(Note about this archive link: the Public Intelligence site PDF produces an error archiving, so the archieved link is the FAS (kike) link for this pdf. Just get relevant manuals like this however you can. You may be able to get some of them on piratebay or similar.)
The documents above are helpful reading for whites who want a future. These are samples of helpful information to study.
It would obviously be best to work toward an ethnostate peacefully, maybe using a referendum/Constitutional convention and have a few states leave Brexit-style. The basic issue is as we've discussed endlessly on here. 85 IQ swarms who do not give a fuck about our people and culture or the constitution–our founders simply didn't account for what has happened or for kikes, enemies within, to completely subvert the nation. There is no way they could have accounted fully for this insanity, but they did provide numerous options to handle unforeseeable situations like this, including the tree of liberty option. Just options.
If peace isn't in the cards should whites lawfully invoke options to leave and form their own nation–lawfully–well, now is a very important time to be preparing just in case. That means daily physical fitness–crossfit sessions are good–eating healthy, getting off of ALL prescription drugs and cutting off ALL drug dependencies, cutting alcohol and smoking as much as possible for fitness reasons, and focusing on good nutrition.
Also, establishing good, relatively secure communications infrastructure and networking is also very important, such as learning to operate ham radio, as is focusing on obtaining quality arms and ammunition and practicing at the range. Getting significant range time as well as being capable doing basic rifle repair quickly and learning how to clean and store firearms is very important.
In addition to all of the above, I would also suggest joining the military for training. Do not let the military indoctrinate you with nigger kike bullshit, and keep your lips zipped 100% of the time–that's 100%. But you can learn a lot in the military. The more military-trained whites there are, the better. Particularly among officers, but if you can only get accepted enlisted, that's fine. I would focus on Army and Marines.
All this effort is highly contingent on a conflict breaking out, and that may or may not happen. THIS IS NOT a call to arms in any way, shape, or form. But word needs to be out there that we are at a very serious juncture. If are to survive as a people, it's important to follow some of the steps I outlined above. We can survive–a positive attitude and willingness to do what it takes is most critical. Can-do attitude is most important above all. Take whatever fury you have and make it cold, focused fury, and think very specifically about how you, as an individual, can contribute if you want to have a future for white people. Our children and children's children will be terrorized and destroyed in this country. This country is not acceptable as it stands. Change must come, and I think it may come in the form of an ethnostate.