Why isn't this game getting more attention?
This game is LITERALLY Zelda 2 in almost every way but infinitely better.
Is it because it's labeled as a "metroidvania?"
Why isn't this game getting more attention?
This game is LITERALLY Zelda 2 in almost every way but infinitely better.
Is it because it's labeled as a "metroidvania?"
Other urls found in this thread:
> with lolis
You've got my attention. Tell me more about this game with cute little girls.
Perhaps post more pictures of said cute girls?
It looks Western, and Western designers are really shitty.
It looks fucking retarded and way to float/ indie pixel shit. Also, nothing will be better then Zelda 2. Get over it faggot.
Without even looking at the game I'd say it's a really bad title choice, nobody wants to buy a game calling itself "Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus".
sounds goo-
i'll pass
But is the game good?
Too many pixel artists don't "get" pixel art. I mean, look at the pic. The smooth light effects, the weird perspective, the simplistic sprites… it just feels off. Especially the little girl, she's just a bunch of thin lines. Compare that to Metal Slug, Sparkster, Ruff 'n' Tumble, Monster World IV, Lomax, and so on. Back then, 2D artists really knew how to cram a fuckton of detail and expressiveness into the heroes' sprites.
someone >>>/r/equested this game in the share threads months ago, but they didn't deliver on their promise. Maybe it's him again.
Is this the game in the opp?
If so it looks like fucking garbage. Getting pretty sick of people saying 'x with lolis' when it's just some Holla Forums looking pixelshit. Hell just about every game worth mentioning with lolis in it is a good game first and just has lolis as an additional bonus.
Owlboy got that right, from what I can tell anyway
oh boy, more pixelshit
But it's still an indie sjw pixel hipster garbage cash grab
I think that the main problem here is that they're cheating and it isn't "true" pixel art. Look at the teddy or whatever the fuck is floating above the girl. Can you make out the individual pixels? At first glance the legs and torso are about 9 pixels, but no, the colours shift between what look like individual pixels. Same with the nose, it should be 2 pixels going by the scale, but instead it just looks like a goddamn mess. They're using really fucking tiny pixels, but try to make the overall design very blocky because it's "retro XD" and the whole thing becomes indistinct and overall shit.
That's not OPs game. Your post is Fortune Summoners, which is a doujin game from a decade back or so with pretty good gameplay.
so its a dmc?
holy shit my fucking eyes, can I sue them for causing damage to my eyesight?
u friggin MAD?
Reported. :^)
Fuck off.
delete this thread
Looks like shitty tumblrbait.
This is a fantastic game with great gameplay and god-tier sprite art.
Every thinking person in the world should play Fortune Summoners.
RIP adventure games. You have been buried by 'Point and Click Adventure', 'Metroidvania', 'Sandbox' and 'Platformer' in the industries haste to kill everything good.
Zelda 2 was fucking awful, why on Earth would I want to play a game like it?
back to your internet forum chinese wood carving board where you have to pay 10bux 20bux to shitpost online
why would you bathe with a towel on
I don't understand this shit
Ask that faggot SpaceDrake.
Good thing there is a patch for that.
It was weird back then, but whatever it's only one scene not a big deal right
If only we knew what would come soon after
Thankfully the game is still great and the guys didn't localize anything else and head of company went suicidal or something
I don't see no pirate link, shill.
That looks pretty terrible current age pixel art.
i bet both of you also own a copy of Fallout 4
However, I'm a little optimistic since it looks like Monster Tale.
read spoiler fgt
Epic downboat my fellow redditor :D
suck my dick fuccboi
Where's the patch, user, Google throws me to SJWgaming101.
first off
I hope that was intentional and not a screwup
secondly, it seems good, and I hope it does decently. This is an indie title that isn't trash, but it's not my thing. I didn't enjoy zelda games, and I don't think I'll enjoy this. Also, I know this may come off has rude, but this seems like cheap advertising - I know it's not but it comes off like that to the untrained eye. Though if you're trying to show off a game you like that you think other people will enjoy, then props to you. Have a good one
nah I'm just shilling
Then pirate it to deny the localizers your money, the developer has quit making games anyway and they didn't even bring over the plus disc. It has fighting game elements, up to three different lolis in your party controlled by either you or a competent AI and a great sense of adventure, if you like any of those then play it.
Bumping with mediafire link:
why are you breathing
well if you don't want the file then don't download it you snooty booty
the short answer, because it's pixelindieshit.
a bit longer answer, ugly pixels mapped to Flash-rigging with lazy physic engine =/= Good pixel artwork or tight game play. It doesn't even honor "Retro" sensibilities by designing with real/simulated hardware limitations. 80's colors and Synth Music with "Female Protagonist" is not what made Capcom or Konami games good in the 90's.
It does look a bit better then most pixelindieshitz.However I'd much rather play Momodora 1, 2, 3 & Reverie Under the Moonlight which is still what I classify a pixelindieshit but overall a much better, top of the line, pixelindieshit. (and the first two games in the series are free. the 3rd game is $2, and Reverie Under the Moonlight is under $10)
I was into it until the musical note translating bullshit started happening. Not to mention the awkward as fuck map structure.
I need this patch.
It is a fantastic game. It's only the localization that's shit. What you're doing is like calling someone an Activision cocksucker for recommending VTMB. Obviously we're not suggesting that you buy it.
So, you guys want 2D loli games? Well, this nip might got you covered.
and before you flip your shit, the original have no audio.
Either you're actively telling people to make sure they DON'T buy it or you're a piece of shit who WILL encourage sales.
Even then, any positive discussion of a game may lead to people (especially retarded moralfags) actually making a purchase.
Too bad.
Well, I can't nip but from the translation it seems like he is only making the game on Win 10 not only for it. He is using GameMaker, so ports will be easy.
Jesus christ this looks like dogshit
I hope so. The animation is cute.
That would be true in any other place, but I like to believe Holla Forums is smarter and everyone should assume that a game should be pirated no matter what. But I know Holla Forums is full of people who uses steam.
All I can do is shake my head and walk away.
Back then, you were dealing with teams of artists that were working on products that were intended to sell for full price. Indies should step their game up, but I don't think it's entirely fair to compare career artists to indie fucks.
A bit disappointed that tbh. The artist needs to clean up the pixels a bit, but looks good so far. Not many classic pixels where honestly freehanded many ether touched up digitize drawings or utilized rotoscoping. Now the nip needs to actually start making a game.
when has an "adventure" game not been better described by another more specific term?
heres where i act shocked
I hate this style of screencapping where you splatter the image with the same words over and over. We used not to cater to retards with ADD who couldn't get the point of an image without the aid of giant flashing lights saying
For example, look at this ancient screencap we've all seen 9000 times, made for people with an IQ above 80.
Her eyes look fucked up.
But that's the thing user, the first impression is important.
The game might be interesting, but why could it not at least have graphics in the same level as Rabi-Ribi or Momodora IV? That would help so much.
Couldn't find it on the internet. Please, help.
I struggled with shitty eastern european filelocker for a while back when I searched for it so have a mega reup.
you really ought to consider suicide. 99% of the the time good aesthetics reflects a fit developer. No one is asking for the mona lisa, just not pic related.
No chances of that fan disk game being translated, right? Why they never translate fucking fan disks? This is Hoshizora no Memoria all over again.
The overworld looks absolutely gorgeous, too bad the character spites look like eye cancer.
What the fuck is wrong with her stomach? It folds like a fucking vest.
Loli is garbage
Thanks a lot!
I'm working on that, but I'm too dumb.
Mon nègre!
Contact damage is the laziest feature a modern game can add. I could understand if it were coming from something that's incredibly hot, covered in spikes, or corrosive, but not from knife throwing forest loli or a shitty cyclops whose only means of attack is to throw a shitty block at you. This drove me up a fucking wall with this game and I hate developers that do this.
You sound like one of those faggots that cry about lives in video games.
source ?
This is a true fact. It's like all those shitty mobile copy/paste RPGmaker games with the tryhard as fuck names broken up with colons and gibberish.
'this' was meant to be referring to the game in the post I was replying to.
I though it would be obvious enough considering the content of my post in that the image is titled 'fortune summoners' and that I am literally describing fortune summoners. You'd be right in saying that it was grammatically ambiguous otherwise, but the context should have made it clear enough
newfag detected
I believe the medical term for it is a skin in her case fat apron.
Basically when you get so fat, your skin folds over on itself. Probably something to do with gravity as well.
Is that made by the guy who made cave story?
Google it you dumb fucking nigger. It took me three seconds.
No, but this is.
kys fampam
Thanks. Needed More Long Live the Queen Reaction Images
If they watch trap porn then they probably don't want a woman in the first place.
Traps are better women than modern sluts anyway.
As if anyone would want this fetal-alcohol slut
Anything is infinitely better with lolis
Definitively giving this a try
Lolis generally don't make western games any better. If anything western games are more likely to reduce the quality of the loli.
Worst taste.
you re definitively comparing apples and oranges
people that had a career on pixel art and was paid a handsome salary for their work vs college rejects or interns that learn how to do this with internet tutorials.
bruh, how's about you shuck and jive your way back to Holla Forums
lets see your shit taste then fucboi
post good games with lolis
good game shit translation seems to be a theme.
shit indeed
Holy shit. Those graphics are a goddamn crime against humanity.
sounds like you are a all round peace of shit m8
So, being awesome instead? I can live with that.
I wanted to like that one, but I hated the controls. Sliding all over made the like the entire game feel like an ice level and I ended up just dropping it. Getting locked into a certain facing was also shitty.