Why is she the best zelda?

Why Holla Forums? I've fallen in love with this version of Zelda. She's so sweet and innocent, I can't for the life of me understand why some people think shes the worst Zelda and not the cunt from Twilight Princess.

She shoved you off a tower. She deserves to be punished.

She shoved you off a tower because that Link was a little bitch boy who needed to learn how to spread his wings and fly

Beautiful cinnamon roll!
The elf is cute too

She is shit. Not even best version of Zelda.

However, Midna is still superior.

She is best Zelda but her hair is shit.

She's the only Zelda who you really spent a good chunk of time with, also she was trying to help through most of the game.


Hyrule Warriors Zelda is vastly superior to that thing from waggle sword.

The best versions of Zelda are the ones who actually do shit. So Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks, and Hyrule Warriors. I'd post pictures, but I've realized my LoZ folder is severely lacking, especially in girls.

Are you forgetting the one who tags along with you for the entire adventure?

Because she was in the best game of the series.

They always do.

Actually yeah I completely forgot spirit tracks. It's because I played it right next to phantom hourglass which was garbage. They combined in my mind into one okay game.

I forgot to mention I'd appreciate any help filling my zelda folder.

Fuck, my id color is practically perfect for the thread, too. I mean, it excludes ALttP Zelda, but no one cares about her.

shes actually really cute

well thats because of "sheik". loli princess is cool though



Best girl

Skyward Sword Zelda felt too much like a generic anime slut to me

There's nothing wrong with legoman's faces, get some taste.

Degenerate treefucker.

well she has a mouth you can fuck that right?

OoT does practically nothing except teach you a few songs, only half of which are necessary, and hold Ganon down for the final blow, which Link didn't really need. What TP does is just a repeat of what WW does minus being a cool pirate. I'll admit I don't know much about SS Zelda given I haven't played SS, but from what I know, the most she does is sit in a place to cause some magic effect.

The problem isn't his faces, it's that he put the wrong face on the wrong character. He gave an innocent, cute teenager the face of a mature slut. It's only limited to her, too, as he draws characters like Tron Bonne and Peach with the right face, most of the time.

And the body, the clothes, the personality…

Please, the only difference from official SS Zelda is a few more inches on the hips.


it's one of the best things about his art

in fact, general sluttiness/trashiness is something great that western porn has over jap porn. Too few japs are interested in dirty sluts, and when they are they don't do it right.

Why hasn't Nintendo hasn't had an older zelda (compared to link) yet? That's too cute to pass up.


Um, I'm don't have the hots for them fucking, thank you.

well this is cute

I really don't like how her nose looks

t. squidward

any more good shit?

just this cute one and the tits with a shit eating grin

This is nothing like my Corruptions of Champions

Zelda that isn't TP zelda are pretty nice.

Her hair is cute, CUTE!

best zelda evry1 else is shit

That beak looks like a giant penis.

im worried about your penis

wanna take care of it

HW Zelda is indeed the hottest and most capable Zelda. But best girl will always be Marin

I never really liked Zelda.
My favorite zelda girl is Din from OoS

too bad she's a seagull

you aught to ask someone more qualified but ill give it a shot

That aint Malon.

the thumbnail on the catalog makes it look like she's about to suck a giant yellow nigger dick

Funny thing about that is that they are all playable in Hyrule Warriors.

Best girl is True form Midna
Second best is Imp form Midna

TP Zelda looks better and Ghost Zelda is more useful and has more of a personality, but okay.



Ghost Zelda's lips annoy me like crazy there, they look weird as shit.

what the hell


I'd slap your opinion if it had a face, but since it doesn't I'll kindly respect it.

gee, who would have thought
best girl in the series is also playable there too

You got some mighty fine taste there user


Marin is Links waifu, in the same sense that she is imaginary and unobtainable.

God dammit Sakurai we need more Zelda fighters. No more Mario characters.

Midna is best zelda. even if the game she was in was easy as fucking piss and had the worst power ups



Actually, it had the best items, it just didn't fucking use them well, or they had one little issue with them that ruined the entire thing. That beyblade could have been amazing.



That was the order they were in my folder. Searching for the original pixiv page they're from right now.

She's just as bad as the rest of the game. Poorly planned out and with a hint of something that had more potential than we got. If you want a character with an actual ark and good taste you need only look at embed related.

time for bully

I bet she really got porked.

The Jackal strikes again.

More like ShindoL Master amirite.

she felt ganon's . . . cannon

That comic is pretty fucking hot

really ugly drawing style

Anyone else notice how we haven't seen what Zelda looks like in BotW? I see that as a sign that there will twist like with Tetra. We haven't seen the main villain yet either, but that hasn't been interesting since Majora's Mask.
Don't worry shindol, it's okay when nintendo does it.

I think it's more they want to keep most of the story under wraps, as a good deal of its intrigue is the mystery behind everything. They made it a point to remove almost everything story related from the e3 demo.

KYS faggot

Best Zeldas:
4- Skyward Sword's Zelda
3- Wind Waker's Tetra
2- Spirit Track's Zelda
1- Twilight Princess' Midna (This is not negotiable nor is it an opinion and you can kill me and bring this board down but it will still be true)

I remember that I shouldn't be googling that…

That artist's pretty good.

Disqualified for not being a Zelda. You can say she's best girl, but you cannot call her a Zelda. That is objectively false.

>posting worst Midna

Would've been great without Ganon.

but then it wouldn't be beauty and the beast


what if zelda was a girl?


She's more Zelda than fucking Zelda in that game. At least she's in more than 2% of the game and actually has a character.

Also Imp form is best form. Anything else is factually wrong.

Being Zelda doesn't mean heavy involvement. Just look at the first three games of the series. Or even look at ALBW.

When she followed you around in the beginning I stopped and fapped to her.

She's the best Zelda, from the worst Zelda game.


They're real.

How so?
Such as?


Dare I go down this path, Boner?

Everything is fappable given enough feminization.
There's even a guy on /int/ trying to train himself to be attracted to spurdo.


Oh, I know, but the further any of us go into novelty that's further away from "normal" shit, the more disconnected from reality our sexuality becomes. Guess that's just the whole idea of degeneracy.


Caravaggio, huh.


1 job

You fucks is what making this place worse and worse everyday.

That's something a shill that doesn't want to associate his brand with porn would say.

Or it is what the rules, that tell you to dump porn on >>>/vp/ and that you'll get banned if you do it here, would say.

This is by far the worst version of Zelda.

Starts out as a pirate captain, speaks extremely direct and only really cares about herself and to a lesser extent her crew. Goes to Hyrule and magically turns into Zelda, completely wiping her character up until that point. She's suddenly extremely reserved, regal and caring to Link for no good reason.

TP Zelda usually gets the "worst Zelda" bit, but at least she was consistently a bitch.

It's a fucking high speed top that you ride on top of. It would be awesome, except for the fact that the only way to get speed on it is to use those rails.

Again, top with the rails, or dominion rod with almost nothing to use it on after the temple of time, armor that weighs you down if it isn't fueled, etc. They give you all these fun items, but then they're all barely useful outside their respective dungeons.

I don't see how you can say that going off the little bit of dialogue she has after transforming into Zelda (at which point she's still in shock over the whole revelation) and the dialogue during the Ganondorf fight where she volunteers to use your bow and gives Link a sassy wink. She was also soft on Link beforehand, too, giving him a chance to get to Jabun, coming to the rescue twice on Forbidden Fortress. While she was very much a pragmatic pirate, she wasn't selfish, seeing as she took Link out of feeling responsible for Aryll getting kidnapped.

But she was never a bitch. She express regret and guilt over Link being imprisoned in the castle, surrendered to Zant to protect her people, sacrificed her own safety to save Midna, and was taken aback by Midna shattering the mirror. Even Midna was moved by Zelda's kindness. It's like all you know of TP Zelda's character is that chart meme.

Have some zeldas.


nothing stopping you, you fucking faggot


Post the real one you coward

Somebody post it
You know which one I'm talking about


this one?

No the Link version.


cd-i zelda is a cute


5/5 bretty good

Someone deserves to be raped to death with a chainsaw dildo
hint: It's you


More Zeldas.

I think you mean the worst.

Blonde hime cut on a knifears, what's not to impregnate?

midna a best



That has to be the most serious dedication I've ever heard of.

It's Link, you idiot