Feds Raid 20 Chinese Immigrant “Birth Hotels” in Los Angeles

Federal agents raided twenty “birth hotels” on Tuesday night in the Los Angeles area.

The plush complexes double as “maternity hotels” for pregnant Chinese women who come to the US to give birth to their anchor babies.

Chinese women pay from $40,000 to $80,000 to come to the US to deliver their anchor babies.

It’s an industry.

Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as “maternity hotels” for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

“I am doing this for the education of the next generation,” one of the women told NBC News.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep…

…All told, the feds raided 20 locations in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties, targeting three competing birth tourism schemes, officials said. The suspected operators have not been charged but are being questioned.


Other urls found in this thread:

vancouversun.com/business/Part Ritzy Richmond neighbourhood where many poor/11136169/story.html

We need to end birth right citizenship, now. At least the the Fed raids make living in California a little more comfy.


China’s education system ranked 14th in the world last year, America’s was rated as 20th. China’s education standard is rising and Americas is falling. China provides all of its children with free education. If you have 80k to spare to drop an anchor then you are better off than most of your fellow Chinese citizens and your child will certainly be enrolled in a decent school in China (for free).

They are literally sacrificing the standard of their child’s education to live in America. What an aggravating excuse to use for attempting to seal citizenship.

Fuck off.

Butthurt chink detected. As if anyone considers a degree from gook university to be prestigious.

Must be spys. In case Hakeem invents a completely original novel kvetching about slavery or ghetto life, the Chinese will be the first to read it.

They better be deported, otherwise, what's the point in catching them? Also, the fact that this is a formal scheme should gve pecident for removing anchor baby status (i.e. both parents must be citizens for you to be a (non-refugee) citizen).

No. What I said is true. Chinese schools are better than the zoos they call schools in America. I’m not endorsing China by saying this; I am calling out this woman for her stupid justification for dropping an anchor baby.

I am sure the Chinese feel the same way about American degrees in Feminism with a major in holocaust studies.

They got all of this done in spite of the cuck governor trying to keep them out. Well done.

Fuck off chinkcuck. America's education problems are due to the marxist indoctrination shoved into (((curriculum))) and lax standards to ensure that even 70 IQ niggers can "pass" college. Meanwhile in China you live, breathe, and die what would normally be average standards in educational curriculum because chinks need to have material repeated so much for them to learn because of their sub-human brains.

Kek. Burger education is by far the worst in the developed world. Does that make you niggers mad or something to hear it?

We'll have to assume then that you are defending the US education system. This is plainly a ridiculous position to hold – which obviously outs you as A) /saltleft/, in which case gtfo, or B) a (((disinterested))) observer, in which case gtfo.

In either case, gtfo.

Why not ask 100k to each pregnant woman coming to USA. If she gives birth in USA, the state keeps the money.

The average high school in LA is worse than it’s equivalent in China. I don’t take pleasure in this. But it is true. Don’t get mad online, fix your schools.

something must be up if this thread attracts these kind of faggots

we'll lose that much easily in the long run

Yeah. It's a scam. Dumb chinks think they make some deal but they only watched too much Hollywood propaganda.

Even if your point is "no one would pay that much to do it", the issue is not about money. It's about a foreign invasion (people will call you a nut for calling it that, but ethnic displacement is just the same as conquest, except the person being conquered willingly takes the bullet to their head) destroying any last bit of homogeneity in the west.

Why? Not everyone has 100k. They won't have citizenship for welfare or shit.

Foreign invasion will happen anyway. At least it won't be for free and the sum needed will filter out trash.

the only thing the chinese can teach is how to cook dog meat over fried rice with a gutter oil and baby blood reduction

Fucking finally. This has gone on openly for decades. Ship these parasites out before they hatch.

user please
if we charge 100K for an anchorbaby even the spics will start coming up with that kind of money

oh I see you're a shill

our education standards are dropping because of the spics.

We would have a better education system than Swiss if it weren't for the non-whites.

except this is in cuckifornia and this raid basically had zero results

If these women live in LA or San Francisco their kids are going to be stuck going to schools full of nigger and Latino gang members, with metal detectors at the entrances. My Dad turned down a well paying job in LA so that I wouldn't have to go to a school like that. These women are thinking entirely of themselves. There's no way that their kids will have better lives spending 12 years in classes with Shawntavious and Gilberto. China may be authoritarian and place no value on human life, but at least they don't have indifferent and illiterate niggers and beaners ruining their school system.

At least something is happening.

Causation doesn’t negate my point. This Chinese woman stated she dropped an anchor for the sake of said anchors education. This was a nonsensical statement as had she had remained in China the anchor would have had access to better education.

Just accept you have a shitty education system. My countries ranking is also dropping but I don’t feel the need to sperg out online about it when it is pointed out. The disruptive non-Europeans DO affect the scores of their European classmates. European Americans are not performing to the same academic standard they were before the great replacement began.

butthurt low iq gook confirmed



And now they get to shit out their little chinklets here anyways

Everything in China is a fucking lie. American students at least sit their own exams.

It's a sea of racial piss and shit out there.

Our schools here are filled with niggers, spics, chinks, and all flavors of mystery meat communists. I certainly don't believe the chink IQ meme, but I also have no reason to doubt chink schools are better by virtue of simply not having niggers and spics.

Also, I'm ok with other races' having a better education system than ours (again, by virtue of being comprised solely of students of that race). If anything it just adds more rock solid evidence as proof for us Whites having our own ethnostate as well.

This is true if their anchor was attending public school but as you said they have 80k to spare that child is going to a private school not mixed in with Mexicans and blacks that are bringing down the US to 20th in education.

I was saying fuck off to the "China is actually competent at something" bullshit its all a lie a total fucking lie.

China is as bad as India in public hygeine and street shitting they just have sold enough of their own children to paper mache some bright light fixtures strong enough to pierce the hellish smog filled city-scapes crammed with hundreds of millions of yellow rats.

We all know US problems with education and spics, niggers, kikes.

Hah, it's one of the 50 cent chink shills we had a thread on about a few days back.

These are rich chinks, they'll send them to private school. It doesn't cost much to get a step up out of ghetto schools. They might even be funded. They're the durutti column waiting for the signal.

NBC just did a story on Russians doing the same pic related more at link


Here's the shitty MSM link for anyone interested in propagating this to normalfags:


America's educational problems are due to like 60% of school age children being literal niggers.

Another small white pill. Good news.


This isn't the first time I saw this tactic being used.

Does anyone have the original rainbow umbrella instead of this natsoc one?

I wanna high res one to print out


Dude, a degree from Chink U. isn't worth the paper it's printed on

Sure thing you fucking idiot, other than Mathematics, I wouldn't give too much on the Chinese Education system, or did you take a Ancient China class and got enamored, you faggot.

Lmfao at americans getting butthurt at pointing out their education system is dog shit

Where is the lie? It is. Its designed to cater to sub 80 IQ niggers of course it's dog shit

I'm not sure. Something is up with the dates on Google News. Maybe the interns at NBC just recycle old articles?

Also the video at is from 2015, 3rd pic related.

Thing is none of that matters in the modern kiked workplace. As long as you have the little piece of paper that says you're qualified and you can bullshit your way through an interview then you golden. And if you happen to be a Chinese bugman with a bs degree, then all the better because the kikes love that kind of drone.


To be fair, the reason they do this is because it's incredibly fucking hard to become a US citizen otherwise.
It was easier to become a citizen in the Roman Empire than it is in the US.
The solution is to deport them all and don't allow citizenship to anybody not born in the US

It isn't hard to become a US citizen. That's why the immigrant population is 13.5%. Did you really not know that?

As for the Roman Empire, you're talking about a period of 400 years, and their rules changed a lot over time. It was nearly impossible at first for an outsider to become a patrician, but over time they adopted a system that could give full rights to a pleb, a provincial, or even a foreign mercenary. This was a factor in the decline and fall.

New to 8. Humble patriot trying to understand navigation of boards. Any help? Would like to assist.

Just lurk for a while and you'll figure it out.

1. Use the catalog feature.
2. Use /test/ rather than this board for test posts.
3. Lurk for two years before posting, in your case until January 2020.

Ok. I didn't know there was a "test" option. Thank you…

No need for tomfoolery. New to twatter

McFucking kill yourself newnigger.

More info but nothing new or surprising at all.

NY Post: Feds crack down on birth tourism at ‘maternity hotels’

That looks like it is fraudulent as fuck and goes very much against the spirit of the law. Flay them alive.

Lurk more faggot.

Holy shit user, wtf is going on. It was posted today on Gateway Pundit as a new story. I'm fucking pissed. Hoft is in that pic with Bibi in Israel.

I become more and more convinced that china needs to be nuked and every chink needs to along with them.

Here is a recent article about the same shit happening in Saipan.

The Chinese government is trying to halt this sort of thing.

More from NBC jews

Feds Raid California ‘Maternity Hotels’ for Birth Tourists

more at link ——-→ archive.is/eSAa9


This birthright citizenship is fucking cancer.

China #1

One nuke to Three Gorges Dam and then we just have to kill all the fags and chinks in San Francisco and we should be good.

Your article is dated 1-9-18 and is a longer version of the Gateway Pundit article. Why did Jim Hoft recycle an old article? WTF see >>11139527

Someone with twitter please message him and demand an answer.

The authors of the 14th amendment explicitly stated that it is for freed slaves only.

Hmm, was about to sperg on you but there's nothing I can find on either DHS or ICE websites indicating this just occurred. I do believe you are correct.

You do know that this ecucational standard in China only counts for the coast and urban regions right? The majority of Chinese people are pretty fucking backwards, especially within the rural areas.
Those entire PISA scores of China are pretty much just cooked.

and yet here we are decades later with millions of "citizen" anchor babies.

What's the problem, just more of the based Chinks that are on our side that anons on here are fully ok with.

Living in Australia, as I'm sure Canadians can sympathise, I have learned to feel great contempt for this particular group. Chinks don't commit "visible" crimes, so many people defend their immigration. But they will push the letter of the law to its maximum and swindle whitey out every cent they can, and they do it as a group.

Pearson (and many others) warned us about this over 100 years ago in National Life and Character and yet we've walked straight into it. I'm glad at least that Americans can now understand the commonwealths pain with these insects. Hopefully there'll be less and less "based chinks" posts as Asians of all stripes are fundamentally different from whites, and have no interest in preserving our countries.

Oh come on. That is an extremely optimistic take on China's situation. They want to go to our schools, and they want out of their country, because what they have is shit and they all know it. You are definitely a Chink. These constant attempts at subversion going on here are getting ridiculous.



Thank goodness for self-segregation.
America doesn’t have a gun problem; it has a nigger problem.
America doesn’t have an education problem; it has a nigger problem.

Nationality should be based in that of the mother. Which is the only one easy to ascertain, anyhow.

I've gone from initially liking the Chinese to more or less the same as you. I don't trust them, I don't think they have anyone's interests at heart except their own, and the prospect of them basically taking us over is frightening.

This why no DACA
DACA means "It's OK to break the law"

Massachsuetts alone is ranked higher than China in education. The only reason chinks are projected so high is because of their buttfuckingly retarded language system that takes 25 years to learn basic communication.

I recently saw a news story about Russians doing this now too. The baby goes back home with a US passport. What do you think will happen when these kids reach voting age?

Meanwhile, I'm 4th gen American born and raised but if I own a home in 2 states I have to claim one as my legal residence and vote there. These kids live in a different country and will probably be able to vote by mail.

I'll believe it when they televise the executions of these people. I can't believe anything China says. Honesty has never been their strong point.

Even in jest that is terrible. Stop that.

There is no way in hell they are trying to halt it. The only thing they are concerned about is keeping Chinese abroad loyal to the "motherland," and they have measures in place to make that happen.


Invasion. or paradox you be the judge

Tfw Poland can into space

mass immigration is a funny thing
you can't run from your problems

They are paid shills, theres 29 million of them.


Hong Kong here.
Do it and do it soon.

You can save us along the way and get yourselves some extra good karma points.

I'm okay with this.

This is sad because in 10 years, all the girls are ready to do inexpensive massages. They lease the boys out as cooks. That's why LA Chinatown is so awesome.

Birthright citizenship needs to end. Allowing it to continue creating fucked up situations like this cannot be allowed to continue. Chinks flooding in to give birth, shitty muslims and beaners popping out a dozen new "citizens". It's fucking absurd. Only ZOG politicians could so actively avoid common sense and reason and think that this is an appropriate application of the 14th Amendment.

Look at voting results of all "honorary White" asians, they vote against us overwhelmingly(65% voted hillary, only a percent behind spics.)

We also need to end any and all NEETs and faggots that use the word comfy.

Why don't we mass immigrate to Salvador?

Taxes are cheap and their "immigration enforcement" is live and let live (for the most part. We can then buy land VERY cheaply and hire locals to build us a large (which we'll fill with our many children).

Holy fucking shit my sides.

this is all i got. you can edit it at your leisure.

Are you one of the pink dudes or whatever chinks recruited to pread far and wide how amazing chinkland is?

You know the voting results of Japanese? Not the other Asians they were at war with.


Los Anghailes?

The voting results for the Japanese are non-existent, that's because no true Japanese can legally vote in an American system. The Japanese here have cut their ties to their homeland - once they emigrate here they tend to warp their values and beliefs into everything whites detest (especially as generations pass). The only thing that remains the same is their ethnicity until they racemix

To be fair, bidders drag down the average. Of course, going to a chunk school is probably better than going to a majority spic/nig school. I'm not sure how white schools compare to chink schools. A degree from a prestigious US university is still considered valuable internationally.

Is it worth 100k a head to erode our nation further? There should be no birthright citizenship, as well as a deposit in case they try to avoid paying the hospitals.

With that attitude it will.

Try lurking.


Only gooks would live in such squalor.

East Asians are a good group. They are the only non-whites who should be allowed in our new nation, in my view.

Checked. I think Japs have lost a lot of the badassness because kikes had our military slaughter them in WWII, but they can regain it.

Chinks, Japs, and gook Koreans are good folks with high IQs. They stick to themselves and hate niggers, spics, and other shitskins. I'd say they're good partners for a future ethnostate. Good allies. Hitler allied with Japs for a reason.

But goy everyone is now a slave to (((us))).

They are backwards in the provinces in the sticks. Coastal chinese and pretty much all japs and koreans are high quality races to have as allies. We shouldn't target them or alienate them unnecessarily. Main thing is, we have to get them on our side so kikes don't get them. That's important.

East asians are a fucking terrible group. Japan is the only good east asian nation; they are almost on the level of white. Not quite up to the standard, but they're the closest non-white group in the world. The rest of them are absolute shit. Spend some time abroad and you'll see for yourself. Here are the four basic tiers:

Humans - whites
Inferior humans - asians
Sub-humans - niggers
Sub-niggers - australian aboriginals

Nah. Chinese are tough. They are legit competition. It's better to have them as allies. Remember Kikes will just find another friend and manipulate them. If we have Chinese on our side, they will literally slaughter enemies like dogs because they don't give a fuck. They are a terrible enemy but a good friend to have. That doesn't mean you suck each other's cocks. It just means it's a big world, and there is a need to have tough folks on your side. Chinks are among them.

I've spent a lot of time abroad, although not in Asia. I've lived in Queens, NY for most of my life, and that's pretty enlightening. I guess my standards are lower because Asians are so much better than other groups here. Your hierarchy looks right to me, but I'd have to disagree with previous posters saying "zomg exterminate them" etc. It's a big world and countries like China are tough. Get them on your side. Everybody else you exterminate. The tough, powerful ones you get on your side. Hitler was smart with that. We have to be smart too if we're going to get an ethnostate. Just my opinion.

i don't understand this term
what's a west asian?

they want the kid to go through college in America without paying international student fees. They do the same shit here in Canada. They drop anchor babies in BC (they have illegal Chink hospitals here taking care of anchor babies), the husband moves back to China to work, wife gets money from husband and claims "no income", maxes out all benefits from the government, and then tries to scam scholarships designed for poor people. I work with a Chinese woman that bragged that she got into Harvard on a full scholarship for being a woman of colour in poverty. By the way, this is what "poverty" looks like in Canada:

vancouversun.com/business/Part Ritzy Richmond neighbourhood where many poor/11136169/story.html

I'll write an explanation later when I have more time. I agree with you about Japan. Reluctantly agree about Korea, some are good but some you just want to stab, but yeah they're not the worst people. Chinese I very much disagree, i don't think they're tough at all, I think they're an easily conquered, easily manipulated, short-sighted greedy people with an insane level of undeserved arrogance. I don't respect their culture, education, or anything really. The only good quality about chinese is they're still raised with discipline, which is something the west greatly lacks right now. I agree they don't necessarily have to be exterminated, but the fact there are over 1 billion of them, I think that's too much. Without any barriers the chinese would just multiply and swarm like locusts until all resources are used up or destroyed. Chinese will mold to fit their new society, so the 2nd generations in north america seem like regular people, but left to their own, they're basically the niggers of east asia.

Greg Hunter mentions in his latest clip a Bloomberg article on the Chinese considering slowing or halting purchases of US Treasuries.

Maybe this is a direct reaction to that news.

that's not the case you fucking ingrate. every district is different. if you're in the suburbs, you get a damn good education. if you're in the cities with the spics and niggers, then, well


Nobody thinks Chinese Universities are any good, you filthy chinks just bribe the staff so that they will give you a pass there because you're dirty little cheating insects. Chinese degrees have literally no value to anybody, that's why you swarm around the world shouting "China #1" despite it being filled with Chinese people, which naturally disqualifies it from being considered good.

You filthy insectoids come to Australia to attend universities which actually have merit, and then because the Universities need your stolen 'gook cash' you bribe the Australian Uni's to give you a pass, despite "your" work being clearly plagiarized. I've heard from someone that he saw a chink pass even though several paragraphs were written in your shitty broken English and others were written in perfect English, which the professor still passed because he was being pressured to pass Chinese students so that the Uni will continue to get 'good cash'.

For those Anons not familiar with Chinese ethics, they believe its acceptable to cheat people, so long as its not family and you can get away with it, which is why many around the world, especially Australians see them as the Scum of the Earth who need to be carpet bombed with Mortein.

To end this I will note that the Chinese haven't always been opium smoking cheats, as they have a long and revered history, but things took a bad turn when the (((Sassoon))) family brought opium to China, with the assistance of the (((British Monarchy))). Jews have been fucking China for longer than Communism even existed. Despite a common enemy, the Chinese are still cheating insects and will be dealt with shortly after the Jews.

Just think of all the untold car accidents people won't be getting into 20 years from now. Thousands of lives have been saved by this move.

Cool opinion Pajeet/Truong van Kike

Meanwhile in reality:

Top 50 Universities
China(Hongkong): 7(4) with positive trend
Your host country Australia: 5 with negative trend because of niggers like you

Top 100 Universities
"Based" India "bros": 0
"Based" Vietnam "bros": 0

Can confirm this. Chinese students work 1000x harder than American ones at all ages.
They're not creative at all, but boy do they work those kids good in their system. I've seen 10 year olds who've memorized the entire periodic table in ENGLISH, even.

WHY DO YOU THINK BITCOIN IS SO EXPENSIVE. its a fucking fact that all the chinks are using this shit to get out and move into america. detroit's fasting growing population is chinks.
short the fuck out of bitcoin futures and buy up the property in detroit.
end this bullshit anchor baby bullshit once and for all.

Car insurance funded Deportation Squads when?

Chang please, if Chinese universities were so good then why do they all leave to get a proper education, as shown by OP
But some how Chinese education is reputable to you.

The Boxer rebellion was fought over keeping you silly Chinks hocked on drugs. Not only did it allow Jews to turn the whole of China into a drug den, it also showed that the British (those people who colonized Australia) can btfo you dirty Chinks anytime.


The same NY user who was shilling for the Asians in that other thread? Dude you need to drop this Asian fetish. They really aren't all that.

Pretty much the Middle East.

Care to remind me why they've lost every ground war for 400 years?

And you're enough of a retarded subhuman nigger to live in fucking Queens, Jew York most of your life. Jew Yorkers, particularly cityfag ones, are ALL cuckolds, there are no exceptions to that.

Fuck yankees

What's that change to if you only use stats from White Americans?

I'm White and as a kid I memorized all kinds of dumb shit without even having to be told to. It's not that impressive, anyone I knew 1 SD or more above average did it with something.

Surely a perfectly typical Chinese city that is representative of all 3636564634646