I guess it's called No Man's Sky because nobody is in the fucking sky
Does every shitty thread just default into being a lol thread
post le reaction when xD
I wan 2 fug liru
underrated post
What a spectacular train wreck.
Holy shit that's sad.
Wew is right
Why do they call it No Man's Sky, Holla Forums?
Can anyone give me the tl;dr of this game? From the way people talk about it, it sounds like the most cancerous thing imaginable.
(Please excuse my ignorance, I'm on Holla Forums most of the time, and usually only play older PC games, so I'm not really up to speed on what's going on in the industry right now.)
you have to go back
Don't spoonfeed this man!
I want to tenderly love pup Liru.
It's minecraft in space, wrapped up in all sorts of lies trying to make it into the be-all and end-all of space gaemus. Obviously retards, being the mouth breathing goyim that they are, including some on Holla Forums, fell for the ruse. Now all the devs have deserted their offices and stopped all communication regarding this piece of shit.
I told you you'd never get your wish.
Good taste
I'm sure some kind soul will fulfill my desire for petting, belly rubs, adorable sex and cuddling someday.
It was another ostentatious "you can do anything" game with absurd claims about infinite planets. Everyone with a brain could see it was a bound to fail like every other project of the same caliber, but it crashed and burned so hard it made even the dumbest normalfags think they're not gonna be fooled again.
Just keep believing
Never said I'd give up.
It'd be nice if I had more lewds, at least.
It's boring as fuck all. The art assets and trailers make for a nice concept but the details and actual game seem like something from the PS3 era. The planets are really smaller than a moon but you feel like you've seen everything after a small jog because the entire planet is one biome and the animals are just mix-and-match parts. The ships are ugly but kinda legit, but flying is a pain in the ass until you get an upgrade, and even then it feels like what a starter-tier ship should. Progression is shit. It's not even minecraft in space because there's no crafting that isn't either too simple or absolutely pointless, and you don't actually build items that aren't just tiles in your small inventory. The NPC interactions are meaningless multiple choice BS that 9 times out of 10 don't do jack shit other than increase your standing with one of three factions (read: don't do jack shit).
Of course, none of that matters because the game is so fucking unoptimized that it's more likely to crash than you are to run into any in-game bugs, and the latter is already a flip-of-a-coin occurrence. There are some Arch users that could get this game running better on Wine than I could ever get it running on Windows. Things that were fixed by some updates were broken by later ones. This is one game where the mods had a greater sense of direction than the actual developers, and the modding communities and even the developers seem to have dropped this abortion for the most part.
Simply put, if Elite: Dangerous were Fallout 2, then No Man's Sky is Mothership Zeta. Any promises the devs actually delivered on, they did so to the bare fucking minimum. It's only 2.6GB, and I still feel like it was a waste of bandwidth.
download a program for rendering mandelbrot set and explore it for a while
this is roughly the whole gameplay of nu male sky
if you have hardware fast enough you can do 3d fractals instead and it will be even better game than NMS is
so is sean going to commit sudoku?
are "top x clickbait topic" videos all he does
underupvoted post
That particular video was worse at one point; it was titled "3 Gamergates You Didn't Know About." …Yeah.
Nope. As soon as his location is identifiable, he'll get his head beaten in by at least one very angry autist.
Are you some reddit retard or something?
That second guy and last guy I like.
wtf I hate Holla Forums now
Ah, I see. Thank you.
I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.
Good stuff. The fourth one in particular was pure gold and I could hardly tell if it was real or satire. Got any more?
Anyone with even a half-assed understanding of how the legal system works when it comes to introducing evidence into testimony would know that "A tale of win" is bullshit.
Fucking lol, this is too perfect to be real but it is.
Guess the 2016 Hide and Seek champion is really well hidden.
You sure your knowledge applies to Aussie courts?
Will did nothing wrong. Anyone got the second part of the Will story?
Dude, everyone knows that Australia is full of kangaroo courts
Don't think that exists.
post more
Bitches be crazy.
It exists. The ex girlfriend makes another post on redddit talking about how she thought she was over him, but then they meet at a party and she's getting wet thinking about how they might get back together, and then he introduces his new girlfriend.
Oh fuck, it's this first one.
I didn't even realize it's the same Will.
That's awesome.
pic related
I can already tell she fucked up hard.
No matter how often I read his story, it always puts a smile on my face.
Oh look, more bullshit from /k/'s stories that never happened threads.
Not me though.
My story is a bit similar except I bailed to a different state when I suspected something was off and got the news a few months later she had a new bf. Ended up convincing her to come visit and boned her raw the entire 4 days she was over. Her bf found out and beat her up regularly because of it but she was a fucking retard and stayed with him regardless. Her sister killed herself because she got triggered so badly by domestic violence.
Fun times.
Wouldn't do it again.
what a perfect way to start the day, my cooworkers are asking me why do i have an ear-to-ear smile and im just saying "i just read something good today"
thank you user
Imagine they made a space game where you can take off and land on other worlds but the biggest threat you face is 5 shitty drone fighters with crappy weapons coming after you for picking up too many rocks.
Then imagine countless single biome worlds that all fall within a tiny range of variance, all of them occupied (by around 1 to 3 static unkillable beings) by one of said races, whose languages you scrape together piecemeal via pointless chatter and they also tried to insert lore via equally pointless monoliths with more inane chatter.
Imagine your ship can only travel about 300 to 500 lightyears at maximum plonking you into another samey, no gas giants, no binary stars, no neutron stars no non-solid planets system where you have to, once again, shoot rocks with lasers to get fuel. Then imagine you're 170,000ly from your goal.
Imagine they fucked the waypoint system so after you hit a black hole (garbage wormhole) to get closer to the core, all your previous waypoints stay in place many many many leaps back leading to you fucking them off entirely.
Imagine wasting your time actually playing it honestly through to the finish, which is essentially the game resetting you in a 'new' galaxy, that has exactly the same rules then enjoy the taste of your palm as the gravity (same on every world) of your mistake sinks in.
They should have called the game 'Shoot Rocks With Lasers To Get Fuel For Ever' cos that's the whole conceit in a nutshell. It's like Playmobil does space with a 70s aesthetic slapped on top to make you go 'Ooh pretty' for about 10 seconds then the sheen falls off completely and you see it for the epic grind with no reward that it is.
Christ, that's a new level of pathetic.
I can't even comprehend what kind of spineless faggot would ever put up with anything even close to this shit. How they don't instantly cut these yo-yo knickered slags out of their lives forever and be glad they're gone is beyond me. The weakness of character is palpable, the guy is a fucking doormat, fear of being alone turns some men into the biggest fags imaginable.
She's only 21 as well, what a whore.
Makes me wonder if they forgot how to jerk off in the interim. All of the release, none of the bullshit afterwards.
Thought I was vengeful but Jared executed that with scientific precision it like art. The Eternal Jared is a god among men (assuming it is all true). That post should be turned into a how to book on revenge, flawless.
If there is one thing I've found out is that there is no limit to how low betas can fall. The moment you think this is as low as a man can fall you discover some new bottom crawler exposing his pathetic self to the internet at large.
I wish I had saved that one kikebook discussion between two whores, both in their early twenties, discussing their sexual conquests, which number in the triple digits.
His revenge reads like a German WW1 military plan, where they calculated every single facet of the campaign with meticulous precision. Dude picks apart her life with scalpel precision, really hitting where it hurts. If more men did this to women when they fuck with them, instead of enabling such behavior like the emasculated cucks do, the world would be a better place.
Were going to need Sherlock Holmes to solve this unsolvable mystery.
I'm 26 and I've had less than 10 sexual partners and that's including messing around between 12-18. If you count orgasms, then 2-3 partners.
Women are shitty locks and men are master keys, indeed
I can't really comment on these stories of women being terrible fucking whores, most seem a little far fetched but as with all stories there is guaranteed to be some degree of real world inspiration serving as their foundation.
I'm happily engaged myself to a terrific woman but one of her friends recent actions could very well act as a source of pasta.
Rewind to a couple months ago and this friend (Cassie) was engaged to marry her childhood sweetheart (John), they'd been together for over seven years and were taking over the house Cassie grew up in after her father had moved out to live with a new woman (long since divorced from Cassie's alcoholic mother). Now for me who's dreamt for the past five years of married life in a bigass house with a stable I can't help but be amazed at how fucking sorted these people seem to have their shit.
Turns out Cassie didn't have her shit sorted at all and while John's been off during the weeks working a job out in the boonies she's been flirting it up and going on dates with one of her coworkers (who is married with children I should add, we'll call him Fred) and on the day of the wedding she tries calling my fiancée to ask us to call the whole thing off. Neither of us had our phones on though as we were both sitting inside the church so instead Cassie pretends as if her relationship isn't going through a crisis and marries John.
Two weeks later John's found work closer to home but is horrified to find out Cassie's started drinking (>1 bottle of wine per day). This obviously doesn't sit right with him since his parents are also alcoholics so he ditches town for a couple days, when he gets back he discovers Cassie with Fred in their house. I don't know if he walked in on them fucking or not but that's the end of it there and John files for a divorce next day. Unsurprisingly Cassie is disowned by her own family who see her as behaving the same as her psychotic drunk of a mother and she also got fired since she sacrificed too much time at work to grind crotches with Fred.
If you're a writefag feel free to use this material however you see fit
It's really a fucked up way of thinking. They've been told, and have started believing, that female approval is the same as female attraction. What they don't seem to understand is that agreeing with everything a woman says or does will not necessary get you rewarded with vagina.
These people aren't even genuinely "nice guys", they are just men so pathetic they had to come up with an alternate mating strategy that completely eschews trying to attract a mate with their masculinity. It's them basically throwing shit at other men, because those guys don't "get" women, don't see them as the perfect creatures they are, that need to be worshiped on a pedestal and treated like precious glass.
When you really think about it it's a more fucked up and repulsive way of thinking than Chad's pump and dump, which goes a long way in explaining why Chad gets to fuck despite being an asshole, white our weak little beta acts like an emotional sponge in the post breakup period.
That's because you're not a woman high on feminism.
Excuse me if I'm being rude or anything like that but your sweetie is only real in your head, user. The shit you wrote never happened.
Man I've never fucked anyone either but that's cos I've only ever really wanted two girls, one is married and has kids now so no thanks and the other is an ignorant cunt I got very wrong. This guy is a fucking prize chump though.
Nope. Clearly never been around a woman as it's all bluster.
Holy shit can you imagine listening to all that inane prattle?
Not a relationship
That's horribly clear.
Doing it wrang
Then you'll never get it.
I'm guessing the cucks are just the most desperate should-be virgins who could never envision getting another woman after some whore bagged them for a laugh.
pics or it never happened, goy, I mean guy.
I know and its fucking G R E A T
The real kicker is that he's been fucking up for the past 20 years, and here he is, crying like a bitch, but resolute to keep at it. Sometimes natural selection is a wonderful thing.
Fuck you I was enjoying this fantasy
Here's them leaving the wedding
t-thanks, I guess…
That should have been a wake up call, if that can't get though to him then he's a lost cause.
I want to laugh at that cap, but all I can see is myself in 20 years
It's not like he's even a cuck or anything, just a sad loser with no game
Sad losers need to be ridiculed until they work to better themselves.
Shame is a very powerful force for change.
That only works if the person has some sort of drive in the first place
Some people are just broken user
It's possible but unlikely.
This isn't the subhuman board, I think you got lost on your way
This one has to be fake. Come on.
I know you're trying to goad me into posting more, but that's pretty much the only lewd pup Liru I've ever seen.
srs is to a great degree goons, no doubt many of the stories you see on srsmen are their works of fiction
There's a gog version.
Jake Rapp walks this Earth, everything is possible.
There are pirated copies too.
Steam activity is still a good way to gauge trends in engagement (to borrow a term from marketerspeech).
Assuming the ratio of sales on steam/gog/ps4/piracy is relatively constant (which is legit since there have been no major sales yet on either platform) then steam user charts give a very good indication of the health of the userbase. Being as they've lost 99.75% of their entire playerbase since launch at this point I doubt it'd ever be profitable to produce DLC for the game. Pretty much the only way you could revive enthusiasm for No Man's Sky at this point would be if a major content patch was released for free but the devs have given us no reason to believe they are even competent enough to tie their own fucking shoelaces (hence going barefoot) so I doubt very much any further content for NMS will ever see the light of day.
The game is sitting at 30% approval, with recent reviews putting it at a record 8%. There have been no patches, as far as I am aware, since early September and besides the "NMS was a mistake" tweet Hello Games have made no further efforts to communicate with their cucksumers.
Sadly, the tranny is still active on twitter. I was hoping she'd kill herself.
Best friend is a firearm instructor and works at a gun store with indoor range. And stories like that lady are all too common. Not to mention the weekly stories of the 3% guy coming into the store. But speaking of crazy hippies that can fuck off.
To be honest that guy from the "Real Dad" story is a pathetic fucking cuck and would have deserved to lose 50k for that shit. What kind of loser subhuman raises another mans spawn and thinks of them as their own child? That kid is not genetically related to you.
This guy is a fucking retard for thinking it could ever be his child. What a cuck.
Hey, he broke the conditioning.
Can't say that's not admirable.
Game got mixed reviews guys, surely that means SOMEONE liked it, right? :^)
Glory to American Satan.
What is with feral liberals and violence?
There was some snark too about "lol r u guize stil haxxored n stuf?" and some television show, behaving like immature fucking children who can't even apologize to their fans for any confusion/frustration caused by an alleged "hack" sure is a way to build confidence in your brand.
bitches and whores
That second one is also a scene from Out Cold
There wasn't any violence. Just a pussy ass passive aggressive left left in our mail box. Not even the courtesy of trying to come to our door and talk about it. If it wouldn't also have bothered all the other neighbors we wanted to do bugle calls for a week or at-least Reveille each morning at dawn.
The second guy did a small follow up if anyone cares
Holy hell that guy knows his shit. I can assure you guys 100% that OP did far far worse than fucking a coworker for 2 months because women always talk down the shit they do.
You can tell there's more to the story when both her sister, friend and cousin decides to sleep with him as well.
Now, I know women are vindictive and petty creatures, but I don't think even they would do this, and then encourage other women to do it, if the cunt hadn't done something to piss them off in a major way.
What are you, gay?
its like you dont love her.
Hannah has made a series of very very poor decisions in her life.
Women need to be kept sterile until they're in their mid 20s, they're incapable of making an informed decision even then.
I will never understand japs and their censorship
Actually no, I don't think I'll ever understand japs
This guy spends too much time worrying about what other people say or think about him. Who he dates or sleeps with isn't his mothers business. End of.
Gotta laugh (B) though, I figured since he was trying fuck this guys girl he must be a bit of a player, but hes apparently thristy enough for pussy to ask the girls now ex to talk to her on his behalf, which get sadder and sadder the more it sits in your brain. Colleges really are full of numales these days.
Shit, I could get to 40 being unfucked easily enough but bitchcrying about it anywhere is fucking pathetic in the extreme. If some woman did actually stoop to pity fuck him can you imagine the fallout when they dumped his whiny clingy ass a few days later?
He'd probably go full AK in a mall somewhere. Better than he stays un-popped, you don't need those genes getting any further.
Sad losers need to be inspired to alter themselves, rubbing their face in it just makes them retreat into fag-dom even harder.
Doesn't work on lazy fat dykes very often either. I mean yeah they're ashamed of themselves under all the lies they spout but they rarely change when confronted with the truth.
I think it's even more hilarious that he got buttmad about commitment but then decided to get a FWB.
1st one, if they're dumb enough to pay they deserve to be fleeced for every penny they have. Fucking hell, I take it the guy has a working right hand yeah? Why would you ever pay? Nevermind a grand.
Id argue its fine if that's the intention they're both coming into the arrangement with. Becoming fuck buddies with a mate and opening up a monogamous relationship are different kettles of fish.
sounds like a sex disease
i didnt know you can turn light into gas.
You can thank the Americans for the censorship. The Japanese used to be pretty liberal with depictions of lewds in their art before the Burgers came along and had their kike worshiping, puritan sensibilities offended.
I love how at no point girl from first one never thought about working herself.
Its just a shitty SJW buzzword, tough apparently it does have a definition.
According to (((Google))): "manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity"
So in other words, he told her "You're acting like a crazy bitch."
You mean like leftists do when they brainwash people?
You expect a partner to be monogamous and not actively try to fuck other people while a FWB has no such strings. One is a relationship the other a hole to fuck, getting mad over finding your partner will eventually cheat on you (if she hasn't already) isn't commitment issues.
Is liru actually from something? I thought she was just an OC Donut Steel made into a flash porn Visual Pamphlet.
No no no, its different because they're on the Right Side of History™. They're educating, not manipulating. ;^)
Holy fuck I made mistake posting only after reading first. This is best lol thread in a while.
I am opening a beer for the rest of this.
I remember some dykefaggot trying to transplain to me how their body was something they needed to hack and slash at to feel 'normal', all the while fucking two equally disgusting fiends and trying to behave like this was reasonable behaviour. I calmly explained that I understood that much like a network, trannies have their brain wiring all fucked up. "What's more likely your whole body is wrong or you've some crossed wires and bad ideas that have snowballed over the years?"
Obviously I got pilloried by said tranny (defended myself with impeccable logic while she falls apart into emotional appeal, like the woman she is), apparently my scientifically backed opinions are "Harmful to trans people" and I left that cucked community shortly afterwards as they were making more and more sick.
I looked back a month later and said tranny was discussing the untreatable brain tumor she'd had since she was in her early teens which, surprise sur-fucking-prise was exactly when she started to want to cut her tits off and look like a dumpy, scarred dickless potato person.
mfw no-one calls her on it
I'd laugh but I can't look upon self destruction as funny anymore, it spreads to the wider culture and taints us all with its pernicious bullshittery.
Women, everyone. Women raising males might be one of the worst things ever to happen to our society.
In time, we shall have our revenge.
Actually, user, they're on the Left Side of History.
And they should have been LEFT behind.
Why expect a partner to do anything when the logical conclusion is that monogamy is a joke? So much of a joke, that you decide to forgo it completely? Seriously, he should have done that to begin with. He should have said "okay" to the open relationship, and just fuck other people on the side, since he's capable of it.
Monogamy is a spook, and the fact that people partake in FWB relationships proves as much. I mean hell, it's hypocritical to want a women to be loyal to you and "pure" when you're fucking upure women for fun.
but that's if I care about that sort of thing, the reality is, life is short, fuck monogamy, fuck relationships.
Just get laid.
Second guy isn't quite beta, but he's no alpha either, he's still deluded and stuck somewhere in the middle.
You pretty much just described the plot of Fight Club.
Also, anyone who isn't sleeping with women left and right, is a fucking beta. On top of that, women with more sexual partners are even BETTER partners.
Guy was a fucking idiot.
My cousin had an IVF kid 5 years ago, he's already showing signs of being socially inept, scared of trivial things yet savage in play.
All kids need fathers, though preferably not cucks.
wow the spambots are real
They might just not want to fuck skank whores or deal with pre/post sex bullshit or disease or 'accident' kids though. Can't blame them for wanting to keep that carnival of nightmares at bay.
No such thing, if that were the case, then having more sexual partners would be a bad thing. But if you're a college age girl, and sleep around, that's a sign that you're a pretty open person.
It's an intellectual trait. And people who want to fuck "not so slutty" girls are deluding themselves, a chick who sucks and fucks 2 guys a week, is no different than a chick who sucks and fucks 4.
thats funny but
tuesdays are maintenance days on steam how do people not know this yet
Demonstrating that you know a lot about STDs there m8.
I will explain it to you.
Japan population growth is so much on minus they tried to fix it and banned porn.
Obvious solution they found is to censor bits that make it porn. Therefore Japan still have a lot of porn but now all of it is censored, including hentai because well Japan.
That's assuming they're using protection. The fact is, anyone who isn't getting laid, or is afraid of a women who has had more sexual partners than you.
Is an insecure beta bitch.
The only safe assumption is that a single round of unprotected sex will make you catch all of the diseases.
Assuming otherwise is just irresponsible. Anybody who just wantonly sleeps around, be it once a night or once a year, is equally tainted and shit.
You should go back to Holla Forums. There is literally nothing wrong with having sex outside of a relationship, and women who have more sexual partners aren't inherently bad people, or any less capable of commitment.
They need to do what Korea does - ban porn, but turn their entire media into a massive burlesque show. K-Pop's entire purpose is to make their population so fucking horny that they never stop fucking.
Also, arranged marriages probably help somewhat.
user, please.
She's from a show called Renkin 3-Kyu Magical Pokan but no one cares about literally any of the rest of the show but her.
It’s minecraft without crafting. It’s exploration without story. It’s GTA without meaningful enemies. It’s spore without the ability to kill anything, ever.
You can kill everything except for sentient aliums, but other than that what you said is 100% accurate.
The game is utterly pointless, soulless and grating to play.
Good, because, as I've mentioned before, Monogamy is a fucking joke. Why SHOULD you commit to one person anyway?
I like Uma too.
Maybe if that's what you want, for starters. Tradition is also important to uphold. If you plan to bring a child into the world, you should make sure that it has a properly feminine and nurturing mother and a properly masculine father figure. Bringing other conquests into the mix isn't necessarily bad from a moral standpoint, but it can only serve to add chaos to an already delicate nuclear family system.
If you don't care about kids, just get snipped and go hogwild, though - just don't forget the condoms, and don't get salty when one breaks and you accidentally get AIDS.
>>>Holla Forums
It's good to know that some good folks are around here and browsing thai puppet show message feeds with me
Are you sure you aren't from Holla Forums? Because none of those things are important, even subjectively.
You forgot
Then there is this whole "intersex" meme that are treated like hermaphrodites being both sexes but in reality they only have one set of sex organs (unless due to extreme defects) with some genes from the other sex mixed in.
Relationships are basically businesses with the goal of making a life together, if in the work contract you stipulate no fucking around and they go "I wanna fuck around", it's obvious they'd fuck around behind your back in the future even if you deny their proposal. FWBs are more like casual work, you take up a shift (fuck each other) and you clock out after it's done. There is no long term commitment or goal, it's for the immediate needs.
As to why he didn't just open up the relationship and fuck other people, he actually liked/loved her. If she was fucking other guys then coming home saying "I love you" it'd just destroy him. If he had no emotional attachment then he'd be able to have an open relationship but that's clearly not the case. He did the right thing in making her fuck off.
Also fuck off with your reddit formatting.
Apparently the beta here is you. More sexual partners offers nothing but increased risk of STD's and pregnancy, nevertheless it fucks up how women view relationships as their brains are hardwired to get attached to the guys they fuck. Why the fuck do you think women always, ALWAYS lie about the number of guys they've fucked? Because even deep down the most ardent feminist know it's wrong and nothing to be proud of. It's literally saying "I care more about my short term pleasure than my long term well being". Also past behaviors are the best prediction of future behavior, if she was riding the cock carousel for a decade you think she is just going to stop? Failed marriages and divorces are on the rise leading to broken families, this shit wasn't as bad before the sexual revolution. The black community is the best example of this, massively declining marriage rates which makes Japan look like a breeding colony, ~70% of all black kids have no father in the picture because the single mother got pumped and dumped and that figure jumps to ~90% with black father and a white mother.
Because it fucking works, you obviously have no life experience or else you'd see it. Fucking around doesn't create lasting relationships, it doesn't create life long partners, it creates single mothers and not families. Fucking around offers nothing to your life but fleeting experiences.
It's okay if you don't care about culture, user. It's sad for your country, but it's good for you.
To produce well adjusted children?
Or do you think single mothers raising sons is a good thing. Or maybe your just a dumb hedonist with no responsibility trying to justify your own worthlessness.
If you seriously think family is pointless you're incredibly stupid.
Just look a niggers if you want an example.
2016 really is the year of the smug.
Love doesn't real faggot
Make up your mind you fucking beta faggot, it's either good, or it's bad, I mean, based on your logic, the chick in an FWB side of things is just going to be fucking retarded because of your pseudo science posted here;
Seriously, make up your mind. It just sounds like you don't get laid enough, and you're just mad that people are having more fun then YOU.
Yes there fucking is such a thing.
The emotional ruin they leave in their wake.
Chances of getting preggers.
Being known as a bike who'll fuck anyone doesn't endear you to someone looking for anything more stable.
That's your opinion and it absolutely does not apply to everyone. Betraying someone is grounds to cut them out of your life forever and that most certainly extends to women who fuck around.
All important, your society, you, would not exist without those things. Even if your parents weren't nuclear virtually every other relationship back into history is founded on the idea that you don't fuck around on people.
I have no qualms if the cheater breaks the relationship before they act like a dog but not after, that shit is unforgivable and anyone who does is a cuck supreme.
Reported for hoax.
Oh I got all that in and more as well, I was not a nice bunny that day.
Do you mean simultaneously or sloppy seconds?
Except anyone who gets buttmad about a chick sleeping around is a lonely virgin beta boy, who is insecure about their sexuality
Except it wasn't, Humans were always fucking around, people were always sleeping around, haven't you watched mad men? Or any show that shows how history ACTUALLY WAS?
People fuck around, people have sex, people have fun, fucking deal with it.
If any woman who fucks 2 guys a week wants to add me to their roster they face an impossible task as I'd not touch that biohazardous chute with your cock nevermind mine.
No thanks, one episode was enough and it was shit.
If you don't care about the woman why are you fucking her? To come? You can do that with a hand.
The benefits of civilisation might not be readily apparent when you've lived your whole life in it and know nothing else but know that your existence would be a painful one without it. When you gnaw away at the foundation of what your ancestors built then don't be surprised when the whole thing comes crashing down on you and should you survive it that the winter winds are cold.
The urban morlocks of your kind can never see the bigger picture, you lack the clarity of vision to even comprehend reality beyond yourself.
It's true. Go look it up.
I think he's talking about about purely sexual partners, like the same way an experienced stripper can milk the money out of a thirsty man while a newbie stripper doesn't know all the psychological buttons to push to turn a man into putty.
In that sense, a woman with more partners would make a much better sexual partner since she'd know all the best ways to suck a dick. She wouldn't know shit about maintaining a stable relationship, though, so there's that trade-off.
Ultimately, though, women like that have a limited playtime. They'll play that field like crazy until their age starts to show, and then suddenly their sexual playingfield shrinks to nothing and they realize that they either have to settle down with one person as soon as possible, or they'll likely be alone for the rest of their lives.
That's when these types think that they can make a man happy simply by performing sexually, rather than contributing to the household, and they try to rush things rather than slowly feeling a relationship out to see if it has long-term viability.
These are the 30 somethings who are utterly baffled that their boyfriend/fiancee broke it off with them even though they were acting like children.
By contrast, men don't have as much immediate sexual pull and allure, but they can work at it and grow it, and it doesn't really have a shelf-life. Older men can thus take their time and carefully choose a spouse, whereas older women more commonly try to trap or browbeat men - tactics that typically only work on younger and more naive men.
tldr - shit's a mess and god damn it's good to have a dick
We get it bro. You either married or fucked the biggest slut on the planet and now you feel crappy about it.
But stop trying to rationalize your stupid decision and man up. You fucked up. You've probably got herpes and it's all your fault.
Those people can go hang as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather never fuck a woman than get with one who's been ridden like the town bike and would fuck around on me, you're a cuck advocate at this point.
Your opinion with regards this matters as little to my life as mine does to yours. Deal with it.
Yep Holla Forums is here, Fuck off with your society crash faggot, I don't hold onto gay little ideals, so if it DOES crash, I'll have the balls to take you out.
My last two fun-buddies were actually virgins, and you know what? They're better now, they know how to enjoy themselves and not get hung up stupid things.
Buttmad neckdweeb making threats, you're not gonna hang shit faggot.
'Can go hang' not 'will hang' you semantically blind faggot.
And the SJW shows their true colors, I figured you were a sociopath from not understanding how the guy didn't just open up his relationship to fuck her and others on the side but I should have figured you were a SJW from reddit earlier.
The nuclear family is what the west is build upon, I was raised by a single mother and I know how fucking shit it is first hand. Single working class wages can't support adequately children, kids need their sex representative parent to learn how to be a man/woman. If not for my uncle I'd most likely be a feminized cuck, boys need a man to look up to and respect as well as having a having a hands on hobby. These are things my mother just didn't understand to no fault of her own. As I said this is best represented in the black community, nuclear family dissolves, single mothers increase, crime increases since there is no role model for the bastard children so they turn into thugs.
What is love? A chemical reaction in the brain, neurotransmitters firing off, a reaction to stimuli? It's like saying pleasure from fucking isn't real since it's just dopamine being released.
I never said FWB was good, I said you were fucking retarded comparing the parameters of a relationship with FWB. Are you the chick in the story because you are fucking retarded.
There it is your femininity on full display, inability to form a rational argument outside of social pressures (gotta be laid to be popular/happy) and appealing to a wider group as ethical-moral validation. Telling someone to get laid is the first line of defense a retarded normalfag has when faced with something they can't understand, you know you are stupid and cannot string a sentence together to trade insults so you better just tell him to get laid.
You are either a slut defending yourself because you know being a slut is wrong or you're a white knight beta faggot that will never know the touch of a woman (outside your own mother) because they are on a pedestal so high. Either way go back to reddit and then kill yourself, in any order.
Perhaps if you stopped being a slut enabling spineless fuckdoll, people here would like you more.
You don't even have the balls to show a gram of discipline in your life and you claim to be able to kill a man?
So you're LARPing as a whore or else are a manfag with an asshole like a train tunnel.
Yeah fuckin' right. And I just laid the queen of England.
How pathetic do you have to be to lie to strangers on a Chinese pictograph web sight to make yourself look better.
Your such a pathetic cuck you can't get an ass on lockdown so you're justifying paying a prostitute to take your virginity. On top of that you feel the need to justify yourself to a bunch of even lonelier betas online.
You are the most pathetic person on earth cuck.
If I call you a spook will you stop existing?
Just checking, but you do realize that 8/v/ is the most politically charged iteration of Holla Forums out of all chans, right? Both of its growth spurts resulted from political movements or scandals in the videogame industry. Back during the original exodus, Holla Forums and Holla Forums basically did the fusion dance and moved to fullchan.
The fact that you use Holla Forums as some kind of boogeyman is telling me that you probably don't belong here.
except it wasn't even as complex as a madelbrot set. the bulk of it is just run of the mill purlin noise, and the rest is like a mix-n-match dressup style list of parts hobbled together with factorials.
Just curious on the accuracy since some of the women that I've been with despite knowing their history as the school bike are dead fish in bed. Always thought all that fucking nulls that feeling of pleasure.
Chemical reactions are just that, chemicals, accidents, going on inside our heads, the fact that you attribute higher meaning to things is pathetic, Haven't you watched rick and morty?
Except there is no stats showing single mothers or pormiscious women being bad. Use cold hard numbers when you argue with me, faggot.
Next you're going to tell me something like "Men who sleep with married women are awful people" or "Women who sleep with married men are awful people"
even though they're consenting.
Believe what you want, but they're now convinced that sex is what life is all about, it's really what life is, life is whatever because there is no concrete meaning.
It's like Neiztche said
"God is dead"
It's funny how bagged out sluts and faggots are so quick to defend themselves as the 'normal ones' when they've been rightly cast as destructive influences on society for as long as can be remembered.
That said society is so fucked now it's virtually not worth defending when scum-tier behaviour like that held aloft as something to aim for.
There' s a curve among promiscuous women for sure, where the most attractive women are also the least motivated and thus the worst in bed, and as a woman becomes less attractive she works harder at trying to please a mate. Daddy issues also heavily factor into this, as they try to please males as a replacement for pleasing an absent or unloving father figure.
Pssh nothing personnel kid.
There it is again, mentally submissive typing style with heavy reference to social opinion or identification with the interests of peers, sullies into knee-jerk irrational anger when challenge. Resorts to social shaming as an intellectual defense.
If you look closely all of this SJWs posts bear these hallmarks.
Kind of reminds me of the time I fucked my exs mum.
But they are.
If my neighbor's wife consents on being murdered by me, does that mean I don't go to jail?
Bringing up consent in the first place really shows where you come from and where you need to go back to.
It's the anti-kangz!
We as a society, need to realize that marriage
was a mistake and something reserved for lords,
kings, and other royalty. It's really just a bunch of
shit, designed to keep the peasants in line.
Dont listen to the fags here, i will try my best to give an idea about what the game is.
It all begins with a women who is left alone on a randome planet. She has depression and is missing her mom. She notice that her ship is broken, so you, as the player start to search the area for stuff that could fix the ship. It takes maybe one or two hours to get the ship running. The women start to cry now because she knows she will see her mom soon. The ship starts and as soon you, as the player discovers a new planet, you land on it but than the women get depression again, its the wrong planet. You start to search for stuff again and so you fly to the next planet. Meanwhile the women trys to kill herself but she fails, the ship has auto-anti-crash-pilot programmed in.
The End
This is the most accurate review to date.
They gotta tell themselves something to ease the pain of all them STDs
Consent has nothing to do with that situation, it's about betrayal of the other partner. If you don't comprehend why that's looked down upon and indeed why some betrayed people kill as a result, then you're free to dance through the minefield but don't be surprised when a betrayed partner (theirs or yours) beats you into a coma with a wrench.
You enjoy being betrayed, or betraying others it seems.
Newsflash: Everyone who isn't a cuck or a slag is not keen on being treated like they mean nothing by the person they're supposed to be in a relationship with.
Wait a minute.
But pleasure is also 'just a chemical reaction', therefore sex is a spook.
Therefore you are, to quote yourself "atributing a highger meaning" to just a chemical reaction as well.
So even by your logic you are a faggot getting hung up on stupid shit and a spook.
Are any of us suprised?
Been reading this thread for a while and holy shit, there's gold here.
And then,
Of course.
Whatever you say hooker fucker. Keep coming up with ridiculous fan fictions like: "I just banged two beautiful virgins and by dick was so big they're obsessed with it."
BTY, hentai is not real life
Reddit spacing indeed my friend. It's perfect for getting the first word in.
Wanna roll for dubs?
It's really cool how I can visualize all of this vividly in my mind. Sometimes I love being human.
Did you forget to come up with something to the argument I made or are you going to ignore it since it proved your double think?
Or maybe you just haven't been around enough libshits to experience hilarity like that
No, I was too busy looking at the first word in each sentence to care.
And soon I will be too busy checking all the dubs you guys are getting.
I mean there's uneducated and then there's you. You claim love doesn't exist yet you hold getting laid to such a high standard when they are both the same superficial response to external stimuli.
I think these sources hold a little more credible sources than fucking TV shows.
How the fuck do you think these single mothers pop out kids outside of wedlock? By not fucking around? Being a slut offers no tangible benefit and only possible detriments as with degrading your self worth with every fling.
Nigger, your ideology and way of thinking is what keeps the peasants in line. Now drink your Soma and get ready for Orgy-Porgy I really doubt you'd get this since you don't read
Post the screencaps next
Is that husband one of those newfangled "alpha cucks" you kids keep talking about these days?
Hold a little more credibility*
Germany recommends nms
Since sex doesn't matter and isn't what life is about you'd be fine with not fucking anyone ever again yes?
Also you'd be cool with me going back in time and convincing your mother to blow your Dad instead the night you were conceived.
"Haven't you watched Rick and Morty?"
"there is no stats showing single mothers or pormiscious women being bad."
"Next you're going to tell me something like "Men who sleep with married women are awful people" or "Women who sleep with married men are awful people""
Are you sure you aren't from Holla Forums? Because none of those things are important, even subjectively."
This is actually fucking beautiful. Whoever you are, friend, I don't know if you're being lazy or just new to this, but keep at it, the fact that people are falling for this is not only hilarious but probably good for them. Little ashamed that Holla Forums is taking the most obvious bait I've ever seen, but hey, good on you while it lasts fam
Absolutely, let's do this.
I was really expecting them to catch on at around
This post, especially the first words in each sentence.
Also dubs
Oh, shoot.
You bastard, those were my dubs.
This is one of the most heartwarming things I've read all year.
Holy shit, nicely done. check'd
This fucking thread
It's the shitpostcalypse all over again.
Beautiful innit
We have come full circle
This thread really did just put a huge fucking smile on my face that just keeps growing.
I should probably be concerned.
Indeed, sir knight.
*tibs fedoble*
But you see, I have won, for I am retarded!
8/10 got me to reply more than once.
I've gotta say I've met enough people in real life who talk like that you had me genuinely convinced you were an idiot.
You never can tell with the massive influx of cuckchan lately.
Where do you live? Can I help you escape?
Also >mfw dubs?
Fucking christ bad luck today
I'm not eating or sleeping till I get me some fucking digits
We mock what we know, and as we're all young adults here (I'd fucking hope so) these people are the future.
Let us forget about our worries, and just bask in the shit posting and the burning of strawmen. This is our burning man. These threads.
Japan does plenty wrong, now stop acting like tumblr.
Screw you, Aiko is love.
There's easier ways to kill yourself, user. You'd be less of a burden to yourself, your family, and pretty much everyone you've ever spoken to.
I want a doujin where the sister, cousin, and best friend are pregnant with Jared's child and they're all laughing at the stupid whore. Doesn't even need to have sex, just them laughing.
Fuck off goon.
What is that from, is this some sort of brainwashing commercial or just cuckold porn?
Its from a TV show called "You Are The Worst"
She's around 20 times more likley to killer herself then a normal person.
Like all braindamaged transfuck-ups-
So in the long run I hope that the problem will solve itself, if they're really that fucking dense.
Or a some point that shit gets actually diagnosed as mental sickness that needs treatment and not "support".
is it wrong that I kinda feel bad for him?
Or, you know, just remove all nonwhites from the nation and indoctrinate everyone from childhood to be moral and patriotic. Much better solution than treating women like slaves. You can instead make women WANT TO be loyal wives and mothers, make them aspire that like its the best goal a woman can look forward to in life (it is).
No need to be spiteful against women, they are more suspectible to brainwashing than men because of how emotional they are. Remove the Jew, and the brainwashing goes away too.
Its not an SJW term, its a very old word. Jews have been using gaslighting on the goyim for decades.
Basically brainwashing on the level that when you see evidence of their lies, you refuse to believe the evidence. Sound familiar? Just like holocoaster believers.
Everything about this post, TOP KEK
Literally Holla Forums and not even hiding it
Now this is some high quality bait.
have you taken up shooting heroin yet?
I just noticed something about this photo. Doesn't everyone in the background look really 2D, like flat?
Not hear me out. This sounds insane. But what if none of those other people in Hello Games don't even exist? Has anyone seen anyone else than Murray in public? What if Murray just printed cardboard cutouts of some cucks and pretended they were his dev team, then ran with the money once the scam was over?
its what Holla Forums actually believes lol
I forgot that even existed, I wonder how much gearbox lost on that.
A lot, but not enough to bankrupt them sadly
Surprised they haven't gone F2P yet.
Well that's disappointing, maybe their next pile of shit will finally cave them in.
That Yanks
feather dinos fucking superior, those jurassic park guys are retards with shit taste
wat do
Stop actively searching for it. Stop giving a shit. There are better things to do with your time.
What if one may want intimacy?
all women are whores
Except for 2D, right /r9k/?
Only when they're lolis
Actually the origin of the term comes from an old movie called "Gas Light", where there's psychological abuse or something like that
Everybody wants intimacy. But you have to focus on other things in your life if you want to find someone.
Besides, remember what happened to the last guy who put finding a girlfriend above all other things?
This thread is making me sick with all the misogyny but also the dumb sluts that get themselves in these situations.
Is it so bad to think that some times it just works out between a guy and his woman?
It sounded more wistful and D E E P than Rainbow Sherbet Planet Explorer?
What do a bunch of nogunz autists making up "soccer mom" stories have to do with my political affiliation?
I always shoot the shit with the employees whenever I'm at a funstore, and the worst anyone ever sees is niggers coming in and eying up dem hi points and then trying to get their white girlfriends to make a straw purchase for them, or (and this is common and have seen this myself) women asking to handle a gun and then muzzle sweeping everyone. I'm talking people who have worked at big, high-traffic stores for 10+ years and have never experienced any feral libshit soccer moms, yet on /k/ (especially full/k/ which has
Bullshit, my game will sell millions.
Damn right!!!
at least that guy's being consistent about being as much of a literal cuckhold as his idol, since 'le spook' guy thought it would be wrong to tell his wife she couldn't fuck other dudes.
Because Sean Murray is a MISOGYNST.
It's a 3D remake of Starbound with only one weapon, ~two types of enemies and flat-shaded polygons everywhere.
I'd play that
Are you fucking retarded? Starbound is objectively shit but calling NMS a 3d remake of starbound is absurdly wrong and makes you sound retarded. They share a few things in common but you could find more in common between starbound and minecraft than starbound and NMS
That first one is great. Just fucking great.
It's real, user.
Some people do hate women for reasons, i'm not using it as a buzzword.
apparently not ;3
it's not enough rainbow nor sherbet, I thought of something more Lovely Planet style
Using it at all means you need to fuck off back to reddit.
get the fuck out
You sound triggered
You sound lost, here are some comprehensive directions for you.
I see tumblr and twitter are absent from that sign. Does that mean theyre closer to us?
That second story never fucking happened.
It means there wasn't enough room on the sign for all of your favorite websites to be represented.
There's a good chance most of these might be real, but even if they aren't they're still entertaining as fuck.
Source for second pic.
mi indio!
Sorry i hurt your sensibilities user.
I'm also sorry your mom didn't love you.
Maybe i'm lucky, maybe i'm just handsome, but i'm pretty good with girls, so i don't really hate them, even tho i despise many of them.
wow nice joke
We had IDs here retard, you didn't make the post I responded to.
I didn't know the short bus made stops to Holla Forums.
Doesn't matter when you talk to the hivemind, does it?
bideo gaems
yeah, go back
Are you doing this because i'm a girl?
post tits then slut
Why is the last third of this thread just amateurs trying to be "ebin trolles"? It's so painfully obvious that it's making me cringe.
Please dump more porn if this is going to stop being a LOL thread.
reddit refugees
You guys are the reason why there are no girls left on this website
You and your misogyny have made this place smell like dick and neck-sweat
post them
Is this bait?
Any requests?
ignore the weird filenames on some, thats just when I missaved files, but I've fixed most of em
a man of great taste.
but all the LOL thread always have porn
tits of the 363618 slut
Office lady vanilla lewds with a wedding ending!
I assume you mean the 3230t of slut, I'll dump that.
Don't have any sorry :(
Is that the smug loli vampire one?
If so, I vote for that.
nah, meant the ID: 363618 but tomboy is fine too
That one's a bit long and doesn't have any text, its just an image set of Yuugi SS, but I can dump it if you want me to.
Yes, actually. Was it bad? Have this pic of a whore i have been flirting with, for the bother.
fucking disgusting, now post yours
Rolling to join in with the shitposting…
Also some legendary/10 bait by that user earlier, I had you at rick and morty though.
fuck, posted wrong things, then posted unspoilered things, this time I'm sure it'll be right
That's the one!
Oh, I'm dumb.
you cannot expect to receive the blessing of doubles without a proper sage
I lost my mantits long ago when i started working out
Post some vanilla then. I'd ask for you to upload some fella pure but you don't have it.
Lady Yuipei's Servant is up next unless anyone objects/something else gets more requests.
Your name field is a different colour, that rustles my jimmies.
shit bait
user, your pretty desperate for attention, have a gondola to chill out.
you gotta try harder, user
I believe in you
thanks, doesn't excuse you being a poor baiter
Thank you Porn Genie, and nice taste.
Hey, sorry, that one is both really long and has file sizes just large enough that I'd have to post 4 images at a time, sorry. maybe this is close enough?
His name field is a different colour thoug.
indeed it is, even underlined too
This is also fine
that is why I asked for tits, to confirm
last panel of the previous doujin and then a nice short doujin
That should not be allowed.
only mods can have blue names, you should know that
Oh shit, I have been here to long to not know if your telling the turth.
and the list goes on and on
this one makes me sad and lonely
why would I go around and tell lies like that?
Your lying
you are asking to get banned kid
sorry senpia
what is the name of comic?
you get a warning, but only this time since I'm in a good mood
Doing it bareback with my childhood friend
I think thats the last for me for now, enjoy!
thank you for your hard work porn user
thought you could just slip by unnoticed there did you?
Isn't rick and morty about a dysfunction family, featuring a mother who was raised with no father being an alcoholic mess that only saddled up with a kinda cuck because they had a kid?
I love gondola.
fricking fricks when will they learn
do you have a vagina
Well if you want a /k/ story that happened…
> See a white family.
> Wife looks and him and says You're the best husband ever.