Last one is on Page 13.
Webm Thread
Preempting shitty SFM videos and or thread to be deleted since op isn't vidya.
I hate it when things try to suck the life out of me.
Post interesting or funny stuff, user.
Like that first webm…WHAT IS THAT
Quality YTP
That's a video game.
Please go back to reddit
welcome back vidya autist, how was your day?
Is this you?
I got your vidders right here, faggot.
No,is this you?
Why hide under the tables? Why not try and get out of the building as fast as possible?
you sure user?
They were only trained for earthquakes.
Are there so many fucking newfags in a webm thread to not know webm threads have very little to no vidya relation since it's creation in Holla Forums?
I remember when there was a week of bitching about letting webm threads be non vidya related. Mostly to exploit webms in general to the use of sound. God I feel fucking old.
Must of been pretty stupid to think a shooting was the same as an earthquake.
are you gonna screencap and sperg about ?
Except that's false.
We might be getting a lot of halfchan rapefugees.
Locking in favor of
I guess