>>> So You want to Play Vscape?
/vsg/-Holla Forumsscape General!
Did I mention we are currently having our HALLOWEEN event?
Other Minor background information:
Server has been around since 2014
Usually around 20-40 active players
A global chat accessed by typing ::y before your message
Oh and functional CC and every quest that is in the catalog ACTUALLY WORKS. We have over 70 working quests. Want more info? check our website!
look, this may appear to be just another Runescape Private Server but I will say right now that this server is different.
it is authentic, accurate, and always stable.
2+ years old and still going strong, this server has finally done what many others failed to do: actually recreate a 2007-era RuneScape.
none of that custom content nonsense, and nothing silly like overpowered custom items and donation benefits
this is just a server where you can chill in and grind just like how it was
there's even a clan chat more than willing to help you out: "snibetisnabs" cc
want to really play Runescape again? Don't waste your money. Try this server. I mean it.
I play the actual OSRS
ITs a nice supplement to go with osrs
I felt the same way, but it really is tragic how much Jagex ruins their own games.
OSRS has become almost nothing like what it was supposed to be from bad updates and is too different to be considered an authentic 2007-scape anymore. And having to still pay for it as well? Don't even get me started on how much a joke bonds are.
The new continent and stuff is cool and all, but if you want to play 2007 RuneScape this is it, not a shameless spinoff.
yeah nah, fuck that shit.
we had a clan chat going in the real not-shit OSRS but everybody abandoned it because they got hacked and eventually bored.
just get a bond you tard, they're cheap as balls, and once you get to high level you can make like 10 bonds by the time one bond ends.
Like i said, It's a nice small community and a good way to just relax. No GE, no stupid shit, and you can't buy your 99's.
Hahaha its dead like your fucking game
But I do recommend at least checking the server out. Its pretty neat. I've been playing 2 years and the community, while sometimes caustic, is definitely better or at least more interactive than OSRS!
Runescape's home is in the mind. It wasn't a very good game, playing it now just spoils the memories.
It was never about the game. It was about the community. The friendships. Remember spending days doing quests that should have only taken hours?
That is what vscape has built. A place to relive runescapd and be part of a community again.
It was that way because we were young and clueless, it felt like an adventure. Now we know every nook and cranny, every quest, every location, every nuisance. The old naive community is nowhere near the same as the new crowd of nostalgia veterans.
Plus, you either pay Jewgex for a butchered version of the game they mercilessly killed, or you play for free on a private server that's missing content and players.
Why not join the community and help rebuild 07 runescape? Thats what vscape has been doing for 2 years. Coding in quests and doing it right.
The only way to get players is to let people know it exists. If you build it they will come, and that is what Vscape is.
Welp goodbye sweet thread
I miss those middle school days of shitty 2dscape. All the memories and old friends… Nostalgia for it now just makes me bitter.
Maybe once I stop being a faggot and get off rs3, I'll try it out.
Does the launcher.jr support mac?
Definitely had a few mac issues back in the day, id check the wiki for the latest workaround
Problem isn't that Runescape can't be good anymore, it's that we already experienced it at it's prime.
We need a new game that's similar to Runescape if we ever want to feel that joy again.
Fun times.
Why not rebuild it? Watch it reach its prime again?
m-miscellannia when?
switch your server you dirty casual
anyone got the oldschool clan chat name?
Out of curiousity, how much does maintaining the server cost/month?
Its like $7 a month out of our data center. 99% uptime so its pretty dope
Who's still around from the OG crew? Foxter, Shiggy, Mouse, that sort of gang
Mug, if you see this, I miss you
Because half the fun was being younger and not autstically trying to min/max combat and experience gains. Shit like accidentally finding the NPC you needed to talk to in order to continue a quest you started ages ago and forgot about.
Foxter is banned (he and telescope leaked old players account and passwords)
Havent seen shiggy or mouse in a while either.
Try the server. Youd be surprised how much fun there still is. Ive played 2 years and still love it
Can someone say how much content is missing? I used to like cooking fancy shit on another private server, but there was too much shit missing, like the potatoes with toppings.
Fucking hell, yes. All I feel when I think of RuneScape now is a longing to go back to the life I had when it was an actually relevant game. Played DarkScape for a few months before it died and it just depressed me.
People should've quit runescape the moment Raganrok Online and PSO came out
people shoud've long quitted when Vanilla WoW came out.
Cooking is a finished skill.
Quests are missing but a lot of content is there. Tuna potatoes, chilli potatoes etc are all definitely in
Wait a minute, does Holla Forumsscape have the G.E? I swear to god it better not.
Alright, I haven't played Runescape since I was 10 years old. I just started this shit. Will the name and password I use save? Will anybody give me any good shit to start with once I leave tutorial island?
take your pleb tier memes and gtfo faget
you even have shit tastes in old games
dont care fam, rs07 is the tits
Part of the fun is starting from scratch
Playing on private runescape is just peasantry level hard.
Just wander around and do shit. You can pick flax or mine pess for easy starting cash. 2.25 xp makes it go quick
No it doesnt. Ge was a jagex fuckup
is this advertised on 4cuck aswell?
i only ask because i frequent Holla Forums and retro board and i want to know if there are a decent amount of players.
Seeing as Holla Forumsscape is originally from halfchan, what do you think?
There's a general on /vg/, /vsg/.