've formed myself mostly seems like with a few of the old guys sticking around. I mean smokes has fucked off, homoko too, red mostly too, luceil is in war training. Names around at least.
I didn't even finish it at all honestly.
Oh this was like 5 years ago fam
to elaborate:
iz juss sumn to feed vapid n horny ass niggas n hoes tbh. usin' it, even knowin this, or b/c of dis make u party 2 it u kno monica n realpolitik dead af tbh monica.
oh fo'real dat bad monica? my first playthrough went belly up when I ended up cursed at da bottom of dat dam ole ash lake w/ broken ass equipmunk.
I don't deserve a waifu. I succumb too easily to the desires of the flesh.
At least today you have shit like Tinder, so if you're looking for poon alone, it's relatively easy and prolific. Back then, you had to do this complicated song and dance just to get anywhere. What the fuck would even possess you to do such a thing?
Yes. I can't pc game anymore. As for the game, thats a really hard question. I could make a list maybe but I couldn't give just one game.
I loved DeS and played 100s of hours of it. DaS just felt like more of the same really.
Same thing happened to me and DBX2 even if the sequel was better.
I was a pretty big sex pervert and it took a while to make the switch to 2d but its worth it.
Pussy I guess. I mean despite what I'm sure a lot of people's mental image of me is, I'm not a horrible looking guy. Its not too hard to get laid.
If anything, the only shit parts of DaS1 are the section before Seath where you have to walk across invisible platforms that you might slide down because you stood on them wrong, and the entire section where lava exists for Lost Izalith.
Don't forget Lain left, the one guy who brought up the 4am sings idea a few times left I don't actually know the character he used tbh, and momanon left. But they left around the time Mark threw around bans, or a little after.
Momanon showed up like 2 days ago actually.
Was gonna ban her using "tits or gtfo" but she fucked off before, don't need 3dpd drama in muh secret club
yea i jus gotta general feel dat those ending sections n bosses jus didn't have da same love n synergy dey put into da rest of da game u kno.
What's up you niggers?
People come and go. A few are in the irc, some others are in the discord. Transience is the curse of anons, no one stays forever.
If it's that easy to get laid, why would you go through all of the trouble of doing online dating bullshit just to do it? Seems like an unnecessary drain on emotional resources by comparison.
I've only heard of these exploits secondhand. I don't mean to imply anything, I just haven't heard these stories first hand. I'm not projecting my insecurities, honest engine.
Unlike you, however, I don't suffer delusions to the point where I'd seriously and unironically try to ease my parents into understanding that I'm dating a persona that does not exist.
Besides, I'd end up with a harem if I tried to have a waifu.
Was she even there for more than 10 minutes?
They're still better than how DaS2 feels.
The only avatarfags who have stuck around since July of last year have been me, smokes and Shizu
There's nothing wrong with having a harem of waifus.
persona exists fam dey made like 9 dem bitches or sumn
Because even when I chased 3dpd I was still a NEET and shut in who would have nothing to do with bars and didn't really know anywhere to hang out so.
Maybe an hour or so yeah.
Not much. Started getting back into a DS game I enjoyed but never finished. Restarted from the beginning since I missed some stuff and figured it might make a good refreshed.
Got a good chuckle out of me with that one fam tbh
I only really think "she" picked up the persona because by the time she started there were already virtually all of the old avatarfags there.
DaS2, yea man idk. Like, playin it like, it look like souls it feel like souls but it jus…it ain't got none of dat soul.
u feel me fam?
n i got dubs too
It just feels too different from 1, 3, and DeS for me to really enjoy it. That and the color pallet seems odd.
I don't know a single thing about her really. Think I talked to her a few times last year and I know a guy who is afraid of her because she black mailed him or something.
I told you, not worthy.
is 3 worf it monica?
I mean, I guess that's one way to do it. Kids these days have it pretty easy getting 3DPD whores, huh?
here forever.
iz all gonna b ok monica
we gone pull thru dis monica don'chu worry fam
iz gonna b gr8
Haven't played Dark Souls II, but that thing about it having been made by an alternate team is true, right? If so, it strikes me as a good reason to be a leery of a series changing development hands to a guest team or at least an alternate team. I mean, that doesn't always turn out necessarily bad, but more often than not you get something that feels off or is at least a weird entry (Tales of Legendia for example, having been made by guest devs from Soul Calibur and Tekken instead of NTS).
Yeah RIP fam, doomed to die by the 3dpd
Yeah but not keeping them. Which is just gross.
checked satan
It's okay, I don't think I'll live long enough to make it to wizardhood. Always been more of a knight player myself.
I must have missed that if it wasn't in the thread. Granted I have shit memory and still did college shit at the time. Did they give any details?
If you don't want to pirate, just wait until From decides to release a "final" version with the dlc. For quite a while the straight swords were OP due to poise not existing at all so it ended up being who can attack faster would win, and you could get stunlocked to death by AI that take out a lot of your heath.
Even when it's dead, it's still a lot better than daytime Holla Forums.
I haven't actually looked into who worked on 1 vs 2 vs 3, but I have a feeling that if 2 wasn't associated with the series I'd like it a lot more.
Never said it wasn't, but then again, with the current state of 3DPD, who'd want to keep them?
How old are you and you really a virgin?
Think it took place outside the thread mostly.
If you keep the first one when shes a virgin and train her up she might be ok. Thats how our pas and grandpas did it
Forgot to mention that it basically feels like From threw someone who played like a Dark Souls character into a game with mostly rejected Bloodborn ideas.
That would make sense.
Our pas and grandpas grew up in a different time, though. Nowadays, you want a virgin, you gotta aim for middle school sweetheart. It's waifubots or bust in our lovely [CURRENT YEAR].
when he was in highschool
A friend of mine that had been real into Demon's Souls and Dark Souls bit the hype bullet and got DSII when it came out, so I've at least seen it when I've gone over to hang out. He doesn't exactly hate it, but it has a lot of flaws that make it feel inferior to him to its predecessors, and among other things (particularly hitbox bullshit) he really doesn't like how it didn't exactly feel like the game was its own thing. Stuff like the item descriptions frequently making speculative callbacks to DS1, leaving the lore/story feel too tethered to the past for his liking.
Heh, reminds me of a description an user once wrote for some PS2 game called Scaler. "From the developers that watched a let's play of Spyro the Dragon."
21, yes.
You said it. I'm glad I'm asleep for most of it.
21 isn't too bad. You are still college aged. Go to a party and slip your willie in some drunk girl.
Lucky me, I decided to skip college, so I've got no hookups to find any parties.
I'd also prefer a bit more romance then that.
The third game was marginally better than the second, but with how bad straight swords were for so long and how the meta is even more constricted than in 1, I couldn't recommend unless they absolutely love the series. I have 300 hours in it, please help.
At this point I only really stick to a few threads, and they're mostly dead anyway.
Romance will make you a vizard for sure. Stop that.
Gimme (You)s
I hung out with white trash and played video games in middle school. I played a shitton of Pokemon Emerald and brought multiple DSes to school to play multiplayer Starfox and Mario with buddies. The closest I got to worrying about girls was when some cunt spat a huge loogie all over my face and I got her sent to the Principal's office for it. One of those white trash friends dropped out of high school and became a fucking tranny. Another is still white trash delivering pizzas or some shit, I saw him last summer when I had to do jury duty. That cunt of a girl started dressing in black and cutting herself somewhere in high school, and ended up dropping out before graduating. Bitch deserved it for being a perpetual cunt since Kindergarten.
No. You get nothing.
All the white trash kids in my school were humping like rabbits so thats kinda odd.
Saw my first set of tits the first time I had to ride a shitty school bus full of them to a friends house and one of my m8s traded a girl candy to flash us.
Neither of us have current gen systems and his computer is even more of a toaster than mine, so it's not like he's going to be able to play DS3 anytime soon.
I was the loner type that mostly read or slept during break and did homework during class. Didn't really bother with interacting much unless it benefitted me to; not many people were all that friendly, but no one gave me much grief since I could show them how to solve shit for classwork they didn't get. Was pretty funny seeing people occasionally bitch about why I could nap in class and they couldn't.
Here, have one on the house.
Same. I didn't hate the guys, but we never stuck around after middle school. I hung out with all of the music nerds in high school, they fucked off to their own corners until we ran into each other again later in life. It's a surprisingly small world out there.
The vice principal's kid was an awkward nerdy niggaboo who introduced me to anime tiddies. He wasn't the best company, but he does have that credit to his name. There were two chicks in middle school that really liked me for God knows what reason. One was a fat jew that cybered with some Phantom of the Opera roleplaying fag on Myspace, and the other was a jock that I was convinced, at the time, was having a laugh at my expense. The aforementioned niggaboo groped her tiddies before I managed to put two and two together, to her disgust.
Middle school was an interesting time.
I've seen that story too many times from too many people.
I'm hopeless. I'm going to live my life in the most miserable way possible and you can't stop me.
I'm also heading to bed.
While the students at my high school certainly talked sex, I think the only one that was actually caught in the act was some asshole midget kid and his ugly ass girlfriend behind the mobiles. Not real sure that worked.
What, more people post about the snoozing in class thing than me?
Ayy thanks.
I could have slayed some serious poon in highschool. I seriously had really hot chicks wanting to date me all the time and I was kinda stupid so ignored 90% of them.
How that worked, I mean.
I managed to get "connections" with people in high school that I talked in Jr. High, but I barely talked to them and ended up dropping one group after the first year and then ended up dropping the replacement by the end of high school.
Yeah, it's a really fucking common story to make the person seem really smart.
Night user!
I meant more like outside of school mostly. I almost banged a girl during one of those end of the year days where theres no real class but she chickend out.
I'm gonna head to bed once I wrap up this video I've been half-watching, so I'm gonna call it here. Good night, sleep well, and don't let the fat Umaru-loving kike get you.
I don't know that feel. I don't think I've ever known what self-esteem was, and I'm seriously fucking ugly as an adult, way more so than as a kid.
I always had a couple friends, some came and went throughout the years, but I was never alone alone, I always had one or two guys to hang around. I didn't make any serious friends until high school, though, although even then we never really stuck together like good friends would.
Night fam!
A lot of the people I would call a friend when going through school I only called them that because I saw them 5 days a week. Even online groups that I talked with for ages I bailed from and haven't even bothered trying to buddy back up with them because that would mean I had to buy an xbone to interact with them.
Didn't drop out of college here, don't listen to him. There are no girls in college. 21 is too late. They're all married.
No, I mean, I seriously got away with doing that. I suppose I've got no proof about it at this point. Just combination of establishing a track record of doing well in class, getting all your work done, and paying attention let me get away with a good amount of reading and snoozing. Compared to most high schools I've heard about from anons, mine was pretty decent. We barely even had on campus fights.
I had maybe four friends in high school. Now down to one, maybe two (other guy works a whole lot since he has to pay child support the next seventeen years or so). Was a bit odd seeing the most social one in our group at the time talking about different levels of relation to other people, and if you didn't actively try to do much with them they'd drop you from friend to mere acquaintance classification. They were the only one of us to use that line of thought though.
Why not try to make new friends?
You just now catch up to the thread user?
Obviously not him, but I learned my lesson about that years ago. I'd rather just work to keep the ones I have left. At least they've got nothing to gain in tossing me under the bus unlike other people I've known.
Not everything on the internet is believed. I barely interacted with the people online though, so it's not a big deal.
I'll be your friend, is your shower open to be used?
Huey literally has no friends though.
Nah I've got enough friends as it is tbh
Is your shower open anyway?
Sorry huey I know I've hit a nerve when you go full shitpost mode
Oh god claps so you did only know her a few hours? Dude, you are in some serious shit m8. A good rule of thumb for women is how long it took you to fuck them is how long they'll take to fuck another guy while dating you. Now you just fucked an sjw, from tumblr. There is a strong possibility once you reject her she's gonna cry rape. Or she cucks you when you date and tries to indoctrinate you with feminism and nu-male ideology so she can get you to approve the other men.
I know Holla Forums likes to play up the trap meme and since this is blogposting containment thread but I just want to put out a warning.
Don't ever date traps. Don't ever date someone who identifies as a trap. Traps are two-faced clingy wimps. They try so hard to look and act like girls, but have none of the positives. It’s the worst of both worlds.
Shit needs to be kept in 2D land
Since when do girls have positives?
I don't expect a bunch of wizards who stay up all night and sleep all day to know anything about the outside world, so I'll forgive you.
Traps have no sense of loyalty either, so unless you like being a cuck, you’re shit out of luck. Traps are mentally unstable and will attempt suicide at one point for basically no fucking reason, and already dress up as girls as a coping mechanism.
I never said that traps were good m8, but come on. Pig disgusting is attached to 3D for a reason.
So? I'd still fuck one.
Isn't PD "Pig Dog"?
Bitch, you're up as well, so don't even try that shit with me. The fact that you have any experience with traps at all gives me complete confidence that I am less of a fuckup than you.
I think Pig Disgusting works better.
Timezones suddenly don't exist lol
You still haven't explained the "positives" of women. At least traps can't get preggers.
It's kinda nice if your qt trap waifu has an expiration date. Makes the breakup simpler
Tell me more about your buttsex with crossdressers.
Shit I just woke up and am in bed. Considering my more normalized sleeping schedule by his logic I'm better than him
You're a trap who just tried to suicide and lost your boyfriend aren't you user? It's okay, there are plenty of fish in the sea
No thanks m8 - just pop a copper iud in your gf - you know she's protected from getting pregnant (you can feel the strings) and she won't go crazy from the hormones like on the pill.
sauce bls
Implying she won't lie and say she did it when she didn't. I've had enough close calls because of that shit. Why even make patches that can fall off in a fucking shower?
I lie all the time.
In reality, I spend all me time playing games, smoking weed or masturbating.
Sometimes all at the same time.
I will not leave my home, I will not go to university and work on my thesis. I have lost relantionships thanks to my addiction.
I know I have to stop, but I can't.
I have installed cold turkey and all I do is stare at my screen, waiting for my circuit simulations to start but I do nothing.
I'm 27 and I never had a job in my life, even if I do finish my electric engineering degree, I feel like I have nothing to offer to any company. I haven't signed up for job interviews.
I feel like nothing really excites me, I feel no desire to make money, to be independent, nothing.
I've always had a very privileged life and my parents always provided for me. I don't know what to do with myself anymore, I keep thinking about killing myself but I just don't because I have this woman who I really really like.
But I also lie to her all the time, she thinks I'm hard at work but after walking her to work, I don't walk to my university, I walk back home and stay home untill a while before my parents arrive from their work. I then come in the house with my backpack on and say "whoosh, today was a long day, I wrote 10 pages for my thesis!" my parents smile and congratulate me on my efforts.
We have dinner together, talk about small things, I go back to my room and play/smoke/masturbate untill it's 2am. I don't even cry but I look at myself at the mirror and say "you need to stop doing this" but the next day it's the same.
I don't know how to fix this, I don't like my thesis, I don't like my professional options, what I would really want to do is something I feel ashamed for because I know it would disapoint my parents.
I don't even know if I'm sad anymore. Just empty.
I need help.
I said
not nuvaring/depo shot.
If you're that paranoid, check her cervix area for strings every time you have sex.
If you're still in classes start going again, even if 1 day a week. Build it back up to normal and if you can't succeed this semester redo it next year. If it's too late for that go to the library instead or classes. You need to remake the habit of doing it which is always the hardest part. Once it's routine to go it becomes easier.
You're just full of bad advice ain't ya?
Sounds like you have depression fam, you should see someone for that, also - working out really helps get the ball rolling on feeling motivated again. Seeing your body transform due to your hard work is really inspiring- and it boosts your self-confidence. And it helps you be more social.
That being said, I also want to kill myself for the same reasons, and I don't even go to uni, and I'm a piece of trash that uses people and regrets it later but never learns. I deserve to die.
Sure, it doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a shot - if it didn't give a lot of women cramping and excessive bleeding, it wouldn't be so bad - and there are hormonal versions of it, which have a much lower dose than the pill and reduce/erase periods altogether. Getting tubes tied is harder if she's young/you want to have kids down the line. Hopefully vasagel gets released soon, to avoid getting trapped by sluts/ being a secondary option if the gf has a demon uterus.
You still haven't resolved how you're going to get her to get the BC you want or her tubes tied for you. Women generally have been using the same BC since they're 15. Mostly the pill. And life's not an rpg, you just don't pass a skill check and she goes "okay, sure! I'll use this user!". Even suggesting you're going to get this woman you started dating to tie her tubes for you, or make her change to a different BC is hilariously absurd. She's going to get pissed and ask why hers isn't good enough , most likely the pill. And when you come back with some shit like " in case you forget" she'll get pissed and ask why you don't trust her to take care of her own body when she's been fine doing it for years without you.
Just wanna say thanks user. You're life is so shit, mine doesn't feel nearly as bad now, so thanks!
Jee user, it's like you've never had a stuck up bint for a gf.
*never not had a stuck up bint for a gf
my bad
You sound like a virgin m8. Despite what Holla Forums claims about taming your woman, it doesn't actually work like an rpg. Women are known as the manipulative sex for a reason. But go ahead. Tell that girl you've been dating she can't use the pill anymore and needs to switch to the net because you said so. See how that goes kek
I want /r9k/ to leave.
I'm dissapointed with all of you
I'm done with all my subjects now. All I have left is to work on my thesis.
I do have to get back into the habit of going back to the library/work office in order to get the ball rolling once again.
I play basketball 3 times a week. I'm a very competitive person and I even work out alone so I get better. It just.. doesn't apply to work at all. I've started playing 2 years ago and my body has transformed, I'm not muscular but I am fit.
I have told my parents of my mental state and they chided on me for hours for being weak and pathethic. I know I am, I just need help.
Shit nigga- how about just wait a while to fuck her then, once she warms up to you she'll be more willing to consider the option.
I like my boys as boys and my girls a girls.
Sounds like you don't have a very supportive environment for your mental health, that really sucks dick. Does your uni have a councilor you can see in regards to mental health issues?
What are you, gay?
Not fucking your woman is how she finds other men to fuck in current year
Your virginity is showing
Yeah, routine is what you lack most. Especially if its just your thesis left. It's oftentimes hard without structure so now you need to create that structure. So long as you have time you dont have to do it all at once, but try and work your way up until you're going 5 days a week. It's all about habit in the end.
Theres nothing wrong with being depressed or feeling broken, it's how you decide to approach the problem in the end that decides the type of man you are inside.
I think there's an office somewhere where I can schedule an appointment. I should go there this afternoon.
I have to face them head on and not just roll over and wait for them to pass. That has been my M.O. for the past year.
I'm so ashamed of myself I don't understand how some people put up with me, just being polite I guess? I feel like they can just see through all my bullshit
I miss the era when /r9k/ was just OC central for greentext stories that didn't exactly fit elsewhere, rather than the ">tfw no gf" pit it eventually turned into.
You should go ahead and do that user
I was in a long-term relationship a while back. I left.
Just the thought of it makes me nervous. What if someone I know sees me? Why am I too concerned about what others will think? Why does this freeze me into doing nothing at all?
I need to learn not to give a fuck.
Just keep in mind, more than anything else, you need to build up that habit of going to the library and working. It's going to be hard as hell at first. You'll want to do anything else in the world. If you need to just justify it by going for an hour a day, and getting yourself a treat on the way back, but you need to be there for an hour to treat yourself. It's all about building up that habit again to be working and doing things.
It's also easier to do things when you dress for it. It alters your psychological state. So if you need the motivation to leave the house, try putting on the clothes you normally went to uni in.
If only fixing social anxiety was this easy, man.
Keep in mind people work at all times of the day. You ever see that tv trope where no one bothers the guy with the clipboard who's hurrying? It's because they don't know. For all they know you're just a dude who has later classes and are there for some innocuous reason. If nothing else, make up a plausible excuse in your head beforehand just in case if you're nervous.
Anxiety is a bitch - but this of it this way. It's not the problem that's the problem, but how you think about the problem, you dig? Your thought patterns can be your prison very easily if you let them. You've gotta push yourself to break that self-imposed conditioning.
I used to have it. I got rid of it by testing it. I'd talk to people and gauge if it was anywhere near as bad, or do something embarrassing and gauge if it was anywhere near as bad as i thought it'd be. Every time I realized it was nowhere near as bad as the feeling my head thought up or made up in my head at the time. If anything I ended up proud of myself for having done it. Your mind always makes it seem worse than it could ever possibly be.
It works the same when approaching women in bars. Your mind makes it seem worse, its not that bad trying, even if rejected
*think of it this way
I am just full of spelling errors tonight, fuck me.
Yes, i try to dress fancy most of the time. Sweatpants and hoodies and old oversized tshirts are just not my style.
I know I should just quit stalling, there's nothing to be gained by whimpering and whining and bitching.
I need to start cutting out a vice out of my life one at a time. I'm one week now without looking at camgirls, I've installed coldturkey and blocked most of the websites I do spend a lot of time on and also blocked battle.net.
I just.. need to start doing something, anything. I've been staring at a fileld excel sheet with simulation test results and I just. .don't want to continue filling it.
I think it goes back to me staying at home all day. I will eat and enjoy my lunch, leave and actually come back home in time for dinner. I must do this, if not for myself, then for the people who believe in me.
Thank you, anons for hearing my bullshit and giving ace tips.
Why is chen so cute?
See, that's a dangerous thing to do. What you're thinking of there is dealing with the little problems to avoid the big problems. I'm guilty of doing the same thing all the time. You're focusing on vices, instead of the bigger issues. Dealing with camgirls wont make your thesis get done, and if you were still looking at camgirls and doing your thesis you'd be advancing in life. Right now you're thinking of dealing with the little shit, cause the big shit seems so hard and intimidating. Like think of it this way, if you were snorting a line of cocaine every morning, then going to fuck some cuteboy before heading to work and finishing your thesis, you'd technically still be moving in the right direction. I mean, granted you'd have enough baggage to fill a minivan, but you're still getting ahead in your life. What you're doing right now though, is avoiding that big thing, right there in the middle of the room because its hard to deal with. You gotta deal with the big thing if you really want to start moving forward again. Even if its just like a half an hour a day at the library working on it, or a half an hour every couple of days. So long as you're working on it and working your way up to doing it more over time, you're moving forward again. And that's good no matter what. Try and focus on that big thing, even if it seems huge and horrible. We all feel that way about our own personal big things we gotta deal with, it's about how you deal with those feelings and move forward thats most important.
Chen a shit
You're right. 100%.
Thanks for spelling it out to me.I really appreciate it, user.
Get out of here stalker.
No problem user. You got this, im sure of it.
You shouldn't use that expression.