Judge in Las Vegas dismisses case against Cliven Bundy, 2 sons
Bundy's BTFO King Nigger's crusade
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And some salt
Mormons 1 Kikes 0.
Joe Smith was a pedophile treasonous seditioner fraud
That being said its white men win kang nigger BTFO
That's something that I didn't expected.
Somebody hit a nerve
The God Emperor is bringing justice back to the Republic!
do they have autocorrect that changes "golems" into brethren?
As long as they stay in their own state and vote the right way, I don't care about history that's 150 years old.
I think he identifies himself as a black jew.
Statistics are like that. When you realize that the exception is when a beaner does something right and is actually commendable, is when you know something is deeply wrong.
Good. Nothing infuriates me more then seeing innocent Whites get imprisoned. You just made my week OP.
Possibly that when you do your job as a judge and follow the law without any of that emotion bullshit, there will be less concern about it.
what about the fucking lad that was gunned down by the fbi standing up for this grandstanding piece of dung?
Funny how quick even lolbergs were to forget the name of LaVoy Finnicum
All most latinos are Spanish/Portuguese.
The Spanish & Portuguese are Celts.
I never forgot LaVoy Finnicum, and I hope every one of those FBIniggers get the rope some day.
Who even cares.
Only partially, spics to most people just means mestizos who are mixed, but I've met plenty of "Mexicans" who looked whited than most southern Spaniards or southern Italians. "Coincidentally" these people are usually the most agreeable and intelligent.
Best way to tell is the nose and the skin tone. Criollos (pure iberians) have light natural skin tone and injuns have flatter, wider noses like some Asians and niggers.
This. Every single FBI nigger involved with that anti American murder needs the rope
Remember that one time the FBI killed a bunch of children with a tank mounted flamethrower? Fuck all of them.
How does this BTFO King Nigger? He served time in prison while the illegal alien cum national traitor rakes in foundation money by the flatbed load. Until this human being receives vindication, justice hasn't been served.
Bundy is an American Hero
He symbolizes the struggle against the jewish government. Has a Utahanon, This man symbolizes the spirit of true revolution that respects the people and their borders.
West Rocky Mountains is Truly A Frontier of The American Spirit. We Symbolize The Best of America and Traditionalism. FREE LAND, FREE PEOPLE.
This is the most important thing Holla Forums should care about.
What Onigger did was Communism 101.
hopefully they riot over it and burn their own homes down
Judges doing the right thing feels rare these days.
The government should only be allowed to bring charges against you once. They shouldn't be allowed to "hold shit in reserve" etc. to try and fuck you when they lose their original case.
Yes, yes, cry nigger-lover!
Cry your fucking crocodile tears for the violent urban niggers who get shot - often by nigger cops - in the crime-ridden hellholes modern US cities have become!
Exude your salt in response to straight White male farmers not being treated the same as a crack dealing nigger when they AND THEIR COMMUNITY stand off against the abusive and over-reaching government forces!
Timeline shift again? Are spics based now? Was Neil Armstrong still the first man on the moon?
Depends of what are her records as a judge until now. But if she did her job as it was required, then it would be quite amusing that Reid and Obama were cucked.
Although, Mexicans are considered Spanish niggers, the usual rest of the spics are a bit tolerable, only if they stop speaking Spanish everywhere.
One of these things is not like the other. The white man doesn't escalate when it can be avoided. The feds were waiting for Bundy and crew to act like niggers and they would have lit their asses up.
Perhaps they should be shown the videos of whites being gunned down for stupidly reaching for their waistband just like any other dumb nigger doing the same stupid shit? White people getting high kill counts tend to get their asses blown the fuck away just as fast as any nigger.
I had to adjust my blood pressure meds with rise in sodium.
Tons of the people who showed up at the bundy ranch are former oper8tors, the feds would have had massive losses.
Cowboy spirit is actually the Western ideal, all the way from Ancient Greece.
Can attest to this.
You can also see it in family trees. Out of a Spaniard-mestizo family, one or two kids might turn out with more native features, which coincides with behavioral problems.
Proper culling eliminates this problem.
She is not pic related. Look at the facial features and skin. Her obvious indian features should be subdued within 2 generations of proper breeding.
Spics are case by case. Facial features, vocal cadence, skin tone, and pale wrists with visible veins should be enough to come to a conclusion.
I think I'm related to her ~4-5 generations back.
Do they go from a script or is their programming so complete that they naturally just say the same exact things?
My money's on a bit of both.
Castillo blood vs Mestizo blood
Castillo bloodline is from the original Spaniards and Portuguese.
They tend to be lighter skinned
And all the rest said plainly "No more free Wacos" promising massive national retaliation.
You can't collect insurance if you burn your own home down.
But, if you and your neighbor each burn each other's home down….
Oy vey
I was fucking packed and ready to head out there if that shit went on. Spent all day and night in halfchan /k/ for updates.
Too bad the spooks got that guy in Oregon
Fire up those accounts!
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